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AM SeriesAgile Audio/Video ModulatorsC2-2SPECIFICATIONSRF AM SERIES UnitsFrequency RangeAM-40-550 & AM-60-550: 54-550 MHzAM-40-750 & AM-60-750: 54-750 MHzChannels:VHF, CATV(STD,HRC,IRC)Tuning Increment : 250 kHzFCC Offset : 0, +12.5, or 25 kHzOutput Level - MinAM-40-550 & AM-40-750: +40 dBmVAM-60-550 & AM-60-750: +60 dBmVOutput Level Adjust: 10 (a) dBAural/Visual Carrier Ratio: -9 to -20 dBVisual Carrier Frequency ToleranceStandard Channels: ±5 kHzFCC Aeronautical Channels: ±4 kHzAural Carrier FrequencyOffset from Visual Carrier: +4.5 MHzAccuracy, Settable To: ±1.5 kHzChannel Selectivity:Adjacent Aural and Below: -40 dBAdjacent Picture and Above: -50 dBSpurious Outputs: -60 dBcC/N Ratio In Channel: 68 (b) dBBroadband Noise: -76 (b) dBcOutput Impedance: 75 ΩOutput Return Loss: 14 dBIFAural FrequencyStandard: 41.25 MHzVisual FrequencyStandard: 45.75 MHzComposite IF Loop OutputAural Carrier Level: +13 dBmVVisual Carrier Level: +28 dBmVOutput/Input Impedance: 75 ΩOutput Return Loss: 12 dBInput Return Loss: 14 dBEAS/ALT IF Input Level: 28 dBmV@ 45.75 MHzEAS/ALT IF Switch Isolation: >60 dBVIDEOInput Level: 1.0 (d) V p-pFrequency Responsefv-0.5 MHz to fv+4.2 MHz: ±1.0 dBP-P Video to RMS Hum Ratio: 60 dBVideo Signal-to-Noise Ratio,Weighted: 60 dBDifferential Gain: 5 (d) %Differential Phase: 1.5 (d) °C/L Delay Inequality: see note (c) nsOver Modulation Indicator: 87.5, ±2.5 %Input Impedance: 75 ΩInput Return Loss: 18 dBAUDIOInput Level: 140(e) mV RMSExt. 4.5 MHz Input Level: +35 to +45 (f) dBmVFrequency Range:20 Hz to 20 kHzFrequency Response: ±1.0 (g) dBPre-Emphasis-Mono: 75 µsAudio Signal-to-Noise: 60 dBAUDIO (continued) AM SERIES UnitsTotal Harmonic Distortion: 0.5 (h) %Over Modulation Indicator : 25, ±2 kHzInput ImpedanceStandard: 10 k, unbalanced ΩOption 09:600 Ω Audio Input: 600, balanced ΩSUB-CARRIER AUDIOFrequency: 4.5 MHzStability: ±150 (i) HzGENERALPower RequirementsVoltage: 117, ±10% VACFrequency: 60 HzPower - AM-40-550 & AM-40-750: 16 (j) WPower - AM-60-550 & AM-60-750: 20 (j) WFuse: 3/8 ATemperature Range: 0 to +50 °CMECHANICALDimensions (WxHxD)AM-40-550 & AM-40-750: 19.0 x 1.75 x 9.5 in.483x 44 x 241 mmAM-60-550 & AM-60-750: 19.0 x 1.75 x 14.5 in.483 x 44 x 368 mmWeightAM-40-550 & AM-40-750: 6 lbs. (2.73 kg)AM-60-550 & AM-60-750: 7 lbs. (3.18 kg)CONNECTORS (Rear Panel)Video InputStandard:Option 02: BNC Video Input:Option 10: Composite A/V:Audio InputStandard:Option 01: 4.5 MHz Input:Option 05:"F" type, femaleBNC type, female"F" type, femaleRCA Phono, female"F" type, female2 RCA Phono"F" type, femaleOption 09: 600 Ω Audio Input: Barrier StripComposite VIdeo/Audio InputOption 10: Composite A/V: "F" type, femaleIF Output:"F" type, femaleIF Input:"F" type, femaleRF Output:"F" type, femaleEAS/ALT IF:“F” Type, FemaleCONTROLS (Front Panel)Frequency Selection:Video Level:Aural Carrier Level:Audio Level:RF Output Level:DIP SwitchesControlControlControlControlCONTROLS (Top Cover & Rear Panel)Spectrum Inversion Option 08: Slide SwitchAudio Mode - Baseband/4.5 MHzOptions 01 and 10:Slide SwitchVideo AGC Select Option 07:Slide SwitchEAS/ALT IF:3 Position, Terminal StripINDICATORS (Front Panel)Power ON:Video Over Modulation:Audio Over Modulation:EAS/ALT IF:LED, greenLED, redLED, redLED, greenFEATURES:• Four Models Available: +40 or+60 dBmV Output; 550 or 750 MHz• 250 kHz Tuning Increment - SupportsAll Broadcast and CATV Channels,Including All HRC and IRCAssignments• EAS/ALT IF Ready Via Manual orAutomate Mode• Meets FCC Docket 21006Aeronautical Frequency OffsetRequirements• Superior Broadband NoisePerformance (-76 dB)• Custom SAW Filter Providing TrueVSB Response With Built-In FCCCATV Group Delay Pre-Distortion• Fully Compatible With BTSC EncodedStereo Audio• External IF Loop Permits Video All-Call or Scrambling Systems• Front Panel Access to AllLevel Controls• Rack Mount - 1 EIA (1.75") Spacing,Rugged Aluminum Chassis• C-UL Listed• Video All-Call Ready• Three Year WarrantyNOTES(a) continuously adjustable(b) 4 MHz bandwidth(c) meets FCC CATV group delaypre-distortion requirements forcolor transmission(d) 87.5% depth of modulation(e) for 25 kHz peak deviation(f) available with Options 01 and 10(g) referenced to standard75 µs pre-emphasis(h) 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 25 kHz deviation(i) 0 °C to +50 °C(j) standard unit with nooptions installedToll Free For Ordering!8 00-883-8839HeadendOrdering Notes: (1) Specify desired frequency. (2) Specify desired channel(s). (3) Specify desired option. (4) Specify desired isolation value or tap value.

PREFACEThe Singapore Department of Statistics initiated the collection ofdivorce statistics in 1981 and of educational qualification of marriage partners in1984. The marriage and divorce statistics provide important inputs for formulatingpopulation and related policies.This report, Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013, is thethirtieth in a regular series of publications. It is presented in two parts.Part 1 analyses the marriage trends and characteristics of grooms and brides.Part 2 highlights the nature of divorces and characteristics of divorcees. Relevantstatistical tables and charts are included.I would like to thank the Ministry of Social and Family Development,Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Registry of Marriages, Registry ofMuslim Marriages, the Syariah Court, the Family Court and the High Court forproviding the data on marriages and divorces. I am also grateful to all others whohave contributed towards this publication.Wong Wee KimChief StatisticianSingaporeJuly 2014Singapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► i

Our VisionA National Statistical System of Quality, Integrity and Expertise.Our MissionWe Provide Reliable, Relevant and Timely Statisticsto Support Singapore’s Social and Economic Development.Our Guiding PrinciplesProfessionalism& ExpertiseRelevanceAccessibilityConfidentialityTimeliness& ReliabilityCostEffectivenessWe adhere to professional ethics andproficiently produce quality statistics thatcomply with international concepts andbest practices.We constantly innovate our processes andproduce statistics that meet users’ needs.We make our statistics readily available.We protect the confidentiality ofinformation provided to us.We produce statistics that users candepend on and disseminate them at theearliest possible date while maintainingdata quality.We use resources effectively, minimisingrespondent burden and leveraging onadministrative data.ii ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013Singapore Department of Statistics

CONTENTSPagePreface ................................................................................................................iContents ........................................................................................................... iiiList of Tables .................................................................................................... ivKey Indicators on Marriages and Divorces, 2008 – 2013 .............................. xiPart 1 Marriage TrendsNumber of Marriages Registered .......................................................... 3General Marriage Rate .......................................................................... 4Age-Specific Marriage Rate .................................................................. 4Marriages by Marriage Order ................................................................ 5Median Age at Marriage ........................................................................ 6Age Differential at First Marriage ........................................................... 6Median Age at First Marriage by Educational Qualification ................... 7Inter-ethnic Marriages ........................................................................... 8Educational Qualification ....................................................................... 9Marriages of Minors ............................................................................ 10Part 2 Divorce and Annulment TrendsNumber of Marital Dissolutions ........................................................... 13General Divorce Rate .......................................................................... 14Age-Specific Divorce Rate .................................................................. 14Age at Divorce ..................................................................................... 15Median Marriage Duration ................................................................... 16Main Reasons for Divorce and Plaintiff ............................................... 17Annulment of Marriages under the Women’s Charter ......................... 19Tables on Marriages ...................................................................................... 21Tables on Divorces and Annulments ........................................................... 63Source and Data Coverage ......................................................................... 104Glossary ....................................................................................................... 105Singapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► iii

TableTotal MarriagesLIST OF TABLESPageA1.1 Total Marriages, 1985 – 2013 ...................................................................... 23A1.2 Age-Sex-Specific Marriage Rate, 1985 – 2013............................................ 24A1.3 Total Marriages by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2003 – 2013 ........... 26A1.4 Total Marriages by Age Differential at Marriage of Grooms to Bridesand Marriage Order, 2011 – 2013 ............................................................... 27A1.5 Median Age of Grooms and Brides by Marriage Order, 2003 – 2013 .......... 28A1.6 Median Age of Grooms by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 ............................... 29A1.7 Median Age of Brides by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 .................................. 29Marriages under the Women’s CharterA1.8 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,1965 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 30A1.9 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Grooms,1965 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 31A1.10 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Brides,1965 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 32A1.11 Median Age of Grooms and Brides Married under theWomen’s Charter by Marriage Order, 1965 – 2013 ..................................... 33A1.12 Median Age of Grooms Married under the Women’s Charterby Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 ..................................................................... 34A1.13 Median Age of Brides Married under the Women’s Charterby Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 ..................................................................... 34A1.14 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,January – December 2013 .......................................................................... 35A1.15 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Statusand Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 .............................................................. 35A1.16 Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Groupof Grooms and Brides, 2013 ........................................................................ 36A1.17 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Groomsand Brides, 2013 ......................................................................................... 36A1.18 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEthnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 .................................................. 37A1.19 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andPrevious Marital Status of Grooms, 2013 .................................................... 38A1.20 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andPrevious Marital Status of Brides, 2013 ....................................................... 38A1.21 First Marriages for Grooms under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 39iv ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013Singapore Department of Statistics

TableLIST OF TABLES (cont’d)PageA1.22 First Marriages for Brides under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 39A1.23 First Marriages for Couples under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 40A1.24 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Occupation of Groomsand Brides, 2013 ......................................................................................... 40A1.25 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andOccupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 41A1.26 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ............................... 42A1.27 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Educational Qualificationof Grooms and Brides, 2013 ........................................................................ 43A1.28 First Marriages for Couples under the Women’s Charter byEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ............................... 43A1.29 Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Women’s Charter by EducationalQualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ................................................... 44A1.30 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Religion of Groomsand Brides, 2013 ......................................................................................... 44A1.31 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Coupleand Place of Marriage / Marriage Solemnizer, 2013 .................................... 45A1.32 Resident Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Groupof Couple, 2003 – 2013 ............................................................................... 45A1.33 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEducational Qualification of Resident Grooms and Brides, 2013 ................ 46Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law ActA1.34 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 1965 – 2013 ......................................................... 47A1.35 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Grooms, 1965 – 2013 ............................................................ 48A1.36 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Brides, 1965 – 2013 .............................................................. 49A1.37 Median Age of Grooms and Brides Married under the Administrationof Muslim Law Act by Marriage Order, 1965 – 2013 .................................... 50A1.38 Median Age of Grooms Married under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 ........................................... 51A1.39 Median Age of Brides Married under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013 ........................................... 51A1.40 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, January – December 2013 ................................... 52Singapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► v

TableLIST OF TABLES (cont’d)PageA1.41 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by PreviousMarital Status and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 ........................................ 52A1.42 Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 .................................................. 53A1.43 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 53A1.44 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Ethnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ......................... 54A1.45 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Previous Marital Status of Grooms, 2013 ........................... 55A1.46 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Previous Marital Status of Brides, 2013 ............................. 55A1.47 First Marriages for Grooms under the Administration of MuslimLaw Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ................................... 56A1.48 First Marriages for Brides under the Administration of MuslimLaw Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ................................... 56A1.49 First Marriages for Couples under the Administration of MuslimLaw Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ................................... 57A1.50 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byOccupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ..................................................... 57A1.51 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Occupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013 .............................................. 58A1.52 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Educational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ........................ 59A1.53 Marriages under Administration of Muslim Law Act Law byEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013 ............................... 60A1.54 Resident Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 2003 – 2013 ......................................................... 60A1.55 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Educational Qualification of Resident Grooms and Brides, 2013 ......... 61Total DivorcesA2.1 Total Divorces, 1985 – 2013 ........................................................................ 65A2.2 Age-Sex-Specific Divorce Rate, 1985 – 2013.............................................. 66A2.3 Total Divorces by Age Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 .............. 68A2.4 Total Divorces by Duration of Marriage, 1980 – 2013 ................................. 70vi ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013Singapore Department of Statistics

TableLIST OF TABLES (cont’d)Divorces under the Women’s CharterPageA2.5 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andSex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 .................................................................... 71A2.6 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage,1980 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 73A2.7 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,1980 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 74A2.8 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,January – December 2013 .......................................................................... 75A2.9 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Statusand Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 .............................................................. 75A2.10 Inter-ethnic Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Groupof Male and Female Divorcees, 2013 .......................................................... 76A2.11 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Male andFemale Divorcees, 2013 .............................................................................. 76A2.12 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group, Ethnic Groupand Sex of Divorcees, 2013 ......................................................................... 77A2.13 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group, PreviousMarital Status and Sex of Divorcees, 2013 .................................................. 78A2.14 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age at Marriage ofMale and Female Divorcees, 2013 .............................................................. 79A2.15 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age at Marriage,Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013 ................................................... 79A2.16 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage andEthnic Group of Couple, 2013 ..................................................................... 80A2.17 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage andNumber of Dependent Children, 2013 ......................................................... 80A2.18 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sex ofDivorcees, and Duration of Marriage, 2013 ................................................. 81A2.19 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by (A) Duration of Marriage;(B) Plaintiff; and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013 ......................................... 82A2.20 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Main Reason for Divorceand Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 .............................................................. 82A2.21 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sex ofDivorcees, and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013 .......................................... 83Singapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► vii

TableLIST OF TABLES (cont’d)Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law ActPageA2.22 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 .......................................... 84A2.23 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byDuration of Marriage, 1980 – 2013 .............................................................. 86A2.24 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 1980 – 2013 ......................................................... 87A2.25 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, January – December 2013 ................................... 88A2.26 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byPrevious Marital Status and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 ......................... 88A2.27 Inter-ethnic Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013 .................................... 89A2.28 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013 ........................................ 89A2.29 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group, Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013 ............................... 90A2.30 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Group,Previous Marital Status and Sex of Divorcees, 2013 ................................... 91A2.31 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge at Marriage of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013 ................................ 92A2.32 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge at Marriage, Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013 ....................... 93A2.33 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Durationof Marriage and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 ........................................... 94A2.34 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Durationof Marriage and Number of Dependent Children, 2013 ............................... 94A2.35 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by AgeGroup and Sex of Divorcees, and Duration of Marriage, 2013 .................... 95A2.36 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by (A) Durationof Marriage; (B) Plaintiff; and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013 ..................... 96A2.37 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Main Reasonfor Divorce and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013 ............................................ 96A2.38 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Group andSex of Divorcees, and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013 ............................... 97viii ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013Singapore Department of Statistics

TableLIST OF TABLES (cont’d)Annulments under the Women’s CharterPageA2.39 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sex,1980 – 2013 ................................................................................................. 98A2.40 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage,1980 – 2013 ............................................................................................... 100A2.41 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group ofCouple, 1980 – 2013 ................................................................................. 101A2.42 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group ofCouple, January – December 2013 ........................................................... 102A2.43 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Age Group ofHusbands and Wives, 2013 ....................................................................... 102A2.44 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage,Age Group and Sex, 2013 ......................................................................... 103A2.45 Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Statusof Husbands and Wives, 2013 ................................................................... 103Notation- nil or not applicableSingapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► ix

KEY INDICATORS ON MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 2008 – 2013Total Marriages & Divorces2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Number of Marriages 24,596 26,081 24,363 27,258 27,936 26,254Number of Divorces & Annulments 7,134 7,280 7,338 7,604 7,237 7,525General Marriage RateMales (Per 1,000 unmarried resident males 43.5 43.4 39.3 43.5 43.8 40.5aged 15-49 years)Females (Per 1,000 unmarried resident females 39.6 38.9 35.3 39.2 39.4 36.9aged 15-49 years)General Divorce RateMales (Per 1,000 married resident males7.5 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.1 7.3aged 20 years & over)Females (Per 1,000 married resident females 7.3 7.1 7.2 7.2 6.7 6.9aged 20 years & over)Crude Marriage Rate (Per 1,000 resident population) 6.5 6.6 6.1 6.7 6.7 6.3Crude Divorce Rate (Per 1,000 resident population) 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9Median Age at First Marriage (Years)Grooms 29.8 29.8 30.0 30.1 30.1 30.2Brides 27.3 27.5 27.7 28.0 28.0 28.1Median Age at Divorce (Years)Male Divorcees 39.9 40.5 41.0 41.3 41.6 42.4Females Divorcees 36.3 36.9 37.4 37.7 38.0 38.2Median Duration of Marriage for Divorces (Years) 9.9 10.1 10.6 10.5 10.3 10.4MarriagesAdministration ofWomen’s CharterMuslim Law Act2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013Number of Marriages 22,840 23,134 21,180 4,418 4,802 5,074Inter-ethnic Marriages (% of total marriages) 17.4 18.1 18.2 32.2 33.5 32.1First Marriages (% of total marriages) 75.9 76.0 76.3 67.4 69.7 69.8Median Age at First Marriage (Years)Grooms 30.6 30.6 30.7 28.1 28.1 28.1Brides 28.3 28.3 28.5 26.0 26.0 26.2Marriages of MinorsGrooms Aged below 21 Years (% of total grooms) 0.5 0.4 0.4 1.7 1.7 1.2Brides Aged below 21 Years (% of total brides) 1.9 1.7 1.6 5.5 5.5 5.2Divorces & AnnulmentsNumber of Divorces 5,696 5,306 5,471 1,538 1,587 1,662Number of Annulments 370 344 392 - - -Inter-ethnic Divorces (% of total divorces) 10.6 11.9 12.1 22.4 16.9 21.4Median Age at Divorce (Years)Male Divorcees 41.6 42.0 43.0 39.5 40.3 40.1Females Divorcees 37.9 38.4 38.6 36.5 36.6 36.7Median Duration of Marriage for Divorces (Years) 11.1 10.9 10.8 8.4 8.6 9.2Female Plaintiffs (% of total divorcees) 64.7 64.4 62.7 69.5 69.8 70.3Notes: 1) Data on divorces for 1994-2010 and data on annulments for 2008 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of newinformation from administrative data sources.2) In view of the rising proportion of marriages among persons aged 45-49 years, the data series on general marriage rate hasbeen revised in 2014 to cover the age group 15-49 years.Singapore Department of StatisticsStatistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► xi

