Owsley County - Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Owsley County - Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Owsley County - Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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Snapshot of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>Nestled in the Appalachian mountains of Eastern <strong>Kentucky</strong>, <strong>Owsley</strong><strong>County</strong> was <strong>for</strong>med in 1843 from portions of Clay, Breathitt <strong>and</strong> Estill Counties.This small rural area serves as home to 4,858 residents with 99.22% of thoseresidents being from the Caucasian decent. An annual median householdincome of $15,805 has associated <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> with poverty, but the mystiquebeauty of the mountainous region <strong>and</strong> rolling farm l<strong>and</strong> were cattle graze wouldmake many think <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> was the wealthiest l<strong>and</strong> in all the country. Thiscould be a direct correlation as to why 66.5% of the population is between theages of 25-65, many find it hard to leave.Tobacco Use in <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>43.8% of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> high school students report smoking at least onecigarette in the past 30 days (High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2004-05)42% of pregnant women report smoking during pregnancy (birth certificate file,<strong>Cabinet</strong> of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong>)Over 43% of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> high school students report purchasing or bummingcigarettes in the past 30 days (High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2004-05)The lung cancer death rate <strong>for</strong> <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> is 96.932/100,000 compared tothe state rate of 78.553/100,000 <strong>and</strong> in the highest quintile (University of<strong>Kentucky</strong> Cooperate Extension Service, Leading Causes of Death Age-AdjustedRates <strong>and</strong> Quintiles, 1995-1999)Use of tobacco, cigarettes <strong>and</strong> spit, is high among youth <strong>and</strong> adults <strong>and</strong> smokingis exceptionally high among pregnant women. These high use rates aresupported by community norms that are approving of tobacco use. Youthavailability is high <strong>and</strong> it appears that few policies exist to discourage use <strong>and</strong>existing policies are not being en<strong>for</strong>ced. As a result, a high percentage of youth<strong>and</strong> adults are addicted to nicotine. Additionally, a disproportionate number ofyouth in <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> suffer from asthma <strong>and</strong> many are having asthmaticepisodes or asthma attacks. Finally, the death rates from diseases associatedwith tobacco use are high, consistently above state rates, <strong>and</strong> in the secondhighest or highest quintile. The high use of tobacco can be contributed to the factthat <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> has had a history of tobacco farming, lack of policyen<strong>for</strong>cement, <strong>and</strong> poverty. In 1998 it was reported that <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> producedaround 2.5 million pounds of tobacco, but has since declined with the tobaccobuyout. However, <strong>Owsley</strong> is still producing approximately 750,000 pounds oftobacco annually. We have also considered the fact that tobacco use isprevalent due to a lack of policy

Advisory BoardChair - Deana McIntosh - <strong>Health</strong> Dept,Vice-Chair - Sue Brunk - School NurseSecretary - Charles Phillips – Booneville Funeral HomeDanny Barrett - ParentSister Marge Eilerman - Faith BasedCale Turner - Local GovernmentMolly Turner - Other AgencyNatasha Lucas - Extension AgencyGary Evans - <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> SchoolsTravis Smith - FRYSCDr, Brian Banks - Medical CommunityRuby Jackson - YSCBarbara Murrell - BusinessSPF-SIG Accomplishments• Partnered with Opinion Research of Little Rock Arkansas to compile <strong>and</strong>complete a community norms survey.• Partnered with <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> High School to have local youth complete aproduct placement survey of local quick marts, grocery stores <strong>and</strong> gasstations• Graduated 11 participants from Cooper-Clayton.• Formed <strong>and</strong> trained youth tobacco coalition in S.Q.U.A.D.S. S.Q.U.A.D.Sis a curriculum that provides a step by step process <strong>for</strong> youth led action intobacco control. It is based on the assumption at the youth participant willcreate their own product based on the concerns in their community. TheSQUADS curriculum introduces adults an approach to work with youththat develops youth as advocates <strong>for</strong> tobacco control. The concepts <strong>and</strong>applications in the curriculum have been pilot tested <strong>and</strong> implemented inthe field by STAT over a one year period. SQUADS are a unique modeldesigned to assist interested organization with the initiation of youth-ledactivities in supports of tobacco-free communities.• The SQUADS model is divided into six different sessions:STUDY- Study the scope of the problem of youth <strong>and</strong> tobaccoby conducting surveys in their local communities;QUESTION- Question <strong>and</strong> analyze the in<strong>for</strong>mation collected <strong>and</strong>use it to identify the issue in the community related to youth <strong>and</strong>tobacco;UNDERSTAND- Underst<strong>and</strong> how they can be effective at making achange in their community by addressing tobacco-related concernsfrom a youth perspective;ACT- Act on the problem that they identified as a priority bydeveloping an action plan that addresses the problem;

DEBRIEF- Debrief about the process used to complete their actionby discussing successes, as well as obstacles <strong>and</strong> challenges; <strong>and</strong>SUCCESS- Success of the action plan is celebrated <strong>and</strong> sharedwith others in the community by planning an event that involves themedia <strong>and</strong> the members of the community.Each session of the SQUADS process prepares a foundation fro the session thatfollows. Youth will have the opportunity to practice the skills learned in each ofthe session by completing what is referred to as “SQUADS Mission Assignment.”The SQUADS Mission Assignment is “h<strong>and</strong>s on” <strong>and</strong> provide the in<strong>for</strong>mationnecessary to complete subsequent sessions. Through mission assignments,youth will have successfully surveyed their community, analyzed data, <strong>and</strong>prioritized-problems, planned a youth-led action, <strong>and</strong> shared their success withother in the community.• Formed T.A.T.U (Teens Against Tobacco Use) coalition. TATU missions<strong>and</strong> goals is to help teens remain tobacco free. But teens also gainexperience <strong>and</strong> skills that will help them in a wide range of adult activities.• TATU concentrates on the following five components designed to preventtobacco use.1. Develop skills to teach younger children about tobacco use <strong>and</strong>become advocates <strong>for</strong> a tobacco-free community.2. Underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> identify the positive aspects of begin tobacco free <strong>and</strong>realize that the majority of teens <strong>and</strong> adults do NOT smoke.3. Underst<strong>and</strong> how tobacco advertising <strong>and</strong> promotions deceive youth.4. Underst<strong>and</strong> how getting hooked on tobacco destroys youth’s freedom<strong>and</strong> control over their personal lives.5. Develop self-confidence.• Trained advisory board in Tobacco 101.• Mobilized <strong>and</strong> trained the medical community in the 5-A’s.• Have secured 5 signed MOU’s from medical community stating theirwillingness to adopt the 5-A’s into there practice.• Coordinator has been trained as a Cooper-Clayton facilitator to helpmarket the program.• Coordinator has been trained in social norming <strong>and</strong> school policy review.• Mobilized student government to change tobacco policy.• Developed product placement survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>.• Developed community norms survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>• Developed political leader survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>.• Began “Ask the Doctor” campaign ads in the local newspaper.• Was recognized by the Governor as making <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> a healthierplace to live.A Look into the Future• TEG/TAP program implemented into the area schools.

• Coordinator to be trained in TEG/TAP.• 3 school staff to be trained in TEG/TAP.• 2 board members to be trained in TEG/TAP.• Research alternative ways pregnant women can kick the habit of tobaccouse.• Conduct focus groups on social availability with area youth in partnershipwith the extension agency.• Begin moving student government towards tobacco policy change <strong>for</strong> theschools.• Offer more cessation services <strong>for</strong> <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> residents.• Continue building capacity within the communities.• Conduct tobacco compliance checks at local tobacco retailers.

HISTORY OF OWSLEY COUNTY• Formed in 1843 from portions of Clay,Breathitt, <strong>and</strong> Estill Counties.• Named after <strong>for</strong>mer <strong>Kentucky</strong> GovernorWilliam <strong>Owsley</strong>.• <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> was <strong>Kentucky</strong>’s s 96 th county.• <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> was used to <strong>for</strong>m Jackson<strong>County</strong> in 1858, <strong>and</strong> Lee <strong>County</strong> in 1870.

