May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector

May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector

May (20.7 MB) - Senior Connector


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<strong>May</strong> 2012 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 3Tougher sentences introduced for elder abuseElder abuse is an actcommitted by anyone whocauses harm or distress toa senior citizen. Commontypes can include physical,psychological and financialabuse, as well as neglect. Ofall types included in thislist, financial abuse is mostcommonly reported. Policereported that nearly 7,900seniors were victims of violentcrime in 2009. Of thosereported crimes, 35 percentwere committed by a familymember, 35 percent werecommitted by a friend oracquaintance, and 29 percentwere committed by astranger. It is estimated thatby 2036 there will be morethan 10 million Canadiansaged 65 and over, representingalmost 25 percent of thecountry’s population. Therefore,it is important thatlaws are in place to protectelderly people from abuseand other forms of crime.Just recently, our governmentintroduced Bill C-36,protecting Canada’s <strong>Senior</strong>sAct. It proposes changesto the Criminal Code thatwould ensure tougher sentencesfor offenders. Whenconsidering sentencing, ourproposed changes wouldYour Voicein OttawaCathy McLeod, MPensure age and the conditionof the victim’s healthand finances are consideredaggravating factors. TheCode already contains similarmeasures for abuse ofvulnerable persons, such asthose under the age of eighteen.Violence against individualswho are vulnerablebecause of their age andother personal circumstanceswill not be tolerated.Further to this new legislationour government hasaddressed elder abuse in anumber of ways includingits elder abuse awarenesscampaigns and the NewHorizons for <strong>Senior</strong>s Program,which includes projectsto increase awareness.In 2011, the Governmentincreased its investmentin the New Horizons for<strong>Senior</strong>s Program by $5 millionper year, bringing theprogram’s annual budget to$45 million.For weeks a six-year old lad kept telling his first-gradeteacher about the baby brother or sister that wasexpected at his house.One day the mother allowed the boy to feel themovements of the unborn child. The six-year oldwas obviously impressed, but made no comment.Furthermore, he stopped telling his teacher aboutthe impending event.The teacher finally sat the boy on her lap andsaid, “Tommy, whatever has become of that babybrother or sister you were expecting at home?”Tommy burst into tears and confessed, “I thinkMommy ate it!”Those itchy, watery eyes...It’s <strong>May</strong> and Spring is backin full swing. The fresh air,blooming flowers and ofcourse, those pesky seasonalallergies. It alwaysseems like on the first day ofSpring, I switch over fromcold products to allergyremedies. When I’m recommendingallergy products,one of the key pointsPharmacist ReflectionsI check is where the allergiesare affecting my client.Adam Sawula, pharmacistIf they are only in one area (i.e. the eyes or nose), I usuallysuggest treatment for that area rather than antihistaminetablets. There are many remedies for the nose and the eyessuch as prescription nasal sprays and non-prescription eyedrops that can work well in these areas.A significant portion of seasonal allergy sufferers willonly experience eye symptoms. Typically, these manifestas itchy, mildly red eyes with a clear, watery discharge. Theeyelids and area around the eyes may be slightly swollen anddark, puffy circles may appear under the eyes (also known as“allergic shiners” as it may look like a black eye). If thesesymptoms are severe or if you are experiencing any pain,vision problems, or if the discharge is very mucous-like orcoloured, it is important to check with your doctor. Youmay have an infection that may need different treatment.Likewise, if your eyes have been exposed to any physical orchemical trauma (dust, sticks, powders etc), or severe heat/light exposure, please check with a doctor immediately. Donot self-treat eye conditions until you know what you aredealing with!If you know that you have seasonal eye allergies, there area number of eye products that can be tried. Typically, allergyFor servicesthat support independence in yourown home, long-term care facility or retirementresidence, our care aides are there for all your needs. We providepersonal care, companion care, housekeeping, meal preparation,medication assistance, transportation and respite care.Serving Kamloops since 1994Fully insured and bondedApproved by the Department of Veterans Affairssufferers will try “artificial tears”. These are lubricant productsthat help our tear film to rinse out the allergens thatare irritating the eyes. It is good to try these first, as sometimesthat will be all you need. If these are not working or ifyou are sensitive to the preservatives in them, there are otherproducts that can be tried. There are some antihistamine/decongestant products that can provide immediate relief ofsymptoms. These work well, however they should not beused on a regular basis. If you require regular treatment forseasonal allergies, sodium cromoglycate 2% eye drops (Cromolyn®or Opticrom®) are worth a try. These drops must beused 3-4 times daily and can take up to 10 days to see fullbenefit, however they work to stabilize the cells that producethe allergic reaction, effectively shutting down the allergySupporting <strong>Senior</strong>s in Our Communitywhile they are used. If this does not work you can checkwith your doctor or pharmacist,as there are a numberof prescription eye dropsSo nice to come home to.or over-the-counter oralantihistamines that can beeffective as well. If you havecontact lenses, check withyour doctor or pharmacistbefore selecting any productsto ensure that they are safeto use.There are many treatmentsavailable for seasonalallergies. If you feel you aresuffering from seasonal allergiescheck with your doctoror pharmacist. We can workwith you to keep those allergiesat bay so you can enjoythe sunshine and fresh air!New customersreceive 1/2 price forthe first hour!Over95%Full!1220 Hugh Allan Drive250.571.18041455 Western Avenue250.305.1131Call Shelley for informationor to arrange a personal visit.250.571.1804In-Home Care Inc.Home Support Services250-851-0078 Available24 Hours314-141 Victoria StreetKamloops, BCwww.inhomecarehomesupport.caJill Newbury, ManagerKamloops<strong>Senior</strong>sVillage.comWilliamsLake<strong>Senior</strong>sVillage.com

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