Part 1Marriage Trends► 1

PART 1MARRIAGE TRENDSNumber of Marriages RegisteredIn 2013, the total number of marriages (comprising both civil and Muslimmarriages 1 ) registered was 26,254 (Chart 1.1). This was 6.0 per cent lower than the27,936 marriages registered in 2012. The decline was due to fewer civil marriages(fell from 23,134 in 2012 to 21,180 in 2013), despite a rise in the Muslim marriages(up from 4,802 in 2012 to 5,074 in 2013).('000)30252015105Chart 1.1Marriages RegisteredPer 1,000Residents987654321001990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Women's CharterAdministration of MuslimLaw ActCrude Marriage Rate1 Civil marriages refer to marriages registered under the Women’s Charter while Muslim marriages refer to marriagesregistered under the Administration of Muslim Law Act. The analysis on marriages excludes re-registered marriages (i.e. civilmarriages which were contracted overseas or under religious & customary rites and were subsequently registered inSingapore in the reference year). In 2013, there were 11 re-registered marriages.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 3

General Marriage Rate 2The general marriage rates fell in 2013. Specifically, the marriage rate formales decreased from 43.8 marriages per thousand unmarried males aged 15-49years in 2012 to 40.5 in 2013 (Chart 1.2). Similarly for females, the marriage ratedeclined from 39.4 to 36.9 marriages per thousand unmarried females aged 15-49years during the same period.Per 1,000 Unmarried ResidentsAged 15-49 YearsChart 1.2General Marriage Rate70605059.252.2FemalesMales43.840.5403039.4 36.9201990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Age-Specific Marriage RateReflecting the delay in marrying, the marriage rates fell across theyounger age groups below 30 years in 2013 compared to a decade ago, but rose forthose aged 30 years and over (Chart 1.3). The peak age group for men marryingshifted from 25-29 years in 1993 to 30-34 years in 2003 and 2013. In contrast, thepeak age group for women marrying remained at 25-29 years in 2013.Chart 1.3Age-Sex-Specific Marriage RatePer 1,000Unmarried Resident Males1501993Per 1,000Unmarried Resident Females150199320032003201320131001005050015 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49Age Group (Years)015 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49Age Group (Years)2 In view of the rising proportion of marriages among persons aged 45-49 years, the data series on general marriage rate hasbeen revised in 2014 to cover the age group 15-49 years.4 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Marriages by Marriage OrderThree quarters of total marriages in 2013 were first marriages for thecouple (i.e. neither party had previously been married) (Chart 1.4). The remainingquarter comprised remarriages for either one (17 per cent) or both (8.1 per cent)partners. Compared to 2003, remarriages constituted a higher proportion of totalmarriages in 2013.Muslim marriages had a higher proportion of remarriages than civilmarriages. However, remarriages among Muslim marriages had declined from33 per cent in 2003 to 30 per cent in 2013.Chart 1.4Marriages by Marriage Order of CoupleFirst marriage, both partners Remarriage, one partner Remarrriage, both partnersTotalWomen's CharterPer Cent5.8 8.1 3.8 6.514.616.913.817.2Administration ofMuslim Law Act14.9 14.618.1 15.779.7 75.182.476.367.1 69.82003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Note: Data may not add up to total due to rounding.Remarriages were more common among grooms than brides. For grooms,18 per cent were remarrying in 2013 (17 per cent were divorced prior to gettingremarried, and 1.1 per cent were widowed) (Table 1.1). For brides, 15 per cent wereremarrying in 2013 (14 per cent were divorced before getting remarried, and 0.8 percent were widowed).Table 1.1Previous Marital StatusMarriages by Previous Marital Status of Grooms and BridesTotalWomen’s CharterPer CentAdministration ofMuslim Law Act2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Grooms 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0Single 86.2 82.2 88.2 83.1 76.6 78.2Divorced 12.6 16.7 10.8 16.0 21.0 20.0Widowed 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.9 1.7Married 0.1 - - - 0.5 0.2Brides 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0Single 87.7 84.8 90.3 86.7 75.6 77.0Divorced 11.5 14.4 9.2 12.7 22.6 21.2Widowed 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 1.9 1.7Notes: 1) Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.2) Data may not add up to total due to rounding.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 5

Median Age at MarriageMen and women are marrying later in life. For grooms, the median age atfirst marriage rose from 29.1 years in 2003 to 30.2 years in 2013 (Chart 1.5).For brides, it rose from 26.6 years to 28.1 years.The median age at remarriage also increased. The median age of groomswho were remarrying rose from 40.2 years in 2003 to 42.5 years in 2013. For brides,it went up from 34.2 years to 36.6 years.Chart 1.5Median Age at MarriageAge (Years)454035302538.032.628.025.3Grooms, RemarriageBrides, RemarriageGrooms, First MarriageBrides, First Marriage40. 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Age Differential at First MarriageAmong first marriages for couples in 2013, 67 per cent of grooms marriedyounger brides (Chart 1.6). This was lower than the 73 per cent in 2003.In 2013, 37 per cent of couples in their first marriage involved grooms andbrides of the same age or aged one year apart, higher than the 33 per cent in 2003.The proportion of couples with at least 5 years of age difference was 26 per cent in2013, lower than the 29 per cent recorded a decade ago.Chart 1.6Age Differential at First Marriage for CouplesGroom Youngerthan BridePer Cent18161412108642201320030-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25Age Difference (Years)Groom Olderthan Bride6 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Median Age at First Marriage by Educational QualificationCompared to 2003, the median age at first marriage in 2013 was higheramong grooms and brides of all educational groups, except for Muslim grooms withpost secondary and above qualifications (Chart 1.7).YearsChart 1.737.5Median Age at First Marriage by Educational QualificationGroomsTotalYearsBrides31.830.028.529.228.330.729.429.025.7 26.725.4 26.126.928.927.3Primary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*UniversityPrimary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*UniversityWomen's CharterYears39.8GroomsYearsBrides32.331.129.630.1 30.828.3 29.429.029.026.5 26.227.4 27.526.2 27.3Primary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*UniversityPrimary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*UniversityAdministration of Muslim Law ActYearsGroomsYearsBrides29.5 29.526.828.129.227.8 27.9 28.928.122.9 23.824.9 27.4Primary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*UniversityPrimary orLowerSecondaryPostSecondary*University20032013* Post secondary comprises upper secondary and polytechnic.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 7

Inter-ethnic MarriagesIn 2013, 21 per cent of total marriages were inter-ethnic marriages,up from 12 per cent in 2003 (Chart 1.8). Such inter-ethnic marriages were moreprevalent among Muslim marriages (32 per cent) than among civil marriages(18 per cent).Chart 1.8Proportion of Inter-ethnic MarriagesPer Cent40Administration of Muslim Law Act32.1302016.523.1Total20.912.118.21007.6Women's Charter9.65.51990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Of the 3,865 inter-ethnic civil marriages registered in 2013, 47 per centwere contracted between Chinese grooms and brides of “Others” ethnic group(Table 1.2). Inter-ethnic Muslim marriages were mainly among Malay grooms orMalay brides with their spouses of “Others” ethnic group, which accounted for 25 percent and 22 per cent respectively of the 1,630 inter-ethnic Muslim marriages in 2013.Table 1.2 Top 5 Ethnic Group Combinations among Inter-ethnic Marriages, 2013Women’s CharterAdministration of Muslim Law ActEthnic Group ofGroomEthnic Group ofBridePer CentEthnic Group ofGroomEthnic Group ofBridePer CentChinese “Others” 47.4 Malays “Others” 25.3Caucasians Chinese 13.1 “Others” Malays 21.7Caucasians “Others” 7.8 Indians Malays 13.4“Others” Chinese 7.0 Malays Indians 9.6Indians “Others” 5.6 Malays Chinese 7.1Note: “Others” refers to all ethnic groups excluding Chinese, Indians, Eurasians, Caucasians and Malays.8 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Educational QualificationOver the past decade, there was a significant increase in the proportion ofgrooms with primary or lower education marrying brides with at least secondaryqualification. Between 2003 and 2013, the proportion increased from 54 per cent to74 per cent for grooms in civil marriages and from 49 per cent to 65 per cent forgrooms in Muslim marriages (Chart 1.9).The proportion of 35university educated grooms 3339marrying brides with the47same qualification also rose in the last decade. The proportion increased from 71 per716978cent to 79 per cent for grooms in civil marriages, and47from 43 per cent to 60 per cent4146for grooms in Muslim marriages.5329Chart 1.953Marriages 24 by Educational Qualification 21 of Grooms and8Educational Differential of Brides2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011Bride with Lower Qualification than Groom Same Qualification Bride with Higher Qualification than Groom21323122Per Cent54.245.873.826.238.4 44.023.5 35.644.647.851.217.0Women's Charter8.144.970.8 79.025.3 19.529.2 21.02003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Primary or Secondary PostUniversityLowerSecondary*Educational Qualification of GroomPer Cent51.134.860.5Administration of Muslim Law Act48.965.219.835.316.3 14.819.756.38.441.742.064.720.543.156.960.239.82003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Primary or Secondary PostUniversityLowerSecondary*Educational Qualification of Groom* Post secondary comprises upper secondary and polytechnic.Note: Data may not add up to total due to rounding.Among graduate brides in civil marriages, 75 per cent married graduategrooms in 2013, comparable to the 76 per cent a decade ago (Chart 1.10). ForMuslim marriages, the proportion of graduate brides who married graduate groomsrose slightly from 44 per cent to 46 per cent over the same period.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 9

65423751486035Chart 1.10Marriages 2833by Educational Qualification of Brides and1913Educational Differential of Grooms76 7524 252001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011Groom with Lower Qualification than Bride Same Qualification Groom with Higher Qualification than BrideWomen's CharterAdministration of Muslim Law Act46.953.168.831.235.7 44.427.1 32.044.343.650.075.8 75.445.120.7 10.528.6 18.1 24.2 24.650.4 61.638.231.914.013.0 8.849.6 38.466.851.654.972.719.2 10.218.543.9 46.056.1 54.02003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Primary or Secondary PostUniversityLowerSecondary*Educational Qualification of Bride2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Primary or Secondary PostUniversityLowerSecondary*Educational Qualification of Bride* Post secondary comprises upper secondary and polytechnic.Note: Data may not add up to total due to rounding.Marriages of MinorsThe number of grooms and brides aged below 21 years remainedrelatively low among civil marriages. In 2013, 0.4 per cent of grooms and 1.6 percent of brides marrying under the Women’s Charter were below 21 years of age(Table 1.3). The corresponding proportions for Muslims were higher, at 1.2 per centand 5.2 per cent respectively. The proportions, however, had declined from 4.2 percent and 13 per cent of Muslim grooms and brides respectively in 2003.Table 1.3Marriages of MinorsAge (Years)Women’s Charter Administration of Muslim Law Act2003 2013 2003 2013GroomsTotal (Number) 104 92 161 61Below 18 - 4 15 -18 – 20 104 88 146 61% Aged below 21 yearsamong All Grooms0.6 0.4 4.2 1.2BridesTotal (Number) 494 331 499 263Below 18 23 20 88 1418 – 20 471 311 411 249% Aged below 21 yearsamong All Brides2.7 1.6 12.9 5.210 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Part 2Divorce and AnnulmentTrends► 11

PART 2DIVORCE AND ANNULMENT TRENDSNumber of Marital DissolutionsIn 2013, the total number of marital dissolutions (comprising divorces andannulments) was 7,525 (Chart 2.1). This was 4.0 per cent higher than the 7,237divorces and annulments in 2012.The crude rate of divorce was 1.9 divorces per thousand residents in2013, unchanged from 2012.Chart 2.1Marital Dissolutions('000)87654321Per 1,000Residents2. 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Women's Charter Administration of Muslim Law Act Crude Divorce RateSingapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 13

General Divorce RateAmong married male residents, the general divorce rate increased from7.1 per thousand married male residents aged 20 years and over in 2012 to7.3 in 2013 (Chart 2.2). Similarly, the rate among married female residents increasedfrom 6.7 in 2012 to 6.9 in 2013.Chart 2.2General Divorce RatePer 1,000 Married ResidentsAged 20 Years & Over1086Males7.1 7.3Females6.1 6.7 6.94201990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Age-Specific Divorce RateThe divorce rates among married males and females in 2013 were largelycomparable to 2003 across all age groups (Chart 2.3). However, the divorce rateswere higher compared to 1993, particularly among the younger age groups.Chart 2.3Age-Sex-Specific Divorce RatesPer 1,000Married Resident Males5040199320032013Per 1,000Married Resident Females5040199320032013303020201010020 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45-49 50 &OverAge Group (Years)020 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45-49 50 &OverAge Group (Years)14 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Age at DivorceCompared to 2003, persons aged 45 years and over accounted for alarger share of divorcees in 2013. The proportion aged 45 years and over rose from28 per cent in 2003 to 42 per cent in 2013 for male divorcees, and from 18 per centto 27 per cent for female divorcees (Table 2.1). Among the female divorcees, thoseaged 35-44 years also saw a slight increase in share from 33 per cent to 36 per centover the same period.The median age at divorce rose in the last ten years. The median ages formale and female divorcees were 42.4 years and 38.2 years respectively in 2013,up from 39.2 years and 35.7 years in 2003.Table 2.1Divorces by Age Group and SexAge Group(Years)Total Women’s Charter Administration of Muslim Law ActMales Females Males Females Males Females2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013Total (Per Cent) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0Below 25 2.1 1.0 6.3 3.0 0.7 0.5 3.3 1.9 5.1 2.4 12.9 6.425 – 34 28.0 20.8 38.5 33.6 26.1 18.5 38.6 32.4 32.3 28.3 38.3 37.735 – 44 38.2 36.4 33.0 36.5 37.7 37.1 33.0 37.9 39.4 34.1 33.0 31.745 & over 28.0 41.8 18.5 26.9 30.3 43.8 19.7 27.7 23.2 35.2 15.8 24.2Unknown 3.6 - 3.7 0.0 5.3 - 5.3 0.0 - - - -Median Age(Years)39.2 42.4 35.7 38.2 39.9 43.0 36.2 38.6 37.6 40.1 34.6 36.7Notes: 1) Data exclude annulments.2) Data may not add up to total due to rounding.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 15

Median Marriage DurationThe median marriage duration for divorces in 2013 was 10.4 years, upfrom 9.6 years in 2003 (Chart 2.4). Marriage duration was generally shorter amongMuslim divorces than civil divorces. In 2013, the median marriage duration was 9.2years for Muslim divorces and 10.8 years for civil divorces.Chart 2.4Median Marriage DurationDuration (Years)1210.4 10.4109.68 9.27.766.442Women's CharterTotalAdministration of Muslim Law Act10.810.49.201990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013Note: Data exclude annulments.Couples who were married for 5-9 years accounted for the largest group(31 per cent) of civil divorces in 2013, followed by those who were married for20 years or longer (22 per cent) (Chart 2.5). Among Muslim divorces, while coupleswho were married for 5-9 years also formed the largest group (29 per cent), thesecond largest group were those who were married for less than 5 years (25 percent).Chart 2.5Divorces by Duration of MarriagePer Cent31.333.6Women's Charter21.821.113.711.317.819.415.514.620 & Over15 - 1910 - 145 - 9Under 5Administration of Muslim Law Act16.512.912.211.717.616. Data exclude annulments.Duration of Marriage (Years)16 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Main Reasons for Divorce and PlaintiffDivorces under the Women’s CharterAmong civil divorces in 2013, the top two main reasons for divorce were“Unreasonable behaviour” (51 per cent) and “Having lived apart or separated forthree years or more” (46 per cent) (Table 2.2).The wife instituted the majority (63 per cent) of civil divorces in 2013.While more than half (57 per cent) of the female plaintiffs attributed “Unreasonablebehaviour” of spouse as the main reason for divorce, “Having lived apart orseparated for three years or more” was the top main reason cited by male plaintiffs(55 per cent).Table 2.2Top Three Main Reasons for Divorces under theWomen’s Charter by Plaintiff, 2013Main Reason for Divorce Total Husband WifeNumber 5,471 2,040 3,431Proportion of Civil Divorces (Per Cent)Unreasonable Behaviour 51.0 40.8 57.0Lived Apart / Separated for45.8 55.0 40.4Three Years or MoreDesertion 1.8 3.1 1.0Note: Data exclude annulments.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 17

Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law ActAmong Muslim divorces, “Infidelity or extra-marital affair” (25 per cent)was the top main reason for divorce in 2013 (Table 2.3). This was followed by“Financial problems” (16 per cent) and “Desertion” (12 per cent).Divorces filed by the wife constituted 70 per cent of the Muslim divorces in2013. The top main reason for divorce was “Infidelity or extra-marital affair” for bothmale (27 per cent) and female plaintiffs (24 per cent).Table 2.3Top Four Main Reasons for Divorces under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Plaintiff, 2013Main Reason for Divorce Total Husband WifeNumber 1,662 494 1,168Proportion of Muslim Divorces (Per Cent)Infidelity / Extra-Marital Affair 25.3 27.3 24.4Financial Problems 15.9 10.7 18.1Desertion 12.5 14.6 11.6Domestic Violence and Abuses 9.4 3.4 12.018 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Annulment of Marriages under the Women’s CharterThere were a total of 392 annulments under the Women’s Charter in2013, an increase from 344 annulments in 2012 (Chart 2.6). The median duration ofmarriages that were annulled in 2013 was 1.8 years, unchanged since 2011.Number700600500400300200100Chart 2.6Annulments and Median Duration of Marriage AnnulledYears4. 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013AnnulmentsMedian Duration of Marriage AnnulledSingapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 19

Tables onMarriages► 21

Table A1.1 Total Marriages, 1985 – 2013YearTotal 1Total MarriagesFirstMarriages,BothPartnersRe-marriagesOnePartnerBothPartnersProportion ofFirst MarriagesResidentCrudeMarriageRateResident GeneralMarriage Rate 2(Per 1,000 Unmarried(Per Cent)Residents Aged15-49 Years)(Per 1,000Males Females Residents) Males Females1985 23,058 21,085 1,590 383 94.1 95.6 9.2 54.3 62.51990 23,953 21,044 2,285 624 91.9 93.4 8.6 52.2 59.21991 24,791 21,699 2,403 689 91.9 92.8 8.7 55.5 61.51992 25,784 22,219 2,778 787 90.8 92.3 8.9 56.7 59.01993 25,298 21,821 2,661 816 90.8 92.2 8.6 55.3 57.41994 24,654 21,050 2,728 876 90.1 91.7 8.2 54.7 56.11995 24,965 21,196 2,883 886 90.1 91.3 8.1 54.6 54.91996 24,106 20,135 3,006 965 89.2 90.3 7.7 53.2 52.61997 25,667 21,438 3,170 1,059 89.0 90.4 8.1 56.7 58.41998 23,106 18,835 3,206 1,065 87.8 89.1 7.1 49.4 47.91999 25,648 20,999 3,454 1,195 88.2 89.0 7.8 54.7 54.82000 22,561 18,233 3,083 1,245 87.0 88.3 6.7 47.4 46.82001 22,280 17,895 3,197 1,188 86.6 88.4 6.5 46.7 44.12002 23,198 18,802 3,187 1,209 87.3 88.5 6.6 47.5 45.82003 21,962 17,496 3,197 1,269 86.2 87.7 6.3 44.9 43.72004 22,189 17,132 3,684 1,373 84.7 86.4 6.3 44.0 41.22005 22,992 17,268 4,060 1,664 83.1 84.8 6.4 43.8 39.02006 23,706 17,852 4,199 1,655 83.4 84.9 6.5 43.7 40.02007 23,966 17,874 4,332 1,760 82.5 84.7 6.4 43.5 40.12008 24,596 18,423 4,270 1,902 82.8 84.4 6.5 43.5 39.62009 26,081 19,413 4,703 1,965 82.3 84.6 6.6 43.4 38.92010 24,363 18,007 4,450 1,906 81.7 84.4 6.1 39.3 35.32011 27,258 20,315 4,849 2,094 81.7 85.1 6.7 43.5 39.22012 27,936 20,930 4,877 2,129 82.6 84.7 6.7 43.8 39.42013 26,254 19,706 4,432 2,116 82.2 84.8 6.3 40.5 36.91 Total in 2008 includes marriages where the previous marital status of grooms was not reported. Previous marital statusrefers to a person's marital status prior to the current marriage.2 In view of the rising proportion of marriages among persons aged 45-49 years, the data series on general marriage ratehas been revised in 2014 to cover the age group 15-49 years.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 23

Table A1.2 Age-Sex-Specific Marriage Rate, 1985 – 2013YearAge Group of Males (Years)Per 1,000 Unmarried Resident Males15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-491985 1.2 43.8 110.3 109.8 83.2 54.5 45.81990 1.2 35.1 107.6 96.4 68.5 41.6 28.31991 1.4 35.4 109.4 107.6 77.5 51.2 33.91992 1.3 32.5 113.7 108.9 79.5 50.4 38.51993 1.6 29.4 108.3 106.1 78.5 52.7 40.21994 1.4 29.5 107.9 110.7 77.9 55.8 39.01995 1.2 29.3 113.1 108.0 70.8 54.8 35.21996 1.5 28.0 110.1 113.4 72.2 52.0 34.61997 1.2 33.2 119.1 110.7 77.2 47.4 35.51998 1.3 26.9 100.5 101.5 67.2 49.4 32.91999 1.4 28.8 118.3 110.2 71.1 49.8 36.62000 1.7 23.7 104.0 98.3 64.5 43.8 30.92001 1.8 22.0 98.5 104.3 73.3 44.8 30.32002 1.5 20.5 101.1 104.4 70.7 42.5 30.82003 1.2 18.7 96.2 107.4 64.4 41.7 29.32004 1.1 19.0 85.9 108.2 80.4 48.9 31.42005 1.0 17.4 85.3 106.1 78.1 54.8 39.22006 1.0 16.7 84.4 108.3 84.8 48.4 37.82007 0.9 15.9 82.0 112.7 83.7 55.9 38.62008 0.9 14.4 83.0 111.8 84.9 58.5 37.02009 0.8 12.7 79.5 112.1 92.0 55.9 40.62010 0.7 11.7 71.8 102.7 77.9 52.1 36.72011 0.7 11.1 79.6 117.9 89.2 58.5 41.22012 0.6 12.2 77.8 117.8 96.5 65.2 39.82013 0.6 10.9 71.5 109.9 86.2 56.0 36.024 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.2Age-Sex-Specific Marriage Rate, 1985 – 2013 (cont’d)YearAge Group of Females (Years)Per 1,000 Unmarried Resident Females15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-491985 15.2 95.5 111.8 62.6 33.4 18.5 7.21990 11.0 84.8 133.0 69.1 36.6 14.7 6.71991 10.8 84.7 138.0 76.4 37.4 15.6 8.81992 10.1 78.8 133.5 74.4 36.7 17.5 9.21993 8.8 72.0 132.8 74.5 38.3 17.9 10.91994 7.9 71.0 134.2 77.6 38.8 16.7 9.91995 7.5 70.1 135.7 76.5 37.3 16.9 8.31996 7.0 65.4 137.3 74.0 35.7 19.0 8.21997 6.6 75.2 149.1 82.2 40.1 19.6 9.91998 7.6 58.7 123.9 70.5 34.6 16.8 8.51999 7.2 66.3 151.0 84.8 38.4 18.0 9.72000 7.4 54.3 133.0 69.8 32.4 17.2 8.22001 6.9 51.5 122.8 70.2 33.4 14.8 7.42002 6.3 50.1 125.6 75.2 32.9 14.1 7.92003 5.3 45.9 126.0 75.1 29.2 15.9 8.92004 5.0 43.3 111.2 75.9 34.1 16.4 8.92005 4.6 38.5 114.1 70.6 32.1 15.0 9.12006 3.9 37.4 110.4 78.9 33.5 17.5 8.32007 3.8 34.0 111.5 84.2 39.7 18.3 9.02008 3.1 30.9 114.5 79.8 38.8 18.7 9.62009 2.6 26.9 108.5 88.2 39.2 17.3 10.12010 2.8 22.6 99.0 81.0 36.3 16.2 10.42011 2.4 23.5 108.0 96.0 42.4 20.7 10.22012 2.3 24.4 106.7 96.2 43.2 21.0 10.52013 2.2 21.3 97.4 89.2 44.6 19.4 10.2Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 25

Table A1.3 Total Marriages by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2003 – 2013NumberYearTotalUnder20Age Group of Grooms (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &over2003 21,962 139 2,103 8,923 5,613 2,476 1,323 714 373 179 1192004 22,189 129 2,138 8,259 5,812 2,665 1,492 851 480 200 1632005 22,992 120 2,056 7,936 5,960 2,873 1,795 1,108 607 314 2232006 23,706 125 1,985 8,505 6,327 2,929 1,613 1,064 610 312 2362007 23,966 116 1,899 8,468 6,398 3,040 1,771 1,078 610 347 2392008 24,596 130 1,823 8,847 6,510 3,216 1,768 1,052 623 361 2662009 26,081 106 1,783 9,378 6,923 3,486 1,800 1,162 728 391 3242010 24,363 99 1,696 8,297 6,686 3,310 1,746 1,154 673 397 3052011 27,258 101 1,698 9,275 7,771 3,679 1,842 1,221 815 473 3832012 27,936 84 1,907 9,429 8,012 3,744 1,907 1,201 794 438 4202013 26,254 81 1,675 8,745 7,765 3,508 1,826 1,094 766 425 369Age Group of Brides (Years)TotalUnder2020-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &over2003 21,962 620 5,639 9,798 3,539 1,254 616 318 114 49 152004 22,189 683 5,493 9,450 3,868 1,441 668 354 140 58 342005 22,992 731 5,331 9,634 4,216 1,645 770 398 165 69 332006 23,706 636 5,114 10,317 4,479 1,681 825 377 158 81 382007 23,966 643 4,791 10,528 4,680 1,825 819 399 186 62 332008 24,596 562 4,699 11,013 4,798 1,900 890 421 187 83 432009 26,081 503 4,770 11,773 5,226 2,117 846 462 228 110 462010 24,363 471 4,192 10,748 5,185 2,065 812 509 243 87 512011 27,258 408 4,444 12,123 5,972 2,266 1,069 528 280 99 692012 27,936 386 4,622 12,213 6,308 2,358 1,071 542 244 115 772013 26,254 355 4,030 11,428 6,134 2,347 1,027 517 241 114 6126 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.4Age Differential atMarriageTotal Marriages by Age Differential at Marriage of Grooms to Brides andMarriage Order, 2011 – 2013Total Marriages First Marriages RemarriagesNumber2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013Total 27,258 27,936 26,254 20,315 20,930 19,706 6,943 7,006 6,548Same Age 3,421 3,461 3,408 3,034 3,083 3,016 387 378 392Groom Older by1 year 3,145 3,315 3,110 2,766 2,936 2,726 379 379 3842 years 2,906 2,948 2,808 2,526 2,518 2,448 380 430 3603 years 2,325 2,459 2,331 1,953 2,080 1,962 372 379 3694 years 1,929 1,939 1,789 1,562 1,570 1,461 367 369 3285 years 1,520 1,531 1,387 1,194 1,205 1,091 326 326 2966 years 1,155 1,247 1,160 836 909 840 319 338 3207 years 971 1,014 957 676 698 646 295 316 3118 years 809 777 747 519 487 491 290 290 2569 years 590 688 586 330 409 346 260 279 24010 years 508 549 485 291 305 249 217 244 23611 years 448 428 384 212 207 221 236 221 16312 years 371 383 362 161 175 159 210 208 20313 years 309 291 283 126 125 114 183 166 16914 years 301 260 258 112 100 90 189 160 16815 years & over 1,853 1,726 1,545 582 522 423 1,271 1,204 1,122Groom Younger by1 year 1,794 1,812 1,716 1,497 1,526 1,467 297 286 2492 years 918 989 979 722 777 770 196 212 2093 years 578 646 564 432 461 407 146 185 1574 years 391 424 396 254 294 273 137 130 1235 years & over 1,016 1,049 999 530 543 506 486 506 493Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 27

Table A1.5 Median Age of Grooms and Brides by Marriage Order, 2003 – 2013YearsYearTotalMarriages*GroomsFirstMarriagesRemarriagesTotalMarriagesBridesFirstMarriagesRemarriages2003 29.9 29.1 40.2 27.0 26.6 34.22004 30.3 29.4 40.5 27.3 26.7 34.72005 30.9 29.8 41.1 27.5 26.9 34.82006 30.7 29.7 41.1 27.6 27.0 35.12007 30.9 29.8 41.3 27.9 27.2 35.12008 30.9 29.8 41.4 28.0 27.3 35.52009 31.0 29.8 41.8 28.1 27.5 35.72010 31.2 30.0 41.8 28.3 27.7 36.32011 31.2 30.1 41.8 28.6 28.0 36.52012 31.2 30.1 42.1 28.6 28.0 36.42013 31.3 30.2 42.5 28.8 28.1 36.6* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the previous marital status of grooms was not reported. Previous marital status refersto a person's marital status prior to the current marriage.28 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.6 Median Age of Grooms by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Chinese Malays Indians Eurasians Caucasians OthersYears2003 29.9 29.8 28.9 29.5 32.3 36.0 31.62004 30.3 30.3 29.6 29.8 32.1 36.1 30.92005 30.9 31.0 29.4 30.0 32.5 36.7 30.72006 30.7 30.8 29.4 30.0 32.8 36.9 30.32007 30.9 30.9 29.4 30.0 34.1 36.9 30.42008 30.9 31.1 29.1 29.9 34.0 37.4 30.22009 31.0 31.2 29.1 30.3 33.4 38.1 29.72010 31.2 31.5 29.2 30.0 31.6 37.4 30.22011 31.2 31.5 29.4 29.9 35.6 37.7 30.32012 31.2 31.5 29.2 30.0 33.2 36.6 30.62013 31.3 31.7 29.2 30.4 33.5 36.6 30.7* For 2003, 2004 and 2008, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms was not reported.Table A1.7 Median Age of Brides by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Chinese Malays Indians Eurasians Caucasians OthersYears2003 27.0 27.1 25.6 26.4 28.3 31.1 28.02004 27.3 27.5 25.9 26.3 28.3 31.0 27.82005 27.5 27.8 26.0 26.7 28.9 32.4 27.02006 27.6 27.9 26.3 26.8 29.9 31.6 27.32007 27.9 28.1 26.6 27.0 28.7 32.5 27.42008 28.0 28.2 26.5 27.0 29.1 32.4 27.62009 28.1 28.4 26.7 27.2 29.6 32.7 27.72010 28.3 28.7 26.9 27.5 29.1 32.7 28.02011 28.6 28.9 27.0 27.6 29.8 32.2 28.42012 28.6 28.9 26.9 27.6 28.2 32.1 28.62013 28.8 29.0 27.2 27.9 30.5 31.8 29.0* For 2003, 2004 and 2008, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of brides was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 29

Table A1.8Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,1965 – 2013NumberYear Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnic1965 7,071 6,260 244 330 2371970 12,300 11,099 528 273 4001975 18,579 17,125 764 159 5311980 18,412 16,698 989 118 6071985 18,495 16,603 1,117 82 6931990 19,191 16,899 1,140 106 1,0461991 19,985 17,740 1,128 116 1,0011992 21,025 18,709 1,069 124 1,1231993 20,692 18,290 1,095 109 1,1981994 20,243 17,681 1,044 144 1,3741995 20,553 17,972 1,020 170 1,3911996 19,935 17,242 1,087 198 1,4081997 21,300 18,760 946 200 1,3941998 18,971 16,078 999 243 1,6511999 21,561 18,689 877 217 1,7782000 18,550 15,737 844 208 1,7612001 18,279 15,150 827 344 1,9582002 19,257 16,112 859 307 1,9792003 18,091 14,414 657 264 1,6212004 18,091 14,296 668 301 1,7232005 19,042 15,534 782 421 2,3052006 19,761 16,063 759 494 2,4452007 19,853 15,600 818 718 2,7172008 20,389 15,738 790 1,051 2,8102009 22,060 16,374 840 1,372 3,4742010 20,230 14,535 799 1,346 3,5502011 22,840 16,499 879 1,495 3,9672012 23,134 16,387 950 1,614 4,1832013 21,180 14,948 960 1,407 3,865* For 2003 and 2004, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms or brides was not reported.30 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.9Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Grooms,1965 – 2013NumberYearTotalUnder20Age Group of Grooms (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &over1965 7,071 42 1,736 3,233 1,432 400 141 42 21 14 101970 12,300 111 3,825 4,920 2,311 678 237 97 69 20 321975 18,579 220 6,280 8,474 2,151 844 288 157 81 40 441980 18,412 141 5,417 8,501 2,935 737 342 161 85 46 471985 18,495 70 4,206 8,866 3,727 1,046 282 171 67 34 261990 19,191 68 2,988 8,654 4,834 1,689 567 196 100 49 461991 19,985 89 3,051 9,005 5,079 1,736 586 203 123 59 541992 21,025 89 2,854 9,311 5,507 2,075 682 252 137 60 581993 20,692 89 2,635 9,047 5,496 2,118 740 279 147 80 611994 20,243 79 2,639 8,533 5,311 2,232 854 324 128 87 561995 20,553 61 2,626 8,833 5,318 2,196 902 349 117 80 711996 19,935 71 2,443 8,417 5,155 2,222 936 393 158 74 661997 21,300 55 2,868 9,366 5,045 2,303 952 415 154 84 581998 18,971 64 2,237 8,281 4,452 2,134 1,002 420 189 117 751999 21,561 84 2,424 9,604 4,970 2,360 1,133 528 253 112 932000 18,550 85 1,889 8,025 4,439 2,121 1,089 501 217 93 912001 18,279 97 1,767 7,784 4,452 2,087 1,107 523 255 106 1012002 19,257 62 1,705 8,333 4,872 2,207 1,065 545 238 130 1002003 18,091 51 1,447 7,532 4,865 2,035 1,092 559 291 137 822004 18,091 41 1,427 6,882 5,028 2,194 1,214 666 366 147 1262005 19,042 48 1,388 6,526 5,221 2,448 1,537 935 506 258 1752006 19,761 53 1,357 7,072 5,571 2,540 1,329 894 502 268 1752007 19,853 56 1,253 6,942 5,636 2,663 1,463 877 496 285 1822008 20,389 58 1,245 7,151 5,767 2,790 1,487 863 529 284 2152009 22,060 56 1,270 7,694 6,207 3,088 1,530 1,001 620 337 2572010 20,230 63 1,139 6,631 5,881 2,867 1,492 993 590 327 2472011 22,840 59 1,192 7,392 6,893 3,251 1,582 1,031 703 409 3282012 23,134 46 1,297 7,323 7,066 3,303 1,661 1,025 671 384 3582013 21,180 53 1,097 6,568 6,681 3,062 1,533 898 635 345 308Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 31

