Fire Controlman - Historic Naval Ships Association

Fire Controlman - Historic Naval Ships Association

Fire Controlman - Historic Naval Ships Association


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NONRESIDENTTRAININGCOURSEApril 1997<strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong>Volume 4—<strong>Fire</strong>-ControlMaintenance ConceptsNAVEDTRA 14101DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR TAKING THE COURSEASSIGNMENTSThe text pages that you are to study are listed atthe beginning of each assignment. Study thesepages carefully before attempting to answer thequestions. Pay close attention to tables andillustrations and read the learning objectives.The learning objectives state what you should beable to do after studying the material. Answeringthe questions correctly helps you accomplish theobjectives.SELECTING YOUR ANSWERSRead each question carefully, then select theBEST answer. You may refer freely to the text.The answers must be the result of your ownwork and decisions. You are prohibited fromreferring to or copying the answers of others andfrom giving answers to anyone else taking thecourse.SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENTSTo have your assignments graded, you must beenrolled in the course with the NonresidentTraining Course Administration Branch at the<strong>Naval</strong> Education and Training ProfessionalDevelopment and Technology Center(NETPDTC). Following enrollment, there aretwo ways of having your assignments graded:(1) use the Internet to submit your assignmentsas you complete them, or (2) send all theassignments at one time by mail to NETPDTC.Grading on the Internet:Internet grading are:Advantages to• you may submit your answers as soon asyou complete an assignment, and• you get your results faster; usually by thenext working day (approximately 24 hours).In addition to receiving grade results for eachassignment, you will receive course completionconfirmation once you have completed all theassignments. To submit your assignmentanswers via the Internet, go to:http://courses.cnet.navy.milGrading by Mail: When you submit answersheets by mail, send all of your assignments atone time. Do NOT submit individual answersheets for grading. Mail all of your assignmentsin an envelope, which you either provideyourself or obtain from your nearest EducationalServices Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheetsto:COMMANDING OFFICERNETPDTC N3316490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROADPENSACOLA FL 32559-5000Answer Sheets: All courses include one“scannable” answer sheet for each assignment.These answer sheets are preprinted with yourSSN, name, assignment number, and coursenumber. Explanations for completing the answersheets are on the answer sheet.Do not use answer sheet reproductions: Useonly the original answer sheets that weprovide—reproductions will not work with ourscanning equipment and cannot be processed.Follow the instructions for marking youranswers on the answer sheet. Be sure that blocks1, 2, and 3 are filled in correctly. Thisinformation is necessary for your course to beproperly processed and for you to receive creditfor your work.COMPLETION TIMECourses must be completed within 12 monthsfrom the date of enrollment. This includes timerequired to resubmit failed assignments.iv

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Student CommentsCourse Title:<strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong>, Volume 4—<strong>Fire</strong>-Control Maintenance ConceptsNAVEDTRA: 14101 Date:We need some information about you:Rate/Rank and Name: SSN: Command/UnitStreet Address: City: State/FPO: ZipYour comments, suggestions, etc.:Privacy Act Statement: Under authority of Title 5, USC 301, information regarding your military status isrequested in processing your comments and in preparing a reply. This information will not be divulged withoutwritten authorization to anyone other than those within DOD for official use in determining performance.NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00vii

CHAPTER 1PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEMAND FAULT ISOLATIONLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completing this chapter, you should be able to do thefollowing:1. Describe the purpose of maintenance systems.2. Describe the methods used in identifying system faults.INTRODUCTIONThe increasing complexity of our equipmentsrequires a viable maintenance program to ensure thatthe systems perform in a manner that will ensure maximumoperational readiness. To overcome this problem,the Navy has developed an excellent preventivemaintenance system—the <strong>Ships</strong>’ Maintenance andMaterial Management (3-M) System. This systemprovides a standard means for planning, scheduling,controlling, and performing planned maintenance onall equipment.It is not uncommon for a <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong> SecondClass to be in the position of a work-center supervisor.As such, you will need a broader knowledge ofa variety of subjects to perform your duties in a professionalmanner. One area you cannot take lightly ismaintenance. Your fire-control system is kept at itsmaximum level of readiness through maintenance. Tohelp you in this area, this chapter briefly discusses thePlanned Maintenance System (PMS) and fault-isolationprocedures.The information provided in this chapter is notintended to cover all aspects of the 3-M System. Formore in-depth information on this system, refer to the<strong>Ships</strong>’ Maintenance and Material Management (3-M)Manual, OPNAVINST 4790.4.PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEMThe Planned Maintenance System (PMS) providesa standard means for planning, scheduling, controlling,and performing planned maintenance to complexmechanical, electrical, and electronic equipments.PMS maintenance actions are the minimum requiredto maintain equipment in a fully operable conditionand within specifications. The PMS includes a MaintenanceData System (MDS), which is used to recordimportant scheduled and corrective maintenanceinformation, and electronic data-processing capabilities,which are used to retrieve this information formaintenance analysis. The 3-M Manual establishesthe PMS and assigns PMS management responsibilities.The PMS provides regularly scheduled tests todetect degraded performance and to aid in preventingfailures during tactical operations. When failures dooccur, the PMS provides formal corrective maintenancein step-by-step fault-isolation and repair procedures.Complete technical documentation (including1-1

combat systems, subsystems, and individual equipmentmanuals) is an integral part of the PMS. Thesemanuals provide the necessary information for understanding,operating, and maintaining combat systems.Shipboard maintenance falls into three categories:(1) maintenance within the capability of ship personnel(organizational level); (2) maintenance requiringassistance from outside the ship (intermediate level),such as tender or fleet technical support centers; and(3) maintenance requiring port facilities (depot level),such as shipyard maintenance. Since the objective ofthe PMS is to perform maintenance at the organizationalor intermediate level, it does not reflect depotlevelmaintenance. Combat systems readiness requiresefficient maintenance. The key to this capability is anorganized system of planned maintenance that isdesigned to ensure the maximum operational readinessof the combat systems.This section describes the PMS objective, themaintenance scheduling and data system, and the integratedmaintenance.A sampling of data gathered from the fleet showsconclusively that those ships that adhere to their PMSschedules maintain a significantly higher state of materialreadiness with no greater maintenance manpowerusage than those ships that do not adhere totheir PMS schedules.The primary ingredients of the PMS program are1.2.3.4.comprehensive procedures for planned maintenanceof the combat systems, subsystems,and equipment;system fault-isolation procedures;maintenance task performance scheduling andcontrol; andmethods, materials, tools descriptions, andpersonnel required for maintenance.Adherence to the PMS program will produce1.improved confidence in system maintenance,PMS OBJECTIVE2.reduced testing time,The PMS objective is to maximize operational efficiencyof all equipment and to reduce downtime,maintenance man-hours, and maintenance costs. Althoughthe PMS provides methods and resources toaccomplish each objective, it is not self-sufficient anddoes not replace the initiative of maintenance supervisorsnor does it reduce the necessity for technicallycompetent personnel. Recording and providing feedbackof maintenance and personnel data allow continuingmanagement analysis for the improvement ofmaintenance methods and personnel management.Full use of the planning methods, along with the acceptanceand cooperation of technicians, supervisors,and management personnel, produces a maintenancesystem with the inherent confidence, reliability, andcapability to help achieve maximum combat systemsreadiness.3.4.elimination of redundant testing resultingfrom uncoordinated testing, anddetection of most malfunctions during scheduledmaintenance events.MAINTENANCE SCHEDULINGThe normal flow of events that maintenance managersuse in developing an integrated maintenanceschedule is shown in figure 1-1. This figure showsmaintenance management responsibilities and thesequence of events that flow from the departmentmaster and work-center PMS record books throughthe scheduling aids to test execution, unscheduledmaintenance, and reporting.1-2

Figure 1-1.—Block diagram of the Planned Maintenance System.1-3

The maintenance control board contains the cycleschedule and the current and subsequent quarterlyschedules. The board summarizes the status of currentand planned combat systems preventive maintenance.It is updated weekly by the division officer for alldeferred and completed maintenance items.This subsection describes the maintenance indexpage and the cycle, quarterly, and weekly schedules.Weekly ScheduleThe weekly schedule is a visual display that isnormally posted in the working area of each maintenancegroup. The maintenance group supervisor usesthe weekly schedule to assign specific personnel toperform maintenance on specific equipment. Assignmentsinclude system and equipment tests and serviceprocedures.Maintenance Index PageThe maintenance index page (MIP) contains abrief description of the requirements on the maintenancerequirement card for each item of equipment,including the periodicity code, the man-hours involved,the minimum required skill level, and, if applicable,the related maintenance requirements. TheMIPs for all equipments in a department are maintainedin the department’s master PMS record, therecord that is used by the department head to schedulemaintenance on the PMS schedule forms. Each workcenter has a work-center PMS record that contains theMIPs applicable to that work center.Cycle ScheduleThe cycle schedule is a visual display of preventivemaintenance requirements based on the ship’scurrent overhaul cycle. It is used by department headsto assist in the quarterly planning of non-PMS-relatedactivities, such as inspections and training.Quarterly ScheduleThe quarterly schedule, planned from the cycleschedule, is a visual display of the ship’s employmentschedule. It is prepared by department heads in cooperationwith division officers and maintenancegroup supervisors. The schedule shows the currentstatus of preventive maintenance for each group andassigns specific requirements in conjunction with theship’s operational schedule.MAINTENANCE DATA SYSTEMThe Maintenance Data System (MDS) has threefunctions. It provides a means of (1) recording maintenanceactions, (2) processing the recorded data todefine important facts about maintenance and equipment,and (3) retrieving information for analysis.Significant data identified by the system include thereason the malfunction occurred and the manner inwhich it was discovered, the man-hours expended, theexact equipment affected, any delays in repair, thereasons for delays, and the types of maintenancepersonnel required.Recording Maintenance ActionsMaintenance personnel should record (document)certain shipboard maintenance actions and correctivemaintenance on specific categories of equipment atthe time the maintenance actions are performed ordeferred. Information is recorded and submitted to theMDS for input on the Ship’s Maintenance ActionForm (OPNAV 4790/2K).Processing Recorded Data andAnalyzing InformationThe MDS data-processing facilities collect, store,and analyze maintenance information inputs into thesystem. The MDS yields a data path concerningequipment maintainability and reliability, man-hourusage, equipment alteration status, material usage andcosts, and fleet material condition. Various automated1-4

eports are produced periodically for ships, repairactivities, unit commanders, and type commanders.These automated reports include current ship’s maintenanceproject files, work requests, and preinspectionand survey deficiency listings.INTEGRATED MAINTENANCECombat systems maintenance is based on a conceptof performing a comprehensive schedule of testsat three mutually supporting levels: (1) combat systems,(2) subsystems, and (3) equipment. Theseintegrated tests are structured to challenge all combatsystems fictions, parameters, and characteristics ona scheduled periodicity against specified tolerances.Successful performance of the tests as scheduledshould provide a high level of confidence in the functionaloperability of the combat systems equipment.Integrated maintenance requirements are establishedthrough engineering analysis based on thestudy of all factors having a significant effect onmaintenance. The analysis defines system and equipmentfunctions and establishes tolerances in terms ofsystem parameters for determining acceptable systemoperations. The integrated maintenance procedures areintended to provide minimum preventive maintenancecoverage of combat systems. The procedures are writtento establish specific controlled conditions thatchallenge the fictions under test. In some cases, testefficiency and format restrictions make it difficult todetermine the intent of a test from its proceduralsteps; therefore, the procedural sequences must befollowed explicitly. Improvising or shortcutting proceduralsequences often leads to incorrect troubleshootingor masking of actual faults.The integrated maintenance concept is consistentwith the PMS efforts, and it is the most effectivemeans of achieving the goals of the PMS. Adhering tothis concept enables maintenance managers to managethe combat systems maintenance effort and to achievean optimum level of readiness with the most effectiveuse of available personnel.With combat systems testing being conducted atthree levels, it is imperative that integrated maintenancetests be scheduled to reduce test redundancywhenever possible. The three levels of tests are combatsystems testing, subsystems testing, and equipmenttesting.Combat Systems TestingCombat systems testing, defined as testing thatexercises a combat system as one entity, is the highestlevel of testing that can be accomplished aboard ship.Combat systems tests are usually automated and areconducted and monitored from the ship’s commandand control center.The overall combat system operability test(OCSOT) is the primary combat systems test tool.The OCSOT gives a good overview of detection, displayand tracking, designation, acquisition, repeatbackposition, and some status-signal monitoring.Simulated targets are used in the OCSOT. Althoughthe test is conducted as if the combat systems wereoperating normally, certain operating stations dedicatedto support the test are lost for normal operationaluse.Although the OCSOT provides an overview ofsystems performance, it does not test the fill capacityof a combat system or its subsystems operability. It isimpractical from an instrumentation and manpowerstandpoint to test all functional test requirements atthe combat systems level. Therefore, confidence inoperability or material readiness is mainly dependenton integrated testing at the subsystem and equipmentlevels.Subsystems TestingTesting that exercises two or more pieces ofequipment fictionally contained within the samesubsystem is defined as subsystems testing. Subsystemstesting tests a subsystem in a stand-alone operation;however, some functions are provided by othersubsystems, which require integrated testing.1-5

Subsystems tests are functionally grouped andmode oriented so that related functions can be challengedusing the same setup, procedures, and stimuli.Where practical, subsystems tests use tactical indicatorsfor measurement, leaving the requirement forspecial hookups and test equipment to equipmentleveltesting.A major combat ship contains most, or all, of thefollowing subsystems: subsystemCommand and control subsystemCountermeasure subsystemGun/missile weapon subsystemExternal communications subsystemNavigation subsystemEquipment TestingEquipment testing is defined as testing that isgenerally directed toward power levels, frequencies,servos, special features, and output functions. ThePMS may require special external stimulating equipmentand special- or general-purpose test equipmentfor testing measurements.FAULT ISOLATIONThe objective of fault isolation is the systematicapplication of fault-isolation tools needed to isolatethe exact unit or fictional interface responsible for afault or degraded operation during testing or tacticaloperation. To diagnose and effect timely repair offaults within a fire-control system, you must fullyunderstand fault-isolation concepts, the fault-isolationtools available to you, and the capabilities and limitationsof those tools when applied to system fault isolation.Although the primary entry into fault isolation isfrom test-detected faults, improper operating conditionscan be observed during tactical operations,including operator awareness, data extraction and reduction,and on-line monitoring.Fault isolation leads to corrective maintenance.After a fault has been isolated to a specific unit orinterface, corrective action in the form of repair, replacement,and/or alignment must be taken. Thecorrective maintenance performed may or may not berequired to return the system to an operable condition.There may have been more than one fault contributingto the out-of-tolerance condition that initiated thefault-isolation process. The possibility of faulty replacementparts and incorrect adjustment or alignmentexists. Instead of solving the problem, correctivemaintenance may have added to it. Therefore, it ismandatory that each corrective action be followed byverification.Normally, verification is accomplished by recreatingthe test environment and rechallenging thefunction. Where alignments are concerned, the interdependenteffect upon other elements of the combatsystems must be considered in the verification process.FAULT-ISOLATION TOOLSDuring testing or operational use of a weaponssystem, faults can occur in the interface between subsystems,in the interface between equipments of asubsystem, or in the equipment itself. Rapid fault isolationrequires decisive action in selecting and implementingthe most appropriate fault-isolation tools. Afault-isolation tool has the following three characteristics:1. It requires the least amount of time, equipment,or service.2. It is easily implemented.3. It conveys the maximum intelligence regardingthe source of the fault.1-6

Tools used in fault isolation cover a wide range ofapplications, including (but not limited to) combatsystems tests, subsystems tests, on-line/off-line testing,and diagnostic testing programs.This section briefly covers these items and givesexamples of their use, where appropriate.Combat Systems TestsCombat systems tests are the highest level of teststhat can be performed to verify the readiness or alignmentof a combat system. The OCSOT is one of themajor combat systems tests; it is designed to test acombat system as a single, fictional unit. Majorfaults in the subsystems usually show up during theOCSOT; often, this is the first indication of a problemin a particular subsystem. Keep in mind, however,that the OCSOT does not test the full operability of acombat system or its subsystems; it provides only anoverview of systems performance.Another important test is the combat systemsalignment test, which is a programmed test tooldesigned to measure the relative beam alignment (ormisalignment) between a reference sensor and a sensorunder test. The measure of misalignment isaccomplished by collecting the range, bearing, andelevation data from the reference and test sensors.Then the test sensor data is compared to the referencedata, and the results are shown on a display consolefor analysis. The sensors that can be tested include thegun or missile fire-control radars and surface-or airsearchradars. A hard-copy printout can be obtained toprovide a record.Subsystem TestsSubsystem tests aid in fault isolation by testingspecific functions within a subsystem to determine ifthey are generated correctly. In many cases, these testscheck the transmission of data between the subsystemunder test and associated subsystems. Computer programsare available that provide specific test capabilitiessuited to subsystem testing. An example ofsuch a program is the Programmed Operational andFunctional Appraisal (POFA). The POFA programs,for which the subsystem test is named, are nonresidentprograms that detect and isolate malfunctionsby transmitting selectively configured and controlleddata between a computer and a computer ancillaryequipment interface.A typical example of a subsystem test is the firecontrolsystem (FCS) daily system operability test(DSOT). The DSOT assesses weapons systemreadiness in the normal mode of operation for anantiaircraft (AA) target from designation throughacquisition, track, weapons control, simulated firing,and post-firing evaluation.Test procedures are controlled by the test conductor,who calls out the step numbers in sequence.The personnel performing the steps in the variousspaces inform the test conductor when the action orobservation required by that step is completed. Noresponse restrictions are placed on personnel, exceptwhere the steps are underlined in the procedure. Inthis case, instruction words are also underlined, indicatingthe quantity or indication upon which therequest for the response is based. Steps not underlined,but containing underlined instructions, denotethe response requested (Mark, <strong>Fire</strong>d, etc.). Underlinedstep numbers denote those steps to be recorded forevaluation and scoring.All responses should be given as soon as practicalafter the completion of the step, particularly in thoseareas of the test where the timing is important or whena sequence of events must commence immediatelyafter a required action or observation. Timely responsesaid in decreasing time requirements.When a fault occurs during combat systems orsubsystems testing and before detailed fault-isolationprocedures are initiated, the operational steps shouldbe repeated to ensure that the fault is an actual faultand not an operator error. If the fault still exists, youshould ensure that the combat system or subsystem isproperly configured for the test event performed; thatis, switches are properly set, correct function codesare selected, etc.1-7

