JSIS Report - Western Electricity Coordinating Council

JSIS Report - Western Electricity Coordinating Council

JSIS Report - Western Electricity Coordinating Council


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July 9, 2012 53. Operational ApplicationsActivity Accomplished Planned3a. Oscillation Montana Tech is developing an WECC RC and operating entitiesDetectionOscillation Detection application to start testing Oscillation3a. OscillationDetection Baselineunder WISP projectBPA asked PNNL to baselinespectrum of key path flows,voltages and frequencies.3b. Mode Meter Montana Tech is developing aMode Meter application underWISP project.BPA has been testing an earlierversion of Mode Meter in BPA lab.3c. Voltage Stability Many transmission paths in theWest are voltage-stability limited.<strong>JSIS</strong> believes that measurementbasedvoltage stability applicationshave high value in the West.US DOE issued an RFP ondeveloping algorithms for on-linevoltage stability assessment using3d. Operator TrainingMaterials3e. Studies todetermine oscillationmitigation procedures3f. Studies to determinephase angle alarmlimitsonly synchronized measurements.BPA conducted synchro-phasortraining during its 2011 Fall and2012 Spring dispatcher training.<strong>JSIS</strong> is in process of conductingstudies to determine operatoractions to mitigate the oscillationsand low damping conditions. Studyplan is developed. Seed base casesare prepared. Contingency files aredeveloped. Analysis tools aredeveloped. The studies are currentlyin progress.Detection applicationComplete the baseline spectrum ofkey path flows, voltages andfrequencies.Start baselining spectrum of largegenerating facilities.WECC RC and operating entitiescontinue testing Mode Meterapplication.WECC <strong>JSIS</strong> submitted a fundingrequest to deploy the voltagestability applications at theoperating entities. While WECCproject is expected to leverage themethods developed under DOEproject, the two projects arecompletely separate.Review operator trainingmaterials at the upcoming <strong>JSIS</strong>meeting.Complete the studies, issue studyreport and recommendations.Develop a study plan for settingphase angle alarm limits.W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L • W W W . W E C C . B I Z1 5 5 N O R T H 4 0 0 W E S T • S U I T E 2 0 0 • S A L T L A K E C I T Y • U T A H • 8 4 1 0 3 - 1 1 1 4 • P H 8 0 1 . 5 8 2 . 0 3 5 3 • F X 8 0 1 . 5 8 2 . 3 9 1 8

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