Table A1.10Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Brides,1965 – 2013NumberYearTotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &over1965 7,071 860 3,520 2,113 434 90 28 16 7 1 21970 12,300 1,308 7,060 2,859 744 199 66 29 16 13 61975 18,579 2,526 9,935 4,820 788 300 114 47 31 8 101980 18,412 1,693 9,655 5,233 1,266 319 143 60 18 13 121985 18,495 1,080 8,623 6,500 1,597 487 123 54 19 8 41990 19,191 765 7,160 7,678 2,462 791 232 62 27 7 71991 19,985 716 7,440 8,046 2,564 818 261 77 43 14 61992 21,025 749 7,583 8,478 2,821 928 325 88 37 10 61993 20,692 613 7,363 8,365 2,829 997 337 121 44 13 101994 20,243 519 7,257 8,218 2,709 1,018 336 124 34 14 141995 20,553 493 7,254 8,427 2,811 1,018 351 134 34 24 71996 19,935 475 6,564 8,367 2,874 1,058 391 132 46 16 121997 21,300 425 7,174 9,093 2,857 1,076 435 154 53 18 151998 18,971 514 5,847 8,335 2,615 1,000 402 164 67 16 111999 21,561 496 6,387 9,748 2,968 1,145 484 210 79 27 172000 18,550 452 5,159 8,509 2,662 1,028 463 174 65 20 182001 18,279 428 5,034 8,297 2,804 1,032 409 160 70 24 212002 19,257 357 5,037 9,111 3,048 967 407 203 84 33 102003 18,091 294 4,260 8,723 3,070 994 437 194 77 35 72004 18,091 322 4,088 8,307 3,397 1,143 448 226 97 40 232005 19,042 403 3,981 8,454 3,772 1,398 582 270 110 50 222006 19,761 354 3,869 9,082 3,971 1,433 602 271 102 56 212007 19,853 380 3,549 9,138 4,191 1,542 598 260 131 45 192008 20,389 338 3,432 9,492 4,316 1,629 690 286 120 55 312009 22,060 336 3,617 10,209 4,740 1,859 690 339 162 79 292010 20,230 292 3,087 9,137 4,623 1,799 655 378 171 54 342011 22,840 259 3,268 10,311 5,424 1,980 882 403 193 67 532012 23,134 222 3,343 10,244 5,667 2,074 877 382 172 91 622013 21,180 206 2,785 9,296 5,423 2,003 813 378 165 74 3732 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.11Median Age of Grooms and Brides Married under the Women’s Charter byMarriage Order, 1965 – 2013YearsYearTotalMarriagesGroomsFirstMarriagesRemarriagesTotalMarriagesBridesFirstMarriagesRemarriages1965 27.7 27.6 38.9 23.8 23.8 34.51970 27.3 27.2 41.1 23.4 23.4 33.61975 26.6 26.5 39.7 23.4 23.4 33.61980 27.1 27.0 38.9 23.9 23.8 33.61985 27.6 27.4 37.3 24.8 24.6 31.51990 28.7 28.3 39.0 25.8 25.6 32.81991 28.7 28.4 38.8 25.8 25.6 32.71992 29.0 28.6 38.4 26.0 25.7 32.71993 29.1 28.7 39.2 26.0 25.8 33.31994 29.3 28.8 39.3 26.1 25.9 33.41995 29.2 28.8 39.3 26.1 25.8 33.41996 29.4 28.9 39.4 26.3 26.0 33.11997 29.0 28.5 39.0 26.2 25.9 33.51998 29.2 28.6 39.5 26.4 26.0 33.31999 29.1 28.6 40.0 26.5 26.2 33.92000 29.5 28.9 40.3 26.8 26.4 34.02001 29.6 29.0 40.2 26.9 26.5 33.82002 29.7 29.1 40.5 26.9 26.5 33.92003 30.0 29.3 40.6 27.2 26.8 33.72004 30.5 29.7 40.7 27.5 27.0 34.42005 31.2 30.2 41.6 27.8 27.2 34.72006 30.9 30.0 41.3 27.8 27.3 35.02007 31.1 30.2 41.5 28.1 27.6 35.02008 31.2 30.2 41.6 28.2 27.6 35.52009 31.3 30.2 42.0 28.3 27.7 35.82010 31.6 30.4 42.4 28.6 28.0 36.32011 31.6 30.6 42.3 28.8 28.3 36.42012 31.6 30.6 42.5 28.9 28.3 36.42013 31.8 30.7 43.1 29.1 28.5 36.5Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 33

Table A1.12Median Age of Grooms Married under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Chinese Indians Eurasians Caucasians OthersYears2003 30.0 29.8 30.0 32.3 36.1 31.72004 30.5 30.3 30.6 32.6 36.2 31.72005 31.2 31.0 30.7 32.5 37.1 31.42006 30.9 30.8 30.4 33.3 37.2 31.42007 31.1 30.9 30.7 33.7 37.0 31.62008 31.2 31.1 30.6 34.9 37.5 30.52009 31.3 31.2 30.7 33.4 38.1 30.02010 31.6 31.5 30.4 32.7 37.4 30.42011 31.6 31.6 30.4 35.6 37.6 30.72012 31.6 31.5 30.3 33.4 36.8 31.22013 31.8 31.7 30.7 33.6 36.8 31.3* For 2003 and 2004, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms was not reported.Table A1.13Median Age of Brides Married under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Chinese Indians Eurasians Caucasians OthersYears2003 27.2 27.1 26.8 28.7 31.3 27.62004 27.5 27.5 27.2 28.4 31.0 27.62005 27.8 27.8 27.1 30.0 32.7 27.12006 27.8 27.9 27.0 30.2 31.6 27.62007 28.1 28.1 27.3 28.8 32.5 27.62008 28.2 28.2 27.5 29.3 32.6 27.72009 28.3 28.4 27.7 29.7 32.9 27.82010 28.6 28.7 28.0 29.2 32.8 28.02011 28.8 28.9 27.9 30.2 32.4 28.52012 28.9 29.0 27.8 28.4 32.3 28.72013 29.1 29.1 28.1 30.9 31.8 29.2* For 2003 and 2004, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of brides was not reported.34 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.14Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,January – December 2013NumberMonth Total Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 21,180 14,948 960 1,407 3,865January 2,049 1,515 74 137 323February 1,101 628 87 113 273March 1,928 1,429 82 110 307April 1,127 617 70 127 313May 1,791 1,269 74 97 351June 1,966 1,409 89 124 344July 1,496 1,005 71 107 313August 979 539 60 117 263September 2,178 1,678 81 90 329October 1,859 1,350 57 134 318November 2,198 1,614 85 120 379December 2,508 1,895 130 131 352Table A1.15MarriageContractedBetweenMarriages under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Status andEthnic Group of Couple, 2013NumberTotal Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 21,180 14,948 960 1,407 3,865Single man &Single woman 16,166 11,729 731 1,210 2,496Divorced woman 1,395 972 75 63 285Widowed woman 46 28 3 3 12Divorced man &Single woman 2,094 1,187 70 81 756Divorced woman 1,227 874 73 36 244Widowed woman 61 36 3 3 19Widowed man &Single woman 102 53 1 10 38Divorced woman 75 59 4 1 11Widowed woman 14 10 - - 4Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 35

Table A1.16Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013Ethnic Groupof GroomsEthnic Group of BridesNumberTotal Chinese Indians Eurasians Caucasians Malays OthersTotal 3,865 1,033 130 91 88 113 2,410Chinese 1,958 - 32 36 27 32 1,831Indians 460 164 - 14 34 33 215Eurasians 103 63 6 - 7 5 22Caucasians 912 508 48 29 - 27 300Malays 79 28 5 2 2 - 42Others 353 270 39 10 18 16 -Table A1.17Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group of Groomsand Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overTotal 21,180 206 2,785 9,296 5,423 2,003 813 378 165 74 37Under 20 53 38 13 2 - - - - - - -20 – 24 1,097 77 681 271 41 18 5 3 1 - -25 – 29 6,568 44 1,107 4,574 693 126 16 3 5 - -30 – 34 6,681 15 569 3,048 2,613 370 60 6 - - -35 – 39 3,062 13 235 796 1,218 654 122 19 4 1 -40 – 44 1,533 11 85 337 439 409 192 44 14 1 145 – 49 898 2 46 141 226 201 158 96 24 2 250 – 54 635 4 28 78 120 130 117 101 44 12 155 – 59 345 1 16 31 44 52 76 57 39 23 660 & over 308 1 5 18 29 43 67 49 34 35 2736 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.18Age Group(Years)Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEthnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013Ethnic Group of GroomsTotal Chinese Indians OthersNumberTotal 21,180 16,906 1,420 2,854Under 20 53 46 6 120 – 24 1,097 904 95 9825 – 29 6,568 5,320 516 73230 – 34 6,681 5,330 451 90035 – 39 3,062 2,470 145 44740 – 44 1,533 1,172 95 26645 – 49 898 665 60 17350 – 54 635 487 31 11755 – 59 345 271 13 6160 & over 308 241 8 59Ethnic Group of BridesTotal Chinese Indians OthersTotal 21,180 15,981 1,090 4,109Under 20 206 138 18 5020 – 24 2,785 1,922 208 65525 – 29 9,296 7,269 486 1,54130 – 34 5,423 4,020 218 1,18535 – 39 2,003 1,503 72 42840 – 44 813 614 50 14945 – 49 378 295 22 6150 – 54 165 127 8 3055 – 59 74 61 7 660 & over 37 32 1 4Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 37

Table A1.19Age Group(Years)Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andPrevious Marital Status of Grooms, 2013Total Single Divorced WidowedNumberTotal 21,180 17,607 3,382 191Under 20 53 53 - -20 – 24 1,097 1,093 4 -25 – 29 6,568 6,475 91 230 – 34 6,681 6,216 463 235 – 39 3,062 2,307 745 1040 – 44 1,533 803 711 1945 – 49 898 340 537 2150 – 54 635 194 402 3955 – 59 345 83 228 3460 & over 308 43 201 64Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.Table A1.20Age Group(Years)Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andPrevious Marital Status of Brides, 2013Total Single Divorced WidowedNumberTotal 21,180 18,362 2,697 121Under 20 206 206 - -20 – 24 2,785 2,743 41 125 – 29 9,296 8,926 362 830 – 34 5,423 4,711 699 1335 – 39 2,003 1,277 701 2540 – 44 813 321 468 2445 – 49 378 106 249 2350 – 54 165 37 116 1255 – 59 74 23 45 660 & over 37 12 16 9Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.38 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.21First Marriages for Grooms under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 17,607 194 2,507 8,502 4,490 1,309 389 138 78Under 20 53 38 13 2 - - - - -20 – 24 1,093 77 678 270 41 18 5 3 125 – 29 6,475 44 1,083 4,523 676 125 16 3 530 – 34 6,216 12 499 2,869 2,453 327 53 3 -35 – 39 2,307 9 159 600 961 480 80 15 340 – 44 803 9 48 160 229 231 100 21 545 – 49 340 1 15 46 85 74 64 41 1450 & over 320 4 12 32 45 54 71 52 50Table A1.22First Marriages for Brides under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 18,362 206 2,743 8,926 4,711 1,277 321 106 72Under 20 53 38 13 2 - - - - -20 – 24 1,050 77 673 253 35 9 3 - -25 – 29 6,305 44 1,095 4,468 615 77 4 1 130 – 34 6,165 15 560 2,941 2,373 249 25 2 -35 – 39 2,544 13 231 747 1,040 456 52 4 140 – 44 1,092 11 80 299 341 255 96 10 -45 – 49 540 2 44 115 165 117 60 31 650 & over 613 6 47 101 142 114 81 58 64Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 39

Table A1.23First Marriages for Couples under the Women’s Charter byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 16,166 194 2,474 8,248 4,062 927 186 47 28Under 20 53 38 13 2 - - - - -20 – 24 1,046 77 670 252 35 9 3 - -25 – 29 6,226 44 1,071 4,423 606 76 4 1 130 – 34 5,802 12 491 2,787 2,261 226 23 2 -35 – 39 2,013 9 157 573 861 370 40 3 -40 – 44 629 9 46 146 199 161 61 7 -45 – 49 218 1 14 37 66 49 32 16 350 & over 179 4 12 28 34 36 23 18 24Note: Data pertain to couples where neither party had previously been married.Table A1.24Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Occupation ofGrooms and Brides, 2013NumberOccupationof GroomsTotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialOccupation of BridesClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 21,180 6,757 7,115 347 1,843 233 950 3,935Professional &TechnicalAdministrative &Managerial9,555 5,359 2,147 104 476 90 150 1,2296,129 844 3,819 72 357 37 142 858Clerical 93 13 19 19 11 7 4 20Sales & Services 2,049 187 431 65 708 26 56 576Production &Related Workers502 49 108 21 83 47 24 170Others 2,252 160 444 58 162 17 545 866Not Working 600 145 147 8 46 9 29 21640 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.25Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andOccupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialOccupation of GroomsClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 21,180 9,555 6,129 93 2,049 502 2,252 600Under 20 53 2 2 - 8 - 25 1620 – 24 1,097 276 173 14 210 32 246 14625 – 29 6,568 3,257 1,882 24 584 105 529 18730 – 34 6,681 3,477 2,054 19 494 120 412 10535 – 39 3,062 1,356 1,040 12 263 68 286 3740 – 44 1,533 582 480 15 165 51 224 1645 – 49 898 311 236 4 130 42 159 1650 – 54 635 154 146 4 110 45 158 1855 – 59 345 84 71 1 49 23 105 1260 & over 308 56 45 - 36 16 108 47Occupation of BridesTotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 21,180 6,757 7,115 347 1,843 233 950 3,935Under 20 206 1 21 8 22 2 5 14720 – 24 2,785 508 704 74 355 30 164 95025 – 29 9,296 3,472 3,339 125 697 85 330 1,24830 – 34 5,423 1,897 2,022 74 405 48 197 78035 – 39 2,003 605 692 32 184 26 116 34840 – 44 813 171 206 17 93 18 73 23545 – 49 378 62 86 8 56 11 25 13050 – 54 165 30 33 5 17 7 24 4955 – 59 74 6 6 3 10 5 12 3260 & over 37 5 6 1 4 1 4 16Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 41

Table A1.26 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of GroomsSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 21,180 818 3,357 2,363 3,576 11,066Under 20 53 2 34 15 2 -20 – 24 1,097 37 334 274 255 19725 – 29 6,568 52 663 662 1,278 3,91330 – 34 6,681 89 701 561 1,128 4,20235 – 39 3,062 114 498 388 513 1,54940 – 44 1,533 100 377 231 208 61745 – 49 898 130 280 99 101 28850 – 54 635 132 235 62 50 15655 – 59 345 82 124 42 16 8160 & over 308 80 111 29 25 63Educational Qualification of BridesTotalPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 21,180 686 3,564 2,105 3,228 11,597Under 20 206 16 117 60 10 320 – 24 2,785 114 715 481 628 84725 – 29 9,296 145 1,032 715 1,441 5,96330 – 34 5,423 131 733 411 757 3,39135 – 39 2,003 87 434 222 259 1,00140 – 44 813 69 276 126 83 25945 – 49 378 47 148 59 34 9050 – 54 165 41 59 22 13 3055 – 59 74 25 34 4 2 960 & over 37 11 16 5 1 442 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.27Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Educational Qualificationof Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberEducationalQualificationof GroomsTotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of BridesSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 21,180 686 3,564 2,105 3,228 11,597Primary or Lower 818 214 376 100 75 53Secondary 3,357 273 1,606 395 393 690Upper Secondary 2,363 80 500 777 349 657Polytechnic 3,576 66 513 363 1,177 1,457University 11,066 53 569 470 1,234 8,740Table A1.28 First Marriages for Couples under the Women’s Charter byEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberEducationalQualificationof GroomsTotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of BridesSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 16,166 271 1,909 1,385 2,576 10,025Primary or Lower 304 61 131 47 35 30Secondary 1,876 100 819 244 267 446Upper Secondary 1,659 42 291 540 274 512Polytechnic 2,864 41 340 258 987 1,238University 9,463 27 328 296 1,013 7,799Note: Data pertain to couples where neither party had previously been married.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 43

Table A1.29 Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Women’s Charter byEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberEducationalQualificationof GroomsTotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of BridesSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 3,865 308 996 416 293 1,852Primary or Lower 256 85 120 20 13 18Secondary 842 134 403 63 25 217Upper Secondary 545 36 142 136 28 203Polytechnic 531 32 117 67 102 213University 1,691 21 214 130 125 1,201Table A1.30Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Religion ofGrooms and Brides, 2013NumberReligion of BridesReligionof GroomsTotalChristianity BuddhismTaoism /OtherChineseBeliefsHinduismOtherReligionsNoReligionTotal 21,180 5,035 7,821 1,371 846 757 5,350Christianity 5,013 3,411 675 105 60 110 652Buddhism 7,741 579 5,756 296 6 118 986Taoism /Other ChineseBeliefs1,552 128 381 768 2 30 243Hinduism 1,051 137 59 8 709 92 46Other Religions 680 120 98 14 52 314 82No Religion 5,143 660 852 180 17 93 3,34144 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.31Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple andPlace of Marriage / Marriage Solemnizer, 2013Place of Marriage /Marriage SolemnizerNumberTotal Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 21,180 14,948 960 1,407 3,865Registry 5,402 3,491 159 470 1,282Church 2,162 1,756 60 88 258Hindu Temple 439 2 343 7 87Chinese Temple 346 251 1 32 62Grassroots Leader 7,497 5,616 155 445 1,281Justice of Peace 2,323 1,670 70 157 426Additional Solemnizer 2,683 1,974 123 176 410Others 328 188 49 32 59Table A1.32Resident Marriages under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group of Couple, 2003 – 2013NumberYear Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnic2003 17,419 14,248 636 53 1,4812004 17,419 14,127 650 75 1,5712005 18,418 15,368 760 161 2,1292006 19,043 15,887 725 198 2,2332007 18,985 15,407 781 311 2,4862008 19,301 15,548 748 440 2,5652009 20,620 16,140 791 567 3,1222010 18,754 14,302 753 543 3,1562011 20,945 16,143 817 466 3,5192012 20,883 15,946 868 428 3,6412013 18,992 14,524 868 304 3,296* For 2003 and 2004, Total includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms or brides was not reported.Note: Resident marriage refers to a marriage where either or both the groom and bride are residents. Resident populationcomprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 45

