missouri optometric association 2007 annual convention

missouri optometric association 2007 annual convention missouri optometric association 2007 annual convention

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Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAODr. Karpecki graduatedfrom Indiana Universityand completed a fellowshipin Cornea and RefractiveSurgery at Hunkeler EyeCenters in affiliation withthe Pennsylvania College ofOptometry in 1994. He servedas Director of Research forMoyes Eye Clinic in KansasCity and ran one of the largestdedicated dry eye clinics in the Midwest. In February 2007,he took a position with the Cincinnati Eye Institute headingup the cornea and external disease division for clinical andpharmaceutical research. He has lectured in more than300 symposia covering four continents and is the firstoptometrist to be invited to the Delphi International Societyat Wilmer- Johns Hopkins that includes the Top 25 dry eyeexperts in the world, and the National Eye Institute’s DryEye Committee. A noted educator and author, Dr. Karpeckilectures on topics on new technology, surgical advancementsand therapeutics with an emphasis on cornea and externaldisease.William B. Rainey, OD, MSBill B. Rainey, OD, MS, currentlyserves as Chief of VisionTherapy at The Eye Center atSouthern College of Optometryin Memphis, Tennessee. Priorto joining the SCO faculty asan associate professor in 2005,he was on the faculty of theIndiana University School ofOptometry for 13 years, wherehe was Chief of the BinocularVision/Pediatric Service. His career also includes five yearsof service as an optometrist in the United States Air Force.He received his OD degree from The Ohio State UniversityCollege of Optometry in 1985 and his Master’s degree inphysiological optics from Indiana University in 1998. He hasauthored numerous research journal articles, and has presentedmany CE lectures. His clinical interests include visiontherapy, pediatric optometry, vision screenings, and binocularvision. Dr. Rainey is a 26 year member of the AOA, as wellas the American Academy of Optometry. In addition, he isa COVD Fellowship candidate, and is the Founder and ListAdministrator of the VTOD-L LISTSERV e-mail mailinglist for vision therapy optometrists.Ron Melton, OD, FAAOAfter graduating from thePennsylvania College ofOptometry, Dr. Melton servedas a clinical optometrist in theArmy. Currently he is in a largegroup practice in Charlotte,North Carolina, where he hasstaff privileges at PresbyterianHospital. Dr. Melton haslectured internationally and hasbeen published extensively inoptometric literature. He is the co-author of the popularyearly “Clinical Guide to Ophthalmic Drugs.” The AmericanAcademy of Optometry has presented him with the“Glaucoma Educator of the Year” award. He is a consultantto the Council on Optometric Education for the AOA and amember of the AOA’s Contact Lens Section. Currently he isa member of the adjunct faculty at the Pennsylvania Collegeof Optometry, State University of New York College ofOptometry, and the Pacific University College of Optometry.Kim Scheidler, ABOC, FOAA,WLOKim Scheidler has worked inthe optical field for close to30 years. During that time hehas been an optician, officemanager, consultant and trainer.Scheidler joined SutherlinOptical in 1991 where SutherlinUniversity sees anywhere from10 - 95 students a month,presenting classes on novice dispensing to ABO testPreparation.

