Curriculum Vitae Bradley Allen AULT 14.March.2007 Department of ...

Curriculum Vitae Bradley Allen AULT 14.March.2007 Department of ...

Curriculum Vitae Bradley Allen AULT 14.March.2007 Department of ...


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><strong>Bradley</strong> <strong>Allen</strong> <strong>AULT</strong><strong>14.March.2007</strong><strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classics tel. 716­645­2154 (ext. 112)338, M. Fillmore Academic Complex fax: 716­645­2225University at Buffalo, S.U.N.Y.e­mail: clarbrad@buffalo.eduBuffalo, NY 14261­0011, U.S.A.web: http://www.classics.buffalo.edu/EducationPh.D., 1994M.A., 1989M.A., 1986B.A., 1984Indiana University, Program in Classical Archaeology.Dissertation: Classical Houses and Households: An Architectural andArtifactual Case Study from Halieis, Greece (University Micr<strong>of</strong>ilms#AAI9518532).Indiana University, Art History.M.A. Thesis: Provincial Roman, Byzantine and French Medieval Enamels in theIndiana University Art Museum.Indiana University, Program in Classical Archaeology.Indiana University, College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences, Individualized Major Program:Classical Archaeology.Academic Appointmentssince 2001 Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classics; Adjunct Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, ArtHistory, University at Buffalo, State University <strong>of</strong> New York.1993–2001 Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classics (Visiting Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in1993–94); Adjunct Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Art History (1998–2001).Awards Received (since 1990)1997–1998 Blegen Research Fellowship, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.1991–1992 Fulbright Fellowship for residence in Greece, Associate Membershipand dissertation research at the American School <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies atAthens.1990–1991 Rainer Horstmann Fellowship for residence in Berlin with dissertation researchat the Freie Universität and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.PublicationsMonograph2005 The Houses: The Organization and Use <strong>of</strong> Domestic Space. Excavations atAncient Halieis, 2. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/books/0­253­34709­2.shtmlReview: J.St.P. Walsh, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.07.54http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2006/2006­07­54.html

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>Publications (cont’d)Edited Volume2005 With L.C. Nevett, Ancient Greek Houses and Households: Chronological,Regional, and Social Diversity. Philadelphia: University <strong>of</strong> PennsylvaniaPress.http://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book/14130.htmlReview: R. Westgate, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.03.35http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2006/2006­03­35.html]Articles & Book ChaptersIn Press "Oikos and Oikonomia: Greek Houses, Households and the DomesticEconomy", in Building Communities: House, Settlement and Society in theAegean. R. Westgate, N. Fisher, and J. Whitley, eds. Athens: British School <strong>of</strong>Archaeology (Studies <strong>of</strong> the British School <strong>of</strong> Archaeology at Athens). (refereed)Forthcoming Palatine East Excavations ­ "The Metal Objects" (principal author, with L.A.Flusche). Contribution to the final publication for the SoprintendenzaArcheologica di Roma ­ American Academy in Rome Excavations on theNortheast Slope <strong>of</strong> the Palatine Hill. J.R. Brandt, A. St. Clair­Harvey, E.Hostetter, eds. Rome: Bollettino di Archeologia, Monograph Series.2005 “Housing the Poor and Homeless in Ancient Greece” and “Summing Up: Whither theArchaeology <strong>of</strong> the Greek Household” (the latter, with L.C. Nevett), in Ancient GreekHouses and Households: Chronological, Regional, and Social Diversity. B.A. Ault andL.C. Nevett, eds., 140–159, 160– 175. Philadelphia: University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania Press.2000 "Living in the Classical Polis: The Greek House as Microcosm", in The Organization <strong>of</strong>Space in Antiquity. S.G. Cole, ed. Classical World (Journal <strong>of</strong> the Classical Association<strong>of</strong> the Atlantic States. Special Issue) 93, 483–496. (refereed)1999 “Digging Houses: Archaeologies <strong>of</strong> Classical Greek and Hellenistic DomesticAssemblages” (with L.C. Nevett), in The Archaeology <strong>of</strong> Household Activities. P.Allison, ed., 43–56. London, New York: Routledge."Die klassische Aule. Höfe und Freiraum", in Geschichte des Wohnens. Band I: 500v.Chr. ­ 500 n.Chr. Vorgeschichte ­ Frühgeschichte ­ Antike. W. Hoepfner, ed., "KapitalIII: Die Epoch der Griechen. 5: Einzelprobleme", 537–544. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags­Anstalt (Wüstenrot Stiftung, Deutscher Eigenheimverein e. V., Ludwigsburg).“Koprones and Oil Presses at Halieis: Interactions <strong>of</strong> Town and Country and theIntegration <strong>of</strong> Domestic and Regional Economies", Hesperia. Journal <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSchool <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies at Athens 68, 549–573. (refereed)1997 "Objects <strong>of</strong> Metal" (principal author, with V. Hutchinson­Pennanen), in The Romano­British Villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn. E. Hostetter and T.N. Howe, eds., 220–254. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.1994 "Koprones and Oil Presses: Domestic Installations Related to Agricultural Productivityand Processing at Classical Halieis", in Structures rurales et sociétés antiques. Actesdu Colloque de Corfou (14–16 Mai 1992). P.N. Doukellis and L.G. Mendoni, eds., 197–206. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besancon, 508).2

