Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric


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White PaperIV. Benefits of IntegrationFor colleges and universities <strong>with</strong> diversepopulations and building types spread over largeareas, integrating various building systems offersnumerous advantages. Foremost, integrationprovides for reduced installation and operatingcosts because it eliminates component redundancyand allows customers to streamline operations.Furthermore, it reduces training and empowerssystem operators by allowing them to perform theirduties more efficiently. Colleges and universitiesare also vulnerable to lawsuits alleging negligencein providing security, especially if there are unevenor inconsistent levels of security for buildings <strong>with</strong>similar purposes or design. Integration allows foruniform monitoring and control across a campusand demonstrates that an institution has appliedappropriate security strategies at all its buildings.Lastly, enhanced safety, security and comfortcreate a more positive learning environment wherefaculty can teach and students can learn.Benefits of Integrating the Security System <strong>with</strong> the BAS• A site-wide single-seat interface enables one person to be trained on multiple security systems.• Security components become multi-use. A motion sensor can be used for lighting control duringoccupied hours, and intrusion detection during unoccupied hours.• During design, flexibility, efficiency, and economy provide room for additional security expansion orintegration at the lowest cost.• Better and more flexible response to campus needs, offering students and staff greater security andpeace of mind.• More information put to effective use, which gives university security staff solid ground to stand on forprosecution and proof of loss. CCTV records also aid law enforcement authorities in finding criminals.• Vendor independence, allowing the university customer to choose among best-of-class securityproducts.• Laundry facilities and kitchens can consume 10-15% of the building’s energy, increasing the need tomore closely monitor hours of peak demand from these sources.• Single-source responsibility, whereby one integrator is held accountable for all the components of thesecurity system.<strong>Integrated</strong> security andlighting controlBy way of example, consider the benefits of simplyinstalling a lighting control system versus integratingit <strong>with</strong> security. In a university laboratory facility, thelighting controls will enable the operator to maintaincomfortable lighting levels and use presets to controlthe lighting. This ensures the lights are only onwhen and where they are needed, saving energyand related costs. If, however, there is a securitybreach late at night, <strong>with</strong>out integration, personnelwill need to locate switches and issue commands tothe control system to switch on lights in the affectedarea. If the lighting controls are integrated, thescenario after the security breach is much different.The lights are automatically switched on in the areawhere the security breach is reported, and CCTVcameras are activated to record the emergency. Theoperator has a single console to assess the situationand to ensure the appropriate reaction from the firedepartment or police.<strong>Creating</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Campuses</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> Security Solutions | 9

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