Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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is a struggle against God's Kingdom which is animated by a rebelliousArchangel, and by the hosts, which he in violation, propagated among theearth. And by those peoples of earth who he deceived and led astraywhich caused the reason for God sending you into the world to begin with.<strong>The</strong>refore you are not at Peace because you are at war with the powers ofdarkness. <strong>The</strong>re will be no Peace until righteousness has triumphed, andour Father, which is in Heaven, rules the earth from one end unto theother in the Kingdom which He has ordained.This being true therefore we are faced with the understanding or thenecessity of such understanding concerning who we are, what we are herefor, and what the Kingdom of God has offered, and what it will accomplishin the earth essentially. In the first place we have been told so manytimes that the most important things men can do is to give lip service tocertain truths. But if they do not perceive it and do not understand it, thentheir lip service is a very empty thing.Many people believe that by saying certain words that are prescribed, andmaking a confession that they believe these words, whether it be at analtar or where ever that may be that is the entire requirement, for whatthey anticipate is the sudden transition in that individual which marks himas now, 'A child of God', where, before he made that admission he wassupposedly an outcast or a child of the devil; Or a by? product of merelyorganic development in the earth by maybe some long chain of events, orat best in their ancient pattern, a concept of creation.I want you to know this afternoon, that if you are a Child of God it isbecause you were begotten by the Spirit of God before the world wasframed. I want you to know that you are a child of God, you are a childof God because THE FATHER decided that you were to be a child of Hiswhen He begat you. I want you to know that no child ever had anythingto do with his birth. This is not only true in Spiritual areas, but also inphysical ones.You are a child of the ETERNAL FATHER after the Spirit; you are achild of the Adamic race? line after the flesh. But I want you to know that( Page 5 )

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