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>Publications (cont’d)Review Article2006 “Greeks at Home and Abroad”: A.M. Greaves, Miletos. A History. London:Routledge, 2002; F. De Angelis, Megara Hyblaia and Selinous. The Development <strong>of</strong>Two Greek City­States in Archaic Sicily. Oxford: Oxford University School <strong>of</strong>Archaeology, 2003; N. Cahill, Household and City Organization at Olynthus. NewHaven: Yale University Press, 2002; C. Morgan, Early Greek States Beyond the Polis.London: Routledge, 2003 [in Antiquity 80: 214–218].Book ReviewsSubmitted D.G. Kyle, Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Oxford: BlackwellPublishing, 2006 (Ancient Cultures) [for CHOICE. Current Reviews for AcademicLibraries].2006 J. König, Athletics and Literature in the Roman Empire. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006 (Greek Culture in the Roman World) [in CHOICE. CurrentReviews for Academic Libraries 44 (October) 0995].J. Neils, ed., The Parthenon: From Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2005 [in CHOICE. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 43 (March)4198].T. Spawforth, The Complete Greek Temples. London: Thames & Hudson, 2006 [inCHOICE. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 44 (December) 2260].2005 R. Leighton, Tarquinia. An Etruscan City. London: Duckworth, 2004 (DuckworthArchaeological Histories) [in CHOICE. Current Review for Academic Libraries 42 (June)6020].PotWeb. Ceramics Online at the Ashmolean Museum (http://potweb.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/)[in CHOICE. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 43 (October) 1033].P. Valavanis, Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, Isthmia,Nemea, Athens. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2004 [in CHOICE. CurrentReviews for Academic Libraries 42 (May) 5426].2004 J.M. Hurwit, The Acropolis in the Age <strong>of</strong> Pericles. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2004 [in CHOICE. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 42 (Dec.) 2359].2002 W. Radt, Pergamon: Geschichte und Bauten einer antiken Metropole. Darmstadt:Primus Verlag, 1999; and U. Wulf, Altertümer von Pergamon, Vol. 15: DieStadtgrabung, 3: Die Hellenistischen und römischen Wohnhäuser von Pergamon: Unterbesonderer Berücksichtigung der Anlagen zwischen der Mittel­ und der Ostgasse.Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1999 [in American Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeology 106: 132–134].1998 M. Kiderlen, Megale Oikia: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung aufwendiger griechischerStadthausarchitektur von der Früharchaik bis ins 3 Jh.v.Chr. Hürth: Lange, 1995 [inJournal <strong>of</strong> Hellenic Studies 118: 244–245].Publications (cont’d)3

