Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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<strong>The</strong> universe moves on the pulsations of God, and God in the essence ofHIS Celestial being is Light. Light that extends from the right to the left.Light that extends from the extreme ultra violet to the extreme infrared,into those wavelengths of Light, which you yourself cannot see. Andcompounded together in this great compression of this Light energy youhave the sheer 'White' Light so brilliant, so radiant, this Light of God thatthe human eye is not able to comprehend its full value.It is the sect of Light with its positive forces on one side and what weknow as negative only and its compression points on the other side. <strong>The</strong>Universe is made out of the pulsing patterns of these great forces ofenergy out of the mind of YAHWEH, which is synthesizing the Light,which He, Himself, has forced into the substance of His Universe. Andthe Universe is made up of two factors, Light and electricity. Everythingin the Universe is made out of Light and Electricity. <strong>The</strong> light andElectricity are pushed into form by first the existing idea of what the formis to be, is in the mind of THE FATHER. It is the compression of thesepatterns of energy, that produced the processes of Life, and everything isformed under its compression. And all motion moves thus, it moves, myfriends, not as we think in straight lines, but always in circles. It spiralsand moves in the curves of God's purpose, and reached out to time andeverything is thus brought back unto Himself.In the patterns of spiritual law it is the law of Light, which is the life ofmen. <strong>The</strong>re are creatures and beings of God's creation and all the areasthat He has created, that He has put there as He created them accordingto His desire. And they are manned with the electronic particles of theenergies and the substances, which under God's compression and it’s thislaw of compression holds together the solidity of the whole physicalUniverse.I can quote to you from the physicist's who have outlined the strangepowers that hold the atom together, and the molecular masses together.And it is with understanding that it is the compression of the DivineMind, and it is the factor of the mentoid down to the smallest atom, to themost complex masses of substance which hold it together, and without( Page 12 )

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