Randall Thomas, OD, MPH,FAAODr. Thomas is a 1981 graduateof the Pennsylvania Collegeof Optometry, and a 1976graduate of the School ofPublic Health at the Universityof North Carolina. He is infull-time clinical practice inConcord, North Carolina. Hewas presented the “GlaucomaEducator of the Year” awardby the American Academy of Optometry in 1997. Heand Dr. Ron Melton co-author Review of Optometry’s“Annual Drug Guide to Ophthalmic Drugs,” now in itstwelfth year. He is on the Professional Staff at NortheastMedical Center, where he also serves on the teaching facultyof the Department of Family Medicine. Dr. Thomas hasserved as a consultant to the AOA on its Council on ClinicalOptometric Care and Hospital Privileges Committees. Hehas served as an ophthalmic drug principal investigator forthe FDA. Dr. Thomas has lectured world-wide with Dr.Melton on the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Heholds academic appointments at the Pennsylvania College ofOptometry, SUNY College of Optometry, and the PacificUniversity College of Optometry. He and his wife, Cheryl,have two daughters.Jeffrey L. Weaver, OD, MBA,MS, FAAODr. Jeffrey L. Weaver is Director,Clinical Care Group, AmericanOptometric Association; ClinicalAssociate Professor at theUniversity of Missouri—St.Louis College of Optometry;and Chief of Optometry of theUnited States Army Reserve.Dr. Weaver earned his Doctorof Optometry degree fromthe Pennsylvania College of Optometry in 1985. He is aFellow of the American Academy of Optometry as well asa Diplomat in Public Health and Environmental Vision. Hehas authored numerous articles for optometric publicationsand has presented nationally and internationally.Timothy Wingert, O.D.Timothy A. Wingert, O.D.,is a faculty member of theUniversity of Missouri, St.Louis-College of Optometry. Hehas published numerous studiesregarding the visual demandsof different occupations andthe restrictions put on wearersof visual aids and protectiveeyewear. Currently he isinvolved in projects investigatingthe prevalence of various vision anomalies in differentpopulations. Dr. Wingert is a Past President of the MOAand serves as a Commissioner with the AOA Commission onOphthalmic Standards. In addition to being a Fellow of theAmerican Academy of Optometry, he is a Diplomate in theSection on Public Health and Environmental Vision wherehe also serves as Chair. He was named a J. William FulbrightScholar in 2005.Bethany J. Whitesell, ODBethany J Whitesell, OD is a2004 graduate from Universityof Missouri-St. Louis College ofOptometry. Upon graduationshe opened a private practicein Willard, Missouri. Inaddition to her private practice,she is currently pursuing aresidency in family practice atthe Veterans Affairs medicalCenter in Fayetteville, Arkansasand Mount Vernon, Missouri.Dr. Whitesell is on the Missouri Optometric AssociationEducation Committee and is also a member of the GreaterOzark Optometric Society and American OptometricAssociation.

Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAODr. Karpecki graduatedfrom Indiana Universityand completed a fellowshipin Cornea and RefractiveSurgery at Hunkeler EyeCenters in affiliation withthe Pennsylvania College ofOptometry in 1994. He servedas Director of Research forMoyes Eye Clinic in KansasCity and ran one of the largestdedicated dry eye clinics in the Midwest. In February <strong>2007</strong>,he took a position with the Cincinnati Eye Institute headingup the cornea and external disease division for clinical andpharmaceutical research. He has lectured in more than300 symposia covering four continents and is the firstoptometrist to be invited to the Delphi International Societyat Wilmer- Johns Hopkins that includes the Top 25 dry eyeexperts in the world, and the National Eye Institute’s DryEye Committee. A noted educator and author, Dr. Karpeckilectures on topics on new technology, surgical advancementsand therapeutics with an emphasis on cornea and externaldisease.William B. Rainey, OD, MSBill B. Rainey, OD, MS, currentlyserves as Chief of VisionTherapy at The Eye Center atSouthern College of Optometryin Memphis, Tennessee. Priorto joining the SCO faculty asan associate professor in 2005,he was on the faculty of theIndiana University School ofOptometry for 13 years, wherehe was Chief of the BinocularVision/Pediatric Service. His career also includes five yearsof service as an optometrist in the United States Air Force.He received his OD degree from The Ohio State UniversityCollege of Optometry in 1985 and his Master’s degree inphysiological optics from Indiana University in 1998. He hasauthored numerous research journal articles, and has presentedmany CE lectures. His clinical interests include visiontherapy, pediatric optometry, vision screenings, and binocularvision. Dr. Rainey is a 26 year member of the AOA, as wellas the American Academy of Optometry. In addition, he isa COVD Fellowship candidate, and is the Founder and ListAdministrator of the VTOD-L LISTSERV e-mail mailinglist for vision therapy optometrists.Ron Melton, OD, FAAOAfter graduating from thePennsylvania College ofOptometry, Dr. Melton servedas a clinical optometrist in theArmy. Currently he is in a largegroup practice in Charlotte,North Carolina, where he hasstaff privileges at PresbyterianHospital. Dr. Melton haslectured internationally and hasbeen published extensively in<strong>optometric</strong> literature. He is the co-author of the popularyearly “Clinical Guide to Ophthalmic Drugs.” The AmericanAcademy of Optometry has presented him with the“Glaucoma Educator of the Year” award. He is a consultantto the Council on Optometric Education for the AOA and amember of the AOA’s Contact Lens Section. Currently he isa member of the adjunct faculty at the Pennsylvania Collegeof Optometry, State University of New York College ofOptometry, and the Pacific University College of Optometry.Kim Scheidler, ABOC, FOAA,WLOKim Scheidler has worked inthe optical field for close to30 years. During that time hehas been an optician, officemanager, consultant and trainer.Scheidler joined SutherlinOptical in 1991 where SutherlinUniversity sees anywhere from10 - 95 students a month,presenting classes on novice dispensing to ABO testPreparation.

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