Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron

Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron


316 The University of Akron 2005-2006 Teacher Education Program, 126 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 307 TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), 131 Electrical Engineering, Degree Program, 121 Courses, 250 Electronic Engineering Technology, Associate Degree Programs, 78 Bachelor of Science, Degree Program, 70 Courses, 224 Elementary Education (see Early Childhood) Emergency Management, Degree Program, 69 Certificate Program, 192 Courses, 218 Emergency Medical Services Technology, Associate Degree Program, 81, 218 Emergency Phone Numbers, 4, 31 Emergency Phones, 31 Emeritus Faculty, 284 Employment, Student, 27, 65 Engineering Center, Microscale Physiochemical, 210 Engineering, College of, 118, 249 Accreditation, 118 Admission, 118 Criteria for Direct Admission, 40 Advancement Council, 312 Biotechnology Specialization Certificate (Chemical Engineering), 120 BS/MS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 120 Cooperative Education Program, 118 Course Materials Fee Schedule, 57 Courses, 249 Credit and Grade-Point Requirements for Graduation, 50 Degrees Offered, 118 Facilities and Equipment, 17 General Engineering, 249 Graduation, Requirements for, 118 Motion and Control Specialization Certificate, 122 Objectives, 118 Polymer Engineering Specialization Certificate (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), 120 Polymer Engineering Specialization Certificate (Mechanical Engineering), 122 Programs of Instruction, 119 Bachelor of Science Program, 124 Biomedical Engineering, 123, 254 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 119, 249 Civil Engineering, 120, 250 Computer Engineering, 121,252 Electrical Engineering, 121, 251 Mechanical Engineering, 122, 252 Mechanical Polymer Engineering, 122, 253 Requirements, 118 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 307 Engineering and Science Technology Associate Degree Program, 78 Baccalaureate Degree Program, 69 Engineering Geology, 109 Engineering, Polymer, 169, 281 (see also Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, College of Mechanical Engineering — Polymer Engineering Certification; and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering — Polymer Engineering Certification) Engineering and Science Technology, 69 English, Associate Studies, 216 English, Degree Program, 108 Courses, 233 Minors, 178 English Language Institute, 209, 228 Entrepreneurship Programs Certificate Program, 192 Courses, 263 Minor, 178 Entrepreneurial Studies, William and Rita Fitzgerald Institute for, 209 Environmental Studies, Center for, 208 Environmental Studies, Certificate Program, 192, 228 Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Statement, 3 Expenses (see Fees and Expenses) F Facilities and Equipment, Campus, 15 Faculty, Alphabetical, Listing of, 291 Faculty, by College, Listing of, 306 Faculty, Emeritus, 284 Family and Child Development, Degree Program, 147 Family and Consumer Sciences, Degree Programs, 147 Courses, 268 Dietetics, 152 Family and Child Development, 147 Family and Consumer Science Teacher Education,153 Fashion Merchandising, 149 Step-Up programs with Summit College, 151 Food and Consumer Sciences, 148 Interior Design, 150 Marketing and Sales Technology (Step-Up programs with Summit College), 150 Minor, 179 Family and Consumer Science Teacher Education, Degree Program, 153 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 66 Family Studies, Center for, 208 Fashion Merchandising, Degree Program, 149 Fees and Expenses, 52 Admission Application Fee, 52 Alternative Credit Fees, 52 Auditors, 52 Course Materials Fee Schedule, 54 Enrollment, Cancellation for Non-payment, 61 Graduation Fees, 52 Library Fees, 54 Miscellaneous Fees, 53 Orientation Program Fees, 52 Parking Fees, 54 Payment Plan, 61 Refunds, 61 Refunds, Residence Halls, 62 Registration and Other Related Fees, 52 Residency Requirements, 62 