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>Book Reviews (cont’d)1995 M. Locock, ed., Meaningful Architecture: Social Interpretations <strong>of</strong> Buildings. Avebury:Aldershot, 1994 (Worldwide Archaeology Series, Vol. 9) [in American Journal <strong>of</strong>Archaeology 99: 752].Editorial Position1984–1986, 1992–1993 Assistant Editor, NESTOR. Bibliography <strong>of</strong> Aegean Prehistory.Bloomington: Program in Classical Archaeology, Indiana University.External RefereeManuscript Proposals & ReviewsArchaeology Magazine. A Publication <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> AmericaCambridge University Press (book proposal & manuscript reviews)Hesperia. Journal <strong>of</strong> the American School <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies at Athens (journal article &Monograph Series reviews)Grant ProposalsAustrian Science FundCity University <strong>of</strong> New York Research Award ProgramSocial Sciences and Humanities Research Council <strong>of</strong> Canada (SSHRC)Membership in Pr<strong>of</strong>essional OrganizationsAmerican School <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies at Athens, Alumni/ae Association (since 1992).Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America (since 1984).Service: President, Western New York Society (2005–); Committee on Archaeology inHigher Education (1997–2004); Secretary­Treasurer, Central Indiana Society (1984–1986); Regular Society Delegate at Annual Meetings (Central Indiana Society, WesternNew York Society).Classical Association <strong>of</strong> the Middle West and South (2004–2005); College Art Association(1992–1997); Society for American Archaeology (2004–2005).Colloquium Organizer2001 Households at the Margins <strong>of</strong> Greek Society (with L.C. Nevett), for the 102ndGeneral Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, San Diego, California,January 3­6.Papers Presented at Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Meetings & International Conferences2005 “’Domestic Space in the Greek City­State’ Revisited”, 101st Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> theClassical Association <strong>of</strong> the Middle West and South, Madison, Wisconsin, March 31–April, 2.2004 “‘Domestic Space in the Greek City­State’ Revisited”, 69 th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> theSociety for American Archaeology, Montreal, Canada, March 31–April 4.2001 "Housing the Homeless in Ancient Greece", 102nd General Meeting <strong>of</strong> theArchaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, San Diego, California, January 3–6 (abstract:American Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeology 105 [2001] 278).Papers Presented at Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Meetings & International Conferences (cont’d)4

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>2001 (cont’d) “Oikos and Oikonomia: Greek Houses, Households and the DomesticEconomy", for the conferences, Building Communities: House, Settlement and Societyin the Aegean, School <strong>of</strong> History and Archaeology, University <strong>of</strong> Wales, Cardiff, April17–21; and Wohnformen und Lebenswelten im interkulturellen Vergleich,Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus, Germany, April 26–29.1995 "Digging Houses: Archaeologies <strong>of</strong> Classical Greek and Hellenistic DomesticAssemblages" (with L.C. Nevett), 97th General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute<strong>of</strong> America, San Diego, California, December 27–30 (abstract: American Journal <strong>of</strong>Archaeology 100 [1996] 349–350).1993 "Type­Houses, House Types, and Isonomia in Classical Greece", 95th GeneralMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, Washington, D.C., December 27–30(abstract: American Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeology 98 [1994] 314–315).1992 "Koprones and Oil Presses: Domestic Installations Related to Agricultural Productivityand Processing at Classical Halieis", International Scientific Colloquium on RuralStructures and Ancient Societies, Ionian University, Corfu, May 14–16; and 94thGeneral Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, New Orleans, Louisiana,December 27–30 (abstract: American Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeology 97 [1993] 324–325).1987 "The Spatial Distribution <strong>of</strong> Cooking Pottery at Ancient Halieis", 88th General Meeting<strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, San Antonio, Texas, December 27–30,(abstract: American Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeology 91 [1987] 273).Invited Lectures (since 1991)2006 “You’re in the (Roman) Army Now: Marching with the Legions”, Ottawa Society <strong>of</strong> theArchaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America in conjunction with the Canadian War Museum,Lecture Series, Ottawa, Ontario, October 192005 “‘Domestic Space in the Greek City­State’ Revisited”, Classics <strong>Department</strong> FacultyLectures, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, April 27.2004 “Housing the Poor and Homeless in Ancient Greece”, Western New York Society <strong>of</strong>the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, Lecture Series, Buffalo, New York, March 24.“You’re in the (Roman) Army Now: Marching with the Legions”, The University and theWorld Lecture Series, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, July 27.2003 “Housing the Poor and Homeless in Ancient Greece”, Niagara Peninsula Society <strong>of</strong>the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, Lecture Series, St. Catherines, Ontario,October 5.1998 "Strategies, Structures, and Ideologies <strong>of</strong> the Built Environment: Regionalism andContinuity in the History and Prehistory <strong>of</strong> Greece", School <strong>of</strong> History and Archaeology,University <strong>of</strong> Wales, Cardiff, February 18."A Domus Fit for a King: Recent Archaeological Explorations on the Northeast Slope <strong>of</strong>the Palatine Hill, Rome", Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, April 2.Invited Lectures (since 1991; cont’d)5

