PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork

PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork


Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 226 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · K.H. Lee, S. Guilet, K. Merghem, I. Sagnes, A. Talneau (2009) ‘Modal Behavior of Photonic Crystal Tapers for Improved Coupling Toward Cleaved-Facet Single-Mode Fiber’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:27(22). · L. Chen, J. Xu, D.A. Tanner, R. Phelan, M. Van-der-Meulen, J.D. Holmes, M.A. Morris (2009) ‘One-Step Synthesis of Stoichiometrically Defined Metal Oxide Nanoparticles at Room Temperature’. CHEM-EUR J:15(2). · M. Copuroglu, S. O’Brien, G.M. Crean (2009) ‘Reproducibility evaluation and Al doping of sol-gel-derived single- and multi-layer zinc oxide thin films’. APPL SURF SCI:256(3). · R.F. Donnelly, T.R.R. Singh, M.M. Tunney, D.I.J. Morrow, P.A. McCarron, C. O’Mahony, A.D. Woolfson (2009) ‘Microneedle Arrays Allow Lower Microbial Penetration Than Hypodermic Needles In Vitro’. PHARM RES :26(11). · T. Habruseva, S. O’Donoghue, N. Rebrova, F. Kefelian, S.P. Hegarty, G. Huyet (2009) ‘Optical linewidth of a passively mode-locked semiconductor laser’. OPT LETT:34(21). · T.M. Correia, J.S. Young, R.W. Whatmore, J.F. Scott, N.D. Mathur, Q. Zhang (2009) ‘ Investigation of the electrocaloric effect in a PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 PbTiO3 relaxor thin film’. APPL PHYS LETT:95. · A.K. Panda, S. Singh, S.K. Das, A. Mitra, M. Koblischka, B. Jamieson, S. Roy (2009) ‘Effect of magnetizing field on the martensitic transformations in a melt spun NiMnGa alloy’. J MATER CHEM:19(48). · D. O’Mahony, W. Zimmerman, S. Steffen, J. Hilgarth, P. Maaskant, R. Ginige, L. Lewis, B. Lambert, B. Corbett (2009) ‘Free-standing gallium nitride Schottky diode characteristics and stability in a high-temperature environment’. SEMICOND SCI TECH:24(12). · I. Yeriskin, M. Nolan (2009) ‘Effect of La doping on CO adsorption at ceria surfaces’. J CHEM PHYS:131. · J. Kubik, J. Vcelak, T. O’Donnell, P. McCloskey (2009) ‘Triaxial Fluxgate Sensor Excitation and Core Shape Study’. IEEE SENS J:9(12). · J. Xu, A. Munari, E. Dalton, A. Mathewson, K.M. Razeeb (2009) ‘Silver Nanowire Array - Polymer Composites as Thermal Interface Material’. J APPL PHYS:106. · M. Copuroglu, L.H.K. Koh, S. O’Brien, G.M. Crean (2009) ‘Comparative characterisation of zinc oxide thin films prepared from zinc acetate with or without water of hydration via the sol-gel method’. J SOL-GEL SCI TECHN:52(3). · M.E. McCarthy, J. Zhao, A.D. Ellis, P. Gunning (2009) ‘Full-Field Electronic Dispersion Compensation of a 10 Gbit/s OOK Signal Over 4 x 124 km Field-Installed Single-Mode Fibre’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:27(23). · S.C. Heck, S. Osborne, S.B. Healy, E.P. O’Reilly, F. Lelarge, F. Poingt, O. Le-Gouezigou, A. Accard (2009) ‘Experimental and Theoretical Study of InAs/InGaAsP/InP Quantum Dash Lasers’. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT:45(12). · S.Y. Lee, H. Yang, Y.C. Li, C.W. Lee, T. Mei (2009) ‘Integrated twin modulator switches through MMI splitting and electroabsorption modulation’. SEMICOND SCI TECH:24(12). · T.G. Fitzgerald, R.A. Farrell, N. Petkov, C.T. Bolger, M.T. Shaw, J.P.F. Charpin, J.P. Gleeson, J.D. Holmes, M.A. Morris (2009) ‘Study on the Combined Effects of Solvent Evaporation and Polymer Flow upon Block Copolymer Self-Assembly and Alignment on Topographic Patterns’. LANGMUIR:25(23). · A. Zydor, S.D. Elliott (2010) ‘Thermal Stability of Precursors for Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2, ZrO2, and HfO2: An Ab Initio Study of α-Hydrogen abstraction in bis-cyclopentadienyl dimethyl complexes’. J PHYS CHEM A:114(4). · A.M. Clarke, D.G. Williams, M.A.F. Roelens, B.J. Eggleton (2010) ‘Reconfigurable Optical Pulse Generator Employing a Fourier-Domain Programmable Optical Processor’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:28(1). · C. O’Connell, R. Sherlock, T.J. Glynn (2010) ‘Fabrication of a reusable microlens array for laser-based structuring’. OPT ENG:49(1). · D. Britz, S. Chandra, J. Strutwolf, D.K.Y. Wong (2010) ‘Diffusion-limited chronoamperometry at conical-tip microelectrodes’. ELECTROCHIM ACTA:55(30. · G. Herzog, A. Roger, D. Sheehan, D.W.M. Arrigan (2010) ‘Ion-transfer voltammetric behavior of protein digests at liquid|liquid interfaces’. ANAL CHEM:82. · J. Strutwolf, M.D. Scanlon, D.W.M. Arrigan (2010) ‘The performance of differential pulse stripping voltammetry at micro-liquid liquid interface arrays’. J ELECTROANAL CHEM:641. 226

Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 227 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · J.H. Song, B. Roycroft, B. Corbett, F.H. Peters (2010) ‘Experimental investigation of laser welding assembling sequences for butterfly laser module packages’. OPT ENG:49(1). · J.H. Song, K.H. Lee, F.H. Peters (2010) ‘Modeling of high-index coating lensed fibers for silicon nanophotonic device coupling’. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY: RAPID PUBLICATIONS:5. · J.P. Engelstaedter, B. Roycroft, F.H. Peters, B. Corbett (2010) ‘Wavelength Tunable Laser Using an Interleaved Rear Reflector’. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L:22(1). · K.Y. Byun, I. Ferain, C. Colinge (2010) ‘Effect of Free Radical Activation for Low Temperature Si to Si Wafer Bonding’. J ELECTROCHEM SOC:157(1). · L.O. Mereni*, V. Dimastrodonato, R.J. Young, E. Pelucchi (2010) ‘Pyramidal quantum dots: High uniformity and narrow excitonic emission’. SUPERLATTICE MICROST:47. · M. Nolan, S.A.M. Tofail (2010) ‘Density functional theory simulation of titanium migration and reaction with oxygen in the early stages of oxidation of equiatomic NiTi alloy’. BIOMATERIALS:31(13). · M. Nolan, S.D. Elliott (2010) ‘Competing Mechanisms in atomic layer deposition of Er2O3versus La2O3 from cyclopentadienyl precursors’. CHEM MATER:22 (1). · M. Walsh, M. Alavi, M. Hayes (2010) ‘Practical assessment of hardware limitations on power aware wireless sensor networks - An anti-windup approach’. INT J ROBUST NONLIN:20(2). · O. Stranik, D. Iacopino, R. Nooney, C. McDonagh, B.D. MacCraith (2010) ‘Optical Properties of Micro-patterned Silver Nanoparticle Substrates’. J FLUORESC:20(1). · P. Delaney, J.C. Greer, J.A. Larsson (2010) ‘Spin-polarization mechanisms of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond’. NANO LETT:10. · S. Daneshgar, O. De-Feo, M.P. Kennedy (2010) ‘Observations Concerning the Locking Range in a Complementary Differential LC Injection-Locked Frequency Divider-Part I: Qualitative Analysis’. IEEE T CIRCUITS-I:57(1). · S.K. Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, F.G. Gunning, F.H. Peters (2010) ‘Demonstration of CoWDM using DPSK modulator array with injection-locked lasers’. ELECTRON LETT:46(2). · V.G. Minogin, S. NicChormaic (2010) ‘Manifestation of the van der Waals surface interaction in the spontaneous emission of atoms into an optical nanofiber’. LASER PHYS:20. · W. Chen, K.G. McCarthy, M. Copuroglu, A. Mathewson, S. O’Brien, R. Winfield (2010) ‘Modelling and Characterization of High-K Dielectric Thin-films Using Microwave Techniques’. MAT SCI ENG B-SOLID:vol. 8, no. 1. · A.D. Ellis, J. Zhao, D. Cotter (2010) ‘Approaching the Non-Linear Shannon Limit’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:28(4). · C.W. Lee, A. Borne, I. Ferain, A. Afzalian, R. Yan, N. Dehdashti, J.P. Colinge (2010) ‘High-Temperature Performance of Silicon Junctionless MOSFETs’. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV:57 (3). · C.W. Lee, I. Ferain, A. Afzalian, R. Yan, N. Dehdashti-Akhavan, P. Razavi, J.P. Colinge (2010) ‘Performance estimation of junctionless multigate transistors’. SOLID STATE ELECTRON:54(2). · F. Murphy-Armando, G. Fagas, J.C. Greer (2010) ‘Deformation Potentials and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Silicon Nanowires’. NANO LETT:10. · G. Gannon, J.C. Greer, J.A. Larsson, D. Thompson (2010) ‘Molecular Dynamics Study of Naturally Occurring Defects in Self-Assembled Monolayer Formation’. ACS NANO:4(2). · G. Herzog, P. Eichelman-Daly, D.W.M. Arrigan (2010) ‘Electrochemical behaviour of denatured haemoglobin at the liquid |liquid interface’. ELECTROCHEM COMMUN:12. · G. Zarris, E. Hugues-Salas, N.A. Gonzalez, R. Weerasuriya, F. Parmigiani, D. Hillerkuss, P. Vorreau, M. Spyropoulou, S.K. Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson, I. Tomkos, J. Leuthold, D. Simeonidou (2010) ‘Field Experiments With a Grooming Switch for OTDM Meshed Networking’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:28(4). · I. Yeriskin, M. Nolan (2010) ‘Doping of ceria surfaces with lanthanum a DFT+U study’. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT:22(13). · J. Baran, J.A. Larsson, R.A.J. Woolley, Y. Cong, P.J. Moriarty, A.A. Cafolla, K. Schulte, V.R. Dhanak (2010) ‘Theoretical and experimental comparison of SnPc, PbPc, and CoPc adsorption on Ag(111) ‘. PHYS REV B:81. 227

