l'Shanah Tovah! Simchat Torah - hewlett-east rockaway jewish centre

l'Shanah Tovah! Simchat Torah - hewlett-east rockaway jewish centre

l'Shanah Tovah! Simchat Torah - hewlett-east rockaway jewish centre


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sukkotProgressive Sukkah Hop LuncheonTuesday, October 14 (Immediately After Services)Congregation Etz Chaim cordially invites you, your family and friends to join us at ...Shake-A-LuluvWith LoriBeth Heit & Rabbi Warmflash257 Willard Drive, Hewlett1Cantor Stacy Sokol38 Bulaire Rd, East RockawayRabbi Lev Herrnson &Lisa Berkowitz-Herrnson9 Arthur Drive, East RockawayStuart & Tova Markowitz50 Dunne Place, Lynbrook25 Rabbi & Cele Platek24 Kent Drive, HewlettThursday,October 166:30 pmBring yournursery-agechildren for funon Sukkot!4(Look for a map at Services)3OBTAIN YOUR LULAV AND ETROG NOW!!!The Lulav and Etrog are lovely symbols of Sukkot. They are used both at home and for the Lulav procession duringServices in Synagogue. Owning your own Lulav and Etrog set really adds to the enjoyment of the Holiday. Toorder at a nominal price, please return this form to the Temple Office or call 599-2634.Please Note: Pick-up time will be Monday, Oct. 13, 9:30 am–12 noon.NAME:_________________________________________________________PLEASE ORDER ________________ SET(S).ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________If this pick up time is not convenient, please call Nachum Plotkin at 599-8217 to make other arrangements.HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 9

vfxc cakL’shav b’SukkahTO FEEL THE JOY OF SUKKOTWhile rejoicing is enjoined for all festivals, in the case of Sukkot an extra measureof enjoyment was prescribed: “And thou shalt rejoice in thy festival … andthou shalt be altogether joyful” (Deut. 16:14-16).“Why do the children of Israel make a Sukkah? For the miracles that Godwrought for them when they went out of Egypt, surrounding them with cloudsof glory and shielding them, as it is said: ‘For I make the children of Israel dwellin booths’ (Lev.23:43). The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them: ‘My children,make ye booths and dwell in them seven days that ye may be reminded of themiracles I wrought for you in the desert’ ” (Pesiqta deRav Kahana).“The Sukkah is designed to warn us that man is not to put his trust in the size or strength or beauty of his home,though it be filled with all precious things; nor must he rely upon the help of any human being, however powerful. Butlet him put his trust in the great God whose word called the universe into being, for He alone is mighty, and His promisesalone are sure” (Isaac Aboab, Menorat Hama’or).1. Donate the covers of your New Year’s cards to theNursery School or Religious School for use as decorationsin the synagogue’s sukkah.2. Call the office at 599-2634 to order a Lulav and Etrog,which come in two sizes: adult or child and then bringyour children to Services with their very own Lulavand Etrog.3. Join us as we decorate the Nursery School sukkah onOctober 10 and the HERJC Sukkah on October 5.WHAT CAN WE DO?4. Build your own sukkah. Plans are available in theHERJC office.5. Join the Sukkah Hop after Services.6. Reserve a HERJC sukkah and experience the fun ofthe holiday.7. Bring your nursery-age children to Shake a Lulav withLori on October 16 at 6:30 PM.8. Do not postpone joy!ENJOY EATING IN THE SUKKAH!CALL THE OFFICE AT 599-2634 TO RESERVE A SUKKAHYou are cordially invited to have lunch or dinner with your family in a Sukkahor to just visit! Bring your own Kosher food and paper goods.page 10 OCTOBER 2008 www.herjc.org HAKOL

mazal tov to our october b’nai mitzvahZACHARY AARON SMILOWITZOctober 4, 2008Mazal Tov to Allison and JonSmilowitz on the Bar Mitzvahof their son, Zachary Aaron.Zachary is an eighth gradestudent at Woodmere MiddleSchool. His favorite subjectsare social studies and science.He enjoys baseball, hockey,basketball, tennis and spendingtime with family and friends.Zachary has a sister, Rayna, 11.ISAAC ADAM POLINSKYOctober 11, 2008Mazal Tov to Audrey andElliott Polinsky on the BarMitzvah of their son, IsaacAdam.Isaac is an eighth grade stuentat Lynbrook South MiddleSchool. His favorite subjectsare Spanish and math. He enjoysbaseball, soccer, basketballand piano.Isaac has a brother, Gabriel, 9.SAMANTHA GABRIELLA COHENOctober 25, 2008Mazal Tov to Eszter and ShlomoCohen on the Bat Mitzvahof their daughter, Samantha.Samantha is a seventh gradestudent at Woodmere MiddleSchool. Her favorite subject ismath. She enjoys listening tomusic and reading.Samantha has a brother,Noah, 4.RYAN TREVOR WARSHALLOctober 4, 2008Mazal Tov to Randi and Dr.Craig Warshall on the BarMitzvah of their son, RyanTrevor.Ryan is an eighth grade studentat Lynbrook South MiddleSchool. His favorite subject isSpanish. He enjoys football,lacrosse and wrestling.Ryan has two brothers and a sister, Jordan, 15,Brandon, 14 and Camryn, 8.SEAN ADDISON KEMPOctober 18, 2008Mazal Tov to Lois and MarcKemp on the Bar Mitzvah oftheir son, Sean Addison.Sean is an eighth grade studentat Lynbrook South MiddleSchool. His favorite subject isart and math. He enjoys sportsand playing the drums.Sean has a brother and asister, Max, 10 and Jolie, 15.Did you rememberto buy Yarmulkes for yourupcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah?Let us make it easy for you.Order from the Religious School Parents Association.Call Gail at 374-0468 orLiz at 593-7984.(Please call 4 weeksbefore yourBar/Bat Mitzvah date.)HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 11

octoberSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAYAs part of our prudent approach to reducing expenses,the next issue of Hakol will cover both November and December.The deadline for submissions is October 2.We hope to hear from you!Light the ShabbatCandles andRecite theFollowing Blessing(Candlelighting times arelisted on the calendar)Blessed are You,Lord our God,King of the universe,who has hallowed usthrough commandments,and has commanded usto kindle the Shabbat Lights.Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-naiE-lohei-nu Me-lech Ha-olamA-Sher Kee-di-shah-nooBi-mitz-vo-tavVi-tzee-va-noo Li-had-leekNer Shel Sha-bat.Go towww.herjc.orgLearn theBlessings atwww.herjc.orgFirst click on “Services”and then on “Blessings”5 6 tishre 6 7 tishre 7 8 tishreNursery School Truck Day10:00 amPizza Plus – 6:00 pmMorning Minyan – 9:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmYouth Group Basketball – 7:30 pmChoir Practice – 7:00 pmMinyan Breakfast – 9:30 amRitual Committee MeetingSisterhood Board – 7:30 pm7:30 pmChoir Practice – 7:00 pmExecutive Committee MeetingBoard of Ed Meeting – 8:15 pm8:15 pmSISTERHOOD FOOD DRIVE12 13 tishre 13 14 tishre 14 15 tishreMorning Minyan – 9:00 amMinyan Breakfast – 9:30 amSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSCOLUMBUS DAYEREV SUKKOTLulav/Etrog Pick Up – 9:30 amCandlelighting – 6:00 pmServices – 6:00 pmSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSSUKKOT – DAY 1Services – 9:30 amSukka Hop (Following Services)Candlelighting – 7:00 pmServices – 7:00 pmOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMS19 20 tishre 20 21 tishre 21 22 tishreCHOL HAMOED SUKKOTMorning Minyan – 9:00 amMinyan Breakfast – 9:30 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amHOSHANAH RABAHMorning Minyan – 6:45 amCandlelighting – 6:00 pmServices – 6:00 pmRELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSSHEMINI ATZERETServices – 9:30 amYIZKOR – 11:00 am<strong>Simchat</strong> <strong>Torah</strong>Services/Celebration – 6:30 pmCandlelighting – 7:00 pmOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMS26 27 tishre 27 28 tishre 28 29 tishreMorning Minyan – 9:00 amMinyan Breakfast – 9:30 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amRabbi’s Genesis Class – 10:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmCongregational andOpen Board Meetings – 8:15 pmPizza Plus – 6:00 pmYouth Group Basketball – 7:30 pmYouth Committee Meeting8:15 pmpage 12 OCTOBER 2008 www.herjc.org HAKOL