Table A1.33 Marriages under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andEducational Qualification of Resident Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalEducational Qualification of Resident GroomsPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 17,159 765 2,711 1,989 3,304 8,390Under 20 50 2 31 15 2 -20 – 24 876 32 254 245 242 10325 – 29 5,159 38 457 544 1,173 2,94730 – 34 5,429 75 517 485 1,048 3,30435 – 39 2,564 108 423 321 479 1,23340 – 44 1,263 99 337 195 191 44145 – 49 744 123 253 81 91 19650 – 54 528 130 216 49 43 9055 – 59 287 81 116 32 14 4460 & over 259 77 107 22 21 32Educational Qualification of Resident BridesTotalPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 13,345 216 1,486 1,113 2,585 7,945Under 20 138 9 77 44 7 120 – 24 1,476 19 279 264 486 42825 – 29 6,157 19 338 364 1,172 4,26430 – 34 3,457 27 285 202 626 2,31735 – 39 1,259 28 209 123 214 68540 – 44 436 25 128 66 51 16645 – 49 215 26 83 34 16 5650 – 54 115 34 44 9 10 1855 – 59 59 20 27 3 2 760 & over 33 9 16 4 1 346 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.34Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 1965 – 2013NumberYear Total* Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnic1965 1,922 1,546 84 22 2701970 2,272 1,865 122 10 2751975 3,233 2,522 190 14 5071980 4,032 3,192 212 30 5981985 4,563 3,576 237 24 7261990 4,762 3,718 241 18 7851991 4,806 3,724 235 25 8221992 4,759 3,658 242 24 8351993 4,606 3,487 266 20 8331994 4,411 3,381 222 13 7951995 4,412 3,270 256 27 8591996 4,171 3,033 248 26 8641997 4,367 3,197 264 10 8961998 4,135 3,021 250 19 8451999 4,087 2,919 218 22 9282000 4,011 2,806 221 21 9632001 4,001 2,913 210 22 8562002 3,941 2,837 214 27 8632003 3,871 2,749 200 29 8932004 4,098 2,816 191 51 1,0402005 3,950 2,542 180 109 1,1192006 3,945 2,472 165 109 1,1992007 4,113 2,598 171 122 1,2222008 4,207 2,593 191 120 1,3022009 4,021 2,394 182 127 1,3182010 4,133 2,381 174 200 1,3782011 4,418 2,635 178 184 1,4212012 4,802 2,803 189 199 1,6112013 5,074 3,001 217 226 1,630* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms or brides was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 47

Table A1.36Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Brides, 1965 – 2013NumberYearTotal*Under20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &over1965 1,922 1,014 529 182 88 47 34 17 6 1 11970 2,272 872 1,036 164 75 56 44 11 8 6 -1975 3,233 973 1,521 494 96 67 44 25 7 4 21980 4,032 816 2,091 739 223 63 48 23 11 12 61985 4,563 684 2,424 927 292 115 57 30 19 9 61990 4,762 558 2,109 1,307 407 226 92 23 24 8 81991 4,806 563 2,066 1,316 481 191 109 40 18 9 131992 4,759 492 2,006 1,330 489 223 121 53 28 10 71993 4,606 455 1,843 1,356 497 241 111 65 17 13 81994 4,411 402 1,815 1,175 547 251 118 58 24 10 111995 4,412 420 1,805 1,164 492 289 134 67 18 16 71996 4,171 386 1,678 1,090 489 248 146 86 24 12 121997 4,367 359 1,676 1,188 539 282 154 102 40 13 141998 4,135 421 1,519 1,118 490 295 153 92 26 9 121999 4,087 383 1,441 1,162 460 320 173 93 31 11 132000 4,011 431 1,327 1,139 463 302 182 96 44 13 142001 4,001 393 1,416 1,123 419 310 178 100 37 11 142002 3,941 390 1,362 1,159 422 276 185 92 28 18 92003 3,871 326 1,379 1,075 469 260 179 124 37 14 82004 4,098 361 1,405 1,143 471 298 220 128 43 18 112005 3,950 328 1,350 1,180 444 247 188 128 55 19 112006 3,945 282 1,245 1,235 508 248 223 106 56 25 172007 4,113 263 1,242 1,390 489 283 221 139 55 17 142008 4,207 224 1,267 1,521 482 271 200 135 67 28 122009 4,021 167 1,153 1,564 486 258 156 123 66 31 172010 4,133 179 1,105 1,611 562 266 157 131 72 33 172011 4,418 149 1,176 1,812 548 286 187 125 87 32 162012 4,802 164 1,279 1,969 641 284 194 160 72 24 152013 5,074 149 1,245 2,132 711 344 214 139 76 40 24* Total in 1965 includes marriages where the age of brides was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 49

Table A1.37Median Age of Grooms and Brides Married under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Marriage Order, 1965 – 2013YearsYearTotalMarriages*GroomsFirstMarriagesRemarriagesTotalMarriagesBridesFirstMarriagesRemarriages1965 26.8 25.9 35.5 19.7 19.0 28.41970 25.6 24.9 37.7 21.3 20.8 31.91975 25.6 25.1 37.9 22.1 21.7 30.71980 26.0 25.4 35.3 22.9 22.6 30.61985 26.1 25.6 34.6 23.2 22.8 30.91990 27.2 26.6 35.9 24.4 23.9 32.11991 27.4 26.7 36.3 24.5 23.9 32.61992 27.8 27.0 36.7 24.7 24.0 32.01993 28.0 27.2 37.3 25.0 24.2 32.71994 28.2 27.1 37.4 25.0 24.0 33.51995 28.5 27.4 37.9 25.0 24.1 33.91996 28.4 27.3 39.0 25.0 24.2 34.31997 28.7 27.3 38.6 25.4 24.5 34.31998 28.7 27.3 38.8 25.3 24.4 34.01999 28.7 27.4 39.4 25.6 24.5 34.92000 28.8 27.4 39.8 25.7 24.4 35.02001 29.0 27.5 39.8 25.6 24.3 35.42002 28.8 27.6 39.6 25.6 24.4 34.82003 29.0 27.6 39.7 25.7 24.5 35.52004 29.5 27.7 40.2 25.9 24.6 35.42005 29.2 27.7 39.9 25.9 24.7 35.42006 29.2 27.6 40.4 26.3 25.0 35.62007 29.2 27.6 40.7 26.4 25.2 35.62008 29.1 27.7 40.6 26.5 25.4 35.72009 29.1 27.8 41.0 26.7 25.7 35.72010 29.3 28.1 39.7 27.0 25.8 35.82011 29.3 28.1 40.4 27.0 26.0 36.82012 29.1 28.1 39.9 26.9 26.0 36.52013 29.3 28.1 40.9 27.3 26.2 36.8* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the previous marital status of grooms was not reported.50 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.38Median Age of Grooms Married under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Malays Indians OthersYears2003 29.0 28.9 28.6 31.32004 29.5 29.6 28.3 30.02005 29.2 29.3 28.5 29.92006 29.2 29.3 28.8 29.02007 29.2 29.2 28.4 29.62008 29.1 29.0 28.5 29.92009 29.1 29.0 29.2 29.52010 29.3 29.2 28.8 30.02011 29.3 29.3 28.6 29.82012 29.1 29.0 29.2 29.32013 29.3 29.1 29.3 30.2* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms was not reported.Table A1.39Median Age of Brides Married under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Ethnic Group, 2003 – 2013Year Total* Malays Indians OthersYears2003 25.7 25.7 25.3 26.62004 25.9 25.9 25.1 26.92005 25.9 25.9 25.3 26.72006 26.3 26.2 26.2 26.82007 26.4 26.5 26.0 26.72008 26.5 26.4 25.8 27.32009 26.7 26.6 25.6 27.52010 27.0 26.9 26.5 27.52011 27.0 26.9 26.3 27.92012 26.9 26.8 26.9 27.72013 27.3 27.1 27.3 28.1* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the ethnic group of brides was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 51

Table A1.40 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, January – December 2013NumberMonth Total Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 5,074 3,001 217 226 1,630January 377 210 11 23 133February 272 153 9 12 98March 535 314 20 29 172April 301 174 9 12 106May 420 236 20 14 150June 658 399 31 30 198July 143 79 4 5 55August 276 159 18 9 90September 462 286 21 21 134October 409 233 20 17 139November 543 338 24 19 162December 678 420 30 35 193Table A1.41 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byPrevious Marital Status and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013Marriage ContractedBetweenNumberTotal Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 5,074 3,001 217 226 1,630Single man &Single woman 3,540 2,083 173 176 1,108Divorced woman 406 241 11 15 139Widowed woman 20 13 1 - 6Divorced man &Single woman 350 184 5 11 150Divorced woman 623 402 22 22 177Widowed woman 40 26 2 1 11Widowed man &Single woman 13 4 - - 9Divorced woman 44 27 1 1 15Widowed woman 28 18 1 - 9Married man &Single woman 6 1 - - 5Divorced woman 4 2 1 - 1Widowed woman - - - - -Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.52 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.42 Inter-ethnic Marriages under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Ethnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013Ethnic Groupof GroomsEthnic Group of BridesNumberTotal Malays Chinese Indians Eurasians Caucasians OthersTotal 1,630 705 152 225 16 7 525Malays 698 - 116 157 6 7 412Chinese 104 81 - 7 1 - 15Indians 311 218 10 - 1 - 82Eurasians 22 17 - - - - 5Caucasians 63 36 1 13 2 - 11Others 432 353 25 48 6 - -Table A1.43Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overTotal 5,074 149 1,245 2,132 711 344 214 139 76 40 24Under 20 28 19 8 - 1 - - - - - -20 – 24 578 83 378 96 15 3 2 1 - - -25 – 29 2,177 35 642 1,328 130 31 9 2 - - -30 – 34 1,084 4 165 520 311 56 19 6 2 1 -35 – 39 446 4 34 122 147 102 31 4 2 - -40 – 44 293 1 6 34 74 83 68 22 4 - 145 – 49 196 2 10 22 26 38 43 38 14 3 -50 – 54 131 - 1 7 5 18 24 42 26 7 155 – 59 80 1 1 1 2 8 11 15 16 21 460 & over 61 - - 2 - 5 7 9 12 8 18Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 53

Table A1.44 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Ethnic Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013Age Group(Years)Ethnic Group of GroomsTotal Malays Indians OthersNumberTotal 5,074 3,699 528 847Under 20 28 25 2 120 – 24 578 458 52 6825 – 29 2,177 1,603 233 34130 – 34 1,084 728 129 22735 – 39 446 306 48 9240 – 44 293 215 29 4945 – 49 196 153 12 3150 – 54 131 102 12 1755 – 59 80 63 3 1460 & over 61 46 8 7Ethnic Group of BridesTotal Malays Indians OthersTotal 5,074 3,706 442 926Under 20 149 122 10 1720 – 24 1,245 928 123 19425 – 29 2,132 1,588 165 37930 – 34 711 464 65 18235 – 39 344 228 35 8140 – 44 214 156 18 4045 – 49 139 106 17 1650 – 54 76 63 4 955 – 59 40 34 2 460 & over 24 17 3 454 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.45 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Previous Marital Status of Grooms, 2013Age Group(Years)NumberTotal Single Divorced Widowed MarriedTotal 5,074 3,966 1,013 85 10Under 20 28 28 - - -20 – 24 578 574 4 - -25 – 29 2,177 2,123 54 - -30 – 34 1,084 867 212 2 335 – 39 446 211 230 3 240 – 44 293 96 188 7 245 – 49 196 34 152 10 -50 – 54 131 22 98 10 155 – 59 80 9 53 17 160 & over 61 2 22 36 1Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.Table A1.46 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Previous Marital Status of Brides, 2013Age Group(Years)Total Single Divorced WidowedNumberTotal 5,074 3,909 1,077 88Under 20 149 148 1 -20 – 24 1,245 1,203 41 125 – 29 2,132 1,948 178 630 – 34 711 447 259 535 – 39 344 103 225 1640 – 44 214 30 172 1245 – 49 139 16 109 1450 – 54 76 8 58 1055 – 59 40 5 23 1260 & over 24 1 11 12Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the current marriage.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 55

Table A1.47 First Marriages for Grooms under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 3,966 137 1,167 1,927 481 151 57 28 18Under 20 28 19 8 - 1 - - - -20 – 24 574 82 376 96 14 3 2 1 -25 – 29 2,123 31 619 1,309 125 30 7 2 -30 – 34 867 1 138 432 240 35 14 4 335 – 39 211 2 16 68 67 43 13 2 -40 – 44 96 - 4 13 29 27 11 9 345 – 49 34 1 5 4 1 7 6 6 450 & over 33 1 1 5 4 6 4 4 8Table A1.48 First Marriages for Brides under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 3,909 148 1,203 1,948 447 103 30 16 14Under 20 27 19 8 - - - - - -20 – 24 540 82 366 83 8 - 1 - -25 – 29 2,018 35 624 1,259 89 10 1 - -30 – 34 862 4 157 460 218 18 4 1 -35 – 39 250 4 32 96 81 33 2 2 -40 – 44 106 1 5 28 39 24 9 - -45 – 49 58 2 9 17 7 9 5 7 250 & over 48 1 2 5 5 9 8 6 1256 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.49 First Marriages for Couples under the Administration ofMuslim Law Act by Age Group of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Groupof Grooms(Years)TotalUnder20Age Group of Brides (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-4950 &overTotal 3,540 137 1,135 1,812 362 67 18 6 3Under 20 27 19 8 - - - - - -20 – 24 537 82 364 83 7 - 1 - -25 – 29 1,980 31 604 1,247 87 10 1 - -30 – 34 756 1 136 407 193 14 4 1 -35 – 39 151 2 14 58 52 21 2 2 -40 – 44 52 - 3 11 18 15 5 - -45 – 49 19 1 5 3 1 4 2 3 -50 & over 18 1 1 3 4 3 3 - 3Note: Data pertain to couples where neither party had previously been married.Table A1.50Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byOccupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberOccupationof GroomsTotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialOccupation of BridesClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 5,074 1,126 1,587 231 683 125 484 838Professional &TechnicalAdministrative &Managerial2,082 843 681 75 176 26 76 205661 113 391 15 49 1 23 69Clerical 34 2 8 8 7 2 3 4Sales & Services 698 46 132 44 271 22 18 165Production &Related Workers464 39 116 38 77 50 23 121Others 1,022 64 242 50 86 22 336 222Not Working 113 19 17 1 17 2 5 52Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 57

Table A1.51 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Occupation of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialOccupation of GroomsClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 5,074 2,082 661 34 698 464 1,022 113Under 20 28 1 - - 5 3 11 820 – 24 578 144 30 3 119 55 198 2925 – 29 2,177 1,026 314 13 220 192 380 3230 – 34 1,084 493 188 10 136 78 168 1135 – 39 446 189 62 1 64 40 86 440 – 44 293 123 30 3 50 35 50 245 – 49 196 61 18 3 37 28 46 350 – 54 131 29 9 - 39 13 36 555 – 59 80 8 8 - 19 14 30 160 & over 61 8 2 1 9 6 17 18Occupation of BridesTotalProfessional&TechnicalAdministrative&ManagerialClericalSales &ServicesProduction& RelatedWorkersOthersNotWorkingTotal 5,074 1,126 1,587 231 683 125 484 838Under 20 149 4 9 5 15 3 15 9820 – 24 1,245 240 344 56 192 13 130 27025 – 29 2,132 621 779 75 260 22 205 17030 – 34 711 154 261 36 97 16 49 9835 – 39 344 63 99 24 57 12 27 6240 – 44 214 28 60 18 28 20 17 4345 – 49 139 11 29 10 17 12 26 3450 – 54 76 3 5 5 14 16 8 2555 – 59 40 2 1 2 2 7 7 1960 & over 24 - - - 1 4 - 1958 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.52Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Educational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of GroomsSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 5,074 325 1,324 1,760 976 689Under 20 28 4 16 7 1 -20 – 24 578 33 201 244 82 1825 – 29 2,177 56 377 844 547 35330 – 34 1,084 29 249 376 241 18935 – 39 446 50 135 138 60 6340 – 44 293 28 127 79 21 3845 – 49 196 42 85 43 11 1550 – 54 131 32 68 13 9 955 – 59 80 28 38 9 3 260 & over 61 23 28 7 1 2Educational Qualification of BridesTotalPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 5,074 294 1,445 1,330 1,103 902Under 20 149 7 102 39 1 -20 – 24 1,245 30 359 424 314 11825 – 29 2,132 32 391 576 596 53730 – 34 711 35 220 165 134 15735 – 39 344 50 127 67 41 5940 – 44 214 35 113 32 12 2245 – 49 139 38 71 19 3 850 – 54 76 30 41 3 1 155 – 59 40 19 17 3 1 -60 & over 24 18 4 2 - -Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 59

