PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork

PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork


Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 160 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · O’Connor, A; Mulchrone, KF; Meere, PA (2009) ‘WinDICOM: A program for determining inclusion shape and orientation’. Computers and Geosciences. · O’Gorman, EJ; Jacob, U; Jonsson, T; Emmerson, MC (2010) ‘Interaction strength, food web topology and the relative importance of species in food webs’. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79:682-692. · O’Hea, NM; Kirwan, L; Giller, PS; Finn, JA (2010) ‘Lethal and sub-lethal effects of ivermectin on north temperate dung beetles, Aphodius ater and Aphodius rufipes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)’. Insect Conservation And Diversity, 3:24-33. · O’Regan, SM; Kelly, TC; Korobeinikov, A; O’Callaghan, MJA; Pokrovskii, AV (2010) ‘Lyapunov functions for SIR and SIRS epidemic models’. Applied Mathematics Letters, 23:446-448. · O’Sullivan, B; Keady, S; Keane, E; Irwin, S; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Data mining for biodiversity prediction in forests’. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 215:289-294. · Oxbrough, A; Gittings, T; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Can Malaise traps be used to sample spiders for biodiversity assessment?’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 14:169-179. · Oxbrough, A; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations’. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:2111-2121. · Potters, Gert; Horemans, Nele; Jansen, Marcel AK (2010) ‘The cellular redox state in plant stress biology - A charging concept’. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48 (5, Sp. Iss. SI):292-300. · Potters, Gert; Jansen, Marcel AK; Horemans, Nele; Guisez, Yves; Pasternak, Taras (2010) ‘Dehydroascorbate and glutathione regulate the cellular development of Nicotiana tabacum L. SR-1 protoplasts’. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 46 (3):289-297. · Price, RC; Turner, S; Cook, C; Hobden, B; Smith, IEM; Gamble, JA; Handley, H; Maas, R; Mobis A (2010) ‘Crustal and mantle influences and U-Th-Ra disequilibrium in andesitic lavas of Ngauruhoe volcano, New Zealand’. Chemical Geology, 277:355-373. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Factors influencing cercarial emergence and settlement in the digenean trematode parorchis acanthus (Philophthalmidae)’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Infection of Mytilus edulis by the trematode Echinostephilla patellae (Digenea: Philophthalmidae)’. Journal of Helminthology, 84 (2):193-198. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Infection of Mytilus edulis by the trematode Echinostephilla patellae (Digenea: Philophthalmidae)’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 84:193-198. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Occurrence of macroparasites in four common intertidal molluscs on the south coast of Ireland’. Marine Biodiversity Records. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Temporal variation in prevalence and cercarial development of Echinostephilla patellae (Digenea, Philophthalmidae) in the intertidal gastropod Patella vulgata’. Log, 55:39-44. · Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Temporal variation in prevalence and vcercarial development of Echinstephilla patellae (Digenea, Philophythalmidae) in the intertidal gastropod Patella vulgata’. Acta Parasitologica, 55 (1):39-44. · Riipinen, MP; Fleituch, T; Hladyz, S; Woodward, G; Giller, P; Dobson, M (2010) ‘Invertebrate community structure and ecosystem functioning in European conifer plantation streams’. Freshwater Biology, 55:346-359. · Smiddy, P; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Breeding biology of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in Counties Cork and Waterford, Ireland’. Bird Study, 57:256-260. · Stuart, P; Hawkins, CJ; Sleeman, DP; Lawton, C (2010) ‘First record of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematode: Metastrongyloidea) in a pine marten from Ireland’. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56:679-680. · Sweeney, OFM,Wilson, MW,Irwin, S,Kelly, TC,O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Are bird density, species richness and community structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna?’. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19:2329-2342. 160

Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 161 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · Sweeney, OFM; Martin, RD; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J; Wilson, MW; McEvoy, PM (2010) ‘A lack of large-diameter logs and snags characterises dead wood patterns in Irish forests’. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:2056-2064. · Sweeney, OFM; Wilson, M; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘The influence of a native tree species mix component on bird communities in non-native coniferous plantations in Ireland’. Bird Study. · Sweeney, Oisin F; Wilson, Mark W; Irwin, Sandra; Kelly, Thomas C; O’Halloran, John (2010) ‘Breeding bird communities of second-rotation plantations at different stages of the forest cycle’. Bird Study, 57 (3):301-314. · Thierens, M; Titschack, J; Dorschel, B; Huvenne, VAI; Wheeler, AJ; Stuut, JBW; O’Donnell, R (2010) ‘The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): sediment contributors and hydrodynamic palaeo-environments’. Marine Geology, 271:260-277. · Todd, E; Gill, JB; Wysoczanski, RJ; Handler, MR; Wright, IC; Gamble, JA (2010) ‘Sources of constructional cross-chain volcanism in the southern Havre Trough: New insights from HFSE and REE concentration and isotope systematics’. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11. · Wheeler, AJ; Kozachenko, M; Henry, LA; Foubert, A; De Haas, H; Huvenne, V; Masson, G; Olu-Le Roy, K (2010) ‘The Moira Mounds, small cold-water coral banks in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: Part A — an early stage growth phase for future coral carbonate mounds?’. Marine Geology. · White, M; Dorschel, B (2010) ‘The importance of the permanent thermocline to the cold water coral carbonate mound distribution in the NE Atlantic’. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 296:395-402. · Wilson, MW; Gittings, T; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘The importance of non-crop vegetation for bird diversity in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland’. Bird Study, 57:116-120. Conference Publications · D’Arcy, A; O’Halloran, J (2010) An LCA of potato production in Ireland: impacts on ecology and environment VII international conference on life cycle assessment in the agri-food sector Bari Italy, 2010-09-22- 2010-09-24. · Fontaine, M.C; Tolley, KA; Michaux, JR; Birkun, A; Ferreira, M; Jauniaux, T; Llavona, A; Öztürk, B; Ayaka, A; Öztürk, AA; Ridoux, V; Rogan, E; Sequeira, M; Bouquegneau, JM; Baird, SJE (2010) Genetic And Historic Evidence For Climate-Driven Population Fragmentation In A Top Cetacean Predator: The Harbour Porpoises In European Water Proceedsing of the Royal Society. · Murphy, C; Kelliher, D; Davenport, J (2010) A nonlinear finite element inverse approach to characterize the material properties of tracheal cartilage ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference: SBC2010 Naples, Florida, USA, 2010-06-16- 2010-06-19. · O’Herlihy, E; Doyle-Prestwich, B; Wall, G (2010) An in vitro study to examine the potential of mutation breeding to create resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in tomato 8th International Horticulture Congress. · O’Herlihy, E; Velivelli, SLS; Doyle-Prestwich, B (2010) Selection criteria for rhizobacteria for plant health improvement 5th EPSO Conference: ’Plants for Life’. School of Computer Science and Information Technology Book Chapters · Brown, M; Kehoe, A; Kirakowski, J; Pitt, IJ (2010) ‘Beyond the Gamepad: HCI and Game Controller Design and Evaluation’ In: Bernhaupt R (Eds.). Evaluating User Experience in Games. Berlin: Springer. · Dan Cristian Marinescu, John Patrick Morrison, and Howard Jay Siegel (2009) ‘Options and Commodity Markets for Computing Resources’ In: Rajkumar Buyya (Editor), Kris Bubendorfer (Editor) (Eds.). Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing. UK: Wiley. 161

Foreword<br />

UCC at a Glance<br />

Academic Developments<br />

Teaching and Learning<br />

Research<br />

<strong>College</strong> Reports:<br />

Arts, Celtic<br />

Studies and Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Business and Law<br />

Medicine and Health<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

Food Science<br />

Events<br />

Student Experience<br />

Sports and Recreation<br />

Buildings and Estates<br />

<strong>Cork</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press<br />

Finance<br />

Governing Body<br />

IRIS Appendix<br />

160<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Information System<br />


to return to the<br />

President’s Report<br />

· O’Connor, A; Mulchrone, KF; Meere, PA (<strong>2009</strong>) ‘WinDICOM: A program for determining inclusion shape and orientation’.<br />

