Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron

Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron


248 3850:Sociology 2005-2006 330 CRIMINOLOGY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100. Major focus on interrelationships and analysis of crimes, criminals, criminal justice systems and society. Lecture. 334 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Nature of social organization, social control; organizational typologies; theories of organizational structure, functions; analysis of complex organizations in a social system. Lecture. 335 SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis of the structure of such complex organizations as voluntary associations, business organizations and public bureaucracies, in relation to issues including organizational effectiveness, organizational design and change, job satisfaction and quality of work experience. Lecture. 336 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND OCCUPATIONS 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Survey of theory and empirical research in areas such as the structure of occupations and professions, occupational attainment, work force characteristics, work values and orientations, the nature of work. Lecture. 340 THE FAMILY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis of family as a social system; historical, comparative and contemporary sociological approaches examined in relation to family structure and functions. Lecture. 341 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Survey of theory and empirical research dealing with relationship between political phenomena and the larger network of social processes in human societies. Lecture. 342 SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH AND ILLNESS 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. General survey of sociological perspectives, concepts and research on health, illness and health-care delivery systems. Lecture. 343 THE SOCIOLOGY OF AGING 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Examination of process of aging from perspective of behavioral and sociological aspects. Lecture. 344 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Review of theories and research on origins, characteristics and changes in gender. An examination of gender as structure, process and experience in industrialized society. 345 FAMILY AND HEALTH 3 credits Prerequisites: 100 or permission. Survey of interrelationships between family structure and functioning and the health care system. Includes historical perspectives as well as current conditions. 350 DRUGS IN SOCIETY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100. This course is a survey, from a sociological perspective, of drug abuse, of the relationship between drugs and crime, and of various treatment strategies. 365 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY 1-3 credits (May be repeated) Prerequisite: permission. Special topics of interest to sociology major and non-major not covered in regular course offerings. 397 SOCIOLOGICAL READINGS AND RESEARCH 1-3 credits Prerequisite: permission. Individual study of problem area of specific interest to individual student under guidance of department member. Preparation of a research paper. 410/510 SOCIAL STRUCTURES AND PERSONALITY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Interrelationships between position in society, personality characteristics. Personality treated as both result and determinant of social structure and process. Lecture. 411/511 SOCIAL INTERACTION 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Intensive study of advanced theory and research in social psychology, particularly how social interaction and self-conception affect one another. Lecture. 412/512 SOCIALIZATION: CHILD TO ADULT 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Theoretical and empirical analysis of process by which infant, child, adolescent and adult learn social and cultural requirements necessary to function in new roles, changing roles and society in general. 421/521 RACIAL AND ETHNIC RELATIONS 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis of structure and dynamics of race and ethnic relations from a variety of perspectives emphasizing both historical and contemporary issues. Lecture. 423/523 SOCIOLOGY OF WOMEN 3 credits Prerequisites: 100 or permission of instructor. Examination of research and theories pertaining to women’s status in society, including economic conditions, the relationship between structure and experience, and other gender-related issues. 425/525 SOCIOLOGY OF URBAN LIFE 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Emergence and development of urban society. Examination of urban social structure from neighborhood to metropolis, the problems and prospects. Emphasis on various life styles of urban subcultures. Lecture/discussion. 428/528 THE VICTIM IN SOCIETY 3 credits Prerequisites: 100 or permission of instructor. Study of the nature, causes, and consequences of victimization with special focus on crime victimization. 430/530 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis of social structure and process from which delinquency develops. Emphasis on current and past research. Lecture/discussion. 431/531 CORRECTIONS 3 credits Prerequisites: 330 or 430. Theories, beliefs and practices of community and institutional corrections systems, including past and current social research. Course taken prior to 3 credit hour Field Placement in Corrections (3850:471). 433/533 SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR 3 credits Prerequisites: 100 and at least six additional credits of sociology courses or permission. Survey of theories of deviant behavior and relevant empirical research. Special emphasis given to interaction processes and social control. Lecture. 441/541 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW 3 credits Prerequisites: 100 and at least six additional credits of sociology courses or permission. Social origins and consequences of law and legal processes. Emphasis on uses of law, social change and aspects of legal professions. Lecture. 444/544 SOCIAL ISSUES IN AGING 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. A look into the major issues and problems facing older persons. Special attention is given to the unmet needs of the elderly as well as an examination of current societal policy and programs to meet these needs. 450/550 SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL ILLNESS 3 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. The social history of the mental hospital, theories and epidemiology of mental illness, community-based treatment models, the organization of mental health services, the role of personal social networks and mutual support groups. 455/555 FAMILY VIOLENCE 3 credits Prerequisite: 100. Family violence with a focus on child abuse, courtship violence, spouse/partner abuse, and elder abuse. Theories, methodologies, and strategies to end family violence are explored. 460/560 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 4 credits Prerequisite: 100 or permission. An overview and examination of theoretical issues in sociology through the study of both classical and contemporary theoretical work. 471 FIELD PLACEMENT IN CORRECTIONS 3 credits Prerequisite: 431. Placement in selected community or institutional agency. Minimum 80 hours. Student must receive permission from instructor for placement. 495 FIELD INTERNSHIP 2-4 credits (May be repeated for a total of nine credits) Prerequisites: permission of a faculty supervisor. Placement in community organization for supervised experience related to degree requirement. Student must submit an application to the intern coordinator during semester prior to enrollment. 496 SENIOR HONORS PROJECT 1-3 credits (May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: enrollment in Honors College and senior standing, and major in sociology or sociology/anthropology. Thesis or original creative work appropriate to student’s area of interest. Requirements and evaluation of project determined by departmental honors preceptor and student’s honors project advisor.

