Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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mous. We had lost immortality, death rested upon us. I want to tell yousomething this afternoon that some people haven't thought about. <strong>The</strong>transgression of Adam didn't have anything to do with the transgressionof Negroes who rebelled with Lucifer in ages past, and who came to earthin the hours of his rebellion. <strong>The</strong> transgression of Adam was not the fallof the Chinese because their catastrophes in following Lucifer had takenplace millenniums before this. I want you to know that the Adamic racewas the offspring of God. <strong>The</strong>y had been spiritually begotten in theheavens, and were now being physically begotten in earth. <strong>The</strong> redemptionof the Adamic race was the program of God to put the Kingdom backon its full scale, empowered course. It is for this cause that He came intothe world. Under the patterns of Divine Justice He had to buy the worldto get the treasure that was in it. He had to, in one Atonement as God toconsummate for all of the errors of Lucifer, and to assume upon HIM-SELF in all righteous justice all error to have the right to redeem HISown. So HE bought the world so He might have the treasure, your race,which was hidden in the field. And He said that the field was the world.I want you to know that the program of God is Biblical, it is restoration.He is going to restore everything to its proper order. He is going toempower His many sons, and for this cause He came into the world, toempower His many sons.Now, we have been given many Mysteries in the Scriptures, and some ofthem have tried theologically to explain. And they tried to help it as theytranslate it along when they didn't always have discernment, and some ofthese we find in (the Book of) John.John tells us some things concerning the children of God. We point thisout, he said: 'he that committed sin is of the devil. <strong>The</strong> devil sinneth fromthe beginning. For this purpose was God made manifest that He mightdestroy the works of the devil'. 'But whosoever is born of God does notsin for his seed remaineth within him, and he cannot sin because he isborn of God.' (John 3:9) Now, you say that’s a mysterious passage but theoriginal text even clarifies it. 'That which is begotten of God cannottransgress.’ So, what does that mean? That means that the Celestial spirit,which is the part that was begotten of the Father, has never transgressed,( Page 17 )

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