europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 5 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 55.5.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROGaz-counter with integrated system for fuel analysisContor de gaz cu sistem integrat de analiză a compoziţiei şiputerii caloriceDebeli Mihai, Sandu Andrei Victor, Sandu IonRomanian Inventors ForumPeding RO00926/2008The inventions refers to a gas-counter with integratedanalysis system, that displays the composition and thecaloric capacity of gas fuel, which can be mounted on adomestic or industrial consumer, in order to monitor theconsume and the quality of fuel.Invenţia se referă la un sistem integrat de contorizare agazelor combustibile, care permite afişarea debitului încorelaţie cu compoziţia, capacitatea calorică şi alţi parametri.Poate fi montat la consumatori domestici, dar şi industriali.5.6.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROMethod and device for determining salin aerosols used fortherapyMetoda si dispozitiv pentru determinarea aerosolilor saliniSandu Ion , Pascu Constantin, Sandu Ioan Gabriel, CiobanuGabriela, Vasile Victoriţa, Ciobanu Octavian, SanduAndrei-Victor , Pascu AncaRomanian Inventors ForumRO122232The invention refers to a device for the determination of thenonstructural salin aerosols, from halochambers fortreatment, by differential conductometric method usingbubbling system and a reference curve. The bubbling devicepresents a system of volume adjustment, in which are theelectrods (conductive and temperature compensation). Asadvantages are that can be used in laboratories and “in situ”,it is very precise (ppm concentration order), can be set up asa standard method for aerosols.Inventia se refera la un dispozitiv pentru determinareaaerosolilor salini din halocamere pentru tratamente, prinmetode conductometrice diferentiale.75

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