PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork

PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork


Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 158 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · Lowry, JK; Myers, AA (Ed.). (2009) Benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Great Barrier Reef, Auckland: Magnolia Press. Peer Reviewed Journals · Abbott, IM; Sleeman, DP; Harrison, S (2009) ‘Bat activity affected by sewage effluent in Irish rivers’. Biological Conservation, 142 (12):2904-2914. · Anderson, CM; Aparicio, GJ; Atangana, AR; Beaulieu, J; Bruford, MW; Cain, F; Campos, T; Cariani, A; Carvalho, MA; Chen, N; Chen, PP; Clamens, AL; Clark, AM; Coeur D’Acier, A; Connolly, P; Cordero-Rivera, A; Coughlan, JP; Cross, TS; David, B; De Bruyn, C; De Meyer, M; De Ridder, C; Delatte, H; Dettori, MT; Downer, SJ; Dubreuil, C; Evans, KJ; Fan, B; Ferrara, G; Gagne, A; Gaillard, M; Gigliarelli, L; Giovinazzi, J; Gomez, DR; Grunwald, NJ; Hansson, B; Huotari, T; Jank, L; Jousselin, E; Jungmann, L; Kaczmarek, ME; Khasa, DP; Kneebone, J; Korpelainen, H; Kostamo, K; Lanfaloni, L; Lin, HR; Liu, XC; Lucentini, L; Maes, GE; Mahaffee, WF; Meng, ZN; Micali, S; Milano, I; Mok, HF; Morin, L; Neill, TM; Newton, CH; Ostrow, DG; Palomba, A; Panara, F; Puletti, ME; Quarta, R; Quilici, S; Ramos, AKB; Riga (2010) ‘Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2009-31 January 2010’. Molecular Ecology, 10:576-579. · Aubry, A; Becart, E; Davenport, J; Emmerson, MC (2010) ‘Estimation of survival rate and extinction probability for stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages’. Ecology, 52:437-450. · Baxter, EJ; Walne, AW; Purcell, JE; McAllen, R; Doyle, TK (2010) ‘Identification of jellyfish from Continuous Plankton Recorder samples’. Hydrobiologia, 645:193-201. · Biswas, Dilip K; Scannell, Gillian; Akhmetov, Nurlan; Fitzpatrick, Dara; Jansen, Marcel AK (2010) ‘2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mediated increases in extracellular peroxidase activity in three species of Lemnaceae’. Aquatic Toxicology. · Brittain, JM; Higgs, KT; Riding, JB (2010) ‘The palynology of the Pabay Shale Formation (Lower Jurassic) of SW Raasay, northern Scotland’. Scottish Journal of Geology, 46:67-75. · Broszeit, S; Davenport, J; McAllen, R (2010) ‘First documented record of Rhabdomolgus ruber (Echinodermata: Holothuridea) in Irish waters’. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3:1-3. · Cameron, E; Gamble, J; Price, R; Smith, I; McIntosh, W; Gardiner, M (2010) ‘The petrology, geochronology and geochemistry of Hauhungatahi volcano, S.W. Taupo Volcanic Zone’. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 190:179-191. · Copland, AS; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Agri-Environment impacts and opportunities for summer bird communities on lowland Irish farmland’. Aspects of Applied Biology. · Copland, AS; O’Halloran, J (2010) ‘Simple and rapid biodiversity Assessment (SARBAS): An evaluation method of Ireland’s Agri-Environment scheme. Aspects of Applied Biology’. Aspects of Applied Biology. · Culloty, SC; Favier, E; Ni Riada, M; Ramsay, NF; O’Riordan, RM (2010) ‘Reproduction of the biogenic reef-forming honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata in Ireland’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90 (3):503-507. · Culloty, SC; Favier, E; Ni Riada, M; Ramsay, NF; O’Riordan, RM (2010) ‘Reproduction of the biogenic reef-forming honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata in Ireland’. Marine Biology, 90:503-507. · Drummond, L; Mulcahy, MF; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘A survey of the health status of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Ireland with specific reference to brown ring disease’. Aquaculture International, 18 (5):787-800. · Drummond, L; Mulcahy, MF; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘A survey of the health status of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Ireland with specific reference to brown ring disease’. Aquaculture International, 18:787-800. · Fermer, J; Culloty, SC; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM (2010) ‘Manipulation of Cerastoderma edule burrowing ability by Meiogymnophallus minutus metacercariae’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. · Fermer, J; Culloty, SC; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM (2010) ‘Temporal variation of Meiogymnophallus minutus infections in the first and second intermediate host’. Journal of Helminthology, 84 (4):362-368. 158

Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 159 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · Griffiths, AM; Machado-Schiaffino, G; Dillane, E; Coughlan, J; Horreo, JL; Bowkett, AE; Minting, P; Toms, S; Roche, W; Gargan, P; McGinnity, P; Cross, T; Bright, D; Garcia-Vazquez, E; Stevens, JR (2010) ‘Genetic stock identification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in the southern part of the European range’. Gene, 11. · Gurney, WSC; Bacon, PJ; McKenzie, E; McGinnity, P; Mclean, J; Smith, G; Youngson, A (2010) ‘Form and uncertainty in stock-recruitment relations: observations and implications for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) management’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 67:1040-1055. · Hectors, Kathleen; Jacques, Eveline; Els Prinsen, Yves Guisez; Verbelen, Jean-Pierre; Jansen, Marcel AK; Vissenberg, Kris (2010) ‘UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana’. Journal Experimental Botany. · Heindel, K., Titschack, J., Dorschel, B., Huvenne, V.A.I., Freiwald, A. (2010) ‘The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound - A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic)’. Continental Shelf Research, 30:1814-1829. · Jacques, Eveline; Hectors, Kathleen; Els Prinsen, Yves Guisex; Jansen, Marcel AK; Verbelen, Jean-Pierre; Vissenberg, Kris (2010) ‘UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves without altering cellular microtubule organization’. Plant Signaling & behavior. · James, KJ; Carey, B; O’Halloran, J; Van Pelt, FN (2010) ‘Shellfish toxicity: Human health implications of marine algal toxins’. Epidemiology and Infection, 138 (7):927-940. · Jansen, MAK; Le Martret, B; Koornneef, M (2010) ‘Variations in constitutive and inducible UV-B tolerance; dissecting photosystem II protection in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions’. Log, 138:22-34. · Jasionek, G; Zhdanov, A; Davenport, J; Blaha, L; Papkovsky, DB (2010) ‘Mitochondrial Toxicity of Microcystin-LR on Cultured Cells: Application to the Analysis of Contaminated Water Samples’. Environmental Science & Technology, 44:2535-2541. · Kavanagh, A; Cronin, M; Walton, M; Rogan, E (2010) ‘Diet of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) on the west and south west of Ireland’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90 (8):1517-1527. · Kraak, Sarah BM; Kelly, Ciaran J; Codling, Edward A; Rogan, Emer (2010) ‘On scientists’ discomfort in fisheries advisory science: the example of simulation-based fisheries management-strategy evaluations’. Fish and Fisheries Reviews, 11 (2):119-132. · Lynch, SA; Abollo, E; Ramilo, A; Cao, A; Culloty, SC; Villalba, A (2010) ‘Observations raise the question if the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas can act as either a carrier or a reservoir for Bonamia ostreae or Bonamia exitiosa’. Parasitology, 137 (10):1515-1526. · Maloy, AP; Culloty, SC; Bolton-Warberg, M; Fitzgerald, R; Slater, JW (2010) ‘Molecular identification of laser dissected gut contents from hatchery realred larval cod, Gadus morhua: a new approach to diet analysis’. Aquaculture Nutrition. · McCarron, E; Burnell, G; Kerry, J; Mouzakitis, G (2010) ‘An experimental assessment on the effects of photoperiod treatments on the somatic and gonadal growth of the juvenile European purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus’. Aquaculture Research, 41:1072-1081. · McCarthy, M; Culloty, SC (2010) ‘Optomisation of two immunofluorescent antibodies for the detection of Escherichia coli using immunofluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry’. Current Microbiology. · Mirimin, L; Banguera-Hinestroza, E; Dillane, E; Hoelzel, R; Cross, TF; Rogan, E (2010) ‘Insights into genetic diversity, parentage and group composition of Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) in the west of Ireland based on nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers’. Journal of Heredity. · Moloney, C; Griffin, D; Jones, PW; Bryan, GJ; McLean, K; Bradshaw, JE; Milbourne, D (2010) ‘Development of diagnostic markers for use in breeding potatoes resistant to Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3 using germplasm derived from Solanum tuberosum ssp andigena CPC 2802’. Gene, 120:679-689. · Murphy, S; Pierce, GJ; Law, RJ; Bersuder, P; Jepson, PD; Learmonth, JA; Addink, M; Dabin, W; Santos, MB; Deaville, R; Zegers, BN; Mets, A; Rogan, E; Ridoux, V., Reid, RJ; Smeenk, C; Jauniaux, T; López, A; Alonso, Farré JM; González, Guerra (2010) ‘Assessing the effect of persistent organic pollutants on reproductive activity in small cetaceans in the eastern North Atlantic’. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 159

Foreword<br />

UCC at a Glance<br />

Academic Developments<br />

Teaching and Learning<br />

Research<br />

<strong>College</strong> Reports:<br />

Arts, Celtic<br />

Studies and Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Business and Law<br />

Medicine and Health<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

Food Science<br />

Events<br />

Student Experience<br />

Sports and Recreation<br />

Buildings and Estates<br />

<strong>Cork</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press<br />

Finance<br />

Governing Body<br />

IRIS Appendix<br />

158<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Information System<br />


to return to the<br />

President’s Report<br />

· Lowry, JK; Myers, AA (Ed.). (<strong>2009</strong>) Benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Great Barrier Reef, Auckland:<br />

