AVANTI SAVOIA! - Flames of War

AVANTI SAVOIA! - Flames of War

AVANTI SAVOIA! - Flames of War

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French Expeditionary CorpsBy Ken Camel, Jonathan Forsey, and Wayne TurnerUpdated on20 Feb 2013BRASIL

BRASILThe Cobra is Smokin’BRASILThe Brazilian 1 st Expeditionary Infantry Division (1 st DIE, for Divisão de Infantaria Expedicionária) in WWII.One <strong>of</strong> the lesser known contributors to the allied cause, theBrazilian Division fought in Italy in the 1944-45 period.The Brazilian ArmyBrazil sent observers to the French Army in World <strong>War</strong> Isubsequently establishing a French Military Mission to assistthe Brazilian Army modernize towards the French model.The mission was terminated in 1939 with the start <strong>of</strong> thewar.The between war years saw the politics <strong>of</strong> Brazil moveeconomically towards both the United States and Germany.Getulio Vargas came to power with the backing <strong>of</strong> the Armyin 1929. As a dictator, Vargas was sympathetic to the economicwoes <strong>of</strong> Germany and during the thirties commerce betweenBrazil and the new Nazi regime quadrupled.The war’s outbreak saw Brazil torn between its more traditionaleconomic ties to the US and its new found friend in NaziGermany. It was not until the Germans declared an economicblockade against the North and South American countriesthat Brazilian sympathies turned towards the Allies.Brazil Enters the <strong>War</strong>When the Japanese attacked the US and Germany followedwith its declaration <strong>of</strong> war, the Germans began to attackBrazilian merchant ships along the Brazilian coast. Thistogether with diplomatic agreements moved Brazil towardsthe Allied camp.With the early Axis victories in France and North Africa, theBrazilian bulge became a strategic concern <strong>of</strong> the US. Navalagreements with the US and Brazilian inclusion in Lend-Lease further solidified Brazilian inclusion within the Alliedcircle.The Brazilian declaration <strong>of</strong> war was preceded by a politicalmilitaryagreement with the US on 23 May 1942. Theagreement established the employment <strong>of</strong> Brazilian troops inwar operations outside <strong>of</strong> South America. The US promisednaval support for Brazilian coastline defence and provided aidfor the arming and equipping <strong>of</strong> the Forca ExpedicionariaBrasileira (FEB, Brazilian Expeditionary Force).Forca Expedicionaria BrasileiraThe FEB was organized as a standard American infantrydivision, complete in all aspects, down to its logistics tail,including postal and banking services. Its manoeuvre unitsincluded the 1 st , 6 th and 11 th Regimental Combat Teams(RCT), each <strong>of</strong> about 5,000 men in three battalions plussupporting units. Each battalion consisted <strong>of</strong> four companieseach.Made up <strong>of</strong> regional regiments equipped with German smallarms and French artillery, the FEB had to be totallyreorganized, expanded from 66,000 to 150,000 men and reequippedand trained in the American model. MobilisationBRASILstarted in early 1943 with the goal <strong>of</strong> fielding three InfantryDivisions to be deployed in three echelons.However, the sheer size <strong>of</strong> the task in recruiting, training,equipping, and shipping, with a lack <strong>of</strong> sea transport,ultimately resulted the FEB being one Infantry Division(Divisão de Infantaria Expedicionária, or 1 st DIE forshort), under General Mascarenhas de Moraes, and a fightersquadron <strong>of</strong> 25,334 men. Though small by most Alliedcountry standards it represented a major effort for Brazil.The Division comprised the following Infantry Regiments:• 1 st Infantry Regiment (Sampaio) from the area <strong>of</strong> Rio deJaneiro• 6 th Infantry Regiment (Ipiranga) from the area <strong>of</strong> SãoPaulo• 11 th Infantry Regiment (Tiradentes) from the area <strong>of</strong> MinasGeraisEach Regiment had 3 Battalions, numbered I to III withconsecutively numbered companies for a total <strong>of</strong> 12 perRegiment with the heavy weapons companies comprising the4 th , 8 th and 12 th .Each Regiment formed its own Regimental Combat Team(RCT) comprising an Infantry Regiment, a Battalion <strong>of</strong>towed 105mm Howitzers and an Engineer company fromthe 9 th Engineer Battalion. The Sampiao Regiment had the2 nd Artillery and 3 rd Engineers, the Ipiranga the 3 rd Artilleryand 2 nd Engineers and the Tiradentes the 1 st Artillery and1 st Engineers.In addition, the Division had at its disposal the 4 th Artillerycomprising towed 155mm Howitzers and the DivisionalReconnaissance Squadron. The US 751 st Tank Battalion(Sherman and Stuart tanks) and 894 th Tank DestroyerBattalion (M10 tank destroyers) were placed under command<strong>of</strong> the 1 st DIE from time to time, creating a combined armsforce.FEB in ItalyThe first echelon <strong>of</strong> Brazilian troops arrived in Italy totallyunequipped on 16 July 1944. They spent the next twomonths equipping and training finally entering combat on15 September. Units <strong>of</strong> the Division were initially involved inreconnaissance and clearing operations in Tuscany, Massarossa,Bozzano, Camaiore, Monte Prano and others.For the next 45 days the Brazilian first echelon, whichincluded the 6 th Infantry Regiment, parts <strong>of</strong> the 11 th InfantryRegiment, one company <strong>of</strong> engineers, and a platoon from theReconnaissance Squadron, penetrated forty kilometres intothe Serchio valley. The 6 th Regiment then fought againstGerman positions in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> Castelnuovo diGarfagnana. There they succeeded in surprising and routingunits <strong>of</strong> the German-trained Italian fascist army (elements <strong>of</strong>the ‘Monterosa’ Alpini Division <strong>of</strong> the Esercito Nazionale