College of Engineering GENERAL ENGINEERING 4100: 110 WOMEN IN ENGINEERING SEMINAR AND PEER GROUPS 1 credit Beginning women students may elect this one-credit course that provides an overview of the career opportunities for women in engineering. The course utilizes dynamic speakers to reinforce the student’s educational and career choices. Small groups meet weekly, led by an upperclass engineering student. This interactive peer environment fosters personal development for first-year students. 120 MINORITY ENGINEERING SEMINAR AND PEER GROUPS 1 credit Provides overview of disciplines/opportunities in engineering through dynamic speakers, tours, and group discussions. Reinforces educational/career choices and provides role models of successful minority engineers. 203 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 3 credits Science and engineering fundamentals required to understand environmental issues and alternative solutions. Not for engineering, chemistry, or physics majors. 300 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION WORK PERIOD 0 credit Elective for cooperative education student who has completed sophomore year. Practice in industry and comprehensive written reports of this experience. 301 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION WORK PERIOD 0 credit Required for cooperative education student only. Practice in industry and comprehensive written reports of this experience. Offered spring semester of third year. 302 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION WORK PERIOD 0 credit Required for cooperative education student only. Practice in industry and comprehensive written reports of this experience. Offered fall semester of fourth year. 403 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION WORK PERIOD 0 credit Required for cooperative education student only. Practice in industry and comprehensive written reports of this experience. Offered summer after fourth year. CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING 4200: 101 TOOLS FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2 credits Corequisites: 110 and 3450:149. Introduction to Chemical Engineering. Basic concepts of engineering practice. Introduction to professional level software including process simulation, control design, spreadsheets, mathematical computation, and process flow graphics. 110 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TEAMWORK I 1 credit Teams freshmen through senior Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduates on a design team working on a realistic chemical engineering problem. Develops teamwork, communications, presentation, project management and information technology skills. 121 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 2 credits Prerequisites: 101 or permission. Computer programming language, flowcharting, introductory simulation and introductory numerical analysis. 194 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN I 1 credit Prerequisites: 4200:101 and permission. Individual or group project under faculty supervision. Introduction to chemical engineering processes and modern design technology. Written report is required. 200 MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCES 4 credits Prerequisites: 121, 3450:221 and 3150:154. Introduction to material, energy balance calculations applied to solution of chemical problems. 210 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TEAMWORK II 1 credit Prerequisite: 110. Teams freshmen through senior Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduates on a design team working on a realistic chemical engineering problem. Develops teamwork, communications, presentation, project management and information technology skills. 225 EQUILIBRIUM THERMODYNAMICS 4 credits Prerequisites: 200 and 3450:223. Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, applications, comprehensive treatment of pure and mixed fluids. Phase and chemical equilibria, flow processes, power production and refrigeration processes covered. 294 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN II 1-2 credits Prerequisites: 121, 200 and permission. Supervised individual or group design project. Analysis of multi-unit process using simulation and/or experimental techniques. Written report and oral presentation required. 305 MATERIALS SCIENCE 2 credits Prerequisites: 3150:153 and 3650:292 and junior standing. Structure, processing and properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. Special topics, such as composites, corrosion and wear. 4100:General Engineering 2005-2006 249 310 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TEAMWORK III 1credit Prerequisite: 210. Teams freshmen through senior Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduates on a design team working on a realistic chemical engineering problem. Develops teamwork, communications, presentation, project management and information technology skills. 321 TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 3 credits Prerequisites: 200 and 3450:223. Constitutive equations for momentum, energy and mass transfer. Development of microscopic and macroscopic momentum, energy and mass transfer equations for binary systems. Analogy and dimensionless analysis. Problems and applications in unit operations of chemical engineering. 