On-Line/Off-Line TestingBased on the level of testing selected, on-linemaintenance testing can assist in fault isolation bytesting suspected equipment or systems with a minimumof interference with normal ship operation. If asuspected equipment or system checks out satisfactorily,then a possible source of the fault has beeneliminated. This aids in the fault-isolation process. Ingeneral, the use of on-line testing provides a quickfault-isolation tool when you are trying to confirmequipment or system problems. When using on-linetesting, you should be careful not to degrade the systemor subsystem operational capability beyond thelevel specified by ship doctrine.Some combat systems equipment has the capabilityof severing normal communications links andaccepting preset or manual inputs when you areverifying system ability to correctly process data. Thisoff-line testing offers a convenient method of isolatingequipment or interface faults. As in on-linetesting, care must be taken not to degrade the systemor subsystem operational capabilities. One suchoff-line test is the system maintenance test (SMT)used in the Mk 86 gunfire control system (GFCS).The SMP is a computer program that enhancesfictional testing and troubleshooting of the FCS.The SMP provides test conditions to check the integrityof input/output circuits to and from the computerand to check the fictional integrity of variousfunctional systems. It is loaded into the FCS computerin place of the normal (tactical) FCS operationalprogram. Therefore, the FCS is not functional in atactical sense until the FCS operational computerprogram has been reloaded into the FCS computer followingthe use of the SMP.The program includes a configuration entryroutine, an executive routine, and approximately 60individual tests that are organized into groupsaccording to the interface channels between thecomputer and the peripheral units. Configurationentry allows the technician to adapt the program to aparticular modification of the FCS. The executiveroutine provides the basic timing requirements foreach test program and establishes testing priority inthe event two or more tests are selected concurrently.The tests are grouped according to channel andunit numbers as follows:Channel 14 test programs are selected fromunits 1, 2, and 3.Channel 15 test programs are selected fromunit 25.Channel 16 test programs are selected fromunit 22.Channel 17 test programs are selected fromunit 6.A sample of channel 14 test programs is shown intable 1-1. Notice that the tests selected at unit 2 or 3are selected with a test number select code. The proceduresfor setting up these codes are in table 1-2.1-8

Table 1-1.—System Maintenance ProgramChannel 14 Test ProgramsTable 1-2.—Procedures for Setting Up Test NumberSelect CodesFigure 1-2.—Sample test mode matrix.1-9

Since it is not practicable to list all the possibletests in the SMP, this discussion is limited only tochannel 14 test programs. The channel 14 test programsconsist of a scan generator test routine andvarious test routines that can be selected from unit 1,2, or 3. Test routines are selected from unit 2 or 3 byusing test number select keyboard code entries to thecomputer.The DESIGNATOR SELECT switch positions atunit 1 select tests from unit 1. Table 1-1 lists units 2and 3 test number select codes and unit 1 DESIGNA-TOR SELECT switch positions used to select the testroutines.The following paragraphs provide a synopsis ofselected channel 14 test programs:INITIAL DATA DISPLAY: This test providesan initial data display to the A/N display forentering initial test data required for the channel 17end-around, D/A converter, gun data, and encodertests.ADDRESS DECODE TEST: This test outputsa unique number to each unit (1, 2, or 3) readoutto verify proper address encoding and console addressdecoding.NIXIE CYCLE TEST: This test cycles all ofunits 1, 2, and 3 NIXIE readout digits from O to 9, inunison, in a 10-second period. The test checks thechannel output lines and the readout digital logic.GUN DATA TEST: This testis similar to thechannel 17 end-around test, except that the test resultsare displayed on the A/N display, rather than on aprintout. The test should be used for fault localization,rather than for fault detection.SERVO TESTS: These tests check out thestiff-stick data, the camera-assigned codes, and theTV sight 1 and sight 2 servo systems. The servo systemscan be checked using a servo gain of 8, 4, or 2.MEMORY CALL-UP TESTS: These testsare used to monitor up to 12 randomly selected orconsecutive computer memory locations and to displaythem on the A/N displays.When the technician troubleshoots with the aid ofthe SMP, it is sometimes useful to know what data thecomputer is transmitting and receiving. The memorylocations of all active computer input and output bufferscan be called up by using this routine.Diagnostic Testing ProgramsDiagnostic testing programs are designed to isolatemalfunctions that occur in the internal logic of theprinted circuit boards. When other types of failuresoccur, manual procedures are required, but, in manycases, the diagnostics provide sufficient informationto identify the fictional area of the failure.Diagnostic testing programs are useful in locatinga problem in a piece of equipment once the problemis isolated to a unit. The unit can be systematicallytested with a printout or readout provided to the technicianto indicate the problem area. Some diagnosticprograms provide an error-code readout, whereasothers provide the direct location of suspected faultycomponents.An error-code readout requires searching an areacodetable to locate the possible bad component,while the direct component-location readout tells thetechnician where the problem could be located. Thedirect component-location readout method is usuallyfaster in producing the location of suspected failedcomponents.MAINTENANCE SUPPORTDOCUMENTATIONMaintenance support documentation falls into twogeneral categories: (1) logic diagrams that contain asequence of steps to isolate the faults causing aspecific test- or operation-related fault symptom, and(2) system or equipment functional flow diagrams thatallow the technician to determine a sequence of isolationsteps.1-10

1. LOGIC DIAGRAMS: Logic diagrams includetroubleshooting logic charts (TLCs), fault logicdiagrams (FLDs), fault isolation pyramid charts, andfault reference tables. The TLCs and the FLDs providea simple yes-or-no, question-and-answer approachto fault isolation. They are generally based oneither a ladder method or a bracket-and-halving faultisolationtechnique.Ladder Method: The function is approachedfrom its initiation or termination point and, in successivesteps, is checked to the other end.Bracket-and-Halving Fault-Isolation Technique:The function is checked at its midpoint, then atthe midpoint of the half containing the fault, etc., untilit is isolated.Pyramid charts take an output or terminal function(output, indicator, etc.) and break it down into itsmajor subfunctions, which are individually checkeduntil the fault is isolated. Fault reference charts generallyrelate symptoms to specific faults.2. FUNCTIONAL FLOW DIAGRAMS: Functionalflow diagrams include system functional diagrams,signal-flow diagrams, schematic diagrams, andrelay-ladder diagrams. These are frequently used inisolating a fault that was not anticipated by the faultlogic material provided.In general, fault logic procedures are used morerapidly by inexperienced technicians than fictionaldiagrams in isolating a specific fault. When used withflow diagrams, fault logic procedures provide a meansof teaching new or inexperienced personnel effectivefault-isolation techniques. A fictional understandinggained through the use of maintenance documents isnecessary for the development of experienced technicians.Experienced technicians frequently isolatespecific faults addressed in fault logic proceduresfaster without referring to procedures. Their experienceis essential in isolating problems that have notbeen anticipated by logic procedures.Numerous approaches are possible in the applicationof fault-isolation procedures. The fact that mostcasualties occur within an equipment and are correctedby troubleshooting on an equipment-level basisleads to the tendency to troubleshoot all casualties onan equipment-level basis. It is to be expected that eachtechnician might rely more heavily on certain troubleshootingaids and procedures than others. Few hardand-fastrules apply to all troubleshooting situations,but one rule that should always be foremost is to determinethe origin of a fault as precisely as possible.System interrelationship is such that many casualtiescan be reflected in several areas as improper operationor fault indications. If each area of eachequipment that does not function properly is checkedseparately, the equipment downtime and correspondingman-hour use can rapidly increase. On the otherhand, familiarity with system reference materials,system fictional diagrams, and fault-isolation procedurescan lead logically and expeditiously to the specificarea of the fault.All system fault isolation is interrelated. Itseffective use depends on knowing what materials areavailable, how they are interrelated, and how to cross--reference between materials. The isolation materialsthat you will use in fault isolation are the system faultindicator director, the system function directory, thesystem functional diagram, the fault analysis matrix,a sample troubleshooting problem, and the equipmenttroubleshooting documentation.System Fault Indicator DirectoryThe system fault indicator directory (FID) facilitatesentry into the documentation required fortroubleshooting a fault disclosed by a specific indicatorduring normal operation. A typical FID is shownin table 1-3. The material in this FID is grouped bysystem and further divided alphabetically by equipment,panel, and indicator. A complete listing of indicatorsis included.1-11

Table 1-3.—Typical Fault Indicator DirectoryThe reference provided for each indicator includesa system functional diagram (SFD) and an applicablefault analysis matrix (FAM) reference. The SFD referencepertains to the SFD figure used to troubleshootthe fault on the system level, which the individualindicator indicates. The applicable FAM reference isused for troubleshooting and for verifying the operationalstatus of the system on an equipment level.System Function DirectoryThe system function directory is used with theFID. It contains an alphabetical listing of all systemfictions contained in the SFDs. This directory can beused to start the troubleshooting process when there isno particular indicator associated with a fault. A samplefire-control system function directory is shown intable 1-4.1-12

Table 1-4.—Samp1e <strong>Fire</strong>-Control System Function Directory1-13

The FAM is arranged in tabular form to provide aquick cross-reference of troubleshooting aids andreference materials. Table 1-5 is a sample fault analy-sis matrix.desirable because the initial fault observed during atest may be the cause of those observed thereafter.Thus, correcting the initial fault may correct thoseobserved later in the test sequence.Table 1-5.—Sample Fault Analysis MatrixThis column lists the function source and test points, if applicable.This column lists units between source and destination.This column lists other SMTs and associated steps in which the parameter in the function column is tested, ifapplicable.This column provides suggested troubleshooting procedures for fault isolation; for example, applicable self-tests,alternate system configuration/substitution, etc. It should be emphasized that these are suggested troubleshootingprocedures and are not meant to preclude or remove judgment for troubleshooting from the technician. The intentof the FAM is to serve as a troubleshooting aid, while allowing latitude for personal preference as to the approachand technique applied.1-15

Sample Troubleshooting ProblemTo show how troubleshooting documentation isused to isolate faults, this sample problem is providedwith corresponding fault analysis procedures by usingsamples of fault-isolation materials previously coveredin this chapter. The sample problem and associatedfault analysis procedures are based on a faultrevealed during SMT W-1. It is emphasized that theseare suggested troubleshooting procedures and are notmeant to preclude or remove judgment from thetechnician. For the sake of clarity, this problem isshown as separate steps. Refer to table 1-5 as yousolve this problem.1. Prior to the hypothetical fault, it is assumedthat all turn-on procedures and preliminary test stepshave been accomplished with no apparent malfunctionsindicated. No PERMISSION TO TEST indicationis observed at the radar set console (RSC).2. After verification of all test setups, the testcoordinator then refers to the FAM for SMT W-1,which lists all SMT response steps (column 1) and theassociated functions that are tested (column 2).3. From columns 3 and 4, the sources and intermediateunits can readily be determined.4. Column 5 lists related SMTs.5. Column 6 lists SFD figure 12-14.1 as thereference for the permission to test the function. Byusing the available reference material, the test coordinatorcan proceed to column 7 and implement the suggestedfault-isolation procedures.6. In column 7, step 4a, C-TASC (a computerdiagnostic program) is used to determine if logicaloutput voltages are being (1) generated at the radardata processor (RDP), and (2) transmitted to the radarset console (RSC). The succeeding fault-isolation procedureslisted in the FAM are then accomplished asrequired until the casualty is found or isolated to anequipment.If the preceding problem had arisen at any timeother than during a scheduled test, the system FID(see table 1-3) and/or the FCS function directory (seetable 1-4) could have been used.When the FID is used to facilitate solutions ofproblems encountered during normal operations orweapons system exercises other than scheduled testing,the faulty indication is identified and located inthe Indicator column for the associated equipmentlisted in the Equipment column of table 1-3. Using thesame hypothetical fault described above, refer to table1-3 and locate the RSC in the Equipment column andPERMISSION TO TEST in the Indicator column. Theapplicable SFD and FAM may then be refereed to fortrouble analysis. At the discretion of the test coordinator,the equipment may be setup as required in thereferenced FAM, and the associated trouble analysisprocedures accomplished as described in the aboveparagraphs. Where there is no readily identifiable indicatorfor a given function, reference maybe made tothe SFD to cross-reference the applicable SFD.Equipment Troubleshooting DocumentationEquipment operating procedures (OPs) contain awealth of documentation to enable the rapid localizationof faults that have been traced to a particularpiece of equipment. The documentation includes (butis not limited to) fault logic diagrams, signal-flowdiagrams, pyramid diagrams, relay and lamp indexes,and relay lamp ladder diagrams. In addition, maintenanceturn-on procedures, shown in table 1-6, areprovided for energizing the equipment. These procedurescontain references to troubleshooting documentsthat are to be used if a given step of theprocedure cannot be performed satisfactorily.1-16

Table 1-6.—Sample Maintenance Turn-On ProceduresSome of the primary equipment troubleshootingdocumentations are covered in this subsection, includingfault logic diagrams, signal-flow diagrams, pyramiddiagrams, relay and lamp indexes, and relay lampladder diagrams. Also included is a sample equipmenttroubleshooting problem relating to a simple checkoutprocedure.FAULT LOGIC DIAGRAMS.— Fault logic diagrams(FLDs) are used to speed troubleshooting byrequiring the technician to answer a branching seriesof questions about an observed system fault. Thequestions, which permit only yes-or-no answers, pertainprimarily to the status of external indications(lamps, dials, meters, scope displays, etc.), but theymay also include internal indications at key testpoints. By a process of elimination, the technician isled to the area of probable trouble and is referred toequipment troubleshooting documents. Figure 1-4shows a sample fault logic diagram.SIGNAL-FLOW DIAGRAMS.— Signal-flowdiagrams show the signal flow from an input to anoutput function. Adjustment procedures, replacementprocedures, and schematics are referenced in thesignal-flow diagram to provide the technician withquick access to the appropriate maintenance requirementcards and related troubleshooting documentation.Figure 1-5 shows a sample signal-flow diagram.1-17

Figure 1-4.—Fault logic diagram.Figure 1-5.—Signal-flow diagram.1-18

PYRAMID DIAGRAMS.— Pyramid diagramspertain to the interdependency of the subassembliesessential to each function of a piece of equipment.The pyramid starts with an output function and, for agiven local test setup, lists the values and allowabletolerances of that function. Subsequent checks of thevarious inputs that affect the function are contained inblocks, which radiate downward from the statement ofthe function.The blocks contain recommended correctiveaction if the check of the input is at fault. Each leg ofthe pyramid is terminated by an input and a referenceto other pyramids or related documents. Thus, theequipment troubleshooting pyramids should enablethe technician to quickly localize faults and performthe necessary corrective action by referencing theassociated material. Figure 1-6 shows a sample pyramiddiagram.Figure 1-6.—Pyramid diagram.RELAY AND LAMP INDEXES.— The relayand lamp indexes list all the relays and lamps shownon the troubleshooting diagrams. The indexes list, inunit designation sequence, all relay coils and relatedswitches and indicator lamps. They cross-index (byfigure, sheet, and zone) the location of the relay coiland indicator lamp energizing paths. Table 1-7 showsa sample relay index.1-19

Table 1-7.—Sample Relay IndexRELAY LAMP LADDER DIAGRAMS.—Relay lamp ladder diagrams show the energizingpaths for relays and indicator lamps that are not cov-ered by signal-flow diagrams. They are used with relayand lamp indexes. Figure 1-7 shows a sample re-lay lamp ladder diagram.1-20

Figure 1-7.—Relay lamp ladder diagram.ences in fire-control equipment, each fire-control sys-tern has its own troubleshooting philosophy. How-ever, they all use the basic troubleshooting documen-tation (or a modification or combination of the basicdocumentation) covered in this chapter.The relay lamp ladder diagram is a troubleshootingsupport document for the signal-flow diagram andthe maintenance turn-on procedure. It is also used asthe prime troubleshooting document for equipmentswitching problems.The relay lamp ladder diagram traces the energizingpath for the relay coil or indicator lamp from acommon interface point appearing on both the powerdistributiondiagram and the ladder diagram. It tracesthrough the equipment, to the respective relay coil orindicator lamp, and to a common return power interface.The relay lamp ladder diagram shows cabling,terminal connections, relay contacts, switches, andlamps in the energizing path.SAMPLE EQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOT-ING PROBLEM.— Because of the inherent differ-This sample problem uses the checkout procedure,and the problem-directory and pyramid-diagrammethods of troubleshooting. In these methods, thetechnician sets up, adjusts, and verifies equipmentoperation according to a set of steps in the checkoutprocedures shown in table 1-8.If the function being tested at a particular stepfails, the technician refers to that same numbered stepin the problem directory to isolate the faulty component.A sample problem directory is shown in table1-9.1-21

Table 1-8.—Sample Video Processingand Distribution System Checkout ProceduresFigure 1-8.—Incorrect lamp pyramid diagram 7-13-2.In our sample troubleshooting problem, the faultycomponent is Test Board 25A38A31. To isolate thiscomponent, the technician performs the checkoutprocedures shown in table 1-8. At step 27, the technicianobserves that none of the lamps on 25A38 arelit. From here, the technician proceeds to the problemdirectory (see table 1-9), step 27, where he is directedto set the S/P BYPASS switch to ON. After doingthis, he notices that more than one lamp is out on25A38. The problem directory refers the technician tothe incorrect lamp indicator pyramid diagram, shownin figure 1-8.Here, the technician follows the instructions outlinedin the dashed blocks and answers the questionsin the solid block. Eventually, the technician is instructedto measure the voltage at 25A38A3lTPI. Azero-voltage reading at this test point indicates thatTest Board 25A38A31 is the faulty component. Thetechnician replaces the circuit board and verifiescorrect operation by repeating step 27 in the checkoutprocedures.Figure 1-9 is a sample troubleshooting systemfictional diagram.1-22

Table 1-9.—Sample Problem DirectoryFigure 1-9.—Troubleshooting system functional diagram.1-23

RECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to ensure thatyou are studying the latest revision.<strong>Ships</strong>’ Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST 4790.4, Chief of <strong>Naval</strong> Operations,Washington, DC, 1994.All systems operating procedures that describe troubleshooting techniques and procedures applicable to each FCSon your ship class.1-24

CHAPTER 2LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMSLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completing this chapter, you should be able to do thefollowing:1. Identify the different types of liquid-cooling systems forelectronic fire-control equipment.2. Identify the components for the liquid-cooling systems.3. Identify the maintenance responsibilities for the liquidcoolingsystems used by <strong>Fire</strong> Controlmen.INTRODUCTIONCooling systems are essential to the satisfactoryoperation of a shipboard weapons system. In fact,some form of cooling is required for all shipboardelectronic equipment, and liquid cooling is especiallyefficient for the transfer of large amounts of heat. Tomaintain cooling systems, you must have a broadunderstanding of the different types of liquid-coolingsystems with which you are involved. As a <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong>,and because you operate and maintain electricaland electronic equipment, you are required tohave a thorough knowledge of liquid-cooling systems.This chapter discusses basic liquid-coolingsystems, liquid-cooling systems configurations, andliquid-cooling systems for the Mk 92 fire-controlsystem (FCS). It also discusses the maintenance responsibilitiesyou have as a <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong> for thesesystems. For more detailed information on these andother cooling systems, consult your applicable operatingprocedures and Basic Liquid Cooling Systemsfor Shipboard Electronics, NAVSEA 0948-LP-122-8010.BASIC LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMSThe typical liquid-cooling system is composed oftwo basic cooling systems: primary and secondary.These two systems are discussed briefly in this section.PRIMARY LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMThe primary liquid-cooling system provides theinitial source of cooling water that can be either seawateror chilled water from the ship’s air-conditioningplant, or a combination of both. Figures 2-1, 2-2, and2-3 show the basic arrangement of liquid-coolingsystems that use seawater and chilled water. You areencouraged to refer to these three figures as you studythis chapter.In figure 2-1, seawater from a sea connection ispumped by a seawater circulating pump in one of theship’s engineering spaces through a duplex strainer toremove all debris and then is pumped through thetubes of a heat exchanger. Finally, the seawater is dischargedback into the sea at an overboard discharge.2-1