calendar of eventsWEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2 tishre 2 3 tishre4 tishreROSH HASHANAHShacharit – 8:30 amChildren’s Services – 11:00 amMinchah – 7:00 pmHavdalah – 7:25 pmOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSSISTERHOOD FOOD DRIVEFast of GedaliahNovember/DecemberHakol DeadlineChoir Practice – 8:00 pm3 4 5 tishrevayelechCandlelighting – 6:16 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmShabbat ShuvahShacharit – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah: Zachary SmilowitzJr. Congregation – 11:00 am<strong>Torah</strong> Kids/Boardroom – 11:00 amBar Mitzvah: Ryan Warshall – 6 pmMincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah6:10 pm8 9 tishre 9 10 tishre 10 11 tishre 11 12 tishreYOM KIPPURha’azinuShacharit – 9:00 amKOL NIDREChildren’s Services – 1:00 pmKol Nidre Services – 6:00 pm Sermon & Yizkor for MembersShacharit – 9:30 amCandlelighting – 6:05 pm1:45 pmRel. Sch. Family Shabbat – 9:30 amCandlelighting – 6:09 pmCommunity Yizkor – 3:30 pmKabbalat Shabbat ServiceSCHOOLS CLOSEDMinchah/Neila – 4:30 pm7:00 pmBar Mitzvah: Isaac PolinskyNO YOUTH PROGRAMSFinal Shofar/Havdalah – 7:05 pmMincha, Seuda, Maariv, HavdalahOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSED6:00 pmNO YOUTH PROGRAMS15 16 tishre 16 17 tishre 17 18 tishre 18 19 tishreSUKKOT – DAY 2Services – 9:30 amHavdalah – 7:00 pmServices – 8:00 pmOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSCHOL HAMOED SUKKOTShake-a-Lulav with Lori6:30 pmCHOL HAMOED SUKKOTCandlelighting – 5:54 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmchol hamoed sukkotShacharit – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah: Sean KempAufruf: Allyson Simon &Andrew StumacherJr. Congregation – 11:00 am<strong>Torah</strong> Kids/Boardroom – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah5:45 pm22 23 tishre 23 24 tishre 24 25 tishre 25 26 tishreSIMCHAT TORAHServices – 9:30 amKiddush Luncheon – 12:30 pmOFFICE & SCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSJ Learn/Boardroom – 7:30 pmHouse Committee Meeting8:15 pmCandlelighting – 5:44 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmberesheitShacharit – 9:30 amBat Mitzvah: Samantha CohenBaby Naming: Kylie DlugaczJr. Congregation – 11:00 am<strong>Torah</strong> Kids/Boardroom – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah5:30 pm29 30 tishri 30 1 cheshvan 31 2 cheshvan NOV. 1 3 cheshvanNoachRosh Chodesh CheshvanKadima – 6:00 pmSisterhood Membership Dinner7:00 pmRosh Chodesh CheshvanJ Learn/Boardroom – 7:30 pmCandlelighting – 5:35 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmShacharit – 9:30 amJr. Congregation – 11:00 am<strong>Torah</strong> Kids/Boardroom – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah5:30 pmHAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 13

social outreachSisterhood NewsNANCY LEVITTChag Sameach! Hope you are enjoying this wonderfulholiday season. I’m also hoping that everyone has alreadymailed back their Sisterhood membership forms.I can’t wait to see all of you at the Membership Dinneron October 29th at 7:00 pm. We have an excellent dinnerand entertainment planned. This month we arecounting on our sisterhood members and our congregationmembers to help decorate the Temple Sukkah.I invite everyone to join us in this fun task. Please contactHannah at 593-0966 or hannah2063@aol.com andlet her know you will help to make our Sukkah beautiful.I want to thank Laurie Stone Brofsky for all her helpcoordinating the Yard Sale in conjunction with theYouth Department and to all the volunteers whomanned the tables. Remember—This is our big membershipdrive month so JOIN SISTERHOOD NOW!men’s clubMARTIN ABRAMSLouise and I wish you a very happyand healthy New Year. Try to join usfor this year’s Sukkot Hop on thefirst day of Sukkot, Tuesday, October14, following services.Please complete the form belowand mail it to the HERJC office. Thiswill help in planning for the future.Please support Men’s Club with yourdues payment of $30. Thank you to all of you havealready mailed in your dues. This assures that the Men’sClub will keep its commitments to our youth programsand school programs.Men’s Club Activities — Join the Fun NowName _______________________________________________________________________________Home Phone ________________ Cell Phone________________ E-Mail _______________________Please mark the activities you would like to participate in: Defensive Driving Basketball Softball Team <strong>Torah</strong> Reading Class Social Activities Passover Workshop Sports Breakfast Monthly Card Game Movie Night Islander Games Men’s Club Shabbat Service Tu B’Shevat Seder Paddle Ball Chess Club Support Youth ProgramsSuggestions Welcome ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________page 14 OCTOBER 2008www.herjc.orgHAKOL

eventsRefuel, Recharge, Reconnect with JLearn THURSDAY EVENINGS, BEGINNING OCTOBER 23 FOR SIX WEEKS Go towww.herjc.orgPlease checkwww.herjc.orgfor more details onSisterhood and Men’sClub events.Jlearn is Long Island’s premier adult Jewish learning experience. Topic: Post HolocaustAnti-Semitism with Dr. Marvin Verbit. Thursday evenings for six weeks beginningOctober 23 at 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Course Fee: $120. For more info, contact jlearn@ujafedny.orgor call 516 677.1833.Sisterhood Membership Dinner WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 AT 7:00 PM AT HERJC Great food, Great entertainment! Invitations will be in the mail.<strong>Torah</strong> Fund DinnerWednesday, November 12, 7:00 pmIN SUPPORT OF THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYhonoringKathy Feffer, Robin Mintz, Sharon Nashat the home of Marilyn and Stanley CohenCouvert $36Gentlemen are welcome • Invitations are in the mailWARMCLOTHINGDRIVESunday–Monday,November 2-3We are collecting warmouter clothing, gloves, hats,scarfs, mufflers, sweaters,etc. to help keep people inneed warm this winter.Please search your closetsand donate!Lev v’ Nefesh: Heart & SoulThis year’s pin, with its image of two doves, is anapt metaphor for the dual aspects—physical andspiritual—that comprise the whole self. WhenShema instruct us daily to love God with all ourheart and all our soul, it means the entirety ofour being. Through the performance of mitzvot,we bring these dualities into harmony.HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 15

