Drama Curriculum Map Grades K – 12 - Abbotsford Christian School

Drama Curriculum Map Grades K – 12 - Abbotsford Christian School Drama Curriculum Map Grades K – 12 - Abbotsford Christian School

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characterization?7. How is improvisation both funny and serious atthe same time?8. How does comedy improve relate to real life? Mirrors Pass the Impulse Pass the Sound Hello Jello Dance Game Hug Game Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my.2. Short Scene creation based on the first week of school.3. Tableaux series based on one event and the effects of it.4. Serious improvised scenes based on given situations and conflicts (focus onthe four elements of theatre – focus, tension, contrast, and balance).5. Character creation through movement and vocal exercises. Scene creationbased on these characters (focus on the five parts of a scene – character,setting, problem, raising the stakes, solution).6. Improv. Comedy unit which focuses on rules and elements of Improv. and thefive parts of the scenes, includes the following improvised games andactivities:• Panic Squad “Your Title Here.”• Emotional Improv.• Freeze• Party Quirks• Moving People• Slideshow• Park Bench• Alphabet game• Six person Scene• Pick Up Lines• Unit also focuses on Schurtleef’s Guideposts for acting including:Moment Before, Importance, Place, and What are you Fighting For?”• Unit culminates with a completion displaying skills through activeparticipation in all of the games.7. Scripted Scene Study which includes:• Character development• Set design• Line memorization• Blocking• Teacher side-coaching• Discovery and implementation of motivations and intentions.• Discovery of theme.• The opportunity to learn from the rehearsal process of others – selfand peer assessment.Rehearsals, journaling, and performance in front of audience.It is expected that students will use body and voice expressively in the discipline ofdrama.4. DRAMA SKILLS (Role)It is expected that students will maintain concentration and focus while in role andexperience the duality of being both participant and observer within a dramatic context.5. DRAMA SKILLS (Drama as Metaphor)It is expected that students will develop the facility to move between the concrete and theabstract within a dramatic context.6. DRAMA SKILLS (Elements and Structures)It is expected that students will understand and apply the elements of drama and theatre.7. DRAMA SKILLS (Technique)It is expected that students will apply technical skills and knowledge to enhance dramaticcommunication.8. CONTEXT (Social and Cultural Context)It is expected that students will experience, understand, and develop sensitivity to thediversity of cultures through drama. Students will also interpret how drama celebrates,comments on, and questions the values, issues, and events of societies past andpresent.9. CONTEXT (Making Connections)It is expected that students will acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes through the studyof drama that enhance their understanding of other art forms and contribute to theirpersonal, educational, and career development.

Grades 9 - 12Planning for Assessment (Teaching Strategies), Assessment Indicators (Assessment Activities) and resources are listed in course overviewsGrade Essential Questions/Unit Questions Content Learning Outcomes: By the end of grade level, the students will: Performances9/10MimeTaughtalternateyearswith9/10StageCombatWhat is good drama that honours God?Unit 1 Introduction to Drama What is story? What is blocking? What is character? How do you develop astrong character through costume, blocking,and self- expression? What is a character’s intention in a scene? What is plot? What is a strong plot that drivesthe action forward? How can you speak through secular andChristian music?Unit 2 Mask and Mime How do you create positive and negativespace using mime? How do you create a character using mime? What can you apply to regular characterdevelopment using the skill you have learnedin mime?Unit 3 Film Production What is the difference between drama andfilm? How does film complement drama and viceversa? How do you film a scene? How do you edit film?Unit 4 One Act Production (student directed OneAct Play) How does character effect dramatic tension? How do character, blocking, voice, costume,and set culminate in the use of a script?Unit 1 Introduction to Drama Fortunately/unfortunately Buzz/flop/splash Scene: Soap Opera Character Impersonation Scene – Use 2 opposing intentions to create conflict in a scene Scene – The Mad _______ Scene: Pass Around Scene Scene: Oral Sound FX Scene: Scene with Sd Fx cd given location for plotUnit 2 Mask and Mime Paper maché emotion mask Character exerciseso Object improvisationo Garbage pickero Erase a faceo Masqueradeo Simple mimeo $20 on a bencho Analysis of movemento The puppeto Room and chair scenario Exercises with maskso Erase a faceo Masqueradeo Four basis movementso Masks in choruso Exploration of charactero The change scenarioo The mirror scenarioo Encounter labo Clothes pile scenarioo Assembly line factoryo Story improvisation Mime done to a piece of literature (narrated) or a piece music with a storyUnit 3 Film Production – working collaboratively with Comm. 11/12 Develop a 30 second commercial Film and edit a 1 min. “how to” video Find the “hero’s journey” in a variety of films Develop a script following the form of a “hero’s journey” Use this script to create a short film Film and edit a mime to a song (music video)Unit 4 One Act Production (student directed One Act Play) Student directed one act play(more detail on each learning outcome can be found on the Ministry of Education websiteunder Curriculum)1. EXPLORATION AND IMAGINATION (Expression and Trust)It is expected that students will trust themselves and others in order to express and reflecton thoughts, feelings, and beliefs; to take risks within a dramatic context; and to expressthemselves through active engagement in drama.2. EXPLORATION AND IMAGINATION (Critical Analysis)It is expected that students will evaluate and analyse the contributions of self and otherswithin the dramatic context.3. DRAMA SKILLS (Body and Voice)It is expected that students will use body and voice expressively in the discipline ofdrama.4. DRAMA SKILLS (Role)It is expected that students will maintain concentration and focus while in role andexperience the duality of being both participant and observer within a dramatic context.5. DRAMA SKILLS (Drama as Metaphor)It is expected that students will develop the facility to move between the concrete and theabstract within a dramatic context.6. DRAMA SKILLS (Elements and Structures)It is expected that students will understand and apply the elements of drama and theatre.7. DRAMA SKILLS (Technique)It is expected that students will apply technical skills and knowledge to enhance dramaticcommunication.8. CONTEXT (Social and Cultural Context)It is expected that students will experience, understand, and develop sensitivity to thediversity of cultures through drama. Students will also interpret how drama celebrates,comments on, and questions the values, issues, and events of societies past andpresent.9. CONTEXT (Making Connections)It is expected that students will acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes through the studyof drama that enhance their understanding of other art forms and contribute to theirpersonal, educational, and career development.Short scenes for in class performancesVideo may be used for chapel or air bandOne act plays performed for several otherclasses and at Open House