Foreword<br />

UCC at a Glance<br />

Academic Developments<br />

Teaching and Learning<br />

Research<br />

<strong>College</strong> Reports:<br />

Arts, Celtic<br />

Studies and Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Business and Law<br />

Medicine and Health<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

Food Science<br />

Events<br />

Student Experience<br />

Sports and Recreation<br />

Buildings and Estates<br />

<strong>Cork</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press<br />

Finance<br />

Governing Body<br />

IRIS Appendix<br />

227<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Information System<br />


to return to the<br />

President’s Report<br />

· J.H. Song, B. Roycroft, B. Corbett, F.H. Peters (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Experimental investigation of laser welding assembling sequences for<br />

butterfly laser module packages’. OPT ENG:49(1).<br />

· J.H. Song, K.H. Lee, F.H. Peters (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Modeling of high-index coating lensed fibers for silicon nanophotonic device<br />


· J.P. Engelstaedter, B. Roycroft, F.H. Peters, B. Corbett (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Wavelength Tunable Laser Using an Interleaved Rear<br />

Reflector’. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L:22(1).<br />

· K.Y. Byun, I. Ferain, C. Colinge (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Effect of Free Radical Activation for Low Temperature Si to Si Wafer Bonding’. J<br />

ELECTROCHEM SOC:157(1).<br />

· L.O. Mereni*, V. Dimastrodonato, R.J. Young, E. Pelucchi (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Pyramidal quantum dots: High uniformity and narrow<br />

excitonic emission’. SUPERLATTICE MICROST:47.<br />

· M. Nolan, S.A.M. Tofail (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Density functional theory simulation of titanium migration and reaction with oxygen in the<br />

early stages of oxidation of equiatomic NiTi alloy’. BIOMATERIALS:31(13).<br />

· M. Nolan, S.D. Elliott (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Competing Mechanisms in atomic layer deposition of Er2O3versus La2O3 from<br />

cyclopentadienyl precursors’. CHEM MATER:22 (1).<br />

· M. Walsh, M. Alavi, M. Hayes (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Practical assessment of hardware limitations on power aware wireless sensor<br />

networks - An anti-windup approach’. INT J ROBUST NONLIN:20(2).<br />

· O. Stranik, D. Iacopino, R. Nooney, C. McDonagh, B.D. MacCraith (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Optical Properties of Micro-patterned Silver<br />

Nanoparticle Substrates’. J FLUORESC:20(1).<br />

· P. Delaney, J.C. Greer, J.A. Larsson (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Spin-polarization mechanisms of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond’.<br />

NANO LETT:10.<br />

· S. Daneshgar, O. De-Feo, M.P. Kennedy (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Observations Concerning the Locking Range in a Complementary<br />