younger generationnursery schoolCHERYL KARPWhat do mass murderers, felony drunk drivers, starvingchildren, head banging laboratory animals, anxious,overworked students, and reptiles have in common?They don’t play. What do most Nobel Laureates, historicallyrenowned creative artists, successful multicareerentrepreneurs, and animals of superior intelligencehave in common? They are full of play throughouttheir lives.Most of us do not spend much time pondering thesubject of play or consider it as basic as say, oxygen orsleep. Hold your breath for 45 seconds and your bodywill scream for air. Stay awake for two full days andevery cell will ache for sleep. When an adult missesplay for a few days about all that seems to happen isthat life loses its brightness and sense of purpose. Butbe seriously deprived of play in childhood and the consequencesare likely to be dire, though delayed.Every child engages in spontaneous play. From thefirst moments of post feeding nipple play, to the sharedbabbling between parent and child, to peek-a-boo andring around the rosy, any healthy child is energized byand finds its waking hours dominated by play. Snowleopards box, sea lions play tug of war, killer whalestease sea gulls and wolves play with each other. Andhumans? Well, we are the champions of play, designedby biology for play through all of our lives, but sculptedby culture as to its adult forms.Play and games seem necessary for the developmentof community which requires mutual trust, cooperation,and common goal setting. For humans, play isalso surprisingly active in the shaping of one’s ownsense of self, and thus is directly related to mentalhealth and elasticity, It is also the means by which weshape a model world.The growing virtual world, which is now often beingseen as the only reality in which we exist, is at base, aplay-imaginary world.Witness a monkey leaping and pirouetting gleefullyfrom a tree into a pond while looking at peers and playcan be seen as art in action. So, it appears that naturehas provided us options we do not always appreciate orincorporate into our lives. Perhaps the time has comefor us to allow its wisdom to be enacted.Go PLAY!“When your time comes and your whole life flashesbefore you—will it hold your interest?”religious schoolDAVID WOOLFERemember when you were smalland you would build a fort with pillowsand blankets? Or, you wouldturn a corner of your room into aspecial space to have a tea party withfriends or dolls (or friendly dolls)?Remember when you carved outspecial places to read a book, or tojust sit and dream?We all created such wonderful “safe” places for ourimaginations to run free and our spirits to feel safe.Small sanctuaries where we could be the people wewanted to be. At Sukkot, I think of these small sanctuariesbecause that is what sukkot are, small, specialsanctuaries. The Children of Israel used them to allowtheir families to be safe during the harvest. Most of usdon’t do much of that kind of harvesting anymore, butall of us want to keep our families safe.We all understand the appeal of sukkot.Why not build your own sukkah or take advantage ofone of the sukkot at the synagogue? Revisit the comfortand familiarity of a small sanctuary and demonstrate toyour children (and yourselves) that such wonderfulplaces continue to exist.page 16 OCTOBER 2008www.herjc.orgHAKOL