HISTORY OF OWSLEY COUNTY• 13.64% of voters in the 1860 election volunteered <strong>for</strong> service in theUnion Army.• State representative A.B. Gilbert from <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> cast thedeciding vote at the general assembly concerning whether or not<strong>Kentucky</strong> remained with the Union.• Daniel Boone descendants are buried in the Newman Cemeterylocated in the Pebworth area of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>• Daniel Boone was once quoted as saying the area was “a a placewhere peace crowns the sylvan shade”

Famous <strong>Owsley</strong> Countians• Dolly Bowling• Earle Bryan Combs• James Klotter, PhD

Demographics• Population: 4,858 (census, 2000)• Caucasian: 99.22%• African American: 0.10%• Native American: 0.06%• Asian American: 0.04%• Pacific Isl<strong>and</strong>ers: 0.02%• Other Races: 0.02%• Two or more races: 0.54%• Hispanic or Latino: 0.72%

Age demographics• < 18 years of age: 24.6%• 18-24 years of age: 8.9%• 25-44 years of age: 27.0%• 45-64 years of age: 24.5%• 65 > years of age: 15.0%

Socioeconomic demographics• Median income <strong>for</strong> a household in county: $15,805• Median income <strong>for</strong> a family: 18,034• 48.3% of households make less than $15,000 per year.• 56.3% of youth under the age of 18 live below the povertyline.• 34.5% of those who are 65 <strong>and</strong> older live below the povertyline.• 58.4% of <strong>Owsley</strong> Countians are eligible <strong>for</strong> Medicaid.• 40.6% of <strong>Owsley</strong> Countians are receiving food stamps.

Educational Attainment(population 25 years <strong>and</strong> over)• Percent of population who have 9 th gradeeducation or less: 33.8%• Percent who have 9 th grade – 12 th grade educationwith no diploma: 16.9%• High school graduates (includes equivalency):28.0%• Some College: 9.7%• Associates Degree: 3.8%• Bachelors Degree: 3.0%• Graduate or Professional degree: 4.7%

<strong>Health</strong>• <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> is in the highest quintile with 125deaths between the years of 1995-1999 1999 <strong>for</strong>diseases of the heart.• 80 <strong>Owsley</strong> Countians died due to some <strong>for</strong>m ofcancer between 1995-1999. 1999. <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> ranksin the highest quintile <strong>for</strong> deaths due to cancers.• 25 died from cerebrovascular disease between1995-1999. 1999. This ranks <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> in thesecond highest quintile

Areas of Concern• Youth• Adults• Pregnant women

Youth Strategies• Education/Awareness• Social Norming Campaign• Substance Abuse Curriculum• Tobacco Specific Curriculum• School Policy Review• Youth tobacco coalition• Tobacco cessation services• Retailer compliance checks

AdultsThe School <strong>Health</strong> Education Evaluation (SHEE)2004-05 05 report that 64% of students have one ormore persons smoking that live in their home.According to the <strong>Kentucky</strong> Needs AssessmentProject 1999 Household Survey 40.5% of <strong>Owsley</strong><strong>County</strong> adults reported using some kind oftobacco product in the past 30 days. <strong>Owsley</strong><strong>County</strong> is in the highest quintile <strong>for</strong> diseases of theheart, all cancers, <strong>and</strong> lung cancer <strong>and</strong> is in thesecond highest quintile <strong>for</strong> cerebrovasculardiseases <strong>and</strong> chronic lower respiratory disease.

Adult Strategies• Education/Awareness• Mobilize <strong>and</strong> train medical community• Tobacco cessation services

Pregnant WomenAccording to the birth certificate file 42% ofpregnant women reported smoking duringpregnancy. This has led to low birth ratesamong new born babies. Of the 175 birthsin <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> 2001-2003, 2003, 14 childrenwere born with a birth weight of less than5.5 pounds. (<strong>Kentucky</strong> Kids Count 2005)

Pregnant Women Strategies• Education/Awareness• Mobilize <strong>and</strong> train medical community• Specific cessation services <strong>for</strong> pregnantwomen.

Cultural CompetencyThe population of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> is not ethnically diverse but culturallydiverse. The culture of Appalachia is of a people who are self reliant,self sufficient, family oriented, traditionalism, fatalism, <strong>and</strong> religiousfundamentalism. In <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> this diversity is reflective in theheritage of tobacco farming, the socio-economic status, educationalattainment levels, fatalistic interpretation of “you have to die ofsomething”, , <strong>and</strong> attendance in church. The Board is mindful of the rolewhich cultural diversity will play in the success of sustainablestrategies. All material, including the educational <strong>and</strong> awarenessstrategies as well as the social norm surveys will be written at anappropriate reading level. In developing educational <strong>and</strong> awarenessessmaterial we will structure the in<strong>for</strong>mation so we are not “telling peoplewhat to do”. . We will need to be mindful of the timing of programs sothat they do not conflict with church. When we recruit volunteers wewill hold trainings that will raise their awareness to the cultural diversityof <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>and</strong> we will address cultural sensitivity during ourregular meetings

Sustainability• We underst<strong>and</strong> that we cannot obtain sustainability without first showingsuccess in the strategies implemented. We are matching our communityneeds with the prevention interventions <strong>and</strong> strategies. This is beingaccomplished through our collection of data <strong>for</strong> our target populations <strong>and</strong>analyzing that data to develop the prevention strategies which will wcontain theintrinsic <strong>and</strong> extrinsic characteristics of sustainable interventions ions <strong>for</strong> <strong>Owsley</strong><strong>County</strong>. We will build professional <strong>and</strong> volunteer expertise through attendanceof training opportunities <strong>for</strong> the program coordinator, board members <strong>and</strong>volunteers. The trainings will include tobacco specific prevention, substanceabuse prevention <strong>and</strong> tobacco cessation. These training opportunities willincrease knowledge <strong>and</strong> create a lasting component to the sustainability ability of ourprogram. We will create an e-mail etree to keep key stakeholders in the ‘loop’as to what is going on within our program. This will increase communication,ccommunity buy-in <strong>and</strong> support <strong>for</strong> prevention ef<strong>for</strong>ts which will assist in movingour programs <strong>and</strong> strategies toward sustainability.• The Board recognizes that sustainability is an ongoing, cyclical change processwhich will require ongoing assessment, planning <strong>and</strong> re-assessment of oursystem in order to support the continued use of the chosen preventionprograms <strong>and</strong> strategies.

Accomplishments• Partnered with Opinion Research of Little Rock Arkansas to compile<strong>and</strong> complete a community norms survey.• Partnered with <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> High School to have local youthcomplete a product placement survey of local quick marts, grocerystores <strong>and</strong> gas stations.• Graduated 11 participants from Cooper-Clayton.Clayton.• Formed <strong>and</strong> trained youth tobacco coalition in S.Q.U.A.D.S.• Formed T.A.T.U coalition.• Trained advisory board in Tobacco 101.• Mobilized <strong>and</strong> trained the medical community in the 5-A’s. 5• Have secured 5 signed MOU’s from medical community stating theirwillingness to adopt the 5-A’s 5 s into there practice.

Accomplishments Cont.• Coordinator has been trained as a Cooper-Clayton Clayton facilitator to helpmarket the program..• Coordinator has been trained in social norming <strong>and</strong> school policyreview.• Mobilized student government to change tobacco policy.• Developed product placement survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>.• Developed community norms survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>• Developed political leader survey specific to <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>.• Began “Ask the Doctor” campaign ads in the local newspaper.• Was recognized by the Governor as making <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> a healthiererplace to live.

A Look to The Future• TEG/TAP program implemented into the area schools.• Coordinator to be trained in TEG/TAP.• 3 school staff to be trained in TEG/TAP.• 2 board members to be trained in TEG/TAP.• Research alternative ways pregnant women can kick the habit oftobacco use.• Conduct focus groups on social availability with area youth inpartnership with the extension agency.• Begin moving student government towards tobacco policy change <strong>for</strong>the schools.• Offer more cessation services <strong>for</strong> <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> residents.• Continue building capacity within the communities.• Conduct tobacco compliance checks at local tobacco retailers.

Ernest J. Oakleaf, Ph.D.Zoe Oakleaf, Ph.D.A Survey of <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Kentucky</strong> ResidentsOn Tobacco-Related Issues1501 N. University Ave.Suite 769Little Rock, AR 72207Tel: 501-663-2414Fax: 501-663-2494oakleafs@aol.comPresented to:K entucky River Community Care, Inc.