Figure 2-1.—Type I liquid-cooling system.2-2

Figure 2-2.—Type II liquid-cooling system.Figure 2-3.—Type III liquid-cooling system.2-3

The seawater system shown in figure 2-1 is amultiple-branch system. As such, it supplies a numberof heat exchangers for other electronic equipment. Toregulate the proper amount of seawater to each coolingsystem, an orifice plate is installed in the linebetween each heat exchanger and the duplex strainer.The heat exchangers are referred to as seawater-todistilled-waterheat exchangers.Another means of providing seawater is throughthe ship’s fire main, as shown in figure 2-2. The seawateris taken from the fire main through a duplexstrainer and a flow regulator (orifice plate) to andthrough the heat exchanger. It is then dischargedoverboard. The connection to the fire main is permanent.The ship’s fire pump, not shown in figure 2-3, isused to pump seawater into the fire main. The firepump is similar in design to the previously mentionedseawater circulating pump, except it has a much largercapacity.Another means of obtaining seawater as a primarycoolant for types I and II liquid-cooling systems is byan emergency connection, which is used if the normalseawater supply is lost. The connection is usually bymeans of a 1 1/2-inch fire hose. The emergency supplycomes from an alternate portion of the ship’s fire mainor a portable pump rigged by the ship’s damage controlparty. The portable emergency hose is normallystored in the liquid-coolant machinery room.In types II and III liquid-cooling systems, chilledwater is taken from the supply main of the airconditioning,chilled-water systems. The chilled wateris used as a backup source of cooling water for theprimary cooling system shown in figure 2-2, and as anormal and backup source for the system shown infigure 2-3. The chilled water flows through the tubesof the heat exchanger (chilled water to distilledwater), a flow regulator, and back to the chilled-watersystem. A temperature-regulating valve at the inlet ofthe heat exchanger regulates the flow of chilled waterthrough the heat exchanger to maintain the requiredwater temperature in the secondary system (distilledwater).The ship’s air-conditioning, chilled-water circulatingpump is used to pump the chilled water throughthe heat exchanger. The chilled-water system is aclosed-loop water system because the water is recirculated.The system must be kept tight and free fromleaks to ensure satisfactory operation.SECONDARY LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMThe secondary liquid-cooling system transfersheat from the electronic equipment being cooled tothe primary cooling system. The coolant normallyused in the secondary system is distilled water, whichis ultrapure and is maintained in that state by a demineralize.In some secondary systems, ethyleneglycol is added to the water to prevent freezing whenthe system is exposed to freezing weather.The secondary liquid-cooling system is usuallycomprised of a distilled-water circulating pump, acompression or gravity-feed expansion tank, the electronicequipment being cooled, a demineralizer, atemperature-control valve, the monitoring equipmentwith its associated alarms, and the heat exchanger,which is shared with the primary system. The secondarysystem is a closed-loop water system, as comparedto the seawater system, which is a one-pass, oropen-loop, system.LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMCONFIGURATIONSThe U.S. Navy uses three basic configurations ofliquid-cooling systems, and you could be involvedwith all three of them, depending on the number andtypes of electronic equipment to be cooled. The specificationsfor the type of system installed on yourequipment will depend on the operational requirementsof the equipment. Some electronic equipmentsrequire very close regulation of the temperature of thedistilled water, whereas others do not.2-4

TYPE I LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMThe type I liquid-cooling system is a seawater/distilled-water (SW/DW) heat exchanger with an SW/DW heat exchanger standby. This system is used forelectronic system installations that can be operatedsatisfactorily with seawater temperature as high as95°F, which should result in a distilled-water supplytemperature to the electronics of approximately104°F. Refer to figure 2-1 as you study this section.Starting with the distilled-water pumps, distilledwater under pressure flows to the temperature-regulatingvalve. The temperature-regulating valve is installedto partially bypass distilled water around theseawater-to-distilled-water heat exchanger so that aconstant water temperature can be supplied to theelectronic equipment. As the temperature in the distilledwater increases, more water is directed to theheat exchanger and less to the bypass line, thus maintainingthe output water temperature constant.The standby heat exchanger is usually of the samedesign and is used when the on-line heat exchanger isinoperable or is undergoing maintenance. The size ofthe heat exchanger is designed to handle the fullcooling load of the electronic equipment plus a 20-percent margin. From the heat exchanger, the waterthen goes through various monitoring devices, whichcheck the water temperature and flow.The water temperature and flow depend on the requirementsof the electronic equipment being cooled.After the water moves through the equipment, it isdrawn back to the pump on the suction side; thus, acontinuous flow of coolant is maintained in a closedloopsystem.An expansion tank in the distilled-water systemcompensates for changes in the coolant volume andprovides a source of makeup water in the event of asecondary system leak. When the expansion tank islocated above the highest point in the secondarysystem and vented to the atmosphere, it is called agravity tank. If it is below the highest point in thesecondary cooling system, it is called a conpressiontank because it requires an air charge on the tank forproper operation.The demineralizer is designed to remove dissolvedmetals, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. In addition, asubmicron filter (less than one-millionth of a meter)is installed at the output of the demineralizer to preventthe carry-over of chemicals into the system andto remove existing solids.TYPE II LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMThe type II liquid-cooling system is an SW/DWheat exchanger with a chilled-water/distilled-water(CW/DW) heat exchanger standby. This system isused in installations that cannot accept a DW temperaturehigher than 90°F. Refer to figure 2-2 as youstudy this section.The secondary cooling system of the type IIliquid-cooling system is similar to that of the type Isecondary liquid-cooling system and uses many of thesame components—the major difference is in theoperation of the CW/DW heat exchanger. The secondarycoolant is in series with the SW/DW heat exchangerand automatically supplements the coolingoperation when the SW/D Wheat exchanger is unableto lower the temperature of the distilled water to thenormal operating temperature.The CW/DW temperature-regulating valve allowsmore chilled water to flow into the primary coolingsystem to the CW/DW heat exchanger. This causesthe temperature in the secondary system to go down.Normally, this action occurs only if high seawatertemperatures are encountered in tropical waters. TheCW/DW heat exchanger is also used in an SW/DWheat exchanger malfunction.TYPE III LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMThe type III liquid-cooling system is a CW/DWheat exchanger with a CW/DW heat exchanger standby,and is used in installations where the temperaturerange is critical. It requires close regulation of the DWcoolant to maintain temperatures between establishedlimits. For example, the temperature limits might bebetween 70°F and 76°F. This system is used wheretighter control is required. Refer to figure 2-3 as youstudy this section.2-5

The type III secondary liquid-cooling system alsooperates in a similar manner to the type I secondaryliquid-cooling system—the major difference is in theway that the temperature of the secondary coolantis regulated. A three-way temperature-regulatingvalve is not used, but a two-way temperature-regulatingvalve is used in the primary cooling loop toregulate the temperature of the secondary loop.The duplicate CW/DW heat exchanger is installedparallel to the first heat exchanger and is used as astandby heat exchanger. If a malfunction occurs thatrequires the first heat exchanger to be removed fromservice, the standby exchanger can be put into serviceby manipulating the isolation valves associated withthe two heat exchangers.LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMCOMPONENTSThe main components of liquid-cooling systemsare heat exchangers, expansion tanks, seawater strainers,temperature-regulating valves, flow regulators,flow-monitoring devices, circulating pumps, demineralizes,oxygen analyzers, and coolant-alarm switchboards.In some systems, there are specializedcomponents to monitor cooling water to the electronicequipment.You should be able to identify and describe theoperation of the individual components of a typicalliquid-cooling system to help you perform the requiredsystem maintenance and trouble isolation. Youshould never neglect the cooling system, because itwill quickly deteriorate to a point where only extremeand costly maintenance will restore it to its properperformance.HEAT EXCHANGERSIn liquid-cooling heat exchangers, the heat thathas been absorbed by distilled water flowing throughthe electronic components is transferred to the primarycooling system, which contains either seawateror chilled water from an air-conditioning plant. Inboth cases, the heat exchangers are of the shell andtube type in which the secondary coolant (DW) flowsthrough the shell, while the primary coolant (SW orCW) flows through the tubes.A single-pass counterflow heat exchanger is moreefficient than the double-pass heat exchanger, becausethere is a more-uniform gradient of temperature differencebetween the two fluids. The primary coolant(SW/CW) flows through the tubes in the oppositedirection to the flow of the secondary coolant (DW).Heat transfer occurs when the seawater flows throughthe tubes, extracting heat from the distilled waterflowing through the shell side of the heat exchanger.The distilled water is then directed by baffles to flowback and forth across the tubes as it progresses alongthe inside of the shell from inlet to outlet. In figure2-4, the preferred method of double-tube sheet constructionis shown. Single-tube sheet construction isshown in figure 2-5.2-6

Figure 2-4.—Single-pass SW/DW heat exchanger with double-tube sheets.Figure 2-5.—Two-pass SW/DW heat exchanger with single-tube sheets.Double-tube sheets are used at both ends of a tubebundle. A void space between the sheets preventscontamination of the distilled water and permits themonitoring of water loss due to tube leakage. Youshould be on the lookout to detect leakage at the“telltale drains,” which indicates a failure of a tubejoint. The type of water leaking out indicates whetherthe failure is in the primary or secondary system. Thetelltale drains should never be plugged or capped off.A leak in one of the tubes shows up as a loss ofwater in the secondary side of the liquid-cooling system,because it operates at a higher pressure than theprimary side. This is intentional, as it ensures that thedistilled water is not contaminated with seawaterwhen a leak develops in a heat exchanger.A double-pass heat exchanger is generally usedwhen there is limitation on the installation of the heat2-7

exchanger. This type of heat exchanger is less efficientthan a single-pass exchanger and is subject tointernal undetectable leakage across the flow dividerin the inlet-outlet water box.Heat exchangers must periodically be cleaned.The secondary section (distilled water) is cleaned bycirculating chemicals through the secondary coolingsystem to remove any buildup of scale deposits thatmay accumulate on the surface of the tubes.The procedure for routine cleaning of the primarysection of the heat exchanger is to first secure the seaconnections to prevent flooding. In some cases, aninspection port in the water box can be opened toremove any foreign matter lodged inside and againstthe tubes. If you are unable to get at the ends of theheat exchanger to remove the water boxes, then youmust remove the heat exchanger from its location andplace it on the deck or on a suitable work surface.Mark each unit removed so that it can be positioned inits proper place during reassembly. With the waterboxes removed, an air lance should be passed througheach tube and the passages washed out. Where severefouling exists, a water lance should be pushed througheach tube to remove foreign matter attached to thetube walls.Where extreme fouling exists, special cleaningequipment operated by personnel skilled in its use isrequired. The ship’s engineering officer is normallythe best person qualified to determine which procedureto use and whether the job can be performedaboard ship or if it must be transferred to a repairfacility. You should take precautions to ensure thattools, such as screwdrivers and wire brushes, are notused in such a way that they may scratch or mar thetube surfaces.Over a period of time, electrolysis, which resultsbecause of dissimilar metals in the cooling system,will slowly dissolve the insides of various componentsin the primary seawater cooling system. Electrolysisis not a problem in chilled-water systems tothe extent that it is in seawater systems. The type ofmetal used in the fabrication of the heat exchangertubes is the deciding factor as to the use of zincs.Zincs are disks, rods, bars, or plates made of zincmetal that are installed inside the heat exchanger’swater boxes. When they are installed, the electrolyticaction is concentrated on the zinc and not on the metalof the heat exchanger tubes. As electrolysis dissolvesthe zincs instead of the heat exchanger tubes, theyshould be replaced. (The purity of distilled waterinhibits electrolysis in the secondary system.)In an older cooling system, you should be on thelookout for thin pipes in the seawater side of thecooling system. Check for bad pipes by gently tappingthe empty pipes with the ball end of a ball-peenhammer. A bad piece of pipe will make a dull soundand will dimple as it is struck lightly.The heat exchangers in the distilled-watercoolingsystems that cool electronic equipment are eitherliquid-to-air or coolant-jacket type of heat exchangers.The liquid-to-air heat exchangers are mounted insidecabinets containing the heat-producing electroniccomponents.A cabinet fan circulates the air across the heatexchanger and to the heat source in an airtight circuit.In the coolant-jacket type of heat exchangers, thedistilled water is circulated through an integral waterjacket in a large heat-producing component, such as apower-amplifier tube, a plate transformer, or the loadisolators.Vent and drain connections are provided to permitventing trapped air and draining water. Temperaturegages may be provided in the inlet and outlet pipingto check performance of the heat exchanger. Labelplates indicate the water-flow direction through eachcabinet.Flow regulators (orifice plates or constant-flowdevices) usually provide a constant flow of coolant tothe individual component, cabinet, or bay of electronicequipment to be cooled. On critical electroniccomponents that would be damaged without coolantto remove the heat, coolant-flow and temperatureswitches monitor the coolant.2-8

EXPANSION TANKSExpansion tanks may be either gravity tanks orpressurized tanks. The expansion tank serves a threefoldpurpose in a liquid-cooling system. First, it maintainsa positive pressure required on the circulatingpump inlet for proper operation of the circulatingpump. Second, it compensates for changes in the coolantvolume because of temperature changes. Third, itvents air from the system and provides a source ofmakeup coolant to compensate for minor losses due toleakage or losses that occur during the replacement ofradar equipment served by the system. Refer to figures2-6 and 2-7 as you study this section.When an expansion tank is used as a gravity tank,it is located above the highest point in the distilledwatersystem. This provides sufficient pressure to thesuction side of the circulating pump. It also ensures aflow of water from the tank into the system whenmakeup water is required.The tank is provided with a sight glass to checkthe level of water in the tank. The sight glass shouldnormally show the tank to be from two-thirds tofour-fifths full. The glass should be redlined at fourfifthsof the tank capacity. A vent pipe is located onthe top of the tank to prevent air pressure from buildingup in the system. A valve and funnel connectionwith a cap are located on the top of the tank to providea means for filling the system with distilled water. Alow-level alarm switch is usually set at 20 percent oftank capacity.Figure 2-6.—Gravity expansion tank.When the fluid level in the tank lowers to 20 percentof the full level, visual and audible alarms actuateat the alarm switchboard to warn personnel that thesystem is low on distilled water. If the tank runs out ofwater, air is drawn into the system, which results inincreased corrective maintenance on the system toremove the trapped air or possible pump damage and/or failure of high-power transmitter components.The pressurized expansion tank is normally locatednear the circulating pump suction in the returnmain of the secondary liquid-cooling system. Thepressurized tank is airtight and is charged with com-2-9Figure 2-7.—Pressure expansion tank.

pressed air to an appropriate pressure from the ship’slow-pressure air system. In some systems, a hose isused to pressurize the tank through a quick-disconnectvalve. In other systems, a permanent pipe installationis connected to the expansion tank through a pressurereliefvalve and an air shutoff valve.The ship’s low-pressure air system is used tocharge the pressure tank, and then it is secured to preventa possible flood back of coolant into the lowpressureair system. The relief valve protects the tankand the distilled-water system from being overpressurized.The sight glass and the low-level alarmswitch function the same as those on the gravity expansiontank.In both types of expansion tanks, the bottom of thetank is connected by piping to the return main of thesecondary cooling system. Changes in coolant volumecause the coolant to flow into or out of the reservoir,as necessary, to maintain a stable return-line pressure.Makeup water (distilled water) is added to theexpansion tank through the funnel on the top of thetank. A funnel cap is provided for the funnel to preventdirt from entering the system. When you fill thepressurized expansion tank, you must first isolate thetank from the cooling system and the air supplybefore you vent the air pressure off through the ventpipe at the top of the tank. The makeup water can beobtained directly from the ship’s evaporators andpreferably when the ship is making boiler-feed water,because the water is double distilled. At no timeshould potable (drinking) water or treated boiler-feedwater be used in any electronic cooling systems.After the water is drawn from the ship’s evaporators,it should be transported only in a clean, cappedcontainer. You should take a sample of the water fromthe container and have it tested for chloride by theship’s water test facility before any of the water isused in the cooling system. The maximum permissiblelevel of chloride is 0.065 ppm (equivalent partsper million). The supply system provides an alternatesource of makeup water.The expansion tank sight glass is your best indicationof a coolant leak in the secondary coolingsystem. When the system uses excessive makeupwater, you should inspect the whole secondary system,including the telltale drains on the heat exchanger,to locate the source of the leak. A small dripcan amount to several gallons of water a day. On thepressurized expansion tank, a very small air leak (indicatedby a pressure drop on a tank gage) can belocated by brushing on a leak detector (a thick, clear,soapy liquid, such as concentrated liquid dishwashingsoap) over the suspected area of the leak. The escapingair causes bubbles to form in the leak detector.SEAWATER STRAINERSStrainers are used in the seawater cooling systemto remove debris and sea life, which could clog thepressure and flow-control device (orifice) and/or thetubes of the heat exchanger. The two types of in-lineseawater strainers most commonly used in weaponscooling systems are the simplex (single) and duplex(double) basket strainers.The simplex basket strainer, shown in figure 2-8,has a Y-pattern body. (Some simplex strainers have asmall drain on the cover to allow you to drain thewater off before removing the cover.) The basket isremoved periodically for cleaning and inspecting fordeterioration. This type of strainer requires that theseawater be secured before you clean the basket.2-10