personals & donationsPERSONALSEszter and Shlomo Cohen on theBat Mitzvah of their daughter,Samantha.Lois and Marc Kemp on theBar Mitzvah of their son,Sean Addison.Audrey and Elliott Polinsky on the BarMitzvah of their son, Isaac Adam.Allison and Jon Smilowitz on theBar Mitzvah of their son,Zachary Aaron.Randi and Dr. Craig Warshall onthe Bar Mitzvah of their son,Ryan Trevor.Carole and Marvin Tolkin on the B’naiMitzvah of their grandchildren,Emma and Kyle.Lynne and Arnie Gordon on theengagement of their son, Jeffrey,to Sara Froikin.Arlene and Jeffrey Thaler on theengagement of their daughter, Jill.Robin and Jay Ivler on the marriageof their son, Matthew, toShari Geisinger.Beth Heit and Rabbi AndrewWarmflash on the marriage of theirdaughter, Ora, to David Goldman.Alyce and Morris Zinn on themarriage of their son, Ithan,to Rebecca Mann.Lois and Allen Brotz on the birthof their granddaughter,Lauren Madison.Doris and Yosef Dlugacz on the birthof their granddaughter,Kylie Madeleine.Robert Fischer on the birth of hisgranddaughter, Anya Ray.Paula and Bruce Trauner on thebirth of their granddaughter,Josie Eloise.Ora and Dr. David Kirsch oncelebrating their 20th weddinganniversary.Allen Cederbaum on celebratinghis 92nd birthday.Rita Gottlieb on being honored withthe Myrtle Wreath Award fromHadassah.Cheryl and Marc Ivler on the marriageof their nephew, Matthew, toShari Geisinger.Stephanie and Steven Kaufmanon the Bar Mitzvah of theirnephew, Sean Kemp.Alane and Dr. Gilbert Seidner onthe marriage of their nephew,Ithan, to Rebecca Mann.Barbara and Charles Silvermanon Barbara’s daughter, AmySpitalnick, graduating from TuftsUniversity, Magna Cum Laude.Speedy RecoveryHarry FishmanHarriet MeixlerLenore OstroffDanny RehnsShirley ScheinfeldMarvin ShenfeldSimchah Leaveson our Tree of LifeLois and Marc Kemp in honor ofthe Bar Mitzvah of their son,Sean Addison.Allison and Jon Smilowitz in honorof the Bar Mitzvah of their son,Zachary Aaron.Paula and Bruce Trauner in honor ofthe birth of their granddaughter,Josie Eloise.Randi and Dr. Craig Warshall in honorof the Bar Mitzvah of their son,Ryan Trevor.Apples on ourTree of LifeElizabeth and Mark Flyer in honorof their children, Hayley Sara,Emily Victoria, Jeremy Elanand Corey Adin.Audrey and Elliott Polinsky in honorof the Bar Mitzvah of their son,Isaac Adam.Condolences toSusan Alt on the loss of her mother,Celia Benbasset.Barbra Gedacht on the loss ofher father, Charles Radburd.Liz Kislik on the loss of hergrandmother, Celia Benbasset.Ferne Skiba on the loss of her mother,Gerry Jeros.Memorial PlaquesMemorial Plaques were recentlyordered in loving memory of:Eleanor Lerner – by her sister, ArleneRussin and the entire family.Hyman Partman – by his son anddaughter-in-law, Brian andCharlotte Partman.FUNDSThe Congregation gratefully acknowledgesthe following contributions:Cantor’s Music FundDr. Lisa and Ken Kornblau inmemory of Michael andMindy Mervis’ father.Linda Pachter in memory ofSidney Rosen.Education FundJanice and Allen Cederbaum inhonor of the birth of Josie Eloise,granddaughter of Paula andBruce Trauner.Janice and Allen Cederbaum in honorof Aryeh, son of Beth Heit andRabbi Warmflash, receiving hisPhD in physics from the Universityof Chicago.Anita Rosenblum in appreciation ofDr. Bennett Futterman’s kindnessand compassion.The Schieren Family with wishes forthe complete and speedy recoveryof Lauren, daughter of Ferne andJack Skiba.In Honor of the Engagement of Jill,daughter of Arlene and JeffreyThaler, to Justin MeyerJanice and Allen CederbaumNaomi and Norman DoctorNancy and Michael Rehnsand FamilyIn Memory of Celia BenbassetHollis and Mel Farbermanand FamilyMarcy and Marc GoldbergRita and Dr. Lawrence GottliebSharon and Sheldon GrossNancy and Michael Rehnsand FamilyShelley and Mark Silverand FamilyH. R. ElsonMemorial FundJudy and Jerry Davis in honorof the birth of Josie Eloise,granddaughter of Paula andBruce Trauner.Kiddush FundHedda and Jeff Feigenblatt in honorof the engagement of Jill, daughterof Arlene and Jeffrey Thaler, toJustin Meyer.The Schieren Family in honor of thebirth of Anya Ray, granddaughterof Robert Fischer.Ferne and Jack Skiba in honor ofthe marriage of Jaimee, daughterof Betsy and Elliot Kass, toTom Lookstein.Ferne and Jack Skiba in honor ofthe engagement of Jill, daughterof Arlene and Jeffrey Thaler, toJustin Meyer.Laurie and Dr. Joseph Brodsky inmemory of Celia Benbasset.Terri and Steven Gold in memoryof Celia Benbasset.Nancy Rehns in memory of hergrandmother, Anna Spritzer.Library FundFrederick Rosenfeld in memory ofhis father, George.Nursery School FundMarcy and Marc Goldberg in honorof the birth of Josie Eloise,granddaughter of Paula andBruce Trauner.Bea and Marvin Schiffman withwishes for the complete andspeedy recovery of Stephen Erlitz.Meryl and Alan Estrin in memory ofSy Reiner.Prayer Book FundMarilyn and Stanley Cohen with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Shirley Scheinfeld.Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honorof the birth of Josie Eloise,granddaughter of Paula andBruce Trauner.Ellen and George Schieren in honorof the birth of Josie Eloise,granddaughter of Paula andBruce Trauner.Rene Ivler in memory of Ernest Ruchman.Sheila Shenfeld in memory ofher father, Samuel Greenblatt.Barbara Sigman in memory ofErnest Ruchman.In Memory of Celia BenbassetMarilyn and Stanley CohenPam and Dan GerstmanFerne and Jack Skibapage 18 OCTOBER 2008www.herjc.orgHAKOL