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY ................................ 3EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................. 4MASTER QUESTIONNAIRE ..........................................14CROSS-TABULATIONS ..............................................202

INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGYOpinion Research Associates, Inc., interviewed by telephone 254 adult residents of<strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>, <strong>Kentucky</strong>. The telephone number sample was a total enumeration of all826 listed numbers in <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>, obtained from Survey Sampling, Inc., of Fairfield,CT. Interviews were conducted from ORA's central telephone facility in Little Rockbetween February12-15, 2007.The total sample of 254 cases drawn from a population of 826 has a margin of error ofapproximately ±5.3 percentage points at the 95% level of confidence. This means that95% of all r<strong>and</strong>om samples of this size will produce results than can be expected to vary,as a result of r<strong>and</strong>om variation, by no more than 5.3 percentage points from the truepopulation parameters. Findings are rounded to the nearest percentage point <strong>and</strong> may notadd up 100% due to rounding error.3

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY59% of respondents said that they would favor a local law that would make all publicbuildings smoke free. 50% said they strongly favor the law <strong>and</strong> 9% said theysomewhat favor the law. 35% of respondents said they oppose such a law, 30%strongly <strong>and</strong> 5% somewhat. 6% of respondents did not have an opinion.As is typically the case in opinion surveys on smoke-free measures, nonsmokers,especially those who have never smoked, strongly support the law, while smokersstrongly oppose it:Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || favor......| 14 16% | 42 62% | 72 74% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | | || favor......| 5 6% | 7 10% | 11 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | || oppose.....| 7 8% | 4 6% | 1 1% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | || oppose.....| 57 64% | 12 18% | 8 8% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 6 7% | 3 4% | 5 5% | 14 6% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+4

Similarly, support <strong>for</strong> the ordinance is stronger among those who live in a householdin which no one has smoked in the past 30 days, while those who live in a householdin which there is a smoker are opposed to the law. The same pattern holds true <strong>for</strong>people who have a car in which someone has smoked in the past 30 days. (Thesevariables are in large part surrogates <strong>for</strong> whether someone smokes.):Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 32 28% | 96 68% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 8 7% | 15 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 9 8% | 3 2% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 56 50% | 21 15% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 7% | 6 4% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 29 33% | 99 60% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 4 5% | 19 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 6 7% | 6 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 44 50% | 33 20% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 5 6% | 9 5% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+5

A majority of respondents in every educational category favors a smoke-free law,with support strongest among college graduates:Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || favor......| 22 37% | 41 48% | 30 54% | 34 67% | 127 50% ||Somewhat | | | | | || favor......| 9 15% | 9 10% | 1 2% | 4 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | || oppose.....| 3 5% | 5 6% | 2 4% | 2 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | || oppose.....| 18 30% | 28 33% | 22 39% | 9 18% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 13% | 3 3% | 1 2% | 2 4% | 14 6% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+A majority of respondents in age category favors a smoke-free law, with supportweakest among respondents under age 35:Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || favor......| 23 49% | 19 51% | 27 47% | 32 57% | 24 48% | 125 50% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || favor......| 3 6% | 2 5% | 7 12% | 5 9% | 6 12% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || oppose.....| 0 0% | 1 3% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 6 12% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | | || oppose.....| 20 43% | 14 38% | 19 33% | 14 25% | 10 20% | 77 31% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 1 3% | 2 3% | 3 5% | 4 8% | 11 4% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+6

Respondents with a child 21 or younger are slightly less favorable toward the lawthan respondents without a child aged 21 or younger:Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 38 51% | 90 50% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 4 5% | 19 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 2 3% | 10 6% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 29 39% | 48 27% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 2 3% | 12 7% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Women are more supportive of a smoke-free law than are men:Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 52 43% | 76 58% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 9 7% | 14 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 9 7% | 3 2% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 44 36% | 33 25% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 7% | 6 5% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+7

When asked to estimate what percentage of youth in the community, 12-17, haveused tobacco products during the past 30 days, 18% of respondents estimated 20% orless, 23% estimated 21%-40%, 22% estimated 41%-60%, 10% estimated 61%-80%,<strong>and</strong> 8% estimated more than 80%. 19% were unable to produce an estimate.A majority of respondents, 59%, said it is difficult <strong>for</strong> youth under 18 to buy tobaccoproducts from a retailer in the community. 36% said it is very difficult <strong>and</strong> 23% saidit is somewhat difficult. 26% said it is easy: 13% said somewhat easy <strong>and</strong> 13% saidvery easy. 15% did not know.Current smokers were more likely than non-smokers to say it is difficult <strong>for</strong> youth tobuy tobacco:Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | | ||Very | | | | || difficult..| 44 49% | 20 29% | 28 29% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | | || difficult..| 22 25% | 18 26% | 19 20% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | || easy.......| 8 9% | 14 21% | 11 11% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 7 8% | 8 12% | 18 19% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 8 9% | 8 12% | 21 22% | 37 15% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+84% of respondents disagree that parents should be able to buy tobacco products <strong>for</strong>their children under 18 – 80% strongly disagree <strong>and</strong> 4% somewhat disagree. 15%agree either strongly (9%) or somewhat (6%). 2% had no opinion.78% of respondents agreed either strongly (54%) or somewhat (23%) that tobaccoretailers in the community are careful in preventing the sale of tobacco to underagepersons. 16% disagreed either strongly (11%) or somewhat (5%). 7% did not know.8

Again, smokers, as opposed to non-smokers, seem more convinced that youth arediscouraged from obtaining tobacco products:Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 56 63% | 32 47% | 49 51% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 18 20% | 16 24% | 25 26% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 4 4% | 4 6% | 4 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 6 7% | 11 16% | 11 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 6% | 5 7% | 8 8% | 18 7% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Skepticism of tobacco retailers’ diligence in protecting youth from tobacco increasesas education increases:Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || agree......| 40 67% | 47 55% | 30 54% | 19 37% | 136 54% ||Somewhat | | | | | || agree......| 9 15% | 21 24% | 13 23% | 16 31% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | | || disagree...| 3 5% | 4 5% | 2 4% | 3 6% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | || disagree...| 3 5% | 8 9% | 6 11% | 11 22% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 8% | 6 7% | 5 9% | 2 4% | 18 7% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+9

Three quarters of respondents – 75% – agree either strongly (60%) or somewhat(15%) that breathing secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke is as harmful as smoking a cigarette. 19%disagree, 12% strongly <strong>and</strong> 7% somewhat. 6% did not have an opinion.Non-smokers, especially those who have never smoked, are in greater agreement withthis statement than are current smokers:Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 36 40% | 41 60% | 75 77% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 13 15% | 11 16% | 15 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 10 11% | 6 9% | 2 2% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 20 22% | 7 10% | 3 3% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 10 11% | 3 4% | 2 2% | 15 6% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+10

Women are in greater agreement on this statement than are men:Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 58 48% | 94 71% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 24 20% | 15 11% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 12 10% | 6 5% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 16 13% | 14 11% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 12 10% | 3 2% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Nearly everyone agrees that adults should not smoke around young children. 88%strongly agree <strong>and</strong> 8% somewhat agree.When read the statement, “Secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke is associated with children havingrespiratory problems, middle ear infections, <strong>and</strong> asthma,” 70% of respondents saidthe statement is either very accurate (61%) or somewhat accurate (19%). 7% said thestatement is inaccurate (3% very inaccurate; 4% somewhat inaccurate). 13% did notknow.11

Non-smokers, especially those who have never smoked, were more likely thansmokers to say the statement was accurate, as were college graduates <strong>and</strong> women:Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | | ||Very | | | | || accurate...| 36 40% | 46 68% | 74 76% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | | || accurate...| 23 26% | 9 13% | 15 15% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | | || inaccurate.| 7 8% | 3 4% | 1 1% | 11 4% ||Very | | | | || inaccurate.| 7 8% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 16 18% | 10 15% | 7 7% | 33 13% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | | | ||Very | | | | | || accurate...| 38 63% | 49 57% | 32 57% | 36 71% | 155 61% ||Somewhat | | | | | || accurate...| 11 18% | 20 23% | 7 13% | 9 18% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | | | || inaccurate.| 1 2% | 3 3% | 5 9% | 2 4% | 11 4% ||Very | | | | | || inaccurate.| 2 3% | 4 5% | 1 2% | 0 0% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 8 13% | 10 12% | 11 20% | 4 8% | 33 13% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+12

