Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron

Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron Calendar 2005-2006 - The University of Akron


222 2520:Marketing and Sales Technology 2005-2006 MARKETING AND SALES TECHNOLOGY 2520: 101 ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING TECHNOLOGY 3 credits Survey of marketing including its environment, buyer behavior, target market selection, product decision, distribution decisions, promotion decisions, pricing decisions and marketing management. 202 RETAILING FUNDAMENTALS 3 credits Presents basic principles and practices of retailing operations, including site selection, buying, pricing and promotion practices. Use is made of extensive projects and investigations and actual retail operations. 203 PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING 3 credits Prerequisite: 101 or 6600:300. Focuses on the principles and functions of advertising, creation and evaluation of advertisements, research of target market, message selection strategy and media placement options. 204 SERVICES MARKETING 3 credits Prerequisites: 103 and 212. Corequisites: 202. Focuses on quality customer service and its role in marketing. Evaluation of customers’ needs and expectations, interpretation of customer data and creation of service strategies. 206 RETAIL PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING 3 credits Prerequisite: 202. Studio course in retail display and promotion techniques. Window, interior and point of purchase categories; principles of design as applied to commercial art; function in visual design, elements of design, color theory, lettering, printing process, layout to camera-ready art. 211 MATHEMATICS OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTION 3 credits Prerequisite: 2420:170. Basic course dealing with merchandising mathematics. Includes understanding markup types, retail method of inventory (sales and stock planning), and opento-buy computations. 212 PRINCIPLES OF SALES 3 credits Prerequisite: 101. Study of basic principles of selling, emphasizing individual demonstrations and sales projects. Includes review of sales function as integral part of marketing process. 221 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 3 credits Prerequisite: 103. Student will prepare an advertising campaign for a product assigned by the AAF. The campaign may be entered in the AAF national contest. 240 MARKETING INTERNSHIP 3 credits Prerequisite: 101, 103, 202 and 212. On-the-job work experience in a marketing environment in which students apply learned skills and concepts to practical business situations. Periodic reports and projects required as appropriate. 254 SALES MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY 3 credits Prerequisite: 212 and 2030:151. Process relating to the formulation, implementation and control of a strategic sales program. Students will learn how to select, evaluate and motivate a sales force. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: MARKETING AND SALES 1-3 credits (May be repeated for a total of four credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in sales and merchandising. MEDICAL CARE OFFICE MANAGEMENT 2530: 241 HEALTH INFORMATION AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT 3 credits This course provides a general understanding of health information management including the effective collection, analysis, and dissemination of quality data to support individual, organization and social decisions related to disease prevention and patient care. 242 MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 3 credits Prerequisite: 2470:120. This course focuses on the health care workplace and emphasizes tools (including a computer-simulated office management program) to perform all front office responsibilities. 284 MEDICAL OFFICE TECHNIQUES 2 credits Prerequisite: 2470:120. This course will guide the student through a variety of clinical-related skills performed in the physician office. The materials are designed to assist the student in meeting the competencies developed by four national organizations. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: HEALTH CARE OFFICE MANAGEMENT 1-4 credits (May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in health care office management. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 2540: 118 EXPLORING THE INTERNET 2 credits Prerequisite: 2440:101 or equivalent. Use of the Internet for conducting research and job searches, using e-mail, accessing personal and business information, and setting up and maintaining a web page. 119 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 credits Prerequisite: placement test. Fundamentals of English language with emphasis on grammatical correctness, acceptable usage, spelling and punctuation. Limited writing primarily involves choice of precise words and effective sentence structure with some attention to paragraph development. 121 INTRODUCTION TO OFFICE PROCEDURES 3 credits Prerequisite: 143 and basic typing skills. Introduction to concepts regarding the role of the office worker, human relations, communications, productivity, reference materials, technological advances in processing information and employment opportunities. 