junior development report - Melbourne Cricket Club

junior development report - Melbourne Cricket Club

junior development report - Melbourne Cricket Club


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OFFICE BEARERSPresident:Chief Executive:D.J.MeiklejohnS.J. GoughChairman of <strong>Cricket</strong>:<strong>Cricket</strong> Sub-Committee:Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> Chairman:Hon. Treasurer:Secretary:Chairman of Selectors:Coaching:Captains:<strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria Delegates:Junior Development Manager<strong>Club</strong> XI Convenor:Team Managers:Team Scorers:Social Chairman:Honorary Statistician:R.G. LloydM.S. Anderson, D.S. Crow, P.A. Dakin, P.D French, R.G. Lloyd,S.M. McCooke, S.J. O’Flynn, A.P. Sheahan and M.W. Sholly.M.W. ShollyS.J. O’FlynnS.M. McCookeM.S. AndersonA.C. Dale (coach)D. Clark (assistant coach)P.I. Jubber (Junior Development Coach)S.P. Bowen and R.I. Templeton (coaching assistants)J.M. Huddart (Fitness Advisor)1st XI – A.C. Dale1 st XI vice-captains - M.W. Hill and A.J. Kent2nd XI – E.D.T. Bowen3rd XI – J.A Fitzgibbon4th XI – A.P. Farr<strong>Club</strong> XI – M.W. ScholtenR.G. Lloyd, D.S. CrowD.A. PatrickD. Talalla1st XI – P.C. O’Rourke1st XI - M.F. Symons2nd XI – M. Bowles3rd XI /4 th XI – E. MichaelP.J. O’BeirneM.P. Ringham

CHAIRMAN’S REPORTCongratulations to all involved in making the 2009/10 season such an enjoyableand successful season for the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. It was the result ofconsolidation and hard work from our various leaders and volunteers at the club.Winning the First and Third XI premierships on the back of Second and Fourth XIflags and First and Fourth XI one-day titles the previous year reinforces our positionas the premier cricket club in Victoria.The club continues to strive to achieve our two main goals – on-field success in theform of premierships and club championships; and individual enhancement withrepresentation at state and national level. These two objectives can at times workagainst each other but this year we were successful at both.Providing our players with stability at the top has been an important component in our club’s success. Thecoaches all continued the good work that was commenced in the year prior. Captain coach Adam Dale, histwo assistant coaches Nick Speak (batting), David Clarke (bowling), <strong>development</strong> coach Paul Jubber andassistants Robert Templeton and Steve Bowen provide a coaching panel without peer in Australia.Adam has led the coaching and playing group superbly. He has given authority to his coaches to takeleading roles on match day and empowered the players to make meaningful contributions on and off theground. It is a great credit to him that the club was able to achieve such success during his reign as coach.What a magnificent win the First XI achieved! If a leader can instil a belief in his players that they are on ajourney together that will fulfil their objectives, then he is a long way down the path of achieving success.Adam gave all his players a belief that if they followed his direction and processes then the ultimate wouldbe achieved. He did this not only in his commentary but in his incredible deeds on the ground. Hisperformances on the field showed a single minded determination that permeated through the whole group.Adam’s willingness to have faith in his players bore fruit in the final when he stuck true to his team that hadresponded to every challenge throughout the season. Robert Cooper is testimony to this. Whilst enteringthe final with moderate form it was the faith shown in him by his leader that he was able to repay in spadeswhen, facing near disaster at 4/57, he was able to stabilise, contributing the majority of the runs in twomagnificent partnerships, firstly with Peter Petricola and then Ash Middlin.I will allow each of the captains to talk about their individual teams performances but I would like tohighlight those leaders at the club - Eivion Bowen, John Fitzgibbon and Ashley Farr. Consistency inleadership is a vital component and John Fitzgibbon was able to build on his past experiences to bring outthe best in his Third XI and achieve a premiership. That team really hit their peak form at the end of theseason and we look forward to a number of these players including Brendan Huf, Aaron Boyle and DanWorrall, progressing through the ranks in the ensuing seasons.Ashley completed his first season as the Fourth XI captain and he will no doubt benefit from this experienceand take that into the new season. Ashley threw himself into many off field roles at the club and hiscontribution to the general atmosphere at the club was greatly appreciated. Eiv continued to show the greatleadership qualities he has and all players in his team, when promoted, are ready to contribute at the higherlevel.Off the ground we continued to get outstanding support from the numerous volunteers who contribute sofreely of their time to ensure the conditions for the players are of the highest standard. I would like tothank the members of the Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> Committee which includes Bob Lloyd (chairman of cricket),Steven McCooke (secretary), Mark Anderson (chairman of selectors), Adam Dale (coach), Patrick O’Beirne(social), Chris Muller and Shane Brown.One of the aspects the MCC community should be proud of is that nine of the 11 First XI premiershipplayers emanated from our <strong>junior</strong> program. Doug Patrick spends countless hours engaging the elite of<strong>Melbourne</strong> youth, and their parents, to show them the total MCC experience. They are then expertlycoached by Kelly Masters before they are given a choice to continue with the MCC senior club or chooseanother path. The results this year are testament to the outstanding work these gentlemen put into the club.On game day we were fortunate enough to have scorers Michael Symons (First XI), Megan Bowles (SecondXI) and Eddie Michael (Third/Fourth XI). Congratulations to Peter O’Rourke, team manager of the First

XI, on winning the best clubman award. Peter is so generous of his time and he played every ball of thatfinal series. <strong>Cricket</strong> is so fortunate to have volunteers of Peter’s ilk who do so much for others.Thanks also to Joan Anderson who attends every First XI home match and prepares the afternoon teas. Sheis assisted by Colleen Lloyd and various parents who are only too willing to lend a hand.The facilities at the Albert Ground are back to the standard that we expect and we thank Scott West and hisstaff as they continually strive to ensure the centre and practice wickets, along with the oval and surroundsare presented in faultless condition.To be the premier club everything has to be in place on and off the ground and I thank everybody who hasmade a contribution to the playing group over the recent seasons as it has been your efforts that resulted inan outstanding 2009/2010 season.Michael ShollyPremier <strong>Cricket</strong> ChairmanPREMIER CRICKET FIRST XI PREMIERS 2009/10PREMIER CRICKET THIRD XI PREMIERS 2009/10

COACH’S REPORTSeason 2009/10 was a positive one for the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.Two titles were won; the First and Third XI’s were champions in the two-daycompetition.Premierships are very difficult to win and congratulations must be given to allplayers who participated in these successful teams.At the start of the year we had three clear objectives. Improve all players. Dominate every game we play. Enjoy what we do.Looking back on the year I believe we achieved these during the majority of the season. Players improvedtheir games and the statistics displayed this. Two sides won premierships and the other two sides dominatedat times during the season. Our social functions and celebrations were fabulous. The way all members ofour group got involved was a credit to the club. It is always great watching people have fun and celebrateindividuals and team success.The Fourth XI had a positive year. As reigning premiers, the team had a tough standard to maintain. Theirseason may not have seen any titles being won but all players who represented the Fourth XI this year didso very well. Many players from the previous season had been elevated to higher elevens. Others took theseason off to focus on other priorities. Ash Farr was appointed captain and did a great job. His team wasmade up of seasoned campaigners or young up and coming MCC stars. Congratulations to Ash for aterrific debut year as captain.The Third XI were again lead wonderfully well by John Fitzgibbon. Their year was very successful.Winning the Third XI premiership is great reward for him and his players. Many players passed throughJohn’s group this year. This was either due to selection or the school system. It is a credit to him for beingable to ensure that every week strong outcomes were achieved. Their performances were outstanding.Winning the final the way they did was a credit. Congratulations to all players. It is important to highlightthe individual performances of Laurie Heath, Brendan Huf and Jimmy Gillard with the bat. With the ballSam Brewin, Aaron Boyle, Dan Worrall and Tristan Larter stood out.The Second XI had a year of mixed results. They may not have won the premiership again but theyproduced performances that enabled individuals to push for higher honours. During the season theydominated certain games and in others they unfortunately didn’t achieve their usual high standards. EivBowen again led the side very professionally. Each player who represented the MCC Second XI did so withgreat enthusiasm and commitment.The year for the First XI was a terrific ride. We did say back in May that we wanted to be aggressive inwinning the premiership.We had some ups and downs during the season but it is important to note we finished top of the ladder atthe end of the season.Two seasons ago we won the Twenty20 title. Last season we won the one-day premiership. This year wewon the two-day premiership!In regards to MCC individuals and higher honours: Andrew McDonald played in Victoria’s winning Sheffield Shield tam. Brad Hodge retired from first-class cricket much to the delight of bowlers from around the country.However, they remained stressed when they realised he hadn’t retired from one-day cricket orTwenty20 Michael Hill debuted for the Victorian Sheffield Shield team Rob Cassell represented Victoria in Second XI and also played a one-day game for Victoria.

Several MCC players were selected in Victorian under age squads.Alex Keath was captain of the Victorian U19 team and a member of the successful Australian U19side.Sebastian Gotch and Jordan Wyatt were selected in the Victorian U19’s.All of these selections were well deserved and great reward for much hard work. It was great to witness allof them perform very well when selected for higher honours.Coaching the MCC over the past two seasons has been a great experience. As head coach you don’t alwaysget it right but it is a great feeling to know that you have the support of the club when planning andexecuting your strategies.The support I have been given by all people at the club has again been outstanding. As I have said before,our facilities are first class and the commitment of all involved is inspiring. The MCC is a wonderful placeto play and learn the game of cricket. My thanks must go to:Assistant Coaches - David Clarke and Nick SpeakJunior Development Coordinator – Doug PatrickJunior Development Coach - Paul JubberNet Captain – Gary SturrockCoaches – Robert Templeton, Steve Bowen and Kelly MastersTeam MangersTeam ScorersAll coaches need special mention and I would like to write a page on each but my document would becomea short novel. However, I would like to highlight the terrific support and work throughout the year shownby David Clarke and Nick Speak. Both have wonderful knowledge and are very experienced cricket people.They make a very positive impact on the MCC playing group.Also, special thanks to coaches of past seasons who also played a key role on ensuring this group wereheading in the right direction. Robert Templeton, Brian Harper and Chris Davies are three people that haveplayed a key role in many players’ careers – thanks to all. (We are still very lucky to have ‘Tempo’ remaininvolved – thanks mate!)My thanks must also go to: Captains - Second XI – Eivion Bowen- Third XI - John Fitzgibbon- Fourth XI - Ash Farr The <strong>Cricket</strong> Sub Committee - Bob Lloyd (Chairman) The Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> Committee - Michael Sholly (Chairman) Mark Anderson - Chairman of Selectors Steve McCooke - <strong>Cricket</strong> Secretary Scott West and team - Curators Mrs Joan AndersonIt is also important to thank the supporters/parents/family/friends who barracked for us every week.In regards to not continuing on next year, I haven’t retired. I have only stepped down from my position ascaptain coach. To my wife Nickie - You are a star! Thanks for your terrific support and belief.In closing, Andrew Kent has been appointed Captain Coach of the MCC for season 2010/11 and beyond.This is a very positive appointment. He will have excellent support around him and his enthusiasm andcricket knowledge will be a great ingredient to his leadership. It was time for me to move on and it is timefor someone else to lead this great club. I know Andrew will not only be great player for the MCC, but hewill also be a wonderful leader.It is a grand old flag.Adam DaleCaptain/Coach

SOCIAL CHAIRMAN’S REPORTThe social season started with one of the two traditional major fundraisers for the year – the MCC<strong>Cricket</strong>ers’ Bar at the AFL Grand Final Afterparty. The actual venue at the MCG has been a roving one inrecent years however it was once again held in the Hugh Trumble Café extension. Although a little chilly, itwas a successful event once again as past and present MCC players, the MCC ‘cricket family’, MCC staffand friends gathered and helped boost the social club coffers.An active social committee, convened by Patrick O’Beirne, saw a number of social improvements made inand around the Clive Fairbairn pavilion such as a new 51cm plasma TV and DVD (thanks to the MCCCommercial Operations Dept and Sharp), Foxtel installation, a coffee machine and new outdoor furniture(tables, chairs and umbrellas).Next up was the International Fight Night at the Fairbairn pavilion (and surrounds) hosted by JohnFitzgibbon. All those on board were able to delight in various cuisines and beverages from many parts ofthe world including Mexico, Japan, Germany and London.It has been an endeavour to include the parents in as many activities around the club as much as possible,whether that be formally at functions or informally by making them feel comfortable by allow them tomake a coffee or tea whenever they like, attend afternoon tea, etc. To encourage this, a Parents’ Brunch wasarranged by Chris Muller at the Albert on the morning of the 1st XI Round 3 match against Hawthorn-Monash Uni and attended by 25-30 parents and committee.A golf day at Growling Frog was held on the last Sunday on October. If it wasn’t the windiest day thatyou’ll ever play golf, it would have to be in the final. Common sense prevailed when the golf format wasfour-ball ambrose. Such were the conditions, the lunch and bus drive to and from the course were the mostmemorable parts of the day for most. Thanks to David Clarke and Andrew Kent for their organisation ofthis event.The ‘<strong>Cricket</strong>ers’ Ball’ was resurrected by Andrew Kent. Held on November 21 in the Jim Stynes Room atthe MCG, just over 100 attended and enjoyed the fine dining and beverages offered by the club’s caterers,Epicure, against the magnificent back drop of a flood lit MCG. The DJ also enticed a few to display theirmoves, some better than others, on the dance floor.To wind things up before Christmas, David Bratby arranged a BBQ and drinks on the Saturday night afterthe last game played in 2010.Although in operation for some time, a cocktail party to officially celebrate the naming of the Dean JonesBar at the MCG (Level 2, Ponsford Stand) at a Ford Ranger Cup match on a February Wednesday evening.It was great to see Dean and his friends along with past and present MCC cricketers mingle for the formalunveiling of Dean’s photo and inscription of his career achievements.The second major fundraiser, the $2,000 draw, was held on Sunday February 21. These events take a lot ofwork and Nick Quinn, Ashley Farr, John Fitzgibbon and Ash Middlin shouldered a lot of the work andhelped make a nice contribution to the social coffers.The 1st XI and 3rd XI’s finals participation allowed for a few Thursday nights BBQ’s during theircampaign. Hospitality marquees were set up for the 1st XI quarter and semi-finals at the Albert.The 1st XI enjoyed a special premiership celebration dinner in the MCG Long Room and the socialcalendar concluded with the traditional <strong>Cricket</strong> Presentation Dinner in the Members Dining Room at theMCG and capped off a successful season on and off the field.Social Chairman

JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT REPORTThis <strong>report</strong> is submitted as a record of the activities, sessions and competitive matches which werescheduled during season 2009/10 for a substantial number of young players who our club had invited toparticipate in our <strong>junior</strong> <strong>development</strong> program.These are important issues. All connected with our club are aware of how necessary it is for us on anannual basis to identify and encourage good young players who are making their way through <strong>Cricket</strong>Victoria’s “pathway” levels, but it is also a fact that one of the requirements that <strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria has ofeach of the Premier clubs is that they run worthy, useful and discernible programs as a supplement to whatis directly offered by <strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria. The management of young players in Victoria must be shared andorganised as cohesively as possible between all sorts of “stakeholders”, including <strong>junior</strong> clubs, schools,regions and local associations, and it is incumbent on the Premier clubs to play their part as we all seek tooptimise the rate at which newcomers progress through to senior levels of cricket.As usual, our sessions in 2009/10 were supervised by Kelly Masters and Paul Jubber, and they certainlychallenged the players with a mixture of training techniques, upper-level concepts as to game-day routinesand preparations, and exposure to some of our senior players and coaches.Net sessions were held for more than 50 players at the Albert Ground in April and September and at theMCG Indoor Centre in July, and we were delighted with the enthusiastic response to our invitations tothose sessions.By the time the season started, we had chosen the following players to represent the club in practicematches which were organised for them:Name Local <strong>Club</strong> Name Local <strong>Club</strong>Ejaaz Alavi Kew CC Matthew Mitchell Sale City CCEdward Buckley Yarra Junction CC Lewis Palmer South Caulfield CCMatthew Crouch North Ballarat CC Jack Paynter Nyah CCMatthew Davis Beaumaris CC Blake Pearson Kew CCLincoln Edwards Elsternwick CC Mark Phelan Diamond Creek CCJosh Filo Barham CC Jason Pongracic Merinda Park CCDylan Grandell Numurkah CC Arno Swart Cheltenham CCMatthew Gunther Dennington CC Max Tomkinson North Balwyn CCJackson Koop Nhill CC Patrick Walker Kingston Heath CCLex MiddagWashington Park CCAs in recent years, <strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria was pleased to authorise us to undertake our traditional “road-trip”with this group of players to the north of Victoria where our scheduling saw us play matches at Sheppartonagainst Northern Rivers U.16 team, at Echuca against Mallee Murray U.16 team, and at Benalla againstNorth East Knights U.16 team. In each case, the organisation and facilities were top-rate, and I know thatour players (most of who had never visited those areas, let alone played cricket there!) were most impressedby what was offered.For our part, the tour and the matches provide an opportunity for us to get to better understand the needsand personalities of our <strong>junior</strong> group players as well as simultaneously assessing the comparative worth andability of opposition players of the same age.As far as our participants are concerned, I would like to thank each set of parents for their willingness toembrace our undertaking and, in particular, Mark Tomkinson – father of one of the players (Max) – for hisenergy in “raising the bar” by volunteering to secure a larger, more comfortable bus than in past years, andthen acting as driver, tour guide, supporter and occasional umpire for the duration of the trip.The matches were all played with vigour, competitiveness and skill on all sides, and while our group cameaway with wins in each of the three matches there was robust rivalry provided by the country teams who alltended to be bigger, older boys when lined up against our comparatively younger group. I was especiallygrateful to our “older” players, and in particular to our captains on the three days – Jason Pongracic, LewisPalmer and Max Tomkinson – for their leadership and “standard-setting” during the trip, but it wasgenerally impressive to see each of our players respond to the dual challenge of playing against strongopposition in unfamiliar surroundings.