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 62 51% | 94 71% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 26 21% | 21 16% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 7 6% | 4 3% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 3 2% | 4 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 24 20% | 9 7% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+83% of respondents would either be very likely (65%) or somewhat likely (18%) tovisit a smoke-free restaurant, while 10% would be very unlikely <strong>and</strong> 5% would besomewhat unlikely to visit such a restaurant.Non-smokers, especially those who have never smoked, are most likely to visit asmoke-free restaurant:Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | | ||Very likely.| 32 36% | 52 76% | 82 85% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | | || likely.....| 23 26% | 11 16% | 12 12% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | | || unlikely...| 9 10% | 3 4% | 0 0% | 12 5% ||Very | | | | || unlikely...| 22 25% | 1 1% | 2 2% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 3 3% | 1 1% | 1 1% | 5 2% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+13


2007 OWSLEY COUNTY COMMUNITY NORMS SURVEYHello. My name is ______________ with Opinion Research Associates. We do not sellor attempt to sell anything--we are a professional research firm. Tonight/Today we aredoing a very brief survey of people in <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> on some issues related to publichealth. May I please speak to a male/female head of the household (ALTERNATE ASNECESSARY) who is 18 years of age or older?1. Would you favor or oppose a local law that would make allpublic buildings smoke-free?%1. Strongly favor 502. Somewhat favor 93. Somewhat oppose 54. Strongly oppose 30(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 62. In your estimation, what percentage of youth in your community, who are12 through 17 years old, have used tobacco products during the past 30 days?%1. 20% or less 182. 21% through 40% 233. 41% through 60% 224. 61% through 80% 105. More than 80% 8(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 193. How difficult is it <strong>for</strong> a youth under the age of 18 to buy tobaccoproducts from a retailer in your community?%1. Very difficult 362. Somewhat difficult 233. Somewhat easy 134. Very easy 13(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 1515

Now I'm going to read a few statements people have made about tobaccoproducts. These are statements with which some people agree <strong>and</strong> othersdisagree. I'd like your own opinion. Just tell me whether you...(ROTATE Q4-Q7)1. Strongly agree2. Somewhat agree3. Somewhat disagree4. Strongly disagree(DNR)9. Don’t know/No responseHere's the first one...4. Parents should be able to buy tobacco products <strong>for</strong> their children underthe age of 18.%1. Strongly agree 92. Somewhat agree 63. Somewhat disagree 44. Strongly disagree 80(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 25. Tobacco retailers, including grocery <strong>and</strong> convenient stores in my community,are careful when it comes to preventing the sale of tobacco to underagepersons.%1. Strongly agree 542. Somewhat agree 233. Somewhat disagree 54. Strongly disagree 11(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 76. Breathing secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke is as harmful to one’s health as smoking acigarette.%1. Strongly agree 602. Somewhat agree 153. Somewhat disagree 74. Strongly disagree 12(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 616

7. Adults should not smoke around young children.%1. Strongly agree 882. Somewhat agree 83. Somewhat disagree 24. Strongly disagree 1(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 08. In your opinion, how accurate is the following statement?“Secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke is associated with children having respiratory problems,middle ear infections, <strong>and</strong> asthma.”%1. Very accurate 612. Somewhat accurate 193. Somewhat inaccurate 44. Very inaccurate 3(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 139. If you knew a restaurant was smoke-free, how likely would you be tovisit that restaurant?%1. Very likely 652. Somewhat likely 183. Somewhat unlikely 54. Very unlikely 10(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 210. Have you smoked at least one hundred cigarettes in your entire life?%1. Yes 622. No 38(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused 011. Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?%1. Every day 332. Some days 23. Not at all 65(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused 0Q10 <strong>and</strong> Q11 combined:%Current smoker 35Former smoker 27Never smoked 3817

12. In the past 30 days, has anyone, including yourself, smoked cigarettes, cigarsor pipes anywhere inside your home?%1. Yes 442. No 56(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused 013. In the past 30 days, has anyone, including yourself, smoked cigarettes, cigarsor pipes anywhere inside your car when nonsmokers were also in the car?%1. Yes 352. No 65(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused 0Now we need just a few quick facts <strong>for</strong> purposes of analysis.D1. Which of the following best describes your educational background?%1. Some high school [or less] 242. High school graduate 343. Some college 224. College graduate 20(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 0D2. Is your age group:%1. 18 to 24 62. 25-34 133. 35-44 154. 45-54 235. 55-64 226. 65 or over 20(DNR)9. Don’t know/No response 218

D3. Do you have any children 21 years of age or younger?%1. Yes (GO TO D3A1) 302. No (CONCLUDE INTERVIEW) 70(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused 0(IF YES:) (n=75)Do you have any children...(CODE D3A1 - D3A5)1. Yes2. No(DNR)9. Don’t know/Refused% Yes (% of total sample)D3A1. 4 years old or younger? 35 (10)D3A2. 5 through 9 years old? 47 (14)D3A3. 10 through 14 years old? 43 (13)D3A4. 15 through 17 years old? 21 (6)D3A5. 18 through 21 years old? 21 (6)THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME, AND GOOD NIGHT!!!(OBSERVE AND CLASSIFY:)D4. Sex%1. Male 482. Female 5219


Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || favor......| 14 16% | 42 62% | 72 74% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | | || favor......| 5 6% | 7 10% | 11 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | || oppose.....| 7 8% | 4 6% | 1 1% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | || oppose.....| 57 64% | 12 18% | 8 8% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 6 7% | 3 4% | 5 5% | 14 6% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 32 28% | 96 68% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 8 7% | 15 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 9 8% | 3 2% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 56 50% | 21 15% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 7% | 6 4% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+21

Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 29 33% | 99 60% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 4 5% | 19 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 6 7% | 6 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 44 50% | 33 20% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 5 6% | 9 5% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || favor......| 22 37% | 41 48% | 30 54% | 34 67% | 127 50% ||Somewhat | | | | | || favor......| 9 15% | 9 10% | 1 2% | 4 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | || oppose.....| 3 5% | 5 6% | 2 4% | 2 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | || oppose.....| 18 30% | 28 33% | 22 39% | 9 18% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 13% | 3 3% | 1 2% | 2 4% | 14 6% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+22

Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|FAVOR/ | | | | | | || OPPOSE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || favor......| 23 49% | 19 51% | 27 47% | 32 57% | 24 48% | 125 50% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || favor......| 3 6% | 2 5% | 7 12% | 5 9% | 6 12% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || oppose.....| 0 0% | 1 3% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 6 12% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | | || oppose.....| 20 43% | 14 38% | 19 33% | 14 25% | 10 20% | 77 31% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 1 3% | 2 3% | 3 5% | 4 8% | 11 4% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 38 51% | 90 50% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 4 5% | 19 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 2 3% | 10 6% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 29 39% | 48 27% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 2 3% | 12 7% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+23

Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 16 62% | 112 49% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 1 4% | 22 10% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 0 0% | 12 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 8 31% | 69 30% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 1 4% | 13 6% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 15 43% | 113 52% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 2 6% | 21 10% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 2 6% | 10 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 16 46% | 61 28% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 14 6% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+24

Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 14 44% | 114 51% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 3 9% | 20 9% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 1 3% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 14 44% | 63 28% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 14 6% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 7 44% | 121 51% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 3 19% | 20 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 0 0% | 12 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 6 38% | 71 30% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 14 6% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+25

Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 8 50% | 120 50% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 1 6% | 22 9% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 2 13% | 10 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 4 25% | 73 31% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 1 6% | 13 5% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q1: Favor or Oppose Smoke-Free LawBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|FAVOR/ | | | || OPPOSE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || favor......| 52 43% | 76 58% | 128 50% ||Somewhat | | | || favor......| 9 7% | 14 11% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || oppose.....| 9 7% | 3 2% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || oppose.....| 44 36% | 33 25% | 77 30% ||Don't know..| 8 7% | 6 5% | 14 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+26

Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|PERCENT: | | | | ||< 21%.......| 23 26% | 10 15% | 13 13% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 22 25% | 18 26% | 19 20% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 13 15% | 17 25% | 25 26% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 10 11% | 3 4% | 13 13% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 5 6% | 9 13% | 5 5% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 16 18% | 11 16% | 22 23% | 49 19% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 22 19% | 24 17% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 28 25% | 31 22% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 23 20% | 32 23% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 14 12% | 12 9% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 6 5% | 13 9% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 20 18% | 29 21% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 18 20% | 28 17% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 23 26% | 36 22% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 17 19% | 38 23% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 11 13% | 15 9% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 5 6% | 14 8% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 14 16% | 35 21% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+27

Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|PERCENT: | | | | | ||< 21%.......| 14 23% | 13 15% | 14 25% | 5 10% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 8 13% | 21 24% | 15 27% | 15 29% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 11 18% | 19 22% | 7 13% | 18 35% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 4 7% | 13 15% | 5 9% | 4 8% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 6 10% | 4 5% | 6 11% | 3 6% | 19 8% ||Don't know..| 17 28% | 16 19% | 9 16% | 6 12% | 48 19% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|PERCENT: | | | | | | ||< 21%.......| 7 15% | 6 16% | 13 22% | 13 23% | 6 12% | 45 18% ||21%-40%.....| 17 36% | 9 24% | 14 24% | 9 16% | 10 20% | 59 24% ||41%-60%.....| 9 19% | 7 19% | 10 17% | 15 27% | 13 26% | 54 22% ||61%-80%.....| 3 6% | 2 5% | 9 16% | 5 9% | 6 12% | 25 10% ||> 80%.......| 4 9% | 5 14% | 3 5% | 4 7% | 2 4% | 18 7% ||Don't know..| 7 15% | 8 22% | 9 16% | 10 18% | 13 26% | 47 19% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 16 21% | 30 17% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 24 32% | 35 20% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 8 11% | 47 26% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 5 7% | 21 12% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 9 12% | 10 6% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 13 17% | 36 20% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+28

Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 5 19% | 41 18% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 11 42% | 48 21% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 2 8% | 53 23% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 1 4% | 25 11% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 3 12% | 16 7% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 4 15% | 45 20% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 8 23% | 38 17% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 12 34% | 47 21% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 4 11% | 51 23% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 2 6% | 24 11% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 4 11% | 15 7% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 5 14% | 44 20% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 9 28% | 37 17% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 8 25% | 51 23% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 2 6% | 53 24% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 3 9% | 23 10% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 3 9% | 16 7% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 7 22% | 42 19% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+29

Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 4 25% | 42 18% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 5 31% | 54 23% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 4 25% | 51 21% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 2 13% | 24 10% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 0 0% | 19 8% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 1 6% | 48 20% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 2 13% | 44 18% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 4 25% | 55 23% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 3 19% | 52 22% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 2 13% | 24 10% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 2 13% | 17 7% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 3 19% | 46 19% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q2: Estimate of Percent of Youth Used Tobacco in Past 30 DaysBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|PERCENT: | | | ||< 21%.......| 19 16% | 27 20% | 46 18% ||21%-40%.....| 28 23% | 31 23% | 59 23% ||41%-60%.....| 27 22% | 28 21% | 55 22% ||61%-80%.....| 12 10% | 14 11% | 26 10% ||> 80%.......| 10 8% | 9 7% | 19 7% ||Don't know..| 26 21% | 23 17% | 49 19% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+30

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | | ||Very | | | | || difficult..| 44 49% | 20 29% | 28 29% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | | || difficult..| 22 25% | 18 26% | 19 20% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | || easy.......| 8 9% | 14 21% | 11 11% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 7 8% | 8 12% | 18 19% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 8 9% | 8 12% | 21 22% | 37 15% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 50 44% | 42 30% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 26 23% | 33 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 9 8% | 24 17% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 16 14% | 17 12% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 12 11% | 25 18% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+31

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 35 40% | 57 34% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 25 28% | 34 20% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 7 8% | 26 16% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 14 16% | 19 11% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 7 8% | 30 18% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | | | ||Very | | | | | || difficult..| 28 47% | 28 33% | 24 43% | 12 24% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | | | || difficult..| 5 8% | 26 30% | 14 25% | 14 27% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | | || easy.......| 8 13% | 11 13% | 5 9% | 9 18% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 4 7% | 12 14% | 8 14% | 9 18% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 15 25% | 9 10% | 5 9% | 7 14% | 36 14% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+32

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | | | | ||Very | | | | | | || difficult..| 18 38% | 16 43% | 22 38% | 21 38% | 14 28% | 91 37% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || difficult..| 12 26% | 5 14% | 21 36% | 11 20% | 8 16% | 57 23% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || easy.......| 5 11% | 5 14% | 6 10% | 8 14% | 9 18% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 9 19% | 6 16% | 8 14% | 5 9% | 5 10% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 3 6% | 5 14% | 1 2% | 11 20% | 14 28% | 34 14% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 31 41% | 61 34% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 17 23% | 42 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 10 13% | 23 13% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 12 16% | 21 12% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 5 7% | 32 18% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+33

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 13 50% | 79 35% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 5 19% | 54 24% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 3 12% | 30 13% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 5 19% | 28 12% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 37 16% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 16 46% | 76 35% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 6 17% | 53 24% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 5 14% | 28 13% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 5 14% | 28 13% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 3 9% | 34 16% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+34

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 13 41% | 79 36% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 6 19% | 53 24% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 6 19% | 27 12% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 5 16% | 28 13% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 2 6% | 35 16% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 6 38% | 86 36% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 4 25% | 55 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 4 25% | 29 12% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 1 6% | 32 13% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 1 6% | 36 15% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+35

Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 5 31% | 87 37% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 2 13% | 57 24% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 3 19% | 30 13% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 4 25% | 29 12% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 2 13% | 35 15% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q3: Difficulty <strong>for</strong> Youth to Buy Tobacco in CommunityBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|BUY TOBACCO:| | | ||Very | | | || difficult..| 45 37% | 47 36% | 92 36% ||Somewhat | | | || difficult..| 33 27% | 26 20% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || easy.......| 10 8% | 23 17% | 33 13% ||Very easy...| 17 14% | 16 12% | 33 13% ||Don't know..| 17 14% | 20 15% | 37 15% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+36

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 12 13% | 4 6% | 7 7% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 5 6% | 3 4% | 6 6% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 4 4% | 2 3% | 4 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 64 72% | 59 87% | 79 81% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 4 4% | 0 0% | 1 1% | 5 2% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 12 11% | 11 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 8 7% | 6 4% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 6 5% | 4 3% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 85 75% | 117 83% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 2 2% | 3 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+37

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 10 11% | 13 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 6 7% | 8 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 6 7% | 4 2% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 65 74% | 137 83% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 4 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || agree......| 5 8% | 9 10% | 6 11% | 3 6% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | || agree......| 3 5% | 6 7% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | | | || disagree...| 4 7% | 3 3% | 2 4% | 1 2% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | | | || disagree...| 44 73% | 68 79% | 44 79% | 45 88% | 201 79% ||Don't know..| 4 7% | 0 0% | 1 2% | 0 0% | 5 2% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+38

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || agree......| 8 17% | 4 11% | 2 3% | 5 9% | 4 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || agree......| 2 4% | 2 5% | 4 7% | 4 7% | 1 2% | 13 5% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || disagree...| 1 2% | 0 0% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 3 6% | 9 4% ||Strongly | | | | | | || disagree...| 35 74% | 29 78% | 48 83% | 45 80% | 41 82% | 198 80% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 2 5% | 1 2% | 0 0% | 1 2% | 5 2% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 8 11% | 15 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 5 7% | 9 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 2 3% | 8 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 58 77% | 144 80% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 2 3% | 3 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+39

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 4 15% | 19 8% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 8% | 12 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 4% | 9 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 19 73% | 183 80% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 4 11% | 19 9% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 3 9% | 11 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 9 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 26 74% | 176 80% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 1 3% | 4 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+40

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 0 0% | 23 10% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 6% | 12 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 10 5% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 28 88% | 174 78% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 2 6% | 3 1% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 1 6% | 22 9% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 1 6% | 13 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 10 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 14 88% | 188 79% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+41

Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 1 6% | 22 9% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 13% | 12 5% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 6% | 9 4% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 12 75% | 190 80% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q4: Parents Should be Able to Buy Tobacco <strong>for</strong> ChildrenBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 15 12% | 8 6% | 23 9% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 9 7% | 5 4% | 14 6% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 7 6% | 3 2% | 10 4% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 89 73% | 113 86% | 202 80% ||Don't know..| 2 2% | 3 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+42

