Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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and bone of His bone, out of the same Household. <strong>The</strong>se were Hispurposes.I want you to know that the great mystery of spiritual birth is the mysteryof God begetting you with the pulsing Light of His own being framed upwith His own mind, in the very image of your person. That’s why Jamessaid: 'He, the FATHER of all Light, and of all vibrations, begat us out ofHis own WILL.' <strong>The</strong> most powerful force in the world is the mentalwisdom of YAHWEH. It is the essence of His Holy Spirit. It is the mostbrilliant Light of all illumination. Isn't it a strange thing that Satan whoalso would like to appear as an Angel of Light would seek to deny theVery Christ?Herein we do have also a denoting factor as it relates to the children ofGod. We read again these words, which we find John writing and this iswhat is said concerning the Household of God. He says: 'Every spirit thatconfesseth not that Jesus the Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God.This is the spirit of Anti-Christ whereof ye have heard should come, evennow, already is in the world. Ye are of God little children, and haveovercome them because greater is He that is in you than he that is in theworld.'What is the great marked evidence of Spirit? That it can know Christ.That it will recognize Christ. That you will confess that this is YAHWEHcome in the flesh. I was the other day glancing over some of the advancewriting of the Illuminati for your time, super specialists of great humanunderstanding who would express the love of God in the great universalpattern, which makes every one the same. This is their story. Now theysaid, no real true Illuminated religionist would ever believe in God inbodied. Or could ever conceive that God had form, and wasn't a greatpowerful principal of illumination. And in this same philosophy theysaid, even as other have said, 'No man, and man the unknown', they weretrying to deify man, but were not willing to embody God. <strong>The</strong>y were notwilling to give God form or personality, and were talking of the evolutionof the Universe, as man evolves into something higher than themselves.I want you to know that this is how the Illuminati tries to destroy the( Page 22 )

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