It goes without saying how much we all appreciate the willingness of the managers of each of the threeregions – Travis Colley (Northern Rivers), Andrew Farlie (Mallee Murray) and Rhys Miller (North EastKnights) – to fit in with fixtures, organise the venues, ensure the wickets are top-class, and host the gamesso capably.As I finish this year’s <strong>report</strong>, I need to note the following list of achievements by our players atrepresentative level during season 2009/10 -15 of our group of 19 participated in the Dowling tournament, and one (Ejaaz Alavi) played in the<strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria U.14 competition.Six of the players, namely Matt Crouch (captain), Matt Davis, Dylan Grandell, Matt Mitchell,Blake Pearson and thirteen-year-old Ejaaz Alavi – congratulations Ejaaz! – were selected inVictoria’s U.15 team which competed in the national carnival held in February.Based on their performances at the carnival, each of Blake Pearson and Ejaaz Alavi were chosen (asthe only two Victorians!) to be part of an Australian U.16 team which was to play a series ofmatches later in 2010 against a touring West Indies team (comprising players of similar age). Whatan opportunity!Lincoln (“LJ”) Edwards produced such a series of performances for South East Seagulls with bothbat and ball during the Dowling tournament (including a scintillating innings of 144 n.o. at theAlbert Ground) that he won the award as the best player of the tournament – a great effort from atop prospect!Each of Jason Pongracic and Arno Swart have already played in MCC senior teams, and the clubwas delighted to see that occur – each of those boys is advanced for his age in physical,psychological and technical areas, and it is pleasing to be able to grant them such an opportunity.As is very much the case each year, it was a pleasure for us to work with each of the participants in thisseason’s <strong>junior</strong> program, and on behalf of all our senior players and coaches who assisted so ably, I wouldlike to wish each of those with whom we worked great good fortune with their cricket in the future.Doug PatrickJunior Development Program Co-ordinator

CONGRATULATIONSSheffield Shield ChampionsVictorian BushrangersFord Ranger Cup (One-day) ChampionsTasmanian TigersKFC Twenty20 Big Bash ChampionsVictorian BushrangersJ.A. Seitz <strong>Club</strong> ChampionshipRingwood1st XI Premiers<strong>Melbourne</strong>One-day competition – 1st XI winnersSt Kilda2nd XI PremiersGeelongOne-day competition – 2nd XI winnersGeelong3rd XI Premiers<strong>Melbourne</strong>One-day competition – 3rd XI winnersEssendon4th XI PremiersNorthcoteOne-day competition – 4th XI winnersCarltonKookaburra Twenty20 Premier CupGeelongSpirit of <strong>Cricket</strong> AwardCasey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong>W.J. Dowling Shield champions (U.16 Pathways)Barwon RocketsV.S.D.C.A. PremiersCoburgMCC <strong>Club</strong> XI Premiers Old Scotch (1)V.C.C.L. Country Week championsBendigo DCAW.M. Lawry Medal – Victorian Sheffield Shield Player of the Year Damien WrightD.M. Jones Medal - Victorian Ford Ranger Cup Player of the Year Brad HodgeVictorian KFC Twenty20 Big Bash Player of the YearAndrew McDonaldJack Ryder Medal – Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> 1st XI Player of the YearGraeme RummansJohn Scholes Medal – Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> 1 st XI Player of the Final Robert CooperMCC REPRESENTATIVE HONOURSVictoriaRobert Cassell (One-day and Second XI))Michael HillBrad HodgeAndrew McDonaldAustralian U.19Alex Keath (World Cup winners)Victorian U.19Seb GotchAlex Keath (capt)Jordan WyattAustralian U.16Ejaaz AlaviBlake PearsonVictorian U.15Matthew Crouch (capt)Ejaaz AlaaviMatt DavisDylan GrandellMatt MitchellBlake Pearson

CRICKET PRESENTATION DINNERThe MCC <strong>Cricket</strong> Presentation Dinner was once again held in the Members Dining Room on Saturday,May 15, 2010.Popular fast bowler Robert Cassell capped an inspirational comeback from injury, winning the <strong>Club</strong>Champion Trophy. The 27-year-old, who leaves for Adelaide to take up a two-year contract with SouthAustralia, had an outstanding season with the ball, taking 47 wickets at 14.31.Along with retiring duo Phil Halbish and captain-coach Adam Dale, Cassell led a formidable pace trio thatwas instrumental in <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s first premiership in 12 years.To round out a wonderful evening for Cassell, he was also joint winner (with Laurie Heath) of the Players’MVP award and along with his fellow First XI teammates he received a club blazer in recognition of thatoutstanding triumph over St Kilda at University Oval last month.Outstanding deeds in that First XI final were a theme of the night. Robert Cooper, whose fighting centuryin the final earnt him the John Scholes Medal by <strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria, won the coveted Brian Watson MemorialAward for “an outstanding performance by an MCC cricketer”.Cooper’s ton must have just nudged out Dale’s 6/44 from 38 overs in that match for the Watson award, asboth men were named joint Player of the Final by the club earlier in the evening.Michael Hill was acknowledged for his century against Prahran in the quarter-final as was Simon Dart'sfighting knock of 76 n.o. in the semi against Carlton.Teenage all-rounder Alex Keath was awarded the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> Youth <strong>Cricket</strong>er of the Year, awardedto best young player who has produced outstanding performances and demonstrated substantial potential.First XI manager Peter O’Rourke was a very worthy winner of the Best <strong>Club</strong>man award.Third XI captain John Fitzgibbon and his team were also recognised for their wonderful premiership win,while special presentations were made to both Halbish and Dale in recognition of their achievements withthe club.Presentations were made to Third XI 'Players of the Finals'. Aaron Boyle was rewarded for his outstandingbowling, including a six-wicket haul in the final against Geelong. Opening batting pair, Laurie Heath andBrendan Huf, could not be split for their consistent efforts throughout all three finals, highlighted by theirquarter-final opening stand of 206 where they both made centuries in blistering fashion.A minute’s silence was held in honour of the late Clive Fairbairn OAM, who died on the Wednesday priorto the dinner. A club icon, Clive touched the lives of many at the MCC and it was fitting that such a clublegend was able to see one last First XI premiership before departing.<strong>Club</strong> vice-president Paul Sheahan presents<strong>Club</strong> Champion Rob Cassell with his trophy.Alex Keath, the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> Youth<strong>Cricket</strong>er of the Year.


FIRST XI CAPTAIN’S REPORTSeason 2009/10 was a terrific ride.We commenced our journey in April 2009. It was made clear toall involved that we were going to be aggressive and win the firstgrade premiership in season 2009/10. We didn’t want to makeany big statements as we needed to ensure our focus was remainedon each week but even though it was not mentioned, everybodywas aware of the mountain that needed to be climbed.If we were to achieve this, the hard work and effort had to comefrom many people. We needed clear processes and everybodyneeded to improve their game. Everybody had to be clear on thesekey points.The pleasing thing was that at all times during the year all playerswho walked onto the playing arena representing the First XI didso with everything they had. Nobody left anything in their ‘tank’.Our season’s performances were mixed. We finished on top of the one-day fixtures. Our Twenty20 formdid not replicate previous seasons and at times, our two-day form was below expectations.Many discussions were had and certain key changes were made but we also knew that peaking at the righttime was crucial. The ups and downs during the season gave us a clearer understanding of our group.Losing is always disappointing but they key is to learn from it and I know this is what occurred for us ateam and for individuals.At 6.10pm on the last day of the home and away season, the MCC First XI was on top of the ladder. Thisenabled us to be in control of our own destiny. We had learnt from the previous year. In season 2008/09 wewere playing terrific cricket at the end of the season but due to our finishing ladder position, were relegateddue to weather. We could not let that happen again!Much can be said about the way the finals unfolded and most are aware of what took place. The highlightfor myself as captain was that every player made a strong and influential contribution in the final series.Each game delivered certain challenges but at every turn, there was an MCC player ready to respond.Each player deserves special mention. In total we had 18 players represent the MCC First XI in 2009/10.They were:Andrew Kent - Vice-Captain - (highlight 116 n.o.) - Class player who contributed on and off the field.Always gave 100% commitment and support. He is a true star of the MCC. One key decision during theyear was to have Andrew bat at three. This became a pivotal moment for our team. From this momentforward, we improved our cricket as a team. Thanks Kippa and I know you will lead the team very well.Michael Hill – Vice-captain and a star player of the future. Michael debuted for Victoria this season. Thisis a key milestone in his career as he has the potential to be a regular for Victoria and Australia. Hishundred versus Prahran in the quarter-final was first class. A deserved winner of the season batting average.Ben Way – Made 600 runs. Opened the batting all year and lead our batting group in many ways.Displayed strong resilience, maturity and played key team roles when required. ‘Big’ Ben Way also has avery bright future!(Super Dooper) Rob Cooper - Made 600 runs (including three centuries). Had a strong year. His ability tohandle pressure is a quality that will be with him always. Hundreds early in the season and who will everforget the 100 in the final!Simon Dart – Great to have him playing in the MCC colours again! First year back at club. Runs early inyear 142 n.o. v Carlton. Simon made runs at very important times for the team all year. Great support toeverybody in the field. His leadership was outstanding. A wonderful innings in the semi-final v Carlton (76n.o.). It won us the game!Peter Petricola – Averaged 41 in first grade this season. Pepsi was disappointed at the start of year not to bein the team but worked very hard and deserved his spot. Played beautifully when required and came

through for all to see at key times. We needed our number six to stand up and he did. Peter’s partnershipwith Darty in the semi against Carlton was match winning. Who will ever forget his DEMONETTA!!!!Ash Middlin – Midders was an un-official vice-captain during the year. His keeping was strong but it washis continual support and leadership that strengthened our team and made it successful. He was wonderfulbehind the stumps during tough times and was never backward in coming forward. His innings in the finalwas a key part of us winning.Phil Halbish – 27 wickets @ 25; 240 runs @ 24; an excellent year. Bish announced his retirement anddeserves congratulations on a wonderful career. Phil had to endure many challenges this season. His body iswrapped up week in and week out with tape to get him on the field. He prepares very well and his attitudeto performing well is very strong. Phil also had to be confronted with other challenges away from cricketthat would have made anyone else drop off their game. It is a great credit to Phil to be a part of the winningpremiership team. He deserves to be a MCC premiership player. Congratulations on a wonderful career.Rob Cassell (Café Cassell) A deserved winner of the bowling average – 47 wickets at 14. His batting wasalso outstanding at important times. All at the club have witnessed his journey and have admired hisapproach and commitment. Rob bowled beautifully all year and gave us the impact we required. What aday it was when he achieved his hat-trick. We all wish him well in his next challenge. There is no doubt thatif he approaches it like he has others in his life, the outcomes are endless!Sean Sturrock – Sean had a strong year for us. He was a key member of our group. His attitude andwillingness to work hard were a credit to him. His chosen skill is a tough one. His 18 wickets through theyear were a solid outcome for his hard work. His willingness to be night watchman when asked wasexcellent. His bowling performance in the semi-final v Carlton kept us in the game. He displayed the skillhe has and all that game enjoyed watching. The future is very bright for Sean.Matt Brown – Played 14 games during the year and was a strong contributor. He won the game for usagainst Camberwell Magpies. He would have loved to play in the final and he, like many others, deservedthat chance but I know much success will come his way in the future. His attitude around the group in thefinals campaign was outstanding.Pat Smith – Smithy represented the MCC during the season with 100% effort. He never steps away from achallenge. He has come a long way in the last two seasons and there is no question that his <strong>development</strong>will continue.Justin Graham – When given the opportunity during the season, Justin represented the MCC First XI verywell. His support during the finals campaign was a credit to him and his commitment to the MCC.Darcy Daly – his performance during the season deserved more opportunities but unfortunately they didn’tcome. His approach, encouragement around the group during the finals campaign and especially the finalwas a credit to him. I am very sure he will enjoy much success at the MCC in years to come.Alex Keath – Keathy is a star in the making. Not just for his cover drive and out-swinger but for his attitudeand his manner. Alex was unlucky not to be a part of the final but his support of everybody who playedwas outstanding. Alex has much ahead of him and he will excel in all the different environments thrown athim. He will work hard and enjoy the challenge. I know he appreciates the support the MCC display and Iknow he will repay it in spades.Nick Quinn – Quinny was a pleasure to play with and be around during the season. Opportunities wereminimal but he never complained. His approach to the team and club were a credit to him. Nick willcontinue to develop and be an important part of the MCC going forward.Jon Huddart – nothing impresses a club and its members more than somebody who works their waythrough the ranks and performs. Jon has done this for the last two seasons consistently and displayed muchtalent along the way. His innings against Camberwell early in the season helped us win that game.Opportunities were minimal for all players looking to force their way in during the back half of the seasonbut it was very pleasing to see Jon continue to work hard.Special thanks to Mike Symons and Peter O’Rourke for their efforts and support during the season. To thecommittee, supporters, families, friends, coaches, players, helpers and support staff – thanks.Adam DaleCaptain

SECOND XI CAPTAIN’S REPORTLike reality TV shows, the Stawell Gift and arguments with radio hosts,premierships are hard to win! So after an excellent 2008/09 season, it was alwaysgoing to be a challenge for the Second XI to back it up in 2009/10. As it is forindividuals, sustaining success for a team, and finding ways to improve, should be akey focus. While we played some great cricket at times it was really disappointingthat we finished back in the field in 2009/10 and couldn’t defend our title.There was certainly no conscious complacency, however, the bottom line was thatwe couldn’t convert enough good performances into victories and came up short.The inevitable “what if” questions were asked in the wash up and the reality wasthat some lapses cost us wins in a season when they were hard to come by. The keylearning, of course, is to work hard and maintain intensity each session, each game, so “near enough” isn’taccepted as “good enough”.What was frustrating was that on several occasions we proved we could mix it with the best teams while atother times our efforts against lesser sides were below par.That just one of our batsmen scored more than 400 runs for the season highlighted our inability to playwith consistency. Last season we had four top that total. Darcy Daly was a shining light, making 480 runsat 53.33 and putting pressure on the First XI top order. Darc was justly rewarded for his hard work andtechnical improvement over the past two seasons and he can consider himself stiff to have just missed outon a berth in the senior final.The overwhelming positive of the season was the First XI premiership. I wholeheartedly congratulate AdamDale and the boys on their outstanding achievement and for showing such toughness on the biggest stage inclub cricket. The broader coaching team and club administration also played crucial roles in the success.The premiership team contained three players who took the field in the seconds at some point throughoutthe season. This was a great example of what is possible for the guys coming through the ranks of the club.Peter Petricola, for example, was at the crossroads at Christmas, with few runs to his name and anuncertain frame of mind. With renewed focus after the break, Peps was able to get back on track toeventually force his way back into form and back into the firsts. He achieved this by concentrating onbuilding each innings and simply fighting hard at the crease, rather than being bogged down by the endgoal of where he wanted to be. Pleasingly, he played some key hands towards the end of the season and inthe finals.The team that took the field against the Saints contained five players who were members of the Second XIpremiership team of 2005/06 - Rob Cooper, Ash Middlin, Michael Hill, Ben Way and Petricola. There is nodoubt that playing in the high pressure atmosphere of finals plays an important role in a player’s<strong>development</strong> and belief – and therefore it’s important to have strong depth at a club.Ballarat keeper-batsman Mathew Begbie was an exciting player to debut in the seconds and by season’s endhe showed promising signs with a composed 65 against one of the competition’s strongest attacks atRingwood. Trav Jackson reminded us of his talent when on song in the same match, rarely missing themiddle of the bat in his 85.Other highlights of the season included: Pepsi’s unbeaten tons against Frankston Peninsula and Casey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong>. Darc Daly’s 101 v Northcote. Nick Quinn’s brutal 5/11 against Footscray Edgewater in a one-dayer. Justin Graham’s 6/45 v <strong>Melbourne</strong> Uni. Sam Brewin’s mesmerising 5/53 against the Swans. Dean Scheetz leading the team with wickets (24) and in the weekly quiz. Seb Gotch showing some clean hitting in his first few games at the level. Nick Bergin becoming more influential on games with bat and ball. Paddy Smith hitting hard and long against the Blues and bowling with venom throughout the season.As players strive to improve, once again I urge them to set their own standards and to recognise that whenthey think they’ve ‘made it’, this is precisely the time to work harder again.Eivion BowenCaptain

