PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork

PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork PResident's RePORt 2009/2010 - University College Cork


Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 146 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · Zitova, A; Hynes, J; Kollar, J; Borisov, SM; Klimant, I; Papkovsky, DB (2010) ‘Analysis of activity and inhibition of oxygen-dependent enzymes by optical respirometry on the LightCycler system’. Analytical Biochemistry, 397 (2):144-151. Other Journals · Reville, William (2009) ‘Careers in Science, Engineering and Technology’ Science - The Official Journal of the Irish Science Teachers’ Association, 45 (1). · Reville, William (2009) ‘The Effective Promotion of Science and Technology’ Science - The Official Journal of the Irish Science Teachers’ Association, 45 (1). Chemistry Books · Morris, MA (2010) ‘Catalytic Pyrolysis’ in ‘Handbook of biofuels production: processes and technologies’. Cambridge: Eds. Luque, Campelo and Clark, Woodland Publishing. Peer Reviewed Journals · Barry, L; Holmes, JD; Otway, DJ; Copley, MP; Kazakova, O; Morris, MA (2010) ‘Unusual magnetism in templated NiS nanoparticles’. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 22 (7). · Barry, L; Holmes, JD; Otway, DJ; Copley, MP; Kazakova, O; Morris, MA (2010) ‘Unusual magnetism in templated NiS nanoparticles’. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 22. · Barry, N; Brondel, N; Lawrence, SE; Maguire AR (2009) ‘Synthesis of aryl benzyl NH-sulfoximines’. Tetrahedron, 65 (51):10660-10670. · Barth, S; Hernandez-Ramirez, F; Holmes, JD; Romano-Rodriguez, A (2010) ‘Synthesis and applications of one dimensional semiconductors’. Progress in Materials Science, 55:563-627. · Brondel, Nicolas; Moynihan, Eamonn JA; Lehane, Niamh K; Eccles, Kevin S; Curtis JC; Lawrence, SE; Maguire, AR (2010) ‘Does intermolecular S=O···H-C-S=O hydrogen bonding in sulfoxides and sulfones provide a robust supramolecular synthon in the solid state?’. CrystEngComm, 12 (1010):2910-2927. · Byun, KY; Ferain, I; Fleming, P; Morris, MA (2010) ‘Low temperature geranium to silicon direct wafer bonding using free radical exposure’. App. Phys. Letters, 96:102-110. · Chen, L,Xu, J,Holmes, JD,Morris, MA (2010) ‘A Facile Route to ZnO Nanoparticle Superlattices: Synthesis, Functionalization, and Self-Assembly’. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (5):2003-2011. · Chen, L,Xu, J,Holmes, JD,Morris, MA (2010) ‘A Facile Route to ZnO Nanoparticle Superlattices: Synthesis, Functionalization, and Self-Assembly’. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114:2003-2011. · Chen, L; Fleming, P; Morris, V; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (2010) ‘Size-Related Lattice Parameter Changes and Surface Defects in Ceria Nanocrystals’. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114:12909-12919. · Chen, L; Fleming, P; Morris, V; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (2010) ‘Size-related lattice parameter changes and surface defects in ceria nanocrystals’. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114:12909-12919. · Chen, Lan; Zhang, Wen-Hua; Xu, Ju; Tanner, David A; Morris, Michael A (2010) ‘Mesopore constrictions derived from the substitutionally co-packed SBA-15’. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 129 (1-2):179-188. · Cloonan, S.M; Keating, J.J; Butler, SG; Knox, AJ; Jorgensen, AM; Peters, GHh; Rai, D; Corrigan, D; Lloyd, DG; Williams, DC; Meegan, M.J (2009) ‘Synthesis and Serotonin Activity of Sulphur-substituted Alpha-Alkyl Phenethylamines as a New class of Anti-Cancer Agents’. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 44:4862-4888. 146