Table A1.53 Marriages under Administration of Muslim Law Act Law byEducational Qualification of Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberEducationalQualificationof GroomsTotalPrimaryor LowerEducational Qualification of BridesSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 5,074 294 1,445 1,330 1,103 902Primary or Lower 325 113 148 46 8 10Secondary 1,324 111 745 246 149 73Upper Secondary 1,760 57 380 822 367 134Polytechnic 976 5 120 159 422 270University 689 8 52 57 157 415.Table A1.54Resident Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 2003 – 2013NumberYear Total* Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnic2003 3,863 2,749 198 26 8902004 4,086 2,816 189 48 1,0332005 3,936 2,540 179 104 1,1132006 3,941 2,472 165 106 1,1982007 4,103 2,598 169 116 1,2202008 4,198 2,593 191 115 1,2982009 4,002 2,389 182 118 1,3132010 4,115 2,380 174 190 1,3712011 4,399 2,633 177 174 1,4152012 4,775 2,802 187 183 1,6032013 5,046 3,001 213 212 1,620* Total in 2008 includes marriages where the ethnic group of grooms or brides was not reported.Note: Resident marriage refers to a marriage where either or both the groom and bride are residents. Resident populationcomprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.60 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A1.55 Marriages under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Educational Qualification of Resident Grooms and Brides, 2013NumberAge Group(Years)TotalEducational Qualification of Resident GroomsPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 4,743 314 1,255 1,721 947 506Under 20 28 4 16 7 1 -20 – 24 546 32 190 241 75 825 – 29 2,062 53 359 835 540 27530 – 34 985 25 228 361 231 14035 – 39 405 48 125 133 57 4240 – 44 278 28 124 78 21 2745 – 49 184 42 85 39 11 750 – 54 124 32 67 13 7 555 – 59 75 28 36 7 3 160 & over 56 22 25 7 1 1Educational Qualification of Resident BridesTotalPrimaryor LowerSecondaryUpperSecondaryPolytechnicUniversityTotal 4,753 261 1,330 1,291 1,073 798Under 20 141 5 97 38 1 -20 – 24 1,185 26 337 413 309 10025 – 29 2,036 29 359 564 586 49830 – 34 633 30 197 156 127 12335 – 39 299 42 112 62 35 4840 – 44 194 29 103 31 11 2045 – 49 131 36 65 19 3 850 – 54 73 30 39 3 - 155 – 59 38 17 17 3 1 -60 & over 23 17 4 2 - -Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 61

Tables onDivorces and Annulments► 63

Table A2.2 Age-Sex-Specific Divorce Rate, 1985 – 2013YearAge Group of Males (Years)Per 1,000 Married Resident Males20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50 & over1985 13.4 9.5 7.8 5.6 3.9 2.7 1.11990 13.4 13.3 10.6 7.5 5.7 4.1 1.61991 23.4 15.9 11.4 9.0 6.8 4.6 1.91992 16.9 13.2 9.7 7.8 6.4 4.5 2.01993 12.4 13.7 9.9 7.8 6.2 4.5 1.91994 16.2 11.4 9.0 7.0 5.6 4.5 1.71995 14.9 12.0 9.7 8.4 6.6 5.5 2.01996 15.5 12.2 9.6 8.6 7.1 5.7 2.31997 20.5 13.7 10.8 8.6 6.7 5.5 2.51998 27.2 18.2 11.5 9.8 7.6 6.1 3.11999 32.0 15.1 11.0 9.1 7.4 5.9 2.72000 26.2 14.1 10.6 8.9 6.8 5.7 2.62001 30.2 14.8 11.1 7.8 6.8 5.6 2.42002 42.7 17.3 13.4 10.6 7.1 5.7 2.72003 30.0 19.4 14.0 11.5 8.3 6.5 3.22004 37.2 21.0 14.8 9.4 7.5 5.6 2.92005 32.1 19.1 15.9 11.7 7.7 6.4 3.02006 32.7 21.0 16.2 11.8 8.2 6.7 3.12007 35.7 20.2 16.0 11.9 8.5 6.8 3.22008 32.9 19.1 16.0 12.3 8.7 6.6 3.12009 27.3 17.4 15.1 12.5 9.2 7.2 3.32010 24.9 16.3 14.6 12.5 9.6 7.5 3.32011 26.6 20.3 14.0 12.7 10.0 7.7 3.52012 28.4 21.7 13.3 11.9 9.4 7.6 3.32013 25.8 21.7 13.1 12.0 9.8 8.5 3.6Notes:1) Data include annulments. From 2004 onwards, data are based on divorces and annulments where either or both spousesare residents. Resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.2) Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative datasources.66 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.2Age-Sex-Specific Divorce Rate, 1985 – 2013 (cont’d)YearAge Group of Females (Years)Per 1,000 Married Resident Females20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50 & over1985 12.7 9.4 6.0 4.2 2.6 2.1 0.61990 13.9 12.8 8.4 6.1 4.5 2.7 0.81991 18.6 14.4 10.1 7.4 5.2 3.9 1.11992 15.6 12.0 8.5 6.8 5.1 3.6 1.31993 16.7 11.3 9.1 6.6 4.8 3.6 1.21994 14.9 10.0 7.7 6.1 4.9 3.3 1.21995 15.6 11.1 8.6 7.5 5.5 4.0 1.41996 15.6 11.4 9.2 7.5 6.3 4.7 1.41997 19.1 13.5 9.2 7.3 5.6 4.5 1.91998 26.6 14.2 10.9 8.2 6.6 5.6 2.11999 21.8 13.4 10.0 7.9 6.4 4.8 2.02000 20.7 13.2 9.8 7.4 5.8 4.6 2.02001 23.2 14.0 9.1 7.3 5.6 4.5 1.92002 26.2 15.9 11.8 8.3 6.4 4.7 2.02003 27.1 16.7 12.8 9.8 7.0 5.0 2.52004 28.0 16.3 12.2 7.9 6.1 4.4 2.12005 25.7 16.9 13.6 8.8 6.5 5.0 2.32006 28.1 17.3 14.0 9.2 6.8 4.8 2.32007 28.5 18.0 13.5 9.7 6.7 5.0 2.52008 28.1 16.8 14.0 10.0 7.0 5.4 2.32009 22.5 15.0 13.2 10.7 7.2 5.8 2.32010 24.4 15.0 12.8 10.7 7.9 6.2 2.42011 27.8 17.8 12.0 11.0 8.5 6.2 2.42012 29.1 15.8 12.0 10.0 8.2 5.6 2.42013 26.7 17.5 12.4 10.3 8.0 6.3 2.5Notes:1) Data include annulments. From 2004 onwards, data are based on divorces and annulments where either or bothspouses are residents. Resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.2) Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative datasources.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 67

Table A2.3 Total Divorces by Age Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Male Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 1,551 52 290 440 229 200 96 51 33 31 129 34.01985 2,048 83 353 560 447 211 143 83 49 47 72 34.81990 3,150 72 466 864 702 481 222 149 69 61 64 35.91991 3,813 74 478 956 945 659 263 185 99 79 75 36.71992 3,567 64 431 838 840 625 294 214 109 78 74 37.21993 3,826 60 533 915 902 644 340 214 97 75 46 37.01994 3,555 72 418 850 818 602 373 195 95 75 57 37.31995 4,098 55 425 884 965 711 498 207 138 89 126 38.21996 4,447 69 451 925 1,025 805 557 238 155 95 127 38.41997 4,665 92 478 1,011 1,021 768 542 276 166 142 169 38.21998 5,378 82 572 1,084 1,166 922 633 397 203 147 172 38.71999 5,065 81 524 976 1,084 896 627 355 174 144 204 38.92000 4,920 98 517 905 1,045 831 615 381 155 155 218 39.02001 4,819 90 494 944 948 865 625 368 160 154 171 39.02002 5,522 92 520 1,055 1,257 888 666 429 185 173 257 38.72003 6,100 127 565 1,143 1,289 1,044 774 487 264 186 221 39.22004 5,850 138 547 1,245 1,123 992 709 473 283 193 147 39.02005 6,393 125 560 1,380 1,351 1,038 841 518 328 230 22 39.12006 6,527 126 532 1,339 1,364 1,109 907 559 356 223 12 39.62007 6,697 122 518 1,371 1,394 1,130 914 593 369 283 3 39.82008 6,771 106 528 1,333 1,417 1,155 915 641 380 274 22 39.92009 6,927 85 468 1,268 1,515 1,171 1,002 672 430 300 16 40.52010 6,969 72 452 1,209 1,486 1,215 1,032 717 423 350 13 41.02011 7,234 73 527 1,114 1,516 1,277 1,084 777 473 392 1 41.32012 6,893 73 428 1,071 1,424 1,217 1,033 763 459 417 8 41.62013 7,133 68 454 1,030 1,361 1,237 1,149 877 493 464 - 42.4Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data sources.68 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.3Total Divorces by Age Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 (cont’d)YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Female Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 1,551 216 424 406 185 109 40 24 8 10 129 30.81985 2,048 276 562 510 332 132 103 29 22 12 70 31.41990 3,150 259 807 827 585 360 137 67 27 16 65 32.61991 3,813 259 858 1,045 764 453 201 101 39 17 76 33.61992 3,567 225 771 901 749 456 212 107 46 27 73 34.11993 3,826 289 813 1,018 765 469 241 113 48 24 46 33.81994 3,555 275 704 884 729 490 240 96 55 25 57 34.31995 4,098 251 765 963 880 562 321 142 60 27 127 35.01996 4,447 273 799 1,025 906 678 412 124 70 31 129 35.31997 4,665 288 940 1,025 893 622 398 195 91 46 167 35.01998 5,378 336 959 1,221 1,022 761 517 238 109 44 171 35.41999 5,065 282 922 1,124 975 745 441 226 93 51 206 35.42000 4,920 321 896 1,041 913 685 444 264 81 61 214 35.52001 4,819 293 938 975 911 673 460 236 102 58 173 35.52002 5,522 283 971 1,246 1,025 765 502 268 117 66 279 35.62003 6,100 384 990 1,359 1,158 857 556 365 138 69 224 35.72004 5,850 371 938 1,416 1,009 792 513 296 151 96 268 35.32005 6,393 350 1,080 1,628 1,152 865 618 360 201 107 32 35.42006 6,527 359 1,038 1,653 1,215 946 608 379 203 113 13 35.72007 6,697 339 1,039 1,647 1,322 921 645 426 219 132 7 36.12008 6,771 316 1,040 1,614 1,351 965 719 413 201 131 21 36.32009 6,927 266 955 1,594 1,501 991 773 447 239 147 14 36.92010 6,969 246 935 1,548 1,469 1,055 817 455 249 182 13 37.42011 7,234 236 1,027 1,458 1,559 1,156 840 494 250 213 1 37.72012 6,893 246 855 1,482 1,418 1,137 753 524 264 205 9 38.02013 7,133 213 873 1,526 1,430 1,170 837 580 313 190 1 38.2Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data sources.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 69

Table A2.4 Total Divorces by Duration of Marriage, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder5Duration of Marriage (Years)5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-2930 &overMedianDuration(Years)1980 1,551 272 617 320 165 102 46 29 8.71985 2,048 477 698 445 208 106 62 52 8.81990 3,150 582 1,134 634 454 194 73 79 9.21991 3,813 635 1,280 806 647 232 113 100 10.01992 3,567 644 1,095 767 586 262 104 109 10.31993 3,826 824 1,166 771 579 277 123 86 9.61994 3,555 771 1,007 756 494 321 116 90 10.01995 4,098 799 1,151 845 579 433 164 127 10.51996 4,447 911 1,286 823 612 503 191 121 10.21997 4,665 984 1,377 786 645 472 205 196 9.91998 5,378 1,145 1,592 921 722 535 258 205 9.81999 5,065 1,064 1,513 892 652 464 303 177 9.82000 4,920 1,083 1,454 856 604 394 327 202 9.62001 4,819 989 1,529 774 578 464 292 193 9.52002 5,522 1,119 1,750 1,012 651 459 326 205 9.62003 6,100 1,283 1,869 1,118 699 523 351 257 9.62004 5,850 1,089 2,046 1,041 612 447 329 286 9.22005 6,393 1,195 2,236 1,108 708 483 312 351 9.32006 6,527 1,212 2,212 1,209 710 511 320 353 9.62007 6,697 1,163 2,327 1,228 757 488 363 371 9.62008 6,771 1,163 2,280 1,228 822 567 357 354 9.92009 6,927 1,218 2,200 1,342 843 549 373 402 10.12010 6,969 1,174 2,129 1,394 878 558 422 414 10.62011 7,234 1,322 2,191 1,319 990 627 371 414 10.52012 6,893 1,268 2,084 1,254 859 608 379 441 10.32013 7,133 1,254 2,196 1,265 951 621 386 460 10.4Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative datasources.70 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.5Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andSex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Male Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 1,046 11 148 330 161 140 71 26 20 10 129 34.41985 1,310 9 161 394 338 157 91 51 25 12 72 35.71990 2,178 11 233 595 547 372 173 107 47 29 64 36.81991 2,792 17 277 688 731 529 217 147 73 38 75 37.31992 2,565 14 241 584 651 506 217 162 73 43 74 37.91993 2,602 14 309 607 621 482 263 161 59 40 46 37.81994 2,503 18 233 553 600 471 308 159 64 40 57 38.31995 3,127 21 293 640 755 562 406 164 106 54 126 38.61996 3,368 20 301 658 788 640 463 193 121 57 127 39.11997 3,475 24 313 715 741 602 439 232 139 101 169 39.11998 3,924 26 370 762 827 683 512 317 163 92 172 39.31999 3,521 16 320 659 746 648 462 257 130 79 204 39.52000 3,336 21 293 621 697 550 452 282 119 83 218 39.52001 3,491 19 306 696 688 619 467 291 127 107 171 39.52002 4,006 19 323 786 881 624 509 338 151 118 257 39.22003 4,188 30 329 762 874 705 566 359 214 128 221 39.92004 4,193 27 322 901 784 727 545 367 232 141 147 40.02005 4,703 25 342 1,039 1,035 755 635 410 268 172 22 39.52006 4,745 22 296 973 1,048 797 685 443 282 187 12 40.12007 5,102 32 311 1,060 1,118 874 692 472 314 226 3 40.12008 5,170 29 325 1,026 1,133 871 720 513 301 230 22 40.42009 5,416 26 266 1,000 1,231 922 798 555 363 241 14 40.92010 5,433 25 266 919 1,194 960 815 594 360 291 9 41.52011 5,696 32 341 858 1,211 1,026 883 624 397 323 1 41.62012 5,306 24 256 785 1,149 952 798 606 372 357 7 42.02013 5,471 28 274 740 1,051 980 892 705 408 393 - 43.0Note: Data for 2004-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data sources.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 71

Table A2.5Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group andSex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 (cont’d)YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Female Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 1,046 73 282 293 136 83 27 16 3 4 129 31.41985 1,310 68 370 379 237 92 66 14 12 2 70 32.11990 2,178 79 506 649 430 281 101 43 15 9 65 33.51991 2,792 97 582 824 596 352 154 75 24 12 76 34.11992 2,565 87 518 676 568 357 162 79 31 14 73 34.81993 2,602 119 531 719 547 346 169 81 30 14 46 34.21994 2,503 105 474 616 559 386 189 67 38 12 57 35.21995 3,127 132 591 722 691 445 246 111 49 13 127 35.41996 3,368 124 603 778 707 524 332 97 58 16 129 35.81997 3,475 131 662 760 686 487 318 155 75 34 167 35.71998 3,924 159 671 892 746 573 400 194 93 25 171 35.81999 3,521 107 635 796 688 511 325 158 64 31 206 35.82000 3,336 111 604 730 593 485 325 182 57 35 214 35.92001 3,491 103 672 750 657 479 358 181 78 40 173 36.02002 4,006 88 701 944 732 544 383 208 86 41 279 35.82003 4,188 138 641 975 798 586 394 276 112 44 224 36.22004 4,193 127 612 1,060 737 584 384 235 117 69 268 35.92005 4,703 136 769 1,271 872 630 475 270 161 87 32 35.72006 4,745 110 705 1,298 919 699 442 295 171 93 13 36.22007 5,102 124 744 1,336 1,064 695 484 358 179 111 7 36.42008 5,170 133 745 1,291 1,084 749 552 337 145 113 21 36.52009 5,416 106 686 1,307 1,241 795 580 368 198 123 12 37.22010 5,433 114 654 1,230 1,201 844 640 375 205 158 12 37.72011 5,696 112 744 1,182 1,280 934 658 397 209 179 1 37.92012 5,306 126 574 1,164 1,166 908 565 401 215 179 8 38.42013 5,471 106 584 1,189 1,135 938 647 450 260 161 1 38.6Note: Data for 2004-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data sources.72 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.6Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage,1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder5Duration of Marriage (Years)5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-2930 &overMedianDuration(Years)1980 1,046 87 474 226 128 74 32 25 9.51985 1,310 146 512 359 141 73 45 34 10.01990 2,178 208 833 519 370 143 52 53 10.41991 2,792 265 1,005 646 524 189 91 72 10.81992 2,565 282 837 588 497 204 71 86 11.21993 2,602 368 855 573 444 219 83 60 10.61994 2,503 394 720 575 398 266 85 65 11.21995 3,127 472 900 654 490 365 139 107 11.21996 3,368 534 1,000 627 524 435 151 97 11.11997 3,475 547 1,062 599 517 416 166 168 11.01998 3,924 686 1,191 667 546 453 223 158 10.61999 3,521 620 1,084 639 464 352 231 131 10.42000 3,336 553 1,054 596 415 300 261 157 10.52001 3,491 533 1,204 570 434 365 233 152 10.02002 4,006 624 1,365 737 479 359 276 166 10.12003 4,188 611 1,407 811 475 385 294 205 10.42004 4,193 534 1,576 780 456 344 268 235 9.92005 4,703 630 1,783 860 511 359 260 300 9.82006 4,745 626 1,720 933 530 393 244 299 10.12007 5,102 654 1,883 990 585 377 291 322 10.02008 5,170 646 1,845 972 651 457 292 307 10.42009 5,416 754 1,805 1,112 672 424 304 345 10.52010 5,433 759 1,708 1,104 701 447 354 360 11.02011 5,696 904 1,728 1,103 803 506 294 358 11.12012 5,306 820 1,642 1,013 656 489 309 377 10.92013 5,471 846 1,712 973 748 475 318 399 10.8Note: Data for 2004-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative datasources.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 73