THIRD XI CAPTAIN’S REPORTSeason 2009/10 will be a season long remembered in MCC circles; a yearwhen a 12-year First XI premiership drought was broken on the back ofsome inspirational batting and bowling displays. The Third XI seasonalso finished with a premiership; the fourteenth premiership since theThird XI inception in 1951/52, and the fifth flag in 11 years!But it wasn’t all beer and skittles during the season. After round one wewere 1-0, but by round six it was 1-4. The season before we were 4-2.A washed out weekend against the Hawks in Round 3 denied us ofsecuring a win against a side we often dominate and by the second weekof November our season looked to be an uphill battle. The two stand outhighlights of the first six rounds was new Bendigo recruit Sam Brewin’s5-57 off 18 overs against a strong Carlton side, and an awesome displayof determination and class from Laurie Heath who was left stranded on 113 not out as the rest of the sidecould only manage 166 in total against Frankston . Our bowling wasn’t tight enough early on, with extrasoften reaching 20 and none of our batsmen getting close to a century apart from Laurie.However, Round 7 proved to be our launching pad. A long desired victory against the old foe St Kildahelped bring back some much needed confidence. New addition Pat Walker bowled superbly to take 3-27and Aaron Boyle was starting to make inroads, and give indications as to why he will be playing highergrades, with figures of 3-41.Round 8 ended in a draw against Dandenong, but the signs of a spirited Demon fight back were there.Round 9 v Casey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong> was perhaps one of the most important wins of the year. We bowledCSM out for 115 just on tea of the first day, and went about chasing down the runs with absolute intent.Brendan Huf made 104 out of the 171-1 we scored before we declared to have a go at a much neededoutright victory. Casey made a stubborn 145 from 77.3 overs the next week with all the bowlers doing theirbit to rush through the overs. Will Ryan claimed 4-29 off 18. This left us needing 90 runs from 10 overs tosecure 10 points. Losing 2-5 in the first two overs wasn’t the ideal start but what it did do was bringtogether two youngsters in Sebastian Gotch (37 of 16 balls) and Jason Pongracic (37 off 18). Both under 17years old, they went about chasing down an improbable total with some awesome hitting to all parts of theground. “Ponnie” smashed a boundary to secure victory and a team belief was born.Wins against second, third and fourth ranked sides over the next four matches set us up heading into lateFebruary sitting on seven wins and still only four loses. Round 13 against Ringwood (who at this stagewere positioned second on the ladder) was another exciting match. Dan “Frank” Worrall’s bowling wasfast and intimidating and helped to blast out the Rams for only 93. Our batsmen chased down the runs thatafternoon and we declared straight away to have another attempt at an outright. Second time around wedismissed the Rams for 136 in the 68 th over which left us needing 134 off nine overs. The batsmen went inswinging, however we could only manage 10 an over again. The boys had fun trying. Six wins, one drawand an outright gave everybody the belief that we could do something special with this season. Rainaffected rounds 14 and 15 produced two more draws but enabled us to hang onto fourth position goinginto the finals.We met Ringwood in the qualifying final at the Camberwell Sports Ground. All the bowlers toiled hard ona pitch that resembled the new Eastlink, bowling out Ringwood for 239 off 95 overs. The next dayproduced the start of a dream finals run for our opening bats. Brendan Huf and Laurie Heath bashed theRingwood bowlers into submission. Both making centuries, Laurie at almost a run a ball, and bothcapitalising on the fast outfield, with many boundaries along the way. We beat the Rams with half the daysplay still remaining.The semi-final at Windy Hill against Essendon was a little tougher though. The bowlers working hard againall day dismissed the Bombers for 225, Dan Worrall the pick with 4-48. Our opening combination of Heathand Huf put on 87, and a solid 53 run partnership between Huf and Gillard got us to 145 before a minimiddle order collapse. Jarryd Williamson played with maturity and determination and helped guide us tothe final with a hard fought 51 not out.As what proved to be very typical, we lost the toss again (the last eleven tosses produced only onefavourable call), but this time we were asked to bat in the final. The pitch was flat and the outfield a treat.Our batsmen continued their dominance. Laurie Heath made 95, Huf (64) and Larter (53 n.o.), were the

main contributors but everyone helped build partnerships and a healthy score - 9-383 off 110 overs set up asolid foundation for a Demon victory.We always knew it was going to be hard work to bowl out Geelong in our hunt for success. Geelong’s Ibbsbatted brilliantly with 153. But the Demons matched Geelong’s determination, and played to our game planperfectly. Restricting any flurry of runs after tea, and eventually taking the last wicket with 118 runs up oursleeve. All the bowlers were brilliant, but a true stand out was Aaron Boyle’s 6-59. Figures that representwhat a hard worker Boyley really is.A remarkable season for the Third XI and an opportune time being on the back of a First XI premiership.To all the players that contributed to our success, well done! The club has a plethora of talented stocks forwhich to build more success. Aaron Boyle showed maturity and a high work ethic which should see himplay much higher. Dan Worrall is fast becoming a real danger to batsmen, and with school now finishedshould be able to commit more to cricket. Arno Swart displayed a freakish ability to move the ball bothways, in the air and off the wicket. The spin trio of Larter, Brewin and Ryan was also dynamic. It was atough task trying to manage three spinners, but equally as luxurious. Tristan Larter showed more of hismatch winning brilliance with both bat and ball. Brewin, whilst new to Premier cricket, proved he is morethan capable playing at a higher grade. Will Ryan showed maturity beyond his years with the ball and inthe field. We hope he can fulfil the ambitions we all have for him at higher levels. It was a pleasure towatch players of enormous potential like Sebastian Gotch and Jason Pongracic wear the hoops. It wasgreat to see Mitchell Chadwick back. He now has tasted success and Third XI and Second XI in his twoyears at the club. Jarryd Williamson did a fantastic effort as our keeper, and with the keeper dutieshopefully going elsewhere he can really focus on his batting, for which he showed determination and focus.Congratulations to both Laurie and Huffy for not only their personal accolades but for their singlemindedness in getting the Demons another flag!Thank you to all the parents who were there to show support not only for their boys but to the Demons aswell. Thanks to Ed our victorious scorer, all the hard work is really appreciated. Thanks to David Bratby,although not in our final side he was a true support to me on the field. Well done to Adam Dale on histremendous success at our marvellous club. A true champion on and off the field! Congratulations to ourFirst XI for achieving that goal you’ve so longed for!John Fitzgibbon (Go Dees)CaptainPREMIER CRICKET THIRD XI PREMIERS 2009/10Standing: Will Ryan, Jim Gillard, Sam Brewin, Dan Worrall, Arno Swart, Aaron Boyle, Gerard Wild, Mitch Chadwickand Chris Janik. Seated: Jaryd Williamson, Brendan Huf, Adam Dale (coach), John Fitzgibbon (captain), TristanLarter and Laurie Heath

FOURTH XI CAPTAIN’S REPORTAfter a fantastic 08/09 season which saw the Fourth XI take another premiership, the2009/10 season fell below MCC expectations and standards. We had another year ofnew young faces with a sprinkling of older ones to balance the team nicely.A massive positive for the season was the excitement of being involved at a club whowon the First XI premiership. It was great to be part of the build-up leading up to thepremiership and also to enjoy the success that the club has been striving for over thepast 12 years. Congratulations to all players who were involved in the victory, andespecially Adam Dale for his excellent leadership and belief in the MCC. Alsocongratulations to John Fitzgibbon and his victorious team for taking out the ThirdXI premiership. A great effort and just rewards.These premierships are fantastic for the younger players in the Fourth XI, as they can see what is availablein the higher grades, and the success that can be achieved.The Fourth XI season started on a high with a convincing win in the Round 1 over Footscray-Edgewater.Old guards, David Reid (88) and Laurie Heath (74), lead the way with great support from a fast maturingJarred Williamson (45).Unfortunately we were only able to win a further two games for the season. There were some good signswith Max Tomkinson scoring a century (138) in his first game for the club. Other standout performanceswere:Dan Worrall 4/36 v St KildaMark McCudden 4/35 v DandenongJarred Williamson 81 v Casey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong>Laurie Heath 145n.o. v North <strong>Melbourne</strong>Andrew Foulds 53 v GeelongGerard Wild 94 v RingwoodDavid Reid 62 v <strong>Melbourne</strong> UniversityMark Akrigg 4/24 v <strong>Melbourne</strong> UniversityDion Minato 53 v PrahranDuring the season 31 players had the privilege of wearing the hoops in the Fourth XI. Nine players madetheir MCC debut: Matt Lanigan, Andrew Foulds, Steve Van Riet, Scott Oakley, Cam Sturrock, MaxTomlinson, Patrick Walker, Liam McCarthy and Scott Walker.Dion Minato had a solid season taking out the batting average, and stalwart Mark McCudden pushedthrough the pain to win the bowling average.I would like to thank the coaching staff Adam Dale, David Clark, Nick Speak, Paul Jubber, Steve Bowenand Robert Templeton for the great efforts over the season and the support they showed the Fourth XI.It was a great experience to be involved in the MCC selection committee and I extend my thanks to MarkAnderson and especially Steven McCooke for their support and guidance in getting a team together weekin, week out.Whilst we had little team success on the park, I felt it an absolute honour and privilege to lead the FourthXI this season. Thank you to all involved, including parents, family and especially to the players who I hopeI may have influenced in the beginning of their hopefully long MCC careers.Ashley FarrCaptain

MCC CLUB XI COMPETITIONSeason 2009/10 saw the MCC <strong>Club</strong> XI competition continue to develop, with thirteen teams participatingin the one-day 40 overs per side format. This format has now been in place for four seasons and has beenan enormous success.This season saw Old Geelong Grammar and Old Geelong College enter the competition as Old GeelongCC, and also Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Grammar entered a second team which made it an increase from an eleven tothirteen team competition.For the second year running, the best of three finals series was contested between Old Xavier and OldScotch I. Old Scotch I scored a 2-0 series victory that saw it lift the Hector Donahoo Trophy for the thirdsuccessive year. Congratulations to coach Rob Ashton and everyone at Old Scotch <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.Our annual presentation night was held in the Han Ebeling room on Saturday April 10 during the Carlton vEssendon match with an outstanding 91 players in attendance. Trophies were presented to thecompetition’s leading run scorer, wicket taker and player of the finals.The MCC <strong>Club</strong> XI competition is in great shape and will continue to flourish in season 2010/11. All clubsare enjoying their time in the competition and have continued to spread the word to their colleagues.I would like to thank Steven McCooke for all the support he has provided during the season. His tirelessefforts have ensured that the competition runs efficiently.Thank you also to Darrell Holt for the amount of work he puts into this competition putting together andbuilding on a panel of umpires. Darrell does all this voluntarily and makes himself available after hours aswell. For my part, I have enjoyed my seven years as convener of this competition and would consider it aprivilege to continue in this role next season.David Tallala<strong>Club</strong> XI ConvenorTEAM PLAYED WON LOST DRAW/TIE POINTS R’ RateOld Scotch I 13 9 1 3 46 1.90Old Xaverians I 13 9 1 3 46 1.55Old Wesley 13 10 2 1 46 1.25Old Trinity 13 7 4 2 36 1.34Old Geelong 13 6 5 2 32 1.14Old Scotch II 13 5 5 3 30 1.15Old Melburnians I 13 6 6 1 30 1.07Old Caulfield 13 6 6 1 30 0.88Old Brighton 13 5 8 0 24 0.82Old Xaverians II 12 3 8 1 22 0.75MCC 13 4 9 0 20 0.82Old Melburnians II 13 2 7 4 20 0.72Old Haileybury 13 1 11 1 10 0.56

MCC CLUB XI RESULTSRound 1Old Wesley 172 (Bushnell 48, Guyett 3/28) defeatedOld Caulfield Gr 133(Gregory 42, Burchall 3/30)Old Brighton (Wilson 3/17) lost to OldGeelong 2/113 (Imhoff 73)Old Scotch II defeated Old Trinity (forfeit)Old Scotch I defeated MCC (forfeit)Old Xavier v Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II (rescheduled)Old Haileybury v Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I (rescheduled)Old Xavier II - ByeRound 2Old Xavier II 10/95 lost to Old Caulfield Gr 6/96 (Dale51)MCC 153 (M. Grose 49, C. Carter 3/25) lost to Old<strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 6/155 (J. Grant 51*, C. Walker 34)Old Wesley 214 (Harbinson 84) defeated Old Brighton155 (Dooley 48)Old Geelong 87 (T Bayles 53, Wood 4/16) lost to OldScotch I 2/91 (Dickinson 46*)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 142 (Dick 46, Cosgrave 3/19,D.Rush 3/35) lost to Old Xavier I 4/144 (J.Rush 49,D.Rush 49)Old Haileybury v Old Scotch II (rescheduled)Old Trinity - ByeRound 3Old Haileybury 145 (Manosh 32, Vassanth 31,H.Jones 3/32, Rathod 3/38) lost to MCC 4/146(K.Bowden 55, Sadler 71*)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 135 (Dixon 51, Henderson 36, C.Guyett 5/41) lost to Old Caulfield Gr 5/137((Chapman 40*, O’Brien 33)Old Brighton 112 (Marks 37, Dick 4/18) lost to OldScotch I 5/114 (Ashton 31*)Old Wesley 9/242 (Mitchell 50, Tardiff 54, Harbinson66) defeated Old Scotch II 6/212 (Crozier-Durham 50,Penman 112*)Old Trinity 7/201 (Russell 60, Meakes 35, Lorensini42) defeated Old Geelong 10/76 (Hindi 3/11, North3/3).Old Xavier II 10/51 (Westh 4/11, Dick 3/7) lost to Old<strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 3/54Old Xavier I - ByeRound 4Old Xavier I 243 (Cosham 60, Grigg 42, M Rush 40,Simon 3/43 Parisi 3/43) defeated Old Scotch II 8/187(Crozier Durham 53, Harbeck 3/46)Old Trinity 7/248 (North 76, Hindi 40*, Russell 38,Manosh 3/27) defeated Old Haileybury 225 (Manosh117, Vish 32, Hindi 3/45)Old Brighton 113 (Jenkin 32) lost to Old Xavier II9/114 (Watson 45, Nipples 3/16)Old Geelong 84 (Bessell 4/25) lost to Old <strong>Melbourne</strong>Gr II 2/85 (Walker 33, Andrew Power 38*)MCC 151 (Hicks 34, Beaumont 4/27) lost to Old<strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 5/155 (Dick 50, C. Carter 42)Old Scotch I 218 (Best 46, McCann 39) defeated OldWesley 163 (Ashton 3/8)Old Caulfield Gr- ByeRound 5Old Scotch II v Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I - DrawnOld Xavier II v Old Geelong - DrawnOld <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II v Old Trinity – DrawnOld Xavier I defeated Old Brighton (forfeit)Old Caulfield Gr 8/162 (Scott 40, Straw 33*)defeated MCC 98Old Scotch I 9/201 (Ashton 64) defeated OldHaileybury 34 (Ashton 4/5, Orr 3/8, Bennett 3/7)Old Wesley - ByeRound 6Old Xavier II 195 (Forrest 51, Butler 51*, O’Beirne3/5, Mohan 3/28) lost to MCC 2/197 (P. Bowden101*, O’Beirne 57)Old Haileybury 106 (Wakefield 4/27) lost to OldBrighton 4/110 (Sest 51, Mayank 3/18)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II - ByeAll other matches were washed out.Round 7Old Wesley 165 (Tardiff 32, Cosgrave 5/19) lost toOld Xavier I 5/168 (M. Rush 67, D. Rush 39, Crow4/50)Old Scotch I 4/172 defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 171Old Scotch II 6/192 (Penman 55, Spargo 38) lost toOld Brighton 7/193 (Sest 76, Jenkin 34)Old Haileybury 131 (O'Hanlon 2/33) lost to OldXavier II 3/132Old Caulfield Gr 7/157 (Kasputtis 63) lost to OldTrinity 2/159 (Russell 74*, Lorensini 57*)Old Geelong 6/247 (T.Bayles 101, E.Bales 55, Herd 43,Moran 3/32) defeated MCC 10/193 (Rathod 30,Talalla 30*, T.Bayles 4/34, E. Bayles 3/19)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II - ByeRound 8Old Brighton 193 (Sest 59, Smith 35, Maguire 33,Meakes 3/22, Vikas 3/24, North 3/45) lost to OldTrinity 7/196 (Russell 53, Lorensini 34, Smith 3/40)Old Scotch I 7/227 (Haines 32, Oliver 47, Dickinson43, Whittle 3/48) defeated Old Scotch II 127(Dickinson 6/22)MCC 69 (Morris 3/14, Boucher 3/9) lost to OldWesley 2/70Old Xavier I 7/332 (Buckley 146*, Rush 54, O'Hanlon4/25) defeated Old Xavier II 8/161 (C.O'Flaherty 75*)Old Caulfied Gr 173 (Mayank 3/26, Jegan 3/35) lost toOld Haileybury 7/175 (Rahoul101*, Manosh 32)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 5/199 (Gough 47, M.Kennon51) defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 154 (Carter 32)Old Geelong - ByeRound 9Old Wesley 172 (Zimbach 48, Tardiff 35, Mehta 3/29)defeated Old Trinity 8/157 (Choudray 69*)Old Caulfield 9/116 (Lumb 4/22) defeated Old<strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 114 (Gough 31)Old Brighton 257 defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 161(Kennon 40)Old Xavier I 7/298 (Buckley 48, Grigg 42) defeatedMCC 107 (Escort 31, Timms 3/7)Old Scotch II 170 defeated Old Xavier II 169Old Haileybury 89 lost to Old Geelong 2/90.Old Scotch - ByeRound 10Old Scotch I 198 (Dickenson 48) defeated Old<strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 115Old Scotch II 5/297 (Haines 102, Shearer 54, Dick 52)defeated Old Caulfield 171Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 7/202 (Walker 56, Kennon 37)defeated Old Brighton 201 (Dooley 88, Bessell 3/28)