129 INFORMATION/RECORDS MANAGEMENT 3 credits Overview of records used in business. Includes filing procedures, equipment, supplies, classification systems, alphabetic rules, electronic database systems, and management and control of records systems. 140 KEYBOARDING FOR NON-MAJORS 2 credits Beginning keyboarding for the non-secretarial student. Fundamentals in the operation of the keyboard; application emphasis on individual student needs such as resumes, application letters and forms, term reports, abstracting, etc. Credit not applicable toward associate degree in Office Administration. 143 MICROSOFT WORD, BEGINNING 2 credits Prerequisite: 140 or permission. Introduction to word processing software for the non-office Administration major. Training on personal computers as a tool for personal/business communications using Microsoft Word software. 144 MICROSOFT WORD, ADVANCED 2 credits Prerequisite: 143. Intermediate and advanced skills of Microsoft Word to include tables, importation of spreadsheets, outlines, advanced file management, macros, merges, labels and graphics. 150 BEGINNING KEYBOARDING 3 credits For the beginning student or one who desires a review of fundamentals. Includes basic keyboard, letters, tables and manuscripts. Minimum requirement: 30 wpm with a maximum of 5 errors for 5 minutes. (Wayne campus only) 151 INTERMEDIATE WORD PROCESSING 3 credits Prerequisite: 143 and basic typing skills. Further development of keyboarding skill. Advanced letter styles, forms, reports and tables. Minimum requirement: 40 wpm with a maximum of 5 errors for 5 minutes. 241 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 3 credits Prerequisite: 150 or equivalent and basic typing skills. Study of creation, classification, encoding, transmission, storage, retention, transfer and disposition of information. Emphasis on written, oral and machine language communication media used in business information systems. Offered at Wayne campus only. 243 INTERNSHIP 3 credits Prerequisites: 119; 121; 129; 253; 263; 270; and 281. Work experience in an office environment related to the student’s degree major. Application of office administration skills and knowledge. 253 ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING 3 credits Prerequisites: 151. To increase student’s ability to do office-style documents on the computer with minimal supervision. Minimum requirement: 50 wpm with a maximum of 5 errors for 5 minutes. 255 LEGAL OFFICE PROCEDURES I 3 credits Prerequisite: 151. Concentration on ethics, responsibilities, and document production for the career legal secretary. (Wayne campus only) 263 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 3 credits Prerequisites: 2020:121 or permission. Application of the principles of communication in speeches, business presentations, group discussions and business documents. 265 WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT 3 credits Deals with gender-related needs and problems of women in management and supervision. 270 BUSINESS SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS 4 credits Prerequisite: 2440:101,102,103, 2540:140 or placement test or permission; Wayne College students — 2440:125, 2540:241, 253. Use of business application software and critical thinking skills to solve business problems. Word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation software, integration of applications, and the Internet. 271 DESKTOP PUBLISHING 3 credits Prerequisites: 140 or permission. Desktop Publishing software used to create printed materials such as newsletters, brochures and forms. Course addresses design/layout decision and editing skills for the office worker. 273 COMPUTER-BASED GRAPHIC PRESENTATION 3 credits Prerequisites:7600:105 or 106 and 2540:143. An introduction to the basic principles of preparation, design, and organization necessary to produce exciting and effective computerized graphic presentations. Current graphic software will be taught. 281 EDITING/PROOFREADING/TRANSCRIPTION 3 credits Prerequisites: 119,151. Editing and proofreading skills emphasized on the transcription of taped dictation with emphasis on producing mailable documents on word processing software. 289 CAREER DEVELOPMENT FOR BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS 2 credits Fundamentals of job search technique, professional image development and personal and interpersonal dynamics within the business environment. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 1-3 credits (May be repeated for a total of four credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in office administration. MEDICAL ASSISTING 2740: 120 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 3 credits Study of language used in medicine. 121 STUDY OF DISEASE PROCESSES 3 credits Prerequisite: 120. Study of diseases of major body systems. 122 EMERGENCY RESPONDER I 1credit This course explores how the medical/professional responder should react to medical emergencies.