Table A2.7Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group ofCouple, 1980 – 2013Year Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicNumber1980 1,046 926 62 13 451985 1,310 1,125 106 10 691990 2,178 1,920 144 20 941991 2,792 2,502 144 13 1331992 2,565 2,232 185 16 1321993 2,602 2,293 161 33 1151994 2,503 2,161 188 22 1321995 3,127 2,689 237 21 1801996 3,368 2,838 282 66 1821997 3,475 2,998 240 19 2181998 3,924 3,346 309 28 2411999 3,521 2,897 228 197 1992000 3,336 2,714 193 223 2062001 3,491 2,882 210 181 2182002 4,006 3,235 233 253 2852003 4,188 3,425 264 228 2712004 4,193 3,350 252 18 2152005 4,703 3,969 302 37 3442006 4,745 3,968 339 32 3812007 5,102 4,250 353 44 4422008 5,170 4,333 344 49 4282009 5,416 4,493 361 54 4932010 5,433 4,446 366 64 5462011 5,696 4,595 408 82 6022012 5,306 4,240 336 91 6282013 5,471 4,331 373 86 658* From 2004 onwards, Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Note: Data for 2004-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data sources.74 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.8Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,January – December 2013Month Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicNumberTotal 5,471 4,331 373 86 658January 509 419 39 4 47February 412 335 27 5 44March 403 315 22 9 56April 316 254 23 6 31May 355 277 22 9 44June 424 339 31 4 49July 633 487 56 10 77August 500 396 31 6 64September 469 364 33 8 63October 517 405 38 10 61November 426 338 26 5 55December 507 402 25 10 67* Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Table A2.9Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Status andEthnic Group of Couple, 2013PreviousMarital Status ofCoupleNumberTotal* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal* 5,471 4,331 373 86 658Single man &Single woman 4,824 3,869 316 78 541Divorced woman 155 118 12 1 24Widowed woman 5 5 - - -Divorced man &Single woman 176 119 6 4 47Divorced woman 107 81 9 1 15Widowed woman 2 2 - - -Widowed man &Single woman 10 9 1 - -Divorced woman 6 6 - - -Widowed woman 1 1 - - -* Total includes divorces where the previous marital status or ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the latest marriage which ended in a divorce.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 75

Table A2.10 Inter-ethnic Divorces under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013Ethnic Groupof MaleDivorceesEthnic Group of Female DivorceesNumberTotal Chinese Indians Eurasians Caucasians Malays OthersTotal 658 148 35 18 7 99 351Chinese 402 - 16 8 5 74 299Indians 73 37 - 4 - 10 22Eurasians 26 11 5 - - 1 9Caucasians 95 53 8 3 - 11 20Malays 16 12 - 2 1 - 1Others 46 35 6 1 1 3 -Table A2.11Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group ofMale and Female Divorcees, 2013Age Group ofMaleDivorcees(Years)TotalUnder25Age Group of Female Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overNumberUnknownTotal 5,471 106 584 1,189 1,135 938 647 450 260 161 1Under 25 28 22 6 - - - - - - - -25 – 29 274 51 172 43 5 1 1 - 1 - -30 – 34 740 24 207 428 65 9 6 1 - - -35 – 39 1,051 4 94 400 458 77 13 5 - - -40 – 44 980 3 41 173 344 351 50 13 3 2 -45 – 49 892 - 31 82 160 295 275 43 5 - 150 – 54 705 - 21 36 64 125 217 200 36 6 -55 – 59 408 - 4 18 20 54 61 132 108 11 -60 & over 393 2 8 9 19 26 24 56 107 142 -76 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.12Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group,Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Age Group(Years)Ethnic Group of Male DivorceesTotal* Chinese Indians OthersNumberTotal 5,471 4,740 447 273Under 25 28 24 3 125 – 29 274 231 31 1230 – 34 740 661 59 1835 – 39 1,051 906 89 5540 – 44 980 830 99 5045 – 49 892 771 64 5450 – 54 705 607 48 4755 – 59 408 361 27 2060 & over 393 349 27 16Ethnic Group of Female DivorceesTotal* Chinese Indians OthersTotal 5,471 4,483 408 563Under 25 106 89 10 725 – 29 584 437 49 9830 – 34 1,189 948 87 14935 – 39 1,135 930 85 11840 – 44 938 774 57 10445 – 49 647 541 53 4950 – 54 450 392 37 2055 – 59 260 226 20 1260 & over 161 145 10 6Unknown 1 1 - -* Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 77

Table A2.13 Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group,Previous Marital Status and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Age Group(Years)Previous Marital Status of Male DivorceesNumberTotal Single Divorced Widowed UnknownTotal 5,471 5,016 290 17 148Under 25 28 27 - - 125 – 29 274 269 2 1 230 – 34 740 717 9 1 1335 – 39 1,051 987 28 - 3640 – 44 980 905 51 1 2345 – 49 892 791 68 4 2950 – 54 705 632 54 3 1655 – 59 408 363 34 3 860 & over 393 325 44 4 20Previous Marital Status of Female DivorceesTotal Single Divorced Widowed UnknownTotal 5,471 5,051 275 8 137Under 25 106 104 1 - 125 – 29 584 570 6 - 830 – 34 1,189 1,133 23 1 3235 – 39 1,135 1,041 66 - 2840 – 44 938 842 70 2 2445 – 49 647 574 52 2 1950 – 54 450 404 31 1 1455 – 59 260 236 19 1 460 & over 161 146 7 1 7Unknown 1 1 - - -Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the latest marriage which ended in a divorce.78 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.14Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age at Marriage ofMale and Female Divorcees, 2013NumberAge at Marriageof Male Divorcees(Years)TotalUnder20Age at Marriage of Female Divorcees (Years)20-24 25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overUnknownTotal 5,471 380 2,098 1,916 661 253 162 1Under 20 59 40 17 1 - - 1 -20 – 24 1,076 189 742 124 15 6 - -25 – 29 2,093 98 875 958 130 19 13 -30 – 34 1,115 28 280 519 238 41 8 135 – 39 510 10 104 181 129 66 20 -40 & over 618 15 80 133 149 121 120 -Table A2.15Age at Marriage(Years)Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age at Marriage,Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Ethnic Group of Male DivorceesTotal* Chinese Indians OthersNumberTotal 5,471 4,740 447 273Under 20 59 48 7 420 – 24 1,076 943 102 3125 – 29 2,093 1,859 160 7030 – 34 1,115 929 110 7335 – 39 510 425 36 4940 & over 618 536 32 46Ethnic Group of Female DivorceesTotal* Chinese Indians OthersTotal 5,471 4,483 408 563Under 20 380 302 43 3520 – 24 2,098 1,698 175 21725 – 29 1,916 1,608 117 18730 – 34 661 540 39 8035 – 39 253 201 18 3240 & over 162 133 16 12Unknown 1 1 - -* Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 79

Table A2.16Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage andEthnic Group of Couple, 2013Duration of Marriage(Years)Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 5,471 4,331 373 86 658Under 5 846 638 52 11 1415 – 9 1,712 1,321 117 16 24910 – 14 973 739 70 24 13715 – 19 748 611 45 22 6820 – 24 475 393 39 8 3425 – 29 318 277 20 3 1630 & over 399 352 30 2 13Median Duration(Years)10.8 11.3 11.2 12.5 8.4* Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Table A2.17Duration ofMarriage(Years)Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage andNumber of Dependent Children, 2013Number of Dependent Children under 18 Years of AgeNumberTotal 0 1 2 3 4 & overTotal 5,471 2,890 1,511 888 160 22Under 5 846 571 230 39 6 -5 – 9 1,712 925 531 219 32 510 – 14 973 323 283 308 49 1015 – 19 748 199 236 248 60 520 – 24 475 243 168 56 8 -25 – 29 318 271 40 7 - -30 & over 399 358 23 11 5 280 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.18Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sexof Divorcees, and Duration of Marriage, 2013Age Groupof Male Divorcees(Years)TotalUnder5Duration of Marriage (Years)5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29Number30 &overTotal 5,471 846 1,712 973 748 475 318 399Under 25 28 25 3 - - - - -25 – 29 274 149 123 2 - - - -30 – 34 740 256 422 60 2 - - -35 – 39 1,051 168 498 325 60 - - -40 – 44 980 92 289 304 259 35 1 -45 – 49 892 67 159 148 251 224 43 -50 & over 1,506 89 218 134 176 216 274 399Age Groupof Female Divorcees(Years)Total5,471 846 1,712 973 748 475 318 399Under 25 106 79 27 - - - - -25 – 29 584 245 322 17 - - - -30 – 34 1,189 303 667 205 14 - - -35 – 39 1,135 122 415 426 162 9 - 140 – 44 938 64 172 213 362 122 5 -45 – 49 647 23 62 69 140 237 106 1050 & over 871 10 47 43 69 107 207 388Unknown 1 - - - 1 - - -Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 81

Table A2.19Divorces under the Women’s Charter by (A) Duration of Marriage;(B) Plaintiff; and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013TotalLived Apart /Separated forThree Yearsor MoreUnreasonableBehaviourDesertionNumberAdulteryTotal 5,471 2,506 2,788 96 81Duration of Marriage(Years)Under 5 846 194 604 40 85 – 9 1,712 800 866 31 1510 – 14 973 422 516 10 2515 – 19 748 361 365 12 1020 – 24 475 283 179 2 1125 – 29 318 187 123 - 830 & over 399 259 135 1 4PlaintiffHusband 2,040 1,121 833 63 23Wife 3,431 1,385 1,955 33 58Table A2.20Main Reasonfor DivorceDivorces under the Women’s Charter by Main Reason for Divorceand Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013NumberTotal* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 5,471 4,331 373 86 658Lived Apart / Separatedfor Three Years or MoreUnreasonableBehaviour2,506 2,030 147 32 2892,788 2,167 217 52 338Desertion 96 64 5 1 25Adultery 81 70 4 1 6* Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.82 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.21Age Groupof Male Divorcees(Years)Divorces under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sexof Divorcees, and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013TotalLived Apart /Separated forThree Yearsor MoreUnreasonableBehaviourDesertionNumberAdulteryTotal 5,471 2,506 2,788 96 81Under 25 28 7 20 1 -25 – 29 274 84 186 1 330 – 34 740 274 440 18 835 – 39 1,051 417 598 16 2040 – 44 980 439 504 15 2245 – 49 892 431 436 14 1150 & over 1,506 854 604 31 17Age Groupof Female Divorcees(Years)Total 5,471 2,506 2,788 96 81Under 25 106 26 74 6 -25 – 29 584 217 348 12 730 – 34 1,189 457 691 29 1235 – 39 1,135 481 605 20 2940 – 44 938 452 464 10 1245 – 49 647 355 276 10 650 & over 871 518 329 9 15Unknown 1 - 1 - -Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 83

Table A2.22 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Male Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 505 41 142 110 68 60 25 25 13 21 - 32.01985 738 74 192 166 109 54 52 32 24 35 - 32.81990 972 61 233 269 155 109 49 42 22 32 - 33.61991 1,021 57 201 268 214 130 46 38 26 41 - 34.71992 1,002 50 190 254 189 119 77 52 36 35 - 35.21993 1,224 46 224 308 281 162 77 53 38 35 - 35.51994 1,052 54 185 297 218 131 65 36 31 35 - 34.91995 971 34 132 244 210 149 92 43 32 35 - 36.61996 1,079 49 150 267 237 165 94 45 34 38 - 36.51997 1,190 68 165 296 280 166 103 44 27 41 - 36.21998 1,454 56 202 322 339 239 121 80 40 55 - 37.31999 1,544 65 204 317 338 248 165 98 44 65 - 37.82000 1,584 77 224 284 348 281 163 99 36 72 - 38.02001 1,328 71 188 248 260 246 158 77 33 47 - 37.92002 1,516 73 197 269 376 264 157 91 34 55 - 37.82003 1,912 97 236 381 415 339 208 128 50 58 - 37.62004 1,657 111 225 344 339 265 164 106 51 52 - 37.22005 1,690 100 218 341 316 283 206 108 60 58 - 38.32006 1,782 104 236 366 316 312 222 116 74 36 - 38.12007 1,595 90 207 311 276 256 222 121 55 57 - 38.22008 1,601 77 203 307 284 284 195 128 79 44 - 38.52009 1,511 59 202 268 284 249 204 117 67 59 2 38.62010 1,536 47 186 290 292 255 217 123 63 59 4 38.92011 1,538 41 186 256 305 251 201 153 76 69 - 39.52012 1,587 49 172 286 275 265 235 157 87 60 1 40.32013 1,662 40 180 290 310 257 257 172 85 71 - 40.1Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.84 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.22 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group and Sex of Divorcees, 1980 – 2013 (cont’d)YearTotalUnder25Age Group of Female Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 505 143 142 113 49 26 13 8 5 6 - 28.01985 738 208 192 131 95 40 37 15 10 10 - 29.31990 972 180 301 178 155 79 36 24 12 7 - 30.11991 1,021 162 276 221 168 101 47 26 15 5 - 31.51992 1,002 138 253 225 181 99 50 28 15 13 - 31.91993 1,224 170 282 299 218 123 72 32 18 10 - 32.61994 1,052 170 230 268 170 104 51 29 17 13 - 32.21995 971 119 174 241 189 117 75 31 11 14 - 33.81996 1,079 149 196 247 199 154 80 27 12 15 - 33.91997 1,190 157 278 265 207 135 80 40 16 12 - 33.01998 1,454 177 288 329 276 188 117 44 16 19 - 33.91999 1,544 175 287 328 287 234 116 68 29 20 - 34.82000 1,584 210 292 311 320 200 119 82 24 26 - 34.72001 1,328 190 266 225 254 194 102 55 24 18 - 34.62002 1,516 195 270 302 293 221 119 60 31 25 - 34.82003 1,912 246 349 384 360 271 162 89 26 25 - 34.62004 1,657 244 326 356 272 208 129 61 34 27 - 33.52005 1,690 214 311 357 280 235 143 90 40 20 - 34.42006 1,782 249 333 355 296 247 166 84 32 20 - 34.32007 1,595 215 295 311 258 226 161 68 40 21 - 34.62008 1,601 183 295 323 267 216 167 76 56 18 - 35.02009 1,511 160 269 287 260 196 193 79 41 24 2 35.52010 1,536 132 281 318 268 211 177 80 44 24 1 35.82011 1,538 124 283 276 279 222 182 97 41 34 - 36.52012 1,587 120 281 318 252 229 188 123 49 26 1 36.62013 1,662 107 289 337 295 232 190 130 53 29 - 36.7Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 85

Table A2.23Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byDuration of Marriage, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder5Duration of Marriage (Years)5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-2930 &overMedianDuration(Years)1980 505 185 143 94 37 28 14 4 7.01985 738 331 186 86 67 33 17 18 5.81990 972 374 301 115 84 51 21 26 6.41991 1,021 370 275 160 123 43 22 28 7.21992 1,002 362 258 179 89 58 33 23 7.41993 1,224 456 311 198 135 58 40 26 7.31994 1,052 377 287 181 96 55 31 25 7.51995 971 327 251 191 89 68 25 20 8.01996 1,079 377 286 196 88 68 40 24 7.61997 1,190 437 315 187 128 56 39 28 7.11998 1,454 459 401 254 176 82 35 47 8.11999 1,544 444 429 253 188 112 72 46 8.72000 1,584 530 400 260 189 94 66 45 8.12001 1,328 456 325 204 144 99 59 41 8.12002 1,516 495 385 275 172 100 50 39 8.52003 1,912 672 462 307 224 138 57 52 7.72004 1,657 555 470 261 156 103 61 51 7.32005 1,690 565 453 248 197 124 52 51 7.72006 1,782 586 492 276 180 118 76 54 7.82007 1,595 509 444 238 172 111 72 49 8.02008 1,601 517 435 256 171 110 65 47 8.12009 1,511 464 395 230 171 125 69 57 8.52010 1,536 415 421 290 177 111 68 54 9.02011 1,538 418 463 216 187 121 77 56 8.42012 1,587 448 442 241 203 119 70 64 8.62013 1,662 408 484 292 203 146 68 61 9.2Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.86 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.24Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, 1980 – 2013Year Total* Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicNumber1980 505 380 32 5 881985 738 579 30 8 1211990 972 762 53 9 1481991 1,021 801 40 6 1741992 1,002 790 38 6 1681993 1,224 996 42 6 1801994 1,052 887 31 1 1331995 971 794 39 5 1331996 1,079 925 24 4 1261997 1,190 997 43 8 1421998 1,454 1,132 58 20 2441999 1,544 1,171 51 14 3082000 1,584 1,113 76 39 3562001 1,328 1,000 54 12 2622002 1,516 1,136 92 8 2802003 1,912 1,476 83 6 3472004 1,657 1,255 65 10 3272005 1,690 1,324 65 8 2932006 1,782 1,335 97 6 3422007 1,595 1,184 87 6 3172008 1,601 1,181 58 19 3432009 1,511 1,077 54 18 3612010 1,536 1,080 55 32 3692011 1,538 1,108 73 13 3442012 1,587 1,209 95 15 2682013 1,662 1,211 74 22 355* For 2006, 2007 and 2009, Total includes divorces where the ethnic group of male or female divorcees was not reported.Note: Data for 1994-2010 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 87

Table A2.25 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Couple, January – December 2013NumberMonth Total Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 1,662 1,211 74 22 355January 163 117 6 3 37February 127 84 5 5 33March 140 111 11 1 17April 143 96 8 3 36May 129 105 3 1 20June 99 68 4 2 25July 172 122 13 - 37August 133 89 6 1 37September 153 123 5 1 24October 177 124 6 4 43November 130 93 5 - 32December 96 79 2 1 14Table A2.26 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byPrevious Marital Status and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013NumberPreviousMarital Status of CoupleTotal Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal* 1,662 1,211 74 22 355Single man &Single woman 1,055 756 51 17 231Divorced woman 267 191 11 1 64Widowed woman 3 3 - - -Divorced man &Single woman 221 170 8 2 41Divorced woman 112 87 4 2 19Widowed woman 1 1 - - -Widowed/Married man &Single woman - - - - -Divorced woman 1 1 - - -Widowed woman - - - - -* Total includes divorces where the previous marital status of male or female divorcees was not reported.Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the latest marriage which ended in a divorce.88 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.27Ethnic Groupof MaleDivorceesInter-ethnic Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byEthnic Group of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013Ethnic Group of Female DivorceesTotal Malays Indians Chinese OthersNumberTotal 355 185 62 25 83Malays 133 - 44 18 71Indians 82 67 - 5 10Chinese 40 37 3 - -Others 100 81 15 2 2Table A2.28 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013NumberAge Group ofMale Divorcees(Years)TotalUnder25Age Group of Female Divorcees (Years)25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-5960 &overTotal 1,662 107 289 337 295 232 190 130 53 29Under 25 40 29 11 - - - - - - -25 – 29 180 50 103 23 4 - - - - -30 – 34 290 21 114 119 28 7 1 - - -35 – 39 310 4 42 143 101 14 6 - - -40 – 44 257 2 13 36 95 77 22 9 3 -45 – 49 257 1 4 12 43 92 86 17 2 -50 – 54 172 - 2 3 13 35 51 57 6 555 – 59 85 - - 1 3 5 19 34 20 360 & over 71 - - - 8 2 5 13 22 21Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 89