<strong>Grades</strong> 9 - <strong>12</strong>Planning for Assessment (Teaching Strategies), Assessment Indicators (Assessment Activities) and resources are listed in course overviewsGrade Essential Questions/Unit Questions Content Learning Outcomes: By the end of grade level, the students will: Performances9/10MimeTaughtalternateyearswith9/10StageCombatWhat is good drama that honours God?Unit 1 Introduction to <strong>Drama</strong> What is story? What is blocking? What is character? How do you develop astrong character through costume, blocking,and self- expression? What is a character’s intention in a scene? What is plot? What is a strong plot that drivesthe action forward? How can you speak through secular and<strong>Christian</strong> music?Unit 2 Mask and Mime How do you create positive and negativespace using mime? How do you create a character using mime? What can you apply to regular characterdevelopment using the skill you have learnedin mime?Unit 3 Film Production What is the difference between drama andfilm? How does film complement drama and viceversa? How do you film a scene? How do you edit film?Unit 4 One Act Production (student directed OneAct Play) How does character effect dramatic tension? How do character, blocking, voice, costume,and set culminate in the use of a script?Unit 1 Introduction to <strong>Drama</strong> Fortunately/unfortunately Buzz/flop/splash Scene: Soap Opera Character Impersonation Scene – Use 2 opposing intentions to create conflict in a scene Scene – The Mad _______ Scene: Pass Around Scene Scene: Oral Sound FX Scene: Scene with Sd Fx cd given location for plotUnit 2 Mask and Mime Paper maché emotion mask Character exerciseso Object improvisationo Garbage pickero Erase a faceo Masqueradeo Simple mimeo $20 on a bencho Analysis of movemento The puppeto Room and chair scenario Exercises with maskso Erase a faceo Masqueradeo Four basis movementso Masks in choruso Exploration of charactero The change scenarioo The mirror scenarioo Encounter labo Clothes pile scenarioo Assembly line factoryo Story improvisation Mime done to a piece of literature (narrated) or a piece music with a storyUnit 3 Film Production – working collaboratively with Comm. 11/<strong>12</strong> Develop a 30 second commercial Film and edit a 1 min. “how to” video Find the “hero’s journey” in a variety of films Develop a script following the form of a “hero’s journey” Use this script to create a short film Film and edit a mime to a song (music video)Unit 4 One Act Production (student directed One Act Play) Student directed one act play(more detail on each learning outcome can be found on the Ministry of Education websiteunder <strong>Curriculum</strong>)1. EXPLORATION AND IMAGINATION (Expression and Trust)It is expected that students will trust themselves and others in order to express and reflecton thoughts, feelings, and beliefs; to take risks within a dramatic context; and to expressthemselves through active engagement in drama.2. EXPLORATION AND IMAGINATION (Critical Analysis)It is expected that students will evaluate and analyse the contributions of self and otherswithin the dramatic context.3. DRAMA SKILLS (Body and Voice)It is expected that students will use body and voice expressively in the discipline ofdrama.4. DRAMA SKILLS (Role)It is expected that students will maintain concentration and focus while in role andexperience the duality of being both participant and observer within a dramatic context.5. DRAMA SKILLS (<strong>Drama</strong> as Metaphor)It is expected that students will develop the facility to move between the concrete and theabstract within a dramatic context.6. DRAMA SKILLS (Elements and Structures)It is expected that students will understand and apply the elements of drama and theatre.7. DRAMA SKILLS (Technique)It is expected that students will apply technical skills and knowledge to enhance dramaticcommunication.8. CONTEXT (Social and Cultural Context)It is expected that students will experience, understand, and develop sensitivity to thediversity of cultures through drama. Students will also interpret how drama celebrates,comments on, and questions the values, issues, and events of societies past andpresent.9. CONTEXT (Making Connections)It is expected that students will acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes through the studyof drama that enhance their understanding of other art forms and contribute to theirpersonal, educational, and career development.Short scenes for in class performancesVideo may be used for chapel or air bandOne act plays performed for several otherclasses and at Open House

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