126 ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL ASSISTING I 4 credits Theory and practice in administrative competencies such as legal and ethical concepts, professionalism, telephone skills, scheduling and managing appointments, organizing/filing the patient's medical record. 127 ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL ASSISTING II 4 credits Prerequisite: 126. Theory and practice in competencies including financial administration utilizing computerized billing software program. Posting, encounter forms, claims, statements, and aging of accounts will be generated. 135 CLINICAL MEDICAL ASSISTING I 4 credits Prerequisite: 125. Introduction to medical laboratory, theories and procedures essential for a medical assistant’s career. 226 MEDICAL BILLING 4 credits Prerequisite: 120. Theory and practice in maintaining the patient financial/medical record, diagnosis and procedural coding, electronic data interchange, filing insurance claim forms, and collection. 230 BASIC PHARMACOLOGY 3 credits Overview of drugs used in a medical setting 235 CLINICAL MEDICAL ASSISTING II 4 credits Prerequisites: 125, 135. Advanced medical laboratory theories and practices essential for a medical assistant’s career. 240 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION I 3 credits Prerequisites: 2540:119, 151; 120. Designed to correlate word processing and typing skills necessary for the transcription of a physician’s dictation. 245 MEDICAL EXTERNSHIP 4 credits Prerequisites: 2030:130; 2440:103; 2540:151, 256; 2780:106, 107; 2740:120, 125, 135, 235, 2302.0 accumulative GPA; permission from Medical Assisting Program Director. Corequisites: 121, 240, 241; 2420:211; other courses required for program completion. A seminar course including 200 hours of practical experience in ambulatory medicine where the student can apply administrative/clinical procedures with actual patient contact. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: MEDICAL ASSISTING 1-2 credits Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or workshops of interest in medical assisting technology. RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY 2760: 161 PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY I 2 credits Prerequisites: 2030:130 or 2030:151 and permission. Introduction to systems of measurement. Matter, force, motion, work, power, energy, basic electricity, and magnetism. 165 RADIOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLES I 3 credits Sequential. Prerequisite: 161. Elementary principles of ionizing radiation and their application in medical setting. Radiographic accessories and chemical processing of exposed x-ray film. 261 PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY II 3 credits Prerequisite: 161. Fundamentals of electricity and radiation physics. Principles of x-ray equipment and other radiation sources used in medical setting. SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 2770: 100 INTRODUCTION TO SURGICAL ASSISTING TECHNOLOGY 4 credits Prerequisite: admission to the program. Study of basic principles which underlie patient care in the operating room. Role of operating room technician and legal and ethical responsibilities defined. 221 SURGICAL ASSISTING PROCEDURES 4 credits Prerequisite: Admission to the program. Corequisite: 100. Covers principles and practices of surgical asepsis, surgical patients, procedures, maintenance of equipment and materials, immediate postoperative responsibilities and emergency situations in the operating room. 222 SURGICAL ASSISTING PROCEDURES II 4 credits Prerequisite: 121. Corequisite: 232. Principles of surgical asepsis, surgical patients, surgical procedures, maintenance of equipment and materials, immediate postoperative responsibilities and emergency situations in the operating room. 231 CLINICAL APPLICATION I 2 credits Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Surgical Technology Program. Corequisites: 100 and 121. Student assigned to surgical service of affiliated hospitals. Emphasis on aseptic techniques and skills associated with their implementation. 232 CLINICAL APPLICATION II 5 credits Prerequisite: 131; corequisite: 222. Student assigned to surgical service of affiliated hospitals. Emphasis on “scrubbing” on general surgery and gynecology procedures. 233 CLINICAL APPLICATION III 5 credits Prerequisites: 232 and 222. Student assigned to surgical service of affiliated hospitals. Emphasis on “scrubbing” in the specialty areas. 248 SURGICAL ANATOMY I 3 credits Prerequisites: 2780:107 and 120. Corequisite: 100. Emphasis on human anatomy and understanding the body in its three dimensions and the relationships of parts to one another in the various surgical specialties. 