Super Cub - Hangar 9

Super Cub - Hangar 9

Super Cub - Hangar 9


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Step 5. Use a 1/16" drill bit to drill the servo screw locationsmarked in the previous step. To strengthen the servo mountholes use a drop of thin CA in on each screw hole and allowit to cure completely before mounting the servo to themounting plate.Step 7. Once you have the string threaded through the wing, tieone end to the servo lead extension connector and carefullythread the servo wires through the wing from the servo openingto the servo lead opening in the wing root. Repeat the processfor the flap servo of the <strong>Super</strong> <strong>Cub</strong>.Step 6. Before mounting the servo, run the servo lead andextension through the wing and out of the opening provided inthe root rib. We suggest this simple method to thread the servolead and extension through the wing servo opening. Attach asmall weight (wheel collar) to a 36" length of string and drop itthrough the servo opening in the bottom of the wing. Hold thewing with the tip pointing up and fish the weight through thewing and out the servo lead opening in the wing root.Step 8. To prevent the extensions from falling back inside thewing, use masking tape to temporarily hold it in place by tapingit to the bottom of the wing.Step 9. Secure the servos to the wing with the screws providedwith your radio system.Step 10. For the opposite wing panel, aileron and flap servo,repeat Steps 1-9.Note: If using a non-computer radio, it will be necessaryto use a Y-harness to connect both aileron servos to theaileron channel of your receiver.11

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