Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric

Creating Safe Campuses with Integrated ... - Schneider Electric


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White PaperIII. Moving Beyond BasicSecurity TechnologyRegardless of the size of the campus, its locationor the level of security risks that need to beaddressed, there are essential components ofan electronic security system. These includeintrusion detection, access control, and videosurveillance. These three systems, in the handsof competent and capable security staff, applytechnology effectively to reduce crime and protectpeople and property on campus. We will examineeach system individually, and then in combinationsto demonstrate how integrating security intothe building automation system leverages thesesystems in multiple ways, increasing security andreducing operating and training costs.Intrusion detectionSimple intrusion detection is probably the mostfamiliar concept of security to most people. Intrusiondetection involves the use of door or windowcontacts, glass contacts, or motion sensors, incombination <strong>with</strong> some type of audible alarm thatsounds when a person has forced entry into abuilding or room. An alert is sent to the police orsecurity station to notify authorities of the time andlocation of the incident. Security officers respond inperson to evaluate the situation.This method of incident response can be adequatefor detecting an event and quickly getting to thescene. But the effectiveness of the response at thescene and subsequent prosecution is dependenton several things; the proximity of securitypersonnel to the incident; whether witnesseswere present; the number of people involved; theseriousness of the incident, and other factors.Furthermore, <strong>with</strong> simple intrusion detection,there is little in place that would deter people fromcommitting a crime the first place.More information would be helpful, such ascaptured details of the situation that could lead toproper response and identification of perpetrators,thereby reducing the likelihood that a similarincident would occur again. Door and windowcontacts, motion sensors, and other devicesalready in use for alarming can be put to better useto help gather this information by triggering otherparts of the security system.Access controlAccess control is the means by which people aregranted or denied access to restricted areas, suchas residence halls, labs, parking garages, and feefor-serviceareas like cafeterias or laundry. Collegesand universities are unique <strong>with</strong> respect to accesscontrol because the needs of the community varywidely depending on who needs to go where.There are day students, night students, athletes,faculty, staff, and other personnel <strong>with</strong> dissimilarrequirements for security and building access.Some people on campus require varying degreesof temporary access privileges, and others needpermanent access.With so many different needs, how doesmanagement begin to evaluate the many typesof access control systems that are available?Furthermore, in a growing and changing campusenvironment, what is the best kind of accesscontrol to meet future needs?A flexible form of access control uses cards<strong>with</strong> magnetic card readers, proximity readers,barcodes, or smart cards <strong>with</strong> embeddedmicroprocessors. Card access control at collegesand universities is common today, and thereare a variety of systems <strong>with</strong> different levels ofsophistication. There are many advantages tocard access control. Students can be coded<strong>with</strong> access to specific areas depending on theiracademic major, seniority, class enrollment, teamparticipation, or any number of factors. Individualprivileges can expire on a given date if desired.And access can be granted or denied at any timebased on the student’s status. Cards can alsobe used as debit cards for meal-plans and other<strong>Creating</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Campuses</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> Security Solutions | 5

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