249 SURGICAL ANATOMY II 3 credits Prerequisite: 148. Emphasis on human anatomy and understanding the body in its three-dimensions and the relationships of parts to one another in the various surgical specialties. 2820:General Technology 2005-2006 223 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: SURGICAL ASSISTING 1-2 credits Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or workshops of interest in surgical assisting technology. ALLIED HEALTH 2780: 106, 107 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY FOR ALLIED HEALTH I, II 3 credits each Prerequisite: permission. Introduction to the study of human structure and function. No laboratory. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: ALLIED HEALTH 1-2 credits (May be repeated for a total of four credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in allied health. RESPIRATORY CARE 2790: 121 INTRODUCTION TO RESPIRATORY CARE 3 credits Prerequisite: admission to program. Basic science and laws governing gases as well as appliances to administer and monitor oxygen. Covers equipment used to generate and give aerosol therapy. Lecture/laboratory. 122 RESPIRATORY PATIENT CARE 3 credits Prerequisites: 2780:106 (or equivalent) 2790:121. Corequisite: 2780:107 (or equivalent). Covers basic hospital practices in sterile technique, suctioning and postural drainage. Lecture/laboratory. 123 MECHANICAL VENTILATORS 3 credits Prerequisite: 122, 131, 141. Introduction to different brands of ventilators and their functions. Airway and airway complications. 131 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS I 3 credits Prerequisites: 121, 2780:106. Corequisite: 2780:107. Full admission to the program. (Implies the student has a clinical space. Students identified as Alternates do not have a clinical space.) Introduction to work in hospital and hands-on experience on hospital equipment. Laboratory. 132 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS II 2 credits Prerequisites: 122, 131, 141, 2780:107 (or equivalent). First of several rotations through hospitals. Mechanical ventilation is stressed. 133 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS III 5 credits Prerequisites: 123, 132, 201. Semester is broken into three, five-week rotations, one at each hospital to cover specialty area for that site. Laboratory. 134 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IV 5 credits Prerequisites: 133, 223, 242. Semester has three, five-week sessions. They will be spent at different clinical sites working on their specialty areas. Laboratory. 141 PHARMACOLOGY 2 credits Corequisites: 2820:105 and 3100:130. Drugs administered by respiratory therapy and effect, route of action in the body. Lecture. 201 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEMS 3 credits Prerequisite: 2780:107 (or equivalent). Study of normal anatomy and physiology of heart and lungs. Lecture. 223 ADVANCED RESPIRATORY CARE 3 credits Prerequisites: 123, 201. Covers EKG, Pulmonary functions, research studies and radioactive pulmonary function studies. Lecture/laboratory. 224 PULMONARY REHABILITATION AND THE RESPIRATORY 2 credits CARE DEPARTMENT Prerequisites: 223, 242. Covers area of pulmonary rehabilitation. Includes essentials of establishing a respiratory therapy department. Lecture/laboratory. 242 PATHOLOGY FOR RESPIRATORY CARE 3 credits Prerequisites: 201, 3100:130. Discussion of disease processes, diseases of lung and heart, their effect on respiratory therapy. 290 SPECIAL TOPICS: RESPIRATORY CARE- 3 credits (May be repeated for a maximum of three credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in respiratory therapy technology. GENERAL TECHNOLOGY 2820: 100 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 2 credits This introductory course stresses skills needed for academic success. Discussion of fields in engineering technology, job searches, calculators and data measurement and analysis are included. 105 BASIC CHEMISTRY 3 credits Prerequisite: 1020:052 or one year of high school mathematics and placement test. Elementary treatment of facts and principles of chemistry emphasizing biological application. Elements and compounds important in everyday life, biological processes and medicine. Introduction to laboratory techniques. Primarily for medical assistant, criminal justice and allied health students. Laboratory. 111 INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY 3 credits Corequisite: 2030:152. Facts and theories of general chemistry. Elements and compounds and their uses. Elementary treatment of atomic structure, gaseous state, periodic table, water, solutions. Laboratory.