330 CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING 3 credits Prerequisite: 225. Nonequilibrium processes including chemical reaction mechanisms, rate equations and ideal reactor design applied to homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. 341 PROCESS ECONOMICS 2 credits Prerequisite: 200. Theory and application of engineering economy to multi-unit processes. Cost estimation, time value of money, profit analysis, decision making and introduction to project management. 351 FLUID AND THERMAL OPERATIONS 3 credits Prerequisite: 321. Applications of fluid mechanics including piping, pumping, compression, metering, agitation and separations. Applications of heart transfer by conduction, convection and radiation to design of process equipment. 353 MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS 3 credits Prerequisites: 225 and C- or above in 200. Theory and design of staged operations including distillation, extraction, absorption. Theory and design of continuous mass transfer devices. 360 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY 3 credits Prerequisites: 330, 351, 353. Comprehensive experiments in combined heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, and reaction kinetics. Data collection and analysis. Comprehensive reports in various formats. 394 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN III 1-3 credits Prerequisites: 351 and permission. Supervised individual or group design project. Develop, evaluate and design feasible solutions to an open-ended problem pertinent to chemical engineering. Written report and oral presentation required. 408 POLYMER ENGINEERING 3 credits Prerequisite: permission or senior standing. Commercial polymerization, materials selection and property modification, polymer processing, applied rheology and classification of polymer industry. 410 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TEAMWORK IV 1 credit Prerequisite: 310. Teams freshmen through senior Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduates on a design team working on a realistic chemical engineering problem. Develops teamwork, communications, presentation, project management and information technology skills. 421/521 FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIPHASE TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 3 credits Prerequisite: 4200:321 Transport Phenomena or equivalent, and instructor permission. Major topics to be covered: Intraphase and interphase transport phenomena, Transport phenomena in multiphase fluids, Transport in Porous Media, Transport in Gas/liquid pipe flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics of multiphase systems, and Case studies. 435 PROCESS ANALYSIS AND CONTROL 3 credits Prerequisites: 330, 353. Response of simple and chemical processes and design of appropriate control systems. 438 ENERGY INTEGRATION 3 credits Prerequisite: 351. This course uses Pinch Design formalism to present the core energy integration tools for energy and area targeting, and tools for integration of reactors, distillation columns, and heat pumps. 441 PROCESS DESIGN I 3 credits Prerequisites: 330, 351, 353. Application of chemical engineering fundamentals to the design of a multi-unit process. Emphasis on use of process simulators. Advanced equipment design, oral and written communication skills and teamwork. 442 PROCESS DESIGN II 3 credits Prerequisite: 441 or permission.Teaches methods of process conceptualization, preliminary optimization. Specific topics include: chemical process design methodology, design heuristics, energy integration, and process safety review. 450 CHEMICAL PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 3 credits Prerequisite: senior standing or permission. Introduction to the strategies and processes used to design and development new chemical products from the idea stage through manufacturing. 461/561 SOLIDS PROCESSING 3 credits Prerequisites: 321 and 353 or permission. Comprehensive problems in sedimentation, fluidization, drying and other operations involving mechanics of particulate solids in liquid and gas continua. 462 INDUSTRIAL ENZYME TECHNOLOGY 3 credits Prerequisites: 330 and 351. Application of chemical engineering to biological processes involving enzymes and their industrial applications. Special emphasis given to the kinetics, control, design, and process economics aspects. 463/563 POLLUTION CONTROL 3 credits Prerequisite: 353 or permission. Air and water pollution sources and problems. Engineering aspects and methodology. 466/566 DIGITIZED DATA AND SIMULATION 3 credits Prerequisite: permission. Data acquisition and analysis by digital devices, digital control applications and design. 470/570 ELECTROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING 3 credits Prerequisites: 322, 330. Chemical engineering principles as applied to the study of electrode processes and to the design of electrochemical reactors. Topics include electrochemical thermodynamics, cell polarizations, Faraday’s Laws, electrode kinetics, transport processes in electrochemical systems, current distributions, reactor design, experimental methods, commercial processes, and batteries and fuel cells. 471 FUEL ENGINEERING 3 credits Prerequisite: 330 or permission of instructor. Topics related to clean liquid and solid fuels technology. Special emphasis given to design, system analysis, environmental impacts, and novel technologies.

