Super Cub - Hangar 9

Super Cub - Hangar 9

Super Cub - Hangar 9


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Step 4G. The plywood adapter mount replaces the metal one onthe G23 motor and is used to mount the motor to the firewall.Remove the metal motor plate from the G-23 and replace itwith the plywood motor mount, using 5mm x 30mm countersunk screws.Step 6. Test fit the throttle pushrod housing through the firewalland into the fuselage. Once satisfied with the fit, mix 1/4 ounce of6-minute epoxy and glue the housing into the firewall. Allow theepoxy to cure. If you removed the engine to install the throttlepushrod housing, reinstall it at this time while the epoxy cures.Note: The holes on the backside of the plywood motormount are counter sunk for the screws. The bolt pattern ofthe counter sunk holes matches the screw locations on theG23 engine. When mounted, the plywood motor mountshould fit flush against the firewall.Step 7. Install the mounting hardware on the throttle servo,supplied with your radio system (rubber grommets and eyelets).Fit the servo into the servo plate on the side where the throttlepushrod tube is located and mark the four servo mounting screwlocations.Step 5G. Mount the engine and adapter plate to the firewallusing the 4mm x 35 mm screws. Use Threadlock on themounting screws to prevent them from coming loose in flight.(Go to Step 5)Step 8. Remove the servo and use a 1/16'' drill bit to drill thefour screw locations previously marked. To strengthen the servomount holes, use a drop of thin CA on each screw hole andallow it to cure completely before mounting the servo to themounting plate.AStep 5. Determine the proper location for the throttle pushrod.Mark the location with a felt-tipped pen or pencil and use a drilland 7/32'' drill bit to drill the firewall for the pushrod housing.Remove the engine if necessary.B34

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