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>1997 "Recent Excavations on the East Slope <strong>of</strong> the Palatine Hill" (with J.T. Peña), WesternNew York Society <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, Lecture Series, Buffalo,March 12."The Classical Aule: Its Features, Uses, and Appended Spaces", Colloquium withthe authors <strong>of</strong> Geschichte des Wohnens. Band I: 500 v.Chr. ­ 500 n.Chr. Vorgeschichte­ Frühgeschichte ­ Antike (W. Hoepfner, ed., 1999), Abguss­sammlung Antiker Plastik,Berlin, July 11.1994 "Halieis: A Classical Polis in its Rural Context", Niagara Peninsula Society <strong>of</strong> theArchaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, Lecture Series, St. Catherines, Ontario, February 5.1993 "Living in the Classical Polis: The Greek House as Microcosm", for the conference,The Organization <strong>of</strong> Space in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Florida StateUniversity, Tallahassee, March 4–5.1992 "Living in the Classical Polis: A Report from Halieis", Tea Talk, American School <strong>of</strong>Classical Studies at Athens, February 18.1991 "Halieis: Häuser und Oikonomia nach den Ausgrabungen der 70er Jahre", Seminar fürKlassische Archäologie, Freie Universität, Berlin, April 29.Archaeological Fieldwork2006 Dreamer’s Bay Ancient Port Project (Acrotiri, Cyprus), Project Co­Director:reconnaissance for projected fieldwork2000–2003 Halieis (Porto Cheli, Greece). Project Co­Director, the Halieis ExplorationProject: reconnaissance for renewed fieldwork (2000­2002); preliminarygeophysical survey undertaken with the British School <strong>of</strong> Archaeology atAthens (2003)1989–1997 Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma ­ American Academy in Rome,Palatine East Excavations (Rome, Italy).Duties: Sector Supervisor, Instructor in Field Methodology, Metalwork Specialist,Research Associate.1990 Hebrew University, Jerusalem ­ University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, test excavationsand collection <strong>of</strong> soil samples from the Herodian palaces at Jericho andMasada (Israel).Duties: Excavator, Sample Processing.Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia ­ American Academy in Rome,test excavations in the Palazzo Imperiale (Ostia Antica, Italy).Duties: Excavator.1988 Glenn A. Black Laboratory, Indiana University, Swann's Landing Paleo­Indian Salvage Project (Corydon, Indiana).Duties: Excavator.1984–1986 Indiana University excavations at the Romano­British Villa <strong>of</strong> Castle Copse(Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire).Duties: Sector Supervisor, Metalwork Specialist.Archaeological Fieldwork (cont’d)6

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>1986 The Nemea Valley Archaeological Project (Bryn Mawr University ­ CambridgeUniversity) (Archaia Nemea, Greece).Duties: Ceramics Research Assistant.1983 Indiana University excavations at the Archaic/Classical city <strong>of</strong> Halieis (PortoCheli, Greece).Duties: Ceramics Research Assistant.University ServiceFaculty Senate (alternate, 1997–99; served, Spring 1999)UB Digital Image Group for Instructional Technology (DIGIT; since 2000, charter member)Media Display Technology Workgroup (Spring 2002)Faculty ServiceArts and Sciences Policy Committee (2001–2004)World Civilizations Committee (since 1994)Arts and Letters <strong>Curriculum</strong> Committee (1995–97)Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities: Development Committee (1995–96)Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities: Legal Studies Work Group (1995–96)<strong>Department</strong>al ServiceAdvisory Committee to the Chair (2005–2006)Director <strong>of</strong> Graduate Studies (2003­2004)Director <strong>of</strong> Undergraduate Studies (1994–97; 2001–2002; Fall 2005)Recording Secretary, Minutes <strong>of</strong> Faculty Meetings (Spring 2002)Search Committee: Senior Hellenist Position (1998–99, ex­<strong>of</strong>ficio)Language Examiner in Graduate Reading Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency: French, German (since 1994)Ex–<strong>of</strong>ficio Curator <strong>of</strong> <strong>Department</strong>al Slide Collection (since 1993)Courses TaughtLectures:UGC111: World Civilizations Before 1500CL100: Polis and Oikos. Ancient Greek Cities, City­States, Houses and Households*CL105: Greek Archaeology*CL113: Myth and Religion in the Ancient WorldCL228: Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean WorldCL332: The Athenian EmpireCL336: Introduction to Greek Archaeology, I: The Aegean Bronze AgeCL337: Introduction to Greek Archaeology, II: The Iron AgeCL338: Introduction to Roman Archaeology, I: Etruscan – RepublicanCL339: Introduction to Roman Archaeology, II: The EmpireCL422: The Greek City: Polis, Chora, and OikosSeminars:CL505: The Archaeology <strong>of</strong> Classical Urbanism: Ancient Greek CitiesCL506: Problems in Greek Archaeology: Classical Houses and HouseholdsCL506: Problems in Greek Archaeology: The Topography <strong>of</strong> Athens and AtticaCL506: Problems in Greek Archaeology: The Greeks OverseasCL506: Problems in Greek Archaeology: Ancient CyprusCL580: Problems in Ancient Mediterranean Ceramics: The Iconography <strong>of</strong> GreekPainted Pottery* for Vassar CollegeResearch Supervision7