Repubblicano (National Republican Army), only to be beatenback by a counterattack by nearby elements <strong>of</strong> the German148. Infanteriedivision. By the end <strong>of</strong> October the first echelonwas pulled from the line and reunited with the 2 nd and 3 rdechelons from Brazil. By November the entire division wastogether and returned to the line.In November 1944, the Division moved south <strong>of</strong> Bologna, insubzero temperatures (with men not used to snow) wherealongside Task Force 45 and Gardiner Force <strong>of</strong> the US Army,they were pitted against German positions on Monte Castelloand Monte Belvedere. Following these operations, the 1 st DIEtook part in the <strong>of</strong>fensive operations into the Po Valley,including the bloody struggle for the town <strong>of</strong> Montese in1945.The Allied advances into the Po Valley saw the Brazilianstaking heavy casualties when teamed with lower rateddivisions, but performed quite well when paired with thehighly trained 10 th US Mountain Division.By April the FEB was operating independently which resultedin the surrender <strong>of</strong> the entire German 148. Infanteriedivisionto the Brazilians at Collecchio, the very same division thathad halted their advance in October. When hostilities endedin Italy the FEB was returned to Brazil.Generally, the men <strong>of</strong> the 1 st DIE acquitted themselves well,gaining the trust <strong>of</strong> Italian civilians and combat experience inunfamiliar terrain, though at some cost. They were proud torepresent their country and <strong>of</strong> their divisional patch, a snakesmoking a cigar (said to have stemmed from Germancomments saying that the day Brazilians would join thefighting would be the day snakes started to smoke).BRASILBrazilian Special RulesThe Brazilian Army went from a regional militia force tothe Forca expeditionária Brasiliera (FEB) in a little over ayear. This expansion left little time for training and thefew <strong>of</strong>ficers available were quickly promoted above theirexperience. Some were lucky enough to have hadadditional training in the US prior to being deployed toItaly.A Brazillian Companhia de Infantaria uses all <strong>of</strong> thenormal US special rules on pages 236 to 240 or therulebook except for Truscott Trot and Automatic Rifles.Instead they use the following special rules:Foxhole PoetsThe Brazilians dug-in quite <strong>of</strong>ten, so much so that the experience<strong>of</strong> laying in trenches and foxholes is a common theme in thememories <strong>of</strong> the veterans. Foxhole Poets was the name <strong>of</strong> theliterary section in the troop newspaper, where poems and chronicles‘written while inside the foxholes’ were published. Advancingunder heavy fire on the Gothic Line defences in the rocky hills <strong>of</strong>Italy, the Pracinhas became expert diggers.BRASIL“E A Cobra Fumou!”While Brazilian psyche centred on Karnival with littlethoughts <strong>of</strong> fielding an Expeditionary Force the ‘E A CobraFumou’ or ‘When the Cobra Smokes’, became the euphemismfor when they would go to war. ‘When the cobra smokes.’Once the FEB was formed and shipped to Italy the Smoking Cobrabecame their motto and when Brazilian troops were cornered andalone, they fought with a new-found Brazilian pride.Essential to their morale was the constant presence <strong>of</strong> high-ranking<strong>of</strong>ficers who would add what they could to keep the men’s fightingspirits up.When the 2iC Command Rifle team joins a platoon, it mayre-roll all Motivation Tests as though it was a CompanyCommand team.French Expeditionary CorpsBrazilian platoons may re-roll failed Skill Tests to Dig In.BRASIL