Computers and Geosciences.<br />

· O’Gorman, EJ; Jacob, U; Jonsson, T; Emmerson, MC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Interaction strength, food web topology and the relative<br />

importance of species in food webs’. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79:682-692.<br />

· O’Hea, NM; Kirwan, L; Giller, PS; Finn, JA (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Lethal and sub-lethal effects of ivermectin on north temperate dung<br />

beetles, Aphodius ater and Aphodius rufipes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)’. Insect Conservation And Diversity, 3:24-33.<br />

· O’Regan, SM; Kelly, TC; Korobeinikov, A; O’Callaghan, MJA; Pokrovskii, AV (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Lyapunov functions for SIR and SIRS<br />

epidemic models’. Applied Mathematics Letters, 23:446-448.<br />

· O’Sullivan, B; Keady, S; Keane, E; Irwin, S; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Data mining for biodiversity prediction in forests’. Frontiers<br />

in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 215:289-294.<br />

· Oxbrough, A; Gittings, T; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Can Malaise traps be used to sample spiders for biodiversity<br />

assessment?’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 14:169-179.<br />

· Oxbrough, A; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations’.<br />

Forest Ecology and Management, 259:2111-2121.<br />

· Potters, Gert; Horemans, Nele; Jansen, Marcel AK (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘The cellular redox state in plant stress biology - A charging<br />

concept’. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48 (5, Sp. Iss. SI):292-300.<br />

· Potters, Gert; Jansen, Marcel AK; Horemans, Nele; Guisez, Yves; Pasternak, Taras (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Dehydroascorbate and<br />

glutathione regulate the cellular development of Nicotiana tabacum L. SR-1 protoplasts’. In Vitro Cellular and<br />

Developmental Biology-Plant, 46 (3):289-297.<br />

· Price, RC; Turner, S; Cook, C; Hobden, B; Smith, IEM; Gamble, JA; Handley, H; Maas, R; Mobis A (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Crustal and mantle<br />

influences and U-Th-Ra disequilibrium in andesitic lavas of Ngauruhoe volcano, New Zealand’. Chemical Geology,<br />

277:355-373.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Factors influencing cercarial emergence and settlement in the<br />

digenean trematode parorchis acanthus (Philophthalmidae)’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Infection of Mytilus edulis by the trematode Echinostephilla patellae<br />

(Digenea: Philophthalmidae)’. Journal of Helminthology, 84 (2):193-198.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Infection of Mytilus edulis by the trematode Echinostephilla patellae<br />

(Digenea: Philophthalmidae)’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 84:193-198.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Occurrence of macroparasites in four common intertidal molluscs on<br />

the south coast of Ireland’. Marine Biodiversity Records.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Temporal variation in prevalence and cercarial development of<br />

Echinostephilla patellae (Digenea, Philophthalmidae) in the intertidal gastropod Patella vulgata’. Log, 55:39-44.<br />

· Prinz, K; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Temporal variation in prevalence and vcercarial development of<br />

Echinstephilla patellae (Digenea, Philophythalmidae) in the intertidal gastropod Patella vulgata’. Acta Parasitologica, 55<br />

(1):39-44.<br />

· Riipinen, MP; Fleituch, T; Hladyz, S; Woodward, G; Giller, P; Dobson, M (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Invertebrate community structure and<br />

ecosystem functioning in European conifer plantation streams’. Freshwater Biology, 55:346-359.<br />

· Smiddy, P; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Breeding biology of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in Counties <strong>Cork</strong> and Waterford,<br />

Ireland’. Bird Study, 57:256-260.<br />

· Stuart, P; Hawkins, CJ; Sleeman, DP; Lawton, C (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘First record of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematode:<br />

Metastrongyloidea) in a pine marten from Ireland’. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56:679-680.<br />

· Sweeney, OFM,Wilson, MW,Irwin, S,Kelly, TC,O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Are bird density, species richness and community<br />

structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna?’. Biodiversity<br />

and Conservation, 19:2329-2342.<br />


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