B.A. <strong>AULT</strong>, <strong>14.March.2007</strong>Ph.D. Dissertations:Supervisor: J. Cooper (in progress), T. Kopestonsky (in progress)Committee Member: L. Afonso (in progress), R. Cefaratti (in progress), D.M. Buell (inprogress), B. Costello (in progress), J. Ehrenst<strong>of</strong>t (in progress), P. Kimball (2004), M.Notarian (in progress), M. Poudrier (2002), M.B. Reeves (2004), L. Rubin (2004), P.Pantou (in progress), S. Gallimore (in progress), J. Strang (2007), G. Thompson (inprogress), R. van Dusen (in progress)M.A. Theses/Projects (in Classics unless otherwise noted):Supervisor: J. Borek (1996); D.M. Buell (2006); J. Foran (2006); C. Fugalli (1998), T.Kopestonsky (2003), D. Moore (2004), K. Phelps (2004)Committee Member: K. Coles (Art History, 2001), M. Beattie (2005), M. Dewey (2006); A.Grace (Art History, 2005), A. Heimroth (Art History, 2006), A. Hyatt (2005), K. Iao (ArtHistory, 2005), A. Kogler (Art History, 2004), M. Notarian (2006), P. Pantou (2006), E.Poyer (in progress), A. Schwartzott (Art History, 1997), A. Stamos (Art History, 1999),G. Thompson (2005), R. van Dusen (2004), C. Van Velsor (Art History, 2005)Undergraduate Honors Seminar (ASI200): J. Luk (1999)Undergraduate Independent Study/Honors Research Projects (CL499): K. Lorenzo (2002), M.Perini (2002)Grant Support2005: Dean’s Faculty Travel Fund: to read the paper, “‘Domestic Space in the Greek City­State’ Revisited”, at the101st Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Classical Association <strong>of</strong> theMiddle West and South, Madison, Wisconsin, March 31–April, 2.Amount: $500.002004: Dean’s Faculty Travel Fund: to read the paper, “‘Domestic Space in the Greek City­State’ Revisited”, at the 69 th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for AmericanArchaeology, Montreal, Canada, March 31–April 4. Amount: $500.002002 Dean’s Publication Subvention Fund, University at Buffalo Amount: $500.002001 Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Committee Individual Development Awards Program,State University <strong>of</strong> New York Amount: $532.002001 Dean’s Faculty Travel Fund: to participate in the colloquium Households at theMargins <strong>of</strong> Greek Society, for the 102nd General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the ArchaeologicalInstitute <strong>of</strong> America, San Diego, California, January 3­6, 2001Amount: $ 500.002000 Samuel L. Kress Foundation: funding for foreign scholars to participate in thecolloquium Households at the Margins <strong>of</strong> Greek Society, for the 102nd GeneralMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Archaeological Institute <strong>of</strong> America, San Diego, California,January 3­6, 2001 Amount: $ 2,500.001999 Julian Park Publication Fund Award, University at Buffalo Amount: $800.008

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