Rabbi’sDiscretionary FundDoris and Yosef Dlugacz in honor ofthe birth of their granddaughter,Kylie Madeleine.The Schieren Family in honor ofthe engagement of Jill, daughterof Arlene and Jeffrey Thaler, toJustin Meyer.The Schieren Family in honor of Aryeh,son of Beth Heit and RabbiWarmflash, receiving his PhDin physics.The Schieren Family in honor of themarriage of Ithan, son of Alyce andMorris Zinn, to Rebecca Mann.Joe and Barbara Sklar in honor of thewedding of Ora, daughter of BethHeit and Rabbi Warmflash, toDavid Goldman.Carol and Bruce Factor in memoryof Dr. Marvin N. Goldstein.Debra Langendorff in memory of hergrandfather, Daniel Diamond.In Memory of Celia BenbassetSharon and Ron NashRoberta and Stuart SugarmanArlene and Jeffrey ThalerGeneralSynagogue FundGail Alweis in memory of her father,Leon Feinberg.Lee Antoville in memory of his mother,Minnie.Robert Bettinger in memory of hismother, Rose.Raela Bloom in memory of hermother, Ruth H. Schloss.Lillian Chait in memory of herhusband, Norman.Barry Chasen in memory of his father,Samuel.Donald Chusid in memory of hismother, Anna.Adrienne and Harvey Cohen inmemory of Adrienne’s father,Sidney Teitzman.Edmund Cohen in memory of hisfather, Louis.Hope Cohen in memory of her father,Jack D. Forem.Lisa Cohen in memory of her father,Paul Sonenthal.Richard Cohen in memory of his aunt,Lucille.Susan Diamond in memory of hergrandmother, Matilda Mendelson.Norman Doctor in memory of hismother, Gus.Benet Doloboff in memory of hisfather, Sidney.Richard Drillich in memory of hisfather, Joseph.Philip Engel in memory of hismother, Sadie.Hollis Farberman in memory of herfather, George Whitman.Hedda Feigenblatt in memory of hermother, Beatrice Radomsky.Sandy Feit in memory of hismother, Esther.Eileen Gevarter in memory of hermother, Martha Zuckerman.Joel Gevarter in memory of hisfather, Sol.Martin Gevarter in memory of hisfather, Sol.Marc Goldberg in memory of hisgrandmother, Celia.Gerald Goodman in memory of hisfather, Abraham.Lynne Gordon in memory of hermother, Rhoda Anstendig.Sheldon Gross in memory of hismother, Evelyn.Lynn Grossman in memory ofher grandparents, Belle andFrank Goldstein.Elaine Halbridge in memory of hermother, Sue Gross.Sheila Harkavy in memory of herbrother, Robert Katz.Sheila Harkavy in memory of hermother-in-law, Rose.Judy Herbst in memory of hermother, Ethel Glass.Lynn Hirschorn in memory of herfather, Joseph Kirschner.Jerry Judelson in memory of hisfather, Robert.Irene Klaver in memory of her father,Max Jacoby.Fred Knobloch in memory of hermother, Regina.Eleanor Korenman in memory of herfather, Harry Landress.Herma Levine in memory of herfather, Herbert Pergament.Mildred Levine in memory of herhusband, Samuel.Harvey Lipton in memory of hisfather, Herman.Barbara Malkin in memory of herfather, Hyman.Dr. Alan Markowitz in memory of hisbrother, Tibor.Audrey Marrus in memory of hermother, Anne Lord.Adam Moser in memory of hisfather, Stephen.Elaine Oster in memory of her father,Louis Cohen.Linda Pachter in memory of herhusband, Stephen.Michelle Rehs in memory of herfather, Marvin Turkel.Anita Rosenblum in memory of hermother, Estelle Halpern.Barbara Schapiro in memory of herhusband, Lawrence Grossman.George Schieren in memory of hisbrother, Hugh.Eleanor Schneider in memory of herparents, Etta and Sol Kokol.Melvin Schneider in memory of hisparents, Nettie and Irving.Ruth Schneider in memory of her parents,Vicki and Irving Finkelstein.Marlene Schulman in memory of hergrandfather, Thomas Custer.Denise and Robert Sher in memoryof their son, Noah Sterling.Max Sher in memory of hismother, Ida.Esther Silverman in memory of herfather, Moses Sacksner.Esther Silverman in memory of herbrother, Lyon Sacksner.Barry Simon in memory of hismother, Beatrice.Arthur Spatt in memory of his father,Henry.Irving Spector in memory of hisbrother, Philip.Joan Stern in memory of her son,Gary David.Howard Strauss in memory of hismother, Irene.Rhona Tanenbaum in memory of hermother, Gertie Hirschheimer.Evan Tannor in memory of hisfather, Solomon.Ileane Tischler in memory of hermother, Ruth Landesman.Marvin Tolkin in memory of his fatherin-law,Robert Judelson.Allan Trompeter in memory of hisaunt, Dora.Leonard Weilgus in memory of hisfather, Jacob.Been Meaning to Send that Card?Just visit www.herjc.org and click on donations.We will gladly send the card for you and list it in Hakol.This is the easiest way to send your love to your family andfriends and help your synagogue at the same time!Go towww.herjc.orgVisit ourwebsite andclick on “Donations”What a nice feeling!We thank you in advance for your support.HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 19