Old Xavier II 9/145 (McDonnell 34*, Meakes 4/30,North 3/31) lost to Old Trinity 5/147 (Walker 35,Lorensini 44*)Old Xavier I 118 (J.Rush 37, M. Rush 37, E. Bayles4/18) lost to Old Geelong 3/120 (T.Bayles 35 Hunter32)Old Wesley 4/272 defeated Old Haileybury 206(Anooka 68, Dylon 37)MCC - ByeRound 11Old Caulfield Gr 7/180 (Scott 52) defeated OldHaileybury 5/178 ( Dhush 54*, Thaz 42)Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> I 6/265 (Righetti 97, Carter 56)defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> II 178 (Anderson 48, George3/12)Old Brighton 134 (Sest 43, Hunter 51) lost to OldTrinity 3/136 (Walker 34, Raj 33)Old Wesley 264 (Grant 49, Zimbach 47, Louis 36Bayles 3/38) defeated Old Geelong 7/189 (L Gwynne44*, T Bayles 39, T Wettenhall 30*)Old Xavier I 9/260 (Buckley 52, C. Smith 48*, Raj4/33) defeated MCC 5/173 ( J.Bowden 63)Old Scotch I v Old Scotch II - DrawnOld Xavier II - ByeRound 12Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> I 140 (Dick 32) defeated by OldWesley 5/143Old Trinity 156 (Meakes 30, Lorensini 39, VIkas 39*,Rathod 3/18, O’Flynn 3/33) defeated byMCC 5/157 (S Cunningham 47, C Bustard 35*, KBowden 33)Old Geelong 172 (Ashton 31*, Stevens 33, Griffiths3/33) lost to Old Scotch II 4/173 (Spargo 107)Old Caulfield Gr 7/236 defeated Old Scotch I 185 (Orr74, Butler 30)Old Xavier II 7/192 (Witson 75, Miles 36) defeatedOld <strong>Melbourne</strong> II 172 (Power 44, Henderson 42,Trahair 3/19)Old Xavier I 213 (Buckley 48) defeated Old Haileybury7/183Old Brighton - ByeRound 13Old Trinity 184 (Lorensini 47) def Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I116 (Webb 47, North 5/27)Old Caulfield Gr 110 (B Couch 4/19) lost to OldGeelong 2/114 (T Bayles 54*, T Wettenhall 36*)Old Xavier II 9/158 (Quinn 34, Corsi 32, Rowse 32,Louis 4/20) lost to Old Wesley 6/160 (Restein 59)Old Scotch I v Old Xavier I – DrawnOld <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II v Old Haileybury - DrawnOld Brighton defeated MCC (forfeit)Round 14MCC 8/165 (K. Bowden 66, V. Hodge 38) defeated OldScotch II 110 (V. Hodge 3/20)Old Xavier I 7/204 (Timms 57*, Buckley 48, Russell3/48) defeated Old Trinity 77 (Russell 30, Young 4/42,Hawkins 3/6)Old Xavier II 9/155 (Goss 46, Forrest 43) lost to OldScotch I 2/157 (Ore 65, Dicksinson 45, Dick 35)Old Wesley defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II (forfeit)Old Caulfield Gr 8/165 (Poulter 31) lost to OldBrighton 5/166 (Maguire 74*, Dooley 30, Guyett 3/33).Old Geelong 7/265 (E Bayles 111, L. Gywnne 63)defeated Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 245 (Walker 54, Gibson52)Old Haileybury - ByeFinals (best of three series)Match 1Old Xavier I 9/112 (Orr 4/25) lost to Old Scotch I 6/113(Dick 42, Cosgrave 3/28)Match 2Old Xavier I 9/203 (D Rush 33, M Cosham 62, J Rush43, Thomas 3/31) lost to Old Scotch I 4/204 (Oliver 93)MCC CLUB XI RESULTSResult SummaryRd 1 - Old Scotch I defeated MCC (forfeit)Rd 2 - MCC 153 (Grose 49, Carter 3/25) lost to Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr II 6/155 (Grant 51*, Walker 34)Rd 3 - Old Haileybury 145 (Manosh 32, Vassanth 31, H.Jones 3/32, Rathod 3/38) lost to MCC 4/146(K.Bowden 55, Sadler 71*)Rd 4 - MCC 151 (Hicks 34, Beaumont 4/27) lost to Old <strong>Melbourne</strong> Gr I 5/155 (Dick 50, C. Carter 42)Rd 5 - Old Caulfield Gr 8/162 (Scott 40, Straw 33*) defeated MCC 10/98Rd 6 - Old Xavier II 195 (Forrest 51, Butler 51*, O’Beirne 3/5, Mohan 3/28) lost to MCC 2/197(P. Bowden 101*, O’Beirne 57)Rd 7 - Old Geelong 6/247 (T.Bayles 101, E.Bales 55, Herd 43, Moran 3/32) defeated MCC 193 (Rathod30, Talalla 30*, T.Bayles 4/34, E. Bayles 3/19)Rd 8 - MCC 69 (Morris 3/14, Boucher 3/9) lost to Old Wesley 2/70Rd 9 - Old Xavier I 7/298 (Buckley 48, Grigg 42) defeated MCC 107 (Escort 31, Timms 3/7)Rd 10 - ByeRd 11 - Old Xavier I 9/260 (Buckley 52, Smith 48*, Raj 4/33) defeated MCC 5/173 (J.Bowden 63)Rd 12 - Old Trinity 156 (Meakes 30, Lorensini 39, VIkas 39*, Rathod 3/18, O’Flynn 3/33) defeated byMCC 5/157 (S Cunningham 47, C Bustard 35*, K Bowden 33)Rd 13 - Old Brighton defeated MCC (forfeit)Rd 14 - MCC 8/165 (K. Bowden 66, V. Hodge 38) defeated Old Scotch II 10/110 (V. Hodge 3/20)

KENSINGTON CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL MATCHIn recognition of the 40 years over which the annual <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> club v Kensington District <strong>Cricket</strong><strong>Club</strong> matches have been played, the occasion was celebrated by hosting two matches instead of the usualone followed by a reunion lunch at the M.C.G. on day three of the Boxing Day Test.The cricket matches, one for past players and the other for current day players, were both played inTwenty20 format at the Albert Ground on December 28. Kensington batted first in the opening past playersand put together a very competitive score (9/137) thanks to a brilliant innings from Ryan Sparrow (topscored with 45) and some powerful hitting from Brad Rumbelow (30).The Browns looked to have the game under control in the run chase but some late hitting meant that theMCC needed 17 runs to win from the last over. KDCC was very confident going in to the over, but thenslightly less so after the first ball disappeared over the scoreboard and into the tennis courts for six courtesyof Michael McCarthy. The equation came down to nine runs from three balls when McCarthy repeated thedose. Three runs were needed off two balls and the penultimate delivery was hit out towards deep square.The batters set off for an ambitious two - ambitious because the non-striker was hampered in his running.The ball was thrown to the bowler with the batsman only halfway down the pitch a fit of the fumblesallowed the batsman to survive.So it all came down to the last ball; scores level. MCC needed one run for victory. A full ball was buntedstraight back to the bowler who fired at the stumps from three metres... and missed!In the present day player game, MCC’s Pat Smith took two for none in the first over and the Browns neverreally recovered. Ben May (41) stuck around but the visitors were bowled out for 97. The Demonscomfortably achieved the target in 16 th over for the loss five wickets.The Bob Lloyd Shield was presented to MCC skipper Simon Dart after a pleasant BBQ.The following day past and present players from both clubs enjoyed each other’s company over a luncheonin the Jim Stynes Room whilst taking in day three of the Australia v Pakistan Test.Summary scorecardsPast players – Kensington DCC 9/137 (R Sparrow 41, B Rumbelow 30, M McCarthy 3/21, J Anderson3/29) defeated by MCC 6/138 (M Pinniger 27, N Sharp 32, M McCarthy 28*, I Rice 2/28, S McCooke 2/8)Current Players – Kensington DCC 97 B May 41, P Smith 2/5, M Hill 2/17, J Graham 2/13, S Brewin 2/16)defeated by MCC 5/98 (L Heath 21, M Hill 24, J Spencer 2/37, M Barber 2/22)

MARYLEBONE CC V MELBOURNE CC AT LORD’SMarylebone won the toss and decided to bat Tuesday July 21 2009Marylebone CC won by 6 runs (D/L)MARYLEBONE CCDJ Bicknell b JJ Graham 43SL Hawk c BS Forsyth b AL Fekete 9JD Bowden lbw b RJ Cooper 56WJ House c SH Cook b JA Fitzgibbon 2MW Alleyne c MJ Brown b JA Fitzgibbon 12KP Dutch not out 74K Bradshaw b AL Fekete 30MJ Freidlander b JA Fitzgibbon 11J Smits+ not out 0JP Stephenson*MM PatelExtras b1 lb6 w5 nb0 12Total 50.0 overs 2491-35 2-62 3-74 4-101 5-149 6-197 7-234Bowler O M R W Wd NbPJ Halbish 7 0 34 0 0 0AL Fekete 10 0 56 2 1 0SH Cook 6 1 27 0 0 0JJ Graham 10 1 31 1 1 0JA Fitzgibbon 10 0 56 3 1 0DJ Morgan 4 0 23 0 1 0RJ Cooper 4 1 15 1 0 0MELBOURNE CCRJ Cooper not out 20BS Forsyth+ lbw b MM Patel 0MJ Brown not out 25JD CarlsonSH CookAL FeketeJA FitzgibbonJA GrahamPJ Halbish*PD KingDJ MorganExtras b0 lb2 w8 nb0 10Total 12.0 Overs 55BowlerO M R W Wd NbMJ Friedlander 4 0 22 0 4 0MM Patel 6 1 18 1 1 0KP Dutch 2 0 13 0 0 0Umpires: JM Tythcott J HayesScorers: S Drinkwater C Walker


RESULTSFIRST XIPlayed 18; Won 13; Lost 3, Drawn 2Round 1 v Footscray at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 9 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 1-99 (A.J.Kent 41; R.J.Cooper 32)Footscray 97 (M.W.Hill 3-16; R.J.Cassell 4-16)Round 2 v Camberwell at Camberwell<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 4 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-245 (M.W.Hill 40; B.H.Way 68;M.J.Brown 61; J.M.Huddart 38)Camberwell 8-244(cc) (A.C.Dale 3-48; R.J.Cassell 3-37)Round 3 v Haw-Monash Uni at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-160(cc) (M.W.Hill 80; B.H.Way 32)Haw-Monash Uni 7-157(cc)Round 4 v Fitz-Don at Doncaster<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 7-142 (M.W.Hill 33)Fitz-Don 139 (R.J.Cassell 3-32)Round 5 v Frank-Pen at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 1-204(cc) (A.J.Kent 116; B.H.Way 62)Frank-Pen 8-201(cc) (R.J.Cassell 3-34)Round 6 v Carlton at CarltonCarlton won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 306 (B.H.Way 58; S.P.Dart 142;R.J.Cassell 33)Carlton 4-307Round 7 v St.Kilda at Albert GroundSt.Kilda won by 68 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 157St.Kilda 225 (P.J.Halbish 3-51; A.C.Dale 4-36)Round 8 v Dandenong at DandenongMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-223(dec) (B.H.Way 64; M.W.Hill 44;S.P.Dart 37; M.J.Brown 33)Dandenong 6-141(dec) (A.C.Dale 3-33)Round 9 v Casey-S.M. at Albert GroundCasey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-344(dec) (B.H.Way 45; R.J.Cooper 140;M.J.Brown 32; A.J.Middlin 37; P.J.Halbish 33)Casey-S.M. 5-345 (S.A.S.Sturrock 3-106)Round 10 v North <strong>Melbourne</strong> at North Melb<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 7-159 (A.J.Kent 43; R.J.Cooper 64;S.P.Dart 37)North <strong>Melbourne</strong> 158 (M.W.Hill 3-33)Round 11 v Geelong at M.C.G.<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 49 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-252(cc) (M.W.Hill 78; M.J.Brown 62;A.J.Middlin 36)Geelong 9-203(cc) (S.P.Dart 3-34)Round 12 v Northcote at Northcote<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 106 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-260(dec) (R.J.Cooper 119; M.W.Hill 52;J.J.F.Graham 37)Northcote 154 & 4-155(dec)Round 13 v Ringwood at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 6 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 164 (P.A.Petricola 45) & 1-116 (B.H.Way55; R.J.Cooper 43)Ringwood 158 (R.J.Cassell 5-34)Round 14 v Melb Uni at Melb Uni<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 29 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 5-155 (S.P.Dart 50; P.A.Petricola 54)Melb Uni 126 (P.J.Halbish 5-31; A.C.Dale 5-32)Round 15 v Prahran at Prahran<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 151 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 258 (B.H.Way 44; S.P.Dart 59; P.J.Halbish68)Prahran 107 (R.J.Cassell 6-37; S.A.S.Sturrock 3-14) &0-55Round Elimination Final v Prahran at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 90 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 328 (M.W.Hill 101; S.P.Dart 51;R.J.Cassell 61)Prahran 238 (P.J.Halbish 3-58; R.J.Cassell 3-46)Round Semi-final v Carlton at Albert GroundMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-270 (B.H.Way 45; S.P.Dart 76;P.A.Petricola 67)Carlton 323 (S.A.S.Sturrock 3-68; R.J.Cassell 3-95)Round Final v St.Kilda at Melb Uni<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 55 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 230 (R.J.Cooper 114; A.J.Middlin 48) & 3-74St.Kilda 175 (R.J.Cassell 3-66; A.C.Dale 6-44)DebutsOpponents Venue DebutantsFootscray Albert Ground J.M.HuddartHaw-Monash Uni Albert Ground A.R.KeathDandenong Dandenong P.J.M.Smith

FIRST XI AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDING(Qualification: - 8 innings; 200 runs)NAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STHill M.W. 16 16 4 101 575 47.91 1 3 3Dart S.P. 16 15 4 142* 526 47.81 1 4 9Cooper R.J. 16 18 - 140 626 37.82 3 1 8Way B.H. 19 20 2 68 601 33.38 - 5 6Brown M.J. 14 11 2 62* 236 26.22 - 2 4Halbish P.J. 18 13 3 68 241 24.10 - 1 3Kent A.J. 19 21 3 116* 419 23.27 1 - 5Middlin A.J. 19 16 4 48 232 19.33 - - 40Graham J.J.F. 3 2 1 37* 43 43.00 - - 3Petricola P.A. 5 6 1 67 206 41.20 - 2 -Daly D.P. 1 1 - 26 26 26.00 - - -Sturrock S.A.S. 13 8 6 13* 48 24.00 - - 4Cassell R.J. 17 10 2 61 176 22.00 - 1 2Huddart J.M. 6 4 - 38 59 14.75 - - 2Keath A.R. 5 3 1 15* 27 13.50 - - 2Dale A.C. 19 8 2 26 56 9.33 - - 3Smith P.J.M. 1 - - - - - - - 1Quinn N.H. 2 - - - - - - - 1BOWLING(Qualification: - 166 overs; 24 wickets)NAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 3WI 10WMCassell R.J. 219.2 42 673 44 14.31 6/37 3 -Dale A.C. 332.1 114 683 43 15.86 6/44 3 -Halbish P.J. 249 48 701 27 25.96 5/31 1 -Sturrock S.A.S. 170.2 14 629 18 34.94 3/14 - -Quinn N.H. 15.4 5 31 2 15.50 2/11 - -Hill M.W. 92.3 18 327 12 27.25 3/16 - -Brown M.J. 15 1 57 2 28.50 2/8 - -Cooper R.J. 34 6 119 4 29.75 2/10 - -Dart S.P. 41.2 2 150 4 37.50 3/34 - -Smith P.J.M. 34.5 5 159 2 79.50 1/57 - -Keath A.R. 21 1 106 1 106.00 1/25 - -Graham J.J.F. 40 5 144 - - - - -Way B.H. 2 - 5 - - - - -BATTING – TeamBEST PERFORMANCESHighest Innings TotalsOpponentsVenue6-344(dec) Casey-S.M. Albert Ground328 Prahran Albert Ground306 Carlton Carlton270 Carlton Albert Ground260(dec) Northcote Northcote258 Prahran Prahran252(cc) Geelong M.C.G.