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 56 63% | 32 47% | 49 51% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 18 20% | 16 24% | 25 26% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 4 4% | 4 6% | 4 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 6 7% | 11 16% | 11 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 6% | 5 7% | 8 8% | 18 7% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 68 60% | 69 49% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 23 20% | 36 26% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 6 5% | 6 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 11 10% | 17 12% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 4% | 13 9% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+43

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 51 58% | 86 52% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 18 20% | 41 25% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 5 6% | 7 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 9 10% | 19 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 6% | 13 8% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || agree......| 40 67% | 47 55% | 30 54% | 19 37% | 136 54% ||Somewhat | | | | | || agree......| 9 15% | 21 24% | 13 23% | 16 31% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | | | || disagree...| 3 5% | 4 5% | 2 4% | 3 6% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | || disagree...| 3 5% | 8 9% | 6 11% | 11 22% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 5 8% | 6 7% | 5 9% | 2 4% | 18 7% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+44

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || agree......| 27 57% | 20 54% | 30 52% | 29 52% | 29 58% | 135 54% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || agree......| 11 23% | 8 22% | 18 31% | 13 23% | 8 16% | 58 23% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 3 8% | 3 5% | 3 5% | 3 6% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | | | | || disagree...| 7 15% | 4 11% | 5 9% | 7 13% | 3 6% | 26 10% ||Don't know..| 2 4% | 2 5% | 2 3% | 4 7% | 7 14% | 17 7% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 40 53% | 97 54% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 18 24% | 41 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 3 4% | 9 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 12 16% | 16 9% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 2 3% | 16 9% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+45

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 14 54% | 123 54% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 6 23% | 53 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 4% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 5 19% | 23 10% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 18 51% | 119 54% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 8 23% | 51 23% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 6 17% | 22 10% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 2 6% | 16 7% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+46

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 19 59% | 118 53% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 5 16% | 54 24% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 6 19% | 22 10% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 1 3% | 17 8% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 8 50% | 129 54% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 6 38% | 53 22% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 6% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 1 6% | 27 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+47

Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 8 50% | 129 54% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 6 38% | 53 22% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 12 5% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 13% | 26 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q5: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 62 51% | 75 57% | 137 54% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 30 25% | 29 22% | 59 23% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 7 6% | 5 4% | 12 5% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 14 11% | 14 11% | 28 11% ||Don't know..| 9 7% | 9 7% | 18 7% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+48

Q6: Local Tobacco Retailers Are Careful Not to Sell to YouthBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 36 40% | 41 60% | 75 77% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 13 15% | 11 16% | 15 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 10 11% | 6 9% | 2 2% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 20 22% | 7 10% | 3 3% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 10 11% | 3 4% | 2 2% | 15 6% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 51 45% | 101 72% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 19 17% | 20 14% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 12 11% | 6 4% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 20 18% | 10 7% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 11 10% | 4 3% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+49

Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 39 44% | 113 68% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 14 16% | 25 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 9 10% | 9 5% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 16 18% | 14 8% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 10 11% | 5 3% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || agree......| 42 70% | 48 56% | 32 57% | 29 57% | 151 60% ||Somewhat | | | | | || agree......| 7 12% | 14 16% | 7 13% | 11 22% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | | | || disagree...| 4 7% | 7 8% | 6 11% | 1 2% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | | | || disagree...| 6 10% | 10 12% | 7 13% | 7 14% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 7 8% | 4 7% | 3 6% | 15 6% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+50

Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || agree......| 31 66% | 26 70% | 29 50% | 30 54% | 33 66% | 149 60% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || agree......| 9 19% | 2 5% | 11 19% | 9 16% | 6 12% | 37 15% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || disagree...| 2 4% | 1 3% | 6 10% | 4 7% | 4 8% | 17 7% ||Strongly | | | | | | || disagree...| 3 6% | 6 16% | 7 12% | 10 18% | 4 8% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 2 4% | 2 5% | 5 9% | 3 5% | 3 6% | 15 6% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 48 64% | 104 58% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 14 19% | 25 14% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 2 3% | 16 9% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 6 8% | 24 13% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 5 7% | 10 6% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+51

Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 20 77% | 132 58% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 5 19% | 34 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 1 4% | 29 13% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 15 7% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 24 69% | 128 58% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 7 20% | 32 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 30 14% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 4 11% | 11 5% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+52

Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 22 69% | 130 59% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 6 19% | 33 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 18 8% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 6% | 28 13% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 2 6% | 13 6% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 9 56% | 143 60% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 3 19% | 36 15% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 6% | 17 7% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 3 19% | 27 11% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 15 6% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+53

Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 9 56% | 143 60% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 13% | 37 16% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 2 13% | 16 7% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 3 19% | 27 11% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 15 6% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q6: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 58 48% | 94 71% | 152 60% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 24 20% | 15 11% | 39 15% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 12 10% | 6 5% | 18 7% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 16 13% | 14 11% | 30 12% ||Don't know..| 12 10% | 3 2% | 15 6% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+54

Q7: Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke is as Harmful as SmokingBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | ||Strongly | | | | || agree......| 71 80% | 62 91% | 90 93% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | | || agree......| 11 12% | 5 7% | 5 5% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | | || disagree...| 4 4% | 1 1% | 1 1% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | | || disagree...| 2 2% | 0 0% | 1 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 93 82% | 130 92% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 12 11% | 9 6% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 5 4% | 1 1% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 2% | 1 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+55

Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 72 82% | 151 91% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 9 10% | 12 7% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 4 5% | 2 1% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 2% | 1 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | || agree......| 52 87% | 77 90% | 49 88% | 44 86% | 222 88% ||Somewhat | | | | | || agree......| 6 10% | 6 7% | 4 7% | 5 10% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | | | || disagree...| 1 2% | 1 1% | 3 5% | 1 2% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | | | || disagree...| 1 2% | 1 1% | 0 0% | 1 2% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 1 1% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+56

Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|AGREE/ | | | | | | || DISAGREE: | | | | | | ||Strongly | | | | | | || agree......| 41 87% | 35 95% | 47 81% | 50 89% | 45 90% | 218 88% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || agree......| 4 9% | 1 3% | 7 12% | 4 7% | 4 8% | 20 8% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || disagree...| 1 2% | 0 0% | 2 3% | 2 4% | 1 2% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 1 3% | 2 3% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 66 88% | 157 88% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 5 7% | 16 9% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 1% | 5 3% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 3% | 1 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+57

Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 23 88% | 200 88% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 3 12% | 18 8% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 6 3% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 3 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 1 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 29 83% | 194 89% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 3 9% | 18 8% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 5 2% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 2 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 3% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+58

Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 27 84% | 196 88% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 6% | 19 9% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 5 2% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 1 3% | 2 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 3% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 14 88% | 209 88% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 2 13% | 19 8% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 6 3% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 3 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 1 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+59

Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 14 88% | 209 88% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 0 0% | 21 9% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 0 0% | 6 3% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 13% | 1 0% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 1 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q7: Adults Should Not Smoke Around Young ChildrenBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|AGREE/ | | | || DISAGREE: | | | ||Strongly | | | || agree......| 102 84% | 121 92% | 223 88% ||Somewhat | | | || agree......| 15 12% | 6 5% | 21 8% ||Somewhat | | | || disagree...| 2 2% | 4 3% | 6 2% ||Strongly | | | || disagree...| 2 2% | 1 1% | 3 1% ||Don't know..| 1 1% | 0 0% | 1 0% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+60

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | | ||Very | | | | || accurate...| 36 40% | 46 68% | 74 76% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | | || accurate...| 23 26% | 9 13% | 15 15% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | | || inaccurate.| 7 8% | 3 4% | 1 1% | 11 4% ||Very | | | | || inaccurate.| 7 8% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 16 18% | 10 15% | 7 7% | 33 13% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 56 50% | 100 71% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 25 22% | 22 16% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 7 6% | 4 3% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 5 4% | 2 1% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 20 18% | 13 9% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+61

