CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority

CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority

CBD First National Report - India - National Biodiversity Authority


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5.0 Some Major aspects of Implementation of Article 6Article 6 of <strong>CBD</strong> stipulates that eachContracting Party develops <strong>National</strong> Strategies,Plans and Programmes for the conservation andsustainable use of biological diversity or adapts forthis purpose existing strategies, plans or programmeswhich shall reflect, inter alia, the measures set outin this Convention relevant to the Contracting Partyconcerned; and integrates as far as possible and asappropriate, the conservation and sustainable useof biodiversity in the relevant orplans, programmes and policies.5 . 2 <strong>India</strong> had initiated the processes necessaryfor conservation and sustainable use of biodiversitymuch before <strong>CBD</strong>. These were reviewed andcross-sectoral policies and actions required forsustainable use and benefit sharing were outlined inthe <strong>National</strong> Conservation Strategy and PolicyStatement on Environment and SustainableDevelopment of 1992.5.3 Following the ratification of <strong>CBD</strong>, <strong>India</strong> hastaken important steps in developing new strategiesand further strengthening those existing for theeffective conservation and sustainable and equitableuse of biodiversity. Some important post <strong>CBD</strong>developments are000increased awareness cutting across the differentstakeholder groups on conservation andsustainable use of biodiversityreview of the existing strategies and policiesandsteps taken to plan and implement the insightsor recommendations emanating from thereview.To carry forward the Agenda 21 of UNCED,<strong>India</strong>’s Environment Action Programme of 1993identified conservation and sustainable utilisation ofbiodiversity in selected ecosystems as the first ofseven priorities for future action. The ActionProgramme strengthens capabilities in the areas ofenvironment assessment, environmental awarenessand the process of association of in thetask of sustainable development.5.5 The role of the Non GovernmentOrganisations in biodiversity conservation andsustainable use has received due recognition. Anumber of public hearings on environmental issueshave been spearheaded by the NGO movement in<strong>India</strong>. Environment education and awarenesscreation through a range of social mobilisationactivities has been one of the priorities ofThe system of Protected Areas in <strong>India</strong> wasperiodically reviewed and strengthened. The totalarea was 146,000 sq. km till 1993. This has sincebeen increased to sq. km. To preventdecline in forest areas, the Forest ConservationAct, 1980 was enacted, with the objectives ofchecking indiscriminate diversion of Forest lands inStates for non-forestry purpose. Whereas 4.23million ha. of forest land was diverted forforestry purpose during 1950 1980, at an annualaverage rate of 0.142 million ha., after 1980 thearea diverted has come down to 0.016 ha. It is tobe noted there even when diversion of forest landsis allowed, this is subjected to stringentenvironmental/ecological safeguards includingcompensatory afforestation measures. So far asagainst diversion of 0.43 million ha. of Forest landsfor non-forestry purpose, compensatoryafforestation of 0.55 million ha. has been stipulated.5.7 In 1994, the Government of <strong>India</strong> under theEnvironment (Protection) Act notified theEnvironmental Impact Assessment of DevelopmentProjects to cover sectors which critically impactthe environment. Such sectors need to undertakethe procedure of EIA before implementing theirdevelopmental projects.5.8 <strong>India</strong> hosted an International Consultation onBiological Diversity among SAARC, andother countries of the region in 1994 to identifyissues relating to the objectives of the Conventionfor implementation. In 1994, brought out adocument entitled ‘Conservation of BiologicalDiversity in <strong>India</strong>: An Approach’, which basicallyoutlined the work in progress and future course ofaction. A <strong>National</strong> Core Group with representationfrom diverse stakeholders was then created to53

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