Quarterly September 2007 - Odfjell

Quarterly September 2007 - Odfjell Quarterly September 2007 - Odfjell


Odfjell maritime personnel recently revised the manning procedures and policies to meet thehighest level within oil companies’ recommended tanker managers and self assessment (TMSA).One of the requirements for reaching this level is to allow officers to attend shore-based assignments.2nd Officer Dag Aksland was offered to serve his assignment at the Odfjell Academy.The Subic Bay ExperienceBy Dag AkslandOdfjell’s Health, Safety and EnvironmentProgramme proclaims no personnelinjuries, no pollution, no damageto property nor cargo, professionalismat all levels, and open and honest communication.These ambitions require allseafarers to carefully follow companypolicies, procedures and checklists, asdescribed in the Shipboard ManagementManual. To improve seafaringskills and further enhance our precautionaryattitude, all seafarers need tobe encouraged and get more trainingin the various jobs we are performingon board.Odfjell Academy in the Philippines isdeveloping and providing courses forour seafarers, related to the company’spolicy, procedures and checklists. So farmainly Filipino seafarers have takencourses at the Academy, but shortly alsoWest European mariners will attend.Odfjell AcademyOdfjell Academy is located in Subic Bay,in a very quiet and peaceful location.Wärtsilä Land & Sea Academy, the Finnishtraining centre for seafarers, is alsoon the same site, and there is a closeco-operation between these two academies.Odfjell Academy offers modern trainingquarters compared to many course facilitiesin Europe. Inside there are threeThe new Odfjell Academy buildingclassrooms, one computer-based trainingroom, offices, conference room, visitorroom and rest rooms. The classroomsare well ventilated, and the Academy iswell equipped with computers, laptops,projectors and other necessary equipmentto perform good training. Lunchis served at the Wärtsilä cantina, whichis one of the best restaurants in SubicBay, and during breaks some snacks andsomething to drink is served.During training there is an atmosphereof good harmony and sense of humour.The instructors have developed interestingcourses based on various pedagogicmethods. They will shortly unmask participantswho think they can just relaxhere, and clever questions from theundergraduates will be responded appropriately.All courses are followed byassessment tests.Outside the building a big unit with twocargo tanks are under development.These tanks will contain hydraulic-poweredFramo cargo pumps. All course participantswill soon have an actual Framotraining here. The pumps will be operatedfrom deck, and the participants cansee how the pump is working throughwindows on the tanks bulkhead. Soonthe Academy will also have a cargo controlroom with almost the same outfit asthe ones found on board.Some of the personnel at Odfjell Academy. Dag Aksland (with hat)in the middleNew regulation requires all our ships toinstall a “white box” to their engine oilywater separation system, to record theamount and quality of discharged enginebilge water into the sea. Marine-Floc AB of Sweden is delivering this sys-34 Odfjell Quarterly September 2007