Differential LC Injection-Locked Frequency Divider-Part I: Qualitative Analysis’. IEEE T CIRCUITS-I:57(1).<br />

· S.K. Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, F.G. Gunning, F.H. Peters (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Demonstration of CoWDM using DPSK modulator array with<br />

injection-locked lasers’. ELECTRON LETT:46(2).<br />

· V.G. Minogin, S. NicChormaic (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Manifestation of the van der Waals surface interaction in the spontaneous emission of<br />

atoms into an optical nanofiber’. LASER PHYS:20.<br />

· W. Chen, K.G. McCarthy, M. Copuroglu, A. Mathewson, S. O’Brien, R. Winfield (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Modelling and Characterization of<br />

High-K Dielectric Thin-films Using Microwave Techniques’. MAT SCI ENG B-SOLID:vol. 8, no. 1.<br />

· A.D. Ellis, J. Zhao, D. Cotter (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Approaching the Non-Linear Shannon Limit’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:28(4).<br />

· C.W. Lee, A. Borne, I. Ferain, A. Afzalian, R. Yan, N. Dehdashti, J.P. Colinge (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘High-Temperature Performance of Silicon<br />

Junctionless MOSFETs’. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV:57 (3).<br />

· C.W. Lee, I. Ferain, A. Afzalian, R. Yan, N. Dehdashti-Akhavan, P. Razavi, J.P. Colinge (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Performance estimation of<br />

junctionless multigate transistors’. SOLID STATE ELECTRON:54(2).<br />

· F. Murphy-Armando, G. Fagas, J.C. Greer (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Deformation Potentials and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Silicon<br />

Nanowires’. NANO LETT:10.<br />

· G. Gannon, J.C. Greer, J.A. Larsson, D. Thompson (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Molecular Dynamics Study of Naturally Occurring Defects in<br />

Self-Assembled Monolayer Formation’. ACS NANO:4(2).<br />

· G. Herzog, P. Eichelman-Daly, D.W.M. Arrigan (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Electrochemical behaviour of denatured haemoglobin at the liquid<br />

|liquid interface’. ELECTROCHEM COMMUN:12.<br />

· G. Zarris, E. Hugues-Salas, N.A. Gonzalez, R. Weerasuriya, F. Parmigiani, D. Hillerkuss, P. Vorreau, M. Spyropoulou, S.K.<br />

Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson, I. Tomkos, J. Leuthold, D. Simeonidou (<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

‘Field Experiments With a Grooming Switch for OTDM Meshed Networking’. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL:28(4).<br />

· I. Yeriskin, M. Nolan (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Doping of ceria surfaces with lanthanum a DFT+U study’. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT:22(13).<br />

· J. Baran, J.A. Larsson, R.A.J. Woolley, Y. Cong, P.J. Moriarty, A.A. Cafolla, K. Schulte, V.R. Dhanak (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Theoretical and<br />

experimental comparison of SnPc, PbPc, and CoPc adsorption on Ag(111) ‘. PHYS REV B:81.<br />


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