Room and Board Rates, 26 Student Health and Accident Insurance, 61 Technology Fees, 54 Tuition and Fees, 52 Typical Annual Student Expenses, 52 Veterans Expenses, 61 FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act), 66 Finance, Degree Program, 141 Courses, 263 Minors, 179 Finance for Business Majors, Minor, 179 Finance for Non-Business Students, 260 Financial Aid, 27, 63 Application, 63 Computation, 65 Distribution of Aid, 65 Eligibility, 66 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 66 Inquiries, 66 Installment Payment Plan, 66 Mission Statement, 63 Notification of Award, 65 Revision of Awards, 65 Sources of Aid, 64 Student Rights and Responsibilities, 66 Standards of Satisfactory Progress, 66 Refund/Repayment Schedule, 65 Financial Planning, Minor, 179 Certificate Program, 193 Financial Services for Non-Business Majors, Minor, 179 Fine and Applied Arts, College of, 145, 266 Admission, 145 Criteria for Direct Admission, 40 Advancement Council, 312 Certificates (see Certificate Programs, 186) Course Materials Fee Schedule, 58 Credit and Grade-Point Requirements for Graduation, 50 Degrees Offered, 145 Facilities and Equipment, 19 Graduation Requirements, 145 Minors (see Minor Areas of Study, 172) Overview, 145 Programs of Instruction, 145 Art, 145, 266 Applied Music (courses), 273 Communication, 158, 273 Dance, 162, 277 Dance Organizations (courses), 278 Dance Performance (courses), 279 Family and Consumer Sciences, 147, 268 Music, 154, 271 Musical Organizations (courses), 272 Social Work, 160, 274 Sonomatics and World Dance (courses), 278 Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 160, 275 Theatre, 161, 276 Theatre Organizations (courses), 277 Requirements, 145 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 307 Fire and Hazardous Materials Research, Training Center for, 210 Fire Protection Technology, 80 Certificate Program, 193 Courses, 218 Minor, 180 Food and Consumer Sciences, Degree Program, 148 Foreign Languages, Degree Program (see Modern Languages, 112) Fraternities (see Greek Life, 29), 112 French (see also Modern Languages) Degree Program, 112 Courses, 242 Freshman Residential Policy Requirements, 26 G General Business, Degree Program, 140 Courses, 262 General Education Requirements (University College), 94 Geographic and Land Information Systems Associate Degree Program, 79 Certificate Program, 193 Courses, 227 Geography and Planning, Degree Programs, 108 Cartography/Geographic Information Sciences, 109 Courses, 235 Geographic and Land Information Systems, Certificate Program, 193 Minor, 180 Planning, Certificate Program, 201 Geology, Degree Programs, 109 Courses, 236 Minor, 180 Geophysics (see Geology, 109) German, Degree Program, 112, 242 Gerontology, Certificate Program, 194, 228 Global Business, Institute for, 210 Grade Policies and Credit, 43 Academic Dishonesty, 45 Academic Reassessment, 44 Audit Policy, 45 Course Substitution Policy, 44 Credit-Noncredit, 45 Dean’s List, 44 Grades and Grading System, 43 Probation-Dismissal, 44 Repeating Courses, 44 Student Outcome Assessment, 45 Transient Work, 45 Graduation with Honors, 51 Graduate School, Degree Programs, Listing of, 8 Graduation Fees, 52 Graduation Requirements, 49 Associate Requirements, 49 Baccalaureate Requirements, 49 Change of Requirements, 49 Credit and Grade-Point Requirements, 50 Graduation with Honors, 51 Level Status, 49 Grants and Loans, Student (see Financial Aid, 63) Greek Life, 29 (see also Directory of Student Organizations, 33) Greek (see Classics) Guest Students, Admission, 39 H Handicapped (see Office of Accessibility, 25) Health and Safety, 30 Health and Social Policy, Institute for, 210 Health Care Selling, Certificate Program, 194 Health Education, Degree Program, 131 Courses, 260 Health and Accident Insurance, Student, 61 Health Services, Student, 27 High School Seniors, Graduating (Admission), 36 History, Degree Programs, 110 Courses, 237 Minor, 180 History of the University, 6 Home-Based Intervention, Certificate Program, 194, 215