Figure 2-10.—Three-way temperature-regulating valve.Two-Way Temperature-Regulating ValvesTwo-way temperature-regulating valves in liquidcoolingsystems are normally installed in the chilledwatersupply to the heat exchanger with thethermostatic sensing bulb installed in the distilledwateroutlet from the heat exchanger. The basic operationof the two-way temperature-regulating valve isthe same as that of the three-way temperature-regulatingvalve. If the temperature of the distilled wateris above the desired temperature, the two-way valvegradually opens to increase the flow of chilled waterthrough the heat exchanger, which keeps the distilledwatertemperature at the desired point.Both the three-way and two-way temperatureregulatingvalves have a manual override feature toprovide uninterrupted service, if the thermostaticassembly should fail due to damage to the capillarytubing or any other component of the thermostaticassembly. With the use of the manual override wheel,you can set the valve plunger/piston in the requiredposition to operate the liquid-cooling system by turningthe manual override wheel down (from right toleft) until it touches the spiral pin in the valve stem.Beyond this point, the valve plunger/piston is forceddown, allowing the flow of cooling medium throughthe valve. With the use of the installed thermometers,you can decide if more or less cooling is needed by2-13

turning the manual override wheel up or down. Theuse of the manual override inhibits the thermostaticassembly and should be used only when the thermostaticassembly is inoperable. Corrective maintenanceof the regulating valve consists of inspecting the valvefor leaks and for freedom of stem movement, adjustingthe set point at which the valve regulates, renewingthe thermostatic assembly, and cleaning andrestoring valve parts. Any time that you remove avalve, you should center punch a dot code on eachpiece to ensure that the valve and the piping areinstalled in the original configuration.Individual maintenance manuals for temperatureregulatingvalves should be closely followed. For ex-ample, if you remove the top of the thermostaticassembly without chilling the temperature probe, thebellows will expand and rupture, making the unitworthless. To verify that the thermostatic assemblyhas failed, close the valves upstream and downstreamof the thermostatic bulb, drain the unit below the locationof the bulb, and remove the bulb from its well.Place the bulb in a suitable vessel and observe thevalve stroke while the bulb is alternately heated withhot water and cooled with cold water. If the valvethermostatic assembly does not respond, it has lost itsthermostatic charge, and anew unit must be installed.Figure 2-11 shows a two-way temperature-regu-lating valve.Figure 2-11.—Two-way temperature-regulating valve.2-14

FLOW REGULATORSMany different types and sizes of flow-regulatingdevices are used in both the primary and secondarycooling systems to reduce the pressure or flow ofcoolant through a cooling system. Figure 2-12 showsa constant-flow regulator.Figure 2-12.—Constant-flow regulator.The orifice plate is found primarily in the seawatercooling system. It is the simplest design of a flowregulatingdevice and consists of a steel plate with ahole in it. With constant known seawater pressure andwith a given hole size, the volume of water throughthe device can be determined. The use of an orificeplate is limited to where the input water pressure isessentially constant, such as the ship’s fire main.The orifice plate is normally installed betweentwo pieces of flanged pipes upstream from the heatexchanger. This reduces the ship’s fire-main pressurebelow the pressure in the secondary cooling system.If one of the heat exchanger tubes fails, the seawaterpressure will be lower than the distilled-water pressure;therefore, it will not contaminate the secondarycooling system, as the secondary cooling system willforce distilled water into the primary cooling system.A ruptured heat exchanger tube or a bad singletubesheet in a heat exchanger will give no visual indicationof water loss except for the indication on theexpansion tank sight glass.To stabilize the flow of seawater and to prevent jeterosion of the heat exchanger and associated piping,the orifice plate should be installed with at least 15pipe diameters of straight pipe upstream from the heatexchanger. When there is a drop in the heat exchangerprimary input pressure and the seawater supply pressurehas not changed, you should first check the duplexstrainer differential pressure gage to ensure thatthe duplex strainer is clean. Then you should inspectthe orifice plate for deposits or particles that couldrestrict the seawater flow. Also, you should inspectthe orifice plate for erosion damage of the hole diameter.(Replace the orifice plate when there is an increasedflow of seawater to the point that it coulddamage the heat exchanger.)Never use the seawater valves to throttle (partiallyclose) the flow of seawater in the primary cooling system,because the seawater will erode the internal partsof the valve. Such misuse would damage the valve, requiringextensive repair or replacement because itwould no longer close properly.When used with the chilled-water system, theconstant-flow regulator (variable orifice) is installeddownstream from the heat exchanger. This restrictsthe flow from the heat exchanger and keeps the heatexchanger fully submerged for greater efficiency (heattransfer). This flow regulator is not used in the seawatersystem because the internal parts would easilybecome fouled with marine growth and deposits. Theoperation is dependent on the movement of the orificeplugs (neoprene) to regulate the flow of water.The equipment-flow regulator is used primarilywith electronic equipment to regulate the flow of distilledwater through the individual cabinets andcomponents. It maintains a constant flow of distilledwater with limited changes in the input pressure. Atthe minimum water flow, the total amount of water ispassed through the device. As the flow of water increasesto the flow regulator’s maximum limit, thewater flow is restricted by the movement of the insert,which causes the hole size to decrease, thereby regulatingthe flow of water. The amount of water that theflow regulator will pass is usually stamped on the sideof the regulator. This is because the external dimen-2-15

sions are usually the same for differently rated regulators.Normally used with a pressure-regulating valve,the nominal flow rate of the equipment-flow regulator,shown in figure 2-13, can be from 1/2 to morethan 12 gallons per minute. However, this type ofregulator can deteriorate over time, with the insertbecoming distorted and causing a reduction in waterflow. With a drill index set, you can use the back of adrill bit to measure the hole size and compare it to aknown good constant-flow regulator or to the equipmentmanual. Do not drill out the insert to restore it tothe proper size, because it will become distorted, thuspreventing the insert from regulating the distilledwaterflow.in the diaphragm chamber is lowered concurrently.The downstream side of the valve is connected to thediaphragm chamber through a narrow opening alongthe periphery of the piston.The spring is allowed to force the diaphragmdownward, releasing the tension on the rocker arm,and the inlet pressure opens the valve. The outlet pressureincreases to the preset level, and the static controlchamber pressure balances the valve spring to maintaina regulated downstream pressure to the servedequipment.You should take certain precautions with this typeof valve. For example, ensure that the locknut is loosebefore you adjust the adjusting screw; otherwise, youcould strip the threads of the brass spring chamber. Ifwater starts leaking out of the vent, have the valveserviced for a leaking diaphragm before it ruptures.Never plug or paint over the vent to inhibit its operation.If you remove a flow regulator or a pressure regulator,make certain that you reinstall it correctly, as itcan be installed backwards. Look for an arrow for thedirection of the flow or the inlet and outlet stamped onthe body of the device. Pipe-joint sealant should beused only on the male pipe threads and not closer thanone thread to the open end to seal the device. Figure2-14 shows a pressure regulator.Figure 2-13.—Equipment-flow regulator.The pressure-regulating valve is used to regulatea major section of the cooling system, whereas theflow regulator is normally used to regulate an individualfeeder line to an individual component or cabinet.The pressure-regulating valve usually has a pressurereliefvalve downstream from it to protect the equipmentfrom becoming overpressurized. If a failureoccurs in the pressure-regulating valve, the pressurereliefvalve will keep the water pressure at a safe levelto prevent equipment damage.In a typical pressure-regulating valve, when a dropin downstream (outlet) pressure occurs, the pressureFigure 2-14.—Pressure regulator.2-16

FLOW-MONITORING DEVICESlow-flow switch is normally found in the secondarycooling system to monitor the overall coolant flow. ItMost systems incorporate one or more types of is electrically connected to a common alarm circuit todevices to monitor the flow of distilled water through warn personnel when the system flow rate dropsthe system to ensure that the electronic equipment is below a specified minimum value. A typical coolingsupplied with an adequate flow of distilled water. A system low-flow switch is shown in figure 2-15.Figure 2-15.—Cooling system low-flow switch.The main operating parts of the cooling systemlow-flow switch consist of a hermetically sealed reedswitch and a permanent magnet attached to an internalshuttle. With the proper flow of coolant, the shuttlemoves the magnet up and away from the reed switch,which keeps the reed switch contacts open. When thecoolant flow drops below the minimum for a flowswitch, the shuttle is forced down by the spring to abalanced condition against the flow of the distilledwater. The magnetic field is now close enough tocause the reed switch to close and to activate the lowflowalarm.A small flow switch is used in electronic equipmentto monitor the flow to individual components.The flow of water through the orifice causes a pressuredrop across it. This pressure drop causes thediaphragm to move against the spring. When the differentialpressure (pressure drop) is sufficient, themicroswitch activates to indicate that the switch hasthe proper flow through it. You should be sure that theflow switch is defective before overhauling or replacingit, as the problem could be a partially closedsupply/return valve, an obstruction in the coolant line,an insufficient coolant pressure, or many other things.By using the coolant system pressure gages and/or theinstallation of a permanent or a temporary in-lineflowmeter, you should be able to correctly isolate theproblem.In the secondary cooling system, a full-flow systemflowmeter is provided to enable you to monitorthe total system flow rate for troubleshooting purposes.Three types of system flowmeters are installedaboard ships; all of which monitor the coolant-flowrate. They are the venturi flowmeter, the orifice flowmeter,and the rotameter. Most systems incorporateone secondary coolant flowmeter and one or moresmaller flowmeters to ensure that the electronic equipmentis being supplied with an adequate flow of coolant.A typical equipment-flow switch is shown infigure 2-16.2-17

Figure 2-17.—Venturi flowmeter.face of the meter may indicate readings in gpm. Figure2-17 shows a venturi flowmeter.Figure 2-16.—Equipment-flow switch.Venturi Flowmeter: As the coolant approachesthe contracted portion (throat) of the venturi flowmeter,the velocity of the coolant must increase as itflows through the contracted zone (throat). The angleof approach is such that no turbulence is introducedinto the stream. A pressure tap is located at the sidewall in the pipe ahead of the meter, and another one islocated at the throat. The increase in velocity of thecoolant water through the throat results in a lowerpressure at the throat. The flow rate is proportional tothe difference in pressure between the two taps. Thegradual tapering of the meter walls back to pipe sizedownstream of the throat allows the coolant water toslow down with a minimum of lost energy. Thisallows a recovery of nearly 99 percent of the pressureon the approach side. To monitor the amount of flowthrough the venturi flowmeter, a differential pressuregage is used to monitor the pressure difference betweenthe two pressure taps. A calibration chart isusually supplied with the flowmeter to convert thedifferent pressure to gallons per minute (gpm), or theOrifice Flowmeter: The orifice flowmeterworks in the same manner as the venturi flowmeter,but its construction is much simpler and less expensiveto manufacture. In place of the tapered throat, theorifice flowmeter uses a flat plate with a hole in it,which causes a considerable loss of pressure downstream.The efficiency of this type of flowrneter canbe as low as 65 percent.Rotameter: The rotameter, shown in figure2-18, is a variable area orifice meter that maintains aconstant differential pressure with varying flow. Therotameter has a float positioned inside a tapered, temperedglass tube by the action of the distilled waterflowing up through the tube. The flow restriction isthe space between the float and the tube wall; this areaincreases as the float rises. The differential pressure isfixed, depending on the weight of the float and thebuoyant forces resulting from the combination of floatmaterial and the distilled water’s specific gravity. Thetapered tube of the rotameter is usually glass, withcalibration marks reading directly in gpm. The majoradvantage of a rotameter over a venturi meter is thevisibility of the coolant, as it allows quick determinationof excessive entrained air in the coolant.2-18

motor shaft, and the casing (the impeller chamber).The impeller imparts the initial velocity to the coolantand collects the high-velocity coolant from the impellerand guides it to the pump outlet. A mechanicalshaft seal is used to eliminate external leakage; thisseal is lubricated and cooled by water ducted from ahigh-pressure zone of the pump. A vent valve is onthe top of the pump casing to remove air and to ensurethat the pump is primed with coolant.Located at the outlet of each pump is a checkvalve to prevent coolant from the outlet side of theoperating pump from circulating to the return side ofthe coolant system through the standby pump. Handoperatedvalves at the pumps are used to isolate thepumps so that they can be removed for maintenance.Figure 2-18.—Rotameter.CIRCULATING PUMPSEach cooling system has two secondary distilledwatercirculating pumps. These pumps are identical inconstruction and capacity. One pump is designated forservice, and the other is held in standby in case thedesignated pump fails. If the pump designated foroperation fails, then the standby pump is used in itsplace. The pumps should be operated alternately(every other week) to prevent deterioration of theshaft seals, to equalize wear, and to permit PlannedMaintenance System (PMS) actions to be performedregularly.The two circulating pumps used in liquid-coolingsystems are single-stage centrifugal pumps, closelycoupled to a constant-speed electrical motor (thepump is built onto the motor). (Some older systemsuse a separate pump and motor joined by a flexiblecoupling.)The centrifugal pump has two major elements—the impeller rotating on the extension of the electricEach secondary circulating pump is rated in a gpmoutput at a specified head pressure in pounds persquare-inch-gage(psig) pressure, or in feet of water.The rating is usually at the pump’s maximum efficiencypoint and varies depending on the pump design.On all pumps, as the output pressure increases,the output flow decreases, and vice versa. This relationshipis almost linear, but varies with differentpump designs. However, this condition means that ifa restriction is placed in the pump output lines, thepressure will increase and the flow will decrease. Therestriction could be a partially closed hand valve, adirty filter, a damaged or crimped piping or hose, etc.The pump performance indicators are the suctionand discharge pressure gages and the system flowmeter.If you start a pump and the pressure fails tobuild up, you should exhaust air through the vent cockon the top of the pump casing. You should ensure thatthe suction valve is fully opened and that there is pressureon the pump suction pressure gage. If the flowdoesn’t develop, you should check for clogging andwear. Never operate a pump without coolant flow.Some pumps have a small recirculating line thatenables the pump to recirculate coolant from the dischargeside of the pump to the suction side to providefor a flow of coolant through the pump if an inlet oroutlet valve to the pump is closed with the pump running.Whatever the case, keep in mind that the operationof a pump without the normal flow of coolant2-19

through it will result in overheating and seizure of thepump. Included in the corrective maintenance of thecirculating pump are repairing any leaks, replacing themechanical seal, and cleaning the internal parts.This type of maintenance is normally performedby the ship’s engineering department; you shouldprovide assistance if it is needed. Figure 2-19 showsa distilled-water circulating pump.Figure 2-19.—Distilled-water circulating pump.DEMINERALIZERSDemineralizes are used to maintain the secondarycooling system’s water purity in an ultrapure state. Bymaintaining the coolant at a high degree of purity,corrosion and scale formation is minimized on theradar unit.Corrosion or scale on high-heat-density components,such as waveguide dummy loads and klystrons,results in the formation of a thermal barrier. The thermalbarrier reduces the effectiveness of heat transferat normal operating temperatures, which, in turn,leads to premature failure of the components.The demineralizer is connected between the secondarycooling system supply and return lines to circulatewater through it. The demineralizer is sized sothat 5 percent of the cooling system volume passesthrough the demineralizer every hour. The coolant ispurified by organic compound adsorption (if required),oxygen removal, ion exchange processes, andsubmicron filtration.Figure 2-20 shows a typical three-cartridge demineralizer.Some demineralizers use only two cartridges,with one of the cartridges being a combination cartridgethat provides organic compound adsorption, ifit is required.2-20

Figure 2-20.—Demineralizer.The inlet supply valve to the demineralizer mustbe adjusted on system start-up and periodically thereafterto maintain the correct flow rate through theflowmeter. Too high a flow rate can damage the cartridges.If the flow rate cannot be increased to theproper rate with the inlet supply valve fully open, youshould check to ensure that the outlet valve is fillyopen.The submicron filter is used to remove smallparticles that have a size greater than 0.5 micron fromthe coolant flow. If the filter becomes clogged, it alsoreduces the flow of coolant, which necessitates achange of the filter cartridge or filter sheet (the membrane).To change the filter, you must properly positionthe demineralizer valves. If the filter cartridge orthe membrane continually becomes clogged (about1/2 hour or less after replacement), the usual cause inthe distilled-water system is the presence of bacteriologicalimpurities. Bacteriological impurities introducedinto the secondary liquid-cooling system usingdistilled water may exist in the demineralizer cartridgesand/or the whole secondary cooling system. Ifthe impurities are in the whole secondary cooling system,the growth rate in a warmwater environmentcould be of a magnitude that exceeds the capability ofthe demineralizer. In that case, you must determinethe source and magnitude of contamination. However,bacteriological contamination in a secondary coolingsystem that uses distilled water and ethylene glycol ishighly improbable.Improper handling or storage of the cartridgescould cause them to be a source of contamination.Therefore, you should always store the cartridges in acool, dry area, as exposure to heat hastens the growthof any biological contaminates that may have enteredthe cartridges. The three types of cartridges are organicremoval, oxygen removal, and mixed bed.Organic Removal Cartridge: The organic removalcartridge, which contains granulated activatedcharcoal (carbon) to remove large organic moleculesand chlorine by adsorption, is always installed in thefirst exchanger (if required) to prevent organic moleculesfrom fouling the remaining cartridges.2-21

Oxygen Removal Cartridge: The oxygenremoval cartridge is composed of anion (negativecharge) resins that remove oxygen from the water byion exchange of sulfite ions to sulfate ions. By conductinga standard oxygen test (if the cooling systemhas an oxygen analyzer installed), you can test thequality of the outlet water from the demineralizer foroxygen content so that you will know when to replacean oxygen cartridge. When the oxygen cartridge isnear exhaustion, it will have a urine odor, which isgiven off by the sulfate.On some purity meters, the purity of the coolant isdisplayed as resistivity. In this typeof meter, an increasein the impurity of the coolant causes the meterto indicate a low resistivity. Conductance is thereciprocal of resistance, and is measured in siemens.Figure 2-21 shows a purity meter.Mixed-Bed Cartridge: The mixed-bed cartridgeis filled with cation (positive charge) and anion(negative charge) resins, which remove solids, dissolvedmetals, and carbon dioxide. The charged resinsexchange ions with the contaminates, thereby removingthem and leaving pure deionized coolant. Replacethe mixed-bed cartridge when the purity meter indicatesa low outlet purity.Two conductivity cells monitor the coolantthrough the demineralizer. The first cell measures thepurity of the coolant as it enters the demineralizer.The second cell measures the purity of the coolant asit leaves the demineralizer A conductivity cell consistsof two electrodes immersed in the coolant flowpath. The electrodes measure the conductivity of thecoolant, which varies with the amount of ionized saltsdissolved in it. If the impurity content increases in thecoolant, the purity meter indicates higher conductance.Figure 2-21.—Purity meter.Resistivity is measured in megohms/cm. You canconvert from conductivity to resistivity by taking thereciprocal of conductivity. Similarly, the reciprocal ofresistivity is equal to the conductivity. A comparisonof both ways of measuring the purity of the coolantis shown in table 2-1.Table 2-1.—Distilled-Water Resistivity Versus Conductivity Data2-22

