europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 5 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 5CLASS 5.Industrial and Laboratory EquipmentsEchipamente industriale şi de laborator5.1.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROResonance and/or vibration measurement deviceDispozitiv de măsură prin rezonanţă şi/sau vibraţieAndrew CordaniMidisticks LimitedGB2403338B, US7,343,777Midisticks are capable of rapidly identifying severalmaterials (e.g. wood, card, ceramic, rubber, note-pad…).They generate an assignable sound or effect (MIDImessage) dependant on the type of material and force inwhich that material is struck.Midistick este capabil de identificare rapidă pentru anumitemateriale (lemn, ceramică, cauciuc etc.). Generează un sunetpersonalizat sau un efect (mesaj MIDI) dependent de tipul dematerial sau forţa, de care acel material este lovit.55.2.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROProcedure for producing a senzor for determination of gascompoundsProcedeu de confectionare a senzorului pentru determinareaconcentratiei compusilor in stare gazoasaP.Gaugas, P.Lozovanu, M.CaramanState University of MoldovaMD1544Procedure of producing a senzor with a layer of fullereneC60by thermal sublimation in vacuum, rezistant to corrosion.Elaborarea unui procedeu de confectionare a senzorului custrat de fullereneC60 rezistent in mediu corosiv, prin metodasublimarii termice in vid.73

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