Infantaria Weapons PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section withMortar Section and:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente2 Machine-gun Sections 120 points 90 points1 Machine-gun Section 90 points 70 pointsOption• Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.SargentoCommandRifle teamJeep with.50 cal AA MGSargentoInfantaria Weapons Platoons may make CombatAttachments to Combat Platoons.Brazilian weapons platoons are key to success in both <strong>of</strong>fenceand defence. The ability to provide cover fire is crucial to thecompany’s ability to accomplish their mission.M2 60mm mortarM2 60mmmortarM2 60mmmortarMortar SectionCorporalM1919 LMGM1919 LMGmachine-gunSectionThe M2 60mm mortar is particularly adept at digging outenemy machine-gun and anti-tank nests to open the way forboth infantry and armour assaults.M1919 LMGM1919 LMGmachine-gunSectionInfantaria Weapons platoonWeapons platoonsInfantaria Machine-gun PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente2 Machine-gun Sections 100 points 80 pointsOptions••Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.Add Jeeps with trailers for +5 points for the platoon.SargentoCommandRifle teamJeep with.50 cal AA MGSargentoHeavy machine-guns supported with bazookas marry highrates <strong>of</strong> fire with bunker busting abilities. Attaching amachine-gun section to an infantry platoon in assault willincrease their firepower immensely while adding to the antitankand bunker assault capability <strong>of</strong> the infantry platoon.M1917 HMGM1917 HMGJeep with trailerJeep with trailermachine-gunSectionM1917 HMGM1917 HMGJeep with trailerJeep with trailermachine-gunSectionAssaulting enemy defences is a team effort and these teams insupport will ease that effort considerably.Infantaria Machine-gun platoonInfantaria Machine-gun Platoons may make CombatAttachments to Combat Platoons.BRASIL

Infantaria Mortar PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente3 Mortar Sections 120 points 90 points2 Mortar Sections 85 points 65 pointsCommandRifle teamJeep with.50 cal AA MGOptions••Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.Add Jeeps with trailers for +5 points for the platoon.A platoon <strong>of</strong> the larger M1 81mm mortars brings additionalindirect support as well as smoke to light infantry in the field.They are very effective against enemy infantry positions andfortifications. Keeping an enemy held in position under cover<strong>of</strong> smoke or bombardment provides maximum protection foryour assaulting infantry platoons.When facing fortifications, a full smoke bombardment uponany supporting infantry will most probably protect yourinfantry from enemy fire generated from their fortificationsas well. Keep your axis <strong>of</strong> attack so that enemy infantry isbetween you and the fortifications and you mortars can dothe rest.M1 81mmmortarM1 81mmmortarSargentoJeep with trailerJeep with trailerMortar SectionM1 81mmmortarInfantaria Anti-tank PlatoonJeep with trailerSargentoM1 81mmmortarM1 81mmmortarMortar SectionSargentoMortar SectionM1 81mmmortarInfantaria Mortar platoonJeep with trailerJeep with trailerJeep with trailerPlatoonHQ Section with:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente3 M1 57mm 70 points 55 pointsOptions••Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.Add 1½-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.The M1 57mm anti-tank gun is best used to support yourinfantry company in either defence or while advancing. Itslight weight enables it to keep up with your infantry whilestill providing over-watch against enemy armour in the area.SargentoM1 57mm gun1½-ton truckCommandRifle teamGun SectionM1 57mm gunSargentoGun SectionJeep with.50 cal AA MGSargentoM1 57mm gunGun Section1½-ton truck1½-ton truckFrench Expeditionary CorpsInfantaria Anti-tank platoonBRASIL

