europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 4 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 44.7.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereRO4.8.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROAntioxidative compounds from Spirulina plantensisObtinere preparatilor antioxidante din biomasa SPIRULINAplantensisV.Rudic,C.Turta, V.Bulimaga,Z.Zosim, T.Chiriac,N.EfremovaState University of MoldovaMD-1008,MD-2386, MD-3128, MD-3129New procedures of biomass obtaining of spiruline with highconcentration with antioxidative effect.Elaborarea procedeelor noi de obtinere a biomasei deSpirulina cu continut sporit si biotehnologii originale deobtinere a preparatelor antioxidante in baza biomasei deSpirulina.Surgical methods in malign tumors treatment of basin bonesMetode chirurgicale în tratamentul tumorilor maligne aleoaselor bazinuluiIon Dăscăliuc, Daniela Andronache, Ala DoroganTechnical University of MoldovaPendingThe surgical treatment of basin bones’ tumors isconsiderably remaining behind the other compartments ofosteo-oncology. The surgical treatment methods in thisregion are determined by the anatomo-physiologicalparticularities of the basin, the presence of a big number ofmagistral vessels and nerve trunks, specific topography ofthe basin’s cavity organs and the presence of numerousmassive muscles.Tratamentul chirurgical al tumorilor oaselor bazinuluiconsiderabil rămâne în urmă de alte compartimente aleosteooncologiei. Metodele de tratament chirurgical în aceastăzonă sunt determinate de particularităţile anatomofiziologiceale bazinului, prezenţa unui număr mare de vasemagistrale şi trunchiuri nervoase, topografia specifică aorganelor cavităţii bazinului şi prezenţa numeroşilor muşchimasivi.59

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