PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork

PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork


Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 230 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · S.B. Healy, E.P. O-Reilly, J.S. Gustavsson, P. Westbergh, A. Haglund, A. Larsson, A. Joel (2010) ‘Active Region Design for High-Speed 850-nm VCSELs’. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT:46(4). · B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, P. McCloskey, D.S. Gardner, S. Roy (2010) ‘Optimization of magnetic enhancement layers for high-frequency stripline micro-inductors’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, S. Kulkarni, S. Roy (2010) ‘Shape-independent permeability model for uniaxially-anisotropic ferromagnetic thin films’. APPL PHYS LETT:96. · B.J. Yang, N. Lu, D.P. Qi, R.P. Ma, Q. Wu, J.Y. Hao, X.M. Liu, Y. Mu, V. Reboud, N. Kehagias, C.M.S. Torres, F.Y.C. Boey, X.D. Chen, F. Chi (2010) ‘ Interaction of surface-attached haemoglobin with hydrophobic anions monitored by on-line acoustic wave detector’. SMALL:6(9). · F.M.F. Rhen, J.F. Godsell, T. O’Donnell, S. Roy (2010) ‘Spin dynamics of polycrystalline Ni films on Si substrate’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · J.F. Godsell, K.P. Donegan, J.M. Tobin, M.P. Copley, F.M.F. Rhen, D.J. Otway, M.A. Morris, T. O’Donnell, J.D. Holmes, S. Roy (2010) ‘Magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles on microporous silica spheres’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · J.M. O-Callaghan, N. Petkov, M.P. Copley, D.C. Arnold, M.A. Morris, H. Amenitsch, J. Holmes (2010) ‘Time-resolved SAXS studies of periodic mesoporous organosilicas in anodic alumina membranes’. MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT:130(1-3). · J.P. O’Byrne, Z.L. Li, J.M. Tobin, A. Larsson, P. Larsson, R. Ahuja, J.D. Holmes (2010) ‘Growth of Carbon Nanotubes from Heterometallic Palladium and Copper Catalysts’. J PHYS CHEM C:114(8). · J.S. Ellis, S.Q. Xu, X. Wang, G. Herzog, D.M.W. Arrigan, M. Thompson (2010) ‘Interaction of surface-attached haemoglobin with hydrophobic anions monitored by on-line acoustic wave detector’. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY:79. · M. Nicolescu, M. Anastasescu, S. Preda, J.M. Calderon, P. Osiceanu, M. Gartner, V.S. Teodorescu, A.V. Maraloiu, V. Kampylafka, E. Aperathitis, M. Modreanu (2010) ‘Investigation of microstructural properties of nitrogen doped ZnO thin films formed by magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate’. J OPTOELECTRON ADV M:12(5). · M. Nolan (2010) ‘Formation of Ce3+ at the cerium dioxide (1 1 0) surface by doping’. CHEM PHYS LETT:492. · M.D. Scanlon, A. Berduqe, J. Strutwolf, D.W.M. Arrigan (2010) ‘Flow-injection amperometry at microfabricated silicon-based mu-liquid-liquid interface arrays’. ELECTROCHIM ACTA:55(14). · P. McCloskey, B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, D. Gardner, M.A. Morris, S. Roy (2010) ‘Electrodeposited amorphous Co P based alloy with improved thermal stability’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · S. Kulkarni, S. Roy (2010) ‘Deposition of thick Co-rich CoPtP films with high energy product for magnetic microelectromechanical applications’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · S. O’Brien, S. Osborne, D. Bitauld, A. Amann (2010) ‘Design and applications of discrete mode Fabry-Perot diode lasers’. PHOTONIC NANOSTRUCT:8(4). · S. Schulz, E. O’Reilly (2010) ‘Excitonic binding energies in non-polar GaN quantum wells’. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C:7(7-8). · S.A. Coulman, J.C. Birchall, A. Aneesh, M. Pearton, B. Hofer, C. O’Mahony, W. Drexler, B. Povazay (2010) ‘In vivo, in situ imaging of microneedle insertion into the skin of human volunteers, using optical coherence tomography’. PHARM RES :5. · S.D. Elliott (2010) ‘Mechanism, Products, and Growth Rate of Atomic Layer Deposition of Noble Metals’. LANGMUIR:26(12). · S.F. Gilmartin, K. Arshak, D. Bain, W.A. Lane, B. McCarthy, D. Collins, S.B. Newcomb, A. Arshak (2010) ‘Development of a tungsten plasma etch process for IR nanobolometer fabrication’. MICROELECTRON ENG:87(5-8). · T. Hianik, X. Wang, V. Tashlitsky, T. Oretskaya, S. Ponikova, M. Antalik, J.S. Ellis, M. Thompson (2010) ‘Interaction of cationic surfactants with DNA detected by spectroscopic and acoustic wave techniques’. ANALYST:135(5). · T. O’Donnell, N. Wang, S. Kulkarni, R. Meere, F.M.F. Rhen, S. Roy, S.C. O’Mathuna (2010) ‘Electrodeposited anisotropic NiFe 45/55 thin films for high-frequency micro-inductor applications’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322. · T.P. O-Regan, P.K. Hurley, B. Soree, M.V. Fischetti (2010) ‘Modeling the capacitance-voltage response of In0.53Ga0.47As metal-oxide-semiconductor structures: Charge quantization and nonparabolic corrections’. APPL PHYS LETT:96(21). 230

Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 231 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · T.R. Soreta, J. Strutwolf, O.Y.F. Henry, C.K. O’Sullivan (2010) ‘Electrochemical surface nanopatterning by selective reductive desorption from mixed metal surfaces’. ELECTROCHIM ACTA:55. · V. Reboud, N. Kehagias, T. Kehoe, G. Leveque, C. Mavidis, M. Kafesaki, C.M.S. Torres (2010) ‘Nanoimprinted plasmonic crystals for light extraction applications’. MICROELECTRON ENG:87(5-8). · B. Kelleher, D. Goulding, B.B. Pascual, S.P. Hegarty, G. Huyet (2010) ‘Phasor plots in optical injection experiments’. EUR PHYS J B:58(2). · D. Louloudakis, M. Varda, E. Papadopoulou, M. Kayambaki, K. Tsagaraki, V. Kambilafka, M. Modreanu, G. Huyberechts, E. Aperathitis (2010) ‘Properties of strontium copper oxide (SCO) deposited by PLD using the 308 nm laser and formation of SCO/Si heterostructures’. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI A:207(7). · J. Rao, R. Winfield, L. Keeney (2010) ‘Moth-eye-structured light-emitting diodes’. OPT COMMUN:283(11). · J. Rao, R.J. Winfield (2010) ‘Surface Plasmon Sensor with a Large-Area Plasmonic Structure Formed on an Embossed Polymer Template’. SENSOR LETT:8(3). · J.M. O’Callaghan, H. McNamara, M.P. Copley, J.P. Hanrahan, M.A. Morris, D.C. Steytler, R.K. Heenan, J.D. Holmes (2010) ‘Swelling of Ionic and Nonionic Surfactant Micelles by High Pressure Gases’. LANGMUIR:26(11). · M. Beug, Q. Rafhay, M. Vanduuren, R. Duane (2010) ‘Investigation of Back-Bias Capacitance Coupling Coefficient Measurement Methodology for Floating-Gate Nonvolatile Memory Cells’. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV:57. · M. Copuroglu, S. O’Brien, B. Malic, B. Kuznik, M. Kosec, Z.H. Zhu, E. Defay, R. Winfield (2010) ‘UV-/thermal processing of sol-gel-derived lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin films’. THIN SOLID FILMS:518(16). · M. Nolan, S.A.M. Tofail (2010) ‘The atomic level structure of the TiO2-NiTi interface’. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS:12(33). · N. Jackson, A. Sridharan, S. Anand, M. Baker, M. Okdandan, J. Muthuswamy (2010) ‘Long-Term Neural Recordings Using MEMS Based Movable Microelectrodes in the Brain’. Frontiers in Neurengineering:3. · O. Sanchez-Sobrado, K. Thomas, I. Povey, M.E. Pemble, H. Miguez (2010) ‘Gallium Arsenide Infiltration of Nanoporous Multilayers: A Route to High-Dielectric-Contrast One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals’. SMALL:6(12). · P. Frascella, F.C.G. Gunning, S.K. Ibrahim, P. Gunning, A.D. Ellis (2010) ‘PMD tolerance of 288 Gbit/s Coherent WDM and transmission over unrepeatered 124 km of field-installed single mode optical fiber’. OPT EXPRESS:18 (13). · P.A. Mulheran, M. Nolan, C.S. Browne, M. Basham, E. Sanville, R.A. Bennett (2010) ‘Surface and interstitial Ti diffusion at the rutile TiO2(110) surface’. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS:12(33). · R. Duffy, M. Shayesteh, M. White, J. Kearney, A.M. Kelleher (2010) ‘The formation, stability, and suitability of n-type junctions in germanium formed by solid phase epitaxial recrystallization’. APPL PHYS LETT:96. · R. Yan, R. Duane, P. Razavi, A. Afzalian, I. Ferain, C.W. Lee, N. Dehdashti-Akhavan, B.Y. Nguyen, K.K. Bourdelle, J.P. Colinge (2010) ‘LDD and Back-Gate Engineering for Fully Depleted Planar SOI Transistors with Thin Buried Oxide’. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV:57(6). · R.P. Webb, J.M. Dailey, R.J. Manning (2010) ‘Pattern compensation in SOA-based gates’. OPT EXPRESS:18(13). · S. O’Brien, M.G. Nolan, M. Copuroglu, J.A. Hamilton, I. Povey, L. Pereira, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, M. Pemble (2010) ‘Zinc oxide thin films: Characterization and potential applications’. THIN SOLID FILMS:518(16). · T.R. Soreta, J. Strutwolf, O. Henry, C.K. O’Sullivan (2010) ‘Electrochemical Surface Structuring with Palladium Nanoparticles for Signal Enhancement’. LANGMUIR:26. · V. Vukkalam, J. Houlihan (2010) ‘Beam properties of injection profiled quantum dot lasers’. OPT COMMUN:283(12). · W.S. Wang, M. Hayes, T. ODonnell, B. OFlynn, C. OMathuna (2010) ‘Design Considerations of Sub-mW Indoor Light Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Systems’. ACM J EMERG TECH COM:6(2). · B.Y. Ding, M.E. Pemble, A.V. Korovin, U. Peschel, S. Romanov (2010) ‘Three-dimensional photonic crystals with an active surface: Gold film terminated opals’. PHYS REV B:82(3). · A. O’Mahony, M.E. Pemble, I.M. Povey (2010) ‘Infrared and near-infrared spectroscopic probing of atomic layer deposition processes’. J MOL STRUCT:976 (1-3). 231