The purity meter indication varies with ionizedsalt concentration and the temperature of the coolantflowing through the cell. The temperature effect iscanceled by a built-in temperature compensation circuit.The inlet conductivity is compared to a presetvalue of cell conductance to actuate an alarm circuitwhen the purity of the water drops below the presetlevel. In addition, the purity meter provides directreadings of the water purity at the inlet and the outletof the demineralizer Typical operating requirementsfor the demineralizer are conductivity 1 micromho/cmat 77°F (resistivity 1 megohm/cm at 77°F), oxygencontent 0.1 parts per million (ppm) by weight, andmechanical filtration 0.5 microns absolute.When water has been circulated through the systemfor extended periods of time, a high-resistivity orlow-conductivity reading may be indicated on bothinput and output samples. This condition is highlydesirable and indicates that all ionizable material hasbeen properly treated and that the demineralizer ismaintaining a high degree of purity. When a system isfilled with a fresh charge of water, it should be allowedto circulate for approximately 2 hours beforecomparing the input and output readings. During theinitial circulation period, the resistivity readings varybecause of the mixing action of water that has beentreated by the demineralizer with the fresh charge ofwater.A properly operating system can supply water ofacceptable purity in 4 to 8 hours. Water in a systemthat has been secured for any length of time should beof acceptable purity within 2 hours. The resistivity orconductivity reading required for a specific installationmust be maintained for optimum operation of thecooling water system.The first indication of a problem in the demineralizeris usually indicated by abnormal purity meterreadings (too low/high), an abnormal flowmeter reading,and/or alight and audible warning from the puritymonitor. Some purity monitors can be tested foraccuracy by a built-in test function on the meter toestablish if the problem is in the purity monitor. If thepurity monitor does not have a test feature, then usethe calibration plug in place of one of the conductivitycells to test the operation of the purity meter. Most ofthe time, only routine maintenance is required to returnthe demineralizer to its normal operating condition.Maintenance of the demineralizer consists primarilyof the scheduled replacement of cartridges(before they are exhausted) and clogged filters.Obtaining satisfactory service life from the cartridgesand filters is largely dependent on minimizing externalcontamination. Replacement cartridges must bekept sealed and stored in a cool, dry place until used.The circulating system must be kept tight to reducethe need for makeup water. Makeup water, in anycase, should be as particle-free as possible and shouldnot exceed 0.065 ppm chloride.OXYGEN ANALYZERSOxygen analyzers are installed in some secondarycooling systems to measure the amount of dissolvedoxygen in the liquid coolant. The presence of oxygencauses oxidation that leads to the formation of scale inthe cooling system. An oxygen analyzer has an oxygensensor installed in the supply side of the secondarycooling system.The sensor is an electrolytic cell in an electrolytesolution or gel. The oxygen reacts with the electrolyte,causing a proportional change in the amount of currentflow in the sensor. The sensor’s electrical outputis measured and displayed on the oxygen analyzer’smeter, which is calibrated to read the oxygen contentin parts per million or billion.Because of the solid-state electronics and the fewcomponents used, the oxygen analyzer requires verylittle maintenance other than cleaning and changingthe electrolyte in the sensor. When the meter on theanalyzer requires frequent calibration because themeter readings are drifting or changing sharply, theanalyzer has a bad sensor.2-23

LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEM ALARMlights in the combat information center (CIC) andSWITCHBOARDSother electronic spaces aboard ship to indicate that afault condition has occurred.The liquid-cooling system alarm switchboards(SWBDs) are installed in cooling systems to monitorThe alarm SWBD is in the CIC or the coolantvarious conditions to alert you to a problem that may pump room. There are several standard types of alarmdevelop in the cooling system. When an abnormal switchboards used throughout the Navy.condition occurs, the alarm SWBD indicates the faultcondition with both visual and audible alarms. TheA common type of alarm SWBD is shown in figalarmSWBD usually has several remote bells and ure 2-22.Figure 2-22.—Liquid-cooling system alarm switchboard.2-24

On the main alarm panel, there are two groundindicator lamps to indicate the presence of a ground inthe alarm system. All shipboard alarm panels andremote sensors are electrically isolated from the ship’sground. The only exception is the ground fault detector,which is connected to ground for groundmonitoring.If one or both lamps light, you should have thealarm SWBD and its remote sensors serviced by anelectrician who has maintenance responsibility forremoving a very dangerous shock hazard. TheAUDIBLE silence control is a two-position switchthat permits silencing (VISUAL position) the audiblealarm on the main panel. The ALARM lamp on themain panel is lighted when the AUDIBLE silencecontrol is placed in the VISUAL position, and the systemis in an alarm condition.The lower half of the alarm panel holds the alarmmodules that are connected through the alarm panel tothe remote sensors. If additional remote sensors areinstalled at a later date, a new alarm module isplugged into the lower panel for each sensor installed.Each alarm module includes a center-divided lighteddisplay. Either half can independently display a steadyred light, a flashing red light, or no light, dependingon the circuit logic.The six possible combinations of alarm modulelights and the appropriate audible alarm are shown infigure 2-23.Figure 2-23.—Alarm switchboard visual displays and audible outputs.2-25

On the lower half of each alarm module is a fourwayposition switch that allows you to place theindividual alarm module in the following modes:NORMAL: This is the normal operation mode.With the sensor contacts open, the upper indicatorlamp in the module is on steady while the lower lampis off. If an alarm condition occurs, the sensor contactswill close; the upper lamp will then flash whilethe lower lamp remains off and an alarm commandfrom the module actuates atone generator, producinga wailing alarm. If the sensor loop is open-circuited,with the selector switch in the NORMAL position, thealarm module will signal a supervisory failure. In thiscase, the upper lamp will be off while the lower lampwill be steadily on, and the tone generator will comeon, producing a pulsating alarm.STANDBY: This is the position for acknowledgingan alarm. If the selector switch is moved fromthe NORMAL to the STANDBY position during analarm condition, both the upper and lower indicatorlamps will be steadily on and the audible alarm willbe silenced. When the alarm condition is cleared withthe selector switch in the STANDBY position, thelower lamp will change to a flashing mode and theupper lamp will go out. Also, the command will befed to the tone generator, producing a pulsating alarm.CUTOUT: With the selector switch in theCUTOUT position, the upper lamp is out while thelower lamp is steadily on. In this position, power is removedfrom the sensor loop to facilitate maintenance.TEST: The TEST selector switch position simulatesan alarm condition. The upper indicator lampflashes while the lower lamp is off, producing a wailingalarm.LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMMAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITYThe most important responsibility that you have asa <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong> that will extend the life of theliquid-cooling system components and increase thereliability of the cooling system is how you performpreventive and corrective maintenance according tothe PMS. Properly performed preventive maintenancedrastically reduces the amount of corrective maintenancenecessary. When cooling systems are neglected,they deteriorate very quickly. To restore the coolingsystem to its proper performance, you may have toundertake extreme and costly repairs.The PMS responsibility of the cooling systemvaries from one system to another. On some systems,the engineering department has the total responsibilityof preventive and corrective maintenance. On othersystems, you will share the maintenance responsibilityjointly with the engineering department. In thesesituations, the <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong> will probably performthe preventive maintenance, and the engineers willperform the corrective maintenance on major components.When assigned the responsibility for maintainingthe cooling system, you should perform the preventivemaintenance in accordance with the maintenancerequirement cards (MRCs) for that equipment tomaximize the operation of the cooling system.2-26

RECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to ensure thatyou are studying the latest revision.Basic Liquid Cooling Systems for Shipboard Electronics, NAVSEA 0948-LP-122-8010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea SystemsCommand, Washington, DC, 1977.All systems operating procedures that describe troubleshooting techniques and procedures applicable to each FCson your ship class.2-27

CHAPTER 3COMBAT SYSTEMS ALIGNMENT(GUN/BATTERY)LEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completing this chapter, you should be able to do thefollowing:1. Describe the purpose of battery alignment.2. Identify the primary equipment used in battery alignment.3. Identify the alignment considerations needed for an accuratebattery alignment.INTRODUCTIONCombat systems alignment (gun/battery alignment)is the process of adjusting all the elements of aweapons system (including all gun bores, missilelaunchers, fire-control directors, radar antennas, andoptics) to common reference points, lines, and planes,and maintaining them in this relationship. Batteryalignment is a critical factor in the fighting effectivenessof any combat ship. Without proper batteryalignment, the data exchanges between elements ofthe weapons systems would be in error.The battery alignment of a ship is accomplishedby two distinct procedures—original alignment (drydockalignment) and alignment afloat. Original alignmentis the initial alignment made in a fire-controland weapons system at the time of original constructionand installation. Original alignment is also performedwhen a new or modified major weaponssystem is installed. A check of this alignment is madewhen the ship is in dry dock.Alignment afloat refers to alignment operationsperformed while the ship is in the water. Alignmentafloat requires standards of accuracy just as high asthose of the original alignment, with the primarydifference being that alignment afloat is performed bycombat systems department personnel with equipmentavailable on the ship.As a <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Controlman</strong>, you must be able to correctlyapply battery alignments. For more informationon this topic, refer to the alignment procedures foryour class of ship.BATTERY-ALIGNMENT CONCEPTSBattery alignment is based on the concepts ofparallel lines, parallel planes, and a geometric coordinatesystem. Parallel lines are those lines in the sameplane that, when extended indefinitely, do not intersect.Parallel planes are those planes that do notintersect. A geometric coordinate system provides a3-1

method for determining the position of a point, a line,a curve, or a plane in a space of given dimensions,called a reference frame. Figure 3-1 shows typical examplesof parallel lines and planes.The reference point, the reference direction, andthe reference plane form a geometric structure calledthe reference plane. In the complete reference frame,directions are specified by two angles (train and elevation),measured about the reference point. Figure3-2 shows the measurement of an angle from a referencedirection.Figure 3-2.—Measurement of an anglefrom a reference direction.Figure 3-1.—Typical examples ofparallel lines and planes.Ultimately, the alignment of parallel lines, parallelplanes, and coordinate systems is used to establish apointing line for each piece of equipment in the ship’scombat system. The line representing the direction inwhich apiece of equipment is pointing is the pointingline of that equipment. As previously indicated, thepointing line may be the bore axis of a gun, the line ofsight of a director, or the propagation axis of a radarbeam. Accurate alignment is not possible unless thepointing line is precisely determined.FRAME OF REFERENCEA geometric measurement is based on a definiteand complete set of geometric references. To permitclear and accurate definition of target position, adefinite point on the ship (such as a director) isselected as the starting point for the measurement. Asa reference point, a director center of rotation isselected arbitrarily because the director has interfacewith all the major equipment of a battery. Once thereference point is determined, it becomes apart of anyfuture measurement made from it and must be clearlyspecified before subsequent measurements have anymeaning.Once the reference point is selected, a referencedirection is established from which train angles aremeasured. Train angles are measured about the referencepoint, beginning at the reference direction. Innaval combat systems, the ship’s centerline, whichpoints in the direction of the bow, is used as the referencedirection.Angles expressing direction cannot be describedunless a means is available for specifying the plane in3-2

which the angle is to be measured. This plane is referredto as the reference plane and maybe any planeconvenient for use. The horizontal plane is one of themost commonly used reference planes because of theease of using a spirit level or similar device to determinethe plane. In naval combat systems, the referenceplane is parallel to the reference element (thedirector) roller path. Whichever plane is selected forreference, it must be clearly specified before subsequentmeasurements are of any significance. Whenthe reference plane is used, a means must be establishedto denote the top of the plane to express theangle correctly. Train angles are measured clockwisefrom the reference direction on the top of the plane.Figure 3-3 shows a typical reference plane.of commission. In such an event, you must be able touse the target data from either of the directors to get afire-control solution. To interpret data measured indifferent frames, you must know how the frames aresituated with respect to each other. Figure 3-4 isrepresentation of a complete reference frame.Figure 3-4.—Representation of acomplete reference frame.The difference or displacement between twoframes may be of two kinds—linear and angular.Figure 3-3.—Typical reference plane.The elevation angle is in a plane perpendicular tothe horizontal reference plane and is measured fromthe reference plane. The concept of a reference frameis important in the expression of a direction and theproblems related to alignment. The reference point isa definite point aboard ship, and the reference planeand the reference direction have a definite orientationin respect to the reference point.In fire control, it is often necessary to operatesimultaneously with two or more reference frames.(For instance, these frames might be situated in differentparts of a ship.) It maybe desirable to measuretarget data with several directors because of a need forflexibility in controlling different fire-control systemsto obtain a wide range of view or if one director is outLinear DisplacementLinear displacement is the distance between tworeference frames measured between their referencepoints. This displacement may be in the vertical direction,the horizontal direction, or both.The corrections made necessary by the lineardisplacement between the reference points are calledparallax corrections and are considered separatelyfrom corrections arising from the rotation between theframes. Parallax corrections can be separated intoeither dynamic parallax corrections or static parallaxcorrections.DYNAMIC PARALLAX CORRECTIONS.—Position quantities computed for the reference frame3-3

are correct only for equipment located exactly at thereference point. Dynamic differences result becausethe motion of equipment not located at the referencepoint is different from the motion of equipmentlocated at the reference point because of the rollingand pitching of the ship. These dynamic factors areusually negligible and are not normally corrected.STATIC PARALLAX CORRECTIONS.—Static parallax is caused by the linear and angular dis-placements between the reference point and the equip- bearing value measured for frame X.ment located elsewhere on the ship. Figure 3-5 showstwo parallel reference frames (X and Y) displacedfrom each other by the distance (d). Frame X is thestandard reference frame. The bearing of target (T), asdetermined from reference frame X, is 60°. If this isapplied in a reference frame at Y, the line YT is determined.This line is parallel to XT, but it does not passthrough the target because of the displacement betweenthe reference frames. To cause the line from Yto pass through the target in this example, a parallaxcorrection angle of 10° must be subtracted from theFigure 3-5.—Parallax resulting from linear displacement of two frames.3-4

Elevation angles also are affected by displacementsbetween reference frames. If elevation anglesmeasured in one frame are to be used in anotherframe, they must first be corrected for parallax. Themagnitudes of parallax corrections in train and elevationvary considerably with target bearing, elevation,and range, and the magnitude and orientation of thedistance between the reference frames.The basic point to remember is that whenever tworeference frames are displaced from each other, datameasured from one frame is, in general, not equal todata measured from the other frame. If the differencesare significant, data measured in one frame must becorrected for parallax before it is applied in otherframes.Angular DisplacementConnections arising from reference directions orreference planes not being parallel are called rotationalcorrections. If the reference lines are both in aplane that is perpendicular to both reference planes,but the reference planes are not parallel, the bearingangles and the elevation angles are different.When the angle between the reference planes isrelatively small, the major difference is in the elevationangles; the difference in the bearing angles isusually small enough to be ignored.Figure 3-6 shows rotational corrections betweenunparallel planes.Figure 3-6.—Rotational corrections between unparallel planes.ALIGNMENT EQUIPMENTAlignment equipment is used by shipboard andshipyard personnel to align combat systems elements.Combat systems alignment checks and adjustmentsare usually accomplished with tools and test equipmentnormally found aboard ship. Because of requiredcombat systems accuracy, special-purpose instrumentsare sometimes required for adjustments.This section briefly describes the most commonlyused alignment equipment, such as transits, theod-3-5

elites, clinometers, levels, alignment sights, tram barsand blocks, benchmarks, and dials.TRANSITSA transit is an optical-surveying instrument that isused for measuring angles. Essentially, the transit providesan optical line of sight (LOS) that is perpendicularto, and supported on, a horizontal axis. Thehorizontal axis is perpendicular to a vertical axisabout which it can rotate. Spirit levels are used tomake the vertical axis coincide with the direction ofgravity. Graduated circles with verniers are used toread the angles. A typical transit is shown in figure3-7.THEODOLITESTheodolites are similar to transits, but they arenormally more-precise instruments. Theodolites usemicrometer microscopes that are especially designedfor rapid and accurate readings and are used to readthe graduated vertical (for elevation) and horizontal(for train) circles.Micrometer microscopes create such precision thatthe accuracy of the optical reading device is governedby the circle and not by the way the circle is read.Different types of theodolites can be read directly to10 inch, 1 inch, or 0.1 inch of arc. Figure 3-8 is anexample of a typical theodolite.Figure 3-7.—Typical transit.Figure 3-8.—Typical theodolite.3-6

CLINOMETERSClinometers are used for measuring inclinations inthe horizontal plane. They are used in naval shipyardsprincipally to measure inclinations in equipment foundationsand equipment roller-path inclinations (RPIs).All clinometers use a spirit level for indicating thetrue horizon and have some means of measuring inclinationsof the base with respect to the horizon (spiritlevel).Figure 3-9 shows the type of clinometer commonlyused for making accurate RPI measurements.The micrometer drum 90° clinometer is read directlyto 1 inch and can be interpolated to within 15 incheson the drum. The 6-inch-base length makes this typeof clinometer suitable for many uses.An adjustable base permits reading angles fromzero, even when working surfaces are not perfectlyhorizontal.Figure 3-9.—Typical clinometer.LEVELSALIGNMENT SIGHTSThe two types of levels are (1) those that indicateAlignment sights are used to establish the pointingentirely by means of graduations on the level vial, and line of equipment. The pointing line maybe the bore(2) those adjustable types that are hinged at one end axis of a gun, the centerline of a torpedo tube, theand have calibrated micrometer adjustments at the propagation axis of a radar beam, or some other simotherend to extend the range beyond that on the level ilar line. Accurate alignment is not possible unless thevial alone.pointing line is accurately determined. Some align-3-7

ment sights are temporarily installed and are used for inserted into the gun bore, the LOS is brought intoalignment and then removed from the equipment. exact alignment with the gun-bore axis. Figure 3-10Others are permanently installed and remain as part of shows atypical boresight with self-contained optics.the equipment.Self-Contained OpticsIn alignments that use fixed, self-contained optics,the telescope is permanently mounted on a machinedsurface and accurately positioned so that the telescopeLOS is parallel to the pointing axis of the antennadish. Actual alignment is accomplished by mechanicalmovement of the antenna dish so that the radar beamis parallel to the telescope LOS or movement of thetelescope so that it is parallel to the radar beam.Figure 3-11 shows typical fixed, self-contained align-ment sights.Alignment sights include boresight telescopes andself-contained optics.Boresight TelescopesBoresight telescopes are used to represent the boreaxis of a gun. These instruments are designed withself-contained optics in a single unit. The optics andfeatures for positioning the instrument and securing itin the gun are all part of the unit. Most boresights ofthis class are provided with mounting surfaces that fitaccurately into the gun bore. When the instrument isFigure 3-10.—Typical boresight with self-contained optics.3-8

Figure 3-11.—Typical fixed, self-contained alignment sights.TRAM BARS AND TRAM BLOCKSTram bars are used to set an element to an exactposition, to determine the distance between two tramblocks that are fastened to the element. One block isfastened to the rotating structure of the element, andthe other block is fastened to the fixed structure of theelement. As shown in figure 3-12, the tram bar is usedto ensure the correct positioning of the movableblock.Figure 3-12.—Tram bar and tram blocks.3-9

The two types of tram bars are rigid and telescopic.The rigid tram bar is of fixed length and doesnot allow for error. The telescoping feature of the telescopictram bar makes it more convenient and safer touse. For this reason, this chapter discusses the telescopictram bar. Both, however, accomplish the samepurpose.As shown in view A of figure 3-13, the telescopingtram bar consists of two parts, one bar slidingwithin the other. The parts of the bars have a smallamount of movement with respect to each other andare extended by an internal spring. A scribe mark onthe inner part is visible through an opening in theouter part. Engraved on the edges of the opening is agraduated scale that runs on each side of a zero mark.When the inner scribe mark and the outer zero markare in line, the tram bar is at the correct length.As shown in view B of figure 3-13, a gage is furnishedwith the instrument to check that the zero lineand the scribe mark match when the length is correct.As shown in view C of figure 3-13, the block haspins with cupped ends that fit the rounded ends of thebar. One block has a fixed pin, whereas the other hasa movable pin. After the blocks are welded in place onthe element, the movable pin can be adjusted so thatthe scribe mark and the tram bar zero line matchexactly when the dials of the element are at some predeterminedreading. The movable pin is then tackweldedin place. To protect the ends of the pins fromdamage and corrosion when the pins are not in use,the pin ends are covered with grease-filled caps.Tramming operations should be performed withgreat care to prevent injury to personnel or damage tothe equipment.The equipment power drives should not be usedunless it is absolutely necessary.The equipment should be positioned to theapproximate tram position and the bar inserted withthe heavier end down.The bar should not be held in place while thetram blocks are moving with respect to each other.However, if necessary, holding should be done onlywhile the blocks are moving away from each other.3-10

