Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign

Born Again Hoax - The New Ensign


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the days of the Patriarchs, because Enoch wrote of these things. Say, butit doesn’t say all that here. Jesus said, but you art thou a master of Israeland you do not know these things? Why do you say that because thesethings were a part of the Scripture; a part of the record; a part of thedestiny. <strong>Born</strong> in the Spirit, in the heavens above, then sent into earththrough the Adamic household to build a Kingdom. <strong>Born</strong> in the flesh inthe earth, this how you enter the Kingdom, and this is how you participatein it.'Verily, verily I say unto you, we do speak and we do know and testify ofwhat we’ve seen, and ye receive not the witness. I have told you earthlythings and ye believed not, how would you understand of heavenlythings? No one ascends into the heavens but they who come down out ofit.<strong>The</strong>re is no question about the fact therefore that as Jesus spake HE waschallenging this man. HE was challenging Nicodemus, and out of this hascome all this pattern of doctrine, which classifies an error, which today isone of the great problems of all theology, and all Christendom at thistime. That is that all an individual would have to do was to acknowledgea belief in God, and in HIS embodiment as the man Christ Jesus, andwhich would make him a Christian if he believed it within himself, andhe acknowledged that this was true, and that this was God. Automaticallythen they said this man has been born again. And having been born again,they said, he is a child of the Father. And then having taught that he isnow a child of the Father, there is no reason then, according to the modernproblem for him not to be associated in every avenue of living, even tointer-marriage, inter-mixing, and the bringing of all nations, all races andpeople together as one household.That’s why you have trouble today among Holiness Churches. That’swhy you have trouble today in Methodist or Baptist, or Presbyterianchurches, because in the background of their doctrines they have beentold that the acceptance of Christ, the recognition of God, the willingnessto serve HIM, is being '<strong>Born</strong> <strong>Again</strong>'. I tell you this afternoon that this isnot. Now, I recognize that this kind of challenge by those who do notwish to know, and who are not interested in the truth would be called( Page 10 )

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