Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron

Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron


66 The University of Akron 2005-2006 bursed in the following order: Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Subsidized Stafford Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and LEAP funded programs. Depending on the situation, withdrawal dates are determined in one of the following ways: • The date the withdrawal is processed by the Office of the University Registrar • The date the student is officially dismissed from the college. • The last date of documented academic attendance or course work. • In the case of unofficial withdrawals (students receiving all “F” grades), it is the midpoint of the period of academic enrollment or last date of documented academic attendance or coursework. • Students who never attended classes will be required to repay all student aid funds received. Once students have attended past the 60% point of the payment period, all federal financial assistance is considered earned. Please inquire in the Office of Student Financial Aid if you need additional information on the refund policies. Eligibility for Aid as it Applies to Certain Classifications of Students Transfer Students The University of Akron Office of Student Financial Aid will use the National Student Loan Database (NSLDS), eliminating the need to request individual financial aid transcripts (FATs) for most Title IV student aid applicants. If a student is transferring to the University during the academic year and has received a Federal Pell Grant and/or OIG from the prior school, the student must: • Request a duplicate Student Aid Report from Federal Pell Programs. This duplicate Student Aid Report must be sent to the Office of Student Financial Aid before any funds can be disbursed to the student. Instructions for receiving a duplicate Student Aid Report can be obtained from the office. • Have the former Financial Aid Office provide a transfer request to have the OIG transferred to The University of Akron. Federal Perkins Loans, Federal College Work-Study Programs, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, and scholarships do not automatically transfer. The student must reapply for these programs at The University of Akron. Graduate, Law, and Postbaccalaureate Students A graduate or professional student who has already received a bachelor’s degree can apply for the Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans. The Federal Pell Grant, Ohio Instructional Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant cannot be received. Post-baccalaureate students can only apply for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans. Graduate assistantships are available through various graduate departments. A graduate fellowship and other graduate awards are distributed by the Graduate School; therefore, a separate application is required. Guest Students A guest student is one who is taking classes at The University of Akron but will receive the degree at another institution. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for written instructions on how to receive financial aid. International Students A student in the United States on a student or other temporary visa is not eligible for any state or federal financial aid. Application for scholarships, short-term loans, and some types of employment may be made. Veterans A veteran may be eligible to receive educational benefits through the Veterans Administration and should contact the Veterans Office at (330) 972-7838. Student Rights and Responsibilities It is your right as a student to know and understand all aspects of your financial aid award. It is also your responsibility to follow all rules of each program. We anticipate that the information contained in this Bulletin will assist you with your questions regarding financial aid. Installment Payment Plan The University offers an Installment Payment Plan (IPP) to the student who needs temporary help in paying tuition and housing. Information and applications are available through the Office of Student Accounts, (330) 972-5100. Inquiries Since the process of applying for financial aid may at first seem complicated, it is suggested that families contact a high school counselor or a University financial aid officer for additional information. Direct inquiries to: Office of Student Financial Aid, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-6211; Phone: (330) 972-7032 or (800) 621-3847. The Office of Student Financial Aid is located in the Student Services Building at the corner of Buchtel Avenue & College Street. We look forward to working with you. Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Financial Aid recipients are required to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress toward completion of their educational programs as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. This is true whether or not student financial aid has been received previously. A copy of the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy may be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Aid. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) A student has a right to: • Inspect and review education records pertaining to the student; • Request an amendment to the student’s records; and • Request a hearing (if the request for an amendment is denied) to challenge the contents of the education records on the grounds that the records are inaccurate, misleading, or violate the rights of the student. The parent or eligible student has a right to: • Inspect and review the student’s education records; • Request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. • Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. • File with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA; and • Obtain a copy of the school’s FERPA policy. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information • FERPA regulations list conditions under which “personally identifiable information” from a student’s education record may be disclosed without the student’s prior consent. • Disclosure may be made to authorized representatives of the U.S. Department of Education, the Office of Inspector General, or state and local education authorities. These officials may have access to education records as a part of an audit or program review, or to ensure compliance with Student Financial Assistance program requirements. (Representatives of the Department include research firms that are under contract with the Department to conduct studies of financial aid procedures, using student information provided by the schools selected for the study. The term also includes the Student Financial Assistance program public inquiry contractor.) • Disclosure may be made if it is in connection with financial aid that the student may receive, a request from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for access to a student’s records. Such a request may be granted only if the student information is needed to determine the amount of the aid, the conditions for the aid, the student’s eligibility for the aid, or to enforce the terms or conditions of the aid. • Disclosure may be made to the student’s parent, if the student is dependent on the parent, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. If the student receives more than half of his or her support from the parent, under the IRS definition, the student is a dependent of the parent. (Note that the IRS definition is quite different from the rules governing dependency status for the Student Financial Assistance programs.) • Disclosure may be made to organizations that are conducting studies concerning the administration of student aid programs on behalf of educational agencies or institutions.

U n d e rgraduate Academic Pro g r a m s

U n d e rgraduate Academic Pro g r a m s

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