222 2520:Marketing and Sales Technology <strong>2005</strong>-<strong>2006</strong><br />



2520:<br />


Survey <strong>of</strong> marketing including its environment, buyer behavior, target market selection, product decision,<br />

distribution decisions, promotion decisions, pricing decisions and marketing management.<br />

202 RETAILING FUNDAMENTALS 3 credits<br />

Presents basic principles and practices <strong>of</strong> retailing operations, including site selection, buying,<br />

pricing and promotion practices. Use is made <strong>of</strong> extensive projects and investigations and actual<br />

retail operations.<br />


Prerequisite: 101 or 6600:300. Focuses on the principles and functions <strong>of</strong> advertising, creation<br />

and evaluation <strong>of</strong> advertisements, research <strong>of</strong> target market, message selection strategy and<br />

media placement options.<br />

204 SERVICES MARKETING 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 103 and 212. Corequisites: 202. Focuses on quality customer service and its role<br />

in marketing. Evaluation <strong>of</strong> customers’ needs and expectations, interpretation <strong>of</strong> customer data<br />

and creation <strong>of</strong> service strategies.<br />


Prerequisite: 202. Studio course in retail display and promotion techniques. Window, interior and<br />

point <strong>of</strong> purchase categories; principles <strong>of</strong> design as applied to commercial art; function in visual<br />

design, elements <strong>of</strong> design, color theory, lettering, printing process, layout to camera-ready art.<br />


Prerequisite: 2420:170. Basic course dealing with merchandising mathematics. Includes<br />

understanding markup types, retail method <strong>of</strong> inventory (sales and stock planning), and opento-buy<br />

computations.<br />

212 PRINCIPLES OF SALES 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 101. Study <strong>of</strong> basic principles <strong>of</strong> selling, emphasizing individual demonstrations and<br />

sales projects. Includes review <strong>of</strong> sales function as integral part <strong>of</strong> marketing process.<br />

221 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 103. Student will prepare an advertising campaign for a product assigned by the<br />

AAF. <strong>The</strong> campaign may be entered in the AAF national contest.<br />

240 MARKETING INTERNSHIP 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 101, 103, 202 and 212. On-the-job work experience in a marketing environment in<br />

which students apply learned skills and concepts to practical business situations. Periodic<br />

reports and projects required as appropriate.<br />


Prerequisite: 212 and 2030:151. Process relating to the formulation, implementation and<br />

control <strong>of</strong> a strategic sales program. Students will learn how to select, evaluate and motivate a<br />

sales force.<br />


(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> four credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> interest in sales and merchandising.<br />



2530:<br />


This course provides a general understanding <strong>of</strong> health information management including the<br />

effective collection, analysis, and dissemination <strong>of</strong> quality data to support individual, organization<br />

and social decisions related to disease prevention and patient care.<br />


Prerequisite: 2470:120. This course focuses on the health care workplace and emphasizes tools<br />

(including a computer-simulated <strong>of</strong>fice management program) to perform all front <strong>of</strong>fice responsibilities.<br />


Prerequisite: 2470:120. This course will guide the student through a variety <strong>of</strong> clinical-related<br />

skills performed in the physician <strong>of</strong>fice. <strong>The</strong> materials are designed to assist the student in meeting<br />

the competencies developed by four national organizations.<br />


(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> six credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> interest in health care <strong>of</strong>fice management.<br />


2540:<br />

118 EXPLORING THE INTERNET 2 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 2440:101 or equivalent. Use <strong>of</strong> the Internet for conducting research and job searches,<br />

using e-mail, accessing personal and business information, and setting up and maintaining a<br />

web page.<br />

119 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: placement test. Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> English language with emphasis on grammatical<br />

correctness, acceptable usage, spelling and punctuation. Limited writing primarily involves<br />

choice <strong>of</strong> precise words and effective sentence structure with some attention to paragraph<br />

development.<br />


Prerequisite: 143 and basic typing skills. Introduction to concepts regarding the role <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

worker, human relations, communications, productivity, reference materials, technological<br />

advances in processing information and employment opportunities.<br />


Overview <strong>of</strong> records used in business. Includes filing procedures, equipment, supplies, classification<br />

systems, alphabetic rules, electronic database systems, and management and control <strong>of</strong><br />

records systems.<br />

140 KEYBOARDING FOR NON-MAJORS 2 credits<br />

Beginning keyboarding for the non-secretarial student. Fundamentals in the operation <strong>of</strong> the keyboard;<br />

application emphasis on individual student needs such as resumes, application letters and<br />

forms, term reports, abstracting, etc. Credit not applicable toward associate degree in Office<br />