248 3850:Sociology <strong>2005</strong>-<strong>2006</strong><br />

330 CRIMINOLOGY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100. Major focus on interrelationships and analysis <strong>of</strong> crimes, criminals, criminal<br />

justice systems and society. Lecture.<br />

334 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Nature <strong>of</strong> social organization, social control; organizational<br />

typologies; theories <strong>of</strong> organizational structure, functions; analysis <strong>of</strong> complex organizations in a<br />

social system. Lecture.<br />


Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> such complex organizations as voluntary<br />

associations, business organizations and public bureaucracies, in relation to issues including<br />

organizational effectiveness, organizational design and change, job satisfaction and quality <strong>of</strong><br />

work experience. Lecture.<br />


Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Survey <strong>of</strong> theory and empirical research in areas such as the<br />

structure <strong>of</strong> occupations and pr<strong>of</strong>essions, occupational attainment, work force characteristics,<br />

work values and orientations, the nature <strong>of</strong> work. Lecture.<br />

340 THE FAMILY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis <strong>of</strong> family as a social system; historical, comparative<br />

and contemporary sociological approaches examined in relation to family structure and functions.<br />

Lecture.<br />

341 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Survey <strong>of</strong> theory and empirical research dealing with relationship<br />

between political phenomena and the larger network <strong>of</strong> social processes in human societies.<br />

Lecture.<br />


Prerequisite: 100 or permission. General survey <strong>of</strong> sociological perspectives, concepts and<br />

research on health, illness and health-care delivery systems. Lecture.<br />

343 THE SOCIOLOGY OF AGING 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Examination <strong>of</strong> process <strong>of</strong> aging from perspective <strong>of</strong> behavioral<br />

and sociological aspects. Lecture.<br />

344 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Review <strong>of</strong> theories and research on origins, characteristics and<br />

changes in gender. An examination <strong>of</strong> gender as structure, process and experience in industrialized<br />

society.<br />

345 FAMILY AND HEALTH 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 100 or permission. Survey <strong>of</strong> interrelationships between family structure and<br />

functioning and the health care system. Includes historical perspectives as well as current<br />

conditions.<br />

350 DRUGS IN SOCIETY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100. This course is a survey, from a sociological perspective, <strong>of</strong> drug abuse, <strong>of</strong><br />

the relationship between drugs and crime, and <strong>of</strong> various treatment strategies.<br />

365 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY 1-3 credits<br />

(May be repeated) Prerequisite: permission. Special topics <strong>of</strong> interest to sociology major and<br />

non-major not covered in regular course <strong>of</strong>ferings.<br />


Prerequisite: permission. Individual study <strong>of</strong> problem area <strong>of</strong> specific interest to individual student<br />

under guidance <strong>of</strong> department member. Preparation <strong>of</strong> a research paper.<br />


Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Interrelationships between position in society, personality characteristics.<br />

Personality treated as both result and determinant <strong>of</strong> social structure and process.<br />

Lecture.<br />

411/511 SOCIAL INTERACTION 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Intensive study <strong>of</strong> advanced theory and research in social psychology,<br />

particularly how social interaction and self-conception affect one another. Lecture.<br />