Table A2.29 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge Group, Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Age Group(Years)Ethnic Group of Male DivorceesTotal Malays Indians OthersNumberTotal 1,662 1,344 156 162Under 25 40 35 2 325 – 29 180 150 20 1030 – 34 290 233 35 2235 – 39 310 240 36 3440 – 44 257 207 24 2645 – 49 257 209 17 3150 – 54 172 142 16 1455 – 59 85 73 2 1060 & over 71 55 4 12Ethnic Group of Female DivorceesTotal Malays Indians OthersTotal 1,662 1,396 136 130Under 25 107 86 12 925 – 29 289 249 23 1730 – 34 337 271 25 4135 – 39 295 244 27 2440 – 44 232 192 19 2145 – 49 190 169 14 750 – 54 130 113 11 655 – 59 53 48 2 360 & over 29 24 3 290 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.30Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Group,Previous Marital Status and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Age Group(Years)Previous Marital Status of Male DivorceesTotal Single DivorcedWidowed/MarriedNumberUnknownTotal 1,662 1,325 335 1 1Under 25 40 37 3 - -25 – 29 180 163 17 - -30 – 34 290 249 41 - -35 – 39 310 252 58 - -40 – 44 257 189 67 1 -45 – 49 257 199 58 - -50 – 54 172 126 46 - -55 – 59 85 59 25 - 160 & over 71 51 20 - -Previous Marital Status of Female DivorceesTotal Single Divorced Widowed UnknownTotal 1,662 1,276 381 4 1Under 25 107 101 6 - -25 – 29 289 259 30 - -30 – 34 337 268 68 1 -35 – 39 295 218 76 - 140 – 44 232 163 68 1 -45 – 49 190 132 58 - -50 – 54 130 82 47 1 -55 – 59 53 37 16 - -60 & over 29 16 12 1 -Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the latest marriage which ended in a divorce.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 91

Table A2.31 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge at Marriage of Male and Female Divorcees, 2013NumberAge at Marriageof Male Divorcees(Years)TotalAge at Marriage of Female Divorcees (Years)Under2020-24 25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overTotal 1,662 234 646 427 157 81 117Under 20 49 38 10 1 - - -20 – 24 435 121 250 58 5 1 -25 – 29 557 54 276 192 21 9 530 – 34 302 15 75 122 64 20 635 – 39 138 5 21 38 33 22 1940 & over 181 1 14 16 34 29 8792 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.32 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byAge at Marriage, Ethnic Group and Sex of Divorcees, 2013Age at Marriage(Years)Ethnic Group of Male DivorceesTotal Malays Indians OthersNumberTotal 1,662 1,344 156 162Under 20 49 41 4 420 – 24 435 379 33 2325 – 29 557 435 64 5830 – 34 302 235 34 3335 – 39 138 110 8 2040 & over 181 144 13 24Ethnic Group of Female DivorceesTotal Malays Indians OthersTotal 1,662 1,396 136 130Under 20 234 205 19 1020 – 24 646 531 57 5825 – 29 427 370 29 2830 – 34 157 121 11 2535 – 39 81 65 10 640 & over 117 104 10 3Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 93

Table A2.33 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byDuration of Marriage and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013Duration ofMarriage(Years)Total Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 1,662 1,211 74 22 355Under 5 408 280 19 3 1065 – 9 484 348 24 8 10410 – 14 292 215 14 2 6115 – 19 203 153 8 6 3620 – 24 146 116 5 3 2225 – 29 68 48 3 - 1730 & over 61 51 1 - 9MedianDuration(Years)9.2 9.4 8.8 10.0 8.2Table A2.34 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byDuration of Marriage and Number of Dependent Children, 2013Duration ofMarriage(Years)Number of Dependent Children under 18 Years of AgeNumberTotal 0 1 2 3 4 & overTotal 1,662 612 463 367 155 65Under 5 408 206 143 51 8 -5 – 9 484 150 136 135 46 1710 – 14 292 66 67 86 49 2415 – 19 203 32 52 61 36 2220 – 24 146 56 46 26 16 225 – 29 68 44 17 7 - -30 & over 61 58 2 1 - -94 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.35Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Groupand Sex of Divorcees, and Duration of Marriage, 2013Age Groupof Male Divorcees(Years)TotalUnder5Duration of Marriage (Years)5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29Number30 &overTotal 1,662 408 484 292 203 146 68 61Under 25 40 34 6 - - - - -25 – 29 180 115 60 5 - - - -30 – 34 290 107 146 37 - - - -35 – 39 310 65 122 103 20 - - -40 – 44 257 40 67 61 71 18 - -45 – 49 257 28 34 41 63 77 14 -50 & over 328 19 49 45 49 51 54 61Age Groupof Female Divorcees(Years)Total1,662 408 484 292 203 146 68 61Under 25 107 77 30 - - - - -25 – 29 289 145 130 14 - - - -30 – 34 337 89 155 85 8 - - -35 – 39 295 47 80 100 59 9 - -40 – 44 232 20 32 44 76 56 4 -45 – 49 190 20 29 18 37 58 24 450 & over 212 10 28 31 23 23 40 57Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 95

Table A2.36 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by (A) Durationof Marriage; (B) Plaintiff; and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013TotalDesertionDomesticViolence& AbusesFinancialProblemsIncarceration/ImprisonmentInfidelity /ExtramaritalAffairNumberOtherReasonsTotal 1,662 207 157 264 59 420 555Duration ofMarriage(Years)Under 5 408 61 45 68 13 90 1315 – 9 484 63 39 67 28 117 17010 – 14 292 34 28 40 7 78 10515 – 19 203 16 17 41 7 56 6620 – 24 146 18 18 23 3 43 4125 – 29 68 7 6 12 - 19 2430 & over 61 8 4 13 1 17 18PlaintiffHusband 494 72 17 53 7 135 210Wife 1,168 135 140 211 52 285 345Table A2.37 Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act byMain Reason for Divorce and Ethnic Group of Couple, 2013NumberMain Reason for Divorce Total Malays Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 1,662 1,211 74 22 355Desertion 207 151 6 4 46Domestic Violence &Abuses157 109 4 2 42Financial Problems 264 196 14 2 52Incarceration /ImprisonmentInfidelity /Extra-marital Affair59 47 1 2 9420 333 11 4 72Other Reasons 555 375 38 8 13496 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.38Divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act by Age Group andSex of Divorcees, and Main Reason for Divorce, 2013NumberTotalDesertionDomesticViolence& AbusesFinancialProblemsIncarceration/ImprisonmentInfidelity /ExtramaritalAffairOtherReasonsAge Groupof Male Divorcees(Years)Total 1,662 207 157 264 59 420 555Under 25 40 8 4 7 2 9 1025 – 29 180 29 22 26 3 58 4230 – 34 290 39 33 39 8 70 10135 – 39 310 39 21 49 10 82 10940 – 44 257 20 23 48 9 65 9245 – 49 257 27 27 31 16 70 8650 & over 328 45 27 64 11 66 115Age Groupof FemaleDivorcees (Years)Total1,662 207 157 264 59 420 555Under 25 107 17 11 13 3 33 3025 – 29 289 44 36 43 8 74 8430 – 34 337 47 30 52 10 83 11535 – 39 295 31 25 46 10 73 11040 – 44 232 20 26 37 16 60 7345 – 49 190 15 17 32 9 41 7650 & over 212 33 12 41 3 56 67Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 97

Table A2.39Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Age Groupand Sex, 1980 – 2013YearAge Group of Husbands (Years)Total Under 25 25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 170 18 81 50 13 7 1 29.21985 296 13 82 59 12 6 124 29.61990 484 25 210 151 59 37 2 30.21991 606 52 280 198 48 23 5 29.51992 377 26 182 112 37 19 1 29.61993 140 6 59 49 18 8 - 30.61994 187 10 84 68 15 9 1 30.01995 188 12 74 63 19 17 3 30.51996 178 8 62 66 24 15 3 31.21997 201 8 72 61 30 27 3 30.91998 262 17 117 71 39 17 1 29.91999 249 17 100 78 23 30 1 30.42000 217 16 88 63 28 19 3 30.32001 252 13 98 69 39 27 6 30.62002 287 14 95 117 26 30 5 31.22003 268 6 97 93 38 28 6 31.22004 338 15 118 123 39 34 9 30.72005 328 18 110 108 49 43 - 31.22006 377 12 106 142 45 72 - 32.12007 413 15 114 134 49 101 - 32.62008 363 12 103 119 58 71 - 32.82009 353 10 80 122 65 75 1 33.22010 369 8 101 111 70 79 - 33.42011 370 10 91 126 62 81 - 33.02012 344 18 84 99 65 78 - 33.22013 392 21 88 111 63 109 - 33.9Note: Data for 2008 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.98 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.39Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Age Group and Sex,1980 – 2013 (cont’d)YearAge Group of Wives (Years)Total Under 25 25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overUnknownMedianAge(Years)1980 170 65 86 14 1 2 2 25.81985 296 46 98 21 4 3 124 26.81990 484 104 255 87 25 11 2 27.31991 606 155 322 89 24 11 5 26.71992 377 109 190 60 11 6 1 26.61993 140 26 81 24 5 4 - 27.21994 187 50 95 32 6 3 1 26.81995 188 50 86 33 12 4 3 27.41996 178 40 88 35 6 6 3 27.51997 201 51 87 43 8 9 3 27.41998 262 66 134 44 10 7 1 27.11999 249 64 129 33 10 12 1 26.72000 217 40 121 38 9 6 3 27.32001 252 63 117 41 17 8 6 27.12002 287 55 127 67 18 12 8 28.42003 268 39 138 65 13 7 6 28.32004 338 62 155 62 15 10 34 28.02005 328 51 173 62 26 13 3 28.32006 377 66 159 104 35 11 2 28.92007 413 47 208 106 32 19 1 28.82008 363 59 152 105 29 18 - 28.82009 353 28 147 108 50 19 1 30.12010 369 51 169 81 47 21 - 29.02011 370 59 162 91 37 21 - 28.92012 344 49 143 97 33 22 - 29.32013 392 49 175 110 36 22 - 29.3Note: Data for 2008 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 99

Table A2.40 Annulments under the Women’s Charter byDuration of Marriage, 1980 – 2013YearTotalUnder1Duration of Marriage (Years)1 2 3 45 &overMedianDuration(Years)1980 170 3 27 47 40 33 20 3.21985 296 10 66 88 61 33 38 2.91990 484 5 94 122 106 81 76 3.21991 606 6 140 181 120 70 89 2.91992 377 15 102 102 77 32 49 2.71993 140 4 52 41 21 7 15 2.31994 187 6 70 63 29 10 9 2.31995 188 6 72 52 33 12 13 2.21996 178 10 65 50 24 12 17 2.31997 201 7 74 64 23 14 19 2.21998 262 29 112 67 31 14 9 1.91999 249 25 90 72 29 11 22 2.22000 217 19 67 84 35 6 6 2.32001 252 20 97 68 45 10 12 2.12002 287 28 99 81 33 20 26 2.22003 268 23 81 76 50 17 21 2.32004 338 34 114 109 44 23 14 2.12005 328 38 105 90 53 20 22 2.22006 377 61 121 95 51 12 37 2.12007 413 40 173 105 55 13 27 2.02008 363 29 127 112 52 19 24 2.32009 353 32 136 90 52 11 32 2.12010 369 43 158 92 37 15 24 1.92011 370 56 158 100 32 7 17 1.82012 344 52 136 102 39 4 11 1.82013 392 44 182 107 38 7 14 1.8Note: Data for 2008 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.100 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.41 Annulments under the Women’s Charter byEthnic Group of Couple, 1980 – 2013NumberYear Total* Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnic1980 170 155 14 - 11985 296 257 21 1 171990 484 419 48 2 151991 606 531 56 1 181992 377 320 42 1 141993 140 119 15 - 61994 187 161 21 - 51995 188 160 21 - 71996 178 142 33 - 31997 201 178 16 - 71998 262 222 30 - 101999 249 206 31 1 112000 217 185 18 3 112001 252 218 12 8 142002 287 230 23 3 312003 268 223 16 6 232004 338 247 28 - 202005 328 270 27 - 282006 377 307 27 1 402007 413 354 25 2 322008 363 289 23 5 452009 353 265 31 2 542010 369 276 39 3 512011 370 272 33 3 622012 344 236 28 5 752013 392 226 37 7 122* For 2004-2006, 2008 and 2009, Total includes annulments where the ethnic group of males or females was not reported.Note: Data for 2008 have been revised in 2012 following the inclusion of new information from administrative data source.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 101

Table A2.42Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Ethnic Group of Couple,January – December 2013NumberMonth Total Chinese Indians Others Inter-ethnicTotal 392 226 37 7 122January 26 12 4 1 9February 29 21 2 - 6March 32 17 5 1 9April 38 21 3 - 14May 18 10 3 1 4June 29 18 3 - 8July 57 34 5 1 17August 32 23 5 - 4September 25 17 1 - 7October 32 18 3 - 11November 30 14 2 2 12December 44 21 1 1 21Table A2.43Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Age Group ofHusbands and Wives, 2013NumberAge Group ofHusbands(Years)TotalUnder25Age Group of Wives (Years)25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overTotal 392 49 175 110 36 22Under 25 21 11 10 - - -25 – 29 88 14 67 5 1 130 – 34 111 9 46 51 4 135 – 39 63 8 17 26 12 -40 & over 109 7 35 28 19 20102 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

Table A2.44Annulments under the Women’s Charter by Duration of Marriage,Age Group and Sex, 2013NumberDuration of Marriage(Years)TotalUnder25Age Group of Husbands (Years)25-29 30-34 35-3940 &overTotal 392 21 88 111 63 109Under 1 44 3 8 9 6 181 182 12 49 47 26 482 107 6 23 34 15 293 38 - 6 16 6 104 7 - - 2 4 15 & over 14 - 2 3 6 3Age Group of Wives (Years)TotalUnder2525-29 30-34 35-3940 &overTotal 392 49 175 110 36 22Under 1 44 5 18 10 4 71 182 30 92 40 15 52 107 11 49 30 10 73 38 2 13 18 3 24 7 1 1 4 1 -5 & over 14 - 2 8 3 1Table A2.45PreviousMarital Statusof HusbandsAnnulments under the Women’s Charter by Previous Marital Statusof Husbands and Wives, 2013Previous Marital Status of WivesTotal Single Divorced Widowed UnknownNumberTotal 392 361 18 2 11Single 339 323 12 - 4Divorced 40 33 3 2 2Widowed 3 - 3 - -Unknown 10 5 - - 5Note: Previous marital status refers to a person’s marital status prior to the latest marriage which ended in an annulment.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 103

SOURCE AND DATA COVERAGEStatistics on MarriagesStatistics on marriages registered under the Women’s Charter are obtainedfrom records maintained by the Registry of Marriages. They include all civil marriagessolemnized by the Registrar of Marriages, pastors of churches, priests of Hindutemples and other registered solemnizers. For Muslim marriages, statistics areobtained from records of marriages registered under the Administration of Muslim LawAct maintained by the Registry of Muslim Marriages.Statistics on Divorces and AnnulmentsStatistics on divorces and annulments under the Women’s Charter areobtained from records maintained by the Family Court and the High Court.For divorces under the Administration of Muslim Law Act, statistics areobtained from the register of divorces kept by the Syariah Court. The records onrevocation of divorces are obtained from the Registry of Muslim Marriages.In this publication, time-related variables such as duration of marriage andage of divorcees are based on the date when Interim Judgement was made final forcivil divorces, and date of registration for Muslim divorces. However, separations,whether by mutual agreements or otherwise and which do not confer on the parties theright to re-marry, are not covered.104 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

GLOSSARYAge-Specific Marriage RateThe number of marriages registered within a specific age group during the year,out of every thousand unmarried population in the same age group.Age-Specific Divorce RateThe number of divorces and annulments granted within a specific age group duringthe year, out of every thousand married population in the same age group.AnnulmentsAnnulments granted under Women’s Charter refer to invalidation of a marriage.Parties whose marriages have been annulled are conferred the status of neverhaving been married to each other.Crude Marriage RateThe number of marriages registered in the year per thousand population.Crude Divorce RateThe number of divorces and annulments granted in the year per thousandpopulation.Singapore Department of Statistics Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 ► 105

Ethnic Group Classifications of CoupleFor marriages registered under the Women’s Charter:“Others” comprises couples of the same ethnicity from other ethnic groupsbesides Chinese and Indians, namely Malays, Eurasians, Caucasians andother ethnicities as one single ‘Others’ group.E.g. Eurasian-Eurasian, Caucasian-Caucasian, Others-Others“Inter-ethnic” marriages refer to marriages where both the groom and brideare of different ethnicity.E.g. Indian-Chinese, Eurasian-Caucasian, Chinese-Malay, Chinese-OthersFor marriages registered under the Administration of Muslim Law Act:“Others” comprises Muslim couples of the same ethnicity from other ethnicgroups besides Malays and Indians, namely Chinese, Eurasians, Caucasians,and other ethnicities as one single ‘Others’ group.E.g. Eurasian-Eurasian, Caucasian-Caucasian, Others-Others“Inter-ethnic” marriages refer to marriages where both the groom and brideare of different ethnicity.E.g. Malay-Indian, Malay-Chinese, Indian-OthersGeneral Marriage RateThe number of marriages registered among persons aged 15-49 years during theyear, out of every thousand unmarried population in the same age group.General Divorce RateThe number of divorces and annulments granted to married persons aged 20 yearsand over during the year, out of every thousand married population in the same agegroup.106 ◄ Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2013 Singapore Department of Statistics

PROJECT TEAMAssistant DirectorMiss Koh Wee LingStatisticianMiss Kua Hui ShanManagerMr Wong Kwok WingCorporate Support OfficerMr Ng Keng Chye

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