Home Economics and Family Ecology (see Family and Consumer Sciences) Home-Schooled Students, (Admission), 36 Honors Program (see University Honors College) Hospitality Management, Degree Program, 73 Certificate Program, 195 Courses, 219 Minor, 180 Hotel/Lodging Management (see Hospitality Management) Hotel Marketing Sales (see Hospitality Management) Housing (see Residence Halls, 26) Humanities Division Major, 115 I Individualized Study, Degree Program, 73 Courses, 217 Industrial Accounting, Degree Program (see Management), 142 Information Technology Services Division, 20 Inquiries, 3 Installment Payment Plan (see Payment Plan, 61), 66 Institutes (see Research Centers and Institutes, 208) Institute for Life-Span Development and Gerontology, 227 Insurance, Student Health/Accident, 61 (see also Health Services, Student, 27) Interior Design, Degree Program, 149 Intercollegiate Athletics (see Athletics, 32) Interdisciplinary Studies, Anthropology, 106 Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Degree Program, 69, 101 Interdisciplinary Programs (see Certificate Programs, 186) International Baccalaureate, 47 International Business, Degree Program, 144 Certificate Program, 196 Courses, 265 Minor, 180 International Development, 196, 228 International Education, 10 International Programs, Office of, 25 International Students Admission, 41 Admission Procedure, 41 Financial and Immigration Documentation, 42 Medical Insurance Coverage, 42 Orientation, 42 Scholarships, 42 Study, Work, Travel Abroad, 10 Internships (see Center for Career Management, 24; individual academic programs) Italian, 242 (see also Modern Languages, 112) J Japanese, 242 (see also Modern Languages, 112) Job Location and Development (see Center for Career Management, 24) Journalism (see Communication, 159) Judicial Affairs, Student, 29 L Latin, 241 Latin American Studies, Certificate Program, 196 Law Enforcement (see Sociology, 115) (See also Criminal Justice Technology, 80) Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Training Center for, 210 Law, School of, 8 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 308 Learning Assistants, 96 Learning Communities, 96 Learning Laboratories, 96 Legal Assisting (see Paralegal Studies, 81) Level Status, 49 Libraries, University, 20 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 308 Library Fees, 54 Licensure, State Teacher, 127 Life-Span Development and Gerontology, Institute for, 210, 228 Linguistic Studies, Certificate Program, 197 Literacy, Center for, 208 Loans, Student (see Financial Aid, 63) Location of campus, 13 Lorain Community College, University Partnership Program, 11 M Management, Degree Program, 142 Courses, 263 Minor, 180 Manual Communication, Certificate Program, 197 Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Degree Programs, 78 Courses, 225 Marketing, Degree Programs, 143 Certificate in Professional Communication, 202 Courses, 264 Marketing Management, 143 Minor in Sales Management, 184 Marketing and Sales Technology, Degree Programs, 76 Certificate Programs, 197 Courses, 222 Marketing and Sales Technology: Advertising, 198 Marketing and Sales Technology: Web Site Development, 198 Minor, 181 Step-Up Program, 150 Mass Media Communication (see Communication, 159) Materials Testing Technology, 198 Mathematics, Associate Studies, 216 Mathematical Sciences, Degree Programs, 110 Cooperative Education, 111 Courses, 237 Minor, 181 Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science, 210 Meal Plans (see Residence Halls, 26) Mechanical Engineering, Degree Program, 122 Motion and Control Specialization Certificate, 122 Polymer Engineering Specialization Certificate, 122 Courses, 252 Mechanical Engineering Technology, Degree Programs, 78 Bachelor of Science, Degree