PARTNERSHIPS1 st Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground176 A.J.Kent(116*) & B.H.Way(62) Frankston Peninsula Albert Ground3 rd Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground123 R.J.Cooper(119) & M.W.Hill(52) Northcote Northcote4 th Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground112 M.W.Hill(101) & S.P.Dart(51) Prahran Albert Ground6 th Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground124 R.J.Cooper(114) & A.J.Middlin(48) St. Kilda Melb Uni118 S.P.Dart(76*) & P.A.Petricola(67) Carlton Albert Ground9 th Wicket (50)Score Players Opponents Ground87 S.P.Dart(142*) & R.J.Cassell(33) Carlton Carlton65 R.J.Cassell(61) & A.C.Dale(26) Prahran Albert GroundBATTING – IndividualMost Runs in an inningsPlayer Opponents Venue142 Dart S.P. Carlton Carlton140 Cooper R.J. Casey-S.M. Albert Ground119 Cooper R.J. Northcote Northcote116 Kent A.J. Frank-Pen Albert Ground114 Cooper R.J. St.Kilda Melb Uni101 Hill M.W. Prahran Albert GroundBOWLINGMost Wickets in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue6-37 Cassell R.J. Prahran Prahran6-44 Dale A.C. St.Kilda Melb Uni5-32 Dale A.C. Melb Uni Melb Uni5-34 Cassell R.J. Ringwood Albert Ground5-31 Halbish P.J. Melb Uni Melb UniWICKET-KEEPINGMost Catches in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue5 Middlin A.J. Northcote Northcote

RESULTSSECOND XIPlayed 14; Won 6; Lost 6, Drawn 2Round 1 v Footscray at Footscray<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 93 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-199(cc) (D.P.Daly 49; E.D.T.Bowen 40;N.S.Bergin 31)Footscray 106 (N.H.Quinn 5-11; P.J.M.Smith 3-30)Round 2 Camberwell at Albert GroundCamberwell Magpies won by 1 run<strong>Melbourne</strong> 7-224(cc) (D.P.Daly 97; S.Gotch 43)Camberwell 3-225(cc)Hawthorn-Monash University v <strong>Melbourne</strong> - roundcancelledRound 4 v Fitz-Don at Albert GroundFitzroy-Doncaster won by 34 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 166 (P.A.Petricola 34; T.A.Jackson 42)Fitz-Don 8-200(cc) (D.R.Scheetz 3-33)Round 5 v Frank-Pen at Frankston<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 2 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 3-204(cc) (P.A.Petricola 104; M.R.Begbie49)Frank-Pen 9-202(cc) (E.D.T.Bowen 3-49)Round 6 v Carlton at Albert GroundCarlton won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 250 (R.J.Cooper 42; E.D.T.Bowen 50;P.J.M.Smith 73)Carlton 6-251(cc)Round 7 v St.Kilda at <strong>Melbourne</strong>St.Kilda won by 31 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 140St.Kilda 171 (J.J.F.Graham 3-37; D.R.Scheetz 3-48) &3-81Round 8 v Dandenong at Albert GroundMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> did not batDandenong 8-239Round 9 v Casey-S.M. at Casey-SM<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 99 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 1-231(dec) (P.A.Petricola 123;J.M.Huddart 39; T.A.Jackson 52)Casey-S.M. 132 (P.J.M.Smith 3-37) & 133 (S.Brewin5-53)Round 10 v North <strong>Melbourne</strong> at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 8 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-125 (P.A.Petricola 34; M.J.Brown 65)North <strong>Melbourne</strong> 124 (J.J.F.Graham 3-21;D.R.Scheetz 4-24)Round 11 v Geelong at GeelongGeelong won by 82 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 170 (D.P.Daly 41; J.J.F.Graham 32)Geelong 9-252(cc) (P.A.Petricola 3-63; J.J.F.Graham 3-41)Round 12 v Northcote at Albert GroundNorthcote won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 288 (D.P.Daly 101; T.A.Jackson 44;N.S.Bergin 35; E.D.T.Bowen 42)Northcote 7-289 (A.J.Boyle 4-41)Round 13 v Ringwood at RingwoodMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-351(dec) (J.M.Huddart 71; T.A.Jackson85; M.R.Begbie 65; J.J.F.Graham 62)Ringwood 9-299(dec) (J.J.F.Graham 3-95; N.H.Quinn4-51)Round 14 v Melb Uni at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 44 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-266 (J.M.Huddart 69; D.P.Daly 78;L.G.A.Heath 51)Melb Uni 222 (J.J.F.Graham 6-45)Round 15 v Prahran at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 102 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 9-262 (D.P.Daly 91; N.S.Bergin 44)Prahran 160 (A.J.Boyle 3-25; P.J.M.Smith 4-58)DebutsOpponents Venue DebutantsFootscray Footscray M.R.BegbieCamberwell Albert Ground S.GotchCarlton Albert Ground K.J.GriffithsCasey-S.M. Casey-SM S.BrewinGeelong Geelong S.J.WalkerNorthcote Albert Ground A.J.Boyle

SECOND XI AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDING(Qualification: - 8 innings; 200 runs)NAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STDaly D.P. 12 9 - 101 480 53.33 1 3 5Petricola P.A. 12 10 2 123* 346 43.25 2 - 2Jackson T.A. 14 13 2 85 360 32.72 - 2 7Huddart J.M. 8 8 - 71 237 29.62 - 2 3Begbie M.R. 13 10 - 65 225 22.50 - 1 22/1Brown M.J. 2 2 1 65* 77 77.00 - 1 1Heath L.G.A. 2 2 - 51 78 39.00 - 1 3Bowen E.D.T. 10 6 - 50 170 28.33 - 1 1Bergin N.S. 12 9 1 44 188 23.50 - - 6Smith P.J.M. 12 8 2 73 137 22.83 - 1 4Graham J.J.F. 11 8 2 62 133 22.16 - 1 4Sturrock S.A.S. 5 3 2 11 21 21.00 - - -Cooper R.J. 3 2 - 42 42 21.00 - - 2Gotch S. 3 3 - 43 54 18.00 - - -Scheetz D.R. 13 5 4 14* 14 14.00 - - 7Quinn N.H. 10 6 2 22 42 10.50 - - 1Huf B. 8 7 - 17 63 9.00 - - 6Walker S.J. 1 1 - 0 0 0.00 - - -/1Griffiths K.J. 1 - - - - - - - 1Boyle A.J. 2 2 2 24* 34 - - - 2BOWLING(Qualification: - 86 overs; 12 wickets)NAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 5WI 10WMQuinn N.H. 155.1 49 342 21 16.28 5/11 1 -Graham J.J.F. 185.1 49 449 22 20.40 6/45 1 -Scheetz D.R. 172.1 34 563 24 23.45 4/24 - -Smith P.J.M. 141.4 16 503 17 29.58 4/58 - -Boyle A.J. 45.2 21 89 8 11.12 4/41 - -Daly D.P. 25.2 7 65 5 13.00 2/6 - -Brewin S. 33 7 106 5 21.20 5/53 1 -Griffiths K.J. 19 7 47 2 23.50 2/22 - -Bergin N.S. 78.2 13 268 11 24.36 2/17 - -Bowen E.D.T. 53 14 165 5 33.00 3/49 - -Petricola P.A. 41.2 11 163 4 40.75 3/63 - -Sturrock S.A.S. 42 3 194 3 64.66 1/30 - -Cooper R.J. 15 1 51 - - - - -Huf B. 3 - 17 - - - - -BEST PERFORMANCESBATTING - TeamHighest Innings TotalsOpponentsVenue8-351(dec) Ringwood Ringwood288 Northcote Albert Ground266 Melb Uni Albert Ground262 Prahran Albert Ground250 Carlton Albert Ground

PARTNERSHIPS2 nd Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground150* P.A.Petricola(123*) & T.A.Jackson(52*) Casey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong> Casey-SM131 J.M.Huddart(71) & T.A.Jackson(85) Ringwood Ringwood125 J.M.Huddart(69) & D.P.Daly(78) <strong>Melbourne</strong> University Albert Ground3 rd Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground131 D.P.Daly(101) & T.A.Jackson(44) Northcote Albert Ground117 D.P.Daly(97) & S.Gotch(43) Camberwell Magpies Albert Ground116 P.A.Petricola(104*) & M.R.Begbie(49) Frankston Peninsula Frankston5 th Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground117 D.P.Daly(97) & S.Gotch(43) Camberwell Magpies Camberwell Magpies8 th Wicket (50)Score Players Opponents Ground88 E.D.T.Bowen(50) & P.J.M.Smith(73) Carlton Albert GroundBATTING - IndividualMost Runs in an inningsPlayer Opponents Venue123 Petricola P.A. Casey-S.M. Casey-SM104 Petricola P.A. Frank-Pen Frankston101 Daly D.P. Northcote Albert GroundBOWLINGMost Wickets in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue6-45 Graham J.J.F. Melb Uni Albert Ground5-53 Brewin S. Casey-S.M. Casey-SM5-11 Quinn N.H. Footscray FootscrayFIELDINGMost Catches in an Innings by a FielderPlayer Opponents Venue3 Heath L.G.A. Ringwood RingwoodWICKET-KEEPINGMost Catches in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue6 Begbie M.R. Prahran Albert Ground

RESULTSTHIRD XIPlayed 17; Won 11; Lost 4, Drawn 2Round 1 v Footscray at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 47 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 4-237(cc) (D.G.Bratby 60; J.I.Gillard 56;S.Gotch 72)Footscray 190 (W.N.Ryan 4-6)Round 2 v Camberwell at Watson Park, AshburtonCamberwell Magpies won by 33 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 137 (J.I.Gillard 46)Camberwell 8-170(cc) (T.L.A.Larter 3-37)<strong>Melbourne</strong> v Hawthorn-Monash University - roundcancelledRound 4 v Fitz-Don at DoncasterFitzroy-Doncaster won by 2 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 141 (T.L.A.Larter 30)Fitz-Don 8-142 (A.Swart 3-23)Round 5 v Frank-Pen at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Frankston Peninsula won by 12 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 166 (L.G.A.Heath 113)Frank-Pen 8-178(cc) (A.J.Boyle 3-22)Round 6 v Carlton at CarltonCarlton won by 65 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 199 (G.B.Wild 77)Carlton 8-264 (S.Brewin 5-57)Round 7 v St.Kilda at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 52 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 184 (D.G.Bratby 42; T.L.A.Larter 42)St.Kilda 131 (A.J.Boyle 3-41; P.J.B.Walker 3-27)Round 8 v Dandenong at DandenongMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> did not batDandenong 8-178Round 9 v Casey-S.M. at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 56 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 1-171(dec) (B.Huf 104; W.N.Ryan 30) &6-93 (J.Pongracic 37; S.Gotch 37)Casey-S.M. 115 & 145 (W.N.Ryan 4-29)Round 10 v North <strong>Melbourne</strong> at North Melb<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 66 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-220(cc) (D.G.Bratby 55; B.Huf 45;N.S.Bergin 34) North <strong>Melbourne</strong> 154 (T.L.A.Larter 3-42; S.Brewin 5-30)Round 11 v Geelong at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 81 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 7-272(cc) (L.G.A.Heath 53; W.N.Ryan 56;N.S.Bergin 64; T.L.A.Larter 40)Geelong 191 (W.N.Ryan 3-33)Round 12 v Northcote at Watsonia<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 23 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-222 (L.G.A.Heath 135; B.Huf 42;J.I.Gillard 31)Northcote 199 (S.Brewin 3-50)Round 13 v Ringwood at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 4-96(dec) & 2-85 (J.I.Gillard 46)Ringwood 93 (D.J.Worrall 5-11) & 136 (S.Brewin 3-26)Round 14 v Melb Uni at Melb Uni<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 65 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-121(dec)Melb Uni 5-56(dec) (D.J.Worrall 3-13)Round 15 v Prahran at PrahranMatch Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> 3-57(dec)Prahran 9-258(dec) (D.J.Worrall 3-55)Round Quarter-final v Ringwood at Camberwell<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-240 (B.Huf 109; L.G.A.Heath 101)Ringwood 239 (A.J.Boyle 3-49)Round Semi-final v Essendon at Essendon<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 1 run (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-226 (L.G.A.Heath 42; B.Huf 79;J.Williamson 55)Essendon 225 (D.J.Worrall 4-48)Round Final v Geelong at Prahran<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 118 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 9-383(cc) (B.Huf 64; L.G.A.Heath 95;J.I.Gillard 35; J.Williamson 35; T.L.A.Larter 53)Geelong 265 (A.J.Boyle 6-59)DebutsOpponents Venue DebutantsFootscray <strong>Melbourne</strong> A.Swart; S.BrewinFrank-Pen <strong>Melbourne</strong> B.HufSt.Kilda <strong>Melbourne</strong> J.Pongracic; P.J.B.WalkerNorth Melb North Melb M.TomkinsonNorthcote Watsonia S.J.Walker

THIRD XI AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDING(Qualification: - 8 innings; 200 runs)NAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STHeath L.G.A. 8 8 1 135 564 80.57 3 2 3Huf B. 9 11 1 109 485 48.50 2 2 4Gillard J.I. 17 18 6 56* 430 35.83 - 1 6Williamson J. 13 10 2 55* 214 26.75 - 1 14/6Larter T.L.A. 17 13 3 53* 262 26.20 - 1 7Bratby D.G. 10 9 - 60 207 23.00 - 2 2Gotch S. 3 3 1 72* 129 64.50 - 1 8/3Bergin N.S. 2 2 - 64 98 49.00 - 1 -Wild G.B. 9 8 2 77* 135 22.50 - 1 5Ryan W.N. 7 7 - 56 130 18.57 - 1 3Pongracic J. 7 6 2 37* 66 16.50 - - 2Worrall D.J. 8 2 1 14* 14 14.00 - - 2Boyle A.J. 15 8 2 25 77 12.83 - - 6Brewin S. 17 6 3 19 36 12.00 - - 6Janik C. 6 4 2 9* 24 12.00 - - 3Swart A. 15 8 3 14* 54 10.80 - - 4Oakley G.J. 2 2 - 9 14 7.00 - - -Fitzgibbon J.A. 15 3 - 10 17 5.66 - - 7Griffiths K.J. 5 2 - 7 11 5.50 - - 2Walker P.J.B. 1 1 - 5 5 5.00 - - -Chadwick M.T. 8 8 2 11 27 4.50 - - 2Wyatt J.N. 3 3 - 13 13 4.33 - - -Tomkinson M.J. 1 1 - 3 3 3.00 - - 1Walker S.J. 2 - - - - - - - 3/1Wilson T. 2 - - - - - - - -Minato D. 1 - - - - - - - -Jubber P.I. 1 - - - - - - - 1BOWLING(Qualification: - 108 overs; 16 wickets)NAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 5WI 10WMWorrall D.J. 126 27 278 20 13.90 5/11 1 -Boyle A.J. 216.3 53 564 31 18.19 6/59 1 -Brewin S. 192 45 564 29 19.44 5/30 2 -Larter T.L.A. 159 33 555 27 20.55 3/37 - -Huf B. 6 2 7 2 3.50 2/6 - -Walker P.J.B. 11 3 27 3 9.00 3/27 - -Ryan W.N. 86.3 27 195 17 11.47 4/6 - -Janik C. 8 3 15 1 15.00 1/4 - -Griffiths K.J. 26 4 92 4 23.00 2/17 - -Pongracic J. 19 5 48 2 24.00 1/5 - -Bergin N.S. 6.1 - 25 1 25.00 1/13 - -Fitzgibbon J.A. 126 39 305 11 27.72 2/1 - -Swart A. 139 33 396 13 30.46 3/23 - -Chadwick M.T. 11 1 46 1 46.00 1/19 - -McCudden M.P. 8 - 28 - - - - -Minato D. 8 1 22 - - - - -Bratby D.G. 1 - 2 - - - - -Wild G.B. 2 - 12 - - - - -

BEST PERFORMANCESBATTING – TeamHighest Innings TotalsOpponentsVenue9-383(cc) Geelong Prahran272 (cc) Geelong <strong>Melbourne</strong>PARTNERSHIPS1 st Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground206 B.Huf(109) & L.G.A.Heath(101) Ringwood Camberwell140 B.Huf(64) & L.G.A.Heath(95) Geelong Prahran121 L.G.A.Heath(135) & B.Huf(42) Northcote Watsonia105 D.G.Bratby(55) & B.Huf(45) North <strong>Melbourne</strong> North Melb3 rd Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground115 L.G.A.Heath(53) & N.S.Bergin(64) Geelong <strong>Melbourne</strong>5 th Wicket (100)Score Players Opponents Ground108 J.I.Gillard(56*) & S.Gotch(72*) Footscray-Edgewater <strong>Melbourne</strong>9 th Wicket (50)Score Players Opponents Ground52 G.B.Wild(77*) & S.Brewin(19) Carlton CarltonBATTING - IndividualMost Runs in an inningsPlayer Opponents Venue135 Heath L.G.A. Northcote Watsonia113 Heath L.G.A. Frank-Pen <strong>Melbourne</strong>109 Huf B. Ringwood Camberwell104 Huf B. Casey-S.M. <strong>Melbourne</strong>101 Heath L.G.A. Ringwood CamberwellBOWLINGMost Wickets in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue6-59 Boyle A.J. Geelong Prahran5-30 Brewin S. North <strong>Melbourne</strong> North Melb5-11 Worrall D.J. Ringwood <strong>Melbourne</strong>5-57 Brewin S. Carlton CarltonFIELDINGMost Catches in an Innings by a FielderPlayer Opponents Venue3 Fitzgibbon J.A. Geelong <strong>Melbourne</strong>WICKET-KEEPINGMost Catches in an InningsPlayer Opponents Venue4 Gotch S. Casey-S.M. <strong>Melbourne</strong>

