Y - Issue 175 - June 21 2011 - Y-oman.com

Y - Issue 175 - June 21 2011 - Y-oman.com

Y - Issue 175 - June 21 2011 - Y-oman.com


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sponsor, they have Al Turki Enterprises and Construction Company and OmanMobile onboard. These two <strong>com</strong>panies have specifically donated for the SpecialOlympics in Athens. The money <strong>com</strong>ing from Oman Mobile is going towards theuniforms for the eight athletes. HH Sayyid Faisal explains: “So basically, for theopening parade, and throughout all of the events, everything they wear mustbe clean and new, they need to feel special, as that is what it is all about. Thatis the kind of thing that your money can contribute to, of course, there is muchmore that can be done too.”excellent results in past participations. It’s awarding enough and a bigac<strong>com</strong>plishment that we will get to be a part of this.”Both Dawood Al Yaqoobi and Jabir Al Jabri expressed their enthusiasm andeagerness for the trip. According to the Special Olympics World SummerGames Athens <strong>2011</strong> website, Powerlifting events will take place between<strong>June</strong> 27th and July 3rd at the Olympic Velodrome (OAKA). Squat, benchpress and deadlift are some of the disciplines involved in Powerlifting, andamong 205 athletes are both men and women where Dawood and Jabirwill be <strong>com</strong>peting. Each athlete will have a choice to participate in any orall four disciplines and I wish them all the very best.Other than that, Al Amal Association made sure that the athletes are staying inserviced apartments, which are close to the <strong>com</strong>plex. Food is provided alongwith everything else that they might need. The athletes have spent the pastthree weeks in Muscat training, prior to their travel to Athens. Because they livein different Wilayats across the Sultanate, they stayed in Muscat throughoutMinutes after we met the Powerlifting athletes, we headed to the greensof the Sultan Qaboos Complex, where the Athletics and Bocce teamswere training. Fakahriya Al Hajri and Intisar Al Rujaiby are the two femaleparticipants from Oman that will be participating in the bocce game."Intellectual disability is further evidence of globaldiversity. Let us all <strong>com</strong>mit ourselves to thefundamental principles of dignity and equality forall people"Fakhariya recently won a gold medal at the regional games in Syria, andwas full of enthusiasm when we met. Fakhariya tells us: “I am 25 years oldand I love my training. I am optimistic about Athens and can’t wait to getthere. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have beensupportive of me, like Mr. Saleh Al Aghbary, Mr. Mohammed Al Rashdi andMs. Badriya Al Amry and Ms. Amal Al Rashdi. I love the game Bocce and Ifeel that I am getting very good at it.” She then shows us a few techniquesand explains the game, it is very interesting!Kofi A. AnnanSecretary General of the United NationsHis Highness Sayyid Faisal bin Turki Al SaidSaleh Al Aghbarythe week and headed back to their families for the weekend. As you mighthave noticed, there is so much that has been done to ensure that these eightathletes get to Athens, and most of it is through the work of volunteers andfunds.Intisar Al Rujaiby is another Bocce player. This <strong>21</strong>-one-year-old is veryexcited to get on the plane to Athens. Coming all the way from Saham,Intisar tries to explain to me how much she likes to play, and at the sametime tosses an excellent shot! I wish both Fakahriya and Instisar the verybest in the Games, I’m sure she will do Oman proud.Y also met with Saleh Al Aghbary, who has been appointed as Managing Directorto the <strong>com</strong>ing Special Olympics World Summer Games. Saleh tells us that he hasbeen a volunteer for Special Olympics activities for over 15 years. Since 1987,Saleh has been supporting and volunteering his time to people with specialneeds, and still works with the Disabled Care & Rehabilitation Centre. While theteam was busy training on the grounds of the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex,Saleh spared us a few minutes to tell us about the role of the participants fromOman, during the Special Olympics World Summer Games Athens <strong>2011</strong>.While we were standing by the Bocce game, circling us were the fourAthletics who were preparing for their game. Bahia Al Rashdi, NajmaAl Sharji, Ali Al Zakwani and Mohammed Al Ruqashey are representingOman in Athletics, which includes a wide range of activities such as themarathon, long jump and much more. Athletics take place on <strong>June</strong> 26thto July 3rd <strong>2011</strong> in the Athens Olympic Sport Complex (OAKA). We couldn’tcut off training for the Athletics to speak to them, but it was clear as theywere sprinting across the field that they were doing it for Oman.Saleh informs us that there are a total of eight participants, four male andfour female, in Team Oman. He explains: “We have eight participants who willparticipate in three different games which are Powerlifting for men, Athletics forboth male and females, and Bocce for females. We have four coaches who aretraining the participants, two males and two females. The Sultanate of Oman isactive when it <strong>com</strong>es to the Special Olympics, and therefore we are proud to beparticipating this year. I am very enthusiastic about our trip and the purpose ofheading to Athens. We arrive in Athens on 19th <strong>June</strong>, and we need to be therefrom 20th <strong>June</strong> up until the 4th July. We will be back home in Muscat on 5thJuly. ” He adds: “You know, the Special Olympics is a very special event and Ifeel lucky to be a part of it. Their motto is that everyone is a winner, which is justbeautiful. Team Oman has been working hard preparing these past few weeks.Our expectations are high, as each and every participant has been showingI would like to wish Team Oman a fruitful stay in Athens. It takes oneperson to make a difference, so please log onto www.athens<strong>2011</strong>.organd check out what YOU as an individual or a <strong>com</strong>pany can do.24 25

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