Program, 70 Courses, 225 Mechanical Polymer Engineering, Degree Program, 122 Courses, 253 Medical Assisting Technology, Degree Program, 72 Courses, 223 Medical School (see B.S./M.D. Program, 117; and Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine, 168) Medical Transcriptionist, Certificate Program, 198 Medical Studies, courses, 215 Medicine, (see B.S./M.D., Degree Program, 117) Medina Professional Development Center, 11 Microbiology (see Biology Areas of Specialization, 104) Microscale Physiochemical Engineering Center (MPEC), 210 Middle Level Education, Degree Programs, 128 Courses, 256 Military Credit, 47 Military Science (Army ROTC), 98 Courses, 214 Minor, 181 Minor Areas of Study, 172 Addiction Services, 172 American Politics, 172 Anthropology, 172 Art, 173 Biology, 174 Business Administration for Non-Business Majors, 174 Business Management Technology, 174 Chemistry, 174 Classical Studies, 174 Communication, 174 Community Services Technology, 175 Computer Information Systems, 175 Computer Maintenance and Network Technology, 176 Computer Science, 176 Conflict Management, 176 Consumer Marketing, 176 Criminal Justice Technology, 177 Dance, 177 Database Marketing, 177 Direct Interactive Marketing, 177 Economics, 177 English, 178 Entrepreneurship, 178 Family and Consumer Sciences, 179 Finance for Business Majors, 179 Financial Planning, 179 Financial Services for Non-Business Majors, 179 Fire Protection, 180 Geography and Planning, 180 Geology, 180 History, 180 Index 2005-2006 317 Hospitality Management, 180 International Business, 180 Management, 180 Marketing and Sales Technology, 181 Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, 181 Military Studies: Aerospace Studies, 181 Military Studies: Military Science, 181 Modern Languages, 181 Music, 181 Office Administration, 181 Paralegal Studies, 182 Philosophy, 182 Physics, 182 Political Science, 183 Politics of Homeland Security, 183 Psychology, 183 Sales Management, 184 Sociology, 184 Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 184 Statistics, 184 Theatre Arts, 184 Women’s Studies, 184 Minority Affairs (see Multicultural Development, Office of, 11) Mission/Strategic Directions of the University, 6 Modern Languages, Degree Programs, 112 Courses, 241 French, 112, 242 German, 112, 242 Italian, 242 Japanese, 242 Latin, 241 Minors, 181 Russian, 242 Spanish, 112, 243 Motion Control Specialization, Certificate Program, 198 Multicultural Development, Office of, 11 Music, Degree Programs, 154 Applied Music, 273 Bachelor of Music, 154 Composition, 157 History and Literature, 157 Jazz Studies, 157 Music Education, 158 Performance (varied emphases), 154-157 Courses, 271 Minor, 181 Organizations, 272 N Natatorium, Ocasek, 28 National Guard, Special Reserve Programs, 99 Natural Sciences, Division Major, 115 New Student Orientation, 43 Noncredit Programs (see University of Akron Service Consortium) Non-payment, fees, 61 Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM), 168 (see also B.S./M.D. Program, 117) Nursery, Pre-School (Center for Child Development, 32) Nursing, Center for, 209 Nursing, College of, 163, 280 Accelerated Option, 166 Accreditation, 163 Admission, 163 Criteria for Direct Admission, 40 Advancement Council, 312 Agencies, 167 Basic Baccalaureate Program, 165 (Full- and Part-Time Options) Bypassed Credit, 47 Course Materials Fee Schedule, 60 Courses, 279 Credit and Grade-Point Requirements for Graduation, 50 Facilities and Equipment, 19 Goals, 163 L.P.N./B.S.N. Sequence, 167 Mission, 163 Philosophy, 163 Reapplication, 164 Requirements, 163 Requirements for Graduation, 165 R.N. Registered Nurse Sequence, 166 Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 306 Transfer of Nursing Courses for Advanced Placement, 164

