CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority

CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority

CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority


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27. As a nodal agency, functions with a number of institutions as major partners for developing andimplementing national strategies on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Thesepartners include ministries, state government departments, universities and other academic institutions,autonomous institutions, womens’ organisations and28. In August 1998 organised a <strong>National</strong> Consultation on the proposed legislation on biodiversity.29. <strong>India</strong>’s policies are designed to make the conservation of nature and natural resources the concern ofall citizens of the country. Under the system of democraticof responsibilities enshrinedin constitution amendment No.73 of 1993, local bodies consisting of elected representatives, one thirdof whom are women, have been entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the local environmentalcapital stocks. It is hoped these steps will lead to biodiversity conservation and enhancement becominga people’s movement.

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