Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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ye are not my sheep, 'you understand, you cannot perceive. This is a factand He just states it.<strong>The</strong> program of God, and His infinite Grace is promised, as all the HolyProphets according to Peter has been proclaimed since the world began.That He is going to restore all things, and in that restitution of all things,He is going to bring all things into proper relationship unto HIMSELF.He didn’t say He was going to do it always in the dispensation in whichpeople are trying, by preaching something He did not say to bring to pass.Someone said: <strong>The</strong>n do you mean that a Negro or any body on the faceof the earth could not be saved? Salvation is a state of being. Anyindividual who is in adjustment with God is saved from all the errors ofbeing out of adjustment. Or, when man is in adjustment with God hisspirit guides him into the knowledge of truth. When an individual is inadjustment with God then he does the things, which God has ordained.Violations of Divine Law, which a state of being, and laws exist becausethings are made that way, is called sin or transgression. Violations of suchlaws produce also death.It’s possible therefore for any individual who gets into adjustment withGod to be 'saved' from error, and to do the things that is right. Jesus didn'tcome to save men from himself. He came to save people from error or sin.When He said, I have come to seek and to save, first that which was lost,then he said, he came to save people from their sins.You see we have kind of reversed this. <strong>The</strong> church has been teachingwe’re saving men from some terrible destiny when they die. And all thetrouble you’ve found men into they’ve gotten right here. You weren't senthere to save men when they die, you were sent to save the earth from thecatastrophe it’s in. To build a kingdom, to work now while it is day.We point out for you, that regeneration had to have life to start with. Sothe Gospel story is the story of regeneration, and therefore you will notethat in regeneration the children begotten in the spirit embodied in theearth, lost their aura of Light by the fall of Adam, are regenerated by theActivity of God's Holy Spirit calling and stirring deep in the heart of( Page 19 )

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