RESULTSFOURTH XIPlayed 14; Won 3; Lost 9, Drawn 2Round 1 v Footscray at Footscray<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 122 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-268(cc) (J.Williamson 45; L.G.A.Heath74; D.J.Reid 88)Footscray 7-146(cc) (M.P.McCudden 3-14)Round 2 v Camberwell at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Camberwell Magpies won by 1 run<strong>Melbourne</strong> 9-174(cc) (L.G.A.Heath 76; G.J.Oakley 49)Camberwell 8-175(cc)Hawthorn-Monash University v <strong>Melbourne</strong> - roundcancelledRound 4 v Fitz-Don at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Fitzroy-Doncaster won by 2 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 9-146(cc) (D.Minato 39)Fitz-Don 5-148(cc)Round 5 v Frank-Pen at FrankstonFrankston Peninsula won by 59 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 96Frank-Pen 8-155(cc)Round 6 v Carlton at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Carlton won by 11 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 195 (G.J.Oakley 30; D.Minato 30)Carlton 206Round 7 v St.Kilda at St.KildaSt.Kilda won by 95 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 156 (D.Minato 46; D.J.Worrall 33)St.Kilda 251 (D.J.Worrall 4-36)Round 8 v Dandenong at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Match Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> did not batDandenong 9-157 (M.P.McCudden 4-35; X.J.Frawley3-19)Round 9 v Casey-S.M. at Casey-SM<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 96 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-270 (J.Williamson 81; M.J.Tomkinson138)Casey-S.M. 169Round 10 v North <strong>Melbourne</strong> at <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 4 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 2-207(cc) (J.Williamson 42; L.G.A.Heath145)North <strong>Melbourne</strong> 7-203(cc)Round 11 v Geelong at GeelongGeelong won by 124 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 146 (A.Foulds 53)Geelong 4-270(cc)Round 12 v Northcote at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Northcote won by 47 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 150 (P.I.Jubber 37)Northcote 197Round 13 v Ringwood at RingwoodRingwood won by 23 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 211 (G.B.Wild 94)Ringwood 7-234 (M.P.McCudden 3-62)Round 14 v Melb Uni at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Match Drawn<strong>Melbourne</strong> 235 (D.G.Bratby 49; D.Minato 42;D.J.Reid 62)Melb Uni 8-152 (M.J.Lanigan 3-49; M.P.Akrigg 4-24)Round 15 v Prahran at <strong>Melbourne</strong>Prahran won by 70 runs (1st innings)<strong>Melbourne</strong> 163 (D.Minato 53; D.J.Reid 32)Prahran 4-233(dec)DebutsOpponents Venue DebutantsFootscray Footscray S. van Reit; X.J.FrawleyFitz-Don <strong>Melbourne</strong> A.Foulds; P.J.B.Walker; C.SturrockFrank-Pen Frankston L.B.McCarthySt.Kilda St.Kilda V.HodgeDandenong <strong>Melbourne</strong> C.Stockdale; M.J.TomkinsonNorth <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> S.J.WalkerGeelong Geelong S.Oakley

FOURTH XI AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDING(Qualification: - 8 innings; 150 runs)NAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STMinato D. 9 8 1 53 267 38.14 - 1 1Reid D.J. 9 8 - 88 246 30.75 - 2 3Oakley G.J. 11 10 2 49 164 20.50 - - 3Heath L.G.A. 3 3 1 145* 295 147.50 1 2 -Tomkinson M.J. 3 2 - 138 141 70.50 1 - 3Williamson J. 3 3 - 81 168 56.00 - 1 3/1Wild G.B. 3 3 - 94 123 41.00 - 1 1Jubber P.I. 1 1 - 37 37 37.00 - - 1Bratby D.G. 3 3 - 49 90 30.00 - - -Hill T.J. 0 1 - 24 24 24.00 - - -Lanigan M.J. 6 3 1 18 41 20.50 - - 1Walker P.J.B. 7 7 2 27 80 16.00 - - 2Frawley X.J. 5 2 1 15* 15 15.00 - - -Foulds A. 12 9 - 53 117 13.00 - 1 3/1Farr A.P. 12 9 - 24 105 11.66 - - 2Hodge V. 1 1 - 11 11 11.00 - - -Wilson T. 0 1 - 11 11 11.00 - - -Worrall D.J. 5 5 - 33 51 10.20 - - 6Van Riet S. 13 9 1 17 56 7.00 - - 3McCarthy M.J. 1 1 - 7 7 7.00 - - -McCudden M.P. 13 5 1 10 26 6.50 - - 3McCooke A.P. 12 10 3 23 45 6.42 - - 3Oakley S. 3 3 - 10 19 6.33 - - 1Walker S.J. 3 2 - 6 11 5.50 - - 5Akrigg M.P. 12 6 1 11 21 4.20 - - 5Hill M.A. 8 6 - 9 25 4.16 - - 3Sturrock C. 4 3 2 1* 2 2.00 - - 1Stockdale C. 1 - - - - - - - 1McCarthy L.B. 2 - - - - - - - -Ryan W.N. 1 - - - - - - - -Mujica P.A. 1 1 1 13* 13 - - - -BOWLING(Qualification: - 64 overs; 8 wickets)NAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 5WI 10WMMcCudden M.P. 128.5 34 339 17 19.94 4/35 - -Akrigg M.P. 121 33 364 17 21.41 4/24 - -Lanigan M.J. 64.3 14 220 8 27.50 3/49 - -Van Riet S. 90.5 24 271 8 33.87 2/19 - -McCarthy M.J. 6 2 11 1 11.00 1/11 - -Tomkinson M.J. 4 2 12 1 12.00 1/12 - -Frawley X.J. 33.4 10 74 6 12.33 3/19 - -Sturrock C. 13 4 43 3 14.33 2/24 - -Hill M.A. 62.1 14 219 13 16.84 2/12 - -Ryan W.N. 25 7 41 2 20.50 2/41 - -Worrall D.J. 52 10 152 7 21.71 4/36 - -Foulds A. 9 1 32 1 32.00 1/32 - -Walker P.J.B. 43 12 130 4 32.50 1/20 - -Oakley S. 34 11 68 2 34.00 2/27 - -Minato D. 44 8 131 3 43.66 2/25 - -McCooke A.P. 74 11 274 6 45.66 1/6 - -Oakley G.J. 23 2 112 1 112.00 1/61 - -Jubber P.I. 8 4 13 - - - - -Farr A.P. 4 - 11 - - - - -Reid D.J. 2 - 10 - - - - -McCarthy L.B. 4 - 31 - - - - -Walker S.J. 2 - 9 - - - - -

BEST PERFORMANCESBATTING - TeamHighest Innings TotalsOpponentsVenue6-268(cc) Footscray FootscrayLowest Innings TotalsOpponentsVenue96 Frank-Pen FrankstonPartnerships1 st WicketScore Players Opponents Ground213 J.Williamson(81) & M.J.Tomkinson(138) Casey-South <strong>Melbourne</strong> Casey-SM130 J.Williamson(42) & L.G.A.Heath(145*) North <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>126 J.Williamson(45) & L.G.A.Heath(74) Footscray-Edgewater FootscrayBATTING – IndividualMost Runs in an inningsPlayer Opponents Venue145 Heath L.G.A. North <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>138 Tomkinson M.J. Casey-S.M. Casey-SMBOWLINGFIELDINGMost Catches in an Innings by a FielderPlayer Opponents Venue3 Worrall D.J. Frank-Pen Frankston

RESULTSFIRST XI (ONE-DAY FINALS)Played 1; Won 0; Lost 1Round Semi Final v St.Kilda at Albert GroundSt.Kilda won by 18 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 174 (B.H.Way 39; M.W.Hill 46)St.Kilda 192 (R.J.Cassell 4-42; A.C.Dale 4-24)RESULTSFIRST XI TWENTY20Played 4; Won 0; Lost 3; Tied 1Round 1 v Richmond at RichmondRichmond won by 6 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-139(cc) (R.J.Cooper 41)Richmond 5-145(cc)Round 2 v Dandenong at DandenongDandenong won by 62 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 125 (A.J.Kent 38)Dandenong 3-187(cc)Round 3 v St.Kilda at Albert GroundSt.Kilda won by 2 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-117(cc) (R.J.Cooper 34)St.Kilda 4-119(cc)Round 4 v Essendon at Albert GroundMatch Tied<strong>Melbourne</strong> 8-127(cc) (R.J.Cooper 30)Essendon 5-127(cc)FIRST XI TWENTY20 AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDINGNAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STCooper R.J. 4 4 1 41 105 35.00 - - 2Graham J.J.F. 2 2 1 20* 29 29.00 - - 1Keath A.R. 1 1 - 27 27 27.00 - - 1Huddart J.M. 2 2 - 25 40 20.00 - - 2Brown M.J. 3 3 - 25 53 17.66 - - 1Kent A.J. 4 4 - 38 65 16.25 - - 1Way B.H. 4 4 - 25 50 12.50 - - -Dart S.P. 4 4 - 24 50 12.50 - - 2McDonald A.B. 1 1 - 11 11 11.00 - - -Begbie M.R. 2 2 - 15 19 9.50 - - -Cassell R.J. 1 1 - 7 7 7.00 - - -Hill M.W. 3 3 - 11 13 4.33 - - 2Smith P.J.M. 4 3 2 2* 3 3.00 - - 1Middlin A.J. 3 3 - 4 7 2.33 - - -/1Bergin N.S. 1 1 - 0 0 0.00 - - -Dale A.C. 2 1 1 1* 1 - - - -Sturrock S.A.S. 2 - - - - - - - -Scheetz D.R. 1 1 1 3* 3 - - - -BOWLINGNAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 3WMWay B.H. 2 - 15 1 15.00 1/15 -Smith P.J.M. 16 - 101 5 20.20 2/19 -Cassell R.J. 4 - 23 1 23.00 1/23 -Graham J.J.F. 8 - 50 2 25.00 2/19 -Dale A.C. 8 - 54 2 27.00 1/23 -Dart S.P. 7 - 63 2 31.50 2/36 -Sturrock S.A.S. 7 - 46 1 46.00 1/21 -Hill M.W. 6 - 46 1 46.00 1/4 -McDonald A.B. 2.2 - 25 - - - -Cooper R.J. 10 - 67 - - - -Scheetz D.R. 2 - 28 - - - -Brown M.J. 2 - 14 - - - -Bergin N.S. 1 - 12 - - - -Keath A.R. 2 - 18 - - - -

RESULTSSECOND XI TWENTY 20Played 2; Won 2; Lost 0Round 1 v Richmond at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 29 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 6-160(cc) (P.A.Petricola 40; T.A.Jackson40; D.P.Daly 32)Richmond 131 (S.A.S.Sturrock 4-12)Round 2 v Essendon at Essendon<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 6 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 5-125(cc) (D.P.Daly 30)Essendon 7-119(cc)SECOND XI TWENTY20 AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDINGNAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STJackson T.A. 2 2 - 40 67 33.50 - - 1Daly D.P. 2 2 - 32 62 31.00 - - 2Petricola P.A. 2 2 - 40 61 30.50 - - 1Bowen E.D.T. 2 1 - 17 17 17.00 - - -Gotch S. 1 1 - 15 15 15.00 - - -Huddart J.M. 1 1 - 11 11 11.00 - - -Begbie M.R. 1 1 - 10 10 10.00 - - 1/1Huf B. 1 1 - 4 4 4.00 - - 1Griffiths K.J. 1 - - - - - - - -Boyle A.J. 2 - - - - - - - -Wyatt J.N. 1 1 1 7* 7 - - - -Bergin N.S. 1 1 1 0* 0 - - - -Sturrock S.A.S. 1 - - - - - - - -Scheetz D.R. 2 - - - - - - - -Quinn N.H. 1 - - - - - - - -Graham J.J.F. 1 1 1 15* 15 - - - 1BOWLINGNAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 3WMSturrock S.A.S. 3.3 - 12 4 3.00 4/12 1Bowen E.D.T. 5 - 27 3 9.00 2/8 -Quinn N.H. 4 - 12 1 12.00 1/12 -Graham J.J.F. 4 - 26 1 26.00 1/26 -Scheetz D.R. 6 - 40 1 40.00 1/17 -Boyle A.J. 6 - 47 1 47.00 1/19 -Daly D.P. 5 - 39 - - - -Bergin N.S. 2 - 11 - - - -Griffiths K.J. 3 - 26 - - - -

THIRD XI TWENTY 20RESULTSPlayed 2; Won 2; Lost 0Round 1 v Richmond at Richmond<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 7 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 9-117(cc) (D.G.Bratby 38)Richmond 110 (A.Swart 4-22; N.O'Brien 3-18)Round 15 v Essendon at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 27 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 4-158(cc) (L.G.A.Heath 71; J.Williamson30)Essendon 6-131(cc) (T.L.A.Larter 3-20)THIRD XI TWENTY20 AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDINGNAME M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STHeath L.G.A. 1 1 - 71 71 71.00 - 1 1Bratby D.G. 2 2 - 38 64 32.00 - - -Cassell R.J. 1 1 - 23 23 23.00 - - 1Williamson J. 2 2 - 30 41 20.50 - - -Gillard J.I. 1 1 - 18 18 18.00 - - -Pongracic J. 2 2 - 12 14 7.00 - - -Brewin S. 2 1 - 4 4 4.00 - - -Swart A. 2 1 - 4 4 4.00 - - -Wild G.B. 1 1 - 1 1 1.00 - - 2Fitzgibbon J.A. 2 1 - 1 1 1.00 - - 1O'Brien N. 1 1 1 2* 2 - - - -Huf B. 1 1 1 7* 7 - - - -Lanigan M.J. 2 - - - - - - - 1Ryan W.N. 1 - - - - - - - 1Larter T.L.A. 1 1 1 20* 20 - - - -BOWLINGNAME OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 3WMO'Brien N. 4 - 18 3 6.00 3/18 1Larter T.L.A. 4 - 20 3 6.66 3/20 1Swart A. 5.3 - 44 4 11.00 4/22 1Brewin S. 8 - 50 3 16.66 2/19 -Lanigan M.J. 8 - 44 1 44.00 1/17 -Fitzgibbon J.A. 4 - 33 - - - -Ryan W.N. 4 - 20 - - - -Pongracic J. 1 - 7 - - - -

FOURTH XI TWENTY20RESULTSPlayed 2; Won 1; Lost 1Round 1 v Richmond at Albert Ground<strong>Melbourne</strong> won by 3 runs<strong>Melbourne</strong> 4-136(cc) (A.Foulds 32; D.Minato 46)Richmond 7-133(cc)Round 2 v Essendon at EssendonEssendon won by 9 wickets<strong>Melbourne</strong> 67Essendon 1-70FOURTH XI TWENTY20 AVERAGESBATTING and FIELDINGNAME M INNS NO HSRUNS AVGE 100 50 C/STMinato D. 2 2 1 46* 48 48.00 - - -Tomkinson M.J. 1 1 - 26 26 26.00 - - -Hill M.A. 2 2 1 19* 23 23.00 - - -Reid D.J. 1 1 - 22 22 22.00 - - -Foulds A. 2 2 - 32 37 18.50 - - -Oakley S. 1 1 - 7 7 7.00 - - -McCooke A.P. 1 1 - 5 5 5.00 - - -Farr A.P. 1 1 - 4 4 4.00 - - -O'Beirne P.J. 1 1 - 3 3 3.00 - - -Van Riet S. 2 1 - 2 2 2.00 - - -Oakley G.J. 1 1 - 2 2 2.00 - - -Quinn N.H. 1 1 - 1 1 1.00 - - 1Frawley X.J. 1 1 - - - - - - -Walker P.J.B. 1 - - - - - - - -Sturrock C. 1 - - - - - - - -Akrigg M.P. 2 1 1 1* 1 - - - 1Anderson M.S. 1 - - - - - - - 1BOWLINGNAMEOVERSMDNSRUNSWKTSAVGE BEST 3WMAnderson M.S. 4 0 21 2 11 2/21 -Walker P.J.B. 3 0 12 1 12 1/12 -Akrigg M.P. 8 0 30 2 15 1/15 -Quinn N.H. 2 0 16 1 16 1/16 -Minato D. 4 0 34 2 17 2/24 -McCooke A.P. 1 0 8 - - - -Hill M.A. 6 0 31 - - - -Frawley X.J. 2 0 7 - - - -Van Riet S. 4 0 29 - - - -Oakley S. 2 0 10 - - - -

