Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters


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Proposed distribution of earningsFuture outlook<strong>Munters</strong> commands a strong market position in its areas ofoperation and employs reorganization and efficiency-enhancementmeasures on an ongoing basis. Consequently, theoutlook for a long-term favorable development is good.Proposed distribution of earningsThe following earnings (SEK) are at the disposal of the<strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting:Share premium reserve 2,117,500Retained earnings 129,340,207Net earnings for the year 936,590,747Total 1,068,048,454The Board of Directors proposed thatearnings be distributed as follows:Distributed to shareholders SEK 6.75 per share 166,014,563Retained 902,033,891Total 1,068,048,454The Board of Directors has also proposed that the <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting on 24 April 2007 shall decide on anautomatic redemption of shares including the 4:1 sharesplit whereby one share will be redeemed for SEK 20.Consequently, a total of approximately SEK 492 M will bedistributed to shareholders in addition to the proposed cashdividend. The proposal includes a bonus issue aimed at restoringthe share capital, whereby funds from unrestricted equitywill be utilized.Statement on proposed dividend and redemption process, inaccordance with the Companies Act, Chapter 18, Section 4and Chapter 20, Section 8The Board of Directors has also proposed that the <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting on 24 April 2007 shall decide on anautomatic redemption of shares including the 4:1 share split,whereby one share will be redeemed for SEK 20, a reductionin share capital with repayment to shareholders and a bonusissue aimed at restoring the share capital, whereby funds fromunrestricted equity shall be utilized. The proposed distributionand the proposed automatic redemption will reduce theCompany’s equity/assets ratio from 75 percent to 36 percentand the consolidated equity/assets ratio from 48 to 27 percent.The equity/assets level is satisfactory, given that the assessmentthat the operations of the Company and the Group operationscan continue to be carried out while maintaining profitability.It is believed that the liquidity in the Company and theGroup can also be maintained at a similarly satisfactory level.The Company’s equity includes no unrealized profit orloss due to financial instruments having been reported atmarket value.It is the Board’s opinion that the proposed dividend andthe proposed redemption process would not prevent the Companyor other companies in the Group from fulfilling theirobligations in the short and the long term, nor from carryingout necessary investments. Consequently, the proposed dividendand the proposed redemption process can be justifiedwith reference to the provisions of the Companies Act, Chapter17, Section 3, Articles 2–3 (rule of prudence).Regarding the consolidated earnings and position and theParent Company’s earnings and position otherwise, referenceis made to the income statements and the balance sheets.AssuranceThe <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s have, to the best of our knowledge, beenprepared in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples for listed companies. The information presentedaccurately reflects actual circumstances and nothing of materialsignificance has been omitted that could influence theview of the Company that is created by the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Sollentuna, 7 March 2007Berthold Lindqvist Anders Ilstam Bengt KjellChairmanEva-Lotta Kraft Pia Nordqvist Sören MellstigSven Ohlsson Mats Persson Jan SvenssonLars EngströmPresidentOur Auditor’s report was submitted on 7 March 2007Ernst & Young ABBjörn FernströmAuthorized Public AccountantM U N T E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 65

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