Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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Options Do you know what you’re going to participate in, in this newcreation? Did you know that in the ages to come you are going to makenew creatures out of every individual-created-being that walks upright inthe Image of God? Did you know that at that time you will be a part ofthat co-creation, and Life shall go forth out of you? And as they become<strong>New</strong> Creatures with it will come Spiritual capacity of receiving directlyas of inspiration, the thoughts of God. And when you have consummatedthe <strong>New</strong> Creation, the world’s not (going to) have Negroes anymore. It’snot going to have Chinamen anymore. It’s not going to have people sodiverse.<strong>The</strong>re may be differences in the courses of all the patterns of God'screation. <strong>The</strong>y’re not going to steal by this process, have now becomeyour blood brother, nor are they the offspring of the same genera. But,they will by this same spirit have been made new creatures, and they willmove into a new area. But, this is not for now, and it’s not in thisgeneration, nor in this dispensation, nor in this time. That is why the Lawsof God for this time tell you to live as God has placed you, for this hour,within the law for this day.YAHWEH has the power to change. He has the power to create. He hasthe power to make new things. I want you to know that it is, 'first thingsfirst', which we must learn to understand. <strong>The</strong> Grace of God first will putthe world in order, and bring all men back to the recognition that HE isYAHWEH (God). And all beings back to the proper understanding, andrestore them to what they were before their fall. <strong>The</strong>n in the era after sucha restoration is a new creation, a new development in the patterns ofGod's own Grace.<strong>The</strong>re are many Mysteries, which one would never be able to finish in asingle message. For YAHWEH is lifting the veil. He is opening up themajesty of His purpose. You are children of His Spirit. You are theHousehold of THE MOST HIGH. You are the Grace of God to the world,and He embodied all of this demonstration in His own embodiment, thatHe might make you conform to His own Image. Children of the Spirit ofan endless Life of Mysterious Birth in the heavens above, now occupying( Page 25 )

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