Magnolia Press.<br />

Peer Reviewed Journals<br />

· Abbott, IM; Sleeman, DP; Harrison, S (<strong>2009</strong>) ‘Bat activity affected by sewage effluent in Irish rivers’. Biological Conservation,<br />

142 (12):2904-2914.<br />

· Anderson, CM; Aparicio, GJ; Atangana, AR; Beaulieu, J; Bruford, MW; Cain, F; Campos, T; Cariani, A; Carvalho, MA; Chen,<br />

N; Chen, PP; Clamens, AL; Clark, AM; Coeur D’Acier, A; Connolly, P; Cordero-Rivera, A; Coughlan, JP; Cross, TS; David, B;<br />

De Bruyn, C; De Meyer, M; De Ridder, C; Delatte, H; Dettori, MT; Downer, SJ; Dubreuil, C; Evans, KJ; Fan, B; Ferrara, G;<br />

Gagne, A; Gaillard, M; Gigliarelli, L; Giovinazzi, J; Gomez, DR; Grunwald, NJ; Hansson, B; Huotari, T; Jank, L; Jousselin, E;<br />

Jungmann, L; Kaczmarek, ME; Khasa, DP; Kneebone, J; Korpelainen, H; Kostamo, K; Lanfaloni, L; Lin, HR; Liu, XC;<br />

Lucentini, L; Maes, GE; Mahaffee, WF; Meng, ZN; Micali, S; Milano, I; Mok, HF; Morin, L; Neill, TM; Newton, CH; Ostrow, DG;<br />

Palomba, A; Panara, F; Puletti, ME; Quarta, R; Quilici, S; Ramos, AKB; Riga (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Permanent Genetic Resources added to<br />

Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December <strong>2009</strong>-31 January <strong>2010</strong>’. Molecular Ecology, 10:576-579.<br />

· Aubry, A; Becart, E; Davenport, J; Emmerson, MC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Estimation of survival rate and extinction probability for<br />

stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages’. Ecology, 52:437-450.<br />

· Baxter, EJ; Walne, AW; Purcell, JE; McAllen, R; Doyle, TK (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Identification of jellyfish from Continuous Plankton<br />

Recorder samples’. Hydrobiologia, 645:193-201.<br />

· Biswas, Dilip K; Scannell, Gillian; Akhmetov, Nurlan; Fitzpatrick, Dara; Jansen, Marcel AK (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘2,4,6-Trichlorophenol<br />

mediated increases in extracellular peroxidase activity in three species of Lemnaceae’. Aquatic Toxicology.<br />

· Brittain, JM; Higgs, KT; Riding, JB (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘The palynology of the Pabay Shale Formation (Lower Jurassic) of SW Raasay,<br />

northern Scotland’. Scottish Journal of Geology, 46:67-75.<br />

· Broszeit, S; Davenport, J; McAllen, R (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘First documented record of Rhabdomolgus ruber (Echinodermata:<br />

Holothuridea) in Irish waters’. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3:1-3.<br />

· Cameron, E; Gamble, J; Price, R; Smith, I; McIntosh, W; Gardiner, M (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘The petrology, geochronology and<br />

geochemistry of Hauhungatahi volcano, S.W. Taupo Volcanic Zone’. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,<br />

190:179-191.<br />

· Copland, AS; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Agri-Environment impacts and opportunities for summer bird communities on lowland<br />

Irish farmland’. Aspects of Applied Biology.<br />

· Copland, AS; O’Halloran, J (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Simple and rapid biodiversity Assessment (SARBAS): An evaluation method of Ireland’s<br />

Agri-Environment scheme. Aspects of Applied Biology’. Aspects of Applied Biology.<br />

· Culloty, SC; Favier, E; Ni Riada, M; Ramsay, NF; O’Riordan, RM (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Reproduction of the biogenic reef-forming<br />

honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata in Ireland’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90<br />

(3):503-507.<br />

· Culloty, SC; Favier, E; Ni Riada, M; Ramsay, NF; O’Riordan, RM (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Reproduction of the biogenic reef-forming<br />

honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata in Ireland’. Marine Biology, 90:503-507.<br />

· Drummond, L; Mulcahy, MF; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘A survey of the health status of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in<br />

Ireland with specific reference to brown ring disease’. Aquaculture International, 18 (5):787-800.<br />

· Drummond, L; Mulcahy, MF; Culloty, SC (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘A survey of the health status of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in<br />

Ireland with specific reference to brown ring disease’. Aquaculture International, 18:787-800.<br />

· Fermer, J; Culloty, SC; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Manipulation of Cerastoderma edule burrowing ability by<br />

Meiogymnophallus minutus metacercariae’. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.<br />

· Fermer, J; Culloty, SC; Kelly, TC; O’Riordan, RM (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Temporal variation of Meiogymnophallus minutus infections in the<br />

first and second intermediate host’. Journal of Helminthology, 84 (4):362-368.<br />


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