Home Economics and Family Ecology<br />

(see Family and Consumer Sciences)<br />

Home-Schooled Students, (Admission), 36<br />

Honors Program (see <strong>University</strong> Honors College)<br />

Hospitality Management, Degree Program, 73<br />

Certificate Program, 195<br />

Courses, 219<br />

Minor, 180<br />

Hotel/Lodging Management (see Hospitality Management)<br />

Hotel Marketing Sales (see Hospitality Management)<br />

Housing (see Residence Halls, 26)<br />

Humanities Division Major, 115<br />

I<br />

Individualized Study, Degree Program, 73<br />

Courses, 217<br />

Industrial Accounting, Degree Program<br />

(see Management), 142<br />

Information Technology Services Division, 20<br />

Inquiries, 3<br />

Installment Payment Plan (see Payment Plan, 61), 66<br />

Institutes (see Research Centers and Institutes, 208)<br />

Institute for Life-Span Development and Gerontology, 227<br />

Insurance, Student Health/Accident, 61<br />

(see also Health Services, Student, 27)<br />

Interior Design, Degree Program, 149<br />

Intercollegiate Athletics (see Athletics, 32)<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies, Anthropology, 106<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts, Degree<br />

Program, 69, 101<br />

Interdisciplinary Programs (see Certificate Programs, 186)<br />

International Baccalaureate, 47<br />

International Business, Degree Program, 144<br />

Certificate Program, 196<br />

Courses, 265<br />

Minor, 180<br />

International Development, 196, 228<br />

International Education, 10<br />

International Programs, Office <strong>of</strong>, 25<br />

International Students Admission, 41<br />

Admission Procedure, 41<br />

Financial and Immigration Documentation, 42<br />

Medical Insurance Coverage, 42<br />

Orientation, 42<br />

Scholarships, 42<br />

Study, Work, Travel Abroad, 10<br />

Internships (see Center for Career Management, 24;<br />

individual academic programs)<br />

Italian, 242 (see also Modern Languages, 112)<br />

J<br />

Japanese, 242 (see also Modern Languages, 112)<br />

Job Location and Development<br />

(see Center for Career Management, 24)<br />

Journalism (see Communication, 159)<br />

Judicial Affairs, Student, 29<br />

L<br />

Latin, 241<br />

Latin American Studies, Certificate Program, 196<br />

Law Enforcement (see Sociology, 115)<br />

(See also Criminal Justice Technology, 80)<br />

Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Training<br />

Center for, 210<br />

Law, School <strong>of</strong>, 8<br />

Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 308<br />

Learning Assistants, 96<br />

Learning Communities, 96<br />

Learning Laboratories, 96<br />

Legal Assisting (see Paralegal Studies, 81)<br />

Level Status, 49<br />

Libraries, <strong>University</strong>, 20<br />

Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 308<br />

Library Fees, 54<br />

Licensure, State Teacher, 127<br />

Life-Span Development and Gerontology,<br />

Institute for, 210, 228<br />

Linguistic Studies, Certificate Program, 197<br />

Literacy, Center for, 208<br />

Loans, Student (see Financial Aid, 63)<br />

Location <strong>of</strong> campus, 13<br />

Lorain Community College, <strong>University</strong><br />

Partnership Program, 11<br />

M<br />

Management, Degree Program, 142<br />

Courses, 263<br />

Minor, 180<br />

Manual Communication, Certificate Program, 197<br />

Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Degree<br />

Programs, 78<br />

Courses, 225<br />

Marketing, Degree Programs, 143<br />

Certificate in Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Communication, 202<br />

Courses, 264<br />

Marketing Management, 143<br />

Minor in Sales Management, 184<br />

Marketing and Sales Technology, Degree Programs, 76<br />

Certificate Programs, 197<br />

Courses, 222<br />

Marketing and Sales Technology: Advertising, 198<br />

Marketing and Sales Technology:<br />

Web Site Development, 198<br />

Minor, 181<br />

Step-Up Program, 150<br />

Mass Media Communication (see Communication, 159)<br />

Materials Testing Technology, 198<br />

Mathematics, Associate Studies, 216<br />

Mathematical Sciences, Degree Programs, 110<br />

Cooperative Education, 111<br />

Courses, 237<br />

Minor, 181<br />

Maurice Morton Institute <strong>of</strong> Polymer Science, 210<br />

Meal Plans (see Residence Halls, 26)<br />

Mechanical Engineering, Degree Program, 122<br />

Motion and Control Specialization Certificate, 122<br />

Polymer Engineering Specialization Certificate, 122<br />

Courses, 252<br />

Mechanical Engineering Technology, Degree Programs, 78<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science, Degree Program, 70<br />

Courses, 225<br />

Mechanical Polymer Engineering, Degree Program, 122<br />

Courses, 253<br />

Medical Assisting Technology, Degree Program, 72<br />

Courses, 223<br />

Medical School<br />

(see B.S./M.D. Program, 117; and Northeast Ohio<br />

Universities College <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 168)<br />

