Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters

Annual Report 2006 - Munters


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and a bonus program aimed at upper management and keyemployees of the Group. The program takes into account thetrend of profit, sales, the rate of capital turnover and individualgoals. In order to increase employees’ engagement in thecompany, the opportunity to invest in a call-option program isafforded. Current programs are described in Note 28.CASEEmployees in figuresDuring the year, the number of employees, including temporaryemployees, was average 3,644, up 10 percent comparedwith a year earlier. The increase was largely due to personnelreinforcements within MCS Europe and the acquisition ofSIAL. The percentage of women was 19 percent (18). Personnelturnover is defined as the number of permanent employeeswho left the company during the year divided by the averagenumber of employees for the year. Personnel turnover in <strong>2006</strong>was 14 percent (16) for the Group as a whole. There are severalexplanations for the continued relatively high turnover.Europe has a large amount of MCS personnel, which traditionallyis a personnel category with high turnover. Asia comprisesa number of young companies, with a larger portion ofproduction, in which the personnel turnover is still relativelyhigh. To a large extent, <strong>Munters</strong> is a young company, which isreflected in the age distribution. The age group from 31 to 40years was the largest, accounting for approximately 35 percentof the Group’s employees. The average age was 39, unchangedfrom a year earlier.Karin Sjöström, Global Technical Product ManagerIndividual development“I started at <strong>Munters</strong> eight years ago and feel that I havereally been able to develop and continue to develop inthe direction I want to go. After initially working on rotormaterials, I have been given the opportunity to broadenmy horizons and am today responsible for developmentof our global product platform for the Dehumidifi cationDivision. An open-door policy and a continuingdialogue with my superiors together with training in, forexample, project management, has paved the wayforward. My job is exciting and provides a great deal ofopportunity for contact with other cultures. There are anumber of different disciplines involved in developing aproduct from the mechanical and electrical designengineeringstage to procurement and marketing. I workin close cooperation with those responsible for qualitycontrol and environmental performance at ourproduction plants.” M U N T E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 11

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