Figure3-13.—Telescoping tram bar and related equipment.BENCHMARKSBenchmarks are small metal plates that contain anengraved cross. The plates are either brazed or weldedto some rigid portion of the ship’s structure at a positionwhere the engraved cross can be sighted on withthe reference element (director). A benchmark maybeengraved on a flat plate for bulkhead mounting or ona block with an inclined surface so that the mark isclearly visible on the ship’s deck. Benchmarks arereference marks used in alignment to establish theangular relationships (elevation and train) of an element’sline of sight to the ship’s structure. When anelement is sighted at its benchmark, its dial readingsshould agree with recorded values. If there is disagreement,alignment of the element is necessary.Figure 3-14 shows two typical benchmarks.3-11

frequently. In such cases, several trial readings shouldbe taken and checked with someone else beforestarting the alignment. Even familiar dials should beread systematically and deliberately. Above all, noattempt should be made to hurry. A few extra secondsspent in making a careful reading may later save hoursof work involved in performing an unnecessary adjustmentprocedure.ALIGNMENT CONSIDERATIONSThere are certain major steps in combat systemsalignment that must proceed according to a specifiedsequence. Strict adherence to the order in which thesteps are conducted is essential to the successful completionof the alignment task. The sequence in whichthese steps are to be performed is shown in table 3-1.Table 3-1.—Procedures for Combat Systems AlignmentFigure 3-14.—Typical benchmarks.DIALSAlthough the dials that must be read by alignmentpersonnel are part of the equipment being aligned andcannot properly be considered to be equipment requiringalignment, a brief review is given of the precautionsto be observed in reading dials.The correct reading of dials is extremely importantin alignment work. A simple mistake. in reading a dialcan cause great difficulty or unnecessary work. Suchmistakes are often made, even by experienced personnel,and are made most often because of carelessnessor undue haste.Before you attempt to read a dial, it is essentialthat you familiarize yourself with the values of thegraduations and the manner in which the dials operate.This is particularly important if the dials are not readInitially, these steps are accomplished by the installingactivity during ship construction. Thereafter,shipboard alignment checks and verification consistmainly of benchmark checks, tram checks, and starchecks.This section briefly discusses the establishment ofreference planes, the placement of reference marks,the establishment of parallelism, the performance offire-control radar radio-frequency-optical alignment,the establishment of training and elevation zero align-3-12

ment, the performance of training and elevation spacealignment, the establishment of benchmark and tramreference readings, and the combat/weapons systemssmooth log.ESTABLISHMENT OF REFERENCEPLANESThe first major alignment step accomplished by asupport activity is the establishment of referenceplanes. Referencing surfaces consist of the ship baseplane (SBP), master reference plane (MRP), centerlinereference plane (CRP), and weapons-control referenceplane (WCRP).Ship Base PlaneThe ship base plane (SBP) is the basic horizontalplane of origin. The SBP is perpendicular to the ship’scenterline plane and includes the base line of the ship,but it is not necessarily parallel to the keel of the ship.The SBP is used in establishing the MRP.Master Reference PlaneThe master reference plane (MRP) is the firstphysical plane that is established for combat systemsalignment. The MRP is parallel to the SBP and isrepresented by a master level block or plate, usuallylocated on a lower deck of the ship. The plate is installed,aligned, and leveled only once after hull integrationand is never adjusted thereafter. The masterlevel plate serves as the reference for machining thefoundations of the combat systems equipmentthroughout the life of the ship.Centerline Reference PlaneThe centerline reference plane (CRP) is establishedduring ship construction by the installationactivity. It is the plane containing the ship’s centerlineand is perpendicular to the MRP. The CRP is the referenceused to establish train zero alignment of allcombat systems equipment. The CRP is used throughoutthe life of the ship.Weapons-Control Reference PlaneThe weapons-control reference plane (WCRP) isthe plane to which the foundations and the roller-pathplanes (RPPs) of all combat systems equipment areleveled. The WCRP is used throughout the life of theship to determine RPP parallelism between the equipmentof the combat/weapons systems.PLACEMENT OF REFERENCEMARKSThe second major alignment step is the placementof centerline marks, offset centerline marks, andequipment benchmarks, which are performed by ashipyard or support activity.Centerline MarksCenterline marks are established during initialconstruction to represent the ship’s centerline. Smallplates (at least three forward and three aft) are installedat intervals along the centerline to mark itslocation. Small plates are also installed in certain shipspaces to mark the location of the centerline.Offset Centerline MarksOffset centerline marks are also established duringinitial construction to facilitate combat systems alignment.The offset centerline is normally establishedparallel to or perpendicular to the ship’s centerline.Offset centerline marks not parallel or perpendicularto the ship’s centerline are stamped or marked withthe angles relative to the ship’s centerline. Offset centerlinemarks are also established, as required, ininterior compartments of the ship to facilitate thealignment of the combat systems. Both the centerlineand offset centerline marks are installed to precludethe necessity for repeating the centerline surveyingduring subsequent alignment.3-13

Equipment BenchmarksEach equipment with an alignment telescope hasa benchmark that can be sighted through the telescope.Equipment benchmarks are installed at anyconvenient location that is visible through the equipmenttelescope. These benchmarks are used throughoutthe life of the ship to verify that the alignment isstill within tolerance.ESTABLISHMENT OF PARALLELISMThe third major alignment step is the establishmentof parallelism between the RPPs of all equipmentin the combat system. The degree of parallelismrequired is based on the design and manufacturingcriteria, the operational environment, and the requirementsof the various operational modes. The stepsnecessary to achieve the degree of parallelism requiredare inclination verification, foundation machining,and interequipment leveling.Inclination VerificationInclination verification consists of measurementsof the tilt between two RPPs. The amount by whichone RPP is tilted with respect to another RPP is expressedas the angle of inclination between the planesand the bearing where this inclination occurs. The tiltof the RPP is usually determined by the two-clinometermethod or the horizon-check method.Foundation MachiningFoundation machining pertains to the physicalprocesses required to attain a specified degree ofparallelism and is performed by a support activity.Physical processes may involve using milling machinesor welding premachined surfaces in place.Machining is accomplished with the ship afloat andloaded to simulate the fill-load-deflection curve andthe strains of major concentrated loads. The ship iskept in the specified loaded condition for a sufficientperiod of time (48 hours) before the start of machiningoperations to allow ship structural members to adjustto the load. Strict adherence to normal shipyard techniquesof machining during periods of minimum temperaturechanges is observed.Interequipment LevelingInterequipment leveling is achieved by levelingrings, shims, adjusting screws, or software compensation.Leveling capabilities are used to achieve the RPItolerances imposed by the minimum acceptable requirementsor the various operational modes of thecombat system. Where leveling capabilities are notprovided, RPI tolerances are achieved through foundationmachining. In cases where foundation machiningis initially used to meet these tolerances, RPIcompensation through computer software changesmay be introduced, if necessary.PERFORMANCE OF FIRE-CONTROLRADAR RADIO-FREQUENCYOPTICAL ALIGNMENTThe fourth major alignment step is the verificationof fire-control radar radio-frequency (RF) opticalalignment (collimation). During initial installation, theRF optical alignment is established and the optics aresecured in place. During subsequent alignmentchecks, the radar antennas or the optics, as applicable,are adjusted to correct any alignment error betweenthe optical axis and the RF axis. When the radar istracking, the RF axis is the reference used for targetlocation. RF optical alignment is an equipment-leveltest and is performed on a certified shore tower facilityor, in the case of some radars, may be performedwhile tracking a target.ESTABLISHMENT OF TRAIN ANDELEVATION ZERO ALIGNMENTThe fifth major alignment step is the train and elevationzero alignment. This alignment, performed bythe ship’s force or a support activity, is conducted toensure that all combat systems equipment points tothe same point in space when so directed.3-14

The two types of train and elevation zero alignmentare equipment with alignment or boresight telescopesand equipment without telescopes.Equipment with alignment or boresight telescopes:Train zero is defined as the angle at which thetelescope axis is parallel to the ship’s centerline plane.Elevation zero is that angle at which the telescope axisis parallel to the RPP. Train and elevation zero alignmentis carried out by physically positioning eachequipment to train and elevation zero by using surveyingtechniques and zeroing the dials and synchros,or by compensating for the train and elevation errorsthrough computer software changes.’Equipment without telescopes: Train andelevation zero alignment is accomplished by matchingan indicator to a scribe mark or plate and zeroing thedials and synchros.PERFORMANCE OF TRAIN AND ELEVATIONSPACE ALIGNMENT(STAR CHECKS)The sixth major step of initial alignment is trainand elevation alignment between the alignmentreference and other combat systems equipment. Thisis accomplished by comparing equipment positionwhen the optical axes are made parallel by sighting ona celestial body. If the train and elevation readouts forthe equipment do not agree within the operationaltolerances previously established for that equipment,alignment is necessary. After corrective alignment isaccomplished, a new set of tram or benchmark readingsmust be taken and recorded. This alignmentcheck can be performed by a ship’s force or a supportactivity.ESTABLISHMENT OF BENCHMARKAND TRAM REFERENCE READINGSThe seventh and last major alignment step is theestablishment of reference readings that are performedby a support activity or a ship’s force. Reference readingsare established to furnish an easy means ofchecking train and elevation alignment in the future.This is necessary because the dials or synchros maybecome misaligned as a result of vibration and normalwear or equipment disassembly for the replacement ofworn parts.Tram and benchmarks are provided to facilitatechecking combat systems equipment at a definite trainand elevation position. The position selected may beany convenient value within the limits of the equipmentmovement. The dial readings for these positionsare recorded on the sheets provided in the alignmentsmooth log. If the equipment remains aligned correctlyfor zero train and elevation, the recorded dialreadings are the same whenever the equipment ismoved to the tram or benchmark position.The alignment verification obtained by using abenchmark is accurate only if the angle between thereference line and the position of the pointing lineestablished by the benchmark does not change as aresult of hull distortion or some other cause. Adjustmentsto equipment should not be made by using theresult of a single benchmark check. Instead, benchmarkresults should be recorded each time they areperformed so that a determination can be made whena benchmark error begins repeating itself and becomesan indication that further alignment checks are required.Tram bars and tram blocks may also be used toestablish an angle by determining a definite distancebetween a point on the rotating structure of the equipmentand a point on its fixed structure. An error, asdefined by tram readings, may also result if the fixedstructure shifts on its mounting. Any adjustments toequipment, like benchmarks, should not be made onthe basis of a single tram check.Some equipments have both benchmarks andtrams. When the benchmark reading changes and thetram reading remains unchanged, the extent of hulldistortion is revealed.3-15

COMBAT/WEAPONS SYSTEMSSMOOTH LOGThe combat/weapons systems smooth log is similarto the former battery smooth log. and fire-controlsmooth log, among others. Thus, the combat/weaponssystems smooth log is the title that maybe applied toall smooth logs that are required to be kept.Most often, the combat/weapons systems log containssections devoted to alignment, erosion, roundsfired, radar, and exercises and rounds fired.Alignment: Includes summaries of alignmentdata for fire-control systems, train checks, benchmarksestablished and recorded, roller-path compensatorsettings, horizon checks, radar antenna alignmentrecords, etc.Erosion: Includes star gage data, erosion gagedata, equivalent service rounds (ESRs), pseudo-equivalentservice rounds (PESRs), and records of boresearchings.Rounds <strong>Fire</strong>d: Includes entries in tabular formfor gun barrels by serial numbers, which show roundsfired, types of projectiles, powder charges, powderindexes, and ESRs.Radar: Includes dates and results of radaradjustments, collimations, calibrations, double-echochecks, and any corrective measures taken, such as thenegative range zero set from the results of the doubleechocheck.Exercises and Rounds <strong>Fire</strong>d: Includes datesand types of exercises or action firings, overall results,complete summaries for unsatisfactory firings, correctivemeasures taken, and listing of the arbitrarycorrections to hit (ACTH) or any other initial spotsthat were used.Alignment data must be documented on completionto provide information for future checks and toinform responsible personnel of equipment and subsystemalignment status. A complete and accuratealignment data package is essential for effective combatsystems alignment.3-16

RECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to ensure thatyou are studying the latest revision.Combat System Alignment Manual for CG-47 Class, NAVSEA SW225-BN-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command,Washington, DC, 1993.Combat System Alignment Manual for DDG-51 Class; Alignment Verification and Corrective Alignment Procedures,NAVSEA SW225-CH-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1993.Combat System Alignment Manual for FFG-7 Class; Alignment Verification and Corrective Alignment Procedures,NAVSEA SW225-B6-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.Combat Systems Alignment Manual for your class of ship.3-17

CHAPTER 4COLLIMATIONLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completing this chapter, you should be able to do thefollowing:1. Describe the theory of radar collimation.2. Describe the requirements for radar collimation of the Tartar/SM1missile fire-control system.3. Identify the basic equipment used during radar collimation with a shoretower.INTRODUCTIONThe collimation of fire-control radars is one of themajor steps toward achieving a successful batteryalignment. This chapter discusses the theory of radarcollimation, collimation requirements, shore towerbasedoperation and requirements, and test equipmentand procedures used in collimation and correlation,especially as applied to the Tartar (Standard) Guided-Missile, <strong>Fire</strong>-Control System (GMFCS). Keep inmind that although the specific equipment used onboard your ship may be differ from the example usedin this chapter, the purpose is still the same; that is, toachieve a successful battery alignment.RADAR COLLIMATION THEORYCollimation is an optical electronic technique usedto establish parallelism between the radio-frequency(RF) beams radiated from a radar antenna or betweenthe RF beam and the optical line-of-sight (LOS) axisof the antenna. This optical axis is called the boresightaxis and is established with the optical telescope.Radar collimation is the parallel alignment of theradar beam axis and the optical axis of the radar antenna.It can be accomplished by using either a shore-based tower or a portable ship’s tower that supportsboth an optical target and a radar horn antenna.The horn antenna is connected to the RF powermeasuringequipment and is properly positioned inrelation to the optical target. The horn antenna displacement,relative to the optical target, is determinedby the relative displacement of the two axes (opticaland RF), as measured at the radar.The parallelism of the two axes is checked oradjusted by training and elevating the radar antennauntil the cross hairs of the optical sight intersect theoptical target. At that time, maximum RF energyshould be directed into the horn antenna, as measuredby the power-measuring equipment. If it is not, theaxes will not be collimated, and appropriate adjustmentprocedures must be accomplished, as one axismust be aligned to the other axis until they are parallel.4-1

On radars where the foresight axis is not fixed, thetelescope is moveable and is adjusted parallel to thereference RF beam. Figure 4-1 shows a radar colli-mation configuration with a shore-based tower setup.The optical LOS or boresight axis is the fixedreference for some radars, while for others, it is not.On radars where the boresight axis is the fixed reference,the RF beams are aligned to the boresight axis.Figure 4-1.—Radar collimation with a shore-based tower setup.TARTAR GMFCS RADARCOLLIMATION REQUIREMENTSBecause different types of radar are used in themissile and gun systems, the collimation requirementsfor each radar are different. This section briefly discussesthe requirements for the Tartar GMFCS.The primary radar for the Tartar GMFCS is theRadar Set AN/SPG-51C/D. It is an automatic targetacquisitionand missile-guidance radar set that usesC-band, pulsed-Doppler techniques for target trackingand an X-band continuous-wave (CW) illuminator toprovide guidance for the semiactive homing Tartarmissile.As shown in figure 4-2, the C-band and X-bandfeed horns on the radar antenna are effectively locatedat the same feed point so that the track and CW illuminatorRF beams are parallel, within specified tolerance.A wide continuous-wave illuminator (CWI)reference beam is also generated by the X-band horn,which is located in the center of the antenna reflectorto fill in any nulls in the CWI main beam and toprovide missile rear reference information. The beamrelationships are shown in figure 4-3.4-2

Figure 4-2.—Tartar radar C-band and X-band feed horns.Figure 4-3.—Tartar radar CWI beam relationships.4-3

For rapid target acquisition and proper tracking,the track radar beam must be parallel to the boresightaxis, which is referenced to the ship’s weapons systemby benchmarks. An appreciable error between the axisalong which the radar effectively receives the returnpulses (called the track receive or the TR axis) and theaxis along which the radar transmits (called the tracktransmit or the TX axis) reduces the rapid acquisitioncapability of the radar. An error between the TR axisof the tracking radar and the axis of the CW illuminatorimpairs Tartar missile performance by reducingtarget illumination power.Collimation of the Tartar radar consists of determiningthe error between the RF beam axis and theboresight axis and the errors between the RF beamsthemselves.In addition to determining the relative positions ofthe RF beam axis, collimation operations should ensurethatthe angle-error signals are generated properlyin each quadrant when the antenna is off target axis,the specified angle-error sensitivity of the angletracking circuitry is obtained, andthe beam pattern is symmetrical.Figure 4-4 shows Tartar radar collimation axes.Figure 4-4.—Tartar radar collimation axes.RADAR COLLIMATION SHORE TOWERSRadar collimation shore towers are designed primarilyto check antenna beam collimation and RFcharacteristics of GMFCSs. They also provide facilitiesfor collimation and beacon checks of gunfirecontrolradars and RF alignment (azimuth only) of thethree-coordinate search radars.A radar collimation shore tower is 130 to 250 feethigh with a moveable array on which test antennasand associated optical targets are mounted. Waveguideand coaxial transmission lines connect the antennason the tower array to an equipment room at thebase of the tower.The equipment room contains all the test equipmentnecessary to perform collimation and to checkRF characteristics on the various guided-missile/gunfire-control radars and the three-coordinate searchradars found in the fleet. Figure 4-5 depicts a collimationtower.4-4

The targets are illuminated by either back lightingor floodlights. The four test antennas and their characteristics,the associated optical targets, and the applicableradar systems that can be tested are summarizedin figure 4-6.Figure 4-5.—Collimation tower.TOWER ARRAYThe tower array can be moved in train and elevationby either powered or manual means. The arrayconsists of a metal frame (usually constructed fromaluminum piping) and test antennas and optical targetsrequired for shore-tower checkout of shipboardradars. The test antennas and the optical targets aremounted on the metal frame and spaced to correspondto the spacing between the center of radiation (RFaxis) and the telescope or boresight axis of each shipboardradar. This eliminates parallax errors caused bythe small ship-to-tower distance involved during normaltower operations.Figure 4-6.—(A) Standard tower array;(B) Array usage.COLLIMATION TEST EQUIPMENTEach collimation tower is equipped with a set oftest equipment for specific tower use. This equipmentis stowed in the tower equipment room. The majoritems includeM. Radar Test Set AN/SPM-9,4-5