RYDER MEDAL VOTES<strong>Cricket</strong> Victoria’s Gala Awards night was held on March 31, 2010 and MCC players were awarded votesas follows:1st XI 2nd XI 3rd XI 4th XI23 R.J. Cassell 19 D. Daly 19 T. Larter 12 M. McCudden19 M.W. Hill 12 P. Petricola 15 D. Worrall 8 L.G.A. Heath15 R.J. Cooper 10 J. Graham 13 L. Heath 7 J. Williamson10 A.C. Dale 9 N. Quinn 12 W. Ryan 6 H. Laurie9 S.P. Dart 5 N. Bergin 11 B. Huf 6 D. Reid9 P.J. Halbish 5 D. Scheetz 10 D. Bratby 6 M. Tomkinson8 B.H. Way 4 S. Brewin 9 S. Brewin 5 G. Wild7 A.J. Kent 4 M. Brown 8 S. Gotch 4 D. Minato5 M.J. Brown 4 P. Smith 4 J. Gillard 3 M. Akrigg,2 P.A. Petricola 3 M. Begbie 3 N. Bergin 3 X. Frawley1 A.J. Middlin, 3 E.D.T. Bowen 2 J. Pongracic 3 M. Lanigan1 N.H. Quinn 3 T. Jackson 1 G. Wild 3 D. Worrall2 A. Boyle 1 A. Swart 1 A. Foulds2 J. Huddart 1 J. Fitzgibbon 1 G. Oakley2 S. Sturrock 1 W. Ryan1 P. WalkerRUNSSEASON’S TOP TENWICKETSHeath L.G.A 937 Cassell R.J. 47Cooper R.J. 668 Dale A.C. 43Way B.H 601 Boyle A.J. 39Hill M.W. 575 Brewin S. 34Petricola P.A. 552 Halbish P.J. 27Huf B. 548 Larter T.L.A 27Dart S.P. 526 Worrall D.J 27Daly D.P. 506 Scheetz D.R. 24Gillard J.I. 430 Quinn N.H. 23Kent A.J. 419 Graham J.J.F. 22Sturrock S.A.S 22CATCHES/STUMPINGSCAREER GAMESMiddlin A.J. 42 Bowen E.D.T. 295Williamson J. 17/7 Heath L.G.A. 258Begbie M. 22/1 Graham J.J.F. 243Gotch S. 8/3 Kent A.J. 222Walker S.J. 8/2 Middlin A.J. 200Cooper R.J. 10 Cooper R.J. 180Huf B. 10 Farr A.P 175Dart S.P. 9 Huddart J.M. 163Boyle A.J. 8 Fitzgibbon J.A. 158Worrall D.J. 8 Halbish P.J. 157


PREMIER CRICKET- MCC FINALS ACHIEVEMENTS1st XI (Competition commenced 1906-07)Premierships (19)1914-15, 1919-20, 1929-30, 1932-33, 1934-35, 1935-36, 1936-37, 1937-38, 1948-49, 1951-521958-59, 1972-73, 1975-76, 1981-82, 1988-89, 1992-93, 1994-95, 1997-98, 2009-10Runners-up (9)1939-40, 1947-48, 1949-50, 1968-69, 1973-74, 1990-91, 1993-94, 1999-00, 2004-05Semi-finals (27)1920-21, 1922-23, 1923-24, 1925-26, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1931-32,1945-46, 1953-54, 1962-63, 1963-64,1964-65, 1966-67, 1969-70, 1970-71,1974-75, 1979-80, 1980-81, 1982-83, 1984-85, 1986-87, 1987-88,1989-90, 1995-96, 1996-97,1998-99, 2005-06Qualifying-finals (4) (introduced in 1996-97)2001-02, 2002-03, 2007-08, 2008-09Premierships prior to V.C.A. inception (1860 - 1905) (15)1861-62,1862-63, 1864-65, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1877-78, 1881-82, 1887-881890-91 (MCC & North <strong>Melbourne</strong>), 1892-93, 1894-95, 1896-97, 1904-052nd XI (Competition commenced 1906-07)Premierships (17)1922-23, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1929-30, 1930-31, 1948-49, 1956-57, 1957-58, 1963-64, 1972-731973-74, 1981-82, 1992-93, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2005-06, 2008-09Runners-up (12)1914-15, 1920-21, 1924,25, 1937-38, 1955-56, 1969-70, 1980-81, 1987-88, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1993-94,2004-05Semi-finals (19)1925-26, 1926-27, 1931-32,1932-33(Match not played ), 1950-51, 1951-52, 1962-63, 1970-71, 1971-72,1974-75, 1975-76, 1977-78, 1978-79, 1985-86, 1986-87, 1998-99, 2000-01, 2007-08Qualifying-finals (2)1999-00, 2001-023rd XI (Competition commenced 1951-52)Premierships (14)1956-57, 1963-64, 1973-74, 1978-79, 1980-81, 1984-85, 1987-88, 1989-90, 1995-96, 1999-00, 2001-02,2004-05, 2005-06, 2009-10Runners-up (9)1955-56, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1965-66, 1968-69, 1977-78, 1983-84, 1998-99, 2003-04Semi-finals (16)1954-55, 1957-58, 1966-67, 1970-71, 1971-72,1972-73, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1985-86, 1990-911992-93, 1993-94, 1996-97, 1997-98, 2000-01, 2002-034 th XI (Competition commenced 1974-75)Premierships (8)1976-77, 1980-81, 1985-86, 1993-94, 1997-98, 2000-01, 2003-04, 2008-09Runners-up (8)1974-75, 1981-82, 1988-89, 1995-96, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2004-05, 2005-06Semi-finals (8)1977-78, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85, 1986-87, 1990-91, 1992-93, 1994-95Qualifying-finals (1)2002-03Twenty20 Competition (introduced 2004-05)Winners (1) 2007-08Runners-up (2) 2004-05, 2006-07J.A. Seitz <strong>Club</strong> Championship (Competition commenced 1937-38)Winners (18)1937-38, 1956-57, 1963-64, 1966-67, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1972-73, 1973-74, 1982-83, 1986-871990-91, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95, 1996-97, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2005-06Runners-up (11)1951-52, 1953-54, 1955-56, 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1987-88, 1991-92, 1998-99

W.J. Dowling Shield (Competition commenced 1954-55)Winners (7)1981-82, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1998-99, 2003-04Runners-up (14)1958-59,1960-61,1961-62,1962-63,1975-76,1976-77,1977-78,1979-80,1980-81,1982-83,1985-86,1986-87, 1996-97, 2002-03NB: Dowling Shield Competition changed format for the 2004-05 season where teams represented regionsinstead of clubs.MCC CLUBCHAMPIONTROPHYMCC BESTCLUBMANTROPHYBRIANWATSONMEMORIALAWARDMCC XXIXCLUB AWARDSeason <strong>Club</strong> Champion Best <strong>Club</strong>man For Outstanding Best Young PlayerPerformance1983-84 - R.I. Templeton1984-85 J.G. Anderson G.E. Chancellor1985-86 P.D. King M.S. Anderson1986-87 I.C. Hennig G.J. Lay1987-88 P.D. King G.J. Tate1988-89 R.J. Herman R. Jamison1989-90 R.I. Templeton M.S. Anderson C.J. Bustard1990-91 N.D. Maxwell S.W. Russell R.J. Herman1991-92 N.D. Maxwell J.F. McCormack F.A.M. Main1992-93 R.J. Herman F.A.M. Main M.W.D. Sholly1993-94 R.J. Herman M.C. Abblitt R.M. Bowden1994-95 R.J. Herman M.J. Scalzo W.G. Ayres S.P. Dart1995-96 B.J. Hodge D.J. Bridge S.P. Dart L.R.J. McRae1996-97 M.J. Scalzo P.I. Jubber M.J. Scalzo A.W. Henry1997-98 W.G. Ayres J.W.R. Bell S.M. McCooke A.J. Kent1998-99 W.G. Ayres G.D. Dougall B.J. Hodge R.J. Cassell1999-00 W.G. Ayres S.A. Cunningham S.M. Harwood A.B. McDonald2000-01 L.J.R. McRae P.I. Jubber A.B. McDonald P.J. Dickson2001-02 W.G. Ayres R.I. Templeton B.J. Hodge T.S. Lamb2002-03 L.G.L. Buchanan J.W.R. Bell S.M. Harwood J.P. Mangan2003-04 A.B. McDonald J.A. Fitzgibbon G.C. Baldwin P.M. Nevill2004-05 L.G.L. Buchanan S.K. Brown A. Scholtz G.C. Baldwin2005-06 L.G.L. Buchanan R.J.Cassell B.J.Hodge S.Berak2006-07 P.M.Nevill A.J.Kent A.B.McDonald D.P.Daly2007-08 A.J.Kent D.G.Bratby M.W.Hill M.W.Hill2008-09 P.J.Halbish J.A.Fitzgibbon J.M.Huddart M.J.Brown2009-10 R.J. Cassell P.C.O’Rourke R.J.Cooper A.J.KeathMCC 1 ST XI TOP TENRun ScorersWicket-takersPlayer Runs Player Wkts1 W.G.Ayres 11154 1 J.Daniel 4852 W.W.Armstrong 8197 2 L.F.Nagel 4683 P.J.Beames 7638 3 W.W.Armstrong 4514 V.S.Ransford 7348 4 H.I.Ebeling 4475 H.S.Sandford 7297 5 C.L.Fairbairn 3756 F.Vaughan 7112 6 H.Ironmonger 3607 A.J.Kent 6585 7 H.Trumble 3418 B.A. Onyons 5890 8 S.M.McCooke 3129 D.J.Broad 5536 9 R.J.Herman 28410 B.J.Hodge 5438 10 J.Kinnear 278

MCC AVERAGESBatting BowlingSeason Player Runs Avge Player Wkts Avge1833-44 No records No Records1845-46 H.Goddard 38 9.501846-47 G.Cavenagh 86 12.281847-48 W.Phillpott 146 16.221848-49 D.Turnbull 134 14.881849-50 T.F.Hamilton 91 18.201850-51 C.Lister 327 17.211851-52 C.Lister 178 35.601852-53 F.Budd 56 14.001853-54 C.B.Hall 76 12.661854-55 B.Butterworth 64 32.001855-56 Capt. Hotham 129 32.251856-57 T.W.Wills 102 34.001857-58 W.H.Hammersley 150 30.00 A.M.Bruce 33 3.601858-59 T.Butterworth 47 11.30 W.J.Hammersley 7 5.001959-60 T.F.Wray 198 12.60 W.J.Hammersley 30 7.301860-61 R.W.Wardill 167 16.70 C.Makinson 13 15.111861-62 R.W.Wardill 247 20.40 W.H.Hammersley 23 7.001862-63 R.J.Wardill 100 20.00 W.H.Handfield 39 5.351863-64 R.W.Wardill 333 19.10 W.H.Handfield 91 5.641864-65 E.Fowler 197 24.50 W.H.Handfield 18 6.151865-66 J.L.Wilson 94 23.20 J.Conway 31 3.111866-67 R.W.Wardill 300 21.60 V.L.Cameron 14 5.111867-68 R.W.Wardill 446 37.20 T.W.Wills 97 8.371868-69 J.Phillips 361 36.70 F.E.Allen 37 4.321869-70 C.S.Gordon 465 35.10 C.S.Gordon 44 6.171870-71 V.L.Cameron 173 28.50 C.Reid 47 7.431871-72 G.Gibson 365 22.13 R.Wardill 31 9.101872-73 G.Gibson 234 19.60 E.Butler 8 4.601873-74 T.J.Kelly 225 42.30 G.Alexander 17 12.501874-75 W.Newing 238 21.70 D.J.Cameron 38 7.501875-76 G.Alexander 643 40.30 T.J.Kelly 73 8.261876-77 B.B.Cooper 426 35.50 W.H.Moule 29 6.141877-78 J.P.Tennent 264 29.34 G.Alexander 135 4.871878-79 G.Alexander 632 33.50 G.Alexander 93 9.821879-80 A.Loughman 233 48.20 P.Must 14 9.571880-81 C.J.Dunne 721 42.41 J.D.Edwards 42 8.501881-82 J.D.Edwards 309 44.14 J.D.Edwards 25 9.521882-83 T.J.Kelly 446 37.16 W.Bruce 58 9.241883-84 P.S.McDonnell 336 67.20 W.Bruce 42 8.611884-85 J.M.Blackham 429 85.80 W.Bruce 58 12.721885-86 J.McIlwraith 368 52.57 W.Bruce 14 15.001886-87 F.H.Walters 603 50.25 W.Bruce 38 7.071887-88 F.H.Walters 421 42.10 H.Trumble 36 6.771888-89 J.McIlwraith 549 91.50 A.Shee 17 13.941889-90 W.Bruce 640 40.00 R.P.Dickson 10 9.701890-91 R.W.McLeod 312 52.00 H.Trumble 32 10.211891-92 R.W.McLeod 684 76.00 R.McLeod 15 14.261892-93 W.Bruce 460 57.50 H.Trumble 38 11.841893-94 W.Bruce 464 77.33 C.McLeod 43 16.041894-95 C.H.Perryman 287 57.40 W.Bruce 17 13.581895-96 H.Trumble 591 65.66 W.Bruce 19 16.471896-97 W.Bruce 563 62.55 W.Bruce 16 21.621897-98 C.H.Rose 238 34.00 C.L.Wilson 17 25.881898-99 H.Graham 469 67.00 C.L.Wilson 17 19.641899-00 H.Graham 642 49.38 H.Trumble 51 9.49

BattingBowlingSeason Player Runs Avge Player Wkts Avge1900-91 H.Graham 336 48.00 W.Bruce 9 13.001901-02 W.Bruce 290 41.42 H.Trumble 19 8.891902-03 W.Bruce 571 81.57 G.S.Gordon 15 11.001903-04 W.W.Armstrong 812 135.33 W.W.Armstrong 17 8.001904-05 V.Ransford 655 72.77 W.W.Armstrong 13 15.531905-06 W.W.Armstrong 840 76.36 H.Trumble 25 11.241906-07 W.W.Armstrong 825 75.00 H.Trumble 35 6.941907-08 F.Vaughan 543 77.00 A.H.Johnston 14 27.141908-09 F.Vaughan 425 60.71 G.R.Hazlitt 29 7.931909-10 F.Vaughan 482 60.25 A.H.Johnston 24 17.831910-11 F.Vaughan 444 44.40 A.H.Johnston 25 13.561911-12 R.L.Park 459 57.37 A.H.Johnston 12 19.501912-13 R.G.Johnstone 301 60.20 S.Mullett 20 15.151913-14 V.S.Ransford 442 73.66 W.W.Armstrong 20 7.351914-15 F.Vaughan 577 57.70 W.W.Armstrong 42 8.111915-16 W.W.Armstrong 842 93.55 W.W.Armstrong 29 18.201916-17 V.S.Ransford 322 53.66 W.W.Armstrong 22 18.221917-18 W.W.Armstrong 419 139.66 W.W.Armstrong 42 8.921918-19 V.S.Ransford 577 115.40 H.Ironmonger 42 8.761919-20 W.W.Armstrong 700 100.00 H.Ironmonger 79 12.671920-21 H.C.Sandford 621 51.75 H.Ironmonger 34 11.641921-22 E.K.Tolhurst 367 45.87 W.H.McDonald 23 14.911922-23 V.S.Ransford 413 82.60 H.Sandford 11 15.901923-24 B.A.Onyons 385 38.50 H.I.Ebeling 34 15.761924-25 H.S.Sandford 259 25.90 R.S.Rodgerson 19 15.891925-26 H.S.T.L.Hendry 754 107.71 H.I.Ebeling 47 18.381926-27 W.A.Stokes 274 54.80 R.Jewell 14 15.781927-28 B.A.Onyons 473 52.55 H.S.T.L.Hendry 15 15.531928-29 H.C.Sandford 581 58.10 H.I.Ebeling 44 8.271929-30 E.K.Tolhurst 533 59.22 H.I.Ebeling 47 18.621930-31 J.Thomas 345 38.33 H.I.Ebeling 40 13.051931-32 L.Darling 419 59.85 L.E.Nagel 20 11.251932-33 W.H.Ponsford 353 88.25 V.G.Nagel 22 7.361933-34 C.Gardner 329 54.83 H.I.Ebeling 23 11.951934-35 W.H.Ponsford 470 78.33 L.Fleetwood-Smith 24 14.501935-36 W.H.Ponsford 829 75.36 H.I.Ebeling 29 13.001936-37 W.H.Ponsford 337 56.16 L.E.Nagel 71 14.001937-38 W.H.Ponsford 744 82.66 L.E.Nagel 51 14.401938-39 P.J.Beames 661 55.08 L.E.Nagel 32 13.001939-40 N.Ley 818 45.44 L.E.Nagel 86 13.451940-41 P.J.Beames 363 40.33 L.E.Nagel 29 14.061941-45 Suspended WW II Suspended – WW II1945-46 P.J.Beames 317 35.20 G.Meikle 19 17.631946-47 J.Green 602 50.16 A.Lovett 18 18.501947-48 C.C.McDonald 623 56.63 J.Daniel 42 17.091948-49 J.Green 541 33.81 J.B.Iverson 64 12.061949-50 C.C.McDonald 449 40.81 J.B.Iverson 21 11.241950-51 S.J.Daniel 485 34.64 J.Daniel 34 18.941951-52 J.Solomon 297 33.00 J.B.Iverson 36 9.081952-53 M.Haysom 372 37.20 H.Hill 29 15.201953-54 R.B.Stevens 440 55.00 J.Iverson 33 6.601954-55 J.Daniel 313 31.30 C.L.Fairbairn 32 18.061955-56 J.Daniel 337 56.16 J.Daniel 34 17.001956-57 M. Haysom 339 48.42 J.Daniel 36 13.661957-58 P.Bailey 361 40.11 R.Watson 42 15.831958-59 M.Haysom 505 42.08 L.F.Kline 24 10.951959-60 I.R.Huntington 328 65.60 I.H.W.Jones 43 15.901960-61 I.R.Huntington 319 29.00 C.E.J.Guest 22 20.401961-62 I.R.Huntington 638 58.00 C.E.J.Guest 26 15.101962-63 W.Crompton 539 67.38 I.H.W.Jones 32 16.84