Foreword<br />

UCC at a Glance<br />

Academic Developments<br />

Teaching and Learning<br />

Research<br />

<strong>College</strong> Reports:<br />

Arts, Celtic<br />

Studies and Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Business and Law<br />

Medicine and Health<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

Food Science<br />

Events<br />

Student Experience<br />

Sports and Recreation<br />

Buildings and Estates<br />

<strong>Cork</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press<br />

Finance<br />

Governing Body<br />

IRIS Appendix<br />

230<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Information System<br />


to return to the<br />

President’s Report<br />

· S.B. Healy, E.P. O-Reilly, J.S. Gustavsson, P. Westbergh, A. Haglund, A. Larsson, A. Joel (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Active Region Design for<br />

High-Speed 850-nm VCSELs’. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT:46(4).<br />

· B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, P. McCloskey, D.S. Gardner, S. Roy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Optimization of magnetic enhancement layers for<br />

high-frequency stripline micro-inductors’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, S. Kulkarni, S. Roy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Shape-independent permeability model for uniaxially-anisotropic<br />

ferromagnetic thin films’. APPL PHYS LETT:96.<br />

· B.J. Yang, N. Lu, D.P. Qi, R.P. Ma, Q. Wu, J.Y. Hao, X.M. Liu, Y. Mu, V. Reboud, N. Kehagias, C.M.S. Torres, F.Y.C. Boey, X.D.<br />

Chen, F. Chi (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘ Interaction of surface-attached haemoglobin with hydrophobic anions monitored by on-line acoustic<br />

wave detector’. SMALL:6(9).<br />

· F.M.F. Rhen, J.F. Godsell, T. O’Donnell, S. Roy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Spin dynamics of polycrystalline Ni films on Si substrate’. J MAGN<br />

MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· J.F. Godsell, K.P. Donegan, J.M. Tobin, M.P. Copley, F.M.F. Rhen, D.J. Otway, M.A. Morris, T. O’Donnell, J.D. Holmes, S. Roy<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles on microporous silica spheres’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· J.M. O-Callaghan, N. Petkov, M.P. Copley, D.C. Arnold, M.A. Morris, H. Amenitsch, J. Holmes (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Time-resolved SAXS<br />

studies of periodic mesoporous organosilicas in anodic alumina membranes’. MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT:130(1-3).<br />

· J.P. O’Byrne, Z.L. Li, J.M. Tobin, A. Larsson, P. Larsson, R. Ahuja, J.D. Holmes (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Growth of Carbon Nanotubes from<br />

Heterometallic Palladium and Copper Catalysts’. J PHYS CHEM C:114(8).<br />

· J.S. Ellis, S.Q. Xu, X. Wang, G. Herzog, D.M.W. Arrigan, M. Thompson (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Interaction of surface-attached haemoglobin<br />

with hydrophobic anions monitored by on-line acoustic wave detector’. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY:79.<br />

· M. Nicolescu, M. Anastasescu, S. Preda, J.M. Calderon, P. Osiceanu, M. Gartner, V.S. Teodorescu, A.V. Maraloiu, V.<br />

Kampylafka, E. Aperathitis, M. Modreanu (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Investigation of microstructural properties of nitrogen doped ZnO thin films<br />

formed by magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate’. J OPTOELECTRON ADV M:12(5).<br />

· M. Nolan (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Formation of Ce3+ at the cerium dioxide (1 1 0) surface by doping’. CHEM PHYS LETT:492.<br />

· M.D. Scanlon, A. Berduqe, J. Strutwolf, D.W.M. Arrigan (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Flow-injection amperometry at microfabricated silicon-based<br />

mu-liquid-liquid interface arrays’. ELECTROCHIM ACTA:55(14).<br />

· P. McCloskey, B. Jamieson, T. O’Donnell, D. Gardner, M.A. Morris, S. Roy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Electrodeposited amorphous Co P based<br />

alloy with improved thermal stability’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· S. Kulkarni, S. Roy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Deposition of thick Co-rich CoPtP films with high energy product for magnetic<br />

microelectromechanical applications’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· S. O’Brien, S. Osborne, D. Bitauld, A. Amann (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Design and applications of discrete mode Fabry-Perot diode lasers’.<br />


· S. Schulz, E. O’Reilly (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Excitonic binding energies in non-polar GaN quantum wells’. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI<br />

C:7(7-8).<br />

· S.A. Coulman, J.C. Birchall, A. Aneesh, M. Pearton, B. Hofer, C. O’Mahony, W. Drexler, B. Povazay (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘In vivo, in situ<br />

imaging of microneedle insertion into the skin of human volunteers, using optical coherence tomography’. PHARM RES :5.<br />

· S.D. Elliott (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Mechanism, Products, and Growth Rate of Atomic Layer Deposition of Noble Metals’. LANGMUIR:26(12).<br />

· S.F. Gilmartin, K. Arshak, D. Bain, W.A. Lane, B. McCarthy, D. Collins, S.B. Newcomb, A. Arshak (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Development of a<br />

tungsten plasma etch process for IR nanobolometer fabrication’. MICROELECTRON ENG:87(5-8).<br />

· T. Hianik, X. Wang, V. Tashlitsky, T. Oretskaya, S. Ponikova, M. Antalik, J.S. Ellis, M. Thompson (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Interaction of cationic<br />

surfactants with DNA detected by spectroscopic and acoustic wave techniques’. ANALYST:135(5).<br />

· T. O’Donnell, N. Wang, S. Kulkarni, R. Meere, F.M.F. Rhen, S. Roy, S.C. O’Mathuna (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Electrodeposited anisotropic NiFe<br />

45/55 thin films for high-frequency micro-inductor applications’. J MAGN MAGN MATER:322.<br />

· T.P. O-Regan, P.K. Hurley, B. Soree, M.V. Fischetti (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Modeling the capacitance-voltage response of In0.53Ga0.47As<br />

metal-oxide-semiconductor structures: Charge quantization and nonparabolic corrections’. APPL PHYS LETT:96(21).<br />


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