Infantaria Ammunition & Pioneer PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente3 A&P Squads 120 points 90 points2 A&P Squads 85 points 65 pointsCommand PioneerRifle teamBazookateamBazookateamPioneer Supply3/ 4-ton truckOptions••Add Bazooka teams for +15 points per team.Add Pioneer Supply truck for +25 points.CorporalCorporalCorporalThe pioneers are trained to both create and destroyfortifications. The work they do is important to keeping theadvance moving.Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle teamPioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle teamA&P Squad A&P Squad A&P SquadInfantaria Ammunition & Pioneer platoonRegimental Support platoonsInfantaria Intelligence & Recon PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:BRASILBRASILTenenteTenente3 I&R Squads 70 points 55 points2 I&R Squads 50 points -Options• Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG and unarmed Jeeps tothe platoons for +5 points.• Arm any or all unarmed Jeeps with an AA MG for+5 points per Jeep.SargentoRifle teamCommandRifle teamSargentoRifle teamJeep with.50 cal AA MGSargentoRifle teamAn Infantaria Intelligence & Recon Platoon is aReconnaissance Platoon.Discovering the enemy’s positions and defences is the role <strong>of</strong>the Intelligence & Recon Platoon. They probe the routes <strong>of</strong>advance looking out for hidden enemy.JeepJeepJeepI&R Squad I&R Squad I&R SquadInfantaria Intelligence & Recon platoonBRASIL

Field Artillery Battery (155mm)PlatoonHQ Section with:CapitãoCapitão4 M1 155mm howitzers 210 points2 M1 155mm howitzers 110 pointsOption• Add ¾-ton trucks and M5 high-speed tractors at +5points for the battery.You may not field a Field Artillery Battery (155mm)equipped with M1 155mm howitzers unless you are als<strong>of</strong>ielding a Field Artillery Battery with at least as manyM2A1 105mm howitzers.The divisional artillery includes an artillery regiment organizedin three battalions set-up like the Americans, therefore thereis three battalions <strong>of</strong> 105mm howitzers and a fourth battalionis equipped with 155mm howitzers.The heavy M1 155mm howitzer is an extremely powerfulgun. Its shells will dig out even the most determined defenderand leave their fortifications a tangled mess <strong>of</strong> wire andmud.Command Rifle teamTenenteM1 155mm howitzerM5 high-speed tractorM1 155mm howitzerM5 high-speed tractorObserverRifle teamTenenteM1 155mm howitzerM5 high-speed tractorM1 155mm howitzerM5 high-speed tractorField Artillery Battery (155mm)Engineer Combat PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with Weapons Squad and2 Operating Squads 145 points1 Operating Squad 110 pointsNo Operating Squads75 pointsOptions• Add M3 37mm gun for +15 points.• Replace the M3 37mm gun with a Bazooka team atno cost.• Add Bazooka team for +15 points per team.• Add Pioneer 2½-ton Supply Truck for +25 points.• Add a Bulldozer for +5 points, or a turretless M4Sherman dozer for +10 points.• Arm up to two 2½-ton trucks with .50 cal AA MGfor +10 points per truck.TenenteSargentoTenenteSargentoTurretless M4Sherman DozerSargentoFrench Expeditionary CorpsYou may replace all Pioneer HMG teams with Pioneer Rifleteams at the start <strong>of</strong> the game before deployment.SargentoEach Brazilian Regiment formed its own Regimental CombatTeam (RCT) comprising an Infantry Regiment, and includedan Engineer company from the 9 th Engineer Battalion.Engineer Combat PlatoonBRASIL11