BattingBowlingSeason Player Runs Avge Player Wkts Avge1963-64 G.D.Watson 862 50.70 I.H.W.Jones 40 18.321964-65 I.R.Huntington 726 60.50 I.C.Gribble 26 18.191965-66 C.N.Crompton 367 33.36 I.H.W.Jones 23 22.741966-67 E.R.Williams 327 40.87 M.H.N.Walker 26 16.581967-68 C.E.Reid 332 41.50 G.D.Watson 16 20.121968-69 R.G.Lloyd 560 32.94 M.H.N.Walker 53 14.061969-70 J.K.Moss 257 28.55 D.S.Crow 19 15.471970-71 G.D.Watson 320 53.33 P.L.A.Bedford 16 12.811971-72 R.G.Lloyd 399 30.69 I.C.Hennig 13 11.151972-73 C.J.Dart 303 60.60 M.H.N.Walker 16 11.941973-74 G.R.Booth 537 61.50 G.C.Brown 20 16.551974-75 A.P.Sheahan 365 60.83 G.C.Brown 10 14.401975-76 A.P.Sheahan 540 90.00 G.M.Swan 21 17.051976-77 A.P.Sheahan 383 76.60 N.W.Williams 17 18.231977-78 J.K.Moss 514 86.66 R.J.Jamison 16 20.001978-79 J.G.Anderson 539 67.37 M.J.McCarthy 26 20.421979-80 D.J.Broad 448 49.77 N.W.Williams 37 17.021980-81 S.M.McCooke 434 39.45 M.J.McCarthy 32 19.901981-82 D.S.Shepherd 552 46.00 M.J.McCarthy 37 18.271982-83 D.S.Shepherd 591 49.25 C.J.Wright 40 17.551983-84 D.J.Broad 690 49.28 C.J.Wright 37 22.241984-85 J.G.Anderson 740 52.85 J.W.Priestley 24 24.291985-86 P.D.King 531 59.00 D.J.Hickey 28 21.671986-87 D.S.Shepherd 457 50.77 S.W.Russell 26 20.341987-88 P.D.King 732 48.80 P.D.King 28 16.781988-89 R.J.Herman 605 50.41 D.J.Hickey 47 20.421989-90 W.G.Ayres 451 41.00 D.J.Hickey 36 23.221990-91 D.J.Ramshaw 738 46.12 M.J.McCague 39 15.511991-92 W.G.Ayres 415 59.28 N.D.Maxwell 35 17.451992-93 N.D.Maxwell 321 80.25 P.A.Garlick 19 14.161993-94 D.J.Ramshaw 390 55.71 R.J.Herman 37 16.001994-95 D.M.Jones 597 99.50 B.A.Williams 40 14.551995-96 B.J.Hodge 963 96.30 R.J.Herman 36 23.971996-97 M.J.Scalzo 737 52.64 S.J.O’Flynn 31 17.121997-98 D.M.Jones 496 82.88 R.J.Herman 31 15.931998-99 W.G.Ayres 977 57.47 B.A.Williams 41 16.171999-00 W.G.Ayres 1166 58.30 S.M.Harwood 46 14.192000-01 W.G.Ayres 498 38.30 P.J.Halbish 23 26.212001-02 W.G.Ayres 924 54.35 A.B.McDonald 22 22.502002-03 L.G.L.Buchanan 888 46.73 S.H.Cook 35 18.282003-04 A.J.Kent 567 33.35 N.H.Quinn 21 18.572004-05 A.B.McDonald 591 84.42 R.J.Cassell 29 20.412005-06 L.G.L.Buchanan 840 64.61 B.W.Milliken 26 24.802006-07 P.M.Nevill 666 44.40 N.H.Quinn 28 20.162007-08 A.J.Kent 883 44.15 D.R.Scheetz 24 14.452008-09 A.J.Kent 863 50.76 A.C.Dale 32 14.122009-10 M. W. Hill 575 47.92 R.J. Cassell 47 14.31

MCC TEST REPRESENTATIVESPlayer FC Career Tests Runs Avge Wkts AvgeAlexander G. 1875-1884 2 52 13.00 2 46.50Allan F.E. 1867-1882 1 5 5.00 4 20.00Armstrong W.W. 1898-1921 50 2863 38.68 87 33.59Blackham J.M. 1874-1894 35 800 15.68Bonnor G.J. 1880-1889 17 512 17.06 2 42.00Bruce W. 1892-1903 14 702 29.25 12 36.66Cooper B.B. 1863-1877 1 18 9.00Darling L.S. 1926-1936 12 474 27.88 0Ebeling H.I. 1923-1937 1 43 21.50 3 29.66Edwards J.D. 1880-1889 3 48 9.60Fleetwood-Smith L.O. 1921-1939 10 54 9.00 42 37.38Graham H. 1892-1906 6 301 30.10Guest C.E.J. 1958-1966 1 11 11.00 0Hazlitt G.R. 1905-1913 9 89 11.12 23 27.08Hendry H.S.T.L. 1918-1935 11 335 20.93 16 40.00Hodge B.J. 2005-2008 6 503 55.88 0Ironmonger H. 1913-1933 14 42 2.62 74 17.97Iverson J.B. 1940-1955 5 3 0.75 21 15.23Jones D.M. 1981-1993 52 3631 46.55 1 64.00Kelly T.J.D. 1863-1882 2 64 21.33Kline L.F. 1955-1961 13 58 8.28 34 22.82McDonald A.B. 2008-2009 4 107 21.40 9 33.33McDonald C.C. 1947-1962 47 3107 39.32 0McDonnell P.S. 1877-1885 19 950 28.78 0McIlwraith J. 1884-1889 1 9 4.50McLeod C.E. 1893-1905 17 573 23.87 33 40.15McLeod R.W. 1889-1990 6 146 13.27 12 32.00Midwinter W.E. 1874-1886 8 174 13.38 14 23.78also played for Eng 4 95 13.57 10 27.20Moss J.K. 1976-1982 1 60 60.00Moule W.H. 1878-1885 1 40 20.00 3 7.66Nagel L.E. 1927-1938 1 21 21.00 2 55.00Ponsford W.H. 1920-1934 29 2122 48.22Ransford V.S. 1903-1927 20 1211 37.84 1 28.00Rigg K.E. 1926-1938 8 401 33.41Scott H.J.H. 1877-1886 8 359 27.61 0Sheahan A.P. 1965-1973 31 1594 33.91Spofforth F.R. 1875-1897 18 217 9.43 94 18.41Trumble H. 1887-1903 32 851 19.79 141 21.78Walker M.H.N. 1968-1981 34 586 19.53 138 27.47Walters F.H. 1880-1885 1 12 6.00Watson G.D. 1964-1976 5 97 10.77 6 42.33Both S.H. Cook (1997), A.C. Dale (1998) and B.A. Williams (2003) represented Australia in Test matcheswhile playing for a club other than MCC. As a result, they have not been acknowledged as MCC TestRepresentatives.

CURRENT SEASON’S PLAYERS’ CAREER RECORDSBATTING and FIELDING BOWLINGNAME DEBUT M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C WK ST OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 5WI 10WMAkrigg M.P. 2007-08 36 17 4 12 57 4.38 - - 11 - - 2293 119 1013 50 20.26 6/58 1 -Anderson M.S. 1977-78 322 301 41 110 5692 21.89 4 24112 - - 21548 1114 7462 392 19.03 6/20 7 2Begbie M.R. 2009-10 13 10 0 65 225 22.50 - 1 - 22 1Bergin N.S. 2005-06 55 41 5 64 595 16.52 - 2 20 - - 1988 46 1262 53 23.81 3/21 1 -Bowen E.D.T. 1989-90 307 278 42 130 6324 26.79 4 36 81 2 1 8122 288 4106 185 22.19 5/20 6 -Boyle A.J. 2008-09 31 21 9 36 288 24.00 - - 11 - - 2411 101 1077 59 18.25 6/59 2 -Bratby D.G. 2006-07 60 59 6 120 1958 36.94 3 14 33 - - 73 0 54 2 27.00 1/3 - -Brewin S. 2009-10 17 6 3 19 36 12.00 - - 6 - - 1152 45 564 29 19.44 5/30 2 -Brown M.J. 2005-06 64 54 11 176* 1240 28.83 1 7 16 - - 441 11 228 13 17.53 4/11 - -Cassell R.J. 1997-98 128 69 21 107* 1224 25.50 1 6 28 - - 7561 258 3515 204 17.23 6/37 6 -Chadwick M.T. 2008-09 24 22 5 140 403 23.70 2 - 12 - - 424 18 215 9 23.88 3/37 - -Cooper R.J. 2000-01 180 179 20 158 5221 32.83 9 28 96 - - 1988 45 1201 34 35.32 3/15 - -Dale A.C. 2008-09 37 18 5 44 225 17.30 - - 8 - - 3475 207 1138 75 15.17 6/22 5 -Daly D.P. 2005-06 71 68 7 147 2085 34.18 3 9 25 - - 691 24 371 17 21.82 3/21 - -Dart S.P. 1992-93 105 96 21 160* 2672 35.62 3 18 53 4 1 2017 50 1073 40 26.82 4/21 - -Farr A.P. 1994-95 175 175 14 125 3506 21.77 2 16 57 13 - 660 14 452 17 26.58 3/17 - -Fitzgibbon J.A.2001-02 158 102 24 61 1217 15.60 - 4 66 - - 7735 307 3407 220 15.48 5/22 2 -Foulds A. 2009-10 12 9 0 53 117 13.00 - 1 - 3 1 54 1 32 1 32.00 1/32 - -Frawley X.J. 2009-10 5 2 1 15* 15 15.00 - - - - - 202 10 74 6 12.33 3/19 - -Gillard J.I. 2006-07 62 59 11 110 1335 27.81 1 5 20 - - 774 10 641 15 42.73 3/17 - -Gotch S. 2008-09 12 11 4 72* 277 39.57 - 1 - 18 6Graham J.J.F. 1995-96 243 197 42 128 5176 33.39 7 25 97 10 - 14737 578 6988 286 24.43 7/57 11 -Griffiths K.J. 2008-09 8 2 0 7 8 4.00 - - 3 - - 390 17 180 7 25.71 2/17 - -Halbish P.J. 2000-01 157 121 22 127 1961 19.80 1 5 29 - - 13087 481 6149 253 24.30 5/31 8 -Hill M.A. 2008-09 19 16 4 30* 149 12.41 - - 5 - - 897 29 487 24 20.29 4/7 - -Hill M.W. 2003-04 110 105 12 140 3534 38.00 5 25 48 - - 2639 85 1544 62 24.90 4/27 - -Hill T.J. 2007-08 23 10 3 31* 88 12.57 - - 10 - - 1363 38 643 41 15.68 5/24 1 -Hodge V. 2009-10 1 1 0 11 11 11.00 - - - - -Huddart J.M. 1998-99 163 145 24 162 4084 33.75 9 19 70 - - 4959 171 2374 106 22.39 4/19 1 -Huf B. 2008-09 23 24 2 109 699 31.77 2 3 12 - - 54 2 24 2 12.00 2/6 - -Jackson T.A. 2005-06 72 66 12 151 1968 36.44 3 10 31 - - 786 12 532 15 35.46 2/23 - -Janik C. 2007-08 12 10 2 59 154 19.25 - 1 4 - - 352 12 220 9 24.44 3/25 - -Jubber P.I. 1994-95 139 111 27 200* 1823 21.70 1 5 89 - - 10386 469 4440 201 22.08 7/27 4 -Keath A.R. 2007-08 8 6 1 15* 61 12.20 - - 3 - - 193 1 167 6 27.83 3/7 - -Kent A.J. 1996-97 231 241 22 173 8198 37.43 13 57 77 - - 331 8 243 5 48.60 3/25 - -Lanigan M.J. 2008-09 11 3 1 18 39 19.50 - - 2 - - 567 16 336 12 28.00 3/24 - -Larter T.L.A. 1999-00 142 92 24 93 1592 23.41 - 6 62 - - 8105 271 4508 213 21.16 7/21 6 -McCarthy L.B. 2009-10 2 - - - - - - - - - - 24 0 31 0 - - - -McCarthy M.J. 1978-79 156 103 34 73 1112 16.11 - 2 45 - - 15495 648 5872 291 20.17 7/87 10 -

BATTING and FIELDING BOWLINGNAME DEBUT M INNS NO HS RUNS AVGE 100 50 C WK ST OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE BEST 5WI 10WMMcCooke A.P. 2006-07 55 34 13 24 148 7.04 - - 9 - - 2069 39 1382 40 34.55 3/17 - -McCudden M.P. 2000-01 77 28 6 39 198 9.00 - - 19 - - 4728 171 2261 121 18.68 6/47 6 1McDonald A.B. 1999-00 99 94 23 201* 3761 52.97 7 20 61 - - 5361 182 2787 115 24.23 5/14 2 -Middlin A.J. 1999-00 200 188 31 139* 4431 28.22 5 19 37 187 20 1276 35 687 30 22.90 4/13 - -Minato D. 2004-05 61 53 9 118* 1708 38.81 2 8 13 - - 2344 77 1298 47 27.61 5/20 1 -Mujica P.A. 1992-93 89 60 16 37 655 14.88 - - 31 - - 6334 278 2788 123 22.66 6/59 6 -O'Beirne P.J. 1990-91 170 176 23 141 4511 29.48 6 20 62 2 - 652 26 342 17 20.11 4/20 - -Oakley G.J. 2007-08 47 42 7 81 694 19.82 - 2 15 - - 1370 39 898 32 28.06 5/46 1 -Oakley S. 2009-10 3 3 0 10 19 6.33 - - 1 - - 204 11 68 2 34.00 2/27 - -Petricola P.A. 1998-99 139 140 21 180* 4472 37.57 8 21 39 - - 3865 109 2362 87 27.14 5/20 1 -Pongracic J. 2007-08 11 10 2 55 155 19.37 - 1 2 3 1 114 5 48 2 24.00 1/5 - -Quinn N.H. 1999-00 139 65 24 35* 381 9.29 - - 32 - - 10860 464 4895 231 21.19 7/56 5 -Reid D.J. 2007-08 37 36 5 88 863 27.83 - 8 14 6 - 18 0 25 0 - - - -Ryan W.N. 2007-08 22 18 2 64 362 22.62 - 2 4 - - 1274 50 500 35 14.28 4/6 - -Scheetz D.R. 2004-05 79 28 15 14* 81 6.23 - - 30 - - 5268 170 2752 132 20.84 6/37 6 -Smith P.J.M. 2008-09 27 15 4 73 199 18.09 - 1 9 - - 2089 45 1251 47 26.61 5/45 1 -Stockdale C. 2009-10 1 - - - - - - - 1 - -Sturrock C. 2008-09 5 3 2 1* 1 1.00 - - 1 - - 108 4 57 3 19.00 2/24 - -Sturrock S.A.S 2005-06 86 40 25 13* 166 11.06 - - 24 - - 5272 125 3182 94 33.85 5/65 1 -Swart A. 2009-10 15 8 3 14* 54 10.80 - - 4 - - 834 33 396 13 30.46 3/23 - -Tomkinson M.J. 2009-10 4 3 0 138 144 48.00 1 - 4 - - 24 2 12 1 12.00 1/12 - -Van Riet S. 2009-10 13 9 1 17 56 7.00 - - 3 - - 545 24 271 8 33.87 2/19 - -Walker P.J.B. 2009-10 8 8 2 27 85 14.16 - - 2 - - 324 15 157 7 22.42 3/27 - -Walker S.J. 2009-10 6 3 0 6 10 3.33 - - - 8 2 12 0 9 0 - - - -Way B.H. 2004-05 118 121 16 140 4107 39.11 7 28 39 - - 786 26 434 8 54.25 1/5 - -Wild G.B. 2006-07 56 57 8 94 1254 25.59 - 10 14 - - 199 2 186 1 186.00 1/13 - -Williamson J. 2006-07 42 35 3 90 835 26.09 - 4 2 23 8 150 5 95 5 19.00 2/12 - -Wilson T. 2008-09 17 15 4 55 361 32.81 - 2 11 - - 30 1 23 0 - - - -Worrall D.J. 2006-07 62 37 10 133 507 18.77 1 - 22 - - 3438 116 1667 88 18.94 6/86 2 -Wyatt J.N. 2008-09 9 8 0 53 149 18.62 - 1 2 - -These records do not include the Twenty20 matches that were not part of the regular Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> competition;they do include <strong>Melbourne</strong> Dowling Shield.

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