europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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CLASS 3 EUROINVENT 2009 CLASA 3Patent no.DescriptionENDescriereRO3.20.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENDescriereRO3.21.Title ENTitlu ROAuthorsInstitutionPatent no.DescriptionENMD3054, MD1011On the basis of the strains of the Rhizobium leguminosarumand Rh. phaseoli obtained by the authors was preparedbiological active product Rhizolignin (drought) or Rizolic(liquid) which are utilize for seeds treatment of the pea andkidney bean before sowingPe baza tulpinilor de Rhizobium leguminosarum and Rh.phaseoli evidenţiate de autori se obţine preparatul de tipRhizolignina (uscat) sau Rizolic (lichid) care se utilizează latratarea seminţelor de mazăre şi respectiv de fasole înainte desemănatProcess for hen´s knemidocoptosis prophylaxis andtreatmentProcedeu de profilaxie şi tratament al knemidocoptozeigalinaceelorDumitru Erhan, Ştefan Rusu, Oleg ChihaiAcademy of Science, Moldova, Instute of ZoologyMD3422The process includes treatment by hen with preparationIvomec in a dose of 0,2 mg/kg, for prophylaxis thetreatment is carrid out onse, and for treatament – thee times,with an interval of 7 days.Procedeul include administrarea subcutanat păsărilor apreparatului Ivomec: pentru profilaxie o dată în doză de 0,2mg/kg masă, iar pentru tratament câte 0,2 mg/kg masă vietrei reprise cu un interval de 7 zileProcess for additional feeding of wild animalsProcedeu de hrănire complementară a animalelor sălbaticeAndrei Munteanu, Anatolie Savin, Ion ŢurcanuAcademy of Science, Moldova, Instute of ZoologyMD3639The additional feeding is carried out with fodder prepared fromfresh apple pulp, dried common nettle (Urtica dioica L.)harvested in the flowering period, placed in hayers with thethickness of 15-20 and , respectively, 8-10 cm, and salt. At thesome time, the additional feeding is carried cut in frosty daysbefore noon, in frost – free days in the afternoon.51

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