Fun Times at A Taste of HERJC (continued form page 7)STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATIONDate of Filing: October, 2008Average No. Copies Actual No. CopiesEach Issue of Single IssueExtent and Nature During Preceding Published Nearestof Circulation 12 Months to Filing DateTotal No. Copies (Net Press Run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850Paid and/or Requested Circulation1) Paid/Requested Outside-County MailSubscription Stated on Form 3541 . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352) Paid In-County SubscriptionsStated on Form 3541 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6183) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers,Street Vendors, Counter Sales & OtherNon-USPS Paid Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04) Other Classes mailed through the USPS . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0Total Paid and/or RequestedCirculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653Free Distribution by Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0Free Distribution Outside the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Total Free Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Total Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703Copies Not Distributed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850Percent Paid and/orRequested Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87.18% . . . . . . . . . 76.83%Hakol Bulletin is owned and publishedby Congregation Etz Chaim,a non-profit organization incorporatedin the State of New York underthe Religious Corporation Lawat 295 Main Street, East Rockaway,NY 11518, which is also the addressof the publication office andgeneral headquarters. The Editor isCharlotte Berch c/o 295 MainStreet, East Rockaway, NY 11518.There are no bondholders, mortgagesor other security holders.The purposes, function andnon-profit status of this organizationand the exempt status for federalincome tax purposes have notchanged during the preceding 12months.I certify that the above statementmade by me is correctand complete.Kim Schweitzer, Executive Directorpage 20 OCTOBER 2008 www.herjc.org HAKOL

YAHRZEITSThe Yahrzeit of thefollowing belovedrelatives of our memberswill be observed duringthe next few weeks. Itis especially fitting andproper that the membersof the family be presentat the appropriate Serviceto observe this occasion.October 1 – Tishri 2Gertrude GoldbergCharles GreenAnn MarchLance NadolneEvelyn RadyAbraham RappaportSidney SeidnerHyman SilvermanRuth SpritzerIsabel TolkinOctober 2 – Tishri 3Solomon GarrowayLillian KingOctober 3 – Tishri 4Isidor AltusHarry BalkinBarbara CedarCarl FaderSamuel FischerJacob ShankmanOctober 4 – Tishri 5Ray BerkmanEvelyn BernsteinLilli BielskyShirley KatzHarry R. SamuelsOctober 5 – Tishri 6Kate RubinfeldBenjamin SingerIsrael TaffetSaul WillbachOctober 6 – Tishri 7Herman BarouchEddie HowardOctober 7 – Tishri 8Leona KurzJack SternOctober 8 – Tishri 9Lawrence ErlitzRose LassingerTillie MortmanOctober 9 – Tishri 10Adolph IsaacsHenry MetzgerOctober 10 – Tishri 11Sidney BerchGeorge R. GrossThelma KurotAlfred MayerAlfred MayerPauline RosenbergMarta WeinerOctober 11 – Tishri 12Sophie BarskyIrma J. BerkoffLena ChasenMildred KaplanRose Oestreich LernerMilton SchustermanHerbert StrassmanMalcolm AziaEva SaltzOctober 13 – Tishri 14Cora GoodmanEstelle SpielmanOctober 14 – Tishri 15Renee BergmanLeonard GoldbergMalke PetelnickDora TheodoreOctober 15 – Tishri 16Albert CederbaumMiriam G. KandelJacob KotcherLilyan NobleBarbara ScheinfeldRose SeltzerOctober 16 – Tishri 17Melvin BirnbaumMichael FreimanCalvin GinsbergLillie NizewitzLeo SchlossAbraham WecksellOctober 17 – Tishri 18Oscar BorodkinStanley EhrlichIrene HalpernMinnie MeixlerIrving MeixlerAlice RosenHerbert RothJoel WelkowitzOctober 18 – Tishri 19Max BarashEsther FischerFrank L. LernerAlice RosenOctober 19 – Tishri 20Anna BrandSamuel KatzAlex MarkowitzHelen ShankmanRose TraubOctober 20 – Tishri 21Mendel AssafSol CohenIsidore GlassMax StraussOctober 21 – Tishri 22Jean FeldHarvey GrapekBunny GrossmanMax TuretzkyEithne WonseverOctober 22 – Tishri 23Max BerkoffAron FlyerRose HirschBella LevineNorman LowenthalPhyllis SchwartzSamuel SchwartzHarry SpielmanRichard ThalerOctober 23 – Tishri 24Ruth T. BeldnerRose BermanEleanor LevittAnnie PlotkinSadie SchieberOctober 24 – Tishri 25Abraham BedarSarah WiedenOctober 25 – Tishri 26Manny BeharSol DanielsMax LesserMichael RosenOctober 26 – Tishri 27Ralph GalloSally OstroffOctober 27 – Tishri 28Harold EpsteinEva HorneJacob LevineSadie PollackShirley RubensteinOctober 28 – Tishri 29Sylvia BolkaErnest BreinerLouis HagerSelma NachmiasGloria PolanskyOctober 29 – Tishri 30Lewis KaufmanRachel MarescoBenjamin MarkowitzHerbert WachtelOctober 30 – Cheshvan 1Lillian BlausteinFannie GennErnest LevySifra MensonMorris ShkolnikOctober 31 – Cheshvan 2Norma MeisnerHarriet RenickAttention College Students & Snowbirds!Don’t Miss Hakol While You Are Away.Name _____________________________________________________________________________Out-of-Town Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FOR STUDENTSSchool Name __________________________________________________________________________________________Parent’s names ___________________________________________________Home Phone ________________________FOR SNOWBIRDSOut-of-Town Phone _______________________________________ Leaving On___________ Returning On __________Local Address _________________________________________________________________________________________HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 21

