May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector

May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector

May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector


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Page 6<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>May</strong> 2012&Here’s to yourHealthWealth250-571-6117gmcandrew@shaw.caAre you lookingfor somethingto improve yourhealth, expandyour socialnetwork andcreate income?If the answer isyes, let’s talk.I am expandingmy businessand looking forpeople like you.under the direction of Norris Berg presentsCelebrate!15 years with TVCO7 pm, Friday, <strong>May</strong> 4, 2012Calvary Community ChurchAdmission at the door:Adults $10 Children $5 Family $25sponsored by:RRSP, RRIF, GIC & TFSA30 Day Cashable 1.20%3 YRBEST INTEREST RATESDAILY INTEREST1.75 %PROTECTED BY:$100,000 CDIC Insured$100,000 Assuris InsuredUnlimited Credit Union Insured1 YR2.05 %Rates as of April 17, 2012WE WILL MEETOR BEAT ANY BANK RATE*774 Seymour St.Kamloops, BC250.828.67671.800.599.8274info@bradfordfinancial.org2 YR2.20 %4 YR 5 YR2.35 % 2.50 % 2.70 %*Some terms and conditions may apply.Rates subject to change without notice.THE BRADFORD FINANCIAL TEAMRetirement Income SpecialistsBradford Financial Services Inc.Todd PetersVanessa CullenWe – my husband, twochildren ages 10 and 12,a dog, a cat, two hamstersand I – arrived in KamloopsMarch 31, 1964; a verydifferent Kamloops todaythan it was then. I movedinto Desert Gardens eightyears ago with a very illhusband. Four months later,he left this world and Iwas alone after 58 ½ years.As time passed, I becameinvolved in the centre andit’s happenings. What awonderful experience it hasbeen! The Gardens and theauxiliary gave me a newlife – meeting the folks thatcome into our gift shop, theFarewell to Kamloopsand Desert GardensDesert GardensLadies AuxiliaryGloria Martinknitter, sewers with theirtalent, the foreign studentsfrom TRU that volunteertheir time, and above allthe auxiliary membersthemselves. But like all goodthings, the time has comeFull Spring lineupSubmitted by Heather CannellWelcome spring and welcomeall the beautiful flowersthat are popping up allaround us. What a glorioustime of the year, don’t youlove the smell in the air andall the different shades ofgreen springing on the trees!A time of renewal for us all.This Spring we have alot of activities at the Centre.To kick off <strong>May</strong> ourfriends from the ThompsonValley Potters Guild hosttheir Spring Sale on Saturday<strong>May</strong> 5 from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. Everyone is welcome.The restaurant will be openfrom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. thatday should you like to stayfor a light lunch.We will be offering FreeMahjong lessons by Gwenstarting Mondays in <strong>May</strong>at 1 p.m. in the Oasis Café.This class is open to everyone!We would love to seeyou at our regular games,which take place every Fridayat 1 p.m. Come on downand give it a try!The Scottwoods Band willbe coming to Desert Gardenson Friday June 1. TheScottwoods Band pays tributeto many fiddle legends.You can find out more informationor buy your tickets atthe Desert Gardens banquetoffice, just ask for Heatheror Larry.Last but not least ourladies group and Larry ourchef is planning anotherspectacular champagnebreakfast buffet in celebrationof Queen Elizabeth’sDiamond Jubilee, 60 yearssince her coronation! SaturdayJune 2, 9 a.m. the OasisCafé is open for coffee andtea, breakfast buffet at 9:30am. Cost is $10 per personand everyone is welcome.So mark your calendarsfolks for June Events!Have a great spring folksand I will write again in Julywhen I return from myHolidays!electric tree yarns• yarns • knitting• crochet supplies • spinning290 3rd AveKamloops, V2C 3M3778•471•6073Hours: T-Th 10-5 Fri 10-9 Sat 10-5when I need to be closer tomy family and this chapterof my life must close. Butanother one opens. So I’mon my way to Victoria wheremy daughter, granddaughter,and two great grandchildrenlive.The friendship andsupport I have received hereat the Desert Gardens hasbeen truly wonderful and Ithank you all. I have beentruly blessed to have knownevery one of you.If you come to VictoriaI’m at the Welleslex onBlanchard Street.Take care, thank you andfarewell.The LoveDressA woman stopped by,unannounced, at her son’shouse. She knocked on thedoor then immediatelywalked in. She was shockedto see her daughter-in-lawlying on the couch, totallynaked. Soft music wasplaying, and the aroma ofperfume filled the room.“What are you doing?” sheasked.“I’m waiting for Mike tocome home from work,” thedaughter-in- law answered.“But you’re naked!” themother-in-law exclaimed.“This is my love dress,” thedaughter-in-law explained.“Love dress? But you’renaked!”“Mike loves me and wantsme to wear this dress,” sheexplained.” It excites himto no end. Every time hesees me in this dress, heinstantly becomes romanticand ravages me for hourson end. He can’t get enoughof me”The mother-in-law left.When she got home, sheundressed, showered, put onher best perfume, dimmedthe lights, put on a romanticCD, and lay on the couch,waiting for her husband toarrive.Finally, her husband camehome. He walked in andsaw her lying there soprovocatively. “What areyou doing?” he asked.“This is my love dress,” shewhispered sensually.“Needs ironing,” he said.“What’s for dinner?He never heard the gunshot.<strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong>The <strong>Senior</strong>s’Own Newspaperwww.seniorconnector.com439 Tranquille RoadKamloops, B.C. V2B 3G9Telephone: 250-376-8883Fax: 250-376-8806Office Hours:Monday – Thursday8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Please address allcorrespondence to:<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>P.O. Box 729,Kamloops, B.C.V2C 5M4E-mail:editor@seniorconnector.comPublisher: Mike KeetchEditor: Lori KeetchDesign & Production:Leigh-Ann HooleyIT Specialist: Greg Keetch<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a monthlynewspaper dedicated toinform, serve and entertainseniors 45 and over.Deadline for advertising andeditorial copy is the 18th ofthe month for publicationon or about the 25th of themonth.It is published by locallyowned PrintMark PublishingInc.Letters to the Editormust be signed and have aphone number (your phonenumber will not be printedunless so requested). Othersubmissions are gratefullyreceived but <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>reserves the right to edit allmaterial and to refuse anymaterial deemed unsuitablefor this publication. Articleswill run in the newspaper astime and space permit.No portion of thispublication may bereproduced without writtenpermission from thepublisher.The opinions expressedin this publication are notnecessarily those of thepublisher, <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>,PrintMark Publishing Inc.,or the staff thereof.Subscriptions are $36 peryear in Canada.Any error which appearsin an advertisement willbe adjusted as to only theamount of space in which theerror occurred. The contentof each advertisement isthe responsibility of theadvertiser.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>recommends prudentconsumer discretion.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a memberof the Kamloops Chamberof Commerce.

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