Anti-aircraft Artillery PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:4 M1 B<strong>of</strong>ors 95 points2 M1 B<strong>of</strong>ors 50 pointsOption• Add Jeep and 2½-ton trucks for +5 points for theplatoon.SargentoCommandRifle teamTenenteTenenteJeepSargentoThe anti-aircraft artillery has a quiet time <strong>of</strong> it in Italy. TheGerman Luftwaffe seldom makes an appearance over theheads <strong>of</strong> the Brazilians. But if they do appear, the M1 B<strong>of</strong>orsguns <strong>of</strong> the Brazilian Expeditionary Force are waiting forthem.M1 B<strong>of</strong>ors gunM1 B<strong>of</strong>ors gunM1 B<strong>of</strong>ors gunM1 B<strong>of</strong>ors gun2½-ton truck2½-ton truckAir Observation Post2½-ton truckAutomaticWeapons Section2½-ton truckAutomaticWeapons SectionAnti-aircraft Artillery PlatoonAOPL-4 Grasshopper AOP 25 pointsTenenteTenenteAn Air Observation Post used the rules for Air ObservationPosts on page 139 <strong>of</strong> the rulebook. An Air Observation Postdoes not use the Column Security special rule.The 1 a Esquadrilha de Ligação e Observação (1 st Flotilla <strong>of</strong>Communication and Observation) flew over 680 missions inItaly. During their missions they did not lose a single plane toL-4 Grasshopper AOPAOPAir Observation Postenemy fire, despite flying very low-altitude missions to spottargets as small as single German mortars!Air SuprortPriority Air SupportP-47 Thunderbolt 190 pointsLimited Air SupportP-47 Thunderbolt 150 pointsTenenteTenenteP-47FlightAir SupportThe Brazilians supplied an air group <strong>of</strong> 500 men who joinedUS 357 Squadron, equipped with P-47 fighter-bombers.BRASIL12

Truck SectionPlatoon8 2½-ton trucks 30 points6 2½-ton trucks 25 points4 2½-ton trucks 20 points2 2½-ton trucks 15 pointsSargentoSargentoCommand 2½-ton truck 2½-ton truckHQ SquadA Truck Section is a Transport Platoon (see page 47 <strong>of</strong> therulebook).CorporalCorporalAlthough the FEB had to use creative methods to form a fulltransport group, the did so by transferring many <strong>of</strong> theirtrucks from their Artillery to the Infantry).2½-ton truck2½-ton truck2½-ton truckTruck SquadCorporal2½-ton truckTruck Squad2½-ton truck2½-ton truckTruck SquadTruck PlatoonItalian Partisan PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:3 Partisan Squads 65 pointsOptions• Replace one Rifle team with an M2 60mm Mortarteam for +5 points.• Replace one Rifle team with an M1919 LMG teamteam for +5 points.• Replace up to two Rifle teams with SMG teams for+5 points per team.An Italian PartisanPlatoon is ratedConfident Conscript.ConfidentConscriptSergenteRifle teamRifle teamPartisanSquadTenentetenenteCommand Rifle teamSergenteRifle teamRifle teamPartisanSquadItalian Partisan platoonSergenteRifle teamRifle teamPartisanSquadThe presence and actions <strong>of</strong> the Italian Partisans, or Partigiani,had great impact in the long months <strong>of</strong> combat on the GothicLine, especially for the FEB, whose had many soldiers thatwere Italo-Brazilians (and spoke Italian). The FEB had theirregular support <strong>of</strong> these men and women.French Expeditionary CorpsBRASIL13

US SupportMotivation and SkillThe Brazilians were supported by American units during their time in Italy. US Support Unitsare rated as Confident Veteran, and follow all <strong>of</strong> the US Special Rules found in the <strong>Flames</strong>Of <strong>War</strong> rulebook.US Platoons in your force are Allies and follow the Allies rules found on page 70 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Flames</strong>Of <strong>War</strong> rulebook.US SupportReluctant ConscriptConfident TrainedFearless VeteranUS Tank PlatoonPlatoon5 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 415 points4 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 335 points3 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 250 points5 M5A1 Stuart 260 points4 M5A1 Stuart 210 points3 M5A1 Stuart 155 pointsSergeantLieutenantLieutenantCommand tankSergeantThe US 751 st Tank Battalion (Sherman and Stuart tanks)were placed under command <strong>of</strong> the 1 st DIE from time totime, creating a combined arms force.TankTankTankTankTank SectionTank SectionUS Tank PlatoonBRASIL14