Foreword UCC at a Glance Academic Developments Teaching and Learning Research College Reports: Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Business and Law Medicine and Health Science, Engineering and Food Science Events Student Experience Sports and Recreation Buildings and Estates Cork University Press Finance Governing Body IRIS Appendix 147 Institutional Research Information System CLICK HERE to return to the President’s Report · Cloonan, S.M; Keating, JJ; Dorrigan, D; O’Brien, JE; Kavanagh, PV; Williams, DC; Meegan, MJ (2010) ‘Synthesis and in vitro toxicity of 4-MTA, its characteristic clandestine synthesis byproducts and related sulfur substituted alpha-alkylthioamphetamines’. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. · Collins, C.; Kole´snik, M.; Krstić, V.; Holmes, J. D. (2010) ‘Germanium nanowire synthesis from fluorothiolate-capped gold nanoparticles in supercritical carbon dioxide’. Chemistry of Materials, 22:5235-5243. · Dall’Osto, M; Ceburnis, D; Martucci, G; Bialek, J; Dupuy, R; Jennings, SG; Berresheim, H; Wenger, J; Healy, R; Facchini, MC; Rinaldi, M; Giulianelli, L; Finessi, E; Worsnop, D; Ehn, M; Mikkilä, J; Kulmala, M; O’Dowd, CD (2010) ‘Aerosol properties associated with air masses arriving into the North East Atlantic during the 2008 Mace Head EUCAARI intensive observing period: An overview’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10 (17):8413-8435. · Deane, FM; Miller, CM; Maguire, AR; McCarthy, FO (2010) ‘Modifications to the Vilsmeier-Haack formylation of 1,4-dimethylcarbazole and its application to the synthesis of ellipticines’. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. · Delaney, P; Hanrahan, JP; Copley, MP; O’Byrne, J; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (2009) ‘Synthesis of Porous Silica Foams via a Novel Vacuum-Induced Sol-Gel Method’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (11):2798-2800. · Delaney, P; Healy, RM; Hanrahan, JP; Gibson, LT; Wenger, JC; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (2010) ‘Porous Silica Spheres as Indoor Air Pollutant Scavengers’. Journal Environ. Monit, 12:2244-2251. · Delaney, Paul; Hanrahan, John P; Copley, Mark P; O’Byrne, Justin; Holmes, Justin D; Morris, Michael A (2009) ‘Synthesis of Porous Silica Foams via a Novel Vacuum-Induced Sol-Gel Method’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (11):2798-2800. · Eccles, Kevin S; Elcoate, Curtis J; Lawrence, Simon E; Maguire, Anita R (2010) ‘Convenient and robust one-pot synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical benzyl thioethers from benzyl halides using thiourea’. ARKIVOC, (99):216-228216. · Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (2010) ‘Self-assembled templates for the generation of arrays of 1-dimensional nanostructures: From molecules to devices’. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. · Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (2010) ‘Self-assembled templates for the generation of arrays of 1-dimensional nanostructures: from molecules to devices’. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 349:449-472. · Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (2010) ‘The Rapid Formation of La(OH)(3) from La2O3 Powders on Exposureto Water Vapor’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 93:1187-1194. · Fleming, P; Farrell, RA; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (2010) ‘The rapid formation of La(OH)3 from La2O3 powders on exposure to water vapor’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93:1187-1194. · Flynn. CJ; Elcoate, CJ; Lawrence, SE; Maguire, AR (2010) ‘Highly Enantioselective Intramolecular Copper Catalyzed C-H Insertion Reactions of α-Diazosulfones’. Journal of The American Chemical Society, 132 (4):1184-1185. · Flynn, CJ; Elcoate, CJ; Lawrence, SE; Maguire, AR (2010) ‘Highly enantioselective intramolecular copper catalyzed C-H insertion reactions of alpha-diazosulfones’. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (4):1184-1185. · Foley, DA; O’Callaghan, Y; O’Brien, NM; McCarthy, FO; Maguire, AR (2010) ‘Synthesis and characterisation of stigmasterol oxidation products’. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:1165-1173. · Foley, David A; Maguire, Anita R (2010) ‘Synthetic Approaches to bicyclo[5.3.0]decane sesquiterpenes’. Tetrahedron, 66:1131-1175. · Foley, David A; O’Callaghan, Yvonne; O’Brien, Nora M; McCarthy, Florence O; Maguire, Anita R (2010) ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Stigmasterol Oxidation Products’. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 58 (2):1165-1173. · Fuchs, H,Ball, SM,Bohn, B,Brauers, T,Cohen, RC,Dorn, HP,Dube, WP,Fry, JL,Haseler, R,Heitmann, U,Jones, RL,Kleffmann, J,Mentel, TF,Musgen, P,Rohrer, F,Rollins, AW,Ruth, AA,Kiendler-Scharr, A,Schlosser, E,Shillings, AJL,Tillmann, R,Varma, RM,Venables, DS,Tapia, GV,Wahner, A,Wegener, R,Wooldridge, PJ,Brown, SS (2010) ‘Intercomparison of measurements of NO2 concentrations in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR during the NO3Comp campaign’. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3:21-37. · Glennon, Jeremy D; Luong, John HT; Mascini, Marco; Palleschi, Pino (2010) ‘TRIBUTE: GEORGE G. (GERRY) GUILBAULT’. Analytical Letters, 43 (10-11):1543-1545. 147

Foreword<br />

UCC at a Glance<br />

Academic Developments<br />

Teaching and Learning<br />

Research<br />

<strong>College</strong> Reports:<br />

Arts, Celtic<br />

Studies and Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Business and Law<br />

Medicine and Health<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

Food Science<br />

Events<br />

Student Experience<br />

Sports and Recreation<br />

Buildings and Estates<br />

<strong>Cork</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press<br />

Finance<br />

Governing Body<br />

IRIS Appendix<br />

147<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Information System<br />


to return to the<br />

President’s Report<br />

· Cloonan, S.M; Keating, JJ; Dorrigan, D; O’Brien, JE; Kavanagh, PV; Williams, DC; Meegan, MJ (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Synthesis and in vitro<br />

toxicity of 4-MTA, its characteristic clandestine synthesis byproducts and related sulfur substituted<br />

alpha-alkylthioamphetamines’. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.<br />