Administration.<br />

143 MICROSOFT WORD, BEGINNING 2 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 140 or permission. Introduction to word processing s<strong>of</strong>tware for the non-<strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Administration major. Training on personal computers as a tool for personal/business communications<br />

using Micros<strong>of</strong>t Word s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />

144 MICROSOFT WORD, ADVANCED 2 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 143. Intermediate and advanced skills <strong>of</strong> Micros<strong>of</strong>t Word to include tables, importation<br />

<strong>of</strong> spreadsheets, outlines, advanced file management, macros, merges, labels and graphics.<br />

150 BEGINNING KEYBOARDING 3 credits<br />

For the beginning student or one who desires a review <strong>of</strong> fundamentals. Includes basic keyboard, letters,<br />

tables and manuscripts. Minimum requirement: 30 wpm with a maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 errors for 5 minutes.<br />

(Wayne campus only)<br />


Prerequisite: 143 and basic typing skills. Further development <strong>of</strong> keyboarding skill. Advanced letter<br />

styles, forms, reports and tables. Minimum requirement: 40 wpm with a maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 errors for 5<br />

minutes.<br />

241 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 150 or equivalent and basic typing skills. Study <strong>of</strong> creation, classification, encoding,<br />

transmission, storage, retention, transfer and disposition <strong>of</strong> information. Emphasis on written, oral<br />

and machine language communication media used in business information systems. Offered at<br />

Wayne campus only.<br />

243 INTERNSHIP 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 119; 121; 129; 253; 263; 270; and 281. Work experience in an <strong>of</strong>fice environment related<br />

to the student’s degree major. Application <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice administration skills and knowledge.<br />

253 ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 151. To increase student’s ability to do <strong>of</strong>fice-style documents on the computer with<br />

minimal supervision. Minimum requirement: 50 wpm with a maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 errors for 5 minutes.<br />

255 LEGAL OFFICE PROCEDURES I 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 151. Concentration on ethics, responsibilities, and document production for the career<br />

legal secretary. (Wayne campus only)<br />


Prerequisites: 2020:121 or permission. Application <strong>of</strong> the principles <strong>of</strong> communication in speeches,<br />

business presentations, group discussions and business documents.<br />

265 WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT 3 credits<br />

Deals with gender-related needs and problems <strong>of</strong> women in management and supervision.<br />


Prerequisite: 2440:101,102,103, 2540:140 or placement test or permission; Wayne College students<br />

— 2440:125, 2540:241, 253. Use <strong>of</strong> business application s<strong>of</strong>tware and critical thinking skills to solve<br />

business problems. Word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation s<strong>of</strong>tware, integration <strong>of</strong><br />

applications, and the Internet.<br />

271 DESKTOP PUBLISHING 3 credits<br />

Prerequisites: 140 or permission. Desktop Publishing s<strong>of</strong>tware used to create printed materials such<br />

as newsletters, brochures and forms. Course addresses design/layout decision and editing skills for<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice worker.<br />


Prerequisites:7600:105 or 106 and 2540:143. An introduction to the basic principles <strong>of</strong> preparation,<br />

design, and organization necessary to produce exciting and effective computerized graphic<br />

presentations. Current graphic s<strong>of</strong>tware will be taught.<br />


Prerequisites: 119,151. Editing and pro<strong>of</strong>reading skills emphasized on the transcription <strong>of</strong> taped dictation<br />

with emphasis on producing mailable documents on word processing s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />


Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> job search technique, pr<strong>of</strong>essional image development and personal and interpersonal<br />

dynamics within the business environment.<br />


(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> four credits) Prerequisite: permission. Selected topics or subject<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> interest in <strong>of</strong>fice administration.<br />


2740:<br />

120 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 3 credits<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> language used in medicine.<br />

121 STUDY OF DISEASE PROCESSES 3 credits<br />

Prerequisite: 120. Study <strong>of</strong> diseases <strong>of</strong> major body systems.<br />

122 EMERGENCY RESPONDER I 1credit<br />

This course explores how the medical/pr<strong>of</strong>essional responder should react to medical emergencies.

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