US Tank Destroyer PlatoonPlatoonSecurity Section and Tank Destroy Section with:4 M10 3in GMC 370 points2 M10 3in GMC 205 pointsThe US 894 th Tank Destroyer Battalion, armed with M10tank destroyers, also fought with the 1 st DIE.LieutenantLieutenantCommand .50 cal Recon Jeep M20 scout car M20 scout carSecurity SectionLieutenantTank Destroyer Platoons use the US Tank Destroyer specialrules on page 238 <strong>of</strong> the rulebook.Command M10 3in GMCM10 3in GMCTank Destroyer Platoons are Reconnaissance Platoons (seepages 193 to 195 <strong>of</strong> the rulebook).M10 3in GMCM10 3in GMCTank destroyer SectionTank destroyer PlatoonRifle PlatoonPlatoonHQ Section with:LieutenantLieutenant3 Rifle Squads 200 points2 Rifle Squads 145 pointsCommandRifle teamBazookateamThe Brazilians could rely on help from nearby Americantroops wherever the two nation’s objectives overlapped.SergeantSergeantSergeantThese veterans <strong>of</strong> the Italian theatre were always a welcomeaddition to the roughly trained Brazilian ExpeditionaryForce.Rifle teamRifle teamRifle teamRifle SquadRifle teamRifle teamRifle teamRifle Squadrifle platoonRifle teamRifle teamRifle teamRifle SquadFrench Expeditionary CorpsBRASIL15

BRASILBrazilian ArsenalBRASILTANK TEAMSArmourName Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and NotesWeapon Range ROF Anti-tank FirepowerTanksM5A1 Stuart Light Tank 4 2 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, AA MG.M6 37mm gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Stabiliser.M4 or M4A1 Sherman Standard Tank 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, .50 cal AA MG.M3 75mm gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Smoke, Stabiliser.Tank DestroyersM10 3in GMC Standard Tank 4 2 0 .50 cal AA MG.M7 3in gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Slow traverse.ReconnaissanceM8 armored car Wheeled 1 0 0 Co-ax MG, .50 cal AA MG.M6 37mm gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Slow traverse.Recon Jeep Jeep - - - AA MG.Mortar Jeep Jeep - - -M2 60mm Mortar 24”/60cm 2 1 3+ Hull mounted, Portee, Can fire over friendly troops.Firing Bombardments 32”/80cm - 1 6Vehicle Machine-gunsVehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire..50 cal Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 4 5+ ROF 1 if other weapons fire.GUN TEAMSWeapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower NotesM2 .50 cal MG Man-packed 16”/40cm 3 4 5+M1919 LMG team Man-packed 16”/40cm 5 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down or moving.M1917 HMG team Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.M2 60mm mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 1 3+ Minimum range 8”/20cm.Firing bombardments 32”/80cm - 1 6M1 81mm mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 2 3+ Minimum range 8”/20cm, Smoke.Firing bombardments 40”/100cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.M1 B<strong>of</strong>ors gun Immobile 24”/60cm 4 6 4+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.M3 37mm gun Light 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ Gun shield.M1 57mm gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 10 4+ Gun shield, No HE.M3 105mm light howitzer Heavy 16”/40cm 1 7 2+ Breakthrough gun, Smoke.Firing bombardments 56”/140cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.M2A1 105mm howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 9 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Smoke.Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.M1 155mm howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 1+ Bunker buster, Gun shield, Smoke.Firing bombardments 88”/220cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.16BRASIL

INFANTRY TEAMSTeam Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower NotesRifle team 16”/40cm 1 2 6SMG team 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.Bazooka team 8”/20cm 1 10 5+ Tank assault 4.Staff team cannot shoot Moves as a Heavy Gun team.Additional Training and EquipmentPioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 3.TRANSPORT TEAMSArmourVehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and NotesTrucksJeep Jeep - - - Optional Passenger-fired AA MG or .50 cal AA MG.Dodge ¾-ton or GMC 2½-ton truck Wheeled - - -M5 high-speed tractor Standard Tank - - - .50 cal AA MG.Armoured Personnel CarriersM20 utility Jeep 1 0 0 Passenger-fired .50 cal AA MG.Engineer VehiclesTurretless M4 Sherman dozer Standard Tank 6 4 0 Bulldozer.Bulldozer Very Slow Tank - - - Bulldozer.Pioneer Supply Truck Wheeled - - -AircraftAircraft Weapon To Hit Anti-tank Firepower NotesP-47 Thunderbolt MG 2+ 6 5+Bombs 4+ 5 1+French Expeditionary CorpsBRASIL17


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