· Collins, C.; Kole´snik, M.; Krstić, V.; Holmes, J. D. (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Germanium nanowire synthesis from fluorothiolate-capped gold<br />

nanoparticles in supercritical carbon dioxide’. Chemistry of Materials, 22:5235-5243.<br />

· Dall’Osto, M; Ceburnis, D; Martucci, G; Bialek, J; Dupuy, R; Jennings, SG; Berresheim, H; Wenger, J; Healy, R; Facchini,<br />

MC; Rinaldi, M; Giulianelli, L; Finessi, E; Worsnop, D; Ehn, M; Mikkilä, J; Kulmala, M; O’Dowd, CD (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Aerosol properties<br />

associated with air masses arriving into the North East Atlantic during the 2008 Mace Head EUCAARI intensive observing<br />

period: An overview’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10 (17):8413-8435.<br />

· Deane, FM; Miller, CM; Maguire, AR; McCarthy, FO (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Modifications to the Vilsmeier-Haack formylation of<br />

1,4-dimethylcarbazole and its application to the synthesis of ellipticines’. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.<br />

· Delaney, P; Hanrahan, JP; Copley, MP; O’Byrne, J; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (<strong>2009</strong>) ‘Synthesis of Porous Silica Foams via a<br />

Novel Vacuum-Induced Sol-Gel Method’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (11):2798-2800.<br />

· Delaney, P; Healy, RM; Hanrahan, JP; Gibson, LT; Wenger, JC; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Porous Silica Spheres as<br />

Indoor Air Pollutant Scavengers’. Journal Environ. Monit, 12:2244-2251.<br />

· Delaney, Paul; Hanrahan, John P; Copley, Mark P; O’Byrne, Justin; Holmes, Justin D; Morris, Michael A (<strong>2009</strong>) ‘Synthesis of<br />

Porous Silica Foams via a Novel Vacuum-Induced Sol-Gel Method’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92<br />

(11):2798-2800.<br />

· Eccles, Kevin S; Elcoate, Curtis J; Lawrence, Simon E; Maguire, Anita R (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Convenient and robust one-pot synthesis of<br />

symmetrical and unsymmetrical benzyl thioethers from benzyl halides using thiourea’. ARKIVOC, (99):216-228216.<br />

· Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Self-assembled templates for the generation of arrays of<br />

1-dimensional nanostructures: From molecules to devices’. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.<br />

· Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Self-assembled templates for the generation of arrays of<br />

1-dimensional nanostructures: from molecules to devices’. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 349:449-472.<br />

· Farrell, RA; Petkov, N; Morris, MA; Holmes, JD (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘The Rapid Formation of La(OH)(3) from La2O3 Powders on<br />

Exposureto Water Vapor’. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 93:1187-1194.<br />

· Fleming, P; Farrell, RA; Holmes, JD; Morris, MA (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘The rapid formation of La(OH)3 from La2O3 powders on exposure to<br />

water vapor’. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93:1187-1194.<br />

· Flynn. CJ; Elcoate, CJ; Lawrence, SE; Maguire, AR (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Highly Enantioselective Intramolecular Copper Catalyzed C-H<br />

Insertion Reactions of α-Diazosulfones’. Journal of The American Chemical Society, 132 (4):1184-1185.<br />

· Flynn, CJ; Elcoate, CJ; Lawrence, SE; Maguire, AR (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Highly enantioselective intramolecular copper catalyzed C-H<br />

insertion reactions of alpha-diazosulfones’. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (4):1184-1185.<br />

· Foley, DA; O’Callaghan, Y; O’Brien, NM; McCarthy, FO; Maguire, AR (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Synthesis and characterisation of stigmasterol<br />

oxidation products’. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:1165-1173.<br />

· Foley, David A; Maguire, Anita R (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Synthetic Approaches to bicyclo[5.3.0]decane sesquiterpenes’. Tetrahedron,<br />

66:1131-1175.<br />

· Foley, David A; O’Callaghan, Yvonne; O’Brien, Nora M; McCarthy, Florence O; Maguire, Anita R (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Synthesis and<br />

Characterization of Stigmasterol Oxidation Products’. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 58 (2):1165-1173.<br />

· Fuchs, H,Ball, SM,Bohn, B,Brauers, T,Cohen, RC,Dorn, HP,Dube, WP,Fry, JL,Haseler, R,Heitmann, U,Jones, RL,Kleffmann,<br />

J,Mentel, TF,Musgen, P,Rohrer, F,Rollins, AW,Ruth, AA,Kiendler-Scharr, A,Schlosser, E,Shillings, AJL,Tillmann, R,Varma,<br />

RM,Venables, DS,Tapia, GV,Wahner, A,Wegener, R,Wooldridge, PJ,Brown, SS (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘Intercomparison of measurements of<br />

NO2 concentrations in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR during the NO3Comp campaign’. Atmospheric<br />

Measurement Techniques, 3:21-37.<br />

· Glennon, Jeremy D; Luong, John HT; Mascini, Marco; Palleschi, Pino (<strong>2010</strong>) ‘TRIBUTE: GEORGE G. (GERRY) GUILBAULT’.<br />

Analytical Letters, 43 (10-11):1543-1545.<br />


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