Medical Transcriptionist, Certificate Program, 198<br />

Medical Studies, courses, 215<br />

Medicine, (see B.S./M.D., Degree Program, 117)<br />

Medina Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Center, 11<br />

Microbiology (see Biology Areas <strong>of</strong> Specialization, 104)<br />

Microscale Physiochemical Engineering Center<br />

(MPEC), 210<br />

Middle Level Education, Degree Programs, 128<br />

Courses, 256<br />

Military Credit, 47<br />

Military Science (Army ROTC), 98<br />

Courses, 214<br />

Minor, 181<br />

Minor Areas <strong>of</strong> Study, 172<br />

Addiction Services, 172<br />

American Politics, 172<br />

Anthropology, 172<br />

Art, 173<br />

Biology, 174<br />

Business Administration for Non-Business Majors, 174<br />

Business Management Technology, 174<br />

Chemistry, 174<br />

Classical Studies, 174<br />

Communication, 174<br />

Community Services Technology, 175<br />

Computer Information Systems, 175<br />

Computer Maintenance and Network Technology, 176<br />

Computer Science, 176<br />

Conflict Management, 176<br />

Consumer Marketing, 176<br />

Criminal Justice Technology, 177<br />

Dance, 177<br />

Database Marketing, 177<br />

Direct Interactive Marketing, 177<br />

Economics, 177<br />

English, 178<br />

Entrepreneurship, 178<br />

Family and Consumer Sciences, 179<br />

Finance for Business Majors, 179<br />

Financial Planning, 179<br />

Financial Services for Non-Business Majors, 179<br />

Fire Protection, 180<br />

Geography and Planning, 180<br />

Geology, 180<br />

History, 180<br />

Index <strong>2005</strong>-<strong>2006</strong> 317<br />

Hospitality Management, 180<br />

International Business, 180<br />

Management, 180<br />

Marketing and Sales Technology, 181<br />

Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, 181<br />

Military Studies: Aerospace Studies, 181<br />

Military Studies: Military Science, 181<br />

Modern Languages, 181<br />

Music, 181<br />

Office Administration, 181<br />

Paralegal Studies, 182<br />

Philosophy, 182<br />

Physics, 182<br />

Political Science, 183<br />

Politics <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security, 183<br />

Psychology, 183<br />

Sales Management, 184<br />

Sociology, 184<br />

Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 184<br />

Statistics, 184<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre Arts, 184<br />

Women’s Studies, 184<br />

Minority Affairs<br />

(see Multicultural Development, Office <strong>of</strong>, 11)<br />

Mission/Strategic Directions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>, 6<br />

Modern Languages, Degree Programs, 112<br />

Courses, 241<br />

French, 112, 242<br />

German, 112, 242<br />

Italian, 242<br />

Japanese, 242<br />

Latin, 241<br />

Minors, 181<br />

Russian, 242<br />

Spanish, 112, 243<br />

Motion Control Specialization, Certificate Program, 198<br />

Multicultural Development, Office <strong>of</strong>, 11<br />

Music, Degree Programs, 154<br />

Applied Music, 273<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Music, 154<br />

Composition, 157<br />

History and Literature, 157<br />

Jazz Studies, 157<br />

Music Education, 158<br />

Performance (varied emphases), 154-157<br />

Courses, 271<br />

Minor, 181<br />

Organizations, 272<br />

N<br />

Natatorium, Ocasek, 28<br />

National Guard, Special Reserve Programs, 99<br />

Natural Sciences, Division Major, 115<br />

New Student Orientation, 43<br />

Noncredit Programs (see <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Akron</strong><br />

Service Consortium)<br />

Non-payment, fees, 61<br />

Northeastern Ohio Universities<br />

College <strong>of</strong> Medicine (NEOUCOM), 168<br />

(see also B.S./M.D. Program, 117)<br />

Nursery, Pre-School (Center for Child Development, 32)<br />

Nursing, Center for, 209<br />

Nursing, College <strong>of</strong>, 163, 280<br />

Accelerated Option, 166<br />

Accreditation, 163<br />

Admission, 163<br />

Criteria for Direct Admission, 40<br />

Advancement Council, 312<br />

Agencies, 167<br />

Basic Baccalaureate Program, 165<br />

(Full- and Part-Time Options)<br />

Bypassed Credit, 47<br />

Course Materials Fee Schedule, 60<br />

Courses, 279<br />

Credit and Grade-Point Requirements for Graduation, 50<br />

Facilities and Equipment, 19<br />

Goals, 163<br />

L.P.N./B.S.N. Sequence, 167<br />

Mission, 163<br />

Philosophy, 163<br />

Reapplication, 164<br />

Requirements, 163<br />

Requirements for Graduation, 165<br />

R.N. Registered Nurse Sequence, 166<br />

Teaching Faculty, Full-Time, 306<br />

Transfer <strong>of</strong> Nursing Courses for Advanced Placement, 164

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