europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 4 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 4CLASS 4Medicine – Health Care - CosmeticsMedicină – Cosmetică4.1Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereROMethod for the treatment of the ear tube dereglations causedby chronic medium supurated otitisMetodă de tratament a dereglărilor funcţiilor tubei auditivein otitele medii cronice supurateLOSÎI OlegAGEPI MoldovaPendingSummary of the invention consists in that it is carried outanesthesia of the nasal mucosa and of the rhinopharynxwith 10% lidocaine solution, and into the tubal tonsil it isintroduced 1 ml of betamethasone dipropionate solution,then it is introduced into the auditory tube the Itard probe,connected to the electrostimulator by means of a contactelectrode and it is carried out the electrostimulation of theperitubal muscles with electric pulses with a voltage of 5 Vand a frequency of 3 Hz within 1 second and by graphicrecording it is determined the auditory tube opening time.Esenţa invenţiei constă în aceea că se efectuează anesteziamucoasei nazale şi a rinofaringelui cu soluţie de lidocainăde 10%, iar în amigdala tubară se introduce 1 ml de soluţiede dipropionat de betametazon, apoi se introduce în tubaauditivă sonda Itard, care este conectată la electrostimulatorprin intermediul unui electrod de contact şi se efectueazăelectrostimularea muşchilor peritubari cu impulsurielectrice cu tensiunea de 5 V şi frecvenţa de 3 Hz timp de osecundă şi prin înregistrarea grafică se determină timpul dedeschidere a tubei auditive.455

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