Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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every one of HIS sheep this knowledge of the Father. And when theybecome actively aware so that they can feel and know that Christ was thatembodiment of God, and God has shape and has form and there is entityand being in His Universe. When that transpires they have been regenerated,and you would have to have had been begotten in the spirit andgenerated with Light before you could ever be regenerated.I want you to know therefore, that it is 'Twice <strong>Born</strong>' experience, whichplaced your race in the earth. It is the regenerating influence of the HolySpirit that establishes you as the sons and daughters of God with power.One of the great catastrophes we find today in race relations lies in theidea that a spiritual acceptance, as they like to imply it, that this is notalways possible, but it is a head acceptance, an emotional acceptance,soul acceptance, on the part of some. That your job was to teach the entireworld who God was. Your job was to bring in His Kingdom and toenforce His Law.For this cause, Negroes and Asiatic can be influenced by your ministry,when it is empowered with Light, and can form groups and they canworship the right God again because He’s also their God. But they do itwithin the emotional or conscious limitation of their capacity to understand,remember this. And without your maintenance of presence andauthority, and its leadership they will revert back to the Witchdoctor orthe communist revolution, or to the priest of Hinduism or to thosebackgrounds. It is only when these high types of trees and groves of thepaganism have been knocked down that people are set free, and liberatedout side of your race.I point out to you that Jesus when He sent out His disciples sent them outto the 'Lost Sheep' of the House of Israel sent them out to the Adamicrace. And <strong>The</strong>refore He said, I send you out, go yea therefore to all theworld and preach the Gospel to all the Kinsmen, baptizing them in theName of YAHWEH and of His Messianic fulfilment which ye have bewitnessed by the authority of the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong> original text makes itvery clear: 'Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel unto all theKinsmen.( Page 20 )

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