412/512 SOCIALIZATION: CHILD TO ADULT 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. <strong>The</strong>oretical and empirical analysis <strong>of</strong> process by which infant,<br />

child, adolescent and adult learn social and cultural requirements necessary to function in new<br />

roles, changing roles and society in general.<br />

421/521 RACIAL AND ETHNIC RELATIONS 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis <strong>of</strong> structure and dynamics <strong>of</strong> race and ethnic relations<br />

from a variety <strong>of</strong> perspectives emphasizing both historical and contemporary issues. Lecture.<br />

423/523 SOCIOLOGY OF WOMEN 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 100 or permission <strong>of</strong> instructor. Examination <strong>of</strong> research and theories pertaining to<br />

women’s status in society, including economic conditions, the relationship between structure<br />

and experience, and other gender-related issues.<br />

425/525 SOCIOLOGY OF URBAN LIFE 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Emergence and development <strong>of</strong> urban society. Examination <strong>of</strong><br />

urban social structure from neighborhood to metropolis, the problems and prospects. Emphasis<br />

on various life styles <strong>of</strong> urban subcultures. Lecture/discussion.<br />

428/528 THE VICTIM IN SOCIETY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 100 or permission <strong>of</strong> instructor. Study <strong>of</strong> the nature, causes, and consequences <strong>of</strong><br />

victimization with special focus on crime victimization.<br />

430/530 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. Analysis <strong>of</strong> social structure and process from which delinquency<br />

develops. Emphasis on current and past research. Lecture/discussion.<br />

431/531 CORRECTIONS 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 330 or 430. <strong>The</strong>ories, beliefs and practices <strong>of</strong> community and institutional corrections<br />

systems, including past and current social research. Course taken prior to 3 credit hour<br />

Field Placement in Corrections (3850:471).<br />

433/533 SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 100 and at least six additional credits <strong>of</strong> sociology courses or permission. Survey<br />

<strong>of</strong> theories <strong>of</strong> deviant behavior and relevant empirical research. Special emphasis given to interaction<br />

processes and social control. Lecture.<br />

441/541 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 100 and at least six additional credits <strong>of</strong> sociology courses or permission. Social<br />

origins and consequences <strong>of</strong> law and legal processes. Emphasis on uses <strong>of</strong> law, social change<br />

and aspects <strong>of</strong> legal pr<strong>of</strong>essions. Lecture.<br />

444/544 SOCIAL ISSUES IN AGING 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. A look into the major issues and problems facing older persons.<br />

Special attention is given to the unmet needs <strong>of</strong> the elderly as well as an examination <strong>of</strong> current<br />

societal policy and programs to meet these needs.<br />

450/550 SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL ILLNESS 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. <strong>The</strong> social history <strong>of</strong> the mental hospital, theories and epidemiology<br />

<strong>of</strong> mental illness, community-based treatment models, the organization <strong>of</strong> mental health<br />

services, the role <strong>of</strong> personal social networks and mutual support groups.<br />

455/555 FAMILY VIOLENCE 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100. Family violence with a focus on child abuse, courtship violence, spouse/partner<br />

abuse, and elder abuse. <strong>The</strong>ories, methodologies, and strategies to end family violence are<br />

explored.<br />

460/560 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 4 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 100 or permission. An overview and examination <strong>of</strong> theoretical issues in sociology<br />

through the study <strong>of</strong> both classical and contemporary theoretical work.<br />


Prerequisite: 431. Placement in selected community or institutional agency. Minimum 80<br />

hours. Student must receive permission from instructor for placement.<br />

495 FIELD INTERNSHIP 2-4 credits<br />

(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> nine credits) Prerequisites: permission <strong>of</strong> a faculty supervisor.<br />

Placement in community organization for supervised experience related to degree requirement.<br />

Student must submit an application to the intern coordinator during semester prior to enrollment.<br />

496 SENIOR HONORS PROJECT 1-3 credits<br />

(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> six credits) Prerequisites: enrollment in Honors College and<br />

senior standing, and major in sociology or sociology/anthropology. <strong>The</strong>sis or original creative<br />

work appropriate to student’s area <strong>of</strong> interest. Requirements and evaluation <strong>of</strong> project determined<br />

by departmental honors preceptor and student’s honors project advisor.

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