Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters


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NOTe 20 cont.GroupPresent value of defined-benefit obligations <strong>2006</strong> 2005Amount on opening date 212 183Current service cost 6 5Interest costs 8 8Paid benefits –7 –7Company acquisitions 7 –Terminated and changed benefit plans –3 –9Actuarial gains (–)/losses (+), changes in assumptions –5 25Actuarial gains (–)/losses (+), experience-basedadjustments 10 0Translation differences for the year –5 7Amount on closing date 223 212Plan assetsAmount on opening date 71 65Expected return on plan assets 6 4Premiums paid by employer – 4Benefits paid from plan assets –2 –1Terminated and changed benefit plans, settlements –5 –7Actuarial gains (+)/losses (–) – 1Translation differences for the year –3 5Amount on closing date 67 71Return on plan assetsExpected return on plan assets 6 4Actuarial gains (+)/losses (–) – 1Actual return 6 5Costs for obligations during the yearCurrent service cost 6 5Interest costs 8 8Expected return on plan assets –4 –4Amortization of past service costs 2 –Amortization of unrecognised actuarial gains andlosses on other long-term employee benefits 5 –Terminated and changed benefit plans – 3Costs for obligations during the year 17 12Distribution of pension costs inthe income statementAdministrative costs 48 48Financial expenses 8 8Total pension costs 56 56Statement of recognised income and expenseActuarial gains (+)/losses (–) during the year 2 –24Adj. arising from limitation on assets par 58 (b) 1 1Accumulated actuarial gains (+)/losses (–) –35 –38Actuarial gains (+) and losses (–) reporteddirectly against equityAmount on opening date –38 –15Amortization of actuarial gains and losses during the year 5 –Actuarial gains (+)/losses (–) on obligations –5 –25Actuarial gains (+)/losses (–) on plan assets 2 1Terminated and changed benefit plans 0 1Translation differences for the year 1 0Accumulated –35 –38GroupPlan assets <strong>2006</strong> 2005Equity instruments, % 60 61Debt instruments, % 28 27Property, % 5 5Other assets (cash and cash equivalents), % 7 6Included in plan assetsCompany’s own equity instruments, % 0 0Company’s own liability instruments, % 0 0Properties utilized by the Company, % 0 0Other assets utilized by the Company, % 0 0Significant actuarial assumptionsGroup, weighted valuesDiscount rate, % 4.2 4.0Return on plan assets, % 6.5 6.2Future salary increases, % 3.0 3.2Future inflation, % 2.1 2.2The expected return for plan assets is based on the assumption that the returnon bonds will be equal to the interest for a 10-year Government Bond and thatthe return on share will amount to the same interest plus a risk premium.<strong>2006</strong> 2005 2004 2003Present value of definedbenefitobligations 223 212 183 163Fair value of plan assets –67 –71 –65 –62Net value funded and partlyfunded plans 156 141 118 101<strong>Munters</strong>’ budgeted fees for defined-benefit obligations amount toSEK 13 M for 2007.Parent CompanyParent Company<strong>2006</strong> 2005Defined-benefit obligations to employees 35 36The Parent Company’s pension plans in accordance with the FPG/PRI systemare an unfunded defined-benefit plan that in accordance with Swedish law isreported as a provision in the balance sheet. This reporting differs from theconsolidated accounting principles.Parent Company<strong>2006</strong> 2005Capital value of pension obligations onown account on opening date 31 30Costs excluding interest costs thatwere charged against profit 1 2Interest costs – –Payment of pensions –2 –2Capital value of pension obligations on ownaccount on closing date 30 31Obligations that are wholly or partlyoffset by especially detached assets 0 0Obligations for which there are noespecially detached assets 30 31Total 30 3160 M U N T E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6

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