Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric


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White PaperVIDEO ANALYTICS HELP SPOT INCIDENTSThe advent of video analytics brings additional flexibilityand increased productivity of security staff who monitormany cameras. Video analytics is a technology applied insoftware that examines the video camera’s field of viewDEO ANALYTICS HELP SPOT INCIDENTSfor patterns of movement that match real-life events,e advent such of video as falling, analytics fence brings climbing, additional lurking, flexibility and trip-lines.Video analytics softwareVideo helpd increased Video productivity analytics provides of security a means staff who by monitor which the user cantracks people or objects,any cameras. focus spot only Video incidentson analytics what is is truly a technology important, applied managingand can alarm on typesof behaviorftware surveillance that examines by the exception video camera’s events field rather of view than all events.r patternsTheofadventmovementof videothatanalyticsmatch real-lifebrings additionalevents,ch as falling, AflexibilityDVR fence orandNVR climbing, increasedcan be lurking, productivityconfigured and of trip-lines. tosecurityonly display adeo analytics camera’s staff who provides monitor video a if means many a specific cameras. by which event Video the or user analytics alarm can occurs. At acus only university is on a technology what is for truly example, applied important, in foot software managing traffic that on examines a sidewalk near arveillance residence the by video exception camera’s hall may events field be of deemed rather view for than normal, patterns all events. and of not trip analarm movement according that match to video real-life analytics events, such assessment. However, Video analytics software tracks people or objects,DVR or NVR falling, can fence be configured climbing, lurking, to only and display trip-lines. aand can alarm on types of behaviorstepping off the sidewalk and crossing left-to-right acrossmera’s video Video if analytics a specific provides event a or means alarm by occurs. which the At athe field of view to a window may trigger an alarm.iversity for example, foot traffic on a sidewalk near aAdditional user can focus alarms only can on what be escalated is truly important, if video analytics sidewalk detect and loitering crossing near left-to-right the window, across the or someone climbing asidence hall may be deemed normal, and not trip anfence. managing surveillance by exception events rather field of view to a window may trigger an alarm.arm according to video analytics assessment. However, Video analytics software tracks people or objects,than all events.Additional and alarms can alarm can be on escalated types of behavior if videoepping off the sidewalk and crossing left-to-right acrossThese are examples of how expanded use of video analytics surveillance detect loitering technology near can the window, increase or security at universitiese field ofAviewDVRtooraNVRwindowcan bemayconfiguredtriggertoanonlyalarm.displaysomeone climbing a fence.ditional<strong>with</strong>outalarmsrequiringcan be escalatedan increaseif videoinanalyticssecurity personnel.detect loitering near the window, or someone climbing aa camera’s video if a specific event or alarmnce.occurs. At a university for example, foot traffic on These are examples of how expanded use ofa sidewalk near a residence hall may be deemed video surveillance technology can increase securityese are examples of how expanded use of video surveillance technology can increase security at universitiesnormal, A university and not trip serving an alarm 20,000 according students to video on five campuses at universities sought <strong>with</strong>out an requiring integrated an increase BAS that in would allo<strong>with</strong>out requiring an increase in security personnel.analytics the school assessment. to decrease However, operating stepping costs, off the increase security security personnel. for students and faculty, and allow forremote monitoring of each campus from a central location. The resulting system controls andmonitors a wide variety of different building functions, such as access control events and logs,A university serving 20,000 students ventilation, A university five campuses serving day and 20,000 sought nighttime students an integrated energy on five campuses use, BAS chillers that sought would and allow boilers, integrated and airthe school to decrease operating costs, quality. BAS that increase Even would security allow though the there for school students are to decrease five and campus operating faculty, locations, and costs, allow increase they for are all centrallyremote monitoring of each campus security from a for central students location. and faculty, The and resulting allow for system remote controls monitoring and of eachmonitoredcampus fromfroma centralan off-campuslocation. The resultingoffice.system controls and monitorsmonitors a wide variety of different building functions, such as access control events and logs,a wide variety of different building functions, such as access control eventsventilation, Aand day serieslogs, and ventilation,of nighttime unobtrusiveday energy andsecuritynighttime use, chillers measuresenergy and use, boilers, arechillersin place and air boilers,that ensureandstudentquality. Even safety air though quality. and Even there prevent though are five campus there campus are crime five locations, campus or unlawful locations, they are trespassing, they all are centrallycentrally <strong>with</strong>outmonitored from an off-campus office.monitored interfering from an off-campus <strong>with</strong> university office. life. Three of the campuses have a state-of-theartA series of unobtrusiveA series contactless of unobtrusive smartcard-basedsecuritysecuritymeasuresmeasures accessare inareplacein control placethatthat systemensureensure thatstudentstudent is linked via theuniversity’s safety and prevent existing campus IT Ethernet.crime or unlawful trespassing, <strong>with</strong>outsafety and prevent interfering campus <strong>with</strong> university crime or life. unlawful Three of trespassing, the campuses <strong>with</strong>outhave a state-of-theartcontactless TAC university system smartcard-based life. controls Three of over the access 160 campuses control doors system have and can a that state-of-the-handle is linked 20,000 via the uniqueinterfering The <strong>with</strong>art contactless university’s smartcard-based existing IT Ethernet.users. The system users. The system also access integrates control <strong>with</strong> system other that security is linked systems, via the such asCCTV and intrusion university’s alarms. TheexistingTAC The system BAS IT Ethernet. controls over all aspects 160 doors of and security can handle 20,000 daily indoor unique users. environmentaloperations via The system users. The system also integrates <strong>with</strong> other security systems,The constant TAC system readings controls from over 3,500 160 control doors and points. can Via handle the 20,000 university unique Ethernet, data passessuch as CCTV and intrusion alarms. The BAS controls all aspects of securityusers. The from system one building users. to The another system and daily and also indoor allows integrates environmental system <strong>with</strong> access other operations from security via any constant systems, site. readings such as from 3,500CCTV and intrusion alarms. The BAS controls points. all Via aspects the university of security Ethernet, and daily data passes indoor from environmentalone building tooperations via constant readings fromanother3,500andcontrolallows systempoints.accessVia thefromuniversityany site.Ethernet, data passesfrom one building to another and allows system access from any site.7CREATING SAFE CAMPUSES WITH INTEGRATED SECURITY SOLUTIONS7EATING SAFE CAMPUSES WITH INTEGRATED SECURITY SOLUTIONS<strong>Creating</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Campuses</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> Security Solutions | 7

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