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 45 51% | 111 67% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 19 22% | 28 17% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 6 7% | 5 3% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 4 5% | 3 2% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 14 16% | 19 11% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | | | ||Very | | | | | || accurate...| 38 63% | 49 57% | 32 57% | 36 71% | 155 61% ||Somewhat | | | | | || accurate...| 11 18% | 20 23% | 7 13% | 9 18% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | | | || inaccurate.| 1 2% | 3 3% | 5 9% | 2 4% | 11 4% ||Very | | | | | || inaccurate.| 2 3% | 4 5% | 1 2% | 0 0% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 8 13% | 10 12% | 11 20% | 4 8% | 33 13% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+62

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|ACCURACY: | | | | | | ||Very | | | | | | || accurate...| 29 62% | 25 68% | 36 62% | 34 61% | 30 60% | 154 62% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || accurate...| 10 21% | 6 16% | 8 14% | 14 25% | 8 16% | 46 19% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || inaccurate.| 2 4% | 0 0% | 6 10% | 2 4% | 1 2% | 11 4% ||Very | | | | | | || inaccurate.| 1 2% | 2 5% | 0 0% | 2 4% | 2 4% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 5 11% | 4 11% | 8 14% | 4 7% | 9 18% | 30 12% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 52 69% | 104 58% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 12 16% | 35 20% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 4 5% | 7 4% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 2 3% | 5 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 5 7% | 28 16% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+63

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 19 73% | 137 60% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 3 12% | 44 19% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 2 8% | 9 4% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 1 4% | 6 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 1 4% | 32 14% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 27 77% | 129 59% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 3 9% | 44 20% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 3 9% | 8 4% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 1 3% | 6 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 1 3% | 32 15% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+64

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 23 72% | 133 60% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 2 6% | 45 20% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 1 3% | 10 5% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 2 6% | 5 2% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 4 13% | 29 13% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 10 63% | 146 61% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 5 31% | 42 18% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 0 0% | 11 5% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 0 0% | 7 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 1 6% | 32 13% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+65

Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 10 63% | 146 61% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 5 31% | 42 18% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 0 0% | 11 5% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 0 0% | 7 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 1 6% | 32 13% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q8: Accuracy of Statement That Secondh<strong>and</strong> Smoke isAssociated With Children Having Various <strong>Health</strong> ProblemsBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|ACCURACY: | | | ||Very | | | || accurate...| 62 51% | 94 71% | 156 61% ||Somewhat | | | || accurate...| 26 21% | 21 16% | 47 19% ||Somewhat | | | || inaccurate.| 7 6% | 4 3% | 11 4% ||Very | | | || inaccurate.| 3 2% | 4 3% | 7 3% ||Don't know..| 24 20% | 9 7% | 33 13% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+66

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent's Smoking Status+------------+-----------------------------+---------+| | Cigarette Smoker | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+ || | Current | Former | Never | || | Smoker | Smoker | Smoked | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | | ||Very likely.| 32 36% | 52 76% | 82 85% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | | || likely.....| 23 26% | 11 16% | 12 12% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | | || unlikely...| 9 10% | 3 4% | 0 0% | 12 5% ||Very | | | | || unlikely...| 22 25% | 1 1% | 2 2% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 3 3% | 1 1% | 1 1% | 5 2% || | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 89 100 | 68 100 | 97 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 55 49% | 111 79% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 29 26% | 17 12% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 9 8% | 3 2% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 18 16% | 7 5% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 2 2% | 3 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+67

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 43 49% | 123 74% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 23 26% | 23 14% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 7 8% | 5 3% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 13 15% | 12 7% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 2 2% | 3 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | | | ||Very likely.| 34 57% | 58 67% | 40 71% | 34 67% | 166 66% ||Somewhat | | | | | || likely.....| 11 18% | 13 15% | 9 16% | 13 25% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | | | || unlikely...| 3 5% | 3 3% | 4 7% | 2 4% | 12 5% ||Very | | | | | || unlikely...| 9 15% | 10 12% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 24 9% ||Don't know..| 3 5% | 2 2% | 0 0% | 0 0% | 5 2% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+68

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | | | | ||Very likely.| 27 57% | 20 54% | 40 69% | 41 73% | 34 68% | 162 65% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || likely.....| 13 28% | 10 27% | 9 16% | 6 11% | 6 12% | 44 18% ||Somewhat | | | | | | || unlikely...| 1 2% | 3 8% | 3 5% | 3 5% | 2 4% | 12 5% ||Very | | | | | | || unlikely...| 5 11% | 4 11% | 5 9% | 6 11% | 5 10% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 1 2% | 0 0% | 1 2% | 0 0% | 3 6% | 5 2% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 44 59% | 122 68% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 16 21% | 30 17% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 6 8% | 6 3% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 9 12% | 16 9% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 3% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+69

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 19 73% | 147 64% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 4 15% | 42 18% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 1 4% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 2 8% | 23 10% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 20 57% | 146 67% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 8 23% | 38 17% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 4 11% | 8 4% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 3 9% | 22 10% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+70

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 18 56% | 148 67% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 7 22% | 39 18% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 3 9% | 9 4% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 4 13% | 21 9% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 8 50% | 158 66% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 4 25% | 42 18% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 0 0% | 12 5% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 4 25% | 21 9% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+71

Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 10 63% | 156 66% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 3 19% | 43 18% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 1 6% | 11 5% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 2 13% | 23 10% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 0 0% | 5 2% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q9: Likelihood of Visiting Smoke-Free RestaurantBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|LIKELIHOOD: | | | ||Very likely.| 73 60% | 93 70% | 166 65% ||Somewhat | | | || likely.....| 27 22% | 19 14% | 46 18% ||Somewhat | | | || unlikely...| 5 4% | 7 5% | 12 5% ||Very | | | || unlikely...| 13 11% | 12 9% | 25 10% ||Don't know..| 4 3% | 1 1% | 5 2% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+72

Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Home in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in Home | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 73 65% | 16 11% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 13 12% | 55 39% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 27 24% | 70 50% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 113 100 | 141 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Whether Anyone Smoked in Car in Past 30 Days+------------+-------------------+---------+| | Smoked in car | TOTAL || +---------+---------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 56 64% | 33 20% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 11 13% | 57 34% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 21 24% | 76 46% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 88 100 | 166 100 | 254 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent's Education+------------+---------------------------------------+---------+| | Education | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | Some HS | HS Grad |Some Coll|Coll Grad| |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|SMOKING | | | | | || STATUS: | | | | | ||Current | | | | | || smoker.....| 23 38% | 35 41% | 20 36% | 11 22% | 89 35% ||Former | | | | | || smoker.....| 14 23% | 21 24% | 17 30% | 16 31% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 23 38% | 30 35% | 19 34% | 24 47% | 96 38% || | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 60 100 | 86 100 | 56 100 | 51 100 | 253 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+73

Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent's Age+------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+| | Age | TOTAL || +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ || | 18-35 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65 Plus | |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+|SMOKING | | | | | | || STATUS: | | | | | | ||Current | | | | | | || smoker.....| 22 47% | 18 49% | 22 38% | 14 25% | 13 26% | 89 36% ||Former | | | | | | || smoker.....| 3 6% | 10 27% | 20 34% | 15 27% | 17 34% | 65 26% ||Never smoked| 22 47% | 9 24% | 16 28% | 27 48% | 20 40% | 94 38% || | | | | | | ||TOTAL.......| 47 100 | 37 100 | 58 100 | 56 100 | 50 100 | 248 100 |+------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 21 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 22 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 37 49% | 52 29% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 18 24% | 50 28% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 20 27% | 77 43% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 75 100% | 179 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 4 or Younger+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child < 4 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 11 42% | 78 34% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 6 23% | 62 27% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 9 35% | 88 39% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 26 100% | 228 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+74

Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 5-9+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Have Child 5-9 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 19 54% | 70 32% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 6 17% | 62 28% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 10 29% | 87 40% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 35 100% | 219 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 10-14+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 10-14 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 17 53% | 72 32% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 7 22% | 61 27% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 8 25% | 89 40% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 32 100% | 222 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 15-17+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 15-17 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 8 50% | 81 34% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 4 25% | 64 27% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 4 25% | 93 39% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+75

Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent Has Child 18-21+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| |Have Child 18-21 Years | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Yes | No | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 7 44% | 82 34% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 5 31% | 63 26% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 4 25% | 93 39% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 16 100% | 238 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+Q10/Q11: Smoking StatusBy Respondent's Sex+------------+-----------------------+-----------+| | Sex | TOTAL || +-----------+-----------+ || | Male | Female | |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+|SMOKING | | | || STATUS: | | | ||Current | | | || smoker.....| 45 37% | 44 33% | 89 35% ||Former | | | || smoker.....| 36 30% | 32 24% | 68 27% ||Never smoked| 41 34% | 56 42% | 97 38% || | | | ||TOTAL.......| 122 100% | 132 100% | 254 100% |+------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+76

TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT AND PRODUCT PLACEMENT SURVEYEXTERIORLot_____ # of Digital Signs: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ Cigars_____ # of Free-St<strong>and</strong>ing Signs: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ Cigars__________________________ Other: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ CigarsPump Area_____ # of Digital Displays: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ Cigars_____ # of Pump-Top Signs: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ Cigars_____ # of Pump-Face Signs: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ CigarsFront of Building_____ # of Advertising Posters: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ Cigars__________________________ Other: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ CigarsDoors_____ # of advertising pieces at adult eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars_____ # of advertising pieces at child eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars__________________________ Other: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco _____ CigarsINTERIORADVERTISINGCounter Area_____ # of pieces of advertising at adult eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars_____ # of pieces of advertising at child eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ CigarsRestroom Area: Womens Mens_____ # of pieces of advertising at adult eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars_____ # of pieces of advertising at child eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ CigarsOther areas throughout the store (specify, i.e., cooler area, deli area, etc. – use additional sheetsif necessary)____________________________ Area_____ # of pieces of advertising at adult eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars_____ # of pieces of advertising at child eye-level: _____ Cigarettes _____ Spit Tobacco_____ Cigars

PRODUCT PLACEMENT Cigarettes are behind the counter Cigars are behind the counter Spit tobacco is behind the counter Rolling papers are behind the counter_____ Tobacco products are available on or around the counter (at child eye-level) Cigarettes Cigars Spit tobacco Rolling papers_____ Tobacco products are placed near c<strong>and</strong>y or gum (at child eye-level) Cigarettes Cigars Spit tobacco Rolling papersTobacco products are accessible in other area(s) of the store (please specify)____________________________ Area Cigarettes Cigars Spit tobacco Rolling papers____________________________ Area Cigarettes Cigars Spit tobacco Rolling papers Single packs of cigarettes are available in other area(s) of the store. If yes, indicate where:______________________________________________________________________________OTHER: Store sells “c<strong>and</strong>y” cigarettes Store sells fruit-flavored cigars Store sells fruit or other flavored cigarettes Store sells loose tobaccoNotes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TOBACCO CONTROL POLICY IN OWSLEY COUNTY, 2007TODAY’S DATE________/_________/_________Month Day YearA-1. TYPE OF POLICYMAKER________1. City Council/Mayor________2. Board of <strong>Health</strong>________3. Magistrate/Co. Judge________4. School Board MemberA-2. GENDER________1. Female________2. MaleTIME INTERVIEW STARTED_____ _____:_____ _____A-3. How many years have you served in your current capacity as an <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong>policy maker? __________ of yearsThank you <strong>for</strong> agreeing to talk with me about a tobacco control policy. I will share astatement with you <strong>and</strong> ask you how reliable you believe it is (show reliability choices).The next question in each set will present you with a policy objective <strong>and</strong> ask you howdesirable it is. I will then suggest several policy options, <strong>and</strong> ask you how likely itwould be <strong>for</strong> policymakers in <strong>Owsley</strong> <strong>County</strong> to adopt such a policy. In most cases,“policy” is defined as a local ordinance or regulation.I am interested in your opinions. There are no right or wrong answers. Are there anyquestions be<strong>for</strong>e we begin?

B-1a. Secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke disables hundreds of thous<strong>and</strong>s of nonsmokers each year,resulting in chronic health problems <strong>and</strong> lost work days (asthma, hay fever, eyeconditions, heart <strong>and</strong> other problems). In your opinion, how reliable is this statement?CertainlyVeryReliable Reliable Unreliable UnreliableB-1b. In most public opinion polls, the majority of respondents believe smoking shouldbe prohibited in all workplaces. How desirable is this objective?VeryVeryDesirable Desirable Undesirable UndesirableB-1c. The Booneville City Council could pass a local ordinance banning smoking in allworkplaces. How likely is it that the Booneville City Council would pass such anordinance?VeryVeryLikely Likely Unlikely UnlikelyB-2a1. Studies show that when restaurants go smoke-free, there are no reductions inprofits. In your opinion, how reliable is this statement?CertainlyVeryReliable Reliable Unreliable UnreliableB-2a2. Studies also show that when bars go smoke-free, there are no reductions inprofits. In your opinion, how reliable is this statement?CertainlyVeryReliable Reliable Unreliable UnreliableB-2b1. In most public opinion polls, the majority of the public favor smoke-freerestaurants. How desirable is this objective?VeryVeryDesirable Desirable Undesirable UndesirableB-2b2. The Booneville City Council could pass a local ordinance banning smoking in allrestaurants. How likely is it that the Booneville City Council would pass such anordinance?VeryVeryLikely Likely Unlikely Unlikely

B-3a. In a recent UK study of restaurant <strong>and</strong> bar workers, 2/3 of the workers favoredLexington’s smoke-free ordinance including bars. How desirable is it to include bothrestaurants <strong>and</strong> bars in a smoke-free ordinance <strong>for</strong> Booneville?VeryVeryDesirable Desirable Undesirable UndesirableB-3b. The Booneville City Council could pass a local ordinance banning smoking inrestaurants <strong>and</strong> bars. How likely is it that the Booneville City Council would pass suchan ordinance?VeryVeryLikely Likely Unlikely UnlikelyB-4. If an ordinance prohibiting smoking in most public places in Booneville wasproposed including all enclosed public buildings, restaurants, <strong>and</strong> bars. Would you saythat you____Strongly support____Somewhat support____Somewhat oppose____Strongly oppose the ordinanceComments:B-5. How important is it <strong>for</strong> the public to have a smoke-free environment inside allpublic buildings including restaurants <strong>and</strong> bars? Is it____Very important____Somewhat important____Not too important____not at all importantComments:B-6. Do you feel it is important <strong>for</strong> schools to be 100% tobacco-free? Is it____Very important____Somewhat important____Not too important____Not at all importantComments

B-7. How important is it <strong>for</strong> workers to have a smoke-free environment inside allworkplaces including restaurants <strong>and</strong> bars? Is it____Very important____Somewhat important____Not too important____not at all importantComments:B-8. Which of these two statements do you agree with more?(Alternate order of the options)____People who go to bars <strong>and</strong> restaurants should have the right to smoke there eventhough this means people who work there will be exposed to secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke.____People who work in bars <strong>and</strong> restaurants should be protected from exposure tosecondh<strong>and</strong> smoke, even if this means smoking is not allowed at all in bars <strong>and</strong>restaurants.Comments:Follow-up Question B7: Would you say you____Strongly agree____Somewhat agree with this statementB-9. Do you agree or disagree that local governments should be allowed to pass smokefreelaws? Would you say you strongly or somewhat (agree/disagree)?____Strongly agree____Somewhat agree____Somewhat disagree____Strongly disagreeComments:B-10. In general, do you feel that exposure to secondh<strong>and</strong> smoke is a____Serious health hazard____A moderate health hazard____A minor health hazard____not a hazard at allComments:

Lastly, I will ask you some more in<strong>for</strong>mation about your experience with tobacco.D-1. What is your age?________YearsD-2. How would you describe yourself:0 = White1 = African American2 = Asian3 = Hispanic4 = Native American5 = Other (please specify)D-3. What is your occupation? ___________________________________________D-4. How many years of <strong>for</strong>mal education did you complete? ________YearsD-5. Do you currently grow tobacco? 0___No1___YesD-6. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your lifetime? 0___No 1___YesD-7. In the past 30 days have you smoked any cigarettes? 0___No1___YesD-8. In the past 30 days, has anyone (including yourself smoked cigarettes, cigars, orpipes anywhere inside your home? 0___No 1___YesIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your view on tobacco policy?

TIME INTERVIEW ENDED_____ _____:_____ _____

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