Range Calibrator Set AN/UPM-115,Range Calibrator Set AN/SPM-6,Radar Beacon Test Set AN/TPN-7 orAN/UPN-32,or, in certain cases where excessive ship motion iscreated because of tide changes, by using variousweighing methods, as shown in figure 4-7, to reducethe ship’s motion.Continuous-Wave Acquisition and Track(CWAT) Tower Transponder, andMicrowave Power Meter HP 430.Some of this test equipment is in the process ofbeing replaced and can be identified in the combatsystems alignment manual that is specific to yourclass of ship. A number of additional items of generalpurposetest equipment, such as oscilloscopes, signalgenerators, coaxial cables, directional couplers, andvariable attenuators are also used at both the towerand aboard the ship.RADAR COLLIMATION PROCEDURESShore-tower checks between regular overhaulperiods are generally not performed except when the<strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) or the<strong>Naval</strong> Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station(NSWSES) specifies a shore-tower check as a resultof extensive shipyard or alteration work, or after amicrowave casualty occurs that requires microwavecomponent replacement. On ships outfitted with aportable ship’s tower, the need for shore-tower serviceis established when ship tower checks indicate thattolerances are exceeded or when correlation data is inquestion.Certain environmental condition requirementsmust be complied with before tower operation. Theseinclude the amount of ship motion and the weatherconditions under which the collimation procedures areperformed.Because ships must be tested while afloat, certainmethods of limiting the motion are used. One methodconsists of securing the ship snugly to a pier or dockFigure 4-7.—Ship weighting for reducing motion.Weather conditions must be considered because ofthe adverse effects they can have on collimation tests.For example, visibility between ship and tower, windand water action, and heat radiation can affect collimationtests. Visibility should be good between theship and the tower. High winds or rough water cancause ship motion to be so excessive as to invalidatetest results. If refraction due to heat radiation isobserved while viewing an optical target, considerationshould be given to rescheduling operations at anearlier hour of the following day.The Tartar/SM1 weapons system is employedaboard several classes of ships. Each class of shipshas a unique configuration of the weapons systemcomponents. Consequently, each class has its ownspecific collimation procedures.This section discusses track-receive axis collimation,track-transmit axis collimation, and CWI axiscollimation. These procedures are discussed only in ageneral way and do not address specific proceduresfor any particular class of ships.4-6

TRACK-RECEIVE AXIS COLLIMATIONIn track-receive (TR) axis collimation, the angleerrornull method of measurement is used to determinethe error between the track receive axis and theborescope axis of the AN/SPG-51C/D radar. At theshore tower, the Range Calibrator Set AN/SPM-6 isconnected to transmission line C, which connects toantenna C on the tower array. Aboard ship, the AN/SPG-51 radar director is manually pointed toward theshore tower.The director is not energized during any AN/SPG-51C/D radar collimation checks. When the director isin the required position, the AN/SPG-51C/D radartrack transmitter is set to RADIATE, thus triggeringthe AN/SPM-6 range calibrating set at the shoretower. When triggered by the radar signal, the AN/SPM-6 begins transmitting back to the radar set RFpulses identical to the pulses being received, which,when received by the radar, appear as target video onthe A-scope of the radar operator’s console. Only threeto five of these video pulses are observable on theA-scope because of the high pulse-repetition frequency(PRF) of the radar set.The radar is placed in range track when videopulses are observed on the A-scope. This is accomplishedby gating one of the returned pulses. A Dopplertarget is required to ensure that an angle-erroroutput voltage is generated whenever the antenna(director) is manually moved off target. This requirementis accomplished by setting the CLUTTER RE-JECT switch on the operator’s console to the 0 KTposition. The traverse- and elevation angle-error voltagesgenerated from the angle-error detector moduleof the AN/SPG-51C/D data converter are monitoredby two voltmeters.With the radar in track, the director is held stationaryon target (brakes set) in one axis (TRAIN orELEVATION) and rocked through the angle errornull point (as indicated by the variable time voltmeter[VTVM]) in the other axis. The mark method is usedto correlate angle-error null voltage readings withborescope readings. The borescope readings (in roils)are taken with respect to the AN/SPG-51C/D trackradar optical target 6 or 10 on the tower array. Aminimum of 20 nulls and the borescope readings aretaken to determine the collimation error between theTR axis and the borescope axis. This procedure isthen repeated for the other axis (traverse or elevation).Before actually determining the TR axis error bythe angle-error null method, checks should be made todetermine that an angle error of proper sensitivity (1voltage per millimeter [v/mil]) can be generated ineach quadrant and that conical-scan-on-receive-only(COSRO) phasing is correct (minimum crosstalk) topreclude offset of the angle-error null.TRACK-TRANSMIT AXIS COLLIMATIONIn track-transmit (TX) axis collimation, the beampatternplot method of measurement is used to determinethe error between the track-transmit axis and theborescope axis of the AN/SPG-51C/D radar. There isno requirement for test equipment aboard ship duringthe performance of this test. The test setup aboardship consists of placing the track transmitter in theRADIATE mode, pointing the radar antenna (director)toward the shore tower, and centering the AN/SPG-51C/D track radar optical target 6 or 10 in the borescope.In the tower, the average power meter is connectedthrough the calibrated attenuator (C-band) tothe waveguide line connected to antenna C on thearray. Attenuation is adjusted to allow the track transmitterpower to be read conveniently on the powermeter (in decibels or milliwatts, as preferred). Afterestablishing a reference point (reading of maximumpower) by coaching the director operators aboard shipvia sound-powered telephone, the track transmitteroutput power at the tower as the antenna (director) isheld stationary in one axis (traverse or elevation)and moved off target in the other axis is plotted. Theoffset readings in roils are given by the borescopeobserver aboard ship.Usually, a 30-mil excursion on each side of themaximum power point is sufficient. After plotting thepower readings to offset in mils on a graph, a horizontalline connecting the half-power points (3 decibelsdown) is drawn. By bisecting this line and observingwhere the bisecting line intercepts the mils axis, you4-7

The borescope operator may have to give severalmarks at each offset position to obtain a good averagepower reading. Figure 4-8 shows the TX axis beam-pattern plot-method graph.can determine the collimation error between the TXaxis and the boresight axis. Extreme care must beexercised in taking each power reading to obtainaccuracy with this method.Figure 4-8.—Beam-pattern plot-method graph.CWI AXIS COLLIMATIONThe beam-pattern plot method of measurement isused to determine the error between the CWI axis andthe borescope axis of the AN/SPG-51C/D radar.There is no requirement for test equipment aboardship during the performance of this test.The procedures for determining CWI axis errorare similar to those for the track-transmit axis, exceptthat the CWI radar is used.The test setup aboard ship consists of placing theCWI transmitter in RADIATE, pointing the radar antennatoward the tower, and centering the CWI opticaltarget 8 in the borescope.In the tower, the average power meter is connectedthrough the calibrated attenuator (X-band) tothe X-band waveguide line going to antenna Don thetower array. The attenuator is adjusted to allow theC WI power to be read conveniently on the powermeter (in decibels or milliwatts, as preferred). Afterestablishing a reference point (maximum power reading)by coaching the director operators aboard ship,the CWI power at the tower as the antenna (director)is held stationary in one axis (traverse or elevation)and moved off target in the other axis is plotted. Theoffset readings in roils are given by the borescopeobserver aboard ship.A power plot curve is drawn and the 3-decibeldown points are connected by a horizontal line. Thebisector of this line intercepts the mils axis of the4-8

is plotted together on a beam position summary graph,as shown in figure 4-9. From their relative positions,the collimation errors can be determined and any cor-rective action, if required, can be made.graph to provide the collimation error similar to theTX procedures. Usually, a 15-mil excursion each sideof the maximum power point is sufficient. After allthree RF beam axes have been established, their dataFigure 4-9.—Beam position summary graph.4-9

RECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to ensure thatyou are studying the latest revision.Combat System Alignment Manual for DDG-51 Class, Alignment Verification and Corrective Alignment, NAVSEASW225-CH-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1993.Combat System Alignment Manual for FFG-7 Class, Alignment Verification and Corrective Alignment Procedures,NAVSEA SW225-B6-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.Combat Systems Alignment Manual for your class of ship.4-10

APPENDIX IGLOSSARYThis glossary defines abbreviations and acronyms as they are used in this training manual.AA— antiaircraftACTH— arbitrary corrections to hitCIC— combat information centerCOSAL— Coordinated Shipboard Allowance ListCOSRO— conical-scan-on-receive-onlyCRP— centerline reference planeCW— continuous wave/chilled waterCWIDW— chilled water/distilled waterCWAT— continuous-wave acquisition andtrackCWI— continuous-wave illuminatorDSOT— Daily System Operability TestDW— distilled waterESR— equivalent service roundFAM— fault analysis matrixFCS— fire-control systemFID— fault indicator directoryFLD— fault logic diagramGFCS— gunfire control systemGMFCS— Guided-Missile <strong>Fire</strong>-Control SystemLOS— line of sightMDS— Maintenance Data SystemMIP— maintenance index pageMRC— maintenance requirement cardMRP— master reference planeNAVSEA— <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems CommandNSWSES— <strong>Naval</strong> Ship Weapon SystemsEngineering StationOP— operating procedureOSCOT— Overall Combat System OperabilityTestPESR— pseudo-equivalent service roundPMS— Planned Maintenance SystemPOFA— Programmed Operational and FunctionalAppraisalPRF— pulse-repetition frequencypsig— pounds per-square-inch gageRDP— radar data processorRF— radio frequencyAI-1

RPP— roller-path planeRSC— radar set consoleSBP— ship base planeSFD— system fictional diagramSMT— system maintenance testSW— seawaterSW/DW— seawater/distilled waterSWBD— switchboard3-M— Maintenance and MaterialManagementTLC— troubleshooting logic chartTR— track receiveTX— track transmitv/mil— voltage per millimeterVTVM— variable time voltmeterWCRP— weapons-control reference planeAI-2

APPENDIX IIREFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS TRAMANBasic Liquid Cooling Systems for Shipboard Electronics, NAVSEA 0948-LP-122-8010, <strong>Naval</strong> SeaSystems Command, Washington, DC, 1977.Combat System Alignment Manual for CG-47 Class, NAVSEA SW225-BN-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> SeaSystems Command, Washington, DC, 1993.Combat System Alignment Manual for DDG-51 Class; Alignment Verification and Corrective AlignmentProcedures, NAVSEASW225-CH-CSA-010, <strong>Naval</strong> Sea Systems Command, Washington,DC, 1993.<strong>Ships</strong>’ Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST 4790.4C, Chief of<strong>Naval</strong> Operations, Washington, DC, 1994.AII-1

INDEXAAlarm switchboards & displays/outputs, 2-24 to 2-26Alignmentcombat systems (gun/battery), 3-1 to 3-17considerations, 3-12 to 3-15dials, 3-12levels/sights, 3-7train and elevation zero, 3-14 to 3-15Analyzers, oxygen, 2-23Angle measurement from reference direction, 3-2Angular displacement, 3-5BBattery-alignment concepts, 3-1 to 3-5Beam plot/position graphics, 4-8 to 4-9Benchmark alignment/equipment/readings, 3-11 to 3-15Boresight telescopes, 3-8CC-band and X-band feed horns, 4-3Cartridges, 2-21 to 2-23Centerline marks/planes, 3-13Checks, star, 3-15Circulating pumps, 2-19 to 2-20Clinometers, 3-7Codes, test number select, 1-9Collimation, 4-1 to 4-10Combat systemsalignment, 3-1 to 3-17testing, 1-5weapons sytems smooth log, 3-16Components, liquid-cooling system, 2-6Concepts, battery alignment, 3-1 to 3-5Configurations, liquid-cooling system, 2-4 to 2-26Constant-flow regulator, 2-15Cooling system low-flow switch, 2-17Corrections, parallax/rotational, 3-3 to 3-5CWI axis collimation, 4-8 to 4-9Cycle schedule, 1-4DDemineralizes, 2-20 to 2-23Diagramsfault logic, 1-17 to 1-18logic/functional flow, 1-11Diagrams (continued)Planned Maintenance System, 1-3pyramid, 1-19, 1-22relay lamp ladder, 1-20 to 1-21signal-flow, 1-17 to 1-18system functional, 1-14troubleshooting system functional, 1-23weapons system functional, 1-14Dials, alignment, 3-12Directoryfault indicator, 1-12fire-control system function, 1-13problem, 1-23system fault function/indicator, 1-11 to 1-23Displacement, angular/linear, 3-3 to 3-5Distilled-watercirculating pump, 2-20resistivity versus conductivity data, 2-22Duplex strainer, 2-11Dynamic parallax corrections, 3-3 to 3-4EElevation zero alignment, 3-14 to 3-15Equipmentalignment, 3-5 to 3-12benchmarks, 3-14flow switch, 2-18testing, 1-6flow regulator, 2-16Expansion tanks, 2-9 to 2-10FFaultanalysis matrix, 1-14 to 1-15indicator directory, 1-12isolation, 1-6 to 1-23logic diagram, 1-17 to 1-18Feed horns, 4-3<strong>Fire</strong>-control radarRF optical alignment, 3-14system function directory, 1-13Flow monitors/regulators, 2-15 to 2-19Flowmeter, orifice/venturi, 2-18Foundation machining, 3-14Frame of reference, 3-2 to 3-5INDEX-1

Functional flow diagrams, 1-11GGraph, beam position/pattern, 4-8 to 4-9Gravity expansion tank, 2-9Gun/battery alignment, 3-1 to 3-17HHeat exchangers, 2-6 to 2-8IInclination verification, 3-14Index, relay & relay/lamp, 1-19 to 1-20Integrated maintenance, 1-5 to 1-6Interequipment leveling, 3-14LLamp pyramid diagram, incorrect, 1-22Leveling, interequipment, 3-14Levels, alignment, 3-7Linear displacement, 3-3Liquid-cooling systems, 2-1 to 2-27alarm switchboards, 2-24 to 2-26basic, 2-1 to 2-4components/configurations, 2-4 to 2-26maintenance responsibility, 2-26types I, II & III, 2-2 to 2-6Log, combat/weapons systems smooth, 3-16Logic diagrams, 1-11Low-flow switch, cooling system, 2-17MMachining, foundation, 3-14Maintenancedata system, 1-4 to 1-5index page, 1-4integrated, 1-5 to 1-6responsibility, liquid-cooling system, 2-26scheduling, 1-2 to 1-4support documentation, 1-10 to 1-23turn-on procedures, 1-17Master reference plane, 3-13Matrixfault analysis, 1-14 to 1-15test mode, 1-9 to 1-10Meter, purity, 2-22Mixed-bed cartridge, 2-22OOffset centerline marks, 3-13Optical alignment, 3-14Optics, self-contained, 3-8Organic removal cartridge, 2-21Orifice flowmeter, 2-18Oxygen analyzers, 2-23PParallax corrections, 3-3 to 3-5Parallel lines/planes, 3-2Parallelism, 3-14 to 3-15Plane, reference, 3-13Planned Maintenance System, 1-1 to 1-6Pressureexpansion tank, 2-9regulator, 2-16Primary liquid-cooling system, 2-1 to 2-4Problem directory, 1-23Procedurescombat systems alignment, 3-12maintenance turn-on, 1-17radar collimation, 4-6 to 4-9video processing & distribution system checkout,1-22Pumps, circulating, 2-19 to 2-20Purity meter, 2-22Pyramid diagram, 1-19QQuarterly schedule, 1-4RRadar collimationprocedures, 4-6 to 4-9shore towers, 4-4 to 4-5theory, 4-1 to 4-6with a shore-based tower setup, 4-2Readings, benchmark/tram, 3-15Referenceframe, 3-2 to 3-5marks, placement of, 3-13 to 3-14plane, 3-3, 3-13readings, benchmark/tram, 3-15Regulatorsconstant-flow, 2-15equipment-flow, 2-16INDEX-2

Regulators (continued)flow, 2-15 to 2-16pressure, 2-16Relayindex, 1-20lamp ladder diagram, 1-20 to 1-21Rotameter, 2-18 to 2-19Rotational corrections between unparallel planes, 3-5SSchedule, cycle/quarterly/weekly, 1-4Seawater strainers, 2-10 to 2-12Secondary liquid-cooling system, 2-4Self-contained optics, 3-8Shipbase plane, 3-13weighting for reducing motion, 4-6Shore towers, collimation, 4-4 to 4-5Sights, alignment, 3-7 to 3-9Signal-flow diagram, 1-17 to 1-18Simplex strainer, 2-11Star checks, 3-15Static parallax corrections, 3-4 to 3-5Strainers, seawater, 2-10 to 2-12Subsystems testing, 1-5 to 1-6Switchboards, liquid-cooling system alarm, 2-24 to 2-26Switches, 2-17 to 2-18Systemfault indicator directory, 1-11 to 1-23function directory, 1-11 to 1-13functional diagram, 1-4maintenance program test programs, 1-9TTanks, expansion, gravity/pressure, 2-9 to 2-10Tartar radarC-band and X-band feed horns, 4-3Tartar radar (continued)collimation axes, requirements, 4-2 to 4-4CWI beam relationships, 4-3Telescopes, boresight, 3-8Temperature-regulating valves, 2-12 to 2-14Testequipment, collimation, 4-5 to 4-6mode matrix, 1-9number select codes, 1-9Testing, equipment/subsystems, 1-5 to 1-6Theodolites, 3-6Theory, radar collimation, 4-1 to 4-6Three-way temperature-regulating valves, 2-12 to 2-13Tower array, 4-5Track-receive/-tranmit collimation, 4-7 to 4-8Training alignment, 3-14 to 3-15Trambars/blocks, 3-9 to 3-11reference readings, 3-15Transits, 3-6Troubleshooting, 1-16 to 1-23Two-way temperature-regulating valves, 2-13 to 2-14Types I, II & III liquid-cooling systems, 2-2 to 2-6VValves, temperature-regulating, 2-12 to 2-14Venturi flowmeter, 2-18Verification, inclination, 3-14Video processing & distribution system checkoutprocedures, 1-22WWeaponscontrol reference plane, 3-13system functional diagram, 1-14Weekly schedule, 1-4INDEX-3

Assignment QuestionsInformation: The text pages that you are to study areprovided at the beginning of the assignment questions.

ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment: “Planned Maintenance System and Fault Isolation,” chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-24; and “Liquid-Cooling Systems:” pages 2-1 through 2-19.1-1. The Planned Maintenance System provides a standardmeans for which of the following tasks relativeto complex mechanical, electrical, and electronicequipments?1. Planning2. Controlling3. Scheduling4. All of the above1-2. The PMS has what total number of shipboard maintenancecategories?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-3. Which of the following elements is a primary ingredientof the PMS Program?1. Ship, shipyard, or system safety scheduling2. System fault-isolation procedure3. Redundant tasking eliminations4. Testing time reduction1-4. What schedule normally contains the assignment ofspecific personnel to perform maintenance on specificequipment?1. Cycle2. Weekly3. Monthly4. Quarterly1-5. The Maintenance Data System has what total numberof functions?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-6. Integrated maintenance requirements are establishedthrough what type of analysis?1. PMS2. Engineering3. Combat systems4. Shipboard safety1-7. Which of the following types of testing is consideredthe highest level of testing that can be accomplishedaboard ship?1. Gun/battery alignment2. Combat systems3. Subsystems4. Equipment1-8. What is the primary combat systems test tool?1. SMP2. NIXIE3. OCSOT4. PPI X or Y1-9. To diagnose and effect timely repair of faults withina fire-control system, you must fully understand faultisolationconcepts, the fault-isolation tools availableto you, and the capabilities and limitations of thosetools when applied to system fault isolation.1. True2. False1-10. Which of the following characteristics applies to afault-isolation tool?1. It identifies personnel requirements2. It identifies the proper test equipment3. It is difficult to operate4. It is easily implemented1

1-11. OCSOT is what type of test?1. On-line/off-line2. Combat systems3. Subsystems4. Equipment1-12. DSOT is what type of test?1. On-line/off-line2. Combat systems3. Subsystems4. Equipment1-13. The systems maintenance test is an off-line test usedin which of the following fire-control systems?1. Mk 922. Mk 863. Mk 684. Mk 481-18.1-19.1-20.The system function directory is an alphabeticallisting of all systems functions and can be used tostart the troubleshooting process when there is no particularindicator associated with a fault. With whatother directory is the SFD normally used?1. TLC2. FLD3. FAM4. FIDIn an SFD, data flow is normally in what direction?1. From top to bottom2. From bottom to top3. From left to right4. From right to leftThe fault analysis matrixes and their associatedtroubleshooting procedures are related to each otherand to what other test?1-14. Diagnostic testing programs are designed to isolatemalfunctions that occur in which of the followingcomponents?1. Internal logic of printed circuit boards2. External logic of printed circuit boards3. Both 1 and 2 above4. External CPU peripherals1-15. Maintenance support documentation has what totalnumber of general categories?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-16. TLCs are functional flow diagrams.1. True2. False1-17. Fault logic procedures are generally used more rapidlyby which of the following personnel?1. Senior2. Junior3. Experienced4. Inexperienced1. SMT2. DSOT3. NIXIE4. OSCOTIN ANSWERING QUESTION 1-21, REFER TO TABLE 1-5 IN THE TRAMAN.1-21. Which column provides suggested troubleshootingprocedures for fault isolation?1. Seven2. Two3. Three4. Four1-22. Equipment troubleshooting documentation includes1. relay and lamp indexes and relay lamp ladderdiagrams only2. fault logic diagrams, signal-flow diagrams, pyramiddiagrams, and relay and lamp indexes only3. signal-flow diagrams, pyramid diagrams, faultlogic diagrams, and relay lamp ladder diagramsonly4. pyramid diagrams, relay and lamp indexes, faultlogic diagrams, signal-flow diagrams, and relay ,lamp ladder diagrams2

1-23.1-24.1-25.1-26.1-27.To speed troubleshooting, the technician may usewhich of the following diagrams by answering abranching series of questions about an observedsystem fault?1. Fault logic diagrams2. Signal-flow diagrams3. Pyramid diagrams4. Both 2 and 3 aboveWhat diagram shows the signal flow from an input toan output function?1. Signal-flow diagram only2. Fault logic diagram only3. Signal-flow diagram and fault logic diagram4. Pyramid diagramPyramid diagrams pertain to the sole dependency ofthe subassemblies essential to each function of a pieceof equipment.1. True2. FalseThe relays and lamps are cross-indexed by which ofthe following characteristics?1. Zone2. Sheet3. Figure4. All of the aboveRelay lamp ladder diagrams show the energizingpaths for relays and indicator lamps that are notcovered by which of the following diagrams?1-29.1-30.1-31.1-32.1-33.Cooling systems are essential to the satisfactoryoperation of which of the following equipments?1. Shipboard weapons systems only2. Heat exchangers/transferers only3. Air conditioning units only4. All shipboard electronic equipmentThe typical liquid-cooling system used for electronicfire-control equipment has what total number of basicsystems?1. One2. Two3. Three4. FourAboard ship, the initial source of cooling water is the1.2.3.4.primary liquid-cooling systemsecondary liquid-cooling systemair conditioner receptaclesexpansion tanksIf you are in an emergency situation aboard shipwherein you need to immediately locate a portableemergency hose, where would you normally find thathose?1. In the supply room2. In the cook’s galley3. In the maintenance department4. In the liquid-coolant machinery roomIn types II and III liquid-cooling systems, chilledwater is taken from the1. Pyramid2. Fault logic3. Signal flow4. Fault analysis1. fire main2. supply main3. alternate main4. secondary main1-28.The relay lamp ladder diagram shows which of thefollowing components in the energizing path?1-34.What is the coolant normally used in the secondaryliquid-cooling system? and switchesLamps and switchesCabling and wiringCoils and lamps1. Antifreeze2. Fresh water3. Saltwater4. Distilled water3

1-35. The Navy uses what total number of liquid-coolingsystems?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-36. What type of water does the type I liquid-coolingsystem use?1. Seawater2. Distilled water3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Freshwater1-37. Type II liquid-cooling systems are used in installationsthat cannot accept distilled-water temperatureshigher than what degree Fahrenheit?1. 852. 903. 954. 981-38. Liquid-cooling systems have which of the followingmain components?1. Coolant alarm switchboards2. Oxygen analyzers3. Demineralizes4. All of the above1-39. What is the seconday coolant that flows through theheat exchanger?1. Seawater only2. Chilled water only3. Seawater and chilled water4. Distilled water1-40. What person is normally the best qualified to determinewhat procedure to use where extreme foulingexists and whether the job can be performed aboardship?1. Supply officer2. Operations officer3. Engineering officer4. Combat systems officer1-41. The purity of what type of water inhibits electrolysisin the secondary system?1. Sea2. Salt3. Chilled4. Distilled1-42. Expansion tanks are identified as which of the followingtypes of tanks?1. Fuel or gravity2. Ballast or neutralized3. Gravity or pressurized4. Neutralized or fuel1-43. Visual and audible alarms will actuate on the expansiontank when the fluid level is below what percentof being full?1. 102. 203. 304. 401-44. What type of air system is used to charge expansiontanks?1. Low pressure only2. Low pressure, but with high-pressure capabilities3. High pressure only4. High pressure, but with low-pressure capabilities1-45. Where is the best place to look in the expansion tankfor an indication of a coolant leak in the secondarycooling system?1. Visual alarm2. Flood level3. Sight glass4. Water strainer1-46. What type of strainer may have a small drain on thecover to allow for draining water off before you removethe cover?1. Single2. Duplex3. Triplex4. Simplex4

1-47. What temperature-regulating valve is used whenseawater is the primary cooling medium in the heatexchanger?1. One-way2. Two-way3. Three-way4. Omnidirectional1-48. In the three-way temperature-regulating valve, distilledwater is proportioned between what totalnumber of paths?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-49. Two-way temperature-regulating valves are normallyinstalled at what location on the heat exchanger?1. In the distilled-water supply2. In the chilled-water supply3. On the cooling water side4. On the seawater side1-50. Both the three-way and two-way temperatureregulatingvalves have a manual override feature.1. True2. False1-51. The orifice plate is found primarily in which of thefollowing cooling systems?1. Chilled water2. Coolant water3. Freshwater4. Seawater1-52. When used with the chilled-water system, theconstant-flow regulator is installed at what locationfrom the heat exchanger?1. Upstream2. Downstream3. In parallel4. In series1-53. The amount of water that the flow regulator will passis usually stamped whereon the regulator?1. Bottom2. Side3. Top4. End1-54. A flow regulator or a pressure regulator can NOT beinstalled backwards.1. True2. False1-55. A low-flow switch to monitor the overall coolant flowis normally found in which of the following coolingsystems?1. Primaly2. Secondary3. Air conditioning4. Distillation1-56. The flow of water through an orifice causes which ofthe following results?1. The pressure stays the same2. The pressure increases3. The pressure fluctuates4. The pressure drops1-57. In the venturi flowmeter, the flow rate is proportionalto the difference between the1. two taps2. both sides3. top and bottom4. fresh and saltwater sides1-58. What is the major advantage of a rotameter over aventuri meter?1. Size of equipment2. Expense of maintenance3. Complexity of operations4. Visibility of coolant5

1-59. Each cooling system has what total number of 1-60. On all pumps, as the output pressure increases, thedistilled-water circulating pumps?output flow1, One 1. decreases2. Two 2. increases3. Three 3. stays the same4. Four 4. varies, depending on water pressure6

ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment: “Liquid-Cooling Systems,” chapter 2, pages 2-20 through 2-27;“Combat Systems Alignment (Gun/Battery)” chapter 3, pages 3-1 through 3- 17; and“Collimation,” chapter 4, pages 4-1 through 4-10.2-1.Demineralizes are used to maintain what type ofwater purity in an ultrapure state?2-6.A conductivity cell consists of what total number ofelectrodes immersed in the coolant flow path?1. Primary2. Alternate primary3. Secondary4. Alternate secondary1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four2-2.2-3.The demineralize is sized so that what percent of thesystem’s volume passes through the demineralizeevery hour?1. 72. 53. 34. 4The submicron filter is used to remove particles thathave a size greater than what?2-7.2-8.On some purity meters, the coolant is displayed as1. ohms2. voltage3. current4. resistivityWhen a system is filled with freshwater, it should beallowed to circulate for approximately how manyhours before you compare the input and outputreadings?1. 0.5 micron2. 1.0 micron3. 1.5 micron4. 5.0 micron1. 62. 23. 84. 42-4.What total number of cartridge types are used in thedemineralize?2-9.A properly operating system can supply water ofacceptable purity in what minimum number of hours?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1. 1 to 32. 2 to 53. 4 to 84. 6 to 82-5.When it is near exhaustion, a urine order is emitted bywhich of the following cartridges?1. Mixed bed2. Oxygen removal3. Organic removal4. All of the above2-10.Oxygen analyzers are installed in some primarysystems to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen inthe liquid coolant.1. True2. False7

2-11. If the meter on the oxygen analyzer requires frequentcalibration because the meter readings are drifting orchanging sharply, the analyzer has a bad1. sensor2. cartridge3. calibration4. cooling alarm2-12. When an abnormal condition occurs in a system, thealarm indicates the fault condition by what means?1. Audible alarm2. Visual alarm3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Sensory alarm2-13. The system’s main alarm panel has a total of howmany ground indicator lamps?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four2-14. Either half of the system’s alarm panel canindependently display which of the following lights, ifany?1. Steady red light only2. Flashing red light only3. Steady red light, flashing red light, or no light4. None; no lights are ever displayed on this panel2-15. A four-way position switch on the lower half of eachalarm module allows you to place the individual alarmmodule in which of the following modes?1. Cutout only2. Standby only3. Normal only4. Cutout, standby, normal, and test2-16. In what position is power removed from the sensorloop to facilitate maintenance?1. Test2. Cutout3. Normal4. Standby2-17. Which of the following switch positions simulates analarm condition?1. Test2. Cutout3. Normal4. Standby2-18. What is the best way to extend the life of componentsand to increase the reliability of the cooling system?1. Preventive maintenance2. Corrective maintenance3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Shipyard overhaul2-19. The battery alignment of a ship is accomplished bywhich of the following distinct alignments?1. Gun-bore and plane2. Original (dry-dock) and afloat3. Missile launcher and fire-control4. Primary and fire-control2-20. Battery alignment is based on which of the followingconcepts?1. Geometric coordinate system2. Parallel planes3. Parallel lines4. All of the above2-21. In a complete reference frame, directions are specifiedby which of the following angles?1. Train and elevation2. Target direction only3. Geometric measurement only4. Target direction and geometric measurement2-22. In naval combat systems, what is used as the referencedirection?1. Ship’s bowline2. Ship’s sternline3. Ship’s centerline4. Ship’s stormline8

2-23. What is one of the most commonly used referenceplanes because of the ease of using a spirit level todetermine the plane?1. Vertical2. Horizontal3. Parallel4. Perpendicular2-24. Train angles are measured in what direction from thereference direction on the top of the plane?1. Clockwise2. Counterclockwise3. Bottom to top4. Top to bottom2-25. The difference or displacement between two referenceframes may be of which of the following types?1. Linear and angular only2. Spatial and linear only3. Angular and spatial only4. Linear, angular, and spatial2-26. What are the corrections made necessary by the lineardisplacement between the reference planes called?1. Angular displacements2. Parallax corrections3. Typical references4. Static angular corrections2-27. Corrections arising from reference directions orreference planes not being parallel are called1. parallax corrections2. rotational corrections3. static parallax corrections4. dynamic parallax confections2-28. When the angle between the reference planes isrelatively small, where is the major difference?1. In the horizontal plane2. In the vertical plane3. In the elevation angles4. In the bearing angles2-29. All of the following equipment is commonly used forbattery alignment except which one?1. Alignment sights2. Frequency counters3. Benchmarks4. Dials2-30. A theodolite is very similar to what other equipmentused during alignment?1. Alignment sights2. Clinometers3. Transits4. Levels2-31. Clinometers are used for measuring inclinations inwhat plane?1. Vertical2. Reference3. Horizontal4. Spatial2-32. How many types of levels are used in systems alignment?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four2-33. The pointing line in alignment sights maybe of whichof the following types?1. The centerline of a torpedo tube only2. The propagation axis of a radar beam only3. The bore axis of a gun only4. The centerline of a torpedo tube, the propagationaxis of a radar beam, and/or the bore axis of agun2-34. What is brought into exact alignment with the gunboreaxis when the boresight telescope is inserted intothe gun bore?1. AOS2. LOS3. MTI4. RPP9

2-35. In alignments that use fixed, self-contained optics,which of the following equipment is/are permanentlymounted?1. Transit2. Telescope3. Theodolite4. All of the above2-36. Tram bars are of what two types?1. Telescopic and rotating2. Telescopic and rigid3. Rotating and fixed4. Fixed and rigid2-37. What are used as reference marks to establish angularrelationships of an element’s line of sight to the ship’sstructure?1. Dials2. Tram bars3. Tram blocks4. Benchmarks2-38. Which of the following equipment can NOT properlybe considered to be equipment requiring alignment?1. Dials2. Tram bars3. Tram blocks4. BenchmarksIN ANSWERING QUESTION 2-39, REFER TO TABLE 3-1 IN THE TRAMAN.2-39. In alignment considerations, what step pertains toestablishing parallelism?1. 12. 53. 34. 72-41. The centerline reference plane is used to establishwhat alignment of all combat systems alignment?1. Azimuth zero2. Elevation zero3. Bearing zero4. Train zero2-42. What is the minimum nunber of plates installed ascenterline marks?1. Two2. Four3. Six4. Eight2-43. Machining is accomplished with the ship afloat andfully loaded. The ship must be kept in this conditionfor what minimum period of time before startingmachining operations to allow ship structural membersto adjust to the load?1. 12 hr2. 24 hr3. 36 hr4. 48 hr2-44. What is the fourth major step in the alignment procedureaccomplished by a support activity?1. The placement of reference marks2. The establishment of initial benchmarks3. The performance of elevation zero alignment4. The verification of fire-control radar RF opticalalignment2-45. Train and elevation zero alignment is conducted toensure that all combat systems equipment points tothe same point in space when so directed.1. True2. False2-40. What is the first major alignment step accomplishedby a support activity?1. The establishment of the horizontal planes2. The establishment of the reference planes3. The establishment of the vertical planes4. The establishment of the ship’s planes10

2-46. Train and elevation alignment between the alignmentreference and other combat systems equipment isaccomplished by comparing equipment when theoptical axes are made parallel by sighting on which ofthe following elements?1. Ship’s bow2. Far horizon3. Celestial body4. Ship’s antenna2-47. Tram and benchmarks are NOT used to facilitatechecking combat systems equipment at a definite trainand elevation position.1. True2. False2-48. All of the following records are normally contained inthe combat systems/weapons smooth log exceptwhich one?1. Rounds fired2. Alignment3. Erosion4. Weather2-49. What is radar collimation?1. The parallel alignment of the radar beam axisonly2. The parallel alignment of the optical axis of theradar antenna only3. The parallel alignments of the radar beam axisand the optical axis of the radar antenna4. The displacement of the horn antenna2-50. What is used to establish the boresight axis?1. Feed horns2. Horn antenna3. Optical telescope4. Audible measurement2-51. During radar collimation, the horn antenna is connectedto what type of power-measuring equipment?1. RF2. HF3. UHF4. VHF2-52. What is the primary radar for the TARTAR GMFCS?1. AN/SPG-48C/D2. AN/SPG-51C/D3. AN/SPG-55C/D4. AN/SPG-68C/D2-53. The AN/SPG-51C/D radar uses what band for CWI?1. D2. I3. J4. X2-54. Collimation of the Tartar radar consists ofdetermining the error between the beam axisand the boresight axis and the errors between thebeams themselves.1. RF/RF2. RF/UHF3. UHF/VHF4. EHF/VHF2-55. In addition to determining the relative positions of theRF beam axis, collimation operations should ensurethat the beam pattern is in what formation?1. Asymmetrical2. Symmetrical3. Horizontal4. Oblique2-56. A radar collimation shore tower is normally in whatheight range?1. 130 to 250 ft2. 140 to 275 ft3. 150 to 300 ft4. 160 to 350 ft2-57. Where on the tower array are the test antennas and theoptical targets mounted?1. On the feedhorn2. On the metal frame3. On the side lobe4. On the highest point11

2-58. A total of how many test antennas are used in a towerarray?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four2-59. Which of the following test equipment is NOT normallyused in collimation?1. AN/SPM-92. AN/SPM-63. AN/SPG-514. AN/UPN-322-60. Shore-tower checks between overhauls may berequired by which of the following authorities?1. PWO2. CWAT3. NAVSEA4. CEO2-61. In track-receive axis collimation, what method is usedto determine the error between the track-receive axisand the borescope axis of the AN/SPG-51C/D radar?2-62. What minimum number of nulls and the borescopereadings should be taken to determine the collimationerror between the TR axis and the borescope axis?1. 102. 203. 304. 352-63. What test equipment, if any, is required aboard shipduring track-transmit axis collimation?1. AN/SPM-92. AN/SPM-63. AN/UPN-324. None2-64. What method of measurement is used to detemine theerror between the CWI axis and the borescope axis ofthe AN/SPG-51C/D radar?1. Angle2. Circle3. Borescope plot4. Beam-pattern plot1. Angle-error null2. Electronic null3. Mechanical null4. Tracking angle null12

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