europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 8 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 88.2.Title ENTitle ROAuthorsInstitution -Patent no.DescriptionENDescriptionROInternal combustion engine with oscillating rotary pistonsMotor cu ardere interna cu pistoane rotative-oscilanteDumitru VizitiuPending RO00825/2005The invention refers to an internal combustion engine withoscillating rotary pistons, operating as a four cycle engine.In complete version, the engine has two cylinders placed intandem, where two pistons slide and rotate, with both ends active,resulting in a situation that is equivalent to four cylinders and theafferent pistons of a clasical engine. The engine is worth beingnoticed, thanks to its simplicity in engineering, its reduced vibrationand easy maintenance, its efficiency and the improved power toweight ratio, and also taking into consideration the reduction oftoxic emmisions when using classical fuel. It can be easily adjustedfor the use of hydrogen, too. On request, the wxhaust and the imputclefts can reverse their roles, so that the engine can workconversely. The engine can lend itself to equipping a widw range ofmachines, from ships and locomotions to cars and motor-cycles.With a distinct spatial geometry and reduced sizes, it can beassembled in narrow spaces. Because of this fact, the engine is agood fit in equipping motor vehicles that have an alternativepropulsion. It can also be used as a miniatural plane model thanksto the possibility of miniaturizing some parts of it.Inventia se refera la un motor cu ardere interna cu pistoane rotativeoscilante,cu ciclul de functionare in patru timpi. In variantacompleta, motorul dispune de doi cilindri asezati in tandem, in careculiseaza si se rotesc doua pistoane cu ambele capate active, situatiece echivaleaza cu patru cilindri si pistoanele aferente ale unui motorclasic. Motorul se remarca prin simplitatea constructiva si aoperatiunilor de intretinere, prin vibratii reduse, prin randament siraport greutate-putere imbunatatite cat si prin emisiile nocive redusein cazul folosirii combustibililor clasici. Poate fi usor preparatpentru folosirea hidrogenului. La dorinta, ferestrele de admisie sievacuare isi pot inversa rolurile, motorul putand fi pornit in sensinvers. Motorul se preteaza la echiparea unei game largi de masinisi utilaje, de la vase maritime si locomotive pana la automobile simotociclete. Avand o geometrie spatiala deosebita si dimensiunireduse, poate fi montat in spatii mici, mai ales inguste. Datoritaacestui fapt e potrivit in echiparea autovehicolelor cu propulsiemixta. Poate fi folosit si in modelism datorita posibilitatilor deminiaturizare a variantelor simple ale motorului.86

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