Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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the earth for the building of His Kingdom. He taught you to Pray, 'ThyKingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven'.We cannot finish a subject like this in a single afternoon because there isso much involved in the pattern of such mystery. But we want you toknow that you are children of the Father, who are identified with HISNAME. Who can recognize and perceive, and understand the vastness ofthe embodiment of the son. Stand out as distinct and apart from the forcesin the earth that would destroy this Faith. Would even drive this NAMEfrom your nation, would try to blot it out of your national life."For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and theWord of the Lord from Jerusalem"(Isaiah 2:3).”( Page 26 )

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