Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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certain things about you, so verily, verily I say that except a man be 'twiceborn' he cannot SEE the Kingdom of God. Except a man be born fromabove he cannot understand it.Well you say that isn’t the way it reads in my version. NO it doesn’t. Itsays in your version, 'Except a man be <strong>Born</strong> <strong>Again</strong> he cannot see theKingdom of God.' But that word, “<strong>Born</strong> <strong>Again</strong>” never existed in the textof the Scriptures in the early Alexandrian Version, in the original Aramaicin which John wrote. It never existed until Ecclesiastical translatorscreating a doctrine transposed and revised what Jesus said, and firstplaced it in both their own texts as well as Greek texts later translated bythe Protestant churches.Jesus said: ‘Twice <strong>Born</strong>' ‘Except a man be twice born and born fromabove. And if you were to go and get your Strong’s Concordance out andlook up this text, look up this word ‘born again’ as applied here, and itdoesn’t say BORN AGAIN at all. It says twice born and born from above,and when it says '<strong>Born</strong> from Above', it places this in a different category.Nicodemus said, 'How can I be twice born? Could I go back into mymothers womb and be born a second time?' And then Jesus answered himand said: I say unto thee, 'Except a man be born of the Spirit, and born ofthe water, he cannot participate, enter in, partake of the Kingdom of God.'In the original text there was room for another verse, for it clearlyenumerates the fact that when Jesus said: '<strong>Born</strong> of the Spirit, and born ofwater', and Spirit precedes first in the original text the word water.In the translation it says born of the water first to make water precedespirit, but in the original text the Spirit precedes water. Jesus thereforesaid unto him, that which was born of spirit is spirit, and that which isborn of the flesh, is flesh.' 'Marvel ye not that I say ye must be born fromabove, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound, soeveryone that is born of spirit goes forth.Nicodemus said: 'How can these things be?' And Jesus said, 'art thou amaster of Israel and you don’t know how these things be?' Where did youlose this wisdom and lore known in the days of Enoch, and was known in( Page 9 )

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