Nanci-Sue RosenthalSales Associate516-740-5480 Direct516-316-1030 Cell516-766-1400 Office516-706-2971 Faxnanci.sue.rosenthal@coldwellbanker.com57 Foxhurst Road, Oceanside, NY11572ColdwellBankerSurf.comSOLAR ENERGYFREE SITE ANALYSIS AND PROPOSALBy EmPower CES, LLCSolar Energy For Homes, Businesses, Non-ProfitsBENEFITS: Lower Energy Costs • EnergyIndependence • Clean Air • Clean Water •No More Oil • No More Global WarmingContact David G. Schieren (516) 837-3459dschieren@empowerces.com, www.empowerces.comOUR EXCLUSIVE CATERERSKotimsky & TuchmanLet us create a Magical Moment for You.GABRIEL BOXER ORMITCHELL FROEHLICH516-599-1330 or online at Caterer@HERJC.orgLYNBROOKPLUMBING AND HEATING, INC.267 Merrick RoadLynbrook, NY 11563593-4000J.S.Trott ElectricLICENSED ELECTRICIANS850 West BroadwayWoodmere, NY 11598516-569-5858 24 HOUR SERVICELow Visa & MasterCard Rates• We set up all major credit cards• Terminals & PrintersAUTOMATED MERCHANT SERVICES516-887-1797Steve Appel, President3 Leonard Dr., East Rockaway, NYDalsimer, Inc. FLORISTSCedarhurst, NY516-569-2100Boca Raton, FL800-423-BOCAJupiter/West Palm, FL800-245-2552 Steven NebenzahlBoulevard–Riverside Chapels1450 Broadway, Hewlett, New York 11557516-295-3100 718-327-7100DIRECTOR: STANLEY MISIKOFFpage 22 OCTOBER 2008 www.herjc.org HAKOL

ABOVE-GROUND BURIAL INDOOR JEWISH MAUSOLEUMMake the Decision Now, Don’t Leave It Up To Your ChildrenAct now to take advantage of choice locations. Call or write for free brochure.THE SANCTUARY ATMOUNT LEBANON CEMETERY7800 MYRTLE AVENUE, GLENDALE, NY 11385A Not-For-Profit CemeteryCALL 718-821-0200HAKOLwww.herjc.orgOCTOBER 2008 page 23

American Cool Air Heating and Air Conditioning Corp.“Your Heating and Cooling Comfort Specialists”Sales • Service • Installation • Free Estimates • Duct Installation • Air PurificationHumidification • Service Contracts • Replacement Units516-593-0888 MARC GOLDBERG EAST ROCKAWAY, NYTodd Kshonz, D.D.S., P.C.Cosmetic • General • Implant DentistryPersonalized Dental Carefor the Entire Family343 Merrick Road, Lynbrook, NY 11563516-823-3333WALL’SBAKERY1336 Broadway, Hewlett516-374-3771American Drive-In CleanersOF HEWLETT1345 PENINSULA BLVD., HEWLETT516-374-3900OPEN 7 DAYSNaomi Chaim Watman, M.D., FAAPPediatrics & Adolescent Medicine303 East Park AvenueLong Beach, NY 11561516-897-4600Fax 516-897-0769Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish CentreCongregation Etz Chaim295 Main StreetEast Rockaway NY 11518PeriodicalPaid at East Rockaway, New YorkPublication No. 233120

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