europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

europeanexhibitionofc reativityandinnovatio ... - Europe Direct Iasi

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123456INVENTION CLASSIFICATIONCLASIFICAREA INVENŢIILOREnvironment - PollutionControlEnergy and sustainabledevelopmentAgriculture and FoodIndustryMedicine – Health Care– CosmeticsIndustrial andlaboratory equipmentsMechanical Engineering– MetallurgyMediu – ControlulpoluăriiEnergie şi dezvoltaredurabilăAgricultură şi industriealimentarăMedicină – CosmeticăEchipamente industriale şide laboratorInginerie mecanica –Metalurgie7 Buildings and Materials Construcţii şi Materiale8910Aviation, car industryand transportationChemical and TextileIndustryInformation Technologyand CommunicationIndustria aviaţiei,constructoare de maşini şitransporturiIndustria Chimică şiTextilăTehnologia Informaţiei şiComunicaţii11 Printing and advertising Imprimate şi publicitate1213Safety, protection andrescue of peopleSports, Games andLeisureSiguranţă şi protecţieSport, Jocuri şi Recreere14 Other Altele27

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