During gas measurement instructiontem to the Odfjell fleet, and they willalso deliver Oily Water Separator (OWS)systems to some of the vessels. All thecompany’s engine crew must be trainedin the use of these systems, and thereforeMarineFloc has delivered an OWSsystem simulator that is now used fortraining at the Academy. There are alsocourses in advanced bridge and enginesimulators, held at nearby Wärtsilä Land& Sea Academy.Subic BayIt takes about three hours to drive fromManila to Subic Bay. West Europeancourse participants will live at a highstandard hotel inside the Subic Bay MetropolitanAuthority (SBMA) area, wherealso the Odfjell Academy is located.This is a safe and restricted area, withdisciplined traffic regulations and littlecrime. Olongapo City is within walkingdistance from the hotel.West European seafarers will really enjoystaying here and feel safe. Subic Bayand Olongapo City offer a lot of entertainment,activities and restaurants& bars. The hotel is close to the beachwhere you can swim, buy souvenirs,rent a jet-sky and do other sea activities.To see the “wild” tigers and to feed thecrocodiles at Subic Safari Zoo was realfun. Ocean Adventure offers some goodshows with their dolphins, whales andsea lions. Don’t hesitate to ask the personnelat Odfjell Academy for furtheradvice. A nice stay in the Philippines willgo fast, and upon leaving Subic Bay youwill certainly look forward to comingback.Green Flag EnvironmentalAchievement AwardBy Otto Vollan, Master M/T Bow FortuneUp to date M/T Bow Fortune and M/TBow Pride have been the only two Odfjellships receiving the Green Flag EnvironmentalAchievement Award fromthe port of Long Beach. With this we,Captain and crew on Bow Fortune,found it real easy to call at Los Angelesthis trip. Prior to arrival we hoisted the“Green Flag”, and for sure, this was thefirst thing the representative for Stateof California Department of Fish andGame recognized when attending thevessel. We received a lot of praise, andit is always nice to feel welcome. Andwho knows, maybe we are candidatesfor an “award” next year as well?Flying the Green Flag off Long BeachVessels that dock at the Port ofLong Beach will earn a GreenFlag environmental achievementaward when they attain 100%compliance with the voluntaryvessel speed reduction programfor a 12-month period (measurementbeginning in January2005). Carriers, as listed in Lloydsregister, which achieve a 90%compliance rate in a 12-monthperiod (measurement beginningin January 2006), will be eligiblefor a 15% reduced dockage rate(Green Rate) in the followingyear. This program will continuefor two years.Odfjell Quarterly September 2007 35

<strong>Odfjell</strong> maritime personnel recently revised the manning procedures and policies to meet thehighest level within oil companies’ recommended tanker managers and self assessment (TMSA).One of the requirements for reaching this level is to allow officers to attend shore-based assignments.2nd Officer Dag Aksland was offered to serve his assignment at the <strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy.The Subic Bay ExperienceBy Dag Aksland<strong>Odfjell</strong>’s Health, Safety and EnvironmentProgramme proclaims no personnelinjuries, no pollution, no damageto property nor cargo, professionalismat all levels, and open and honest communication.These ambitions require allseafarers to carefully follow companypolicies, procedures and checklists, asdescribed in the Shipboard ManagementManual. To improve seafaringskills and further enhance our precautionaryattitude, all seafarers need tobe encouraged and get more trainingin the various jobs we are performingon board.<strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy in the Philippines isdeveloping and providing courses forour seafarers, related to the company’spolicy, procedures and checklists. So farmainly Filipino seafarers have takencourses at the Academy, but shortly alsoWest European mariners will attend.<strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy<strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy is located in Subic Bay,in a very quiet and peaceful location.Wärtsilä Land & Sea Academy, the Finnishtraining centre for seafarers, is alsoon the same site, and there is a closeco-operation between these two academies.<strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy offers modern trainingquarters compared to many course facilitiesin Europe. Inside there are threeThe new <strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy buildingclassrooms, one computer-based trainingroom, offices, conference room, visitorroom and rest rooms. The classroomsare well ventilated, and the Academy iswell equipped with computers, laptops,projectors and other necessary equipmentto perform good training. Lunchis served at the Wärtsilä cantina, whichis one of the best restaurants in SubicBay, and during breaks some snacks andsomething to drink is served.During training there is an atmosphereof good harmony and sense of humour.The instructors have developed interestingcourses based on various pedagogicmethods. They will shortly unmask participantswho think they can just relaxhere, and clever questions from theundergraduates will be responded appropriately.All courses are followed byassessment tests.Outside the building a big unit with twocargo tanks are under development.These tanks will contain hydraulic-poweredFramo cargo pumps. All course participantswill soon have an actual Framotraining here. The pumps will be operatedfrom deck, and the participants cansee how the pump is working throughwindows on the tanks bulkhead. Soonthe Academy will also have a cargo controlroom with almost the same outfit asthe ones found on board.Some of the personnel at <strong>Odfjell</strong> Academy. Dag Aksland (with hat)in the middleNew regulation requires all our ships toinstall a “white box” to their engine oilywater separation system, to record theamount and quality of discharged enginebilge water into the sea. Marine-Floc AB of Sweden is delivering this sys-34 <strong>Odfjell</strong> <strong>Quarterly</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2007</strong>

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